MARTIN ARMSTRONG - med viktige budskap OGSÅ utover penger:

VALUE 20.08.2021 kl 12:42 19057

Hørt om Martin Armstrong?

Traderen som satt 7 år i fengsel uten dom fordi han var for smart for NY bankstersmeglerselskap som tyvlånte pengene hans over natten. Da det ble oppdaget fikk de og tvilsomme NY dommere dømt han for mindre forhold, mens bankstersmeglerselskap stjal pengene hans. Etter kortere soning ble han altså fortsatt holdt i varetekt i flere år uten noen dom. Leser du om Armstrong på Wikipedia, så søk google eller duckduckgo "wikipedia larry sanger" også.

Armstrong rådgav over flere 10-år mange av de største investorer, fond og også regjeringer om økonomisk politikk. Det er derfor svært interessant å også følge hans daglige blogginnlegg om mangt og meget som beveger markedene. Anbefaler alle å forsøke det.

Det ble for 6 år siden laget en dokumentar om han - "The Forecaster". Den ble kjøpt inn av NRK og lå en tid ute for visning.
Men den ble forbudt i flere land. Jeg vet ikke om det ble slik i Norge også. Men Norge vil jo ikke vise den norsk-russisk produserte dokumentaren "The Magnitsky Act" pga. amerikansk påvirkning og set-up om at filmen er injurierende for hedgefond-forvalteren og milliardæren Bill Browder som styrte på også i Russland (se også The Forecaster om amerikanske anliggender i Russland).

Armstrongs modell predikerte flere måneder i forveien toppen på børsene januar 2020 til nøyaktig dagen, før korona-nedgangen snudde børsene. Dette er det mange som vet, men de er fortsatt relativt sett få ift. alle. Pga. at hans AI-modell ufortrødent predikerer best i klassen, så skal media helst ikke intervjue eller dekke han, også pga. av forhistorien. Men de store pengene, også de hvor han er upopulær, har sett at modellen fanger opp sykler som er belagt med data-observasjoner som er bredere og går lengre tilbake i historien enn noen annen modell.

Her er en introduksjon av Armstrong basert på en analyse av gårsdagens DOW JONES:
Fra minutt 7 kan du se daglig, ukentlig og månedlig arrays med prediksjoner. Den øverste linjen er et aggregat av de underliggende.
Vi ser modellen traff klokkerent på nedgangen i går - slik den gjorde for børstoppen i januar 2020.
Vi ser Rockall ser ut for å treffe noe med sin prognose for stockageddon februar 2022.

Det er alltid arbeidssomt å bli mer opplyst. De rikeste har hatt hode til det, penger til å kjøpe enda bedre hoder - bare ikke Martin Armstrongs. Der forsøkte bankstermeglerselskapene sammen med dommere å konfiskere modellen hans etter at han flere ganger har takket nei/unnveket ulike tilbud.
Redigert 20.08.2021 kl 12:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.08.2023 kl 14:16 5492

Redusert tillit:
ANSWER: Never in the entire history of the United States have we EVER witnessed such political corruption using the Department of Justice. They had tapes of Richard Nixon that would have convicted him but they did not prosecute him for fear that it was not in the best judgment for the nation. Nixon had won by the highest vote and the fact that the people caught in the break-in were actually CIA people. Nixon had a meeting with the head of the CIA and bluntly just said he knew who killed JFK.

Here we have the most desperate case against Trump which is obviously political. Here you have the president of the United States engaging in political speech and even if it is an outright lie as so many presidents have done, it cannot be a crime. As the president, he even had a fiduciary duty to question the validity of the election, as did Hillary, when he was being told by people under oath from around the country that there were problems with the election.
----hele bør leses for de som er eksponert mot dollar.

Stol på NRK!:
federal government likely facilitated the events that occurred on January 6, 2021. The FBI has refused to answer questions regarding how many agents they had there. They successfully drew the public’s eye away from the election fraud that took place and portrayed Trump supporters as domestic terrorists.

.....On January 8, the FBI released pictures of the men removing the barricade and asking for any information leading to their arrests. Yet, the same image was later posted with Epps photoshopped out of the picture.

tillit, selvfølgelig (til USAtan)! Levert til oss av NRK.

Redigert 04.08.2023 kl 14:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.08.2023 kl 12:26 5440

Redusert tillti2:
2-3 år senere begynner andre å beskrive spaden som en ...spade:
"For et giftig politisk klima når stadig nye høyder. Nærmest i takt med nye tiltalepunkter mot Trump. Vi bør ikke undervurdere hvor mye skade politikere kan påføre et lands økonomi – uansett hvor sterk den i utgangspunktet ser ut."

Les dette
og kopien av artikkelen om "lite selv-valøriserende" grønne (og forsåvidt gjennomsiktige vaksine- og svarte krigs-)prosjekter endel lenger opp på tråden.
Redigert 07.08.2023 kl 15:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.08.2023 kl 09:57 5373

>Ramaswamy Sued the WEF and Won

This story has not gained enough attention. GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy took on the globalist elite of the World Economic Forum (WEF) for “creating a false perception” that he was involved in their organization. The WEF attempted to list Ramaswamy as a Young Global Leader but he denied their invitation. After repeatedly asking the organization to remove his name from their marketing, he filed a lawsuit against them in 2021.

“The World Economic Forum’s mission to achieve global ‘equity’ poses a serious threat to the American way of life,” Ramaswamy said in a statement. “Our Founding Fathers fought the American Revolution to declare independence from the Old World monarchy. That old monster now rears its head again in the form of WEF’s agendas including ‘stakeholder capitalism’ and the ‘Great Reset.’ That’s why I’ve been one of the most vocal crusaders in America against WEF, and I am filing this lawsuit to hold them accountable for creating the false illusion of affiliation to undermine its opponents – so that they don’t do it again to others,” he added.


