Nordic Nanovector ASA: R&D Day

NANOV 29.11.2021 kl 10:50 24274

Nordic Nanovector ASA: R&D Day
Oslo, Norway, 29 November 2021
Nordic Nanovector ASA (OSE: NANOV), a clinical stage biotechnology company developing targeted radiopharmaceuticals to extend and improve the lives of patients with haematological cancers, provides an update on its planned R&D Day on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 starting at 14:00 CET/ 13:00 GMT/ 08:00 ET. The meeting, which was going to take place in person in Oslo, will now be held as a virtual event via live webcast only due to increased travel restrictions driven by the Omicron coronavirus variant.
Updated Agenda
14:00 – Welcome – Jan Egberts, Chairman
14:10 – Strategic reflections – Erik Skullerud, CEO
14:30 – Relapsed follicular lymphoma: evolving treatment algorithm and unmet medical need – Leo Gordon, MD, Northwestern University
14:55 – Navigating the NHL landscape with Betalutin – Pierre Dodion, MD, Incoming CMO
15:20 – Integrating targeted radioimmunotherapy in NHL care pathways – Marco Renoldi, MD, COO
15:35 – Break
15:45 – The CMC journey to BLA and launch readiness – Lars Nieba, PhD, CTO
16:00 – Nordic Nanovector pipeline: promising value-enhancing opportunities
• Leveraging our CD37 expertise – Maureen Deehan, PhD, Head of Corporate Development and Strategy and Jostein Dahle, PhD, CSO
16:40 - Concluding Remarks – Erik Skullerud, CEO
The webcast can be accessed from in the section: Investors & Media and a recording will also be available on this page after the event.
The presentations will be available at in the section: Investors & Media/Reports and Presentation/Presentations/2021 from 7:00am CET the same day.

Overraskende liten omsetning og rolig her på forumet i dag.

Er det bare jeg som har en god magefølelse for morgendagen?

02.12.2021 kl 18:11 1939

Stille og stille…

Foruten den vanlige hausingen og baisingen, vet vi som ser lengre en neste børsdag å holde kjeft.. vi er i flertall 😉

Har sagt det før, gjentar meg gjerne - Snakkes i juli 2022 🍾🥂
02.12.2021 kl 19:30 1771

Kan godt leve med lav aksjekurs til over nyttår (må tross alt tenke på formueskatten🤔).