BerGenBio Nyheter

BGBIO 01.10.2021 kl 16:48 528393

PhD : Rolf A. Brekken

Flink forsker som også har trua på BerGenBio…


Bergen, Norway, 01 October 2021 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE:BGBIO), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, selective AXL kinase inhibitors for severe unmet medical need, is pleased to announce that it will deliver an e-poster presentation at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) 36th Annual Meeting, taking place online from 10-14 November 2021.

Abstract titles have been announced online at the SITC website. Details of the presentation are below.

Title: AXL targeting with bemcentinb restores PD-1 blockade sensitivity of STK11/LKB1 mutant NSCLC through innate immune cell mediated expansion of TCF1+ CD8 T cells

Author: Rolf A. Brekken

Redigert 17.01.2022 kl 08:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.04.2022 kl 08:49 10869

Hvor lenge har selskapet igjen her på Oslo børs? Venter oppkjøp med mine aksjer.
AXL a promising target to treat life-threatening diseases!!!!!!!
25.04.2022 kl 08:31 10796

Ser meget lovende ut. Kan bli en viktig del av behandlingen mot flere varianter…
25.04.2022 kl 07:45 10775

Fasten Seat Belts …. 👍

07:00 25.04.2022

Bergen, Norway, 25 April 2022 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE: BGBIO), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, selective AXL inhibitors for severe unmet medical needs, announces that it is presenting data today from its Phase IIa bemcentinib COVID-19 clinical trial (BCBC020) in a poster presentation at the 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), being held both online and in-person in Lisbon, Portugal, from April 23-26, 2022.

The poster presentation will share findings from the Company’s Phase IIa open label study of 115 patients evaluating bemcentinib in combination with Standard of Care (SoC) compared to a SoC control arm in the treatment of moderate to severe COVID-19 patients, immediately after hospital admission (BGBC020).

Clinical data from the study show that bemcentinib treatment (up to 14 days) confers early and sustained protection, limiting clinical deterioration in patients. Bemcentinib treated patients were discharged earlier from the hospital, required less supplementary oxygen and demonstrated a significant reduction in the need for intubation or ventilation.

Biomarker analysis demonstrates that treatment with bemcentinib reduced markers of acute inflammation and profibrotic cytokines, and increased expression of protective factors. These changes were more pronounced in patients with more serious disease, determined by high C-Reactive Protein (CRP) rates, high neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (N/L) ratio or increased oxygen usage.

Preclinical data is also being presented from in vitro studies in lung epithelial cells on bemcentinib’s activity on variants of concern. These data suggest that bemcentinib inhibits infection of multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants, including Omicron, building on previous preclinical research from the Company.

Martin Olin, CEO of BerGenBio, commented: “The data we are presenting at ECCMID today further demonstrates the effectiveness of bemcentinib as a treatment for severe respiratory infections such as COVID-19. We have been pleased to see bemcentinib’s impact on reducing disease deterioration in patients. In addition, we’re encouraged to see that bemcentinib exerts a broad anti-inflammatory and pro-repair effect on blood biomarkers. We look forward to the initiation of the EUSolidAct platform trial which will further assess bemcentinib in hospitalised COVID-19 patients.”

Details of today’s poster presentation are as follows:

Abstract: 04778: Bemcentinib modulation of inflammatory, fibrotic and tissue repair pathways correspond with favourable clinical outcomes in hospitalised COVID-19 patients demonstrating higher severity cues: a biomarker perspective

Session Name: 12c. Clinical features, case management, outcome (incl long-term): programme no. L0383

Time, Location: Monday, 25th April 2022, 12:00pm - 13:00pm (WEST)
Redigert 25.04.2022 kl 07:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.04.2022 kl 07:35 11042

Viktig poeng du kommer med her i første avsnitt, Forum forum. Bemcentintinib skal tas sent i sykdomsforløp
Forum forum
22.04.2022 kl 07:08 11093

Ja, men dette er jo en kjent behandling som allerede er beregnet i BergenBio analyse av behovet for en etterbehandling.
Denne må tas ila 3-5 dager etter smitte.

