Nyheter innen silisiumbatterier

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RECSI 29.10.2018 kl 08:39 202473

Siden dette kan bli et spennende område for REC i nær fremtid, kan det jo være interessant å holde seg oppdatert på nyheter herfra.

Kan jo starte med LG Chem:
LG Chem invests in Enevate; silicon-dominant Li-ion battery technology

Enevate Corporation, developer of a silicon-dominant composite anode material and high energy density batteries (earlier post), announced that LG Chem has participated in Enevate’s recent funding.

Introduced in November 2017, Enevate’s HD-Energy Technology for EVs enables Lithium-ion (Li-ion) cells with up to 50% higher capacity than conventional graphite cells. The cells can be charged to 75% capacity in five minutes. They can also safely charge and discharge down to -40°C and capture more energy during regenerative braking, extending their range in cold climates.

Enevate’s HD-Energy Technology is a self-standing, silicon-dominant composite anode with more than 70% silicon. The conductive, silicon-dominant composite film anode is essentially 100% active material that can store lithium and has a high electrical conductivity.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.04.2019 kl 08:43 9462

Har de egentlig sagt at batteriprodusenter blir en viktig kundegruppe. På meg virker TT veldig reservert. Men for all del, jeg ønsker du har rett?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.04.2019 kl 08:30 9474

REC er verdens største produsent av silangass, nødvendig i produksjonen av silisiumanoder. Og når REC selv sier batteriprodusenter kommer til å bli en viktig del av deres kundegruppe, så har man all grunn til å høre etter.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.04.2019 kl 06:40 9591

Ja, Sil revolusjonerer akkurat nå «batteri»/ energi lagrings teknologien,,??


Molten silicon just doesn't degrade like lithium does," says Bondarenko. "That's a chemical process, ours is simply phase-change with heat. In fact, it appears silicon even gets better at storing heat after each cycle. And if you do need to decommission a TED device, it's 100 percent recyclable. It simply doesn't create the environmental problems that lithium does."
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.04.2019 kl 06:03 9619

Er ikke bare i EV dette kommer til å eksploderer. Batterier til lagring av fornybar energi er på full fart inn over alt.
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17.04.2019 kl 05:56 9561


Rec ledelsen har allerede uttalt at de har fått henvendelser fra batteri produsenter, forbruket til dette bruket kommer til å ekspandere kolossalt fremover, ( det snakkes løst om 5-12 kg sil PR EV, og flere titalls millioner biler PR år i tiden fremover, gir enorme muligheter for Rec, ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.04.2019 kl 00:37 9642

Hvorfor er det sikkert at Rec kommer til å levere inn til batteri industrien? Her trengs det nærmere forklaring eller er jeg for langt ned i cognac glasset?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.04.2019 kl 23:16 9748

? NICE,,

Nå strammer strikket seg for shortsene nok en gang, st REC blir leverandør innen Batteri teknologien fremover er 100% sikkert.
Fest setebeltene, strikket ryker når som helst ?
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16.04.2019 kl 19:48 9883


Daimler (Mercedes Benz, Chrysler) tar størsteparten av 170 millioner dollar investering i produsent av silisiumanoder (Sila Nanotechnologies)! Vi vet fra før at BMW allerede er kunde. Det skjer nå! Allerede på slutten av 2019 får vi første produksjonsbatch av batteriene fra Sila. Derfra satser man på større skala. Alle mann til silanpumpene!

"Daimler has led the latest US$170 million round of funding for anode materials firm Sila Nanotechnologies. Total backing for the California-based firm now stands at US$295 million.

Other investors in the latest round included Bessemer Venture Partners and Siemens Next27.

The company’s silicon-based anodes can replace graphite without any change to manufacturing infrastructure. It claims an average improvement of 20% dependant on the associated battery chemistry. Sila’s anodes can be used an assortment of Lithium chemistries including Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC), Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP), Lithium Cobolt Oxide (LCO) and Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminium Oxide (NCA).

Alex Nediger, Daimler’s director of cooperation and innovation management will join the Sila board as will former GE CEO Jeff Immelt.