FN og WEF: «Vi eier vitenskapen og det bør verden få vite» uttalt av Melissa Fleming i FN.
“We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do,”

“If you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources.”

“Another really key strategy we had was to deploy influencers… influencers who were really keen, who have huge followings, but really keen to help carry messages that were going to serve their communities, and they were much more trusted than the United Nations”

“This idea that all speech is equal is not true”

The Exposé

De innrømmer at de sensurerer søkeresultater, og betaler Big Tech & påvirkere for å forme publikums oppfatning om covid og klimaendringer.

>Altså; vil greit grønt reset fungere også under ikke-sensurert tilværelse - hvor solsystemet fortsatt fungerer. Eller er det en god hensikt i å trykke penger og ødsle de på lite selv-valøriserende prosjekter, les artikkelen av Fazi på Armstrong tråden.

Hva er "headwinds"ene som Børge Brenda nevner her?
"From 19-23 September 2022, over 800 leaders from the private sector, government and civil society gathered from across the world to agree concrete actions to address these pressing issues.

“Finding ways to work together is all the more important in an increasingly fractured world,” said Børge Brende, President and Member of the Managing Board, World Economic Forum. “Despite challenging headwinds, there are instances – pockets – of collaboration that are not only promising, but offer insight into what makes cooperation possible, and even durable.”

Det er now or never:
Det er ikke det at miljøvern ikke er bra, men at det kobles med profitt. Det er litt som å finne opp en evighetsmaskin, man er nødt til å lure noe inn for å få folk til å investere. Og det er der den største profitten ligger. Det har vi allerede sett på børsens grønne del fom. under korona-furoraens pengetrykking og slusing inn i det grønne.


Hvorfor løy Joe Biden?

Joe Biden har hatt mange møter med Hunter Bidens forretningsforbindelser.
Dokumentasjonen i saka mot Hunter Biden viser at president Jo Biden har løyet for det amerikanske folket. Hvorfor løy Joe Biden?


Abosoluttismens renessanse: — biblioteker og universiteter ivrige
Stanghelle nevner presset fra både høyre og venstre mot ytringer de ikke liker. Grønne parlamentspolitikere både i Sveits og Italia har foreslått å lovfeste som en kriminell handling å imøtegå FNs klimapanels politiske konklusjoner. Det må gjelde både enkeltpersoner og organisasjoner.

I Norge innføres det nå meningskontroll på bibliotekene med hvilke møter som kan holdes. På det som skal være en offentlig møteplass. Aftenposten omtaler tre av eksemplene. Oslo bystyre vedtok at leietakere på det kommunale biblioteket Deichman må «bidra til opplyst debatt» og ikke true ansattes og brukeres sikkerhet. Noen som ikke liker problemstillingene eller meningene som antas å bli uttrykt på det kommende møtet, kan enten protestere kraftig eller true med vold mot møtet, og så får de medhold i at ytringer de ikke liker blir nekta framført.

Jeg selv slettes og utestenges av FA forumadmin, selv når det er info som er direkte relevant for både kostnadssiden og grønnheten ved grønne aksjer, samt for aksjemarkedet generelt. Det rimer med de
Redigert 09.08.2023 kl 14:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.08.2023 kl 13:56 5259


USAtan, "free speech", Gates om "bioterror", (BidenBabbel om "sikreste valget noensinne")
(litt vanskelig å få med seg alt siden det er en kavalkade med rullrenede tekst som utfyllende til den talende litt utydelige kommentatoren, samt i tillegg forstyrrende musikk - foreslå å konse på begge deler første halvdel og skjermteksten siste halvdel, om du klarer)

Redigert 26.08.2023 kl 14:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2023 kl 11:12 5165

Det (de, media, du) gjelder å holde denne ubalansen (for melking) sånn noenlunde i balanse, slik at den ikke vises for tydelig
(det skal se delikat ut og dermed som om det er virkeligheten, som bare skjer)
(hadde folket styret hadde det ikke skjedd, men politikere/de største pengene styrer)
(deres stilltiende unnskyldning er at de kan gjøre det, siden motparten (Putin, XI, Saddam, Iran, Afghanistan, Mellom-Amerika, Korea, Vietnam [og faktisk 2. verdenskrig, 1. også ved å bruke passasjeskipet Lusitania til militær transport] er så lite demokratiske (dog åpenbare, mens vesten framstår demokratisk ved deres dyktighet til å få gråstein-budskap til å skinne. Det er voldsomt profitabelt, for de rikeste:

The Neocons have created endless wars on their own theory that democracy should dominate the world.

Sukk, hvor fragil og dandert er ikke samtiden?
Redigert 30.08.2023 kl 11:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.09.2023 kl 21:25 5096

Her ser dere et eksempel på hvordan establishment steller det i stand for at populisme kan vokse fram:

Staten/yrkespolitikere/byråkrater "tjener" på det - siden det gjør din(!) etterspørsel etter dem sterkere. Slik ekspanderer stater innad, i tillegg til at de ekspanderer utad med større enheter som EU og deretter New World Government. Noe ntjener på det både i klingende mynt og ved å holde seg flytende i posisjoner. Populisme blir en naturlig - om ikke mer enn bare såvidt nok elevert/kultivert. Derfor er det veldig synd å se at også høyresiden i politikk favner inn under ny-marxismen. Men grunnen til det er yrkespolitikere på høyresiden som ikke tør.
Redigert 04.09.2023 kl 21:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.09.2023 kl 21:17 4917

Her ser dere et EKSEMPEL2 på hvordan establishment steller det i stand slik at populisme kan vokse fram:
– I ytringsfrihetsdebatter blir det gjerne de mest spektakulære som får oppmerksomhet. Det er koranbrenning og hat og trakassering på nett. Men det som angår aller flest mennesker, er nettopp det som handler om ytringskultur i arbeidslivet. Det er det folk føler på hver dag når de er på jobb.

