30.10.2018 kl 20:50 1451

Focuss, jeg valgte overskriften for å vise hvor feil markedet tar av PHO.
Når selv en slik artikkel tar så feil, at vi er bedre informert, viser hvorfor kursen er surrealistisk lav.
Dvs oppsiden er enorm
30.10.2018 kl 20:35 1512


Photocure is a commercial-stage Norwegian specialty pharmaceutical company that currently markets Hexvix/Cysview for diagnosing and managing bladder cancer. Recently, the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule that would improve reimbursement for a large number of procedures. Also, following positive Phase III results in the surveillance setting, the company received FDA approval for that indication and launched the product in May. Sales may have significant upside if the product successfully expands into the US bladder cancer surveillance market, which has 1.2m-1.4m procedures per year, compared to its current market of 325,000 transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) procedures.
30.10.2018 kl 20:27 1548

Cysview ble FDA godkjent 16 februar i år for bruk i surveillance og for gjentatt bruk. Cysview brukes nå ved diagnose,, ved operasjon og ved oppfølging livet ut. Merkelig at den feilen ikke er luket ut av artikkelen.Ellers så synes jeg ikke det er spesielt smart å starte en tråd med den overskriften. Forøvrig så har jeg kommentert det i tråden hvor linken ble lagt ut.
30.10.2018 kl 20:04 1613

jo det er feil, se hær:

Earlier this year, it was announced that the FDA approved an expanded indication for Cysview for use with blue light flexible cystoscopes for surveillance of patients with NMIBC.13 A recently published multicenter, randomized prospective phase III trial supports the use of BLC with HAL in the surveillance setting and highlights the utility of BLFC in detecting CIS. It also demonstrated that repeat instillation of HALwas safe.