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Redigert 07.08.2022 kl 19:02
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13.04.2022 kl 10:43
Solar Power Is the Latest Industry Hit by China’s Pandemic Curbs
APRIL 13, 2022
Solar companies are seeing a “severe impact” on both panel production and installations from the most recent round of virus outbreaks in China, according to a survey conducted by the Shanghai Solar Energy Society. More than half of respondents noted negative impacts, according to the group, which did not name the companies. Wafer production has been suspended in some factories in the coastal reg
Wafer production has been suspended in some factories in the coastal region close to Shanghai, driving up prices in recent weeks, Jefferies analysts including Johnson Wan said in an April 10 note. Domestic shipping of polysilicon, a key solar manufacturing material, has also faced delays due to outbreaks in the major sourcing region of Xinjiang, the analysts said.
APRIL 13, 2022
Solar companies are seeing a “severe impact” on both panel production and installations from the most recent round of virus outbreaks in China, according to a survey conducted by the Shanghai Solar Energy Society. More than half of respondents noted negative impacts, according to the group, which did not name the companies. Wafer production has been suspended in some factories in the coastal reg
Wafer production has been suspended in some factories in the coastal region close to Shanghai, driving up prices in recent weeks, Jefferies analysts including Johnson Wan said in an April 10 note. Domestic shipping of polysilicon, a key solar manufacturing material, has also faced delays due to outbreaks in the major sourcing region of Xinjiang, the analysts said.
Redigert 13.04.2022 kl 10:44
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13.04.2022 kl 10:37
Polysilicon Chip Market to enjoy explosive growth | REC Silicon, Sunlux Energy, Mei, etc.
APRIL 12, 2022
Global Polysilicon Chip Market Size, Share, Trends, And Report From 2022 to 2031
APRIL 12, 2022
APRIL 12, 2022
Global Polysilicon Chip Market Size, Share, Trends, And Report From 2022 to 2031
APRIL 12, 2022
W Heisenberg
12.04.2022 kl 23:39
David Foster at @thehill discusses how electrification can promote sustainable, blue-collar jobs if backed by policy and collaboration. At Group14, we’re lucky to be based in Washington, a state with strong climate goals backed by supportive policies
David Foster at @thehill discusses how electrification can promote sustainable, blue-collar jobs if backed by policy and collaboration. At Group14, we’re lucky to be based in Washington, a state with strong climate goals backed by supportive policies
12.04.2022 kl 21:35
Qcells holds onto its number one spot in US market, rebrands, and recommits
APRIL 12, 2022
Despite ambitious goals to embrace clean energy technologies, the United States finds itself on yet another solar coaster with the anticircumvention case bringing uncertainty to the US supply chain. Qcells’ parent corporation, Hanwha Solutions, responded to the uncertainty by announcing that it intends to invest across the full solar supply chain from the polysilicon produced at the REC Silicon Washington and Montana plants to solar modules manufactured at Qcells’ Georgia facility. Last month Hanwha announced plans to become the majority shareholder of REC Silicon, thus securing its capabilities across the full US solar technology supply chain.
“We plan to make investments to secure capabilities across the entire solar supply chain, with the goal of supplying our partners with Made-inAmerica products that will help the US regain its leadership in clean energy solutions,” said Justin Lee, CEO of Qcells.
According to the Q1 2022 USPV Leaderboard report, Qcells obtained 24.1% market share in the US residential market for FY 2021. The Leaderboard report also ranks Qcells as the US commercial market leader with 20.6% market share, a 2% increase from 2020. Qcells has held the No.1 position in the commercial segment for the last three fiscal years.
Qcells’ commitment is seen not only in its plan to revitalize US manufacturing of solar grade silicon through its investment in REC Silicon, but its module manufacturing plant in Georgia is the largest in the United States. The Georgia-based factory can produce 1.7GW of solar modules per year, accounting for nearly 20% of module production in the United States. The Georgia plant currently employs up to 750 people, which the company expects to expand in the coming months.
APRIL 12, 2022
Despite ambitious goals to embrace clean energy technologies, the United States finds itself on yet another solar coaster with the anticircumvention case bringing uncertainty to the US supply chain. Qcells’ parent corporation, Hanwha Solutions, responded to the uncertainty by announcing that it intends to invest across the full solar supply chain from the polysilicon produced at the REC Silicon Washington and Montana plants to solar modules manufactured at Qcells’ Georgia facility. Last month Hanwha announced plans to become the majority shareholder of REC Silicon, thus securing its capabilities across the full US solar technology supply chain.
“We plan to make investments to secure capabilities across the entire solar supply chain, with the goal of supplying our partners with Made-inAmerica products that will help the US regain its leadership in clean energy solutions,” said Justin Lee, CEO of Qcells.
According to the Q1 2022 USPV Leaderboard report, Qcells obtained 24.1% market share in the US residential market for FY 2021. The Leaderboard report also ranks Qcells as the US commercial market leader with 20.6% market share, a 2% increase from 2020. Qcells has held the No.1 position in the commercial segment for the last three fiscal years.
Qcells’ commitment is seen not only in its plan to revitalize US manufacturing of solar grade silicon through its investment in REC Silicon, but its module manufacturing plant in Georgia is the largest in the United States. The Georgia-based factory can produce 1.7GW of solar modules per year, accounting for nearly 20% of module production in the United States. The Georgia plant currently employs up to 750 people, which the company expects to expand in the coming months.
W Heisenberg
12.04.2022 kl 14:51
Kan det være denne som er årsaken for at de har foreslått de tyskerne i styret?
Vedlegget er på tysk men har brukte Google translatør.
Robert Habeck på dagens rundebord "Utvidelse av produksjonskapasiteter for energiomstillingen"
Visekansler og føderal økonomi- og klimavernminister Habeck inviterte i dag representanter fra ulike industrisektorer til en digital rundebordskonferanse om temaet "utvidelse av produksjonskapasiteten for energiomstillingen i Tyskland og Europa". Deltakere på det digitale møtet var representanter for foreninger og bedrifter fra feltene vindturbiner, solcelleanlegg, kabler og strømnett samt Fraunhofer-bedrifter.
Etter dagens rundebord sa visekansler og føderal økonomi- og klimabeskyttelsesminister Robert Habeck:
«For en vellykket energiomstilling trenger vi tilstrekkelig produksjonskapasitet og lokasjoner for fornybare energisystemer i Tyskland og Europa. Vi må gjøre alt vi kan for å presse videre med løpende godkjenningsprosedyrer og prosjekter for utvidelse av fornybar på alle nivåer, slik at det faktisk bygges vindturbiner, settes opp solcelleanlegg, monteres nett og legges kabler. Dette haster mer i dag enn noen gang. Påskepakken, som ble vedtatt i statsråd i forrige uke, er en sentral akselerator for utvidelse av fornybar på juridisk nivå. Men vi må også tenke på det næringspolitiske rammeverket og presse pågående prosjekter med all kraft. Derfor ble vi i dag enige om å analysere og takle hindringer i de enkelte sektorene nærmere."
Du kan høre hele pressekonferansen her.
Vedlegget er på tysk men har brukte Google translatør.
Robert Habeck på dagens rundebord "Utvidelse av produksjonskapasiteter for energiomstillingen"
Visekansler og føderal økonomi- og klimavernminister Habeck inviterte i dag representanter fra ulike industrisektorer til en digital rundebordskonferanse om temaet "utvidelse av produksjonskapasiteten for energiomstillingen i Tyskland og Europa". Deltakere på det digitale møtet var representanter for foreninger og bedrifter fra feltene vindturbiner, solcelleanlegg, kabler og strømnett samt Fraunhofer-bedrifter.