Jeg er vel så spent på Bemcentinib mot influensa. Tilbakemeldingene nå er at årets vaksine ikke gir god beskyttelse for svake og utsatte grupper.
13.04.2022 kl 23:59 11691

Same short shit criminals - new wrapping …


13.04.2022 kl 10:09 11903

Robothandler og meglere herjer igjen....
Arrowstreet siste shortbet sørger for å holde den igjen. En får heller nyte påsken, holde på aksjene og vente på gode nyheter som vil komme.
11.04.2022 kl 10:34 7168

Dette minner sterkt om utviklingen som dro Photocure fra 40.- til 150.- Nesten som en blåkopi vil jeg si, og jeg var med hele veien.
11.04.2022 kl 09:40 7282

Veldig fokus på AXL for ny CMO. Er det hun som skal bringe bem over mållinja og få med BP til fase 3?!
11.04.2022 kl 07:20 7261

Mer enn en ansettelse …

BerGenBio is stepping up their game 👍
Redigert 11.04.2022 kl 08:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
Yzf R1
11.04.2022 kl 07:13 7272

Ein ansettelse , jaja det kom ein melding det ska du ha 😂
11.04.2022 kl 07:08 6827

klaesp skrev Spennende 👍
Melding! 🤓
11.04.2022 kl 07:07 6652

klaesp skrev Spennende 👍

Hanni Gabra’s etterfølger er klar :
En utnevnelse som blir lagt merke til…

BerGenBio strengthens its leadership team with appointment of Cristina Oliva as Chief Medical Officer

Bergen, Norway, 11 April 2022 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE:BGBIO), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, selective AXL inhibitors for severe unmet medical needs, today announces the appointment of Cristina Oliva, MD as Chief Medical Officer (CMO), effective 25 April 2022. Cristina joins the senior leadership team heading up clinical development of BerGenBio’s selective AXL inhibitor programs.

Cristina is a Board-certified oncologist and brings over 20 years of senior clinical development experience across large pharmaceutical, biotechnology and Clinical Research Organizations (CROs). Most recently Cristina was Vice President, Oncology and Head of Oncology Centre of Excellence at IQVIA Ltd, where she led the development of decentralized trials and established and led the IQVIA Oncology Global Scientific Advisory Board. Prior to her role at IQVIA, Cristina held senior positions leading oncology development programs for Nordic Nanovector, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline and Eli Lilly.

Martin Olin, Chief Executive Officer of BerGenBio, commented: “I’m delighted to welcome Cristina as our new Chief Medical Officer. Cristina’s leadership experience within oncology drug development across big pharma, biotech and CRO environments will be instrumental in executing BerGenBio’s development strategy for our AXL inhibitor programs, including our most advanced program bemcentinib, currently in phase II trials.”

On her appointment as Chief Medical Officer at BerGenBio, Cristina Oliva, MD, commented: “BerGenBio is on the frontier of developing novel, highly selective AXL inhibitors for the treatment of severe diseases such as oncology and respiratory infections. I’m very excited to join BerGenBio at this critical phase and look forward to working with the senior leadership team to help further advance its AXL inhibitor programs.”


For BerGenBio: Martin Olin CEO, BerGenBio ASA
Redigert 11.04.2022 kl 07:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.04.2022 kl 20:01 6877

Spennende 👍
10.04.2022 kl 19:35 6880

Kun 12 timer igjen!
Vent og se!
Redigert 10.04.2022 kl 19:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.04.2022 kl 19:04 6831

HVORFOR akkurat i morgen, og ikke tirsdag?
10.04.2022 kl 16:29 6928

Rykter om melding i morgen!
07.04.2022 kl 14:08 7448


Bergen, Norway – 7 April 2022 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE: BGBIO), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, selective AXL inhibitors for severe unmet medical needs, announces that the Board of Directors today approved the 2021 Annual Financial Statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

The Annual Report for 2021 and ESEF file are attached to this release and are also available on BerGenBio ASA's website

