Txp - veien videre

TXP 26.08.2021 kl 17:20 380629

Etter ønske skal jeg legge aktivitetslista på topp i en ny tråd hvor ny info redigeres inn.

Denne gang vag, men et bilde på hva som kommer.

Før 14.august - update
14. august - Q2
Uke 35 start testing Cas-2 og 3
Uke 36 spud Cas B brønn

+ Fokus på å øke produksjonen på alle blokker
+ bore mange brønner på Legacy blokkene (Txp og Trin)

Redigert 31.07.2024 kl 18:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.04.2023 kl 10:07 9867

Til de som måtte lure - de bruker riggen til testing.
18.04.2023 kl 08:11 9562

Hej Norge

Info Royston ST test er på kanon overtid med info til markedet !!!

Mye spekulationer og bemærkelsesværdigt at der ikke er sivet noget fra TXP og Testriggen, de er gode til at holde tæt.

Min egen lille filosofi er at da de stadig tester, er der noget at teste!! -- havde det været water/duster havde de forladt brønden med beskeden IKKE drivværdig.
Så mens vi stadig venter, kan vi læne os tilbage og vente på hvor stort resultatet bliver :-) -- Håbet er stadig et større fund i Suben, Immidate formationen er der jo konstateret olie.

I vente modus :-)
18.04.2023 kl 09:50 9686

Skal ikke uttale meg om hvor gode de er til å holde tett, men de er nødt til å melde snart før info blir allemannseie.
Txp er ikke nødt til å melde om problemer. De kan velge å teste hele greia før de melder. Dette er mot normalt og ikke heldig slik jeg ser det.
Har ingen forhåpning om flow fra subthrust, men den kan likevel bli ansett som et funn hvis de har noen form for hydrokarboner.
28.04.2023 kl 12:12 9514

Fra XI
"I had a recent catch up with management and a few interesting points.

Cascadura start up remains clearly on schedule for end of June2023, NGC are now further incentivised after BP suffered a recent gas production loss of one well offshore, hence the immediate need for gas on the island is acute. NGC are working extra shifts if needed and flying in parts if needed. For TXP part they remain well on schedule and have good visibility on meeting the targets currently. Management are acutely aware of last 2 years missing timelines and I gave them every opportunity to be cautious on delivery but contrary to this they remain resolutely confident in current timelines. First gas transforms the business from a cashflow point of view and moves future drilling to self funded, it should be a material risk reduction point for the shares in lowering cost of capital/rising share price. A move for management becoming in charge of their own drilling destiny has the potential to transform the investment case over the next 18months."

"Royston sidetrack well testing. It should be emphasised the first test was a ‘long shot’ but management wanted to see if there was oil present, porosity was only around 6 and no-one internally/drill team/Schlumberger expected anything much. However the next test remains in the sub thrust and has more like 12ish on porosity with a plan to perforate 2 intervals of 30ft each within what they think is much better prospectivity. Any success here in the sub thrust would add reserves and provide a good target for future drilling. The ‘main event’ is clearly the test afterwards which is the intermediate test, previously 38ft was perforated and flowed 500+BOPD. Here there is circa 20ft above and 30ft below last time test for better sand thickness and another section of 100ft below that also can be perforated. Hence we have a lot more sand thickness this time around. The hope would be that both the subthrust and intermediate tests produce some oil flow and maybe intermediate test beats management guidance of circa 500BoPD. If both tests flow the plan/hope would be to put them both on long term test comingled in a combined rate. They would then not plan to test any of the higher zones after the intermediate in this well. However if no flow rates are established higher test zones are in reserve for testing but this would be a plan B type scenario. Key point here really is that there is still everything to play for with upcoming two Royston tests. Depending on pressure they could also opt to put in a pump to help lift the oil given the weight of liquids within the pipe (10,000ft 7inch and 9 3/8inch higher up) above perforation points."

"Timing/delay. Once the drilling of Royston sidetrack was complete they negotiated a decent day rate for the star valley rig for a few days to perforate the deepest section to start testing. The crew were then sent home/off island etc as no longer needed and expensive. Actual testing took longer than expected and 2 lots of swabbing plus waiting for the 10,000ft column to refill with liquid and hence the long delay, I’m still a little unsure why it took so long. From the finish of first test it’s not worth the expense of reassembling the star valley crew to use the rig again for higher up perforation and testing. Instead management chose the much cheaper option of once the rig is moved they can use a service rig but this means a delay until new Cascadura pad is finished and the star valley rig can be moved, hence the frustrating elongation of testing timelines."

