Nyheter innen silisiumbatterier

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RECSI 29.10.2018 kl 08:39 203484

Siden dette kan bli et spennende område for REC i nær fremtid, kan det jo være interessant å holde seg oppdatert på nyheter herfra.

Kan jo starte med LG Chem:
LG Chem invests in Enevate; silicon-dominant Li-ion battery technology

Enevate Corporation, developer of a silicon-dominant composite anode material and high energy density batteries (earlier post), announced that LG Chem has participated in Enevate’s recent funding.

Introduced in November 2017, Enevate’s HD-Energy Technology for EVs enables Lithium-ion (Li-ion) cells with up to 50% higher capacity than conventional graphite cells. The cells can be charged to 75% capacity in five minutes. They can also safely charge and discharge down to -40°C and capture more energy during regenerative braking, extending their range in cold climates.

Enevate’s HD-Energy Technology is a self-standing, silicon-dominant composite anode with more than 70% silicon. The conductive, silicon-dominant composite film anode is essentially 100% active material that can store lithium and has a high electrical conductivity.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.04.2019 kl 09:06 10395

Han var litt reservert sist gang, men det er likevel liten tvil her. TTs tidshorisont er for konservativ i mine øyne når han snakker om 3 år.

Tore Torvund, REC Silicon ASA - CEO & President [15]


Let's say we have several companies coming to Moses Lake to discuss the availability of silane gas. It's mainly the silane gas, which seems to be of interest to them. On the other hand, it is not a developed market yet. Let's say, we have heard that some Chinese companies are using about 6% silicon at the maximum in their anode today. There is major technological issues to be resolved. But more and more people says that we can, 2, 3 years now see an opportunity that there will be 50% to 60% silicon in the anode, which will then increase the capacity of a battery by some 30%. My position today has been that I have tremendous amount of silane when you need it. So come back when we can definitely sign a contract, but we are not going to be the battery expert. We are going to supply the material they need to make these batteries.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.04.2019 kl 09:10 10390

Fra Q3 18:

"And there is only five companies able to deliver the quality, which is needed in the semiconductor market, and REC is one out of those companies. The new thing coming out is batteries. It has been approximately 20 companies now visiting REC in the U.S., talking about silicon into batteries. We don't know too much about, let's say, the technology and batteries. This is not our, let's say, competence. On the other hand, let's say, these companies they are talking about the batteries will become four times more efficient by using silicon instead of graphite in the anodes of the batteries.

The second thing is that already today 5,000 to 10,000 metric ton out of 400,000 metric ton is used in batteries by companies like Tesla, Samsung, Panasonic and LG, but the market could exceed within the next five years about 100,000 metric ton. And even here, in Norway, we see that there is a strong interest of using – R&D using silicon into the anodes of the batteries. The new thing is basically that both in the U.S. and in Europe, there is a very strong focus now to build a battery, let's say, business.

As you can see from the slide, China seems to be running, let's say, ahead of all others also on the battery side. They have done tremendous investments. They continue to do a lot of investments in batteries. China has basically what they call the 2025 mission. It is about renewables, it's about storage and it's about electric cars. And they do all the investments within these areas.

European car manufacturers, U.S. car manufacturers are very worried about that, let's say, when electric cars come, they don't have necessary supply of batteries and that's why if you remember – or you probably saw some days ago, EU put together a huge package to promote building battery competence in Europe and the same thing in the U.S. And when we now met with the USTR talking about what is important in terms of the trade war, batteries was really what they were focused on because they really want to keep kind of these industries, polysilicon industry, in the U.S. to support also development on the battery side.

This is not an important business to us as of today. But hopefully, within the next two to three years, this will be a very important part of our business as well. And the battery companies are particularly looking for silane and for granular because one of the important thing is that you use polysilicon, a very, very small sized polysilicon granular. That's what they are looking for."

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.04.2019 kl 09:24 10351

Tusen takk?
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19.04.2019 kl 11:34 10129

VANCOUVER, April 18, 2019 /CNW/ – MGX Minerals Inc. (“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE: XMG / FKT: 1MG / OTCQB: MGXMF) reported today that its collaborative research partnership with the University of British Columbia (“UBC”) has successfully developed a novel hybrid organic-inorganic material for use in engineering silicon interfaces. These interfaces will prove critical in achieving a highly efficient, long-lasting silicon anode that will aide in the development of next generation lithium-ion batteries capable of quadrupling energy density from the current standard of 100 Wh/kg up to 400 Wh/kg for use in long-range electric vehicles and grid-scale energy storage.