Som skrevet på trådene, den degenererte staten har spredt sin degenerasjon inn i aviser og aksjeforumer. Det har blitt greit sett å ta seg til rette:
– Min mening over flere år har vært at partene i arbeidslivet ikke har tatt dette alvorlig. Det er ikke regler og lovverk som ikke er på plass. Det er selve kulturen, så nå må de ta noen initiativer for å sette søkelys på dette.

ForumADM, slett dette innlegget - ja hvorfor ikke hele tråden? Tillit er kapitalen, jfr. FA sin Erna-artikkel i dag. Paradoksene er størst i de savakeste/minst prinsippfaste/mest korrupte. :
– At vi er tause ute i det offentlige rom er et tap for samfunnet og samfunnsutviklingen. Det er ikke tvil om at næringslivet sitter på viktige perspektiver som kan bidra til en opplyst samfunnsdebatt.

– Nå er det sånn at mulighetene i lovverket absolutt er der. Dilemmaet er vel at vi ofte legger for store bånd på oss selv. Og et generelt inntrykk er kanskje at vi har for stort fokus på begrensningene i ytringsfriheten, mer enn verdien av å uttale oss.

Hun stiller spørsmål ved hva grunnene til det er.

– Det kan handle om instrukser, bedriftskultur, en frykt for at omdømmet til en bedrift blir skadet – og kanskje også en spenning på hva som kan tjene næringslivet på kort og lang sikt.
" KOG-tråden og den slettede KOG-tråden, ja de andre slettede tråder og innlegg også.

Det hele drar seg til fra årskiftet.
Se etter økt direkte folkestyre og mindre ta- seg- til-rette fra personer gitt posisjoner.

Lykke til!
Redigert 25.09.2023 kl 21:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.09.2023 kl 16:38 4838

Når politikerene er ute etter å rocke samfunnet og lage eksempel1 og 2 ovenfor, korona-furora med økt det ene og økt det andre depresjoner og tafatthet ovenfor Leviathan, så regner man med at det heldigvis for dem oppstår økt behov for dem i form av rop etter nye tiltak, pakker, institusjoner, tilskudd, bilburning, svenske tilstander og ytterlgiere etterslep i helsesektoren og politiet. Er det det folket vil?:
(forrige stortingsvalg ble lallet bort på menneskeskapt klimakrise og klimamål som brytes med like stor selvfølgelighet som politiekrene bryter Grunnloven i Norge og Konstitusajonen i USA - slik at vi får mer problemer i framtiden..
redusert tillit
14.10.2023 kl 15:34 4726


- facisme ligger lett/skjult under liberalisme
- Biden printed 4 bill $ for stimulating LBQHT around the world.
- min 17:00 Stop Trump because he knows the game.
- 17:50 Bretton Wood v2
- 22:40 olje til 200$ 2027
- 24:30 no/conformed democracy, collapse
- 25:50 WEF/BørgeBrenda/KlausSchwab 8 punktliste er en avslutning av demokrati, se på punktene

- 26:30 Deg?

- 27:50 Uansett hvem som vinner US 2024 presidentvalg, så blir valget ikke akseptert (også fra 37:20)

- min35:40 også tillit til vestlig militær makt er på retur
- min42 forstå de neste 8 år, løgnene som kommer klarere for dagen, redesign av demokrati, FN over og ut.

the 911 excuse from Homeland Security:

"some agencies had info, but they did not share it"

Ingen har original-videoen i linken (hvem er INGEN?):
WTC7 var det 3. bygget som raste 911, uten at et fly traff det og uten mennesker i det - men mye dokumentasjon, i likhet med Pentagon-avdelingen.
17.10.2023 kl 16:14 4632

Ser ut som "alle" leser Armstrong nå: Fra FA i dag/går:
– Du må ikke bli overrasket over noen ting - neste år, sa sjeføkonom i Aker, Torbjørn Kjus, i Børsmorgen torsdag. Han viste til at president Joe Biden kan finne på å legge eksportavgift på olje for å få ned pumpeprisen i USA.

– Da går Brent-prisen bananas, la han til.

Men på kort sikt at det andre ting som kan påvirke, og sende oljeprisen videre opp, ikke bare til 100 dollar, men til 170 dollar, tror Torbjørn Kjus.
22.10.2023 kl 21:54 4513

(se også innlegg 270923 om ...politiets ...fravær fra valgkamper. Jeg hadde tenkt å dra visa i forkant av kommunevalget, men tenkte selv om det er vitkig - så ville enkelte syens det ble masing fra meg. Men det er trolig at hverken AP eller H vil ha dette som noen valgkampssak noen sinne - det er det VI FOLKET som vil ha og MÅ TA FRAM via kommende direkte folkestyre.)
– Jeg opplever kolleger føler seg som kasteballer. De starter på en oppgave, men får ikke gjort det de skal fordi de må gjøre noe annet. Ja, vi er en hendelsesstyrt etat som må snu oss i hverdagen vår, men det er mye vi må snu oss på akkurat nå, sier Viken.

– Hva gjør det med folk sin tillit til politiet?

– Jeg tror ikke tilliten svekkes, men det går kanskje ut over forventningene til hva politiet kan levere, for eksempel dersom saksbehandlingstiden går opp, eller vi ikke har anledning til å gjennomføre trafikkontroller eller skolebesøk.

En fersk undersøkelse utført av Politiforum underbygger Vikens opplevelse.


Skulle vi ha stiftet et nytt parti, dere? Vino blanco eller Blanco politico

stem blankt, funker det
Redigert 22.10.2023 kl 21:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.10.2023 kl 11:44 4390

wake up - se videolinken:
For those wondering if the US is using Israel as a vassal state, simply look at what President Biden has been spewing since the 80s. “If there were not an Israel, we’d have to invent one,” Biden first said during a Senate session in 1986 after sending Israel $3 billion. Straight from the horse’s mouth, America funds Israel “to protect US interests in the region.”

