😄De var kanskje litt for ivrig Ă„ regulere....!

QEC 15.11.2021 kl 21:46 5993

M.R. Binnion
Quebec Court rules in favour of Utica Resources - sets aside key Coulliard Government regulation designed to stop development.

Sends the drilling application back to the Minister for reconsideration without the 1000 meter set back regulation.
8:34 p.m. · 15. nov. 2021·Twitter for Android
Redigert 16.11.2021 kl 12:17 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
Slettet bruker
15.11.2021 kl 21:49 5978

15.11.2021 kl 21:52 5965

hvis regeringen fastholder for budet bliver erstatningen astronomisk.
Slettet bruker
15.11.2021 kl 22:00 5925

Denne saken setter standarden for resten av selskapene som venter pÄ sin rettsak, QEC inkludert.
15.11.2021 kl 22:03 5896

BĂŠrre lĂŠkkert. Game on.

MC Axel
16.11.2021 kl 08:58 5587


"Quebec Court rules in favour of Utica Resources" 😁
Redigert 16.11.2021 kl 08:59 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
MC Axel
16.11.2021 kl 09:07 5519

I did not include the latter in the article because that they have asked what an environmental organization thinks about the subject and they clearly have no sense of international compensation law

This will no doubt strengthen the QEC case and also in any compensation negotiations with the Quebec government😁

The Court of Quebec ruled in favor of GaspĂ© Énergies

Monday 15th November 2021 05:19 PM

This judgment of the Court of Quebec is the first legal test of the new Hydrocarbons Law adopted in 2016 and the regulations adopted by the Liberals in September 2018.

The GaspĂ© Énergies permit application was also the very first to be studied under this legislation.

According to the court, Minister Jonatan Julien could not refuse a drilling permit for the Galt No. 6 well, near GaspĂ©, under article 23 of the Regulation respecting exploration, production and storage activities. ‘hydrocarbons.

The article determines the distances to be respected between a borehole and the water environment. It is on the basis of this article that Minister Julien said no in October 2020 to the drilling authorization request from GaspĂ© Énergies, a subsidiary of Ressource Utica.

Art. 23

The holder of a license may not carry out the activities referred to in section 22 less than 1000 m from a water environment. However, the Minister may reduce this distance if the holder demonstrates to him that his activities do not compromise the integrity and conservation of the water environment.

At the request of the Minister, the holder supports his demonstration by submitting a technical-environmental study signed by an engineer from a consulting engineering firm independent of all the holder’s companies.

In a long judgment rendered Friday, Judge Christian Boutin states in particular that section 23 was not published in draft form before its adoption and thus contravenes the Regulations Act.

The article must be declared inoperative to judge the request from GaspĂ© Énergies.

The judge added that the minister did not give sufficient reasons for his refusal.

The court therefore referred the case back to the ministry so that it could decide on the drilling authorization request, taking into account the judgment.

Discretionary power

During the hearings last March, GaspĂ© Énergies, a subsidiary of Utica Resources, argued that Minister Julien did not have the power to refuse the drilling authorization if officials from his department deemed that the integrity and conservation of the site’s watercourses were not compromised. The oil company also argued that the regulations constituted an illegal delegation of power.

According to government prosecutors, the regulations gave the minister discretionary power. This is also what was defended, among others, the Quebec Center for Environmental Law (CQDE), which had registered as an interested party during the trial which took place last March.

The judge recognized that section 23 confers a certain discretion on the Minister, but did not wish to analyze other elements raised by GaspĂ© Énergies such as the fact that it was an imprecise regulation and that the decision of the minister was political and not scientific.

The judgment mentions the numerous exchanges between the ministry and GaspĂ© Énergies in order to document the request. The emails and correspondence show that until September 2, GaspĂ© Énergies’ request was heading towards a favorable response.

It is at this time that Minister Julien will take cognizance of the file. The request will be refused on October 20.