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19.04.2019 kl 11:55 9986

Takk for interessant link. Det skjer mye og vi står helt klarr foran en aldri så liten energirevolusjon. Gleder meg til å kjøre elbil med rekkevidde 2000 km.
Kombinasjonen sol og batteri blir uslåelig.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.04.2019 kl 17:16 9792


At Rec blir en kommende gullgruve for aksjonærene , det begynner å bli virkeligere for hver dag som går.
Bare vent å se, tolmodighet her kommer lønne seg

Ha en fortsatt god påske
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dno corelli
19.04.2019 kl 17:19 9782

Selger på 6 kr...skal følge ørn på denne:)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
dno corelli
19.04.2019 kl 17:20 9773

Samt skal ha meg en audi med 2000km rekkevidde av gevinst:)
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19.04.2019 kl 18:59 9685

Håper du mener 60 kr, ettersom vi nesten helt sikkert får en 10:1 spleis ;) Men ja, spennende, og spesielt siden vi allerede nå vil begynne å se økt mengde sil i anodene. Husk at Tesla lover at den nye Roadster i 2020 får 200 kWh, dobbelt av dagens versting. Hvordan skal de klare det med dagens teknologi? Man kan ikke bare doble str på batteriet, da blir den altfor tung, og man får neppe plass i det lille, snertne formatet. Jeg tipper Tesla har en ny anode på gang, med ytterligere økt mengde silisium.

Vi får se!
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19.04.2019 kl 19:00 9695

Håper du mener 60 kr, ettersom vi nesten helt sikkert får en 10:1 spleis ;) Men ja, spennende, og spesielt siden vi allerede nå vil begynne å se økt mengde sil i anodene. Husk at Tesla lover at den nye Roadster i 2020 får 200 kWh, dobbelt av dagens versting. Hvordan skal de klare det med dagens teknologi? Man kan ikke bare doble str på batteriet, da blir den altfor tung, og man får neppe plass i det lille, snertne formatet. Jeg tipper Tesla har en ny anode på gang, med ytterligere økt mengde silisium.

Vi får se!
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19.04.2019 kl 21:06 9578

Sila Nano Valued At More Than $1 Billion Following $170 Million Round Led By Daimler

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20.04.2019 kl 13:34 9396

Scaling up the SiNANOde production from 10 to 100 tons annually

PALO ALTO, California: OneD Material announces the issuance on March 26th of the new US Patent No. 10,243,207. The patent discloses novel industrial-scale manufacturing processes to produce SiNANOde anode material at volume and cost which are attractive to battery makers and their OEM customers.

Dr. Yimin Zhu, OneD's Chief Technology officer, is one of the three co-inventors.

For more than a decade, Dr. Zhu and his team have worked on new methods to grow silicon nanowires on graphite particles to increase the energy density of lithium ion batteries. Since 2010, OneD has produced growing quantities of SiNANOde and supplied several leading battery makers for extensive testing. More recently, this team has successfully perfected and optimized the manufacturing process to scale production of SiNANOde from today's 10 tons to over 100 tons capacity per year.

SiNANOde manufacturing process uses commercially available CVD furnaces to grow silicon nanowires directly onto the best commercially available graphite active materials using silane gas supplied already at scale to the semiconductor and solar industries. This unique combination enables the increase in SiNANOde production volumes by orders of magnitude at a very competitive cost.

In contrast to silicon oxides (SiOx) added to graphite anodes in some commercial batteries or newer silicon-graphite materials recently announced but yet not available in commercial quantities, SiNANOde anode materials provide a far superior drop-in solution to reach higher energy densities which has been already produced at tons-scale and is now ready to be produced at increasing industrial scale and attractive costs.

More details on the manufacturing process and the SiNANOde materials are available at OneD's website under the TECHNICAL SECTION.


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
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20.04.2019 kl 13:50 9407

Takker, flott info. Ser de skal bruke silangass. Rec produserer 70% av verdens produksjon. Tipper Rec har en kunde her:) Bør vel bety noe for Rec.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
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20.04.2019 kl 14:14 9377

Silisiumanoder fremstilles bl.a. med silangass ja. Derfor er alt av sil-batteriproduksjon av interesse. Dette kommer til å bli stort, potensielt på mye kortere sikt enn hva folk tror. Tipper at vi om 2 år fra nå ser på et helt annet marked.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
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20.04.2019 kl 14:22 9374

Ja, og i tillegg er dette veldig positivt for elektrolyseindustrien, Hydro og en mengde andre aktører.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.04.2019 kl 14:10 9110

Ser ikke helt hvordan dette er positivt for "hele elektrolyseindustrien", men har kanskje gått glipp av noe...?

