
QEC 09.01.2022 kl 16:20 145846

Her er analysen fra SPB1 sitt morgenmøte på fredag 7. Jan. hentet fra en annen tråd, der target er kr 4-10. Legg også spesielt merke til punkt 6 der QEC varsler produksjon opp fra 1350 BOA til 2000 BOA i år når nye brønner er i gang!😀🚀
"This morning, Questerre CEO Mike Binnion provided an update at our morning meeting. The key highlights were: 1) Quebec Prime Minister has been clear on that there will some compensation if there is introduced a ban for oil and gas activities. 2) timeline for compensation is hard to predict, but reasonable to believe something will happen before upcoming election in October 2022. 3) Company have submitted application for carbon storage projects for clean tech projects in Quebec. 4) Expropriation legislation in Quebec requires fair value compensation vs. petroleum legislation indicates that historical costs should be compensated (i.e., compensation may range from CAD 175m to USD 2.4bn, according to company). 5) Government’s internal fair value estimate for the project is CAD 2-5bn. 6) Questerre’s current production of 1350 boe/d (roughly same as Q3 21) and new wells in H1 22 will bring production up to around 2000 boe/d. 7) The Green Leaf project (former Red Leaf) has potential for rare earth elements. Our scenario analysis suggest a fair value of the QEC share of NOK 4 to NOK 10/share, given various compensation scenarios."
Redigert 09.01.2022 kl 16:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.01.2022 kl 11:27 5898


Quebec to Pay “Significantly More” than $5B to Jilted Utica Drillers
December 2, 2021 Energy Companies, Industrywide Issues, Questerre Energy, Regulation, Utica Resources
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In October the province of Quebec, Canada announced it will expropriate all of the rights for all oil and gas companies in the province to drill and extract oil and natural gas (see Lights Out for All O&G Production in Quebec, Including Utica Shale). It’s all being shut down–including actively producing wells. Shutting down existing businesses in the province is something you might expect in Communist China, or Soviet Russia, or tin-horn dictatorships in South America. It’s not something you expect to see in Western democracies. Yet it’s happening in Quebec, home to a large deposit of the Utica Shale. Now Quebec drillers, those who had planned to tap their vast Utica Shale assets, are demanding Quebec pay up, and the price will be “significantly more” than the $3 billion to $5 billion floated by the province’s energy association.

Yes, the Utica Shale underlies large portions of Quebec. We often get this question when writing about the Canadian Utica because our U.S-centric maps don’t show the Utica reaching up into Canada. But it does:

click for larger version
Canadian producer Utica Resources owns 33 exploration licenses covering over 5,000 square kilometers of Quebec Utica Shale. Mario Lévesque, president and CEO of Utica Resources, wants compensation for his company and the other nine license-holding companies in the province. The only other company with Utica assets we’re familiar with, having written about it over the years, is Questerre Energy (see our Questerre stories here).

Mario Lévesque wants the Quebec government to pay him to not drill for oil and gas.

Lévesque’s company, Utica Resources, holds 33 exploration licences covering over 5,000 square kilometres of Quebec heartland. Were it up to him, he would be drilling roughly 1,500 metres into the ground to obtain his piece of the estimated 31 trillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas in Quebec’s portion of the Utica Shale, the same formation from which Pennsylvania and Ohio have wrung riches over the last decade.

But it isn’t up to him. Last month, Quebec Premier François Legault announced that the government was effectively banning hydrocarbon extraction in the province. The decision, which Legault said was part of the government’s plan to hit its emissions-reduction targets, effectively killed Utica Resources’ raison d’être .

So Lévesque wants compensation for Utica and the other nine licence-holding companies in the province. The starting bid: “significantly more” than the $3 billion to $5 billion floated by the province’s energy association, Lévesque told me the other day.

It’s an often-overlooked expense in the push to decarbonize the economy. As countries around the world make it more difficult to find, extract and transport hydrocarbons, the companies that make it their business to do so are demanding billions in compensation.