Redigert 16.11.2021 kl 09:20 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
16.11.2021 kl 09:37 5376

jeg mÄ sige at der skulle komme en dom denne vej havde jeg kun kunnet hÄbe pÄ !
QC er da noget at det mest korrupte Canada kan byde pÄ !
16.11.2021 kl 09:37 5374

Slettet bruker
16.11.2021 kl 09:55 5299

Puha SP, denne dom passer vel ikke helt ind i din agenda? hahahahahahahahaha
Slettet bruker
16.11.2021 kl 12:31 4989

😂😂😂 ja fin kursutvikling pĂ„ det du mener er en god nyhet..
Slettet bruker
16.11.2021 kl 14:34 4758

Slettet bruker
16.11.2021 kl 14:37 4744

Ja du kan bare tenke deg hvilken rakett dette blir nÄr saken blir klar og finansnyhetene her hjemme skriver om det pÄ vegne av QEC, da smeller det SP, sÄ den som ler sist ler best som det heter :-)
16.11.2021 kl 14:42 4717

Ordner seg til slutt vettu đŸ€‘đŸ€‘đŸ€‘
16.11.2021 kl 14:45 4703

Ja dette for en si var meget spennende nyheter sÄ jeg gleder meg til fortsettelsen :)
Slettet bruker
16.11.2021 kl 15:59 4554

Ja, lad os nu se, hvem der ler sidst.........nu er det bekrĂŠftet, at man som minimum ikke kommer udenom en stor erstaning til QEC :-)

Op med humĂžret, Stevieboy :-)
Redigert 16.11.2021 kl 15:59 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
Slettet bruker
16.11.2021 kl 16:08 4519

Som jeg ser sÄ er jo kursen opp hittil 3,6% uten noen som helst nyheter sÄ jeg skjÞnner ikke helt resonnementet ditt Stevepick. Du vet like godt som alle oss andre at denne gÄr fort 10 gangen nÄr en klekkelig erstatning kommer eller evnt de fÄr tillatelse til pilot noe som har endret bilde radikalt siden i gÄr. :)
16.11.2021 kl 16:11 4497

Kan bli skikkelig moro igjen i QEC framover:

Yzf R1
I dag kl 15:33 129

16. november 2021
Utica Resources Þnsker Ä bore en oljebrÞnn i Gaspé for Ä bekrefte utnyttelsespotensialet.

16.11.2021 kl 17:05 4388

Drill baby DRILL !!!!!
16.11.2021 kl 17:09 4369

Tror ikke olie fĂ„r tilladelse men man presser pĂ„. Heller tilladelse til den fine QECgas 😊
Slettet bruker
16.11.2021 kl 17:18 4325

for Qec sin del sÄ gjelder gassen :-)
18.11.2021 kl 16:08 3657

Men har de sagt sÄnn ca nÄr dette f.eks vil bli skrevet i stein?
Jeg vil vite om nÄr dette tullet blir noe av eller ikke?
Slettet bruker
19.11.2021 kl 06:38 3231

Tull, hva mener du sigj2?
19.11.2021 kl 07:05 3174

Forbud er tull
Slettet bruker
19.11.2021 kl 10:03 2953

da er vi mer enn enige sigj2, ha en fin helg :-)
MC Axel
24.11.2021 kl 01:43 2522

Utica Resources' Court Victory Means the Government Must Choose: Develop Quebec's Hydrocarbons or Compensate Companies at Fair Value Français


Ressources Utica 

Nov 23, 2021, 07:22 ET



Redigert 24.11.2021 kl 01:45 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
Yzf R1
24.11.2021 kl 06:50 2371

Det var jo hyggelig lesestoff 👍
Slettet bruker
24.11.2021 kl 06:53 2364

En virkelig god artikel, som selv SP fĂ„r svĂŠrt ved at sluge 😂
24.11.2021 kl 08:33 2191

det bliver rigtigt godt har fÞr skrevet at jeg tror vi fÄr erstatning pÄ det investerede plus forventet indtjening. sÄ mon ikke vi minimum fÄr 6 kr. i erstatning.
MC Axel
25.11.2021 kl 01:05 1884

These same people claimed a month ago that the government does not have to pay compensation?

There are no limits to how stupid people are and not least these environmental organizations

Property rights are covered by the Constitution

We have international compensation agreements and who wants to invest in a province that does not respect international law, non

They must not forget that there are many foreigners who have invested in these oil and gas companies in Quebec, so they should tread carefully.

Many of these companies come from other countries and the Quebec government knows this and therefore they know that they can not escape the compensation.😁

"Petition launched against compensating companies affected by Quebec oil and gas ban

Published Nov. 24, 2021 8:34 a.m. ET"


Redigert 25.11.2021 kl 01:06 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare