BerGenBio Nyheter

BGBIO 01.10.2021 kl 16:48 507885

PhD : Rolf A. Brekken

Flink forsker som også har trua på BerGenBio…


Bergen, Norway, 01 October 2021 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE:BGBIO), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, selective AXL kinase inhibitors for severe unmet medical need, is pleased to announce that it will deliver an e-poster presentation at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) 36th Annual Meeting, taking place online from 10-14 November 2021.

Abstract titles have been announced online at the SITC website. Details of the presentation are below.

Title: AXL targeting with bemcentinb restores PD-1 blockade sensitivity of STK11/LKB1 mutant NSCLC through innate immune cell mediated expansion of TCF1+ CD8 T cells

Author: Rolf A. Brekken

Redigert 17.01.2022 kl 08:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.07.2022 kl 11:28 13235

Når er neste oppdatering fra ledelsen…
Nå må Dansken få ut finger’n…
10.07.2022 kl 22:19 12885

Han får nok ut fingeren ganske snart. Er temmelig sikker på st BerGenBio kommer med en oppdateringen til uken. Kan gå mye denne aksjen fremover.
10.07.2022 kl 22:51 12880

Hvorfor er du "temmelig sikker" på at de kommer med noe denne uken?
10.07.2022 kl 23:09 12901

Tipper han håper på start av solidact som ikke er alt for langt unna.
11.07.2022 kl 07:12 12816

Ja, det er nok neste oppdatering 👍
11.07.2022 kl 12:21 12586

Er temmelig sikker fordi BerGenBio ofte kommer med «sommernyheter». Ellers stiger aksjen pent i dag, så får vi se om dette er tilfeldigheter eller starten på en reprising.
11.07.2022 kl 13:22 12602

Opp over 7% nå og høyt oppe på vinnerlisten på Oslo Børs.
12.07.2022 kl 14:49 12231

Her er det ikke mange aksjer for salg … nedgangen ble styrt av få - oppgangen blir likeledes - voldsom og brutal …. Når den også kommer sammen med gode nyheter blir det All Time High ( ATH ) ,-,før man vet ordet av det….
12.07.2022 kl 19:14 12171

Tror nok ikke vi ser ATH innen den nærmeste fremtid, og BerGenBio må levere varene for at det skal skje. Så lenge Trond Mohn sitter som stor aksjonær, er det imidlertid ingen grunn til å være pessimistisk. Det tekniske bildet indikerer at aksjen er klar for en korreksjon opp, så ville ikke blitt stående igjen på perrongen når BerGenBio-toget starter på reprisingen.
12.07.2022 kl 19:24 12342

Flax med inngangen,satser på det vedvarer fremover 👍
13.07.2022 kl 12:58 12035

Der har vært tidligere ATH på meget tynnere grunnlag enn i dag. Så hvorfor ikke en ny ATH?
14.07.2022 kl 08:17 11755

Og hva hjelper det?
Å være sist ut med et produkt der konkurrenter har tatt markedet for lengst.
14.07.2022 kl 08:34 11752

Ser ikke helt at konkurrentene har 'tatt' markedet. Vaksine er ikke svaret isåfall..
Utdyp gjerne
14.07.2022 kl 09:12 12005

Er selvsagt plass til mange flere gode hjelpemidler mot covid. Blir dette godkjent er det enorme muligheter..
14.07.2022 kl 10:50 12020

Nå må de for guds skyld slutte å spenne mer penger på covid bålet…. Toget er gått for lengst
14.07.2022 kl 11:16 11975

Det er vel en grunn for at de ikke har gitt opp Covid satsingen - og den grunnen er vel at de tror at det kan bli noe av ??
Savner info./status fra BGBIO når det gjelder Covid sporet.
Dette har de brukt mye tid og penger på.
14.07.2022 kl 17:32 11786

Hvorfor er ikke dette formildet som en nyhet fra ledelsen ? Eller er det ikke en nyhet ?
14.07.2022 kl 17:58 11855

Det er vel bare til testing det er godkjent. Når kan vi vente oss noen nyheter fra selskapet, ved 2 q?
14.07.2022 kl 23:13 11675

Det blir behov for mer enn testing ….