Etter dagens rundebord sa visekansler og føderal økonomi- og klimabeskyttelsesminister Robert Habeck:
«For en vellykket energiomstilling trenger vi tilstrekkelig produksjonskapasitet og lokasjoner for fornybare energisystemer i Tyskland og Europa. Vi må gjøre alt vi kan for å presse videre med løpende godkjenningsprosedyrer og prosjekter for utvidelse av fornybar på alle nivåer, slik at det faktisk bygges vindturbiner, settes opp solcelleanlegg, monteres nett og legges kabler. Dette haster mer i dag enn noen gang. Påskepakken, som ble vedtatt i statsråd i forrige uke, er en sentral akselerator for utvidelse av fornybar på juridisk nivå. Men vi må også tenke på det næringspolitiske rammeverket og presse pågående prosjekter med all kraft. Derfor ble vi i dag enige om å analysere og takle hindringer i de enkelte sektorene nærmere."
Du kan høre hele pressekonferansen her.
Redigert 12.04.2022 kl 14:52
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12.04.2022 kl 10:51
Hanwha Solutions promotes new high-tech materials plant in Georgia, USA
APRIL 11, 2022
According to the photovoltaic industry on the 11th, Hanwha Solutions’ advanced materials division has finished reviewing the establishment of a new plant in Georgia, USA. A local corporation will be established within this month and construction will begin. The initial investment for the new factory was set at about 100 billion won. Additional investment is reviewed according to changes in the local investment environment, etc.
The new plant is expected to produce solar ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) sheets and back sheets. EVA sheet is used for bonding and protecting solar module glass and cell backsheet. As long-term durability and optical properties are required for more than 25 years of sunlight, high-quality EVA sheets are important. The back sheet is attached to the back of the solar module to protect the cell and module from moisture, impact, and sunlight. It affects the light transmittance and the amount of rear power generation.
The high-tech materials division’s intention to establish a new solar material plant in Georgia is interpreted as an intention to maximize synergy with the Q Cell division.
APRIL 11, 2022
According to the photovoltaic industry on the 11th, Hanwha Solutions’ advanced materials division has finished reviewing the establishment of a new plant in Georgia, USA. A local corporation will be established within this month and construction will begin. The initial investment for the new factory was set at about 100 billion won. Additional investment is reviewed according to changes in the local investment environment, etc.
The new plant is expected to produce solar ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) sheets and back sheets. EVA sheet is used for bonding and protecting solar module glass and cell backsheet. As long-term durability and optical properties are required for more than 25 years of sunlight, high-quality EVA sheets are important. The back sheet is attached to the back of the solar module to protect the cell and module from moisture, impact, and sunlight. It affects the light transmittance and the amount of rear power generation.
The high-tech materials division’s intention to establish a new solar material plant in Georgia is interpreted as an intention to maximize synergy with the Q Cell division.
12.04.2022 kl 10:49
Bush Urges Congress to Approve FTA With Seoul
APRIL 12, 2022
"One way to address the challenges is to continue opening up markets for America's goods and services, and the best way to do that is to expand free trade," the president said. "We've negotiated new free trade agreements with Peru, Colombia, Panama and Korea. And now the Congress needs to carry out its
responsibility to approve these agreements."
In Seoul, South Korea's just-appointed trade minister vowed to pool government resources to persuade the country's National Assembly to ratify the FTA, while the finance minister said the government will "soon" take steps necessary. South Korea's National Assembly is scheduled to open its regular session next month.
The South Korea-U.S. FTA, signed in June, is called the biggest commercial partnership for the U.S. since the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994 and the largest ever for South Korea.
U.S. Interest Rate Hikes Likely to Affect Korea's Exports
APRIL 12, 2022
The Korea International Trade Association (KITA) said in its report on April 11 that U.S. interest rate hikes are likely to have an adverse impact on South Korean exporters. “The interest rate adjustment is forecast to lead to a decline in demand in emerging economies to affect exports from South Korea,” it said, adding, “At the same time, the strong dollar is likely to result in an increase in import cost and a decline in exporters’ profitability.”
APRIL 12, 2022
"One way to address the challenges is to continue opening up markets for America's goods and services, and the best way to do that is to expand free trade," the president said. "We've negotiated new free trade agreements with Peru, Colombia, Panama and Korea. And now the Congress needs to carry out its
responsibility to approve these agreements."
In Seoul, South Korea's just-appointed trade minister vowed to pool government resources to persuade the country's National Assembly to ratify the FTA, while the finance minister said the government will "soon" take steps necessary. South Korea's National Assembly is scheduled to open its regular session next month.
The South Korea-U.S. FTA, signed in June, is called the biggest commercial partnership for the U.S. since the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994 and the largest ever for South Korea.
U.S. Interest Rate Hikes Likely to Affect Korea's Exports
APRIL 12, 2022
The Korea International Trade Association (KITA) said in its report on April 11 that U.S. interest rate hikes are likely to have an adverse impact on South Korean exporters. “The interest rate adjustment is forecast to lead to a decline in demand in emerging economies to affect exports from South Korea,” it said, adding, “At the same time, the strong dollar is likely to result in an increase in import cost and a decline in exporters’ profitability.”
11.04.2022 kl 20:38
US importers brace for Uyghur bill impact
APRIL 11, 2022
APRIL 11, 2022
11.04.2022 kl 19:38
PVthin responds to the European Commission’s call for evidence on the EU Solar Energy Strategy
APRIL 11, 2022
In April 2022, PVthin submitted its feedback to the European Commission’s call for evidence on the EU Solar Energy Strategy. In the submitted position paper, PVthin welcomes the opportunity to comment on the European Commission’s plans to develop an EU Strategy for Solar Energy.
The upcoming Solar Strategy provides an opportunity for the Commission to take meaningful action to rebuild EU competitiveness in the solar sector, strengthen supply chain resilience and access to PV components, promote high environmental and social sustainability requirements for PV products on the EU market, and leverage demand-side measures to accelerate deployment of these products. The following key challenges are suggested as aspects to be addressed by the Strategy:
• Heavy dependencies impact the availability of key technologies
• Concerns around social and environmental sustainability
• Intellectual property protection
Strengthening PV supply chain resilience requires a significant increase in the production of PV modules and components. This production must be diversified geographically, to avoid situations where issues in one region can impact the deployment of PV installations worldwide. Fair competition among economic regions is necessary to drive capacity expansions and technology innovations. If PV manufacturing further consolidates in one market, competition will suffer and innovations will slow. As a result, PVthin encourages the EU to put forward the following policies as part of the upcoming EU Solar Strategy:
• Create the right conditions to rebuild EU solar manufacturing based on a level playing field internationally.
• Implement demand-side measures to promote the most sustainable solar technologies.
• In line with commitments made at the G7 in Cornwall, restrict market access for PV components made with forced labour.
Read and download the complete response here.
APRIL 11, 2022
In April 2022, PVthin submitted its feedback to the European Commission’s call for evidence on the EU Solar Energy Strategy. In the submitted position paper, PVthin welcomes the opportunity to comment on the European Commission’s plans to develop an EU Strategy for Solar Energy.