Israel is a strategic military base for the West. It permitted America to keep an eye on not just oil but opium as well.

America alone has provided Israel with $158 billion since 1948, prior to the Hamas attack. This money was not a loan but rather an investment. The US is now sending the nation over $100 billion and counting

When this became public knowledge in 1960, Eisenhower feigned shock, and the media began reporting that the factory was being used to create textiles rather than nuclear weapons.

Former French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville admitted in December 1960 that France assisted Israel in creating a “replica of [the] Marcoule plant.” France needed to protect its colonies in North Africa at the time and relied on Israeli intelligence. France provided the raw materials and arms while the US aided with financing through tax-deductible charities. Egypt had nationalized the Suez Canal, and France and Britain considered invading to seize the area. Then the former Soviet Union threatened to intervene and the world was ready to use the Middle East as their battleground. Now Russia is funding a nuclear plant near that area on behalf of Egypt.

our principals , ideas , values


Dette tradisjonelle, langvarige dyret spiser NORSKE POLITIKERE til frokost.
Hva tror vi ungdommen og den litt rare krigshisseren Guri Melby forstår? Hva med forsvarsministeren bondedrengen Gram?
Norge har ingen varig kultur for å bygge opp forsvar mot ubevisst politisk prostitusjon og DET MERKES PÅ KOG-kursen. Det er endel annerledes med Frankrike.
Redigert 28.10.2023 kl 11:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.11.2023 kl 19:02 3815

During the Panic of 1869, when they were dragging the bankers out and hanging them, which was the first BLACK FRIDAY, I fear when this all starts to come unglued after 2024, this time they will be dragging journalists out to the streets and hanging them for destroying civilization where both sides are supposed to co-exist.
Det har begynt å renne eller rakne.
Redigert 24.11.2023 kl 19:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.01.2024 kl 18:40 3399

To begin, there is much speculation around the founder(s) — Satoshi Nakamoto – who created bitcoin (BTC) on June 3, 2009. The mystery person or group (or government agency) has been MIA since 2011. Yet 1 million bitcoins remain in their original account, untouched. His wallet is estimated to be up to $73 billion, and if this is indeed an individual, he or she is one of the top 15 richest people in the world. They have never moved a fraction of a BTC from their account. So, one wallet contains 5% of all mined bitcoin. Will this person or entity perpetually hold?

Only 2.3% of bitcoin owners own a full bitcoin, while 74% own less than 0.01 BTC. Bitcoin was initially a way to remain under the government’s radar, with people using cash to fund their anonymous accounts. The majority no longer use this method and favor platforms that are required by governments to collect and verify all user data.

Bitcoin’s price is akin to the problem that existed when the bubble burst in 1966 with mutual funds because they were listed back then. The value of can change at a volatility rate of 10x that of the dollar, making it a highly dangerous instrument as a store of wealth. It is solely a trading vehicle until they weigh it and the value is changed.

They will declare computers generating cryptos “banks” and require you to report event transactions eventually $600 or more, and if not, apply the same regulations and threaten you with 20 years in prison for money laundering. It is no longer worth it using a cash app.
If you want to trade BITCOIN, do it in the futures. I still believe that BITCOIN was started covertly by the government to get everyone accustomed to their end goal – CBDCs and total control. They could block you from even donating to Trump under this scheme. You will never get through the court system in time to declare the act unconstitutional.
BITCOIN is merely bouncing to retest to the former uptrend line from below. January is a crucial timing target for a high.


The late Mark Pittman was a journalist for Bloomberg when, once upon a time, there were still a few actual investigative reporters. Mark did a piece on my operation in Japan. He knew what we were doing, that the accounts were mine, not clients, and that I was buying distressed portfolios. Not one client ever signed a complaint, and there was NO DEFAULT. When they charged me. I met Mark at the Hyatt in NYC across from the Train Station. He knew it was a setup and said: “Marty, we are not going to allow them to do this to you.” +
I think it is absolutely critical as Trump is put on trial in New York City. I was granted bail in New Jersey. Not a single NY journalist ever reported the Truth no less the courts. I was interviewed by a journalist who asked about the bank illegally trading in my accounts. She asked if they were using my accounts to “launder money for the Russian Mafia as they were doing in Madof?” The banks claimed in Madoff’s case not to have known. That is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE, for you have to know your client rules. They verified every account and the corporate documents behind each one. Madoff pled guilty to an information quickly. He was not indicted and could have defended for a few years. The only reason he did so was clearly to protect his family. Just as in my case, the bank claimed it had no idea where the money was. It is impossible to get $1 billion out of a bank, and nobody knows where it went. There is NO SUCH thing as a fair trial in New York City. Trump is doomed there, and this is all about interfering in the 2024 election.

( Mark understood the bankers very well. Bloomberg removed Mark from covering my case and replaced him with David Glovin, who could never praise the government more. It was Mark at Bloomberg who battled in court for years to get the details of those bailouts released to the public. Mark was probably the most professional journalist I ever met. I was told after my case began that Bloomberg purged all the reports Mark had previously written about our firm from their terminals and certainly Japan. It was as if Bloomberg was in on the whole scam.)

tillit, hva er det?
Redigert 06.01.2024 kl 13:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.01.2024 kl 15:45 3267

REPLY: I have met many women in governments around the world. I must say, since 2000, there has been a trend where those who rise to power are not the strong, independent type, male or female. Those who rise are those who conform.
The days of Margaret Thatcher are long gone. Maggie understood the shenanigans behind the Euro. It was the men who staged a coup against her because they were the conformists. They were perfectly willing to surrender the sovereignty of Britain to Brussels, all on the theory that a one-European government would end the war and a single currency would promote European central control.

