Rettet emisjon + reparasjons emisjon?

NOL 26.12.2021 kl 16:09 621

Beklager egen tråd, men såpass sært tema.
Er det snakk om at andre (store) aksjonærer en Hemen og Hayfin, vil få mulighet til å tegne seg i to runder?
Sliter litt med å forstå teksten i fra "NewsWeben"

The Private Placement
Hemen has committed to subscribe for, and will be allocated, 16 million New Shares in the Private Placement, while Hayfin has committed to subscribe for 24 million New Shares. It is expected that a repair offering of up to 8 million shares will be satisfied from the shares that have been conditionally subscribed for by Hayfin as further outlined below. The New Shares will be issued based on the authorization granted to the Company's Board. NOL has engaged Fearnley Securities as Manager for the Private Placement and as Arranger for the follow-up offering. The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Private Placement for working capital and general corporate purposes.

The Company intends to commence a repair offering of up to 8 million shares towards existing shareholders as recorded in the VPS at the date of completion of the Private Placement and who did not participate in the Private Placement. The repair offering is subject to applicable restrictions in the relevant jurisdictions of said shareholders and to the approval of an offering prospectus. The repair offering shares will be offered at USD 0.50 per share and is expected to be satisfied from the shares that have been conditionally subscribed for by Hayfin.