The upcoming Solar Strategy provides an opportunity for the Commission to take meaningful action to rebuild EU competitiveness in the solar sector, strengthen supply chain resilience and access to PV components, promote high environmental and social sustainability requirements for PV products on the EU market, and leverage demand-side measures to accelerate deployment of these products. The following key challenges are suggested as aspects to be addressed by the Strategy:
• Heavy dependencies impact the availability of key technologies
• Concerns around social and environmental sustainability
• Intellectual property protection
Strengthening PV supply chain resilience requires a significant increase in the production of PV modules and components. This production must be diversified geographically, to avoid situations where issues in one region can impact the deployment of PV installations worldwide. Fair competition among economic regions is necessary to drive capacity expansions and technology innovations. If PV manufacturing further consolidates in one market, competition will suffer and innovations will slow. As a result, PVthin encourages the EU to put forward the following policies as part of the upcoming EU Solar Strategy:
• Create the right conditions to rebuild EU solar manufacturing based on a level playing field internationally.
• Implement demand-side measures to promote the most sustainable solar technologies.
• In line with commitments made at the G7 in Cornwall, restrict market access for PV components made with forced labour.
Read and download the complete response here.
Vietnam keen on pushing for renewable energy: Minister
Vietnam has been actively building energy planning in the direction of reducing thermal electricity, increasing renewable energy and developing gas-fired power in a rational manner, according to Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien.
Discussing energy-related issues at a recent meeting with Jung In-sub, CEO of Hanwha Energy Group from the Republic of Korea, Minister Dien said Vietnam’s potential for energy production remains very large, noting that its biggest problem is how to transmit electricity to areas with high electrical load.
He asked Hanwha to provide Vietnam with consultation in developing the renewables and send experts to train Vietnamese policy-makers and others in the field.
Hanwha is the RoK’s multi-industry corporation listed in the world’s top 500 companies. It has invested in a 100MW solar power plant in Cam Lam, the south-central province of Khanh Ho, which became operational in June 2019.
In early 2022, a joint venture of Hanwha, KoGas and KOSPO, all of the RoK, and Vietnam’s T&T Group received a licence to build an LNG-fired power plant in Quang Tri with designed capacity of 1,500MW in the first phase./.
Vietnam has been actively building energy planning in the direction of reducing thermal electricity, increasing renewable energy and developing gas-fired power in a rational manner, according to Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien.
Discussing energy-related issues at a recent meeting with Jung In-sub, CEO of Hanwha Energy Group from the Republic of Korea, Minister Dien said Vietnam’s potential for energy production remains very large, noting that its biggest problem is how to transmit electricity to areas with high electrical load.
He asked Hanwha to provide Vietnam with consultation in developing the renewables and send experts to train Vietnamese policy-makers and others in the field.
Hanwha is the RoK’s multi-industry corporation listed in the world’s top 500 companies. It has invested in a 100MW solar power plant in Cam Lam, the south-central province of Khanh Ho, which became operational in June 2019.
In early 2022, a joint venture of Hanwha, KoGas and KOSPO, all of the RoK, and Vietnam’s T&T Group received a licence to build an LNG-fired power plant in Quang Tri with designed capacity of 1,500MW in the first phase./.
09.04.2022 kl 09:33
I følge denne analysen er det optimisme for Hanwha Q Cells som ligger an til å gå med overskudd fra 2. halvår 2022. Tenker det ligger mer i dette som er med på å underbygge en "jump start" i Moses Lake.
Hanwha Q Cells is expected to swing to profit in 3Q22 with earnings gradually improving every quarter from the bottom recorded in 4Q21. Operating losses should continue through 1H22 with high costs and freight rates remaining a burden, but upstream capacity additions in excess of annual demand growth expected for photovoltaics (PV) should help to gradually ease the cost burden towards 2H22. In addition, with the company likely to book sales from its downstream business from 2Q22, we expect Hanwha Q Cells to post strong erearnings for 2H22 vs. 1H22.
Hanwha Q Cells is expected to swing to profit in 3Q22 with earnings gradually improving every quarter from the bottom recorded in 4Q21. Operating losses should continue through 1H22 with high costs and freight rates remaining a burden, but upstream capacity additions in excess of annual demand growth expected for photovoltaics (PV) should help to gradually ease the cost burden towards 2H22. In addition, with the company likely to book sales from its downstream business from 2Q22, we expect Hanwha Q Cells to post strong erearnings for 2H22 vs. 1H22.
09.04.2022 kl 08:59
The Shifting Energy Policy Zeitgeist and Investment Implications
APRIL 8, 2022
APRIL 8, 2022
07.04.2022 kl 18:14
Q CELLS rebrands itself Qcells as it signifies shift to new business model
APRIL 7, 2022
Q CELLS has rebranded itself as Qcells and has adopted a new logo and brand platform as its strives to move from being a PV module maker to a clean energy solutions provider.
Announced this week (5 April), Qcells plans to apply the new brand identity to all its facilities, products, packaging, website, social media and sports marketing campaigns within the first half of this year.
Qcells said the brand (pictured above) supported its efforts to “expand its business portfolio throughout solar cells and modules and energy storage system, as well as solar power plants and energy distribution.”
The rebrand comes shortly after Qcells owner, Korean chemicals company Hanwha Solutions, announced an “ambitious plan” to revitalise US solar manufacturing by increasing its stake in polysilicon producer REC Silicon and restarting production at Moses Lake polysilicon factory in Washington.
Speaking at the time, Hanwha Solutions said the acquisition was “prelude to Hanwha’s larger ambition of rebuilding the full US solar supply chain”.
APRIL 7, 2022
Q CELLS has rebranded itself as Qcells and has adopted a new logo and brand platform as its strives to move from being a PV module maker to a clean energy solutions provider.
Announced this week (5 April), Qcells plans to apply the new brand identity to all its facilities, products, packaging, website, social media and sports marketing campaigns within the first half of this year.
Qcells said the brand (pictured above) supported its efforts to “expand its business portfolio throughout solar cells and modules and energy storage system, as well as solar power plants and energy distribution.”
The rebrand comes shortly after Qcells owner, Korean chemicals company Hanwha Solutions, announced an “ambitious plan” to revitalise US solar manufacturing by increasing its stake in polysilicon producer REC Silicon and restarting production at Moses Lake polysilicon factory in Washington.
Speaking at the time, Hanwha Solutions said the acquisition was “prelude to Hanwha’s larger ambition of rebuilding the full US solar supply chain”.
Redigert 07.04.2022 kl 18:22
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EU-parlamentet vil boikotte russisk olje og gass
Et overveldende flertall i EU-parlamentet har vedtatt en resolusjon om umiddelbar boikott av russisk olje og gass.
Forslaget – som er symbolsk viktig, men ikke har noen formell kraft – fikk 513 stemmer torsdag, skriver den spanske EU-parlamentarikeren Luis Garicano på Twitter. 22 representanter stemte imot, mens 19 avsto fra å stemme.
Folket i Europa nekter å finansiere mord på våre ukrainske medborgere. EU-rådet bør lytte, skriver Garicano.
Torsdag er det ventet at EUs medlemsland vil gi grønt lys til den femte sanksjonspakken mot Russland, inkludert importforbud mot russisk kull. Olje og gass er ikke på sanksjonslisten i denne omgang. EU-landene kjøper russisk energi for rundt 1 milliard euro per dag, men flere land og EU-topper har tatt til orde for å gjøre seg mindre avhengig av importen fra Russland.
Et overveldende flertall i EU-parlamentet har vedtatt en resolusjon om umiddelbar boikott av russisk olje og gass.
Forslaget – som er symbolsk viktig, men ikke har noen formell kraft – fikk 513 stemmer torsdag, skriver den spanske EU-parlamentarikeren Luis Garicano på Twitter. 22 representanter stemte imot, mens 19 avsto fra å stemme.