.........These people look at us with such disdain. We are to be exploited for their unbridled power. There is no economy without the people. That is why this Great Taking is so wrong. To retain power, they need the military. If those in the military refuse to fire on the people, as was the case in Russia when Yeltsin stood on the tank, then the Russian coup collapsed.

There are limits to their power. They are ignorant of that fact, for when they are on top, they cannot see how they will fall – but they always do. This is what 2032 is all about. They WILL FAIL, and the PEOPLE will ultimately prevail. We will get to redesign government, and this time, let us learn from the past – just for once!

OK, Ukraina ligger ved grensa til Europa:
Professor: Krigsfaren flytter seg fra Europa til Asia - VG
Nettet2. apr. 2017 · Professor Øystein Tunsjø sier Europas rolle i verden svekkes kraftig og at faren for ny storkrig flytter seg til Asia. Bjørn Haugan Oppdatert 2. april 2017 Artikkelen …

Litt iscenesettelse for skakk-kjørte EU/Europas skyld også, vi trenger såpass nytte av dette siste politiske verktøyet ihht. 1700-tallets general Clausewitz som det undervises i på krigsskolene. (de fleste skjønner vel den satiriske ironien jeg tidvis bruker for å understreke poenger, tenkte bare å si klart i fra for en gangs skyld, slik at det er godt mulig å henge med for de som må strekke seg)

Meld deg innen 6 timer eller få 3 års fengsel:
Redigert 15.01.2024 kl 11:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.01.2024 kl 12:52 3052

Hvorfor vil venstreSIDEN alltid ha flere innvandrere, asylanter og flyktninger. Fordi de er snille og riktige - også mtp. det øvrige samfunnet og det vedvarende økende overhenget i POLITIET?

Eller fordi de lar sin snillisme utnyttes av UFORMELL MAKT som:
1) tjener penger BÅDE ved utenlands"engasjementer"
2) og ved 40% eierandelen av Oslo Børs (samt økning i det øvrige private eierskapet i Norge)
3) OG for å få nye konsumenter (tilskuddert av saten) for egne investeringer,
4) nye brukere av økt offentlig sektor - som sementerer saten,
5) samt nye velgere av snillismen?

Noen synes jeg skriver for mye om amerikanske forhold, men det er læring&relevans for NORSK FORHOLD i å se på den værste vestlige saten - USAten, som også orkestrerer i Europa og ASIA mm.:

We have a MAJOR Constitutional Crisis between the actions of Biden himself and the recent Supreme Court ruling against Texas relying on the Supremacy Clause, which defies the entire intent of the purpose and promises of joining the union. It is astonishing that Justices Roberts and Barrett sided with the left wing and have allowed Biden’s federal officers to continue removing the border fencing erected by the state of Texas while the case is pending.

I am sorry; the Supreme Court is seriously wrong in this decision. The Supremacy Clause may say that Federal decrees overrule state law, but here we are talking about an executive order that is not democratically enacted or even presented to Congress. If the President decrees that you must kill all your firstborn, which Congress never enacted, does that force everyone to do so because of the Supremacy Clause? It is fundamental in the interpretation of law or the Constitution that you cannot interpret one clause of the Constitution in such a way that it violates another.

An executive order is a directive from the President with much of the same power as a federal law. Several landmark moments in American history came about directly from the use of executive orders issued from the White House’s desk, including one Supreme Court decision that limited a presidential executive order issued by Harry Truman in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952). This is a critical case because it directly deals with an Executive Order.

The Secretary issued an order to seize the steel mills and directed their presidents to operate them as operating managers for the United States as if they were slaves. Truman did report his action to Congress, but Congress took no action. Even the Fifth Amendment Taking Clause was ignored. This even prevents the claims that the government will just confiscate everyone’s assets. The military is what supports the government and takes its assets away as well, and the government falls.

(The Court construed the other treason offense authorized by the Constitution similarly narrowly in Cramer v. United States (1945). That case involved another infamous incident in American history: the Nazi Saboteur Affair. Cramer was prosecuted for treason for allegedly helping German soldiers who had secretly infiltrated American soil during World War II. In reviewing Cramer’s treason conviction, the Court explained that a person could be convicted of treason ONLY if he or she adhered to an enemy and gave that enemy “aid and comfort” which Biden is doing.

From October 2022 last year to September 2023, officials at the southern border have arrested 169 people whose names matched those on the terrorist watch list, compared with 98 during the previous fiscal year and 15 in 2021, according to government data. These are just the people they caught. Watch RFK’s Nightmare at the Border, and he has confirmed that the majority of the people coming in are NOT from South America.)

Og så har vi dette med at SATEN liker/er avhengig (jfr. parantesen ovenfor) av å få tilførsel av ny jord/grobunn for URO / UTFORDRINGER som plager befolkningen nok til å rope på "hjelp" fra saten - med mer vekst i offentlig sektor som et biprodukt i tillegg til gjenvalg/valg av politikere som breker nok som svar på ropen om hjelpen. SE F:EKS: 1200 SAKER / ANMELDELSER OM TVANGSEKTESKAP i går på SOM IKKE BLE TIL NOEN SAK LIKEVEL + mye mer av INEFFEKTIVITET i OFF.SEKTOR og PÅTALE MYNDIGHET/POLITIET.

.....> Så kan man spørre seg hvor grunn er VÅR GRUNNLOV - og hvorfor endrer vi på den? Og blir den grunnere av det?
Hva har vi av jurister i Norge som vi vil forvente kunne stikke seg fram OG MENE NOE OM DET?
Lite eller ingenting?
Et sårbart land.

men vi har jo nobels fredspris
den er nobel

Governor Abbot is Correct
Biden is REFUSING to execute the law passed by Congress and has embarked on an agenda that, WHATEVER Trump did, he has to reverse regardless of the consequences. For a president to REFUSE to execute the law, NO statutory or constitutional authority allows him to do so. Not only is the Governor correct, but this illustrates why the United States cannot stand as a union, for once again, the government usurps all authority to a central government as did Stalin in Russia, and it is only a matter of time before the government to collapse. That is the verdict throughout history – no dictatorial central government has ever survived long-term.

