NAVA - A pharma gem that begins to sparkle

NAVA 26.01.2022 kl 09:59 10162

"A pharma gem that begins to sparkle

We initiate coverage of Navamedic, a pharmaceutical company that supplies hospitals and pharmacies with medicine and medical nutrition products. Navamedic offering notably in the obesity and consumer health sectors leads strong revenue growth. Over the past few years, the company has made significant changes in its management, company structure and strategy. Navamedic is well on track to reach its mid-term ambitious goals of becoming a NOK 500m revenue company with 15% EBITDA margin. We also see solid upside potential and issue a Buy recommendation with a DCF-based TP of NOK 50/share." (Norne)
13.03.2024 kl 12:25 931

Da får du finne deg de selskapene med lavest P/E. Mange selskaper med negativ P/E, løp og kjøp.
13.03.2024 kl 22:05 848

"med en P/E på ca. 169 i følge Nordnet"

147 leser jeg.
Men bare P/E 20 hvis vi bruker 2022 resultatet og dagens Mcap. Vi vet jo at 2023 var et minst like godt år, men det ble tatt store ekstra utgifter (oppkjøp) til videre vekst. Og slikt liker jo ikke SomSa.