These cases almost invariably end up in court or in trade arbitration, and are potentially very expensive. Consider Calgary-based TC Energy’s Keystone XL Pipeline extension, the proposed conduit for 830,000 daily barrels of oil from Alberta to Nebraska. Presented in 2008, the pipeline extension was rejected in 2015 by the Obama administration, only to have Trump sign it back to life in 2017. Revoking the Keystone permit was among Joe Biden’s first presidential acts.

That penstroke, which delighted environmentalists on both sides of the border, could be costly. TC Energy filed a formal request for arbitration last week, seeking over US$15 billion in damages as a result of what it says is a U.S. government breach of North American trade regulations.

Meanwhile, four companies are suing European governments under the Energy Charter Treaty, an international agreement governing energy security among its 53 signatories. All told, the four companies are seeking just over US$3.1 billion for instituting laws that protect the environment but damage their bottom lines.

The various complaints and lawsuits underscore the fossil fuel industry’s more muscular approach to selling its wares. After decades of trying to be as green as possible—and weathering the resulting accusations of greenwashing—many in the industry are pushing back. Earlier this month, Scott Sheffield, CEO of Texas-based Pioneer Natural Resources, publicly rebuked the Biden administration for its legislative attempts to wean the U.S. off fossil fuels.

The governments of some oil-producing U.S. states have vowed “collective action” against those banks that, in practicing “Woke Capitalism,” refuse to finance coal, oil and natural-gas industries. There is an almost drunken absurdity to the notion that a bank could be the corporate incarnation of Colin Kaepernick. But Big Oil has a point. For all the talk of a carbon-free future, for now we are utterly addicted to the stuff—by some measures, more so than ever before. “Currently, the trade regime and the climate regime don’t align,” Temitope Onifade, affiliated research scholar at the Canada Climate Law Initiative, told me last week.

Quebec is well placed to cash in on this addiction. The value of its shale deposits is quite frankly bonkers—as much as $130 billion, according to a 2013 provincial government report.

“One of the biggest natural-gas discoveries in North America,” as Michael Binnion, CEO of fellow permit holder Questerre puts it. It’s why, though he is cagey about how much Utica is worth, Lévesque says it’s much more than $5 billion. “If this were an open market, Utica Resources would be worth $20 billion to $25 billion,” he told me. (The province’s natural-resources ministry didn’t respond to my questions before deadline).

The province is decidedly not an open market, however. Previous Liberal governments put a moratorium on fracking in 2011, and outright banned the practice in 2018. The province is known as the place where pipeline projects go to die. Lévesque was hopeful when Legault was elected in 2018—while in opposition, the premier once wrote that Quebec should exploit its oil and gas resources “on a large scale”—but has since mostly resigned himself to leaving the shale gas where it is. “It’s too bad, but now we’re in an expropriation situation, and with expropriation comes compensation.”

Lévesque recently had one small victory. In November, a judge ruled the Quebec government was wrong in denying Utica an exploration permit for its subsidiary Gaspé Énergie, which pumps oil from four jacks in the Gaspé. But these, too, will be forced to shut down if the Quebec government implements a blanket ban on hydrocarbon production, as promised.

How other oil companies will fare in court is an open question. TC Energy faces long odds, if only because the U.S. government has a near-perfect record when it comes to North American trade disputes. And a recent European court decision suggests those companies going after the likes of Germany and Italy can’t base their claims on the Energy Charter Treaty.

