SDSD 23.09.2021 kl 16:13 33524

Reference is made to the stock exchange releases as of 21 December 2021 and 14
January 2022 where the Company proposed to change the name to S.D. Standard ETC
Plc and the approval of the change of name by the shareholders of the Company.

The company has now received the new certificate of the change of the name by
the Cyprus Registrar of Companies.

The ticker of the Company will remain the same.

The Company's new website www.standard-etc.com will be publicly available within

Sakset fra Q3 rapport notification.
“After the quarter end, we disposed our ownership related to the VLCC Gustavia S, which increases our cash holding with USD 14.1 million. In addition, we have seen a substantial increase of our investment portfolio to USD 65 million, whereof gains year to date corresponds to USD 17 million, “Nes concludes


Selskapet sitter allerede med gevinster i Noble og Wfrd. Psv marked er godt i pluss Q3. Dagens kurs ligger under fair value!


Standard Drilling Plc (Standard Drilling,
OSE:SDSD) today announces a 1.1% ownership position in Weatherford International
plc (Weatherford), following the purchase of approximately 750,000 shares at an
average price of USD 14.1 per share in the second quarter of 2021.

Dagens kurs 23.09 17.45USD

14.10 2021

+1.79 (+7.44%)
At close: 4:00PM EDT

Redigert 18.02.2022 kl 16:38 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.11.2021 kl 08:35 7294

Tanker solgt og investeringer kommer på løpende bånd.

The investment portfolio has increased to USD 46 million per end of October 2021, including investment gains year to date of USD 14 million. The largest holding is Weatherford International, but the portfolio also includes investments within E&P, drilling and shipping sectors.

Standard Drilling hadde en verdijustert egenkapital på 90 millioner dollar ved utgangen av andre kvartal, der 50 millioner var bundet opp i eierandeler i tre store plattformforsyningsskip (PSV), åtte mindre supplyskip (OSV) og et råoljetankskip (VLCC).
Redigert 02.11.2021 kl 08:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.11.2021 kl 08:52 7265


Revenues of $945 million increased 5% sequentially driven by a 6% increase in service revenues

- Operating income totaled $71 million and adjusted EBITDA¹ totaled $179 million or 19% adjusted EBITDA margins

- Cash provided by operating activities of $114 million and free cash flow¹ of $111 million
02.11.2021 kl 23:36 7146

Ser det er endel forespørsler om å skrive på tråden, tenker vi beholder denne tråden kun til nyheter og tar smalltalk på andre SDSD tråder.

03.11.2021 kl 14:40 7013

7stk psver kom inn idag, nå er det tomt igjen. Braemar og Balmoral er på kontrakt til 14 og 15.11 rater ukjent.
03.11.2021 kl 15:02 6994

Tilbake på 100.mill gevinst.

+1.84 (+6.51%)As of 10:01AM EDT. Market open.
03.11.2021 kl 21:52 6910

+4.56 (+16.10%)
At close: 4:00PM EDT

Volume 1,087,318

Posisjonen er verd 209673750Nok
Redigert 03.11.2021 kl 21:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.11.2021 kl 14:11 6750

(Limassol, 4 November 2021) S.D. Standard Drilling Plc (Standard Drilling,
OSE:SDSD) today announces an updated presentation on Weatherford International

plc (Weatherford) following the Weatherford third quarter 2021 financial


Reference is made to the press release 27 June 2021 regarding SDSD's acquisition

of 750,000 shares in Weatherford, and the portfolio update 2 November 2021

confirming the Weatherford holding. Following the announcement of the third

quarter 2021 financial results by Weatherford, the Standard Drilling investment

team has updated the initial company presentation.

"Weatherford has made progress on many fronts since our initial company

presentation in June. Operationally, the EBITDA margins are set to improve with

nearly 300 basis point in the second half or 2021 vs. the first half of the year

to 16%. We expect the topline growth in 2022 to mirror the increases in E&P

budgets of approximately 20%. As pricing- and utilization improves, this will

result in margin incremental's of around 30%, leaving in our view an EBITDA

potential of USD 750 million in 2022 and USD 950 million in 2023. Financially,

Weatherford's bond refinancing has reduced interest cost with USD 70 million.

