QFR | M&A| Rieber klar til å selge?
QFR leverer et blandet Q4-resultat med topplinje preget av komponentmangler, omikronforsinkelser og overgang til ARR-modell (inntektene fordeles utover i tid).
Men de viser igjen svært god kostnadskontroll og fortsatt solide marginer. I tillegg var ordreinngangen i Q4 overraskende sterk, noe som har fortsatt inn i Q1.
"Q-Free has signed 3 important contracts with a total value of approximately NOK 250 million after closing of the fourth quarter. In addition, the company has been awarded but not yet signed contracts with a total value of approximately NOK 300 million."
Merk også siste avsnitt i rapporten:
We observe increasing M&A activity, consolidation, and
interest among large investors in the ITS market, both in
North America and Europe. Several transactions have been
announced recently. Q-Free follows the market activities
closely and will continuously evaluate and consider taking
part in attractive structural opportunities if they should arise.
Men de viser igjen svært god kostnadskontroll og fortsatt solide marginer. I tillegg var ordreinngangen i Q4 overraskende sterk, noe som har fortsatt inn i Q1.
"Q-Free has signed 3 important contracts with a total value of approximately NOK 250 million after closing of the fourth quarter. In addition, the company has been awarded but not yet signed contracts with a total value of approximately NOK 300 million."
Merk også siste avsnitt i rapporten:
We observe increasing M&A activity, consolidation, and
interest among large investors in the ITS market, both in
North America and Europe. Several transactions have been
announced recently. Q-Free follows the market activities
closely and will continuously evaluate and consider taking
part in attractive structural opportunities if they should arise.
23.03.2022 kl 08:12
Med dette oppsettet
er det duket for overtagelse :-)
22.03.2022 kl 16:14
Det ligger i luften her at denne blir kjøpt opp
Minst 11 - 12 kroner
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