“Advancements in lithium-ion batteries have become increasingly limited, and we are fighting for incremental improvements,” said Immelt. “I’ve seen first-hand that this is a huge opportunity that is also incredibly hard to solve. The team at Sila Nano has not only created a breakthrough chemistry, but solved it in a way that is commercially viable at scale.”

Sila is targeting four markets and is ramping its production now with the consumer electronics its first target. It will then move onto producing for its partners in the electric vehicle space, BMW and Daimler. It lists grid storage and aviation as the other two pillars of its business.

“We’ve cracked the code on silicon thanks to eight years and 35,000 iterations developing our materials to improve battery storage capacity,” said Gene Berdichevsky, co-founder and CEO, Sila Nano. “Now we’re ready to bring this to market, and partners like Daimler and Jeff Immelt bring critical expertise and support as we enter this next phase and begin putting Sila inside the vehicles and devices people use every day.”

The competition for creating better lithium batteries is increasing. 24M, a startup spun out of the labs at MIT, recently touted gains it has made in creating a platform for manufacturing semi-solid lithium-ion battery cells using compositionally distinct catholytes and anolytes, kept apart by an ionically conductive, non-permeable separator. Designing the technology and processes so that they could be adapted for both nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) cells commonly used in EVs as well as LFP (lithium iron phosphate) more typically used for stationary storage - particularly at residential scale - 24M claimed it can reach energy densities exceeding 350Wh per kg, with plans to open a small production line by the end of this year."

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09.04.2019 kl 21:45 9957

Over the last decade, a few Silicon Valley startups have been working to solve this problem. For example, Sila Nano’s approach is to encase silicon atoms inside a nano-sized shell with lots of empty room inside. That way, the SEI is formed on the outside of the shell and the expansion of silicon atoms happens inside it without shattering the SEI after each charge-discharge cycle. The company, valued at $350 million, says its technology will power devices as soon as 2020.

Enovix, on the other hand, applies a special manufacturing technique to put a 100% silicon anode under enormous physical pressure, forcing it to absorb fewer lithium ion and thus restricting the expansion of the anode and preventing the SEI from breaking. The company has investments from Intel and Qualcomm, and it also expects to have its batteries in devices by 2020.

These compromises mean the silicon anode can’t reach its theoretical high energy density. However, both companies say their anodes perform better than a graphite anode. Third parties are currently testing both firms’ batteries.
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09.04.2019 kl 15:52 10028

BioSolar Begins Production and Testing of Lithium-ion Battery Prototype Incorporating Its Performance Boosting Technology

Company will use the new high density 21700 battery format for its prototypes

SANTA CLARITA, Calif., April 09, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioSolar, Inc. (OTCQB:BSRC) (“BioSolar” or the “Company”), a developer of breakthrough energy storage technology and materials, today announced that its technology partner has commenced production and testing of the first batch of commercial grade prototype lithium-ion cells for power tool application in the new 21700 cell format being adopted by a number of high-growth industries including power tools, consumer electronics and electric vehicles.

The 21700 cell format is one many believe can increase battery density, thus positively impacting overall power. In February, automotive manufacturer Nikola teased its new line of all electric truck models, citing in a tweet its dependence on 21700 cells. In power home technology, Milwaukee Tool announced two new cordless tool battery packs, including a high output segment that carry 21700 cells, up from the 18650 format in pre-existing series.

As disclosed in a previous announcement, BioSolar began applying its performance boosting additive technology to the emerging category of silicon anode lithium-ion battery cells. As the cell develops and hopefully demonstrates commercial viability in a power tool application, BioSolar believes its technology can also generate interest from a broader audience of battery manufacturers and end users alike.

“As we progress with the development of our commercial grade prototype batteries, it is essential for us to communicate the process to our partners, potential customers and shareholders,” said Dr. David Lee, CEO of BioSolar. “We anticipate our performance boosting technology will show enough progress in these prototypes to transition BioSolar from a technology development company into one with commercially viable technologies suitable for use in a number of high-growth industries.”

About BioSolar, Inc.

BioSolar is developing a breakthrough technology to increase the storage capacity, lower the cost and extend the life of lithium-ion batteries. A battery contains two major parts, a cathode and an anode, that function together as the positive and negative sides. BioSolar is currently developing an innovative additive that enables the use of inexpensive silicon as the anode to create next generation high capacity and high power lithium-ion batteries. Founded with the vision of developing breakthrough energy technologies, BioSolar's previous successes include the world's first UL approved bio-based backsheet for use in solar panels.

