President Biden Announces the Build Back Better Framework
President Biden Announces the Build Back Better Framework
Specifically, the Build Back Better framework will:
Deliver substantial consumer rebates and ensure middle class families save money as they shift to clean energy and electrification. The consumer rebates and credits included in the Build Back Better framework will save the average American family hundreds of dollars per year in energy costs. These measures include enhancement and expansion of existing home energy and efficiency tax credits, as well as the creation of a new, electrification-focused rebate program. The framework will cut the cost of installing rooftop solar for a home by around 30 percent, shortening the payback period by around 5 years; and the framework’s electric vehicle tax credit will lower the cost of an electric vehicle that is made in America with American materials and union labor by $12,500 for a middle-class family. In addition, the framework will help rural communities tap into the clean energy opportunity through targeted grants and loans through the Department of Agriculture.
Ensure clean energy technology – from wind turbine blades to solar panels to electric cars – will be built in the United States with American made steel and other materials, creating hundreds of thousands of good jobs here at home. The Build Back Better legislation will target incentives to grow domestic supply chains in solar, wind, and other critical industries in communities on the frontlines of the energy transition. In addition, the framework will boost the competitiveness of existing industries, like steel, cement, and aluminum, through grants, loans, tax credits, and procurement to drive capital investment in the decarbonization and revitalization of American manufacturing.
Advance environmental justice through a new Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator that will invest in projects around the country, while delivering 40% of the benefits of investment to disadvantaged communities, as part of the President’s Justice40 initiative. The framework will also fund port electrification; facilitate the deployment of cleaner transit, buses, and trucks; and support critical community capacity building, including grants to environmental justice communities. In addition, the framework will create a new Civilian Climate Corps – with over 300,000 members that look like America. This diverse new workforce will conserve our public lands, bolster community resilience, and address the changing climate, all while putting good-paying union jobs within reach for more Americans.
OCTOBER 28, 2021
[Showing the text of H.R. 5376, as reported by the Committee]
OCTOBER 29, 2021
SIDE 1320 -> SIDE 1321
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
SIDE 1561 -> SIDE 1562
‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—
‘‘(1) ALLOWANCE OF CREDIT.—For purposes of section 38, the advanced manufacturing production credit for any taxable year is an amount equal to the sum of the credit amounts determined under sub13 section (b) with respect to each eligible component which is— ‘
‘(A) produced by such taxpayer, and
‘‘(B) during the taxable year, sold by the taxpayer to an unrelated person. ‘‘
(2) PRODUCTION AND SALE MUST BE IN TRADE OR BUSINESS.—Any eligible component pro20 duced and sold by the taxpayer shall be taken into account only if the production and sale described in paragraph (1) is in a trade or business of the tax23 payer. ‘‘(3) UNRELATED PERSON.—For purposes of this subsection, a taxpayer shall be treated as selling components to an unrelated person if such compo nent is sold to such person by a person related to the taxpayer.
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (3), the amount determined under this subsection with respect to any eligible component, including any eli gible component it incorporates, shall be equal to—
‘‘(C) in the case of solar grade polysilicon, $3 per kilogram,
Preliminary Estimates Show Build Back Better Legislation Will Reduce Deficits
NOVEMBER 4, 2021
The Build Back Better Act invests meaningfully in American families and workers, while laying the foundation for meeting imperative climate goals. When the President released the Build Back Better framework last week, he proposed $2 trillion in savings that would more than pay for the critical investments in the legislation – and in fact generate net deficit reduction. With the release of the text of the Build Back Better Act in the House and scoring from the Joint Committee on Taxation, we can update the estimate of fiscal savings.
The legislation would, as the President proposed, generate more than $2 trillion in savings. These savings come from ensuring large multinational corporations and wealthy Americans pay their fair share and reducing the cost of prescription drugs. These provisions will not raise taxes on any taxpayer making less than $400,000.
The table below includes the latest estimates by the Joint Committee on Taxation, Congressional Budget Office, and the Treasury Department of the revenue raising and savings provisions in the bill. The bottom line is that the Build Back Better Act under consideration in the House of Representatives will be fully paid for and reduce the deficit.
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title I, Committee on Agriculture, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 15, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title II, Committee on Education and Labor, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 17, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title III, Committee on Energy and Commerce, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title IV, Committee on Financial Services, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 15, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title IV, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title V, Committee on Homeland Security, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VI, Committee on the Judiciary, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VII, Committee on Natural Resources, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 17, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VIII, Committee on Oversight and Reform, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 12, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VIII, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title IX, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title X, Committee on Small Business, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title X, Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XI, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 12, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XI, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XII, Committee on Veterans Affairs, H.R. 5376, Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XIII, Committee on Ways and Means, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
Specifically, the Build Back Better framework will:
Deliver substantial consumer rebates and ensure middle class families save money as they shift to clean energy and electrification. The consumer rebates and credits included in the Build Back Better framework will save the average American family hundreds of dollars per year in energy costs. These measures include enhancement and expansion of existing home energy and efficiency tax credits, as well as the creation of a new, electrification-focused rebate program. The framework will cut the cost of installing rooftop solar for a home by around 30 percent, shortening the payback period by around 5 years; and the framework’s electric vehicle tax credit will lower the cost of an electric vehicle that is made in America with American materials and union labor by $12,500 for a middle-class family. In addition, the framework will help rural communities tap into the clean energy opportunity through targeted grants and loans through the Department of Agriculture.