"The star valley rig contract runs from September to September and has a minimum number of days usage per year (also explains why willing to use it for first part of testing), hence they would like to get it drilling ASAP at Cascadura new pad site but equally they would like the certainty of cashflow from Cascadura start up, hence there is a sensible juggling act going on here to maintain a sensible prudent cash buffer within the business. There is absolutely no need for more equity. If all goes well the rig would certainly drill 2 and probably 3 wells in succession at Cascadura and long lead items for production potentially ordered after the first well drilled, taking up to 6months to arrive etc. This would hope for significantly increased Cascadura production during 2024, possibly late summer. Note the 2-3 wells would most likely add to reserves and also move reserves up from 3P to 2P and 1P in a value enhancing manner.

They await license awards. A second well at COHO looks an attractive plan but nothing scheduled in."
28.04.2023 kl 18:48 9601

Hej Norge

d12m: Tusinde tak for en virkelig fin opdatering, det har været savnet en fornuftig forklaring på situationen.

Den bedste nyhed er alligevel alt snakken om Cassadura påkobling som næsten sikker i slut juni og efterfløgende fremdriften på Pad C, sommer 2024 når vi sikker 200 mmf gas om dagen --- da bliver der cahsflow fest

Kan savne nogle informative indlæg fra skribenter som har kontakt ind på de bonede gulve i TXP som dette indlæg bærer præg af -- der er jo ikke noget hemmeligt/insider information i ovenstående indlæg.
Hvorfor så meget hemmlighedskræmmeri omkring kontakter til ledelsen.

Tak til d12m som deler

29.04.2023 kl 06:57 9449

SørenE, problemet er at de høye herrer i Txp ikke lengre svarer på mail. De har latt det ansvaret gå til gutta/selskapet som nå styrer kommunikasjon. Dermed er den kanalen stort sett stengt. Noe småtteri er mulig å få tak i, men det meste av info må man få tak i fra folk på utsiden.
Det er mye tilgjengelig info, men det blir feil å spre info(rykter eller sann info) som ikke selskapet ønsker ut.

Når dette er sagt så bekreftes imidlertid i down fra artikkelen vedr. Cas C at det legges mye arbeid i å få Cas online.
10.05.2023 kl 10:03 8827

Domus prøver seg på en luring, ser jeg. Han oppdaterte aktivitetsliten sin igår med følgende

Uke 20 😉
10.05.2023 kl 11:47 8832

Bra spotta d12m
10.05.2023 kl 12:49 8794

Hej Norge

Bliver vel RigMove fra Royston uge 20 som Domus smily
Og spud Cas C. Uge 21 😵‍💫


12.05.2023 kl 14:30 8681

Ser ut som det skjer litt hos NGC. Sveising av rørledning neste uke :)
12.05.2023 kl 16:32 8677

First Quarter 2023 Financial and Operational Highlights

Produced quarterly average volumes of 2,139 boe/d, representing a 53 percent increase relative to the 1,396 boe/d produced in the prior year equivalent quarter and a 4 percent decrease compared to the fourth quarter of 2022.

Natural gas production from our Coho-1 well averaged net volumes of 5.1 MMcf/d (854 boe/d) in the quarter and contributed $976,000 of net natural gas sales at an average realized price of $2.12/Mcf.

Realized petroleum and natural gas sales of $8,476,000 compared to $10,496,000 in the 2022 comparative quarter, as the incremental $976,000 in net natural gas sales were offset by decreased crude oil sales of $2,996,000, reflecting a 22 percent decline in realized crude oil pricing and an 8 percent decrease in crude oil production.

Generated an operating netback of $3,652,000, representing a 23 percent decrease from the 2022 equivalent quarter primarily attributed to a 19 percent decline in petroleum and natural gas sales.

Reported funds flow from operations of $803,000 in the quarter compared to $691,000 in the preceding quarter and $1,443,000 in the prior year equivalent quarter.

Recognized a net loss of $279,000 ($0.00 per basic share) in the quarter compared to a net loss of $236,000 ($0.00 per basic share) reported in the same period of 2022.

$9,019,000 in quarterly capital investments primarily focused on expenditures directed to the drilling of the Royston-1X sidetrack well and progressing construction of the Cascadura natural gas and liquids facility.

Exited the quarter with a cash balance of $10,859,000, a working capital deficit of $4,383,000 and a principal balance of $25,500,000 remaining on our term credit facility, resulting in a net debt position of $23,883,000.

Natural gas and liquids facility construction operations on the Cascadura A surface location have progressed and we continue to target completion and commissioning for first production at Cascadura on or about June 30, 2023.