Som en bekreftelse på at Sila Nano Inc benytter silangass som innsatsfaktor, kom jeg over følgende tekst fra deres utviklingsanlegg:

"The second really cool business related news is that a company called Sila Nanotechnologies is moving their battery related business to Alameda from Atlanta, Georgia. Recently they filed an application with the City of Alameda to build some sort of outdoor container to house nitrogen and to house silane which is another gas that I had to Google. Sila Nanotechnologies is looking to move their headquarters and lab space to Mariner Square.

Here’s what Sila Nanotechnologies does:
“Sila is developing a high-throughput technology for scalable synthesis of high-capacity nanostructured materials for Li-Ion EV batteries. The successful implementation of this technology will allow improvements in energy storage capacity of today’s best batteries at half the cost.""

Kilde: https://laurendo.wordpress.com/2014/07/29/batteries-are-included/

Siden de store bilprodusenter allerede posisjonerer seg med oppkjøp, lurer jeg på om ikke ting kommer til å skje lenge før TT antydet.

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25.04.2019 kl 14:48 9076

Ref ditt spørsmål : Virker snarere som du ikke vet hva elektrolyse er. Slå det opp, Johnny:)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.04.2019 kl 14:54 9002

Joda, jeg er godt kjent med hva elektrolyse er og hvordan det virker. Men jeg ser ikke riktig det du ser. Kan du ikke være vennlig å forklare hvordan dette er til fordel for denne industrien?
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25.04.2019 kl 16:00 8900

De forsker på å bedre anodene...
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25.04.2019 kl 16:28 8860

Det later til at spennende ting skjer allerede mot slutten av året.
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25.04.2019 kl 17:17 8811

Flyers, du er på villspor her. Anoder i aluminiumsindustrien inneholder ikke silisium. Dette vil da bare bli ett fremmedstoff i smeltebadet som fortrinnsvis inneholder Al - aluminium.
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25.04.2019 kl 20:54 8682

Ok, og da mener du at anodene de bruker et laget av aluminium, eller?
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25.04.2019 kl 20:55 8691

Ok, og da mener du at anodene de bruker et laget av aluminium, eller?
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25.04.2019 kl 20:57 8709

Anodene som brukes veier 1000 kg og spises raskt opp under elektrolysen. Nye anoder kreves hele tiden. Mulig det er rett at silisium ikke kan brukes.
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26.04.2019 kl 05:46 8435

APRIL 10, 2019 / 7:17 AM / 16 DAYS AGO
Exclusive: SK Innovation in talks to set up EV battery JVs with Volkswagen, China partners

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26.04.2019 kl 05:51 8427

APRIL 25, 2019 / 12:12 PM / UPDATED 17 HOURS AGO
Volkswagen plans electric vehicle plant with JAC in China: local government

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26.04.2019 kl 05:54 8429

APRIL 25, 2019 / 5:33 AM / A DAY AGO
Panasonic may upgrade Japan plant to make advanced Tesla batteries: source

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26.04.2019 kl 06:52 8426

Interessant. De nyere, "higher density" batteriene til Tesla inneholder mer silisium enn de gamle. Fortsatt ikke veldig mye, men alle monner drar :)
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26.04.2019 kl 07:02 8430

SK Innovations lager NCM 811-batterier som i 1. generasjon har litt silisium i anoden. 2. gen skal komme i 2020, og da med "lithium metal anodes", altså ikke silisium i det hele tatt, i følge denne fra april 2018: https://pushevs.com/2018/04/02/ncm-811-sk-innovation-vs-lg-chem/
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20.05.2019 kl 14:59 7952

Global Graphene Group launches a graphene-silicon Li-Ion battery anode material

Global Graphene Group, and its subsidiary Angstron Energy (AEC) has developed a new graphene/silicon composite anode material (GCA-II-N) which can increase the capacity of Li-Ion batteries while reducing the battery's size and weight. AEC current market focus is on electronic bikes and consumer electronics, but is also working with Tier-1 electric cars and trucks makers


AEC has already commercialized the material, and the company has a production capacity (at its Dayton, Ohio plant) of 50 tons/per year. AEC is expanding the plant and by 2020 will have a capacity of 1,000 tons/year (in Ohio and also in its Asia-based production site).

AEC says that the new anode material boasts 8X the specific capacity of current graphite anode materials. Coupled with a current cathode material, it can enhance the battery's capacity by 35%, and if coupled with an emerging cathode could increase the capacity by 100%.

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07.06.2019 kl 06:24 7618

Giga Solar to make anode, cathode materials of batteries
Nuying Huang, Taipei; Adam Hwang, DIGITIMES Thursday 6 June 2019 0 Toggle Dropdown
PV conductive paste maker Giga Solar Materials is setting up production lines for pure silicon and silicon dioxide (silica) used as anode materials of batteries in Taiwan and those for cathode materials of LFP (lithium iron phosphate) batteries at its factory in eastern China, according to company chairman Jimmy Chen.