Ensure clean energy technology – from wind turbine blades to solar panels to electric cars – will be built in the United States with American made steel and other materials, creating hundreds of thousands of good jobs here at home. The Build Back Better legislation will target incentives to grow domestic supply chains in solar, wind, and other critical industries in communities on the frontlines of the energy transition. In addition, the framework will boost the competitiveness of existing industries, like steel, cement, and aluminum, through grants, loans, tax credits, and procurement to drive capital investment in the decarbonization and revitalization of American manufacturing.
Advance environmental justice through a new Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator that will invest in projects around the country, while delivering 40% of the benefits of investment to disadvantaged communities, as part of the President’s Justice40 initiative. The framework will also fund port electrification; facilitate the deployment of cleaner transit, buses, and trucks; and support critical community capacity building, including grants to environmental justice communities. In addition, the framework will create a new Civilian Climate Corps – with over 300,000 members that look like America. This diverse new workforce will conserve our public lands, bolster community resilience, and address the changing climate, all while putting good-paying union jobs within reach for more Americans.
OCTOBER 28, 2021
[Showing the text of H.R. 5376, as reported by the Committee]
OCTOBER 29, 2021
SIDE 1320 -> SIDE 1321
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
SIDE 1561 -> SIDE 1562
‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—
‘‘(1) ALLOWANCE OF CREDIT.—For purposes of section 38, the advanced manufacturing production credit for any taxable year is an amount equal to the sum of the credit amounts determined under sub13 section (b) with respect to each eligible component which is— ‘
‘(A) produced by such taxpayer, and
‘‘(B) during the taxable year, sold by the taxpayer to an unrelated person. ‘‘
(2) PRODUCTION AND SALE MUST BE IN TRADE OR BUSINESS.—Any eligible component pro20 duced and sold by the taxpayer shall be taken into account only if the production and sale described in paragraph (1) is in a trade or business of the tax23 payer. ‘‘(3) UNRELATED PERSON.—For purposes of this subsection, a taxpayer shall be treated as selling components to an unrelated person if such compo nent is sold to such person by a person related to the taxpayer.
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (3), the amount determined under this subsection with respect to any eligible component, including any eli gible component it incorporates, shall be equal to—
‘‘(C) in the case of solar grade polysilicon, $3 per kilogram,
Preliminary Estimates Show Build Back Better Legislation Will Reduce Deficits
NOVEMBER 4, 2021
The Build Back Better Act invests meaningfully in American families and workers, while laying the foundation for meeting imperative climate goals. When the President released the Build Back Better framework last week, he proposed $2 trillion in savings that would more than pay for the critical investments in the legislation – and in fact generate net deficit reduction. With the release of the text of the Build Back Better Act in the House and scoring from the Joint Committee on Taxation, we can update the estimate of fiscal savings.
The legislation would, as the President proposed, generate more than $2 trillion in savings. These savings come from ensuring large multinational corporations and wealthy Americans pay their fair share and reducing the cost of prescription drugs. These provisions will not raise taxes on any taxpayer making less than $400,000.
The table below includes the latest estimates by the Joint Committee on Taxation, Congressional Budget Office, and the Treasury Department of the revenue raising and savings provisions in the bill. The bottom line is that the Build Back Better Act under consideration in the House of Representatives will be fully paid for and reduce the deficit.
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title I, Committee on Agriculture, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 15, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title II, Committee on Education and Labor, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 17, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title III, Committee on Energy and Commerce, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
NOVEMBER 15, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title IV, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title V, Committee on Homeland Security, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VI, Committee on the Judiciary, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VII, Committee on Natural Resources, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 17, 2021
NOVEMBER 12, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VIII, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title IX, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title X, Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
NOVEMBER 12, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XI, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XII, Committee on Veterans Affairs, H.R. 5376, Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XIII, Committee on Ways and Means, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
Redigert 09.12.2021 kl 20:27
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Helt greit det, men tror du er litt for optimist:-))
Helt greit det, men tror du er litt for optimist:-))
Redigert 31.10.2021 kl 10:57
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31.10.2021 kl 11:00
Altfor mange kortsiktige som jublende vil ta gevinst på 18, 19 kroner mistenker jeg. Men håper vi passerer 20 allerede denne uka.
31.10.2021 kl 11:00
Tror dere virkelig at ledelsen vil melde noe som helst før AKH har lastet ferdig? Regner med at de ønsker mer enn 24,7% som de har nå. De må vel minst ha 34% for å någenlunde ha full kontroll?