In a way, though, the outcomes don’t matter much, because the court of public opinion is more politically compelling. The Keystone XL project will remain shuttered for good, even in the unlikely case that the Biden administration loses at the trade tribunal. Similarly, coal will still be on the legislative outs in Europe and beyond even if German energy company RWE is successful in its US$1.6-billion suit against the Dutch government, which said it would shut down coal-fired plants by 2030. There is political capital to be harvested in taking on the oil and gas industry. Premier Legault has certainly figured this out.*

It’s time for Quebec to pay up. We hope the citizens of the province enjoy their indentured servitude to the left, because they’re going to pay big for it.
Slettet bruker
10.01.2022 kl 11:30 5831

Vi kommer å se 10kr.
10.01.2022 kl 11:37 5730

Fortsatt ganske bullish etter fredagen. Passert 2.6 nå!
Slettet bruker
10.01.2022 kl 12:12 5323

Rally ventes enorme verdier bare å laste.
10.01.2022 kl 13:47 5062

En liten pause og litt gevinst sikring før ferden mot 4+++ fortsetter😀
10.01.2022 kl 13:58 5016

Håper det, men den har sklidd litt for "kontrollert" ned fra 2,60?
10.01.2022 kl 14:01 5007

Utrolig at man får lastet her
10.01.2022 kl 14:02 5020

Utrolig, men sant!
Slettet bruker
10.01.2022 kl 14:39 4878

Mon ikke vi skal op og teste 3,20 NOK igen inden fredag på luk? Med den volumen og interesse som der er for QEC, så er det langt fra umuligt.
10.01.2022 kl 17:42 4639

En flott dag, høyt volum og opp i sluttauksjonen + opp med over 20% i Canada nå også på bra volum der = tror fortsatt på kurs over kr 3 her før helgen, og deretter er det 4+++ som gjelder😀🚀 Erstatning og kurs 4-10 er en ting, pilot og kurs 30+ igjen er drømmen!
Redigert 10.01.2022 kl 17:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.01.2022 kl 17:46 4619

Ps / Nb - kraftig oppgang på høyt volum på meget rød børs sier også sitt👍
10.01.2022 kl 19:03 4335

QEC stiger også meget bra i Canada. :)
10.01.2022 kl 21:00 4131

Noen som kort kan gjengi hovedpunkter fra oppdatert selskapsinformasjon QEC slapp i kveld, får ikke opp presentasjonen på mobil. Regner med kostpris /utgifter CAD 175 mill er justert opp noe?😀
10.01.2022 kl 21:07 4110

Ikke oppjustert…

«Amounts spent on licenses are estimated at approximately $175 million (including $10 million spent on non-operated and partially surrendered licenses)»
10.01.2022 kl 21:07 4105

Prøv dette link


Dette er det som primært er interessant

Applicable Legislation
Government has not formally announced what specific rights are being revoked. In the event Government expropriates all rights, applicable legislation includes:
• Current resource assessment covering only 5% of acreage before tax risked NPV-10%(4):
• $0.8 billion for contingent resources, development on hold category
• $0.2 million for contingent resources, development unclarified category
• Excluding risking (primarily for Government approvals), NPV-10 of $1.18 billion and $1.21 billion for above categories respectively
• Amounts spent on licenses are estimated at approximately $175 million (including $10 million spent on non-operated and partially surrendered licenses)
• •

Expropriation Act (Quebec)(1)
The indemnity shall be fixed according to the value of the property expropriated and the damage directly caused by the expropriation.
Civil Code of Quebec(2)
No owner may be compelled to transfer his ownership except by expropriation according to law for public utility and in return for a just and prior indemnity
Petroleum Resources Act(3)
...the Minister considers that the suspension ordered to use the territory for public utility purposes.... In such a case, the Minister pays to the licence holder compensation equal to the amounts spent for all the work performed, on the filing of the reports on that work.
Redigert 10.01.2022 kl 21:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
10.01.2022 kl 21:10 4054

September 2021 - Legal claim by Utica Resources triggers
comments by the Minister of Energy and the Premier on the future
on oil and gas in Quebec – “all options are on the table”(1)
October 2021 - Quebec Premier announces ban on fossil fuel
production in Quebec in opening fall session of National Assembly
“definitively renounce the extraction of hydrocarbons in the
December 2021 - Government delays legislation to end
hydrocarbon development to winter 2022 to finalize compensation
“There is what was paid, what is the market value. It's complex”(3)
Other possible reasons include:
• Court ruling in favor of Utica Resources sets aside regulations
introduced in June 2018 (increase setback and Utica fracturing ban)
• Concerns raised by investors and stakeholders about Quebec’s
attractiveness for foreign and domestic investment
• Reassessing overall energy strategy - Maine referendum rules against
plans to build transmission lines from Quebec to Boston
• Growing Government interest in hydrogen from other sources
10.01.2022 kl 21:11 4034