Construction of the Cascadura C surface location is complete, which will be the location of our first Cascadura development well.

The second production test of the Royston-1X well is expected to commence in late May 2023 once the service rig has moved onto the lease following the drilling rig being moved to the Cascadura C location.

(TMX News)
Redigert 12.05.2023 kl 16:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.05.2023 kl 22:57 8724

Mye spennende framover hvis de lykkes.
14.05.2023 kl 23:02 8720

Ja det var det. Er en grunn for at kursen ligger der den er pr i dag.
15.05.2023 kl 02:52 8664

Hej Norge

Domus forsætter sin luring --- nok en uge på ventelisten :-)

Bliver vel Rigmowe uge 20/21 og forhåbentligt spud Cas C uge 21/22 -- paden for Cas C ser ud til at være i god fremdrift.

Licens tildeling kører på overtid som alt andet i Trinidad -- Mye tid går med Steel Drums -- mye sjovere en Licens papirarbejde :-(

20.06.2023 kl 21:19 7419

En måned siden siste oppdatering - hva skjer med veien videre her?
21.06.2023 kl 13:18 7593

Gitt at man tror på nicket så er vel dette det nyeste jeg har lest

"I had a quick catch up with management this week. Firstly, Cascadura start up remains on schedule, expecting to start equipment testing circa June 16th and 10 days to 2 weeks to complete that. NGC pipeline is also on schedule and if anything might be ready just ahead of TXP equipment by a few days. All sign off/checking work has been running concurrently with appropriate staff on site to try and minimize days at the project end once all work is completed before final authority sign off. Secondly, Royston testing to start early next week, they have planned a series of tests at 20ft or 30ft perforation thicknesses each so as to minimize risk if any water is encountered. There will be several of these, firstly in the subthrust sheet expecting 2-3days for each section. Once completed in subthrust they will move up to the important intermediate level where again a series of several tests are expected to be made using 20ft and 30ft sections each time. Once complete, depending on results, they are hopeful to comingle and put onto medium term production testing. Thirdly, they are scheduling rig drilling start up early August for further Cascadura wells. Lastly they look forward to license awards whenever these are announced but have no clarity on timing here."
22.06.2023 kl 16:43 7800

Ikke så mye å si noe om. Jeg har sagt mitt om testing og at de første resultatene må/bør være kjent for selskapet. Imidlertid er det de som styrer newsflow, og der er de ikke gode nok slik jeg ser det.
Ellers ok å se at seeking alpha artikkelen «bekrefter» min august oppstart på boring.

Spennende dager framover mtp oppstart Cas. Klarer de sin egen timeline ???
23.06.2023 kl 22:55 7890

Noe på gang? 15% opp i Toronto.
30.06.2023 kl 10:54 7639

Oppstart Cascadura kommer nærmere for hver dag som går.
Noen som vil tippe aksjekurs ved utgangen av 2023?
30.06.2023 kl 13:14 7583

30.06.2023 kl 22:11 7667

Touchstone Announces Operational Update and Notification of Retail Investor Presentation
Today at 08:09 am

Touchstone Exploration Inc. ('Touchstone', 'we', 'our', 'us' or the 'Company') (TSX:TXP)(LSE:TXP) provides an update on the construction of the Cascadura facility and Royston-1X production testing, ahead of our Annual General Meeting which will be held today at 10:30 a.m. (MDT).

Touchstone has an 80 percent operating working interest in the Cascadura field and the Royston-1X well, which are located on the Ortoire block onshore in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Heritage Petroleum Company Limited holds the remaining 20 percent working interest.

Construction of the Cascadura natural gas and liquids facility is progressing. We are currently undertaking pre-commissioning of the facility, which consists of testing all electronics, alarms, operating systems, flare and emergency shutdown systems, as well as purging air from the system using inert nitrogen gas. In parallel with these operations, on or about July 8, 2023, we will remove the downhole safety plugs from the Cascadura-1ST1 and Cascadura Deep-1 wells and commence facility commissioning operations.

We have completed the second production test of the Royston-1X well, which included three zones targeting a gross interval of 80 feet in the middle portion of the subthrust sheet of the Herrera Formation at depths between 10,604 and 11,020 feet. Each zone produced light crude oil, with wellhead shut in pressure up to 2,450 pounds per square inch. Production flowed to the surface at non-commercial rates. This section of the formation appears to be a low permeability reservoir, and further testing will not be conducted. The next well test will target a gross interval of 106 feet within the intermediate sheet, which is the primary target of the well.