Vil ikke det skje ved en senere anledning når selskapet henter nye penger, ved event oppstart, rettet mot nye store investorer og Akh .
Hadde Akh hatt planer om å øke ville de vel allerede gribbet til seg, men kanskje sitter de i en posisjon der de ikke kan handle nå.
Hadde Akh hatt planer om å øke ville de vel allerede gribbet til seg, men kanskje sitter de i en posisjon der de ikke kan handle nå.
Redigert 31.10.2021 kl 11:10
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31.10.2021 kl 11:26
Det er mulig de sitter med inside info. Styret består jo av Røkke folk. De melder kanskje emisjon og nye avtaler samtidig ved oppstart av ML og evt utbygging? Kanskje RECSI går i samarbeid med Narvik fabrikken også? Mye spennende som skjer framover.
Sitter de på innside info, så må vel denne meldes før de kan utløse emi? Litt usikker, men var vel slik det ble gjort i fjor, da avtalene med G14 og VP ble meldt? Var før min tid i selskapet, mennkjekt om noen mer "erfarne" recere kan utdype her😀 Men enig, for min del hadde det vært betryggende om AKH hadde tatt nye 10% eierandeler for å sikre eierskapet på norske hender. Med synergi effekten fra resten av Aker, så kan dette bli megabra i fremtiden.
Aker har jo frigjort midler ved salg av Ocean Yield og en god slump aksjer i ACC. Har vel noen milliarder i krigskassen og noe blir vel brukt i Narvik.
Detbhar de, men de blir ikke bare "gitt" til REC🙂 Hvis REC kommer til å se noe til disse pengene, blir det gjennom EMI. Aker skal ha noe igjen for dem, og det er økt eierandel og fremtidig utbytte.
31.10.2021 kl 12:06
Der kommer ikke en EMI i RECSI.
Det er ikke en selvbetjenings butik, hvor man ( de største aktionærer ) , bar kan vælge at tage en større del af virksomheden.
Det er strafbart og kan give fængsel straf.
Gemmer de på nyheder, holder intern møder i hemmelighed med de større aktionærer m.m. er det dårlig ledelses stil og også ulovligt.
Tvivler dog ikke på de kommer med nyhed i år om åbning af fabrik, heldigvis har RECSI en solid penge kasse til opstart og evt. udvidelse,
det har ledelsens slået fast før.
Håber på kurs tilbage til kurs 200, i løbet af 2022,
meget kommer til at ske og nu ser det ud til USA går aktivt ind for produktion i USA med støtte kroner ,måske USA få lukket kinesernes hul , med del produktion i andre lande.
Strong buy
Det er ikke en selvbetjenings butik, hvor man ( de største aktionærer ) , bar kan vælge at tage en større del af virksomheden.
Det er strafbart og kan give fængsel straf.
Gemmer de på nyheder, holder intern møder i hemmelighed med de større aktionærer m.m. er det dårlig ledelses stil og også ulovligt.
Tvivler dog ikke på de kommer med nyhed i år om åbning af fabrik, heldigvis har RECSI en solid penge kasse til opstart og evt. udvidelse,
det har ledelsens slået fast før.
Håber på kurs tilbage til kurs 200, i løbet af 2022,
meget kommer til at ske og nu ser det ud til USA går aktivt ind for produktion i USA med støtte kroner ,måske USA få lukket kinesernes hul , med del produktion i andre lande.
Strong buy
31.10.2021 kl 12:21
Hadde vært storfornøyd med 18 i løpet av uka, for min del. Blir en spennende uke!
Du fremstår så sinnsykt useriøs når du håper på kurs 200kr i 2022. Uten å nevne noe som helst om hvordan det skal skje. Haha
Det er ganske vanskelig å sette en topp på hva RECsi vil være verdt om noen år.
Man kan regne seg fram til hva ML vil kunne tjene basert på produksjon og salg, med pris som x - faktor. Det samme gjelder Butte.
Det er vanskeligere å sette en pris på RECsi sitt teknologifortrinn, med FBR. Skulle solar og batteri ta helt av i USA - og deres teknologi bli det «alle» vil satse på - da kan det bli svært hyggelig for RECsi.
Jeg sier ikke at det skjer, men det er en mulighet som i tilfelle kan sende RECsi til gamle høyder og høyere…
Jeg har ingen aksjer til salgs //
Man kan regne seg fram til hva ML vil kunne tjene basert på produksjon og salg, med pris som x - faktor. Det samme gjelder Butte.
Det er vanskeligere å sette en pris på RECsi sitt teknologifortrinn, med FBR. Skulle solar og batteri ta helt av i USA - og deres teknologi bli det «alle» vil satse på - da kan det bli svært hyggelig for RECsi.