Verdens fattigste barn trenger Bemcentinib :


EMBARGOED until 00.01 am GMT 15 July 2022
COVID-19 pandemic fuels largest continued backslide in vaccinations in three decades

WHO and UNICEF sound the alarm as new data shows global vaccination coverage continued to decline in 2021, with 25 million infants missing out on lifesaving vaccines

GENEVA/NEW YORK,15 July 2022 – The largest sustained decline in childhood vaccinations in approximately 30 years has been recorded in official data published today by WHO and UNICEF.
The percentage of children who received three doses of the vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP3) – a marker for immunization coverage within and across countries – fell 5 percentage points between 2019 and 2021 to 81 per cent.
As a result, 25 million children missed out on one or more doses of DTP through routine immunization services in 2021 alone. This is 2 million more than those who missed out in 2020 and 6 million more than in 2019, highlighting the growing number of children at risk from devastating but preventable diseases. The decline was due to many factors including an increased number of children living in conflict and fragile settings where immunization access is often challenging, increased misinformation and COVID-19 related issues such as service and supply chain disruptions, resource diversion to response efforts, and containment measures that limited immunization service access and availability.
“This is a red alert for child health. We are witnessing the largest sustained drop in childhood immunization in a generation. The consequences will be measured in lives,” said Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director. “While a pandemic hangover was expected last year as a result of COVID-19 disruptions and lockdowns, what we are seeing now is a continued decline. COVID-19 is not an excuse. We need immunization catch-ups for the missing millions or we will inevitably witness more outbreaks, more sick children and greater pressure on already strained health systems.”

Redigert 14.07.2022 kl 23:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.07.2022 kl 23:17 11713

For dem av dere som har interesse av hele e-posten :