>....og slik risikerer vi å gå inn i fadese også i Norge/Europa, mens det er til de rikes fortjeneste:
As many know, the computer has been forecasting civil unrest, and eventually, the United States will split, as will Europe. Centralized Control, when adopted by a government, ends the very purpose of forming a civilization when everyone benefits. This Biden Administration is acting by an executive order bypassing the Congress that theoretically represented We the People. These forecasts are by no means my personal opinion or wish. I have done my best to WARN the government that this path leads to dissolution. But they refuse to listen and prefer to roll around in the mud like a pig with no cares in the world. It is HISTORY that warns this is not going to end nicely. But nobody will listen because they prefer Klaus Schwab’s new world of total power ending elections.

Dere kan ikke regne med at politikerene er særlig mye over gjennomsnittet enn at de jukser og småjukser på sine utdanninger/etterutdanninger, hybler og reiseregninger, samlivspartners aksjer solgt/kjøpt eller ditt/datt mens de er i embede hvor de kanskje ikke har mer å gjøre enn 60%-stillingen til Biden (Truman er forøvrig regnet som den mest hardtarbeidende presidenten i USA) og gjør arbeidslettelser ved å FØLGE INTERNASJONAL ny KONSENSUS fremfor å styre Norge.
27.01.2024 kl 12:12 3000

Fra siste Morgenbladet:

Vi kan ende med bare én type mennesker i topp-politikken, skriver Aslak Bonde.

Les analysen
Hva skal vi gjøre med politikere som dummer seg ut?

Hør podkasten

Nedslående USA-beskjed: – Planlegger å lede Ukraina mot en annen kurs

Amerikanske tjenestemenn tviler på at Ukraina kan klare å ta tilbake noe terreng i 2024.

Les mer

Kvinne drept i Grue: Siktede ble norsk statsborger i 2014

Kvinnen skal ha hjulpet siktede mye de siste åra. Blant annet skal hun ha hjulpet ham med jobb og ulike tilpasninger i samfunnet.

Les mer

Innsjørester funnet på Mars

NASAs rover Perseverance har samlet data som bekrefter at det finnes rester av gamle innsjøer på Mars.

Les mer

Det er en lang prosess å samle data. Det sammensatte bildet kan man nesten vise slik som man vil ..i media, generelt sett. Så spørs det hva eieren ønsker. Så hvem er eieren=den med øk. interesser, er alltid det beste spørsmålet - nesten bedre enn hvem eieren er til for.

ICJ om påstander om israelsk folkemord: er glasset halvfullt eller halvtomt?

Halvparten av USAs guvernører støtter Texas mot Washington

USA nekter å si om de vil respektere ICJs avgjørelse i folkemordsaken mot Israel

Den føderale domstolen i Canada: – Trudeaus bruk av unntaksloven var uberettiget

Flere illusjoner:
Skjermbilde Finnes ikke sivøk likevel - kan skape trygghet og tillit

Hvor er spaden, gått ut på dato - trenger ikke en spade lenger, hva er det forresten? må tilbake til re al i tet

al har med algebra å gjøre. De siste årene har det vært for mye løsninger langt fra korrekt matematikk.
Det er ikke god nok overensstemmelse lenger, det jukses og skjules og iverksettes feilaktige løsninger.
Redigert 28.01.2024 kl 14:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.02.2024 kl 20:50 2463

The crypto zealots seem oblivious to the fact that the coming Central Bank Digital Currency in the USA would be unconstitutional, and the Federal Reserve will NOT issue one. Instead, the top banks are all moving to create their own and pitch for their version that will be programmable and traceable. The rumor is Fink would love to take over Bitcoin. WHY? Because all the tracing and reporting will be done by the private sector and under CURRENT law, banks MUST report suspicious behavior. So it is the COVID Model where the private sector did the censoring of free speech that the First Amendment ONLY restricts the government – not Facebook, YouTube, et al.

(Fikk dere med dere denne?: )

deg deg degenerert

kan godt leses opp mot political sciences innleggene forrige uke på dødse-tråden.
03.03.2024 kl 10:59 2211

Jævlige greier får følger:
Gallup Poll back in 1984 found that 61% of Americans were satisfied with U.S. democracy. It was nearly as high, at 60%, in 1991. Now, in 2024, it is down to just 28%.

Donald Trump won the Republican caucuses on Saturday in Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho. Overall, Trump won with nearly 98 percent support against Haley. Back in December 2022, Gallup Poll had reported that 45% of Americans believed Trump has “a lot” of responsibility for the January 6th event. But with the passage of time, even the Washington Post reported that More than “one-third of Americans, or 36 percent, do not accept Biden’s victory as legitimate.” Discussions that the January 6th event was important have suggested that the numbers, nobody wants to publish, have dropped to at best 15%.

Final audits showed that EXCLUDING the mail-in ballots, Trump won. That has left too much doubt in the mind of the majority now and Biden is on vacation 40% of the time and Victoria Nuland is in charge creating World War III everywhere simultaneously (

Now, four out of six models project a Trump victory and two show nothing more than 51% victory for the Democrats. My concern is the psychological warfare tactics that the Democrats and the press are using in demonizing Trump; the media cannot back down and say they were wrong. They are destroying the fabric that bonds the United States together, and this leads to only one result – the break up of the United States as we head into 2032.
05.03.2024 kl 20:56 2088

I linken kan dere se skjemaet framover mot krig, og revolusjon i USA.