To learn more about BioSolar, please visit our website at http://www.biosolar.com.
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19.03.2019 kl 08:43 7803

California Startups Reveal 'Tesla Killer' Battery Technology

Something better -- a lot better -- than the ubiquitous lithium-ion battery for electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to be revealed within the year.

One of these, a new “silicon anode battery,” boasts it can propel a Tesla Model S to a range of 645 km from the standard 540 km using the same size battery pack. Another exciting development, a new solid-state battery, promises to increase the range of the Volkswagen E-Golf to an astounding 750 km compared to the present 300 km.

That’s bad news for Tesla Inc. which is stuck with “old school” lithium-ion batteries made by Japan’s Panasonic Corporation.

Startups based in California are leading this new “charge” aimed at squeezing up to 20 percent more power from existing batteries by improving lithium-ion technology or developing new types of batteries.


Expected to introduce exciting new battery tech within the year are Sila Nanotechnologies, QuantumScape, Solid Power, Enovix and others. These firms, some of them already unicorns, are raising millions of dollars from venture capitalists and corporations such as Volkswagen to commercialize their breakthrough battery tech.

“It’s taken us eight years and probably 35,000 iterations of our material synthesis just to have something that’s commercially ready,” said Gene Berdichevsky, CEO of Sila Nanotechnologies.

He was once the seventh employee in startup called Tesla Inc. when this was founded in 2004 and led the development of the battery system in the Tesla Roadster.

Sila will introduce its new new “silicon anode batteries” that replace the graphite in today’s batteries with precisely engineered and minute silicon particles.

“This company had no web site and was stealth for six or seven years, because we didn’t want to say we could make something when we couldn’t,” said Berdichevsky. “But now we’re at the point where we’re going to be in millions of devices next year.”

Sila clients already include BMW and Amperex Technology, a Chinese company that supplies batteries to Apple and Samsung. BMW plans to incorporate Sila technology by 2023 to increase battery-pack capacity by up to 15 percent.



Lignende artikkel fra CNBC:

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.03.2019 kl 15:02 7891

Nytt anodemateriale (MXene) blandet med silisiumpulver viser seg å være godt egnet for øke kapasiteten til Li-Ion batterier. Og enda bedre; det lar seg lett skalere opp slik at dette ikke bare passer småbatterier:

"Chuanfang Zhang, PhD, a post-doctoral researcher at Trinity and lead author of the study, also notes that the production of the MXene anodes, by slurry-casting, is easily scalable for mass production of anodes of any size, which means they could make their way into batteries that power just about any of our devices."

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26.02.2019 kl 10:22 8174

MGX Minerals Announces Phase Two Development of Silicon Based Anode for High-Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries

VANCOUVER, Feb. 26, 2019 /CNW/ - MGX Minerals Inc. ("MGX" or the "Company") reported today that its collaborative research partnership with the University of
British Columbia ("UBC") has completed a comprehensive baseline assessment of metallurgical silicon originating from each of the Company's three silicon projects in southeastern British Columbia. MGX and UBC are working together to develop next-generation Li-ion batteries capable of quadrupling energy density from current 100 Wh/kg up to 400 Wh/kg for use in long-range electric vehicles and grid storage.

With the Phase One assessment completed, Phase two of the collaborative is now underway and will focus on developing a scalable process to
upgrade metallurgical silicon originating from MGX's projects to batterygrade silicon anode. The developed silicon anode will serve as a viable replacement over the present graphite anode and enable higher-energydensity lithium-ion batteries for numerous applications, including electric vehicles, grid storage, telecommunication, wireless sensors and more.

About the Research Initiative
The objective of the MGX/UBC research consortium is to develop a lowcost and scalable method that will fabricate a silicon-based anode to improve the energy density of Li-ion batteries. The two-year research program seeks to focus on 1) fabricating nanostructured silicon using lowcost metallurgical silicon as a feedstock and 2) compositing nanostructured silicon with commercial graphite to develop a highperformance silicon anode. The initial goal of the research is to replace the
graphite anode with silicon and complete a hybrid in the short-term which will not require industry retooling. The ultimate goal is to enable nextgeneration Li-ion batteries capable of quadrupling energy density from current 100 Wh/kg up to 400 Wh/kg for use in long-range electric vehicles and grid storage.