Folket i Europa nekter å finansiere mord på våre ukrainske medborgere. EU-rådet bør lytte, skriver Garicano.
Torsdag er det ventet at EUs medlemsland vil gi grønt lys til den femte sanksjonspakken mot Russland, inkludert importforbud mot russisk kull. Olje og gass er ikke på sanksjonslisten i denne omgang. EU-landene kjøper russisk energi for rundt 1 milliard euro per dag, men flere land og EU-topper har tatt til orde for å gjøre seg mindre avhengig av importen fra Russland.
06.04.2022 kl 16:23
Solar Energy, Modern Slavery and the Just Transition
06.04.2022 kl 16:21
New report calls for collective action to address forced labor risks in the PV value-chain*
APRIL 6, 2022
“Energy security now has a different level of significance and priority… renewable energy not only contributes to energy security and energy supplies, but it also frees us from dependence. Renewable energy is the energy of freedom,” Lindner said.
But as the drive for increased capacity in solar energy takes on new urgency, the sector risks being perceived not as ‘the energy of freedom’, but rather as a driver of forced labor.
Our new research report, ‘The Energy of Freedom’? Solar energy, modern slavery and the Just Transition, seeks practical solutions. We set out a new method of estimating the risk of forced labor in the on-grid PV production system of individual countries, and propose a roadmap for international collaboration to address those risks.
We also address risks of supply-chain fragmentation arising from emerging regulatory requirements relating to forced labor risks. These include the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act in the US and the EU’s consideration of a forced labor legal instrument.
Given the global nature of the value chain, single-country and single-region solutions risk producing fragmentation. The problem is that this may not solve existing forced labor risks, but also raise costs and roll-out times, and reduce innovation, without necessarily addressing existing forced labor risks.
As we explore in the report, the solution to supply-chain bifurcation is collective action to transform the value chain so that forced labor risks are minimized in the first place. This is likely to involve industry stakeholders working together to develop a global ‘roadmap’ for both remediation of existing forced labor risks and development of new, forced-labor-free production capacity.
APRIL 6, 2022
“Energy security now has a different level of significance and priority… renewable energy not only contributes to energy security and energy supplies, but it also frees us from dependence. Renewable energy is the energy of freedom,” Lindner said.
But as the drive for increased capacity in solar energy takes on new urgency, the sector risks being perceived not as ‘the energy of freedom’, but rather as a driver of forced labor.
Our new research report, ‘The Energy of Freedom’? Solar energy, modern slavery and the Just Transition, seeks practical solutions. We set out a new method of estimating the risk of forced labor in the on-grid PV production system of individual countries, and propose a roadmap for international collaboration to address those risks.
We also address risks of supply-chain fragmentation arising from emerging regulatory requirements relating to forced labor risks. These include the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act in the US and the EU’s consideration of a forced labor legal instrument.
Given the global nature of the value chain, single-country and single-region solutions risk producing fragmentation. The problem is that this may not solve existing forced labor risks, but also raise costs and roll-out times, and reduce innovation, without necessarily addressing existing forced labor risks.
As we explore in the report, the solution to supply-chain bifurcation is collective action to transform the value chain so that forced labor risks are minimized in the first place. This is likely to involve industry stakeholders working together to develop a global ‘roadmap’ for both remediation of existing forced labor risks and development of new, forced-labor-free production capacity.
06.04.2022 kl 16:04
Altså, EU er jo også et marked
Solar builders urge Europe to think big on factory funding
APRIL 6, 2022
PV Production in Europe is Experiencing a Renaissance
Solar builders urge Europe to think big on factory funding
APRIL 6, 2022
PV Production in Europe is Experiencing a Renaissance
06.04.2022 kl 16:01
Request for Public Comments on Supply Chain Issues To Support the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council Secure Supply Chains Working Group
APRIL 6, 2022
Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce.
Notice of request for public comments.
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) requests public comments regarding how to advance supply chain resilience and security in key sectors: Semiconductors; solar photovoltaics; [1] critical minerals and materials including rare earth magnets,[2] lithium-ion batteries,[3] and material inputs to semiconductors; [4] and pharmaceuticals [5] to inform the work of the United States-European Union (EU) Trade and Technology Council (TTC) Secure Supply Chains Working Group. The Working Group is tasked with increasing transparency of supply and demand, mapping respective existing sectoral capabilities, exchanging information on policy measures and research and development priorities, and cooperating on strategies to promote supply chain resilience and diversification.
The due date for filing comments is May 23, 2022.
APRIL 6, 2022
Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce.
Notice of request for public comments.
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) requests public comments regarding how to advance supply chain resilience and security in key sectors: Semiconductors; solar photovoltaics; [1] critical minerals and materials including rare earth magnets,[2] lithium-ion batteries,[3] and material inputs to semiconductors; [4] and pharmaceuticals [5] to inform the work of the United States-European Union (EU) Trade and Technology Council (TTC) Secure Supply Chains Working Group. The Working Group is tasked with increasing transparency of supply and demand, mapping respective existing sectoral capabilities, exchanging information on policy measures and research and development priorities, and cooperating on strategies to promote supply chain resilience and diversification.
The due date for filing comments is May 23, 2022.
Redigert 06.04.2022 kl 16:03
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Les Manman sin post lenger opp.
Han delte hele teksten til denne, flere steder på forumet :)
Men ja, helt enig.
Dette er som "å få det inn med teskje"!
Han delte hele teksten til denne, flere steder på forumet :)
Men ja, helt enig.
Dette er som "å få det inn med teskje"!
Bob Macahan
06.04.2022 kl 14:39
Hanwha Solutions’ Q CELLS is ramping up module production in the US and will benefit from the restarting of the Moses Lake polysilicon facility. Image: Q CELLS.
Pv-tech.org (paywall)
Kan det skrivas tydligare än så?
Pv-tech.org (paywall)
Kan det skrivas tydligare än så?
Redigert 06.04.2022 kl 14:40
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Det hadde vært gull, så vi slipper å vente årevis på all den infrastrukturen som må bygges i USA. Tvi tvi som vi sier på Norsk.
Bob Macahan
06.04.2022 kl 14:01
Man kan undra om REC silicon är med i dessa diskussioner om technology transfer?
👉 Reliance Industries Limited and Adani Infra-Power Business under middle stage of negotiation with foreign entities for technology transfer to establish a fully integrated solar manufacturing system. Reliance New Energy Solar has already made technological partnership with a German based ultra thin wafer manufacturer Nexwafe and it also acquired REC solar that has 2 nos. of Solar grade silicon manufacturing units in Norway.
👉 Reliance Industries Limited and Adani Infra-Power Business under middle stage of negotiation with foreign entities for technology transfer to establish a fully integrated solar manufacturing system. Reliance New Energy Solar has already made technological partnership with a German based ultra thin wafer manufacturer Nexwafe and it also acquired REC solar that has 2 nos. of Solar grade silicon manufacturing units in Norway.
"Skaprepublikanere". Med denne sendrektigheten blir det fort mellomvalg og republikanere legger fort fram store miljøpakker/ICs, og dermed skaper tusenvis av nye arbeidsplasser. Kan dette skje-neppe ?!!.
Vil produsentene fortsatt vente !?-neppe. Energipresidenten Manchin sier nå at en pakke _kan_ være klar i juni/juli !?. Blir da Sinema og de radikale demokratene med ? !. Blir noen konservative med !?. USA må virkelig nå få ut fingeren. Minner om serien "Lødder" som gikk på TV for noen år siden.
