PGS and Mit-PFN Energy Co Announce
PGS is pleased to announce that the Company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Mit-PFN Energy Co. (“MPE”, a joint venture between Mitsui and Preferred Networks Inc.) to jointly develop and commercialize Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven solutions to image subsurface structures.
Analysis of subsurface images is required across the energy sector including oil and gas, carbon capture and storage, as well as areas in the renewable energy sector, such as geothermal energy and offshore wind power.
Under this agreement, PGS will contribute seismic data from the Company’s global MultiClient data library along with technical expertise, whilst MPE will lead the AI algorithmic development to be constructed within a modern, scalable compute infrastructure. The collaboration aims to significantly reduce turnaround time needed to generate images of subsurface structures whilst improving accuracy. It is the intention to apply the developed technology into clean energy businesses, contributing to the global effort to reduce carbon emission.
Mr. Artem Lytkin, Vice President, New Energy Business Development of PGS, says:
“PGS New Energy aims to accelerate energy transition by helping energy companies to effectively deal with subsurface risks as they execute on their energy transition goals. PGS has a long tradition of serving the industry as a top-tier provider of high-quality geophysical measurements and interpretation services. We are pleased to announce our collaboration with Mitsui, a leading provider of digital solutions. Together we seek to develop and deploy artificial intelligence methods to further strengthen our data processing and interpretation workflows.”
Mr. Yasuchika Maruyama, General Manager, E&P Division, Energy Business Unit I of Mitsui says:
"Mitsui has identified the innovation and application of new digital technologies as a key area that will create new business opportunities and improve productivity across the group. This collaboration between MPE and PGS is aligned with our digital strategy and will help to transform and grow our business model. We now look forward to working with PGS, and combining our respective areas of expertise, to apply the power of digital technology to help create a more sustainable energy industry to the benefit of society. "
PGS is pleased to announce that the Company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Mit-PFN Energy Co. (“MPE”, a joint venture between Mitsui and Preferred Networks Inc.) to jointly develop and commercialize Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven solutions to image subsurface structures.
Analysis of subsurface images is required across the energy sector including oil and gas, carbon capture and storage, as well as areas in the renewable energy sector, such as geothermal energy and offshore wind power.
Under this agreement, PGS will contribute seismic data from the Company’s global MultiClient data library along with technical expertise, whilst MPE will lead the AI algorithmic development to be constructed within a modern, scalable compute infrastructure. The collaboration aims to significantly reduce turnaround time needed to generate images of subsurface structures whilst improving accuracy. It is the intention to apply the developed technology into clean energy businesses, contributing to the global effort to reduce carbon emission.
Mr. Artem Lytkin, Vice President, New Energy Business Development of PGS, says:
“PGS New Energy aims to accelerate energy transition by helping energy companies to effectively deal with subsurface risks as they execute on their energy transition goals. PGS has a long tradition of serving the industry as a top-tier provider of high-quality geophysical measurements and interpretation services. We are pleased to announce our collaboration with Mitsui, a leading provider of digital solutions. Together we seek to develop and deploy artificial intelligence methods to further strengthen our data processing and interpretation workflows.”
Mr. Yasuchika Maruyama, General Manager, E&P Division, Energy Business Unit I of Mitsui says:
"Mitsui has identified the innovation and application of new digital technologies as a key area that will create new business opportunities and improve productivity across the group. This collaboration between MPE and PGS is aligned with our digital strategy and will help to transform and grow our business model. We now look forward to working with PGS, and combining our respective areas of expertise, to apply the power of digital technology to help create a more sustainable energy industry to the benefit of society. "
26.10.2021 kl 09:37
Hvorfor benytter de ikke anledningen med å informere på News Web med så viktig informasjon?
26.10.2021 kl 09:45
Fordi det ikke er kurssensitiv informasjon! Det er forresten ingenting i denne aksjen, ihvertfall ikke i positiv forstand
Det er en umulighet og bekjempe de store penge sterke institusjonene. Kursen blir presset nedover for inndekning av short.
26.10.2021 kl 09:50
Er vel ledelsen nexst som melder pass nå om de ikke hoster opp noe konstruktivt.
PGS er snart priset som SBX med en relativ håndterbar gjeld.
Snøre henger i sene salg her åpenbart, og da må de f... meg klare å melde de ut !!
PGS er snart priset som SBX med en relativ håndterbar gjeld.
Snøre henger i sene salg her åpenbart, og da må de f... meg klare å melde de ut !!
26.10.2021 kl 10:03
Oljealderen er over, hvem gidder å overta 10-12 mrd i gjeld ?
Redigert 26.10.2021 kl 10:04
Du må logge inn for å svare
26.10.2021 kl 10:06
jeg var i Borr noen mnd fra juni til september, ser samme mønsteret her i PGS, kursen i Borr ble presset ned til 5,25 , så begynt short inndekningen opp til ca 6 kr. så gikk kursen fra 6 til 10 kr på to tre uker. samme som sannsynligvis skjer nå en forberedelse på short inndekning , såg short prosenten gikk ned igår en god del .
frustrerende og sitte og se på dette men vi mindr aksjonærer får bare holde ut og pine oss gjennom dette. er jo indikert hva som kommer i 2022 og 2023 så vi skal nok få betalt for og lide oss gjennom dette , jeg fikk ihvertfall godt betalt i BORR for samme lidelsen
frustrerende og sitte og se på dette men vi mindr aksjonærer får bare holde ut og pine oss gjennom dette. er jo indikert hva som kommer i 2022 og 2023 så vi skal nok få betalt for og lide oss gjennom dette , jeg fikk ihvertfall godt betalt i BORR for samme lidelsen
26.10.2021 kl 10:13
Verden er knapt begynt med oljealderen . Biblioteket til PGS vil snart bli verdsatt 3-4 ganger pga farlige ekstremist politikere som skaper underbalanse av stabil energi med sine fantasi prosjekter. Se på god fornybar energi som ett supplement og ett potensiale for utvikling. En utvikling som vil ta mangfoldige ti år før det har noe effekt.
Det Letes og Pumpes Olje & GASS I :
Mellom Amerika
Sør Amerika
North Sea
Absolutt ingen verken kan eller vil slutte med å fange denne enormt stabile Energien.
En kan ikke sitte i Teslaen sin i Norge på andres bekostning å fantasere seg bort , alt stort sett betalt med Olje og Gass inntekter.
Det Letes og Pumpes Olje & GASS I :
Mellom Amerika
Sør Amerika
North Sea
Absolutt ingen verken kan eller vil slutte med å fange denne enormt stabile Energien.
En kan ikke sitte i Teslaen sin i Norge på andres bekostning å fantasere seg bort , alt stort sett betalt med Olje og Gass inntekter.
Redigert 26.10.2021 kl 10:21
Du må logge inn for å svare
26.10.2021 kl 10:15
Eng, og det er veldig lite volum på slike unormale fall i kurs, det er det sikreste tegne på hva som åpenbart vil skje fremover. Tålmodighet som gjelder.
26.10.2021 kl 10:58
There is no money connected or reflected by this news, so its irrelevant to the market until it become matrilized and evaluated by money.