Dr. Jian Liu, Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering at UBC Okanagan, is leading a research group focused on advanced materials for energy storage. Dr. Liu was previously the technical lead for development of surface coating materials by atomic and molecular layer deposition, and their applications in surface and interface engineering on the anode and cathode of Li-ion batteries and beyond, at Western University and Pacic Northwest National Laboratory.

MGX Silicon Projects
MGX operates three silicon projects in southeastern British Columbia- Koot, Wonah and Gibraltar. A one-ton sample of quartzite from the Company's Gibraltar project was recently shipped to the independent lab Dorfner Anzaplan ("Dorfner") in Germany for mineralogical analyses. Dorfner conducted X-ray diffraction analysis, chemical analyses through X-ray uorescence spectroscopy, grain size distribution, mineral processing analysis, automated optical sorting and thermal stability testing.
Results indicated that the material, after comminution and classication fraction, is of high initial purity (99.5 wt.-%), making the fraction chemically suitable as medium quality feedstock material for metallurgical-grade silicon production.

About MGX Minerals Inc.
MGX Minerals is a diversied Canadian resource and technology company with interests in global advanced material, energy and water assets.

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is dened in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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23.02.2019 kl 11:20 8416

Veldig spennende nyheter. Det er altså funnet en løsning på ekspansjonsproblemene. Nå gjenstår set å se om det er økonomisk lønnsomt. Hvis det er god lønnsomhet i MXene, som jeg overhode ikke forstår hva er, kan dette sette fart på saker og ting!

I mellomtiden trades og shortes det på 1/10-dels ører på Reckursen. Vanvittig....
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23.02.2019 kl 08:06 8583

Expanding the Use of Silicon in Batteries, by Preventing Electrodes From Expanding
Fri, 02/22/2019 - 4:00pm
by Drexel University

The latest lithium-ion batteries on the market are likely to extend the charge-to-charge life of phones and electric cars by as much as 40 percent. This leap forward, which comes after more than a decade of incremental improvements, is happening because developers replaced the battery's graphite anode with one made from silicon. Research from Drexel University and Trinity College in Ireland now suggests that an even greater improvement could be in line if the silicon is fortified with a special type of material called MXene.

This adjustment could extend the life of Li-ion batteries as much as five times, the group recently reported in Nature Communications. It's possible because of the two-dimensional MXene material's ability to prevent the silicon anode from expanding to its breaking point during charging - a problem that's prevented its use for some time.

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20.02.2019 kl 10:19 8617

I 2017 var tommelfingerregelen at litiumion-batteriene datt til 70 prosent etter 300-500 ladesykluser, så jeg synes ikke dette ser galt ut. Selv om mye har skjedd de siste par årene, hvor Nissan nå skryter av at den nye Leaf-en holder over 90 prosent kapasitet etter 500 sykluser.

Så, ja, tåler de 3000 sykluser snakker vi definitivt revolusjon, men man trenger slettes ikke så mye for å slå dagens batterier i levetid.
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20.02.2019 kl 09:43 8665

Lovende, men det store problemet er at anodene ikke tåler mange nok landinger. Nå er effekten mye redusert allerede etter 300 sykler. Når de tåler 3000 snakker vi om revolusjon!
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20.02.2019 kl 09:29 8700

Talga reports positive test results on its graphene silicon Li-ion battery anode project

Talga Resources has revealed new test results on the ongoing optimization of its graphene silicon Li-ion battery anode product, Talnode™- Si. According to Talga, the battery anode product returns further performance gains, now delivering ~70% more energy density than commercial graphite-only anodes.

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18.02.2019 kl 19:30 8851

Jeg er i Frankfurt, hvor jeg akkurat snakket med en fyr fra Panasonics batteriavdeling. Han mener silikonanoder nok kan bli et viktig mellomsteg på veien men mener som mange andre at Litium-ioner på et tidspunkt må erstattes. Solid state er en god kandidat som erstatter, blant andre. Han sa Panasonic holder øye med teknologien for silisiumanoder men at de ikke er sikre på om det lar seg gjøre. Hindrene kan bli for store teknologisk sett. Hvilket forteller meg at det vil ta en stund før evt. verdens største batteriprodusent har slike anoder klare.

