AOW Market Update - Not planning a capital increase.
Så kom der endelig en opdatering og status - The company is currently not planning a capital increase.
Aker Offshore Wind Market Update
Aker Offshore Wind remains committed to its strategy and to developing its international project portfolio following the ScotWind leasing round where the company did not secure any project licenses.
“We are of course disappointed at the outcome of the ScotWind process, but remain ardent believers in the potential of floating offshore wind and Aker Offshore Wind’s technology and system capabilities to industrialize this segment. Aker Offshore Wind is an integral part of the future we see unfolding, where hybrid deliveries are a key differentiating factor for Aker Horizons as a planet-positive group,” said Kristian Røkke, Chairman of Aker Offshore Wind and Chief Executive Officer of Aker Horizons.
Aker Offshore Wind brings together proven offshore technology and capabilities, a strong organization, and a promising portfolio of projects. The company expects to see its pipeline mature across several markets during 2022:
• In South Korea, the company’s consortium with Ocean Winds has secured exclusive rights from the city of Ulsan to explore the development of three offshore areas for up to 1.2 GW, progressing the projects toward the first FID as early as 2024-25. The South Korean projects are anticipated to be among the first large-scale floating wind farms globally.
• In Norway, the company has formed partnerships for bottom fixed with global energy major bp and Statkraft, Europe’s largest renewable energy producer, and with Statkraft and Ocean Winds for floating wind ahead of the licence processes that are expected to commence later in 2022.
• Aker Offshore Wind and its partners are undertaking environmental impact assessments for offshore sites in Sweden and on the US West Coast, where the company is preparing for a lease sale auction in September 2022.
• In Japan, plans for Aker Offshore Wind and Mainstream Renewable Power to acquire an initial 50 percent stake in Progression Energy’s 800 MW floating offshore project are progressing according to schedule, and the transaction is expected to be closed in the near term.
• Aker Offshore Wind remains committed to developing offshore floating wind in the UK, where future opportunities include plans for floating wind in the Celtic Sea and the INTOG leasing process to help decarbonise Scotland’s oil and gas sector.
The company is the largest shareholder in Principle Power, which has one of the few field-proven floating concepts in the industry and has its technology deployed in the commercial scale Kincardine project offshore Aberdeen - the largest floating windfarm currently in operation. Aker Offshore Wind and the wider Aker group work closely with Principle Power to accelerate the floating wind market through technology development.
Aker Horizons remains fully committed to supporting Aker Offshore Wind as a long-term owner and will ensure that the company has access to sufficient funding to maintain its operations and pursue its development program.
The company is currently not planning a capital increase.
“Despite the disappointment, we are confident that our capabilities, organization and partnerships will contribute to accelerating the deployment of commercial scale floating wind around the world.
We will encourage cooperation among key players in the industry to ensure the prospect of there being GWs of floating windfarms in operation prior to 2030 becomes a reality,” said Philippe Kavafyan, Chief Executive Officer of Aker Offshore Wind,c3489196
Aker Offshore Wind Market Update
Aker Offshore Wind remains committed to its strategy and to developing its international project portfolio following the ScotWind leasing round where the company did not secure any project licenses.
“We are of course disappointed at the outcome of the ScotWind process, but remain ardent believers in the potential of floating offshore wind and Aker Offshore Wind’s technology and system capabilities to industrialize this segment. Aker Offshore Wind is an integral part of the future we see unfolding, where hybrid deliveries are a key differentiating factor for Aker Horizons as a planet-positive group,” said Kristian Røkke, Chairman of Aker Offshore Wind and Chief Executive Officer of Aker Horizons.
Aker Offshore Wind brings together proven offshore technology and capabilities, a strong organization, and a promising portfolio of projects. The company expects to see its pipeline mature across several markets during 2022:
• In South Korea, the company’s consortium with Ocean Winds has secured exclusive rights from the city of Ulsan to explore the development of three offshore areas for up to 1.2 GW, progressing the projects toward the first FID as early as 2024-25. The South Korean projects are anticipated to be among the first large-scale floating wind farms globally.
• In Norway, the company has formed partnerships for bottom fixed with global energy major bp and Statkraft, Europe’s largest renewable energy producer, and with Statkraft and Ocean Winds for floating wind ahead of the licence processes that are expected to commence later in 2022.
• Aker Offshore Wind and its partners are undertaking environmental impact assessments for offshore sites in Sweden and on the US West Coast, where the company is preparing for a lease sale auction in September 2022.