Jeg sier ikke at det skjer, men det er en mulighet som i tilfelle kan sende RECsi til gamle høyder og høyere…
Jeg har ingen aksjer til salgs //
Redigert 31.10.2021 kl 12:51
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31.10.2021 kl 12:56
Fyfaen sett dere inn i ting, det er ikke Aker som eier i rec, det er Aker Horizon som må klare seg med det de har av midler og ikke mere så enkelt er den saken. Når det kommer til det at folk hele tiden sier de skal ha mere aksjer, plus en her som slengte ut at han ønsket at de skulle øke med 10 prosent for da ville ha følt seg trygg. Nå skal dere får vite noe, ved engang en eier av en aksje på bør kjøper seg forbi 33,33% så utløser det budplikt, det vil altså si at Horizon må by på hele selskapet.
Slutt med synsingen, det blir for dumt spes når det kommer til Røkke og at de skal ha flere aksjer. Går fint an å synse som om du kan basere det på noe, trekke linjer mellom ting som skjer.
Det var alt for meg
Slutt med synsingen, det blir for dumt spes når det kommer til Røkke og at de skal ha flere aksjer. Går fint an å synse som om du kan basere det på noe, trekke linjer mellom ting som skjer.
Det var alt for meg
31.10.2021 kl 12:58
Skjønner ikke helt spørsmålstegnene her: SKULLE sol og batteri ta helt av i USA, skriver du. Når reconcilliationpakken er vedtatt så er det jo
vedtatt at bransjen tar av? Ikke bare får innenlands produksjon i alle deler av kjeden støtte i form av tilskudd og skattefritak, men kjøp av innenlands
produkter fremfor importerte, støttes også, hvis jeg har skjønt det riktig. Med de fundamentale endringene som blir besluttet VIL sol og batteri ta helt av.
Om Rec sin teknologi vil satses på fremfor andres vet jeg ikke nok om. Men det at de både er mer energiøkonomiske enn mange andre, og produserer med vannkraft, vil jo uten tvil være et konkurransefortrinn.
vedtatt at bransjen tar av? Ikke bare får innenlands produksjon i alle deler av kjeden støtte i form av tilskudd og skattefritak, men kjøp av innenlands
produkter fremfor importerte, støttes også, hvis jeg har skjønt det riktig. Med de fundamentale endringene som blir besluttet VIL sol og batteri ta helt av.
Om Rec sin teknologi vil satses på fremfor andres vet jeg ikke nok om. Men det at de både er mer energiøkonomiske enn mange andre, og produserer med vannkraft, vil jo uten tvil være et konkurransefortrinn.
Redigert 31.10.2021 kl 12:58
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… jeg tror og det skal ta av. Og vi får en god pekepinn når pakken skal stemmes over på tirsdag.
31.10.2021 kl 14:27
Det skal bli interessant å se om spillet er over og politikerne faktisk er klare til rellee endringer i forhold til denne pakken
Det vil bli reelle endringer, det kan jeg gå god for. Verden er nødt til å endres. Kina begynte for lengst. Dette vil være Biden sin legacy. Vi har allerede tatt store steg, det at vi nærmer oss så nærme sluttfasene i forhandlingene. Om det blir avgjort på tirsdag eller noen uker senere er nok ikke så viktig. Forhandlinger vil pågå. Politikere vil sutre. Dette er ren politikk og en naturlig del av prosessen. Det vil bli enighet til slutt. Jeg påstår også at det vil komme flere grønne pakker i fremtiden. Dette er bare begynnelsen.
Grønt er fremtiden og REC sine fremtids prospekter er helt enorme. Nå gjenstår det bare å høre fra selskapet selv snart, slik at vi kan vite hvilken visjon Røkke har for fremtiden til REC. Jeg tror at det er snakk om langt større ting enn at ML kun skal gjenåpnes hvis vi tenker langsiktig, men en steg om gangen.
Grønt er fremtiden og REC sine fremtids prospekter er helt enorme. Nå gjenstår det bare å høre fra selskapet selv snart, slik at vi kan vite hvilken visjon Røkke har for fremtiden til REC. Jeg tror at det er snakk om langt større ting enn at ML kun skal gjenåpnes hvis vi tenker langsiktig, men en steg om gangen.
01.11.2021 kl 06:52
Godmorgen alle, håber i har haft en god weekend :)
FACT SHEET: President Biden Renews U.S. Leadership on World Stage at U.N. Climate Conference (COP26)
NOVEMBER 1, 2021
President Announces New Actions to Tackle Climate Change, Tap Economic Opportunity, and Tout Ambition of Collective Global Efforts
On day one in office, President Joe Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement, restored U.S. leadership on the world stage, and reestablished our position to tackle the climate crisis at home and abroad. On day one at the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), President Biden will outline the bold steps his Administration is taking in his whole-of-government approach to combat climate change, underscore how bold action delivers economic prosperity and peace and security, and rally countries from every corner of the world to step up their ambition and confront this existential threat during a decisive decade.