18 million of the 25 million children did not receive a single dose of DTP during the year, the vast majority of whom live in low- and middle-income countries, with India, Nigeria, Indonesia, Ethiopia and the Philippines recording the highest numbers. Among countries[1] with the largest relative increases in the number of children who did not receive a single vaccine between 2019 and 2021 are Myanmar and Mozambique.
Globally, over a quarter of the coverage of HPV vaccines that was achieved in 2019 has been lost. This has grave consequences for the health of women and girls, as global coverage of the first dose of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is only 15%, despite the first vaccines being licensed over 15 years ago.
It was hoped that 2021 would be a year of recovery during which strained immunization programmes would rebuild and the cohort of children missed in 2020 would be caught-up. Instead, DTP3 coverage was set back to its lowest level since 2008 which, along with declines in coverage for other basic vaccines, pushed the world off-track to meet global goals, including the immunization indicator for the Sustainable Development Goals.
This historic backsliding in rates of immunization is happening against a backdrop of rapidly rising rates of severe acute malnutrition. A malnourished child already has weakened immunity and missed vaccinations can mean common childhood illnesses quickly become lethal to them. The convergence of a hunger crisis with a growing immunization gap threatens to create the conditions for a child survival crisis.
Vaccine coverage dropped in every region, with the East Asia and Pacific region recording the steepest reversal in DTP3 coverage, falling nine percentage points in just two years.
“Planning and tackling COVID-19 should also go hand-in-hand with vaccinating for killer diseases like measles, pneumonia and diarrhea,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “It’s not a question of either/or, it’s possible to do both”.
Some countries notably held off declines. Uganda maintained high levels of coverage in routine immunization programmes, whilst rolling out a targeted COVID-19 vaccination programme to protect priority populations, including health workers. Similarly, Pakistan returned to pre-pandemic levels of coverage thanks to high-level government commitment and significant catch-up immunization efforts. To achieve this in the midst of a pandemic, when healthcare systems and health workers were under significant strain, should be applauded.
Monumental efforts will be required to reach universal levels of coverage and to prevent outbreaks. Inadequate coverage levels have already resulted in avoidable outbreaks of measles and polio in the past 12 months, underscoring the vital role of immunization in keeping children, adolescents, adults, and societies healthy.
First dose measles coverage dropped to 81 per cent in 2021, also the lowest level since 2008. This meant 24.7 million children missed their first measles dose in 2021, 5.3 million more than in 2019. A further 14.7 million did not receive their needed second dose. Similarly, compared to 2019, 6.7 million more children missed the third dose of polio vaccine and 3.5 million missed the first dose of the HPV vaccine- which protects girls against cervical cancer later in life.
The sharp two-year decline follows almost a decade of stalled progress, underscoring the need to not only address pandemic-related disruptions but also systemic immunization challenges to ensure every child and adolescent is reached.
WHO and UNICEF are working with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and other partners to deliver the global Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030), a strategy for all countries and relevant global partners to achieve set goals on preventing diseases through immunization and delivering vaccines to everyone, everywhere, at every age.
“It’s heart-breaking to see more children losing out on protection from preventable diseases for a second year in a row. The priority of the Alliance must be to help countries to maintain, restore and strengthen routine immunization alongside executing ambitious COVID-19 vaccination plans, not just through vaccines but also tailored structural support for the health systems that will administer them,” said Dr Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
The IA2030 partners call on governments and relevant actors to:
· Intensify efforts for catch-up vaccination to address backsliding on routine immunization, and expand outreach services in underserved areas to reach missed children and implement campaigns to prevent outbreaks;
· Implement evidence-based, people-centred, and tailored strategies to build trust in vaccines and immunization, counter misinformation and increase vaccine uptake particularly among vulnerable communities;
· Ensure current pandemic preparedness and response and the global health architecture strengthening efforts lead to investment in primary health care (PHC) services, with explicit support to strengthen and sustain essential immunization;
· Ensure political commitment from national governments and increase domestic resource allocation to strengthen and sustain immunization within PHC;
· Prioritize health information and disease surveillance systems strengthening to provide the data and monitoring needed for programmes to have maximum impact; and
· Leverage and increase investment in research to develop and improve new and existing vaccines and immunization services that can achieve community needs and deliver on IA2030 goals.
[1] Of countries with at least 10,000 zero-dose children in 2021
Notes for editors:
Please note – some links will not be available until the embargo lifts
Access the UNICEF dataset (data will be updated to reflect the new WUENIC release once embargo lifts): Overview page, Full datasets, Data visualisation, Country profiles
Access the WHO dataset (data will be updated to reflect the new WUENIC release once embargo lifts): Global dashboard, Full datasets, information page
Download content: WHO photo gallery and social media content, immunization page, coverage fact sheet and WUENIC Q&A, UNICEF multimedia and immunization page
Read the Guiding Principles for recovering, building resiliency, and strengthening of immunization in 2022 and beyond here
About the data
Based on country-reported data, the official WHO and UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage (WUENIC) provide the world’s largest and most comprehensive data-set on immunization trends for vaccinations against 13 diseases given through regular health systems - normally at clinics, community centres, outreach services, or health worker visits. For 2021, data were provided from 177 countries.
About WHO
Dedicated to the well-being of all people and guided by science, the World Health Organization leads and champions global efforts to give everyone, everywhere an equal chance at a safe and healthy life. We are the UN agency for health that connects nations, partners and people on the front lines in 150+ locations – leading the world’s response to health emergencies, preventing disease, addressing the root causes of health issues and expanding access to medicines and health care. Our mission is to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable.
For more information about WHO and its work, visit:
Follow WHO on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, Snapchat, and YouTube

UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. Across more than 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, to build a better world for everyone. For more information about UNICEF and its work, visit:
Follow UNICEF on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
About Immunization Agenda 2030:
The Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) is an ambitious global strategy to maximize the lifesaving impact of vaccines -one of the most successful and cost-effective public health interventions of all time. IA2030 aims to reduce by half the number of children who still miss out on essential vaccines, achieve 500 introductions of new or under-used vaccines in low- and middle-income countries, and achieve 90 per cent coverage for key life-saving vaccines. Achieving these goals would avert over 50 million deaths and help build healthcare systems that can withstand the impact of pandemics and deliver rapid vaccination response. The strategy was endorsed by all countries through the 73rd World Health Assembly and is a commitment of IA2030 partners comprised of UN agencies, global health initiatives (such as Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, the Measles & Rubella Initiative), non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, faith-based organizations and academia. For more information on IA2030 partners, please visit the partners commitment page.