Også stormingen av Capitol Hill 6. jan 2021 overrasket mange; men da hadde Armstrong lagt inne med revolusjon i sine prognoser lenge. Så følg med på korrekt analyse r= ikke-politisk korrekte analyser (på NRK, FA osv.):

In Europe, the European Union is set to approve a major plan for climate change when the trend is not hotter but colder. They could care less what the farmers think; as far as the government is concerned, how dare they try to tell us what to do. They have created a crisis thanks to all the migrants that have poured into Europe as is unfolding in the United States. The last time I was in Paris, you are harrassed for money by non-Europeans who will follow you until they get something. On virtually every corner, an Arab woman was begging.

Griswold, a Federalist, walked up to Lyon’s desk, hitting him on the head and shoulders with his hickory walking stick. Lyon, who was a Republican from Vermont advocating State’s Rights, responded by grabbing a pair of fireplace tongs and defending himself, beating Griswold in return.

They then began to just punch each other in a fistfight until they were pulled apart. That is how heated the arguments would get between the Federalists, who demanded a central government with power over states, and the Republicans, who argued for State Rights. We are still plagued with this same issue as the Biden Administration has used executive orders to circumvent Congress and turned the Department of Justice into a weapon against Trump. This will ultimately lead to the collapse of the United States, just as centralized control led to the collapse of Communism.

Like Trump, ten states kept Abraham Lincoln off the ballot during the 1860 election. That was 19 waves of 8.6 years ago. The 224-year cycle of political change from the first brawl in Congress in 1798 brought us to 2022 when all of this started to try to keep Trump off the ballot. The results of the 1860 election, in which Lincoln still won, even though he kept Lincoln off the ballot, led to the only solution – the Civil War.

desperate attempt to steal the 2024 with illegal aliens are just over the top. The VERY FIRST executive order Biden signed within hours of taking office was to throw the borders open. These Democrats are destroying the country, and I am not speaking as a Trump supporter. They are engaging in outright treason. The Attorney General, with a straight face, tells Congress there should be no ID to vote. You cannot travel without an ID, but as long as you are just here, you can vote. I suggest all of Europe should send in mail-in ballots as well – why not?

We don’t have to speculate wildly about what the Democrats have in store. Victoria Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan, has been pushing the brain washing machine calling Trump will be a DICATOR as the he published in the Washington Post. Put plainly, they do not care who wins the election; it is their way or no way. They are the real DICTATORS and they have decreed that all Russians are evil because Victoria Nuland is of Ukrainian heritage. So we burn the entire world for her personal hatred.

Trump has already said he would conduct mass deportations of all the illegal aliens Biden has let in.
The question becomes, will we find the law enforcement and military split itself with general against general as was the case with the fall of Rome?

( I have studied many forms of government. I have found that Republics have always crumbled to dust because they are the most corrupt form of government one can create. Even a Dictatorship or Monarchy is never so corrupt, for they are not suspectable to bribery as Republics. The criticism of Democracy has come from the Greek philosophers who saw the people as too stupid to make decisions. Our representatives look down upon us the same way. I am finishing up a book that I believe is vital to understand because of all the ancient fake news about Julius Caesar (100-44BC) and why he really crossed the Rubicon because the corruption of the Senate was so pervasive, there was no fixing it. )

The Roman Republic took on a system of separation of powers. Like our own Constitutional Crisis, the corruption between these branches also failed to protect the Roman Republic. The ultimate cause of the Roman Republic’s fall was the immense internal corruption. The Elections of 53 BC effectively degenerated into a bidding war between the various factions. Under the pretense of helping candidates with their expenses, the bottom line was simple bribery.

We know from various contemporary authors of the time that the bribery was so intense that interest rates jumped from 4% to 8% during those elections. This bidding war was so severe that the Senate of Rome was forced to act. Pompey the Great (106-48BC) professed to be shocked at the entire affair, which was highly unlikely given his role in the dealings. The Senate was forced to announce prosecutions against all concerned, and the offices of the Consul were given to other parties following a confession by one candidate, Memmius. Political contribution scandals still occur today as they did thousands of years ago.

....blir det for mye nå.....?

Cicero (104-43BC), the father of ancient fake news,
knew the Republic was collapsing without Caesar. He proposed constitutional reforms to prevent its demise, but because he was in the midst of it, his proposals would not have saved the day. Cicero’s reforms were unnecessary because the Roman Senate had the constitutional authority to prevent its demise. The problem was that Senators lacked the incentive to use their constitutional authority to save Rome because they were too wrapped up in its corruption, just as we are witnessing today.

Many wanted to believe that the Roman Republic was a democracy. Yet, this democracy was a total facade, for it was always under aristocratic rule – not the common people. We too live in a facade where they tell us who is the enemy and we are expected to fight and die for their pleasure

Assuming they do not take up Alexander Soros’ bold implication to assassinate Trump so he can flood the United States with his Open Society that disregards culture, religion, and ethics, the computer is forecasting a tumultuous post-2024 election in 2025. History repeats, for human nature never changes. Soros is destroying the United States because of a theory. What we will see post-2024 is the destruction of the United States as we know it.
20.03.2024 kl 12:38 1768

Her ser dere Morgan Stanley på Marketwatch i dag:

Her ser dere Morgan Stanleys kilde for 12+ dager siden:
The primary argument against the dollar is that the Neocons have turned it into a political weapon by sanctioning Russia and removing it from SWIFT. That woke up many countries, who then realized that the dollar had become a weapon and no longer an impartial currency in world commerce.

The de-dollarization is NOT economic-based but POLITICAL. Wake up! This is not the standard fiat money nonsense. This is about political power to force countries to do the bidding of American Neocons or else!

Det blir litt som når du leser i FA og dermed begynner å forstå det som har skjedd, så har det stått på HO forum i flere år allerede.