Current NIBD/ EBITDA now resembles that of the larger peers, creating room for

another USD 30 million in interest savings over the coming quarters", says Espen

Landmark Fjermestad, Head of Investments in Standard Drilling.

The full Standard Drilling Weatherford presentation is enclosed.

"Weatherford's balance sheet and leverage optics has severely impeded the

perceived equity upside post chapter 11. A strong free cash flow generation over

the coming quarters will allow the company to achieve a leverage ratio of 1x by

2023 that could trigger a higher valuation multiple. On our estimates

Weatherford trades at 5x and 4x 2022 and 2023 EBITDA with FCF yields of 15% and

21% respectively. By most metrics this represents a 50% discount to the larger

peers. As a result, we continue to see 3-4x equity potential in Weatherford as

the transformational shift in the company after the Chapter 11 continues",

Landmark Fjermestad concludes.

09.11.2021 kl 23:50 6486

Ny rekord Wfrd 33.76 +0.86 (+2.61%)
After hours: 04:14PM EST

Gevinst 125.mill til SD

Siste handelsdag imorgen før Q3 rapport 11.11

Siste rater Psv 20k GBP

Økte 200k aksjer idag, tilbud👍

10.11.2021 kl 13:35 6341

10.11.2021, 13:32 · Oslo Børs


Må ha kjøpt seg inn igjen i Noble.
Redigert 10.11.2021 kl 13:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.11.2021 kl 14:10 6293

De to riggselskapene har en samlet markedsverdi på nærmere 30 milliarder kroner, noe som ifølge Pareto Securities gjør det til det mest verdifulle i riggsektoren.
Redigert 10.11.2021 kl 14:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.11.2021 kl 16:26 6234

Dårlig valg å springe etter Noble når den var solgt, skulle fulgt min anbefaling på dobling i Wfrd for Noble cash da kursen var 17$. Vi har ikke tapt noe, men kunne sopet inn 100.mill til.
10.11.2021 kl 22:10 6122

SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Notifies Investors of an Investigation into the Fairness of the Merger of Noble Corporation with Maersk Drilling
Newsfile Corp.
Wed, November 10, 2021, 7:13 PM·2 min read


Blir nok bedre vilkår, glimrende kjøpsmuligheter idag.
11.11.2021 kl 07:51 5972


For alle som følger med så er urealisert gevinst noe som sender resultatene langt i pluss pr. dags dato. Som varslet ønsket man å ta ta verditap Q3, alt er i rute. Så får vi se om ikke verdier på psv stiger i et brennhett marked med rater på 20k GBP, skipene skal selges og cash kommer inn.
Redigert 11.11.2021 kl 08:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.11.2021 kl 08:18 5912

Viktigste del av hele rapporten: The value of the refocused investment portfolio has strengthened substantially after the end of the third quarter. “Standard Drilling continued the transitions towards our renewed focus on more diversified and liquid investments within the shipping and energy segments in the third quarter. We are gradually building up our investment portfolio, expanding the team of investment professionals and implementing the strategy with controlled risk. We have had a strong value development in the portfolio after the closing of the quarter and look forward to continue the implementation of our investment strategy, “ says Martin Nes, Chairman of the Board of S.D. Standard Drilling Plc.
11.11.2021 kl 08:52 5846