For more information, please contact:

Tess Ingram, UNICEF New York, Tel: +1 347 593 2593,
WHO Media,

15.07.2022 kl 10:58 11466

Da har du bare dagen i dag igjen. Hvor ble det av sommer nyhetene ?
15.07.2022 kl 14:11 11371

Nå gikk jeg på en ny smell og kjøpte ett par lodd.. kunne sikkert satt fyr på pengene istedet…
16.07.2022 kl 12:40 11161

De kommer nok, så her er det bare å fylle opp med billige aksjer👌😊
Redigert 16.07.2022 kl 12:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.07.2022 kl 14:36 10740

Ja, Covid-19 kommer vi til å måtte leve med lenge. Det kommer stadig nye mutasjoner, og vaksinebehovet er enormt. BerGenBio har her mye spennende på gang, selv om det er kreftbehandling som er selskapet sin core business. Jeg tror de vil lykkes begge steder👌😊
18.07.2022 kl 12:19 10307

Stiger pent nå på økende volum. Tror det er all mulig grunn til å følge nøye med på BerGenBio de kommende dager og uker.
Redigert 18.07.2022 kl 12:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.07.2022 kl 11:16 9894

Covid kommet for å bli...BGBIO kommer til å bli en god investering på disse nivå.
19.07.2022 kl 11:33 9918

Det er helt korrekt, og BerGenBio er favoritten min fremover. Reprisingen har allerede startet👌
19.07.2022 kl 12:03 9854

No gikk jeg på en ny smell og lastet opp med ytterligere lodd.. Djeeze
19.07.2022 kl 12:48 9819

De bør vel snart ha noe å selge. Det er inntekter som vil gi en skikkelig reprising
19.07.2022 kl 14:06 9768

+6 % opp hver dag fremover …blir penger av slik når algoritmene og styreleder har bestemt seg.
På tide å offentliggjøre info som flere sannsynligvis kjøper BGBIO aksjer på.

+6,75% 13,13 NOK idag !

…31,31 NOK før 30.09.2022…
Redigert 19.07.2022 kl 16:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.07.2022 kl 10:41 8391

Apekopper - dersom dette også blir testet med Bemcentinib ser jeg frem til en enda mer spennende fremtid som BerGenBio aksjonær. Noe er på gang - merkelig omsetning de siste dagene - hovedaksjonærer hamstrer forsiktig i all hemmelighet. Aksjonær-registeret manipuleres som vanlig,- ser det ut til.
Redigert 26.07.2022 kl 10:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.07.2022 kl 10:42 7142

Er Bemcentinib og Gemcitabine det samme ?
31.07.2022 kl 11:20 7072

Nei, det er to forskjellige stoffer med forskjellige virkningsmekansismer.
31.07.2022 kl 11:30 7375

Nei - det er ikke det samme. Slik jeg forstår denne behandlingen ser Bemcentinib ut til å forbedre effekten av Gemcitabine som behandling mot flere forskjellige kreft sykdommer.

Hvilke inntekter BerGenBio har fra lisensen som er kjøpt av ADC Therapeutics er uvisst, men selskapet har nå en Market Cap på 569 mill USD. Selskapets aksje kurs har falt fra 45 USD til 7,41 USD på drøyt 2 år.

Gemcitabine, with brand names including Gemzar,[1] is a chemotherapy medication.[2] It treats cancers including testicular cancer,[3] breast cancer, ovarian cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, and bladder cancer.[2][4]

Redigert 31.07.2022 kl 11:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
31.07.2022 kl 16:31 7490

Nå har du i to poster skrevet at dette er bemcentinib. Hvordan i alle dager er det mulig å være så sløv?

ADCT-601 er ikke bemcentinib. Informasjonen om dette kommer tydelig frem i pressemeldingen du lenker til, og er også lett tilgjengelig på BerGenBio sine hjemmesider:
Redigert 31.07.2022 kl 16:35 Du må logge inn for å svare