Rutil priser 2022

NOM 20.01.2022 kl 13:09 5547

Noen som har seneste markedspris for rutil 2022?
Finner diverse artikler og priser online, der alle viser til økte priser fra UDFS, men noen her med en pålidelig rettesnor for rutil prisen?
31.03.2022 kl 16:59 3255

Chemours announced that will increase the price of titanium dioxide by $200 / ton from May
Published:Mar 31, 2022
As the world's largest titanium dioxide producer, Chemours of the United States, issued a price increase letter on February 28, 2022, announcing that the price of titanium dioxide in China will increase by $200 / ton from April 1, 2022, and then issued a price increase letter on March 31, announcing that the price of titanium dioxide will increase by $200 / ton from May 1, 2022.
The price of Chemours titanium dioxide has increased by $300 / ton since January 2022. With the increase of prices in April and May, the price has increased by $700 / ton in recent.

Some of Chemours' Ilmenite come from Velta, Ukraine, with an production capacity of about 280,000 tons. Due to the impact of the Russian Ukrainian war, Ukraine’s supply will be affected. It is difficult for other titanium ore suppliers to fill the vacancy of Chemour's titanium raw materials in the short term.

The rise of energy costs is also one of the important factors for international titanium dioxide manufacturers to raise prices. Kronos, a titanium dioxide manufacturer, announced on March 15 that it would charge an energy surcharge of $75 / ton (or 65 euros / ton) from April 1, 2022, mainly based on the rise in the costs of natural gas, steam and electricity. After the Russian Ukrainian war, the price of natural gas in Europe rose more than 10 times, more than 3500 euros / thousand cubic meters, which directly led to a sharp rise in the proportion of energy costs (including natural gas, electricity and steam) in the production cost of titanium dioxide in Europe. If the energy cost continues to be high, the prices raised by European titanium dioxide manufacturers are far from covering the rise of energy cost. It is expected that the subsequent international titanium dioxide prices will continue to rise.
21.03.2022 kl 15:16 3753

Australian RutileTiO2>95%, P<0.03%, S<0.03Australia
2277.12 (2198.60 - 2355.64) USD/Ton
Tianjin PortMar 21, 2022
21.01.2022 kl 09:47 4527

Yes, something like that. It's huge increase of NPV.
Rutile price has increased almost 70% which means about 210M USD increase of NPV

Anyone can see it at page 22 in the UDFS. every 10% increase of rutile price increases NPV about 30M USD (265M NOK)
Redigert 21.01.2022 kl 09:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.01.2022 kl 08:53 4692

Takker alle for svar!
UDFS gir en gjennomsnittlig produksjon første 10 år av rutil på 35.000 tpa, hvilket med 2000USD/t (vs 1.179USD/t som i UDFS) gir oss løst beregnet ca 250 mill NOK ekstra i profit... pr år! Og tilsvarende løst beregnet ca 1.85 mia NOK høyere NPV post tax. Gode greier.

20.01.2022 kl 22:00 4974

And "The raw materials game" has only just started:

" What’s next?

The causes of the shortages and the increases in raw materials prices are very complex. They are mainly a combination of stronger market demand and plant shutdowns due to storms and plant maintenance, temporary port closures due to corona outbreaks, congestion in seaports, shortages of sea-going containers and ocean-going vessels, extreme increases in freight costs, shortages of trucks and drivers, lower oil production and, after the corona pandemic, the swift upswing in the Chinese economy and, in its wake, the global economy. There is every reason to believe that energy prices for coal, oil and gas will continue to rise in the first few months of 2022. Very high coal prices have already triggered the first power cuts in China in 2021. Possible consequences are further shortages of raw materials on the world market. In an attempt to avert further price increases in the energy sector, numerous countries have started tapping into their strategic oil and gas reserves.

It can be assumed that the raw materials shortages will continue in 2022 even as the global economy starts to recover after Corona. The EU’s dependence on raw materials from abroad has increased further. Climate change is creating additional uncertainty, with severe weather events becoming more commonplace. As a result, plant shutdowns and short-term delivery bottlenecks are likely to happen more frequently than before. The raw materials situation in 2022 will keep the coatings industry preoccupied with new formulations and reformulations. Over the next few years, the restructuring of the product portfolio in favour of bio-based and more sustainable products as well as carbon-neutral production will be an ongoing topic in the chemical and coatings industry (“European Green Deal”). Product development departments will base their choice of basic raw materials increasingly on their carbon footprint and sustainability.

Europe should draw its conclusions relatively quickly from the lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic and, in addition to targeting decarbonisation of the chemical industry by 2050, should formulate a clear, EU-based “Raw Materials and Recycling Strategy 2030” (“independence strategy”) that is backed up by appropriate measures, and then implement it in conjunction with the European chemical industry. Europe and the coatings industry need a stronger chemical industry that is more independent from Asia and the USA. True to the motto: “Learning from crises means being courageous and gaining more independence from the rest of the world”.
20.01.2022 kl 20:20 5123

Rettelse, jeg fant noen rutilpriser:

Australian Rutile
TiO2>95%, P<0.03%, S<0.03Australia
2079.23 $
(2031.98 - 2126.49) USD/Ton
Jan 20, 2022

Altså har vi bikket over 2000 $ for rutil med 95% renhet (høyeste renheten, samme som Engebø).
Det er visse andre parametere som påvirker prisen også, som renhet og kornstørrelse etc. Også her ligger Engebø i verdenstoppen og kan få gode priser.

Minner om at prisestimatet i UDFS er 1172$, nesten halvparten av dagens priser
20.01.2022 kl 20:10 5154

Der fant jeg bare priser på Ilmenitt, altså FeTiO3 som er en annen type malm enn rutil (TiO2).
Begge deler er råstoff til titan og titandioksid, men prisene kan ikke sammenliknes.
20.01.2022 kl 13:24 5512

Priser er ofte "hemmelige" fordi de inngår i offtakeavtaler.

Det er ikke lett å finne pålitelige priser, og lite er offisielt.

Her er en blogg som jeg titter litt i av og til:
Redigert 20.01.2022 kl 13:26 Du må logge inn for å svare