05.04.2022 kl 22:58 8039

Hyggelig å endelig se grønne tall på investeringen i BGBIO. Riktignok bare 5% ,men den kan fort bli 50% før sommeren
05.04.2022 kl 10:15 8315

👍… 21.20 blir også et viktig trendbrudd for tekniske tradere…

Arrowstreet spør nok etter større BGBIO poster hos meglerne i London nå,- iflg velinformerte kilder hos JPM…

SUM 531 662 0,59%
Redigert 05.04.2022 kl 10:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.04.2022 kl 21:00 8529

Faen! Har short pakket begynt å dekke inn ?
Noe i emning? Kan det bli god stemning ?
Forum forum
31.03.2022 kl 12:35 10197

Det meste som skriver rundt Covid om dagen er at dette ikke er over. Effekten etter Covidsmitte er grusom, og fortsatt er mye ukjent. I dagens aviser ser man at det er skrevet at man ikke vet om det er omikron eller delta varianter som kommer til høsten. De antar at befolkningen har høyere motstand mot omikron. Det er en vill spekulasjon gitt at man ser at det er store andeler av smittede som både har trippel dose og dobbel + første type omikron. Mange rapporterer også at de blir vesentlig fysisk svekket en god stund etter dose 3. Derfor vil motstanden mot nye doser øke i befolkningen og man må finne løsninger som bemcentinib for å hjelpe folk som er syke.
31.03.2022 kl 11:37 10292

En gledens dag for BerGenBio optimister.

Biden warns Congress that U.S. won't have enough Covid vaccines without more aid

President Joe Biden said the U.S. has enough vaccine supply to ensure people ages 50 and older can get their fourth doses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cleared fourth shots for these people Tuesday.
However, Biden said the U.S. will not have enough supply to guarantee free access to vaccines for all Americans in the fall.
The president also unveiled a new government website,, where Americans can find out where they can obtain masks, tests, vaccines and treatments.

Usa mangel på vaksiner gjør det mulig for BerGenBio å ta innersvingen på alle de store farmasøytiske produsentene av Covid-19 vaksiner.

Bare vent å se når de små en dags pillene distribueres i milliarder til en brøk del av prisen på Covid vaksiner.

Intet behov for personell
intet behov for fryselager

En Bemcentinib pille om dagen er nok - svelg og slipp alvorlige symptomer.

Helt Genialt
Helt BerGenBio

30.03.2022 kl 19:32 10643

«Vi snakkes på seksti-kroner» Blir borte en stund du da?
30.03.2022 kl 15:14 10704

Meglerne til Trond Mohn som styrer kursen med manipulasjons transaksjoner mellom seg må snart gi opp.
Det kommer snart en stor kjøper som ønsker seg mange aksjer når FDA gir sitt grønne lys om fase III. Kanskje før Generalforsamling…

Det mangler innkalling med agenda - kanskje må aksjonær avtalen korrigeres før oppkjøps tilbudet fremsettes… ?

God Påske !

Vi snakkes på seksti-kroner …
25.03.2022 kl 00:42 11724

kommer den ikke til at dumpe igen...? kan ikke lige se værdien af nyheden. stadig laang vej. Indikationer om efficacy... okay..
24.03.2022 kl 23:22 11814

Er fortsatt i tap, men har trua. Kjøpte meir på 16 og 17.
24.03.2022 kl 22:11 11953

Fine vibber i denne pt👍Spennende fremover
24.03.2022 kl 13:20 12451

Shorten reduseres.......?
Det stokkes i shortposisjonen.
Arrowstreet Capital, Limited Partnership
0.69 % 12.20 M -0.18 M 19.08 NOK -0.44 M
Sum: 0.69 %
Redigert 24.03.2022 kl 13:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.03.2022 kl 10:15 12772

13,80 vs 19,70
+ 42% 🤣💦

Snakkes NOK på 60 ….
Redigert 23.03.2022 kl 10:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.03.2022 kl 10:53 13109

Timing is everything…
+35,5% just saying…

8. mars 2022 13,80 NOK
22.mars 2022 18,70 NOK
22.03.2022 kl 10:45 13133

Betyr lite eller ingenting - aksjonærene betaler for 25.000 aksjer uansett pris.