• In Japan, plans for Aker Offshore Wind and Mainstream Renewable Power to acquire an initial 50 percent stake in Progression Energy’s 800 MW floating offshore project are progressing according to schedule, and the transaction is expected to be closed in the near term.
• Aker Offshore Wind remains committed to developing offshore floating wind in the UK, where future opportunities include plans for floating wind in the Celtic Sea and the INTOG leasing process to help decarbonise Scotland’s oil and gas sector.
The company is the largest shareholder in Principle Power, which has one of the few field-proven floating concepts in the industry and has its technology deployed in the commercial scale Kincardine project offshore Aberdeen - the largest floating windfarm currently in operation. Aker Offshore Wind and the wider Aker group work closely with Principle Power to accelerate the floating wind market through technology development.
Aker Horizons remains fully committed to supporting Aker Offshore Wind as a long-term owner and will ensure that the company has access to sufficient funding to maintain its operations and pursue its development program.
The company is currently not planning a capital increase.
“Despite the disappointment, we are confident that our capabilities, organization and partnerships will contribute to accelerating the deployment of commercial scale floating wind around the world.
We will encourage cooperation among key players in the industry to ensure the prospect of there being GWs of floating windfarms in operation prior to 2030 becomes a reality,” said Philippe Kavafyan, Chief Executive Officer of Aker Offshore Wind,c3489196
Redigert 20.01.2022 kl 07:29
Du må logge inn for å svare
20.01.2022 kl 08:11
Røkke har nok pæng i bingen, han trenger nok ikke ut å hente.
Redigert 20.01.2022 kl 08:12
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Ha ha ha clarkson kriseemisjon var kun for å skremme ut småsparere . Det skulle ikke vært lov å lire av seg sånt ut i det blå . Sett Finanstilsynet på saken er mitt forslag . Det handler om god meglerskikk
20.01.2022 kl 08:29
Det er mange som agerer som om et selskap taper penger "hver dag" når de ikke vinner et anbud..Ja, de får jo selvsagt ikke sjansen til å tjene penger på det anbudet de tapte, men i realiteten det er jo bare utgifter til anbudet som er tapt + omdømme selv om dette ikke alltid er rettferdig da vi som spekulerer i aksjen ikke vet på hvilket grunnlag de tapte. Vi registrerer bare at aksjekursen raser k r a f t i g, saftige overskrifter i media, meglere som kun minutter etter tapet kommer med heftige og negative analyser og "hyling" om kriseemmisjon mm. Så går det 3 dager og AOW dementerer behovet for kriseemmisjon nå eller i nærmeste fremtid. Jeg får bare håpe det ikke går så lang tid før et oppdrag tikker inn. Spørsmålet blir da - hva var krisen i AOW egentlig. "En storm i et vannglass"?
Hvordan er forresten ståa hos alle de andre av de 72 tilbyderene som ikke fikk oppdrag. Har ikke lest så mye om de..?
Hvordan er forresten ståa hos alle de andre av de 72 tilbyderene som ikke fikk oppdrag. Har ikke lest så mye om de..?
Nei og aow går ikke inn i ting og taper penger det ser vi på oppkjøp mm Kristian sier akh er i ryggen til aow hele veien . 3.5 er uansett skam pris mener jeg
20.01.2022 kl 12:05
Clarkson tenkte nok å kjøpe billige aksjer selv. Har de engang hørt om Aker.
20.01.2022 kl 18:18
Var inne på nettsiden til Clarksons ifm deres siste kursmål på kr 1, for å se hva slags folk det er der.
Vet ikke hvem som konkluderte, synes lederen ser litt "glatt" ut, de andre blir også litt klovnete når en tenker på "analysen" de presterer.
Vet ikke hvem som konkluderte, synes lederen ser litt "glatt" ut, de andre blir også litt klovnete når en tenker på "analysen" de presterer.
Hvor mange år på skole må en ha for å få jobb på clarkson. Eller holder det med å ha solgt støvsugere ?
21.01.2022 kl 00:02
Er det en ting som er helt sikkert er at de har tapt mye troverdighet. Kommer til å se gjennom fremtidige spådommer derfra.
21.01.2022 kl 00:34
Blir vel et sett med badekåper til de ansatte fra KIR når AOW blomstrer🤠
Tiåringen synker til sitt laveste bonanza i dag
21.01.2022 kl 10:07
Kursen kjøres ned idag også ser jeg.
Jaja, da gjør den vel det. Hadde jeg hatt nok cash så hadde i hvertfall jeg doblet min posisjon her.
Jaja, da gjør den vel det. Hadde jeg hatt nok cash så hadde i hvertfall jeg doblet min posisjon her.