En presidentordre kan vel også være sannsynlig. Kan vel da stoppes av republikanerne etter mellomvalget, men da har jo alt toget begynt å gå.
Hanwha sender nok ut melding om åpning av ML i mai.
Vil produsentene fortsatt vente !?-neppe. Energipresidenten Manchin sier nå at en pakke _kan_ være klar i juni/juli !?. Blir da Sinema og de radikale demokratene med ? !. Blir noen konservative med !?. USA må virkelig nå få ut fingeren. Minner om serien "Lødder" som gikk på TV for noen år siden.
En presidentordre kan vel også være sannsynlig. Kan vel da stoppes av republikanerne etter mellomvalget, men da har jo alt toget begynt å gå.
Hanwha sender nok ut melding om åpning av ML i mai.
06.04.2022 kl 12:32
Build back better nyheter
Build back better nyheter
Bob Macahan
05.04.2022 kl 19:57
Nu börjar man få upp ögonen för kiselanoder 🚀
Da bør dette børsmeldes når de går så bastant ut i media
05.04.2022 kl 18:16
Poster lige lidt flere fake links :)
How US solar manufacturers can compete with China as decentralisation of PV production grows
APRIL 5, 2022
“Our take [on SEMA] is that the investment logic is there,” says Parr. “We’re seeing rapid growth today, although from a small-scale, but rapid growth in the US nonetheless. We think policy elements like SEMA would turbocharge that.”
Meanwhile, Chinese companies with western customers are thinking seriously about how they could continue to serve those markets, says Parr. He notes how the likes of JinkoSolar, LONGi and Trina Solar are all talking about developing supply chains outside of China. Inside China, companies are increasingly investing in production centres to the East of the country – rather than the mainstays of Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang – that uses roughly 35% cleaner power due to its strong hydropower resources.
The carbon intensity of solar products has been in the spotlight lately and Parr says manufacturers should consider three areas when looking to reduce carbon in their products: the carbon intensity of the grid system in question; energy efficiency in the manufacturing process; and energy efficiency in the power procurement process.
On this last point, Parr says he knows of several US solar manufacturers who are now actively shifting their production schedules to off-peak times and on weekends when more, cheaper renewable power is available.
“You can tailor manufacturing capacity to the power curve,” he explains, noting how this reduces costs and the carbon intensity of the final product.
“So, many of the factors that made manufacturing outside of China riskier five or 10 years ago, the industry has now grappled and dealt with,” says Parr, adding that the “primary risk” to solar manufacturing in the US an “inconsistency of policy”.
That said, solar is becoming less dependent on government policy support as it continues to rise in prominence as a vital source of power and a means of emissions reduction, says Parr.
The US already has 20GW of polysilicon capacity – set to be increased following the announcement that Hanwha Solution is to restart production at Moses Lake – about 8GW of module capacity as well as growing cell capacity, with Parr expecting a wafer announcement soon to complete the supply chain.
“US manufacturers have learnt how to be competitive with China,” he says. “And, when you factor in the supply risks associated with the Chinese supply chain, we’re in a different world than we were five years ago.”
How US solar manufacturers can compete with China as decentralisation of PV production grows
APRIL 5, 2022
“Our take [on SEMA] is that the investment logic is there,” says Parr. “We’re seeing rapid growth today, although from a small-scale, but rapid growth in the US nonetheless. We think policy elements like SEMA would turbocharge that.”
Meanwhile, Chinese companies with western customers are thinking seriously about how they could continue to serve those markets, says Parr. He notes how the likes of JinkoSolar, LONGi and Trina Solar are all talking about developing supply chains outside of China. Inside China, companies are increasingly investing in production centres to the East of the country – rather than the mainstays of Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang – that uses roughly 35% cleaner power due to its strong hydropower resources.
The carbon intensity of solar products has been in the spotlight lately and Parr says manufacturers should consider three areas when looking to reduce carbon in their products: the carbon intensity of the grid system in question; energy efficiency in the manufacturing process; and energy efficiency in the power procurement process.
On this last point, Parr says he knows of several US solar manufacturers who are now actively shifting their production schedules to off-peak times and on weekends when more, cheaper renewable power is available.
“You can tailor manufacturing capacity to the power curve,” he explains, noting how this reduces costs and the carbon intensity of the final product.
“So, many of the factors that made manufacturing outside of China riskier five or 10 years ago, the industry has now grappled and dealt with,” says Parr, adding that the “primary risk” to solar manufacturing in the US an “inconsistency of policy”.
That said, solar is becoming less dependent on government policy support as it continues to rise in prominence as a vital source of power and a means of emissions reduction, says Parr.
The US already has 20GW of polysilicon capacity – set to be increased following the announcement that Hanwha Solution is to restart production at Moses Lake – about 8GW of module capacity as well as growing cell capacity, with Parr expecting a wafer announcement soon to complete the supply chain.
“US manufacturers have learnt how to be competitive with China,” he says. “And, when you factor in the supply risks associated with the Chinese supply chain, we’re in a different world than we were five years ago.”
Redigert 05.04.2022 kl 18:26
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04.04.2022 kl 20:42
Rethinking energy security
APRIL 4, 2022
APRIL 4, 2022
Hanwha er ihverfall positiv til sin investering
Fra Hanwhas hjemmeside 4 april
By becoming the largest shareholder of REC Silicon, Hanwha will expand its renewable energy portfolio in the U.S. and help American businesses secure raw material critical to the solar supply chain. As global competition over clean energy sources intensifies in the coming years, Hanwha will work towards establishing a highly efficient, low-carbon system to boost clean energy technology.
The Norway-based REC Silicon operates two polysilicon manufacturing facilities in the U.S.: Moses Lake, Washington, and Butte, Montana. Their combined annual production capacity totals 18,000 metric tons (MT), including 16,000 MT of granular, solar-grade polysilicon at Moses Lake and 2,000 MT of electronic-grade polysilicon at Butte.
“We plan to make investments to secure capabilities across the entire solar supply chain,” said Justin Lee, CEO of Q CELLS. By combining low-carbon polysilicon with premium solar modules, Hanwha aims to create a comprehensive global supply chain to meet the growing demand for solar power and work towards a clean-energy future.
Fra Hanwhas hjemmeside 4 april
By becoming the largest shareholder of REC Silicon, Hanwha will expand its renewable energy portfolio in the U.S. and help American businesses secure raw material critical to the solar supply chain. As global competition over clean energy sources intensifies in the coming years, Hanwha will work towards establishing a highly efficient, low-carbon system to boost clean energy technology.
The Norway-based REC Silicon operates two polysilicon manufacturing facilities in the U.S.: Moses Lake, Washington, and Butte, Montana. Their combined annual production capacity totals 18,000 metric tons (MT), including 16,000 MT of granular, solar-grade polysilicon at Moses Lake and 2,000 MT of electronic-grade polysilicon at Butte.
“We plan to make investments to secure capabilities across the entire solar supply chain,” said Justin Lee, CEO of Q CELLS. By combining low-carbon polysilicon with premium solar modules, Hanwha aims to create a comprehensive global supply chain to meet the growing demand for solar power and work towards a clean-energy future.
04.04.2022 kl 12:50
APRIL 3, 2022
As veterans of America’s armed forces, we’ve seen firsthand how dictators like Vladimir Putin use oil and gas as political weapons. Dictators like Putin make it easier for oil and gas CEOs to price gouge the American people. They then use those enormous profits for stock buybacks and executive bonuses. These executives care about their profits, not our national security.