President Biden believes this is not a challenge for future generations, but one all countries must confront today – with urgent, bold, and direct action. Heading into COP26, President Biden announced the Build Back Better Framework – the largest effort to combat climate change in American history alongside his Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal that the President is confident can pass both chambers of Congress and be signed into law. The Build Back Better Framework will cut greenhouse gas pollution by well over one gigaton in 2030, reduce clean energy costs for working families, give our kids cleaner air and water, create hundreds of thousands of good-paying, union jobs, and advance environmental justice while investing in a 21st century clean energy economy. President Biden’s bold agenda, along with his robust executive and regulatory actions to date, represents the U.S. intention to capture the economic opportunity that addressing climate change presents.
President Biden is committed to cutting greenhouse gas emissions 50-52 percent below 2005 levels in 2030, reaching a 100% carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035, and achieving a net-zero economy by no later than 2050 – all while creating good paying, union jobs at home. The President is also committed to partnering with countries most in need to strengthen the resilience of communities and economies across the world, including those vulnerable to the unavoidable impacts of climate change, reducing tensions and risks of instability.
To deliver on these goals, the President will:
A Review of Sustained Climate Action through 2020
NOVEMBER 1, 2021
NOVEMBER 1, 2021
FACT SHEET: Summit on Global Supply Chain Resilience to Address Near-Term Bottlenecks and Tackle Long-Term Challenges
OCTOBER 31, 2021
FACT SHEET: President Biden Renews U.S. Leadership on World Stage at U.N. Climate Conference (COP26)
NOVEMBER 1, 2021
President Announces New Actions to Tackle Climate Change, Tap Economic Opportunity, and Tout Ambition of Collective Global Efforts
On day one in office, President Joe Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement, restored U.S. leadership on the world stage, and reestablished our position to tackle the climate crisis at home and abroad. On day one at the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), President Biden will outline the bold steps his Administration is taking in his whole-of-government approach to combat climate change, underscore how bold action delivers economic prosperity and peace and security, and rally countries from every corner of the world to step up their ambition and confront this existential threat during a decisive decade.
President Biden believes this is not a challenge for future generations, but one all countries must confront today – with urgent, bold, and direct action. Heading into COP26, President Biden announced the Build Back Better Framework – the largest effort to combat climate change in American history alongside his Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal that the President is confident can pass both chambers of Congress and be signed into law. The Build Back Better Framework will cut greenhouse gas pollution by well over one gigaton in 2030, reduce clean energy costs for working families, give our kids cleaner air and water, create hundreds of thousands of good-paying, union jobs, and advance environmental justice while investing in a 21st century clean energy economy. President Biden’s bold agenda, along with his robust executive and regulatory actions to date, represents the U.S. intention to capture the economic opportunity that addressing climate change presents.
President Biden is committed to cutting greenhouse gas emissions 50-52 percent below 2005 levels in 2030, reaching a 100% carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035, and achieving a net-zero economy by no later than 2050 – all while creating good paying, union jobs at home. The President is also committed to partnering with countries most in need to strengthen the resilience of communities and economies across the world, including those vulnerable to the unavoidable impacts of climate change, reducing tensions and risks of instability.
To deliver on these goals, the President will:
A Review of Sustained Climate Action through 2020
NOVEMBER 1, 2021
NOVEMBER 1, 2021
FACT SHEET: Summit on Global Supply Chain Resilience to Address Near-Term Bottlenecks and Tackle Long-Term Challenges
OCTOBER 31, 2021
Redigert 01.11.2021 kl 06:53
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01.11.2021 kl 07:07
And going into COP26, the President announced the Build Back Better Framework – a $555 billion investment representing the largest single investment in our clean energy economy in history, across buildings, transportation, industry, electricity, agriculture, and climate-smart practices across lands and waters. The framework will set the United States on course to meet its climate targets, achieving a 50-52% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 levels in 2030 in a way that grows domestic industries and good, union jobs and advances environmental justice. Specifically, it will:
Deliver substantial clean energy rebates for consumers and ensure middle class families save money to afford clean energy and electrification, including lowering the costs of electric vehicles by $12,500 and cut the cost of installing rooftop solar for a home by around 30 percent.
Ensure clean energy technology – from wind turbine blades to solar panels to electric cars – will be built in the United States with American made steel and other materials, creating hundreds of thousands of good jobs here at home.
Make the largest investment in clean U.S. manufacturing in history, and ensure that the U.S. is a global leader in the production of green materials, like steel, aluminum, and cement.
Advance environmental justice through a new Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator that will invest in projects around the country, while delivering 40% of the benefits of investment to disadvantaged communities, as part of the President’s Justice40 initiative.
Create a new Civilian Climate Corps – with over 300,000 members that look like America who will conserve our public lands, bolster community resilience, and address the changing climate, all while putting good-paying union jobs within reach for more Americans.
Bolster resilience and natural solutions to climate change through a historic investment in coastal restoration, forest management, and soil conservation. The framework will provide resources to States, Tribes, communities, farmers, ranchers, and forestland owners, supporting their efforts to improve habitat, protect against the effects of climate change, and reduce emissions.