Virtual Webinar Event
President and Chief Executive Officer, Paul Baay, will be presenting at the Shares / AJ Bell investor webinar on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at 18:00 p.m. (BST). Following the presentations there will be a live question and answer session. Existing shareholders and potential investors can register to join the event for free via the following link: https://www.sharesmagazine.co.uk/events/event/shares-investor-webinar-0507.
Redigert 30.06.2023 kl 22:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.07.2023 kl 23:46 7181

Fin oppgang denne uken. Tipper det fortsetter videre opp neste uke. Bare å kose seg med kursen fremover og holde seg langt unna salgsknappen :)
08.07.2023 kl 11:47 7037

Skal øke ytterligere ved derisking på Royston og sitte stille til utbytter forhåpentligvis kommer igang om et par år. Mål på 2cad i år (ved +500 fat Royston og casca i gang) og 3,5 cad og oppover longterm basert på at de treffer noe mere i det store boreprogrammet de har.
09.07.2023 kl 09:06 6754

Da skal Cas åpnes i helga og gå online innen 1-2 uker.

Hva skjer med kursen??
09.07.2023 kl 20:37 6518

Gass og olje omsider på vei ut til markedet. Det sier seg vel selv hvordan kursen går.
10.07.2023 kl 07:36 6301

Hej Norge

Domus, spændende, i følge PB skulle propperne fjernes lørdag den 8. Juli, håber det holder.

Hvis kursen går samme vej som da Cohoo blev koblet på skal den syd over — denne gang er der jo tale om langt større mængder liuqids og gas og vil transformerer TXP fra dag 1 med Cassadura online😉 — 9000 Boe/d ved fuld knald med de 2 første brønde. Så forhåbentlig Nordover denne gang 🥳

Spændende med næste test af Royston 😮 har du nogen indikation om næste offentliggørelse og IM zonen.

Ved olie næste test på Royston og begge Cas brønde online skulle vi gerne se CAD$ 2 - 2,5 inden udgang af juli 😎

God sommer til tålmodige aktionærer i TXP

10.07.2023 kl 13:37 6074

Hva menes med spud ny brønn Cas C uke 3? i aktivitetslista?
Sto det ikke uke 32 der?
10.07.2023 kl 13:46 6064

Det menes vel en eller annen gang mellom uke 30 og 40 da, regner jeg med..
10.07.2023 kl 23:49 5703

Ørliten utsettelse virker det som. Pluggene tas i morgen eller onsdag og går online sannsynligvis neste uke.
11.07.2023 kl 07:38 5540

Fint arbejde Domus 😉

Har du en ide om offentliggørelse af IM zonen på Royston — er vel nært forestående ??

Jæims Bånn
12.07.2023 kl 22:08 5359

Det er vel lett for å bli "litt" utsettelser i TXP generelt og Trinidad spesielt..

MEN nå er vi sååå nær.
Cascadura online blir en ny tidsregning.
Det har vært ekstremt mye tull og ball.
Nå må det bli fart i sakene igjen.
Og da kan alt skje😉
12.07.2023 kl 23:13 5313

Har snakket med Domus og vi er enige. Jeg fikk skriftlig bekreftelse i går på at pluggende er tatt.
13.07.2023 kl 06:50 5189

Hej Norge

Hermann: fint arbejde og tak som deler 👍

Tænker vi er der hvor info om at åbne ventiler på Cassadurra falder sammen med opdate på Royston IM Zonen — eller måske bare min drøm 😀

Med Cas. Online er det helt nye tider vi går i møde 🤩

14.07.2023 kl 08:51 5010

Det har blitt nevnt within 10 days ref Cas online. Dette ble nevnt nå mandag. Mao torsdag til uka eller innen torsdag. Og… dette ble ansett som fortsatt gjeldende i går kveld.
Vedr. Roy vs Cas og hva som kommer først så er det vanskelig å si, men veddemålet ble satt på operasjonelle ting før MEEI og sign off, mao Roy før Cas.
14.07.2023 kl 09:18 5002

Hej Norge

Domus: fin info — håber det holder, der hejres med kursen 😕
TXP planlægger vel prominente folk fra nær og fjern iførte nationaldragter ved sermionel åbning af Cassadura Brønde med pølser og øl 🤩 — ala Cohoo åbning 😵‍💫

Spændende med Royston melding snart
Tak 👍

Spændende tider🤩

14.07.2023 kl 12:10 4892

Ser ut som at det hintes noe om landswap’en også. Er den på gang??