Real energy independence is only possible if we break free from oil and gas, crack down on price gouging and invest in cheaper, cleaner renewable energy.
Putin’s war in Ukraine is a powerful reminder of the risks of allowing our economy to be held hostage by fossil fuel companies. It makes America dependent on the decisions of hostile foreign leaders and subject to corporate greed. We can’t drill our way to energy independence. We can speed up the replacement of fossil fuels through renewable energy technologies that are available today. Increasing production of clean energy will make it more affordable for Americans. We must quickly invest in manufacturing and deploying wind, solar, electric vehicles, geothermal, batteries, and other clean energy technology.
When we were called to serve and protect our nation, we showed up. Congress: the American people are now calling on you for action. It’s time to deliver true energy security and invest in a clean energy economy that reduces the power hostile foreign leaders have on our economy, our national security, and our wallets.
Norm Seip – Lieutenant General, Retired (Air Force)
Greg Douquet – Colonel, Retired (Marine Corps)
Don Moss – Major, Retired (Air Force)
Ted Adair – Former Captain (Army)
Sean Becker – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
David Callaway – Former Lieutenant Commander (Navy)
Michael Callender – Former Captain (Army)
Kelsey Campbell – Former Staff Sergeant (Air Force)
Stelian Cincu – Former Petty Officer 3rd Class (Navy)
Alex Cornell du Houx – Former Major (Marine Corps)
Ryan Edwards – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Danny Finan – Former Captain (Army)
Quamid Francis – Former Sergeant (Marine Corps)
Jonathan Gensler – Former Captain (Army)
Phillip Gilfus – Former Captain (Army)
Aaron Gladd – Former First Lieutenant (Army)
Janessa Goldbeck – Former Captain (Marine Corps)
Tim Hade – Former Captain (Air Force)
Dennis McGinn – Vice Admiral, Retired (Navy)
Hal Donahue – Lieutenant Colonel, Retired (Air Force)
Ken Harbaugh – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Mike Henchen – Former Captain (Army)
Liston Jackson – Former Petty Officer 2nd Class (Coast Guard)
Kevin Johnson – Former Captain (Army)
Kafi A. Joseph – Former Major (Army)
Julian Kilcullen – Former Captain (Marine Corps)
Roger Knudson – Former Corporal (Marines)
Nat Kreamer – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Andrea Marr – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Bert McDermitt – Former Chief Warrant Officer 2 (National Guard)
Jesse Medlong – Former Petty Officer 1st Class (Navy)
Dan Misch – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Scott Misico – Former Specialist (Army)
Roger Misso – Former Lieutenant Commander (Navy)
Tom Mullens – Former Petty Officer 3rd Class (Navy)
Len Hering – Rear Admiral, Retired (Navy)
Mark Nevitt – Commander, Retired (Navy)
Benjamin Parry – Former Captain (Army)
Andrew Person – Former Captain (Army)
Jon Powers – Former Captain (Army)
Frank Reichert – Former Petty Officer 2nd Class (Navy)
Paul Rieckhoff – Former First Lieutenant (Army)
Patrick Ryan – Former Captain (Army)
Frank Santiago – Former Petty Officer 2nd Class (Navy)
Dan Sawmiller – Specialist (National Guard)
Samantha Sawmiller – Former Sergeant (Marine Corps)
Taylor Searcy – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Sam Stowers – Former Captain (Army)
Heather Takle – Former Captain (Marine Corps)
Jack Tracey – Former Seaman Apprentice (Navy)
Hai Tu – Major (Reserves)
Eli Williamson – Former Staff Sergeant (Army)
Michael Wu – Captain (Army Reserves)
APRIL 3, 2022
As veterans of America’s armed forces, we’ve seen firsthand how dictators like Vladimir Putin use oil and gas as political weapons. Dictators like Putin make it easier for oil and gas CEOs to price gouge the American people. They then use those enormous profits for stock buybacks and executive bonuses. These executives care about their profits, not our national security.
Real energy independence is only possible if we break free from oil and gas, crack down on price gouging and invest in cheaper, cleaner renewable energy.
Putin’s war in Ukraine is a powerful reminder of the risks of allowing our economy to be held hostage by fossil fuel companies. It makes America dependent on the decisions of hostile foreign leaders and subject to corporate greed. We can’t drill our way to energy independence. We can speed up the replacement of fossil fuels through renewable energy technologies that are available today. Increasing production of clean energy will make it more affordable for Americans. We must quickly invest in manufacturing and deploying wind, solar, electric vehicles, geothermal, batteries, and other clean energy technology.
When we were called to serve and protect our nation, we showed up. Congress: the American people are now calling on you for action. It’s time to deliver true energy security and invest in a clean energy economy that reduces the power hostile foreign leaders have on our economy, our national security, and our wallets.
Norm Seip – Lieutenant General, Retired (Air Force)
Greg Douquet – Colonel, Retired (Marine Corps)
Don Moss – Major, Retired (Air Force)
Ted Adair – Former Captain (Army)
Sean Becker – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
David Callaway – Former Lieutenant Commander (Navy)
Michael Callender – Former Captain (Army)
Kelsey Campbell – Former Staff Sergeant (Air Force)
Stelian Cincu – Former Petty Officer 3rd Class (Navy)
Alex Cornell du Houx – Former Major (Marine Corps)
Ryan Edwards – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Danny Finan – Former Captain (Army)
Quamid Francis – Former Sergeant (Marine Corps)
Jonathan Gensler – Former Captain (Army)
Phillip Gilfus – Former Captain (Army)
Aaron Gladd – Former First Lieutenant (Army)
Janessa Goldbeck – Former Captain (Marine Corps)
Tim Hade – Former Captain (Air Force)
Dennis McGinn – Vice Admiral, Retired (Navy)
Hal Donahue – Lieutenant Colonel, Retired (Air Force)
Ken Harbaugh – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Mike Henchen – Former Captain (Army)
Liston Jackson – Former Petty Officer 2nd Class (Coast Guard)
Kevin Johnson – Former Captain (Army)
Kafi A. Joseph – Former Major (Army)
Julian Kilcullen – Former Captain (Marine Corps)
Roger Knudson – Former Corporal (Marines)
Nat Kreamer – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Andrea Marr – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Bert McDermitt – Former Chief Warrant Officer 2 (National Guard)
Jesse Medlong – Former Petty Officer 1st Class (Navy)
Dan Misch – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Scott Misico – Former Specialist (Army)
Roger Misso – Former Lieutenant Commander (Navy)
Tom Mullens – Former Petty Officer 3rd Class (Navy)
Len Hering – Rear Admiral, Retired (Navy)
Mark Nevitt – Commander, Retired (Navy)
Benjamin Parry – Former Captain (Army)
Andrew Person – Former Captain (Army)
Jon Powers – Former Captain (Army)
Frank Reichert – Former Petty Officer 2nd Class (Navy)
Paul Rieckhoff – Former First Lieutenant (Army)
Patrick Ryan – Former Captain (Army)
Frank Santiago – Former Petty Officer 2nd Class (Navy)
Dan Sawmiller – Specialist (National Guard)
Samantha Sawmiller – Former Sergeant (Marine Corps)
Taylor Searcy – Former Lieutenant (Navy)
Sam Stowers – Former Captain (Army)
Heather Takle – Former Captain (Marine Corps)
Jack Tracey – Former Seaman Apprentice (Navy)
Hai Tu – Major (Reserves)
Eli Williamson – Former Staff Sergeant (Army)
Michael Wu – Captain (Army Reserves)
04.04.2022 kl 12:28
2022 renewable energy industry outlook
APRIL 1, 2022
The renewable energy sector is ready to branch out
In 2021, the renewable energy industry remained remarkably resilient. Rapid technology improvements and decreasing costs of renewable energy resources, along with the increased competitiveness of battery storage, have made renewables one of the most competitive energy sources in many areas. Despite suffering from supply chain constraints, increased shipping costs, and rising prices for key commodities, capacity installations remained at an all-time high. Wind and solar capacity additions of 13.8 GW in the first eight months of 2021 were up 28% over the same period in 2020. Many cities, states, and utilities set ambitious clean energy goals, increasing renewable portfolio standards and enacting energy storage procurement mandates.