And going into COP26, the President announced the Build Back Better Framework – a $555 billion investment representing the largest single investment in our clean energy economy in history, across buildings, transportation, industry, electricity, agriculture, and climate-smart practices across lands and waters. The framework will set the United States on course to meet its climate targets, achieving a 50-52% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 levels in 2030 in a way that grows domestic industries and good, union jobs and advances environmental justice. Specifically, it will:
Deliver substantial clean energy rebates for consumers and ensure middle class families save money to afford clean energy and electrification, including lowering the costs of electric vehicles by $12,500 and cut the cost of installing rooftop solar for a home by around 30 percent.
Ensure clean energy technology – from wind turbine blades to solar panels to electric cars – will be built in the United States with American made steel and other materials, creating hundreds of thousands of good jobs here at home.
Make the largest investment in clean U.S. manufacturing in history, and ensure that the U.S. is a global leader in the production of green materials, like steel, aluminum, and cement.
Advance environmental justice through a new Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator that will invest in projects around the country, while delivering 40% of the benefits of investment to disadvantaged communities, as part of the President’s Justice40 initiative.
Create a new Civilian Climate Corps – with over 300,000 members that look like America who will conserve our public lands, bolster community resilience, and address the changing climate, all while putting good-paying union jobs within reach for more Americans.
Bolster resilience and natural solutions to climate change through a historic investment in coastal restoration, forest management, and soil conservation. The framework will provide resources to States, Tribes, communities, farmers, ranchers, and forestland owners, supporting their efforts to improve habitat, protect against the effects of climate change, and reduce emissions.
Redigert 01.11.2021 kl 07:09
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01.11.2021 kl 07:14
Der skal dog stadig lidt tålmodighed til :)
House Rules Committee won't meet Monday on reconciliation package
NOVEMBER 1, 2021
A leadership aide told Axios in a statement on Sunday the committee needs “additional time to craft language and get final agreement with all parties involved” after the group made “extensive progress” on prescription drugs and other initiatives that were not included in the text released by the committee on Thursday.
The aide, however, said the committee is still planning to vote “as early as possible this week,” but did not specify a specific day. President Biden also said Sunday he expects the vote to happen this week.
House Rules Committee won't meet Monday on reconciliation package
NOVEMBER 1, 2021
A leadership aide told Axios in a statement on Sunday the committee needs “additional time to craft language and get final agreement with all parties involved” after the group made “extensive progress” on prescription drugs and other initiatives that were not included in the text released by the committee on Thursday.
The aide, however, said the committee is still planning to vote “as early as possible this week,” but did not specify a specific day. President Biden also said Sunday he expects the vote to happen this week.
Handler om helse pakken nå, uansett den får ta den tiden den trenger:))Markedet burde se hva som kommer nå de må begynne å prise Recsi mer rettferdig enn 15-16 kr. Er enig med Arctic og Pareto rundt 25 kr burde den være på det vi vet i dag her nede blir kursen fullstendig latterlig:))
01.11.2021 kl 07:37
Skal ikke pakken stemmes over i morgen? Håper uansett at kursen kan gjenspeile utsiktene til REC fremover nå, som vi endelig har momentum, nyheter og et nytt grønt og sterkt skifte på vei. Dette året har vært et år i limbo - håper den perioden virkelig er over og gjenprisingen begynner.
Det sies at pakken skal stemmes over i morgen og det håper jeg den blir.
Det sies at pakken skal stemmes over i morgen og det håper jeg den blir.
01.11.2021 kl 08:03
Dette er min forståelse, ret mig endelig om nødvendigt: Biden's Build Back Better agenda, er et paraply term for to pakker
Bipartisan infrastructure deal
Denne er stemt igennem SENATET, og mangler kun at stemmes om i HUSET - men bliver blokeret grundet manglende tro på Senator Manchin og Sinema vil stemme Budget Reconciliation pakken igennem, når denne er klar
Budget Reconciliation
Dette er den vigtige, og er indeholder de tax credits til sol-industrien som vi med glæde ser.
Denne skal stemmes igennem SENATET, før den kommer til HUSET, hvor der er enighed blandt demokraterne om den.
Bipartisan infrastructure deal
Denne er stemt igennem SENATET, og mangler kun at stemmes om i HUSET - men bliver blokeret grundet manglende tro på Senator Manchin og Sinema vil stemme Budget Reconciliation pakken igennem, når denne er klar
Budget Reconciliation
Dette er den vigtige, og er indeholder de tax credits til sol-industrien som vi med glæde ser.
Denne skal stemmes igennem SENATET, før den kommer til HUSET, hvor der er enighed blandt demokraterne om den.
Redigert 01.11.2021 kl 08:15
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01.11.2021 kl 08:05
Dog svarer det ikke på dit spørgsmål, og jeg tror ikke jeg vil kunne svare på det.