Viktigste med hele Q3 rapporten er notification

SE NOTIFICATION SDSD: THIRD QUARTER 2021 FINANCIAL RESULTS NOTE: THE COMPANY IS AN INVESTMENT ENTITY AND SHALL NOT CONSOLIDATE ITS SUBSIDIARIES. (Limassol, 11 November 2021) S.D. Standard Drilling Plc (Standard Drilling, OSE:SDSD) reported a net loss after tax of USD 2.7 million in the third quarter of 2021, up from negative USD 6.1 million in the same quarter last year, of which positive USD 0.5 million are related to the investment portfolio. The value of the refocused investment portfolio has strengthened substantially after the end of the third quarter. “Standard Drilling continued the transitions towards our renewed focus on more diversified and liquid investments within the shipping and energy segments in the third quarter. We are gradually building up our investment portfolio, expanding the team of investment professionals and implementing the strategy with controlled risk. We have had a strong value development in the portfolio after the closing of the quarter and look forward to continue the implementation of our investment strategy, “ says Martin Nes, Chairman of the Board of S.D. Standard Drilling Plc. Standard Drilling reported an operating loss of USD 2.7 million in the third quarter of 2021 (Q3 20: USD (6.1) million), which is the net effect on unrealized loss on revaluation of financial assets, Platform Supply Vessels (PSVs) and the Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) investments, of USD 3.1 million and positive USD 0.5 million are related to the investment portfolio. Standard Drilling is an investment entity and shall not consolidate its subsidiaries. Consequently, the company measures its investments in PSVs and VLCC based on fair value estimates from reputable independent valuers. Revenues and EBITDA from chartering out the vessels are not consolidated into, nor reflected in the financial statements. The investment portfolio are valued at market value. From operating the PSVs the group had an underlying positive adjusted EBITDA 1in the third quarter 2021 of USD 0.4 million (Q3 20 USD (0.9) million). The utilization of the large-sized PSV’s was 91 % in the quarter (Q3 20: 66%). During the quarter, Standard Drilling announced the sale of large size PSV Standard Olympus. In addition Northern Supply AS, where Standard has an ownership of 28%, sold the medium size PSV FS Bergen. At the end of the third quarter, Standard Drilling held shares in Weatherford International Plc and other investments for USD 22.2 million, classified as financial assets held for trading. “After the quarter end, we disposed our ownership related to the VLCC Gustavia S, which increases our cash holding with USD 14.1 million. In addition, we have seen a substantial increase of our investment portfolio to USD 65 million, whereof gains year to date corresponds to USD 17 million, “Nes concludes. ENDS For additional information, please contact: General Manager, Evangelia Panagide at +357 99 77 11 16 Chairman of the Board, Martin Nes at +47 92 01 48 14 Standard Drilling|www.standard-drilling.com 1Excluding non-recurring cost and dry dock, special survey, maintenance and repair

Veldig viktig å lese dette nøye og spesielt hvilke verdier selskapet besitter itillegg med psv flåten. Så kan dere regne selv på fair value 524.mil aksjer.

“After the quarter end, we disposed our ownership related to the VLCC Gustavia S, which increases our cash holding with USD 14.1 million. In addition, we have seen a substantial increase of our investment portfolio to USD 65 million, whereof gains year to date corresponds to USD 17 million, “Nes concludes
Redigert 11.11.2021 kl 12:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.11.2021 kl 14:11 5547

Opprettholder kjøpsanbefaling i denne aksjen, de som kjøpte seg inn 23.09 da jeg opprettet tråden sitter på gevinst enten i SD eller Wfrd.
Aksjen handles idag med god rabatt iforhold til verdier i selskapet ca.20% og er gjeldsfritt.
Med en portefølje på rundt 60Musd er det store muligheter for god avkastning frem i tid, dobling av portefølje gir NAV på ca. 2,6.
Pr nå er det gode tider i Psv segmentet og det er positiv cashflow. Gustavia var den som dro ut cash og er nå solgt.Longbet i denne!
12.11.2021 kl 22:06 5440

Psv rater 15k GBP, Standard Supplier kommer inn imorgen og er først på listen 1060 deck. Balmoral inn 14., Braemar inn 15., Kristiansand inn 15. Frem til 17 kommer det til å være 16stk ledige, er det rett ut igjen er markedet virkelig friskmeldt!

Comeback US
+1.95 (+6.57%)

+1.09 (+4.24%)
At close: 4:00PM EST

Har vi 200.mill i hver så var det over 20.mill opp igjen, hvor kjøper du SD aksjer i helgen?

Redigert 12.11.2021 kl 22:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.11.2021 kl 01:24 5347

Noble Corporation plc – Consensus Indicates Potential 36.9% Upside

Noble Corporation plc found using ticker (NE) have now 3 analysts covering the stock with the consensus suggesting a rating of ‘Buy’.



30% oppgang på porteføljen gir NAV ca1, 9
Redigert 13.11.2021 kl 01:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.11.2021 kl 00:57 5105

Standard Supplier gikk rett ut igjen på kontrakt til 19.11, ser ikke bort fra at Q4 ender med over 95% drift.
16.11.2021 kl 08:36 4766

Full trykk for psv markedet, det som kommer inn er fortsatt rett ut igjen. Siste kjente rate 15k GBP, millioner renner inn i kassen.