Renewable energy growth is poised to accelerate in 2022, as concern for climate change and support for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations grow and demand for cleaner energy sources from most market segments accelerates. At the same time, the Biden administration’s vision to fully decarbonize the US economy is helping spur activity in the renewable sector that will likely drive further growth—particularly if proposed legislation is enacted. In our renewable energy industry analysis, the following five trends are expected to move to the forefront in 2022, opening new avenues in the renewable energy growth story.
APRIL 1, 2022
The renewable energy sector is ready to branch out
In 2021, the renewable energy industry remained remarkably resilient. Rapid technology improvements and decreasing costs of renewable energy resources, along with the increased competitiveness of battery storage, have made renewables one of the most competitive energy sources in many areas. Despite suffering from supply chain constraints, increased shipping costs, and rising prices for key commodities, capacity installations remained at an all-time high. Wind and solar capacity additions of 13.8 GW in the first eight months of 2021 were up 28% over the same period in 2020. Many cities, states, and utilities set ambitious clean energy goals, increasing renewable portfolio standards and enacting energy storage procurement mandates.
Renewable energy growth is poised to accelerate in 2022, as concern for climate change and support for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations grow and demand for cleaner energy sources from most market segments accelerates. At the same time, the Biden administration’s vision to fully decarbonize the US economy is helping spur activity in the renewable sector that will likely drive further growth—particularly if proposed legislation is enacted. In our renewable energy industry analysis, the following five trends are expected to move to the forefront in 2022, opening new avenues in the renewable energy growth story.
Ahh, den har jeg ikke fått med meg.
Veldig bra, takk!
Det ser veldig sannsynlig ut at andre halvdel av meldingen refererer til dette ja
Veldig bra, takk!
Det ser veldig sannsynlig ut at andre halvdel av meldingen refererer til dette ja
04.04.2022 kl 09:30
Har ikke tilgang i den andre gruppen ennå. Deler derfor her. Denne er vel relevant for Twittermeldingen. Kan det være den første delen handler om Hanwha og den andre halvdelen av meldingen handler om noe annet (dette)?
Det pøses penger inn i grønne fond. Ved hjelp av krigen i Ukraina og høye energipriser ser det ut som solceller får en boost.
EV-ledere vil at Biden skal bli mer aggressiv. Sier at man skulle nesten tro at det var Manchin som var ansvarlig for denne politikken.
Redigert 03.04.2022 kl 17:03
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James Dennis reminded the audience that West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin had recently suggested that the BBB legislation must be finalized by July 4th so that there is time for it to be signed before the August recess — in time for Congress to go home and shake hands.
REC Silicon som deler en post fra "Battery Materials & Technology Coalition":
REC Silicon
See more below on President Biden's DPA announcement yesterday.
To learn more about BMTC, go to: BMTC (batterymaterials.org)
Battery Materials & Technology Coalition
BMTC applauds President Biden for signing a determination adding battery materials to the list of funding opportunities available under Title III of the Defense Production Act. Doing so marks a historic moment for minerals and battery materials in North America.
REC Silicon
See more below on President Biden's DPA announcement yesterday.
To learn more about BMTC, go to: BMTC (batterymaterials.org)
Battery Materials & Technology Coalition
BMTC applauds President Biden for signing a determination adding battery materials to the list of funding opportunities available under Title III of the Defense Production Act. Doing so marks a historic moment for minerals and battery materials in North America.
02.04.2022 kl 08:36
Håper det nå kommer nye forhandlinger som gir konkrete avtaler om klimadelen i BBB:
CNN)Congressional Democrats are cautiously optimistic to see Sen. Joe Manchin back at the table on the clean energy bill he previously declared "dead." The senator has been engaging with the White House on measures that could be included in a new package, and recently met with US Climate Envoy John Kerry over dinner in Paris.
1. april 2022
CNN)Congressional Democrats are cautiously optimistic to see Sen. Joe Manchin back at the table on the clean energy bill he previously declared "dead." The senator has been engaging with the White House on measures that could be included in a new package, and recently met with US Climate Envoy John Kerry over dinner in Paris.
1. april 2022
01.04.2022 kl 22:03
Hei Mossegutt! Supert om du kan fremkomme av innlegget hva det dreier seg om, så vet en hva en trykker på. Feks «Nye stillinger på KIWI» eller «Har vært i møte med ledelsen.. « eller noe sånt.
01.04.2022 kl 11:18
Specifikkerne kommer senere i følge denne artikel, men dette citat var specielt interessant syntes jeg (:
Biden to invoke Defense Production Act for electric vehicle battery materials
MARCH 31, 2022
The Department of Defense will impose the authority using "strong environmental, labor, community, and tribal consultation standards," the White House said. The administration also said it's reviewing further uses of the law to "secure safer, cleaner, and more resilient energy for America."
Biden to invoke Defense Production Act for electric vehicle battery materials
MARCH 31, 2022
The Department of Defense will impose the authority using "strong environmental, labor, community, and tribal consultation standards," the White House said. The administration also said it's reviewing further uses of the law to "secure safer, cleaner, and more resilient energy for America."
01.04.2022 kl 11:03
Vet vi noe om hva en slik presidentordre vil ha æ si for Rec og oppstart av ML? Vil den innbefatte skattelettelser a la SEMA?
01.04.2022 kl 09:48
Group14 Technologies
3.062 følgere
9t • 9 timer siden
Today, we are thrilled to see a groundswell of support not only for the electrification of everything but to build a battery supply chain in the U.S. As The Verge’s Justine May Calma reports, President Biden plans to invoke the Defense Production Act (DPA) to accelerate domestic production of critical minerals used in batteries for renewable energy and EVs.
As part of the administration’s long-term climate goals of slashing carbon emissions, this decision is expected to address soaring energy prices while securing domestic battery supply chains required for the energy transition in the U.S. – which is needed to push forward the commercialization of EVs.
Read how Biden’s plan would take us one step closer to the electrification of everything: https://bit.ly/3LyICxk
3.062 følgere
9t • 9 timer siden
Today, we are thrilled to see a groundswell of support not only for the electrification of everything but to build a battery supply chain in the U.S. As The Verge’s Justine May Calma reports, President Biden plans to invoke the Defense Production Act (DPA) to accelerate domestic production of critical minerals used in batteries for renewable energy and EVs.
As part of the administration’s long-term climate goals of slashing carbon emissions, this decision is expected to address soaring energy prices while securing domestic battery supply chains required for the energy transition in the U.S. – which is needed to push forward the commercialization of EVs.
Read how Biden’s plan would take us one step closer to the electrification of everything: https://bit.ly/3LyICxk
01.04.2022 kl 09:45
Biden authorizes Defense Production Act to spur mining for EV battery materials
APRIL 1, 2022
President Biden signed a directive authorizing the Defense Production Act for usage for the critical materials that go into large-capacity batteries. The President took this action under Title 3 of the DPA which provides for prioritizing and subsidizing the production domestically of key inputs that are critical to the national defense.