Forkskellige medier rapporterer forskellige ting :)
Men enighed om der stemmes TIDLIGST imorgen, kan vi vel godt konkludere :)
Forkskellige medier rapporterer forskellige ting :)
Men enighed om der stemmes TIDLIGST imorgen, kan vi vel godt konkludere :)
Redigert 01.11.2021 kl 08:07
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Jayapal says House progressives ready to 'pass both bills' without commitment from Manchin and Sinema
Washington (CNN)Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal on Monday said her caucus is ready to move forward on two bills key to President Joe Biden's agenda "as soon as tomorrow," a significant concession after previously seeking direct assurances from Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema on the legislation.
Speaking with CNN's Victor Blackwell on "CNN Newsroom," Jayapal said that after spending the weekend reviewing the legislative text and conferring with the progressive caucus, she is ready to pass the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill as well as the $1.75 trillion social safety net expansion bill once a few details in the latter are finalized. Progressives, who have so far held up the bipartisan measure by demanding a concurrent vote on the larger package, trust that Biden can get all Democratic senators on board with the social safety net legislation, she said.
"The President said he thinks he can get 51 votes for this bill. We are going to trust him. We are going to do our work in the House and let the Senate do its work," the Washington state Democrat said. "But we're tired of, you know, just continuing to wait for one or two people."
Her comments came just after Manchin said that he won't support the social safety net expansion bill until there is "greater clarity" about the impact it will have on the country's national debt and the economy. The West Virginia Democrat had been frustrated that Democrats were trying to get him to make a full-throated endorsement of the plan -- and he wanted to make clear where he stood while getting lobbied to support adding even more social programs to the plan, according to a source familiar with his thinking.
Washington (CNN)Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal on Monday said her caucus is ready to move forward on two bills key to President Joe Biden's agenda "as soon as tomorrow," a significant concession after previously seeking direct assurances from Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema on the legislation.
Speaking with CNN's Victor Blackwell on "CNN Newsroom," Jayapal said that after spending the weekend reviewing the legislative text and conferring with the progressive caucus, she is ready to pass the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill as well as the $1.75 trillion social safety net expansion bill once a few details in the latter are finalized. Progressives, who have so far held up the bipartisan measure by demanding a concurrent vote on the larger package, trust that Biden can get all Democratic senators on board with the social safety net legislation, she said.
"The President said he thinks he can get 51 votes for this bill. We are going to trust him. We are going to do our work in the House and let the Senate do its work," the Washington state Democrat said. "But we're tired of, you know, just continuing to wait for one or two people."
Her comments came just after Manchin said that he won't support the social safety net expansion bill until there is "greater clarity" about the impact it will have on the country's national debt and the economy. The West Virginia Democrat had been frustrated that Democrats were trying to get him to make a full-throated endorsement of the plan -- and he wanted to make clear where he stood while getting lobbied to support adding even more social programs to the plan, according to a source familiar with his thinking.
02.11.2021 kl 08:42
En ting er sikkert og det er at dette dramaet virkelig gjør livet mer spennende for oss RECere
02.11.2021 kl 08:48
Budget Reconciliation Bill Will Be Fully Paid For and Reduce Inflation, Senator Schumer says
NOVEMBER 1, 2021
NOVEMBER 1, 2021
02.11.2021 kl 08:56
"...As I've said repeatedly when this is passed it will be fully paid for, and reduce inflationary pressures. Something that has been firmed by many, many, many economists.."
02.11.2021 kl 22:26
Jaggu… Biden uttalte i kveld Manchin ville være ombord, så da blir det en svært spennende uke🗝
03.11.2021 kl 11:59
Her er BuildBackBetter detaljene per 01.nov.2021 (se side 115)
"...Sec 136504. Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit.
The provision provides a production credit for each eligible component which is produced and sold. Eligible components include solar polysilicon, wafers, cells, and modules, and wind blades, nacelles, towers, and offshore foundations. The credits are generally provided on a mass or wattcapacity basis. The amount credit allowed for eligible components is increased by 10% if the final assembly of the such components is at a facility in the United States which operates under a union-negotiated collective bargaining agreement. The credits are provided for eligible components produced and sold before January 1, 2027. For components sold after that date, the credit is reduced by 25% each year, and is unavailable for components sold in 2030 and beyond..."
Her er BuildBackBetter detaljene per 01.nov.2021 (se side 115)
"...Sec 136504. Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit.
The provision provides a production credit for each eligible component which is produced and sold. Eligible components include solar polysilicon, wafers, cells, and modules, and wind blades, nacelles, towers, and offshore foundations. The credits are generally provided on a mass or wattcapacity basis. The amount credit allowed for eligible components is increased by 10% if the final assembly of the such components is at a facility in the United States which operates under a union-negotiated collective bargaining agreement. The credits are provided for eligible components produced and sold before January 1, 2027. For components sold after that date, the credit is reduced by 25% each year, and is unavailable for components sold in 2030 and beyond..."