Når han får dem for 2500kr stykke,- ler vi alle sammen på veien til banken.

Uansett synd at han ikke fikk kjøpt noen ekstra aksjer på 13,80 NOK - slik jeg gjorde….
Redigert 22.03.2022 kl 10:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
Forum forum
22.03.2022 kl 08:55 13181

Hva skjedde med styreformannens aksjekjøp?
Er han fortsatt i en innsideposisjon?
Redigert 22.03.2022 kl 08:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.03.2022 kl 23:20 13973

Spennende nyheter fra BerGenBio’s samarbeids-partner.

Merck's Keytruda reduced risk of recurrence or death by 24% in early lung cancer patients.

Spencer Kimball
Merck’s monoclonal antibody therapy Keytruda reduced the risk of early stage lung cancer returning or death by 24% in patients who had undergone surgery, according to clinical trial data.
The 200-milligram shots are administered once every three weeks for a total of 18 injections over the course of a year.
Keytruda helps activate the body’s immune system to fight cancer. It’s FDA approved as a therapy for numerous other cancer types.
Merck plans to submit the data on early stage lung cancer to the FDA as soon as possible.

Merck’s antibody therapy for early stage lung cancer patients who have previously undergone surgery to have tumors removed reduced the risk of the disease returning again or the patient dying by 24%, according to clinical trial data released Thursday.

Keytruda is a monoclonal antibody treatment that helps activate the body’s immune system to fight off non-small cell lung cancer, the most common form of the disease. The 200-milligram shots are administered once every three weeks for a total of 18 injections over the course of a year.

Merck’s head of global clinical development, Dr. Roy Baynes, described the reduced risk of the cancer returning as significant and clinically meaningful. Baynes also expects Keytruda to improve patients’ overall survival rate, though he said the data is not mature enough yet to draw a definitive conclusion in that regard.

“When you treat a tumor early, it takes quite a long time for bad outcomes to translate into death,” Baynes said. “So the trial is too immature at this point to comment on overall survival, although we would say that the overall survival is directionally favorable at this time.”

The clinical trial for early stage lung cancer patients post-surgery evaluated more than 1,000 people randomized into two groups, 590 who received the treatment and 587 who received a placebo. Patients who received Keytruda were disease for more than four years at the median, about a year longer than those in the placebo group. The trial included patients who received chemotherapy and those who hadn’t.

Merck plans to submit the data to the Food and Drug Administration as quickly as possible, spokesperson Melissa Moody said. The approval process can take eight to 12 months, according to Baynes. Keytruda was first approved by the FDA in 2014 to treat melanoma and has become a blockbuster drug for Merck that is now used to treat numerous other types of cancer.

Baynes said significant progress has been made in treating lung cancer with immune therapy. He noted that in the case of metastatic lung cancer, where the disease has advanced to other areas of the body, Keytruda in combination with chemo has improved the five-year survival rate to 40%. Typically, the survival rate is only 5%.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death globally with more than 1.7 million people succumbing to the disease in 2020, according to the World Health Organization. People diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer normally undergo surgery to remove the tumors if the disease is caught at an early stage. After surgery, patients undergo either observation or receive chemotherapy. Risk factors include a history of smoking and asbestos exposure among others.

However, half of all patients with early stage non-small cell lung cancer have the disease return within five years after removing the tumors and most of them see the cancer return in two years, according to Dr. Mary O’Brien, a co-principal investigator in the trial and an oncologist at Royal Marsden Hospital in London. Patients live with the constant fear and anxiety that the cancer will return, she said.

Keytruda stops cancer cells from shutting down the body’s defense system. Cancer cells have a protein that binds to a receptor on T cells, which tricks them into not going on the attack. The Keytruda monoclonal antibody binds to this receptor instead, foiling the cancer’s trick and allowing the immune system to fight the disease.