Sånn er det med politisk korrekthet, ting kommer senere sli kat uretten kan skje inntil da - og så formulerer de fint opp hva som gikk LITT galt og nu går alt så meget bedre.

prostisujon og bedrageri


redusert tillit som følge
Redigert 20.03.2024 kl 12:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.04.2024 kl 12:37 1364

Det oser GREAT RESET av Dagsrevyens innslag nr. 8 i forgårs fredag 12. april om BOLIGMARKDET.
Tom. i nedsarvede sørlandsbyer har prisene steget 40% - noe det tidligere tok 15-20 år tidligere å oppnå.



degenerasjon, redusert tillit, splid ,krise


Bli med til topps!/?:
- inneholder mange av de store puslespillbrikkene som jens, jonas, stortingspolitikerene og massemedia velvitende ser bort fra mens og fordi USAtan rævpuler dem mens de holder dårlige gulrøtter foran øynene på dem.
Redigert 14.04.2024 kl 12:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.05.2024 kl 13:06 980

Vi må passe oss for dette - i Norge også; siden Norge er under USAtans beskyttende/manipulerende vinger.
Kvantemekanikk og arvesynd hånd i hånd.

Over 250 former Obama Administration staff members penned Joe Biden this week to say that he is not doing enough to support the cease-fire in Gaza. “We are writing to you together because we see you both as our leaders with tremendous influence over the fate of Palestinians and our democratic society here in America. We implore you both to lead now before our democracy and the world backslide further into war and authoritarianism,” the letter says.

As with every war, the letter states that the US is “ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY.” This is the classical manipulative rhetoric of the neocons to support wars on both sides. You must fund the murder of the proper side for the textbooks to be written in your favor. And what an honor it must be to be the president amid a war — your name surely will not be forgotten.

America is funding Israel and then permitting their enemy to seek refuge within its own borders. We are spending billions on both Palestine and Israel — WHY?

As you can see in the video above, Mosab Hassan Yousef, the disowned son of Hamas co-founder Shik Hassan Yousef, educates these fraudulent academics on the reality of life in Palestine. There are tribes, such as Hamas, throughout Palestine, and without Israel, these tribes would be killing one another. “You lack the authenticity to represent the cause. This is a human problem; the cause must die, and you are helping Hamas prove to the world that Hamas depends on the destruction of the state of Israel,” he asserted. The people of Palestine “will pay the price in blood” for years to come — no one wins during times of war besides the people funding and profiting on the war.

So now Biden would like to invite people from these various tribes to continue their holy war within US borders. America is supporting BOTH SIDES, instigating the flames of war to ensure the conflict grows and other nations feel compelled to fight on behalf of Palestine, a nation with no army. These are classical tactics to create a proxy war that hurts innocent people of all nations – including the nations funding both sides of the war.

Bla. slik søker saten å opprettholde etterspørsel etter seg selv - og at dere ber om dem, at de kommer på banen.
Underveis, så tjener både formell og uformell makt på vekst i uro, kriminalitet, problemer - både nasjonalt og internasjonalt, som vi nå ser med krig -
mens FOLK FLEST taper på det (bla. , samt ved en stadig større sekkepost av krimsaker som blir henlagt - mao. LOV&RETT endres ved praksis)
- og samfunn som helhet degenererer (bla.

Her er det vel Orkla som blæaster og tar en NRK a la TV-serien:
NRK trekker Ingen elsker Bamsegutt midlertidig

NRK › informasjon
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Nov 19, 2023 — NRK mener at Ingen elsker Bamsegutt er en viktig historie om hvordan de svakeste i samfunnet blir behandlet av det offentlige. det ikke bare å la Leverposteien være slik den var - eller må det som var hyper-hypes over til å fevne det nye i ikke-proporsjonal skala, slik som f.eks. veksten av ikke-vestlige innvandrere i norsk reklame som er like høy som den i ungdomskriminaliteten. Altså ute av kontroll.
Er det noen som profiterer på det?

..........jah, det ble mye Nettavisen linker av i dag. Og som vi ser, så blir Nettavisen stadig mer av et dansk mykporno-blad, slik som Dagbladet (og TV2) som også ble kjøpt 100% opp av det danske ALLER-konsernet - heleid av noen få milliardærer.

Redigert 03.05.2024 kl 13:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.05.2024 kl 21:20 740


It is very frustrating to always try to sort out misconceptions created by analysts and the talking heads on TV. Just do a simple correction by comparing two charts. The DOW bottomed in March 1980. Gold peaked on January 21, 1980. The Fed kept pushing rates higher into May 1981. The Dow rallied with the last year of rising interest rates.

CBDUSA M 3 25 2018 Fed Discount Rate Fed Funds

I stated many years ago that real estate would RISE with the first uptick because people would ANTICIPATE rates rising so they better rush to lock it in now. The people with interest rates under 3% lucked out, but some simply understood the trend. They do not throw in the towel on the first uptick. They disregard the nonsense spouted out by the talking heads on TV that create false images of why markets are moving as they do.

I noted to pay attention to rates in Europe. Germany was able to sell short-term debt at NEGATIVE yields. Why? Because Europeans are moving money in preparation for the collapse in the debts of Southern Europe.
01.07.2024 kl 09:53 222

Our computer’s political forecasts do not rely on polls. What is most interesting is that when you correlate the economy with politics, you get to see the major swings coming like never before. As I have said, our model has been showing that the 2024 election in the USA should be won by Trump. The Democrats will most likely draft Hillary to try to defeat this correlation whereby Biden would lose, and our computer interest had forecast back in 2020 that whoever won the 2020 election would not finish out the term. I had been concerned that if Trump won 2020, what was the computer forecasting – he would die in office or be assassinated? But the election was cleverly rigged in Congress itself with the help of the Deep State because Trump was anti-war. The previous anti-war president was Kennedy, and we all know what the CIA did back then.