FS Balmoral kontrakt til 31.12 med perenco.
Redigert 16.11.2021 kl 08:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.11.2021 kl 14:30 4672

Weatherford Awarded Over $1 Billion in Downhole Completion and Liner Hanger Contracts by Abu Dhabi National Oil Company


32.00 +1.43 (+4.68%)
Pre-Market: 08:13AM EST

Har doblet min posisjon siste tiden.
Redigert 16.11.2021 kl 14:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.11.2021 kl 00:06 4557

FS Kristiansand kontrakt ut året.
18.11.2021 kl 10:04 4265

Supply duties, 14 days firm + D/D 28

To uker med nedgang oljepris på fallende lagertall, dette er motsatt. Biden tømmer egne lager og ønsker billig drivstoff, oljeprisen skal opp igjen!
18.11.2021 kl 19:58 4200

Rate for Braemar 12k GBP, dette er en 742deck og oppdrag til 5.12 + d/d 28. Supplier 1060 deck, kommer inn imorgen og siste kjente rate for edda frende 910 deck 16500GBP.

Redigert 18.11.2021 kl 19:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.11.2021 kl 08:18 4092

Ser ut til at Supplier har fått forlenget kontrakt med BP da skipet seiler mot Clair Ridge platform, det var noen som mente psv var dødt på høsten og bommet grovt. Fortsetter dette i vinter har selskapet svært gode inntekter, resten av året er spikret nå.

Redigert 19.11.2021 kl 08:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.11.2021 kl 12:32 3932

Supplier forlenger kontrakt med BP til 24.11

22.11.2021 kl 19:58 3740

Supplier forlenget kontrakt til 30.11, dette var svært gunstig da det kommer mange psver inn 24. Pengestrømmen inn er stabil nå, det er kun manglende interesse som halter aksjekursen.

23.11.2021 kl 08:24 3604

Sale of Standard Princess
(Limassol, 23 November 2021) S.D. Standard Drilling Plc. (Standard Drilling,
OSE: SDSD) has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement to sell the vessel

Standard Princess for USD 10.3 million. The proceeds from the vessel and any

07.12.2021 kl 18:28 3491

Det lastes opp av største aksjonærer, økning fra forrige aksjonærliste: Spetalen 1,9.mill aksjer og Espen Westeren ca1,5.mill aksjer

147,918,109 28.4% FERNCLIFF LISTED DAI AS Norway

22500000 4.29% TITAN VENTURE AS Norway
Redigert 07.12.2021 kl 18:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.02.2022 kl 15:06 2823

Åpner tråden for seriøs debatt under korrekt navn på selskap.

Redigert 04.02.2022 kl 15:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.02.2022 kl 15:45 2811

Flying start på wfrd bra volum

+1.91 (+6.05%)As of 09:43AM EST. Market open.

Posisjon på 750k gir 130.mill avkastning.
04.02.2022 kl 22:12 2722

Svak dag US oljerelatert, men NE og Wfrd sto sterkt gjennom dagen. Tror vi får et race mot Q4 rapporter, Standard henger etter pga liten interesse basert på usikkerhet rundt posisjoner. Sier som tidligere, hold på aksjene, sleeper kommer!

+1.17 (+3.71%)
At close: 04:00PM EST

+1.42 (+5.55%)
At close: 03:59PM EST
27.00 +0.01 (+0.04%)
After hours: 04:00PM EST

Redigert 04.02.2022 kl 22:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.02.2022 kl 19:08 2695

Nå blir det mer action.

Saudi-Arabia jekker opp prisen
Saudi-Arabia skrur opp oljeprisen for levering til kunder i Asia, USA og Europa. Beslutningen kommer få dager etter at OPEC+ besluttet å øke produksjonen fra og med mars.

09.02.2022 kl 17:36 2463

Ser svært lovende ut mtp på våre investeringer, som forventet gikk det rett i vasken med Bidens tullette oljedumping tidligere.
Oljelagrene i USA faller
I løpet av forrige uke falt oljelagrene i USA med 4,8 millioner fat.
Bare et tidsspørsmål når olja bikker 100$, billigsalget fortsetter med filleposter...

Får vi en real opptur idag eller konker US på slutten som vanlig?

+1.39 (+4.41%)As of 11:37AM EST. Market open.

Redigert 09.02.2022 kl 17:39 Du må logge inn for å svare