A study by the Department of Defense concluded that large-capacity batteries—and the components that go into them, including lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, and manganese—are critical to the national defense .
By taking this action, the President is authorizing the government to use the DPA authorities to build domestic production capability in these key materials.
APRIL 1, 2022
President Biden signed a directive authorizing the Defense Production Act for usage for the critical materials that go into large-capacity batteries. The President took this action under Title 3 of the DPA which provides for prioritizing and subsidizing the production domestically of key inputs that are critical to the national defense.
A study by the Department of Defense concluded that large-capacity batteries—and the components that go into them, including lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, and manganese—are critical to the national defense .
By taking this action, the President is authorizing the government to use the DPA authorities to build domestic production capability in these key materials.
01.04.2022 kl 09:44
Memorandum on Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended
MARCH 31, 2022
SUBJECT: Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (the “Act”) (50 U.S.C. 4533), it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of my Administration that ensuring a robust, resilient, sustainable, and environmentally responsible domestic industrial base to meet the requirements of the clean energy economy, such as the production of large-capacity batteries, is essential to our national security and the development and preservation of domestic critical infrastructure.
The United States depends on unreliable foreign sources for many of the strategic and critical materials necessary for the clean energy transition — such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, and manganese for large-capacity batteries. Demand for such materials is projected to increase exponentially as the world transitions to a clean energy economy.
To promote the national defense, the United States must secure a reliable and sustainable supply of such strategic and critical materials. The United States shall, to the extent consistent with the promotion of the national defense, secure the supply of such materials through environmentally responsible domestic mining and processing; recycling and reuse; and recovery from unconventional and secondary sources, such as mine waste.
These actions shall be conducted, to the extent consistent with the promotion of the national defense and applicable law, with strong environmental, sustainability, safety, labor, Tribal consultation, and impacted community engagement standards, to rebuild and maintain American expertise and productive capacity in these critical sectors.
Sec. 2. Determination. (a) I hereby determine, pursuant to section 303(a)(5) of the Act, that:
(1) sustainable and responsible domestic mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing of strategic and critical materials for the production of large-capacity batteries for the automotive, e-mobility, and stationary storage sectors are essential to the national defense;
(2) without Presidential action under section 303 of the Act, United States industry cannot reasonably be expected to provide the capability for these needed industrial resources, materials, or critical technology items in a timely manner; and
(3) purchases, purchase commitments, or other action pursuant to section 303 of the Act are the most cost-effective, expedient, and practical alternative method for meeting the need.
(b) Consistent with section 303(a)(1) of the Act, the Secretary of Defense shall create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore sustainable and responsible domestic production capabilities of such strategic and critical materials by supporting feasibility studies for mature mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing projects; by-product and co-product production at existing mining, mine waste reclamation, and other industrial facilities; mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing modernization to increase productivity, environmental sustainability, and workforce safety; and any other such activities authorized under section 303(a)(1) of the Act.
(c) In the execution of projects to create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore sustainable and responsible domestic production capabilities of such strategic and critical materials consistent with section 303(a)(1) of the Act, the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Energy, and the heads of other executive departments and agencies (agencies) as appropriate.
Memorandum on Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended
MARCH 31, 2022
SUBJECT: Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (the “Act”) (50 U.S.C. 4533), it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of my Administration that ensuring a robust, resilient, sustainable, and environmentally responsible domestic industrial base to meet the requirements of the clean energy economy, such as the production of large-capacity batteries, is essential to our national security and the development and preservation of domestic critical infrastructure.
The United States depends on unreliable foreign sources for many of the strategic and critical materials necessary for the clean energy transition — such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, and manganese for large-capacity batteries. Demand for such materials is projected to increase exponentially as the world transitions to a clean energy economy.
To promote the national defense, the United States must secure a reliable and sustainable supply of such strategic and critical materials. The United States shall, to the extent consistent with the promotion of the national defense, secure the supply of such materials through environmentally responsible domestic mining and processing; recycling and reuse; and recovery from unconventional and secondary sources, such as mine waste.
These actions shall be conducted, to the extent consistent with the promotion of the national defense and applicable law, with strong environmental, sustainability, safety, labor, Tribal consultation, and impacted community engagement standards, to rebuild and maintain American expertise and productive capacity in these critical sectors.
Sec. 2. Determination. (a) I hereby determine, pursuant to section 303(a)(5) of the Act, that:
(1) sustainable and responsible domestic mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing of strategic and critical materials for the production of large-capacity batteries for the automotive, e-mobility, and stationary storage sectors are essential to the national defense;
(2) without Presidential action under section 303 of the Act, United States industry cannot reasonably be expected to provide the capability for these needed industrial resources, materials, or critical technology items in a timely manner; and
(3) purchases, purchase commitments, or other action pursuant to section 303 of the Act are the most cost-effective, expedient, and practical alternative method for meeting the need.
(b) Consistent with section 303(a)(1) of the Act, the Secretary of Defense shall create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore sustainable and responsible domestic production capabilities of such strategic and critical materials by supporting feasibility studies for mature mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing projects; by-product and co-product production at existing mining, mine waste reclamation, and other industrial facilities; mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing modernization to increase productivity, environmental sustainability, and workforce safety; and any other such activities authorized under section 303(a)(1) of the Act.
(c) In the execution of projects to create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore sustainable and responsible domestic production capabilities of such strategic and critical materials consistent with section 303(a)(1) of the Act, the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Energy, and the heads of other executive departments and agencies (agencies) as appropriate.
Bob Macahan
01.04.2022 kl 09:18
REC silicon har gått ihop med en vinnare 🚀🔆
Hanwha was the leading module supplier to both residential and commercial segments
Hanwha was the leading module supplier to both residential and commercial segments
Bob Macahan
01.04.2022 kl 08:28
Det är aktivitet och inspel från många håll nu. Biden jobbar hårt för att få igenom sin politik
Securing supply chains for metals and critical minerals was already a top priority for clean energy advocates before the war in Ukraine stoked even greater concern. Lithium, cobalt, and nickel are needed to build batteries. Wind turbines need rare earth elements and aluminum. Solar panels are built with copper, silicon, and silver, to name a few crucial building blocks.
Securing supply chains for metals and critical minerals was already a top priority for clean energy advocates before the war in Ukraine stoked even greater concern. Lithium, cobalt, and nickel are needed to build batteries. Wind turbines need rare earth elements and aluminum. Solar panels are built with copper, silicon, and silver, to name a few crucial building blocks.
31.03.2022 kl 22:28
New whitepaper from Exawatt and NexWafe reports on the current state of the PV industry, trends in cell and and wafer technologies and how NexWafe’s EpiWafer Process is enabling higher efficiencies, lower costs and lower carbon emissions in pv manufacturing.
After a thorough examination of the PV market, including cell technologies and wafer manufacturing processes, ExaWatt concluded NexWafe’s EpiWafer process offers significant potential for many competitive advantages at a lower manufacturing cost than current technologies. – Alex Barrows, ExaWatt
Download the new whitepaper from ExaWatt and NexWafe, here: https://lnkd.in/eWwHQE6d
After a thorough examination of the PV market, including cell technologies and wafer manufacturing processes, ExaWatt concluded NexWafe’s EpiWafer process offers significant potential for many competitive advantages at a lower manufacturing cost than current technologies. – Alex Barrows, ExaWatt
Download the new whitepaper from ExaWatt and NexWafe, here: https://lnkd.in/eWwHQE6d