Det er jo likevel fullt mulig de kan kjøpe inn anoder fra tredjepart, når den tiden kommer, men jeg hadde håpet på et litt mer klart svar fra batterigiganten.

Dette var en salgsansvarlig i Europa som snakket til pressen om konsumentbatterier. Jeg er ikke sikker på hvor dyp innsikt han har i hva som foregår bak forhenget. Men han virket å ha kunnskapen i orden, også når det gjaldt hva som foregår på utviklingssiden.
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18.02.2019 kl 19:29 8808

Jeg er i Frankfurt, hvor jeg akkurat snakket med en fyr fra Panasonics batteriavdeling. Han mener silikonanoder nok kan bli et viktig mellomsteg på veien men mener som mange andre at Litium-ioner på et tidspunkt må erstattes. Solid state er en god kandidat som erstatter, blant andre. Han sa Panasonic holder øye med teknologien for silisiumanoder men at de ikke er sikre på om det lar seg gjøre. Hindrene kan bli for store teknologisk sett. Hvilket forteller meg at det vil ta en stund før evt. verdens største batteriprodusent har slike anoder klare.

Det er jo likevel fullt mulig de kan kjøpe inn anoder fra tredjepart, når den tiden kommer, men jeg hadde håpet på et litt mer klart svar fra batterigiganten.
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14.02.2019 kl 18:35 9076

Det ser ut til at 2-3 år er pessimistisk. Denne teknologien er rett rundt hjørnet.

"Enovix Corporation Charts Course to Production and Commercialization of its 3D Silicon™ Lithium-ion Battery

The Enovix patented 3D cell architecture enables a high-capacity silicon anode that delivers over 900 Wh/l energy density for a smartphone battery with over 500 cycle life

FREMONT, Calif., Feb. 13, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Survey after survey has revealed that the number one consumer wish for their smartphone and other mobile devices is better battery life. Enovix is on track to fulfill that wish by early 2020 with a smartphone-size battery that incorporates a high-capacity silicon anode to deliver over 900 Wh/l energy density with over 500 cycle life. The company is currently sampling its prototype 3D cells with leading mobile product producers. The feedback regarding energy density and cycle life from prospective customers has been overwhelmingly positive, and Enovix is negotiating joint development agreements for specific products with several global OEMs. The company expects to equip its initial battery fabrication facility (Fab 1) in early 2019 and begin production of its 3D Silicon Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery for smartphones, wearables and high-performance notebook computers later this year for commercialization by early 2020.




Litt mer usikkert når denne produsenten kommer i masseproduksjon, men jeg har en følelse av at dette kan gå raskere enn man tror:

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11.02.2019 kl 16:05 9251

Nå like før Q4 kan det være greit å minnes hva som ble sagt på Q3, angående muligheter i forhold til batteri-industrien:
http://hugin.info/136555/R/2221761/869825.pdf (side 23)
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09.02.2019 kl 18:24 9304

SK Plans To Double Investment At U.S. Battery Factory

Construction to start later this year
As we learned in December, South Korean SK Innovation intends to build a lithium-ion battery plant in Commerce, Georgia, investing $1.67 billion and employing more than 2,000 people (first phase to be more like $1 billion and more than 1,000 jobs). The article states that by 2022, the output should reach 9.8 GWh annually.

However, according to the latest news – the plant could be way bigger than initially announced. Automotive News reports the investment could double:

“South Korean lithium ion battery producer SK Innovation Co. is doubling down on its planned $1.67 billion electric vehicle battery plant in north Georgia.

The company is considering plowing up to $5 billion more into the project, SK Innovation CEO Jun Kim said Friday.”

$5 billion would be three times the amount quoted a month ago, so there must be strong demand to hint at such an increase within such a short time frame.

SK Innovation customers:

Hyundai-Kia Motors
Car plants near planned battery plant:

Hyundai (nearby in Alabama)
Mercedes (nearby in Alabama)
Honda (nearby in Alabama)
Mazda and Toyota (have broken ground on a jointly owned factory in Alabama)
Kia (Georgia)
Volkswagen (Chattanooga, Tennessee).