Baynes said the drug is generally well tolerated, though there are side effects associated with the immune system kicking into gear. The most common complication is thyroid toxicity, which occurs when the thyroid releases too much hormone into the body. In more serious but rare cases, patients can develop pneumonitis, an inflammation of the lung tissue, he said. Thyroid toxicity is treated with antithyroid medication and pneumonitis with steroids.

Merck’s Keytruda sales totaled $17.2 billion in 2021 or about 35% of the company’s $48.7 billion in total revenue for the year. CEO Rob Davis told investors on Merck’s fourth-quarter earnings call that using Keytruda to prevent cancer from returning in patients is a major area of future growth for the company.

While the cancer immune therapy is a major area of clinical research, the FDA has only approved one treatment so far to prevent lung cancer from returning in patents who have undergone surgery. The agency approved Tecentriq, made by Genentech, last October.

17.03.2022 kl 18:36 14265

Det er bra det rusler oppover. 😃
17.03.2022 kl 15:22 14510

Det tygges og gnages, neste motstand 22kr...
17.03.2022 kl 08:20 14857

Da blir det vel et kraftig nedsalg og fall på 7-8% slik som er vanlig når BGBIO kommer med positive nyheter.
17.03.2022 kl 08:15 14892

Raskt levert i morges kl 07.44 fra Finansavisen:

"Torsdag har det blitt publisert en peer-reviewed artikkel som identifiserer AXL-hemmere som en kritisk målrettet driver for immunsuppresjon i STK11/LKB1-mutert ikke-småcellet lungekreft (NSCLC), opplyses det i en melding.

Mutasjoner i STK11/LKB1 i ikke-småcellet lungekreft forekommer hos omtrent 20 prosent av pasientene og er assosiert med dårlige prognoser og begrenset respons på immunkontrollpunktblokade.

Systemisk hemming av AXL med bemcentinib gjenopprettet terapeutisk respons på immunsjekkpunktblokkadebehandl ing, viste resultater observert i mus. Artikkelen oppsummerer også kliniske data hos NSCLC-pasienter med identifiserte STK11/LKB1-mutasjoner som mottar bemcentinib og blokkering av immunsjekkpunkt, som demonstrerte objektiv klinisk respons på kombinasjonsbehandling."
17.03.2022 kl 08:13 14908


Bergen, Norway, 17 March 2022 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE: BGBIO), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, selective AXL kinase inhibitors for severe unmet medical needs, is pleased to announce that CEO Martin Olin will be presenting at the Carnegie Virtual Nordic Healthcare Seminar taking place today at 15:15 CET.

The presentation will be made available on the Company’s website in the Investors section shortly after the presentation.

17.03.2022 kl 08:05 14970

Most likely Phase III start 2022… 👍


The article identifies the key role of AXL inhibition in restoring response to immune checkpoint blockade therapy in lung cancer with mutations in the STK11/LKB1 gene

Bergen, Norway – 17 March 2022 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE: BGBIO), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, selective AXL inhibitors for severe unmet medical needs, today announces the publication of a peer-reviewed article entitled “AXL targeting restores PD-1 blockade sensitivity of STK11/LKB1 mutant NSCLC through expansion of TCF1+ CD8+ T cells” in the journal Cell Reports Medicine.

The article reports on research that identifies AXL as a critical targetable driver of immune suppression in STK11/LKB1 mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Mutations in STK11/LKB1 in NSCLC occur in approximately 20% of patients and are associated with poor outcomes and limited response to immune checkpoint blockade, commonly utilized treatments for lung cancer.,c3526655

Redigert 17.03.2022 kl 08:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.03.2022 kl 08:38 14969

«BerGenBio er på Ballen»
Bemcentinib blir nok den neste og foretrukne medisinen mot den nye «Stealth Omikron varianten» som herjer i verden:
Redigert 16.03.2022 kl 09:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.03.2022 kl 18:17 9111

Vi er på halvparten av emisjonskurs for 2 år siden. Litt av et tog.