Giga Solar has been developing these materials for 5-6 years, Chen said at a shareholders meeting on June 5.

The production lines in Taiwan will be completed by the end of second-quarter 2019 and kick off production in the following quarter, with shipments to begin in the fourth quarter, Chen noted. Pure silicon and silicon dioxide will be mainly shipped to Long Time Technology, a maker of natural and artificial graphite used as anode materials. Giga Solar is a shareholder of Long Time.

The production of cathode materials of LFP batteries will begin in December 2019, and Giga Solar will supply the materials for outsourced production of LFP batteries in China.

Having also invested in PV power generation projects, Giga Solar on June 4 sold a 100% stake in a PV power-generating station in southern Taiwan to Chenya Energy at NT$236 million (US$7.5 million). The capital gain from the sale is NT$213.3 million.

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07.06.2019 kl 06:28 7620

BioSolar Completes First Batch of Lithium-ion Battery Prototypes
GlobeNewswireJune 4, 2019, 9:30 AM GMT+2
Commercial grade prototypes incorporating BioSolar’s silicon anode material technology was prepared in the 21700 cylindrical cell format

SANTA CLARITA, Calif., June 04, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioSolar, Inc. (BSRC) (“BioSolar” or the “Company”), a developer of breakthrough energy storage technology and materials, today announced that it has completed the first batch of its commercial grade prototype lithium-ion batteries.


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07.06.2019 kl 06:56 7589

Takk grabein. Dette er rått! Og et ganske stort gjennombrudd! Og nok også derfor REC plutselig startet å stige i går. Bør bli en sak også i norsk media om denne, og RECs muligheter til å bli med i dette eventyret.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
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07.06.2019 kl 07:10 7602

Vi får se, jeg tror ikke media tar tak i dette før det kommer en melding fra TT at REC er skikkelig i gang med å fôre batterimarkedet med silan.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.06.2019 kl 10:40 7462

*Grab; TT sa på siste tallslipp at det ikke var mulig å frakte Silane (ifm anode). Det kan vel ikke stemme.
Men jeg er heller (heldigvis) ikke inni hodet hans, så vet ikke hva han mente - annet at
frakt-problemet var årsak til at batteriprodusenter ville trenge fabrikk(er) nær REC.

-Men Silane lar seg i hvertfall (normalt) frakte


ed. bra du følger med og har updates :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
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07.06.2019 kl 10:52 7415

Ja, silan må vel kunne likvidiseres og fraktes? TT har jo også sagt at det har vært foretatt små silanleveranser til batteriproduksjon. Disse leveransene må da ha blitt fraktet?

Uansett, det er ikke veldig hyppig med nyheter på sil-batterifronten for tiden. Jeg prøver å få med meg det som er og poste det her.
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07.06.2019 kl 10:56 7330

tipper det er snakk om så store volum som evt skal leveres/forbrukes at det ikke er økonomi i å la trailer-john kjøre rundt for 5dollar timen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.06.2019 kl 11:08 7312

*Grabein; her er hva TT sa ved tallslipp for Q1 2019:

"There is several companies which has visit us in both Moses Lake and Butte because if they are going to do this production, they'd have to be adjacent to our production facility. There is no way you can transport silane. You have to build plants for making this anode material close to where we make silane. And as Francine said, we are the only company making silane in the U.S. And also, there is very limited competition out in the market elsewhere. So that's the – basically what is our view."

"There's a lot of R&D going on and there is a lot of companies that can – that is working on this. These companies come to REC and says that, we would like to have some exclusive access to silane. But the volume they're talking now is probably 300 metric ton next year, which could move to 3,000 metric ton three years from now. We don't give any exclusivity.

Let's say we want to stay there, see what's going to happen. And when then it is clear which company might be successful, we can start to negotiate. But what we tell them is that if you need silane, we have tremendous amount of capacity. So we are not actively out there, but we are – let's say there has been four, five, six definite companies coming to REC to ask for can we get some kind of access to your facility. And we say, okay, we would like to see that this is going to be a firm contract until we will start to negotiate with them."


-Jeg tror dette ligger 3-5 år frem i tid, før det evn tar av.. Men det må jo starte med NOE - snart......
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07.06.2019 kl 14:48 7203

Ja, jeg tror at dersom det går 3-5 år før REC får en deal her, så har de allerede gått glipp av svære saker.
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07.06.2019 kl 15:02 7167

Er ikke Elkem inne her , har gått over dit , dessverre så ser ikke jeg noen snarlig løsning for Rec lengere :-(
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