Styreleder og CEO kjøper aksjer

AKBM 20.09.2021 kl 17:08 877

Matts Johansen, CEO of Aker BioMarine ASA has through KMMN Invest II AS, a company controlled by Mr. Johansen, today purchased 75 000 shares in Aker BioMarine ASA at an average price of NOK 43.53 per share. Following the transaction, Mr. Johansen, directly and indirectly, controls 995 714 shares in Aker BioMarine ASA.

Ola Snøve, Chairman of Aker BioMarine ASA has through Storbrea AS, a company controlled by Mr. Snøve, today purchased 165 000 shares in Aker BioMarine ASA at an average price of NOK 43.51 per share. Following the transaction, Mr. Snøve, directly and indirectly, controls 350 000 shares in Aker BioMarine ASA.
20.09.2021 kl 18:49 821

Nok et aksjekjøp av en innsider i dag:

Webjørn Barstad, EVP Offshore of Aker BioMarine ASA has through Weba Invest AS, a company controlled by Mr. Barstad, today purchased 12 000 shares in Aker BioMarine ASA at an average price of NOK 42.75 per share. Following the transaction, Mr. Barstad, directly and indirectly, controls 12 000 shares in Aker BioMarine ASA.