Flex sin nedgang
Er det noen som vet om de siste 2 dagers nedgang i Flex har sammenheng med ratene?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 15:00
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Ratene er bra de. Det er jo litt andre ting som skjer i verden også, i tillegg så forsøker alltid de andre å utnytte folks frykt og belånte beholdninger. Flex skal opp igjen, tror nå jeg og jeg er også belånt og har måttet selge noen.
Redigert 24.10.2018 kl 15:53
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24.10.2018 kl 14:31
Oct 24, 2018 04:24 pm|
Rates for LNG carriers in the Atlantic have doubled in the space of two months with 160,000 cu m LNG tri-fuel diesel electric (TFDE) vessels now commanding $150,000 a day. Rates for ships in the Pacific are also growing strongly, with fixtures in the region of $140,000 a day.Incread Asian demand is cited by many as the reason for the surge in rates with some brokers suggesting spot rates could crack S 200000. Kilde Splash 247.com
Rates for LNG carriers in the Atlantic have doubled in the space of two months with 160,000 cu m LNG tri-fuel diesel electric (TFDE) vessels now commanding $150,000 a day. Rates for ships in the Pacific are also growing strongly, with fixtures in the region of $140,000 a day.Incread Asian demand is cited by many as the reason for the surge in rates with some brokers suggesting spot rates could crack S 200000. Kilde Splash 247.com
Det som skjer nå er bare skremsel. Duppen er ferdig og det skal opp igjen, fikk kjøpt meg opp igjen i dag. Uansett så mista jeg 60000 stk ved emisjonen, men er fremdeles bull her.