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07.02.2019 kl 15:49 9500

CLB Americas Announces New Advanced Silicon Anode & Binder Material Package for NextGen High Energy Lithium Batteries

New Breakthrough Material Dramatically Improves NextGen Lithium Battery Performance when coupled with Ashland's Soteras™ MSi binder


Soteras™ MSi binder is a unique water-based binder for high-capacity silicon-based anodes in lithium ion batteries. It controls swelling, resulting in superior cycle performance at capacities greater than 400 mAh/g when used with silicon oxide (SiOx) and silicon composite (SiC) technologies. Flexible and strong, Soteras™MSi binder is compatible with current industry processing requirements.


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05.02.2019 kl 18:46 9755

Nettopp. Ser egentlig veldig bra ut for øyeblikket.
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05.02.2019 kl 13:01 10047

"SANTA CLARITA, Calif., Feb. 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioSolar, Inc. (OTCQB:BSRC) (“BioSolar” or the “Company”), a developer of breakthrough energy storage technology and materials, today outlined its efforts for preparing commercial grade prototypes spanning material and prototype design and testing, and ultimately seeking potential customer evaluation for the product’s desired performance characteristics."

"Material preparation for the prototype is a critical first step, as the Company requires support from its technology partners to prepare larger quantities of silicon anode materials incorporating the Company’s additive technology suitable for commercial grade battery manufacturing."

“We anticipate that the next generation lithium-ion batteries are going to require next generation silicon anode materials that provide higher energy and power density. We believe our additive technology has the capability to significantly improve and exceed performance objectives for customers without disrupting their manufacturing infrastructure, and ultimately reducing cost to them as well as the end user.”

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04.02.2019 kl 17:01 10381

Det Maxwell Tech har forbedret er 'robustheten' av det belegget ligger utenfor anoder og katoder (samt lagvise formasjoner av katoder og anode)... Silisium har vært unngått som anode-materiale fordi den eser ut ved opplading og gjør anoden porøs og skjør over tid. Alt som øker robustheten vil hjelpe :)
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04.02.2019 kl 15:12 10501

Tesla kjøper Maxwell Technologies.

Maxwell sier blant annet om seg selv:
"We have developed and transformed our patented, proprietary and fundamental dry electrode manufacturing technology that we have historically used to make ultracapacitors to create a breakthrough technology that can be applied to the manufacturing of batteries."

Jeg vet ikke hva som er i disse ultrakondensatorene, men - og det er mulig jeg klamrer etter halmstrå her - i et skriv i 2016 skrev de om sin Dry Electrode CoatingTechnology:

"Maxwell’s dry coating electrode process is scalable, and can accommodate current lithium ion battery chemistry and advanced battery electrode materials. In this report, the robustness of the dry coating electrode process is demonstrated using a host of commercially available anode materials such as silicon based(!) materials and lithium titanate (LTO), as well as cathode materials such as layered Li(NixMnyCoz)O2 (NMC), LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA), 34 3-1 LiFePO4 (LFP) and sulfur."


Også her:

"Maxwell Technologies has applied its proprietary dry electrode process to produced lithium ion battery cathode and anode electrode with unparalleled energy density and enhance cycle life over conventional wet coated electrodes. We have demonstrated dry robust process capability, incorporating current and advanced chemistries such as graphite, silicon, metal alloy, and nickel-rich layered transition metal oxides. In addition, we have demonstrated roll-to-roll dry process scalability using common and advanced battery material chemistries."

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31.01.2019 kl 22:55 10751

Tipper det bli løsning på Kina tariffen innen en mnd, oxo - og da kommer vi til å se både 2 og 3 kroner rimelig raskt.
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31.01.2019 kl 22:51 10768

Skal ikke mye til før den store inndekningen kommer fra short nå. Kan raskt gå over krona igjen. Vi så den nylig stoppet på 90 øre sist .
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31.01.2019 kl 21:07 10845

Ja, dette ser ekstremt bra ut for Rec - både batteri og solar bransjen, og i tillegg ser det ut til å gå bra i samtalene mellom USA og Kina.
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31.01.2019 kl 20:21 10933

Research findings open door for better silicon anode batteries

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28.01.2019 kl 14:04 11262

30 GWh Battery Gigafactory vurderes i India

Blant de samarbeidende selskapene er Magnis Energy Technologies, som for tiden fokuserer på anoder med et kompositt av grafitt/silisium.

