Oil discovery at Hibiscus North in the Dussafu licence offshore

PEN 24.08.2021 kl 19:43 1276

Oil discovery at Hibiscus North in the Dussafu licence offshore Gabon

BW Energy Limited is pleased to announce an oil discovery in the Hibiscus North exploration well (DHBNM-1) in the Dussafu Block offshore Gabon. The well is located approximately 6 km north-northeast of the Hibiscus discovery well DHIBM- 1 in approximately 115 metres of water depth. The well will be drilled to a planned total depth of approximately 3500m.

It is expected that the discovery will add to the previously announced gross discovered recoverable resource estimate for the block, which is currently estimated to be approximately 105 million barrels gross. The Company announced the spudding of the well on 28 July 2021.

During the drilling operations at Hibiscus North, the Gamba was encountered at a depth of 2794m meters and encountered approximately 13.5m of oil-bearing reservoir in the Upper Gamba sandstone. Determination of the overall hydrocarbon column is pending open hole wireline logging operations which will be conducted after drilling the well to the planned total depth.

The Borr Norve Jack-up is continuing drilling operations to intersect the secondary targets for the exploration well in the deeper Dentale Formation.

After reaching total depth, logging operations and evaluation of the oil discovery will be undertaken , which will be followed by the drilling of a side-track to delineate the field.
Redigert 24.08.2021 kl 19:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.08.2021 kl 12:31 977

Har dere som selger glemt denne ?
27.08.2021 kl 13:10 919

– Borr Norve Jack-up fortsetter boringen for å skjære de sekundære målene for letebrønnen i den dypere Dentale-formasjonen.

Jeg mener Dentale nås i neste uke, det børsmeldes noe da?
Redigert 27.08.2021 kl 13:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.08.2021 kl 13:14 913

Jeg selger ikke i dag men har kjøpt litt til. Men jeg husker for ikke lenge siden at PEN gikk nedover i 11 dager, og det er det kanskje flere som tenker er mulig når ingen flere orker ta PEN gjennom dette nivået.
Denne gangen så vet vi jo ikke om og når dypboringen ev gjør nye funn, så jeg skulle ikke satse på å ikke bli med videre.
Vi ser at både BWE og PEN har lavere volum idag og da vil ikke sannsynligheten for noe større kursutslag komme.
Redigert 27.08.2021 kl 13:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.08.2021 kl 14:25 845

De børsmelder når TD er nådd og har foretatt logging og anslag. Så kommer det nok en børsmelding om resultatet og at de har startet avgrensingsbrønn/sidesteg.

Det er slik jeg ser det for meg, men det finnes også andre varianter selvsagt.