03.11.2021 kl 12:06
Kjøper ALT jeg kan få tak i under 16,- Kan jo ikke gå galt det her, mer sannsynlig at ikke solen står opp i morgen :)
03.11.2021 kl 12:23
Hvis prisen på polysil holder seg på 36 USD/kg, ville 10% gi ca +3.6 USD per kg i tilskudd (og ikke 3 USD/kg som foreslått) ... :D
Redigert 03.11.2021 kl 12:23
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Dumt at alle disse sosiale elementene er i samme pakkke som klima/energi, da kunne det vel ha blitt vedtatt raskere. Men at BBB ikke skulle bli vedtatt er vel nesten utenkelig. Manchin er i allefall et stabeis av dimensjoner.
03.11.2021 kl 12:35
Hadde de vært i forskjellige pakker hadde den grønne delen vært ferdigstemt 3 måneder siden :D
Den sosiale delen pakkes sammen med den grønne nettopp fordi den grønne delen skulle fungere som sukkeret :D
Den sosiale delen pakkes sammen med den grønne nettopp fordi den grønne delen skulle fungere som sukkeret :D
03.11.2021 kl 12:37
Og det er derfor Manchin holder pakken(e) som gissel. Lurer på hva han vil oppnå her? Det er tydelig en posisjon han er på jakt og ikke pakken i seg selv. Stiller som presidenkandidat og vil få frem hvor "klar og tydelig" han er?
03.11.2021 kl 12:59
Med 22.000 tonn produksjonskapasitet på ML og Butte, vil en tax credit på 3 USD per kilo utgjøre rundt 600MUSD for REC over en 10 års periode. Det er nesten hele market cap-en til REC. PÅ 16 kroner får du i prinsippet hele REC gratis - det er kun verdien av skatteinsentivene. I en eller annen form går dette igjennom. Kan bli interessant dette.
År 1-8 blir 8*22.000 tonn*3USD=528 MUSD
År 9= 22.000 tonn * 3USD* 75% = 49,5 MUSD
År 10= 22.000 tonn * 3USD*50% = 33 MUSD
År 1-8 blir 8*22.000 tonn*3USD=528 MUSD
År 9= 22.000 tonn * 3USD* 75% = 49,5 MUSD
År 10= 22.000 tonn * 3USD*50% = 33 MUSD
03.11.2021 kl 13:15
Med tanke på hvor tøff i trynet Biden var på klimamøtet, bør han jo være rimelig sikker på pakkene "hjemme"
Om ikke blir han jo møtets store klovn, og burde kanskje holdt seg hjemme som Putin og Xi.
Om ikke blir han jo møtets store klovn, og burde kanskje holdt seg hjemme som Putin og Xi.
Biden er utfra hva jeg kan se, ikke mentalt tilstede alltid. Når det er sagt så er han bare en figur, hele apparatet bak jobber tilsynelatende for denne pakken. Så det er bra. Ganske spesielt å se noen av intervjuene han har og hvor fjern han virker. Ikke minst veldig rar til tider.
Redigert 03.11.2021 kl 13:31
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03.11.2021 kl 20:48
Sammenlignet med forgjengeren kunne han vært en shampokork og vært milevis bedre. Trump er jo en narsissistisk wannabe-diktator.
Kommer han til makten en gang til så er det bye-bye til demokratiet der borte. Og det er faktisk ingen overdrivelse.
Om Biden surrer seg inn i noen rare historier iblant bryr meg mindre.
Kommer han til makten en gang til så er det bye-bye til demokratiet der borte. Og det er faktisk ingen overdrivelse.
Om Biden surrer seg inn i noen rare historier iblant bryr meg mindre.
Redigert 03.11.2021 kl 20:49
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Manchin er en dritstøvel. Involvert i kullgruver og forurensing. Derfor holder han på som han gjør. Meler sin egen kake som de fleste politikere gjør. Lure på om han er republikaner i fåreskinn og lurer demokratene. Dritstøvel er han likevel. Stikk den. Han kan jo være kommunist og uten at jeg vet det.
03.11.2021 kl 21:03
Bullfight skrev Biden sov under møtet
Er det så rart, det er jo mest bla, bla, bla!
Mhm. Biden er en eldre mann, men visjonen er intakt og dette vil være hans legacy. Det han vil bli husket for i menneskehetens historie. Som du også sier, hele apparatet bak han deler denne visjonen.
Med det sagt;
Minner meg om tiden når Trump pleide å kalle Biden for "Sleepy Joe" under valgkampen. Gode tider.
Selv om jeg ikke er enig med han så må jeg innrømme at Trump er en spennende karakter. En entertainer.
Med det sagt;
Minner meg om tiden når Trump pleide å kalle Biden for "Sleepy Joe" under valgkampen. Gode tider.
Selv om jeg ikke er enig med han så må jeg innrømme at Trump er en spennende karakter. En entertainer.
Redigert 03.11.2021 kl 21:28
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Kullarbeidere takker Joe Manchin for hjelpen. Videoen er noen år gammel, men West Virginia har mye kullvirksomhet som de trenger erstatningsjobber for.
Redigert 03.11.2021 kl 21:32
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