Det later imidlertid til at den nye fabrikken vil først og fremst fokusere på solid state-teknologi fra C4V.

"The plan is for 30 GWh . Tech would come from Charge CCCV(C4V)
India badly would like to catch onto the electric car revolution. The visions and ambitions includes millions of EVs and a lithium-ion battery industry in the country.

According to the latest news, there is a plan for a 30 GWh battery gigafactory (initially it would start at 1 GWh annually). The project is currently being discussed by government and industry partners.

Gigafactory – the name clearly refers to Tesla’s massive battery factory – could be created by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), which 63% of its equity is controlled by the government, and the consortium LIBCOIN, which consist:

Australia-based Magnis Energy Technologies Limited (20%)
Duggal Family Trust
Charge CCCV(C4V), which says that has a working solid-state battery cell
The question is whether there are buyers for batteries from a new, unknown manufacturer?

“Magnis Energy Technologies Limited announced that the Government of India, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises advises that Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and LIBCOIN (20% owned by Magnis) are in discussions to build India’s first Li-ion battery gigafactory. BHEL is India’s largest power generation equipment manufacturer; the government holds 63% of its equity.”

“Australia-based and AXS-listed Magnis is a vertically integrated group focused on Lithium-ion batteries. The company has developed and has patent protection on graphite processing techniques that require no downstream chemical or thermal purification treatments, leading to strong green credentials as well as to being the lowest cost producer of spherical graphite above 99.95% total graphitic carbon (TGC) purity.Over the past 5 years Magnis has rapidly moved into Lithium-ion battery technology with a focus on next generation graphite/silicon composite anode materials.”

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
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26.01.2019 kl 23:14 11630

Den amerikanske hæren forsker på batterier, blant annet med silisiumanode.

«The graphite anode is important because it does not grow tiny, destructive hairs called dendrites when recharged. But graphite has capacity limitations, and the Army researchers are trying silicon anodes with very high capacities for lithium.»

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.01.2019 kl 22:39 11974

LG Chem Will Invest KRW 1.2 Trillion to Expand Its Battery Plants in Nanjing


South Korea’s LG Chem announced on January 9 that it will invest KRW 1.2 trillion (USD 1.07 billion) to expand its two battery production plants located in the Chinese city of Nanjing. The initiation of this capacity expansion program is in response to the rising demand in China for powertrain batteries used in electric vehicles (EVs) and cylindrical batteries used in various electronic products.

The Korea Herald, an English-language newspaper published in Seoul, reported in its coverage of the announcement that LG Chem has divided the investment into two parts. Around KRW 600 billion will be spent on raising the production of EV batteries. The remaining amount will be used to raise the production of cylindrical batteries for digital devices and other applications, including electric bicycles, electric scooters, and wireless vacuum cleaners.

B3 Intelligence, a research firm cited by LG Chem in its announcement, forecasts that the global demand for cylindrical batteries will total around 6 billion units this year. This quantity is 2.6 times of that for 2015 and translates to an average annual increase of 27% in the global demand during the 2015-2019 period. LG Chem stated that the expansion of the Nanjing base will enhance its position in China’s newly emerged and rapidly growing battery market.

Business Korea, another Korean media outlet, reported last December that South Korea’s battery suppliers will soon be able to compete on a better footing in China as the country begins phasing out subsidies for domestic battery manufacturers. With better products at lower prices, Korean suppliers are confident that they can capture more orders from Chinese EV manufacturers. Besides LG Chem, Samsung SDI and SK Innovation are now ramping up investments in China as well.

An article published last December on just-auto.com, a website for auto industry news, said that LG Chem anticipates that its EV battery business will turn a profit for the first time in the fourth quarter of 2018.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:00 Du må logge inn for å svare
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15.01.2019 kl 23:17 12133

Ja, er ikke noe å skrive om hver dag, men det later til å forme seg en konsensus rundt silisium i første omgang i hvert fall.
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15.01.2019 kl 23:16 12103

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