Imorgen ret ned igjen! 😉dere blei advart!
10.01.2022 kl 21:11 4040

Tusen takk!😀👍🙏
Slettet bruker
10.01.2022 kl 21:13 4032

Hvorfor i alle dager skal den falle?
10.01.2022 kl 21:18 3938


"Excluding risking (primarily for Government
approvals), NPV-10 of $1.18 billion and $1.21 billion
for above categories respectively"

Vent nå litt..
Tror hen mente "godt dere ikke hørte på advarselen"
10.01.2022 kl 21:23 3837

Enten kan manden ikke læse Engelsk, eller også har han overhovedet ikke læst den.
Det er bare støj
Nano Rekyl
10.01.2022 kl 21:31 3718

Begynner nok å bli trangt i døra etterhvert😊🙈
10.01.2022 kl 21:39 3588

Det er derfor toronto reager ikke på melding fra qec…endeløs…det vil ta evigheter til pengane kommer på konto og med mye kamp…lykke til med å låsse pengane !
10.01.2022 kl 21:42 3553

Mon ikke de største kritikere/skeptikere stikker piben ind og forsøger at løse billet til en god pris
10.01.2022 kl 21:43 3546

Tak for det, Andrei. Og held og lykke til dig med at finde en anden aktie, som lynhurtig kan dobles og på en melding kan gå 10x.

Og lov os så, at du hopper over i en af de andre aktier eller måske ud og lege
10.01.2022 kl 21:44 3514

Godt du kan gemme dig bag et Nick.
Du bliver mere og mere pinlig
Redigert 10.01.2022 kl 21:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
Nano Rekyl
10.01.2022 kl 22:25 3215

Den billettprisen blir nok bare dyrere og dyrere for hver dag som går!

Dekt tap og «sugerøret» i bakken for gass😊

10.01.2022 kl 22:31 3132

Opp over 22% i Canada og omsatt over 1 mill aksjer som er bra volum der borte😀
Questerre Energy Corp.
Last Updated: Jan 10, 2022 3:59 p.m. EST
Delayed quote
0.07 22.41%
10.01.2022 kl 22:35 3085

Dette er tallene fra Bloomberg

Slettet bruker
10.01.2022 kl 23:18 2755

Den melding bekræfter bare, at minimum 4 NOK er garanteret 👍 og så er diverse ikke indregnet 🚀
Slettet bruker
10.01.2022 kl 23:30 2686

Current resource assessment covering only 5% of acreage before tax risked NPV-10%(4):
• $0.8 billion for contingent resources, development on hold category
• $0.2 million for contingent resources, development unclarified category

Her er det som er interessant. Hvis 5% har en verdi på ca 1 mrd dollar. Så har hele området QEC har rettigheter en potensiell verdi på ca 20 mrd $. Og skulle QEC få noe i nærheten av "fair value" så bør det beløpet være opp i mot dette. Vi snakker da 200X dagens MCAP i erstatning i MAKS case.

Noe som er "verdt" å ta en lotto kupong på?
10.01.2022 kl 23:37 2613

Nydelig oppdatering fra QEC. Her er det bare å laste det man makter.

10.01.2022 kl 23:42 2578

Slettet bruker skrev Enorm opptur i morgen.
Hvordan kan du tro at det blir enorm opptur? Den sluttet på 2,48 i usa i kveld. Det er riktignok en helt ok stigning det,…men ikke det jeg vil kalle enormt.
Har det kommet nyheter etter børsens stengetid der borte ?