NEL boblen i ferd med å briste. CEO med pump and dump.
På onsdag la NEL fram 4. kvartalsresultatet. Det ble langt dårligere resultat enn forventet. Liten økning i ordrer fra ett år tilbake. CEO klarte på mesterlig vis å snu fokuset bord fra ennå mer blodrøde tall enn forventet til fantastiske planer om flere fabrikker. Her var det ikke bare Herøya som skulle erobres. I India, Usa og de fleste kontinenter skulle fabrikker fra NEL fra Notodden poppe opp. Dette med en av tidenes med haussete børsmeldinger ifm. 4. kvartalsresultatet på onsdag.
Et utdrag fra meldingen som kom med 4. kvartalsresultatet:
The company has initiated a site selection process for a large PEM and alkaline facility in the US, with an ambition to develop a global production capacity towards 2025 in the US, Europe and Asia.
"We have scalable solutions providing high quality and lower costs, are a technology leader on both alkaline and PEM, and have a product portfolio
spanning from 2, 20, 200 and 800 MW hydrogen plants. With our leading technology and capacity expansion capabilities, we are preparing to build production
facilities in the US, Europe and Asia totaling about 10 GW in 2025, pending the market demand. With the record-high pipeline and our leadership position within
hydrogen technologies, we are well-positioned to be awarded significant contracts in 2022 and we reiterate our strong long-term outlook," Løkke
Dette er jo nesten morsomt. Fantastiske planer. Så dumper CEO 1 000 000 aksjer to dager etterpå. Var ikke planene så fantastiske likevel? Burde ikke NEL prøve å få eksisterende virksomhet lønnsom før de buser ut med store planer?
"Oslo, 18 February 2022) Jon André Løkke, CEO of Nel ASA ("Nel") has today sold
1,000,000 shares in Nel at an average price of NOK 12.8643 per share. After the
transaction, Mr. Løkke holds 1,000,000 shares in Nel.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in articles 19 of the
Regulation EU 596/2014 (the EU Market Abuse Regulation) and section 5-12 of the
Norwegian Securities Trading Act."
Et utdrag fra meldingen som kom med 4. kvartalsresultatet:
The company has initiated a site selection process for a large PEM and alkaline facility in the US, with an ambition to develop a global production capacity towards 2025 in the US, Europe and Asia.
"We have scalable solutions providing high quality and lower costs, are a technology leader on both alkaline and PEM, and have a product portfolio
spanning from 2, 20, 200 and 800 MW hydrogen plants. With our leading technology and capacity expansion capabilities, we are preparing to build production
facilities in the US, Europe and Asia totaling about 10 GW in 2025, pending the market demand. With the record-high pipeline and our leadership position within
hydrogen technologies, we are well-positioned to be awarded significant contracts in 2022 and we reiterate our strong long-term outlook," Løkke
Dette er jo nesten morsomt. Fantastiske planer. Så dumper CEO 1 000 000 aksjer to dager etterpå. Var ikke planene så fantastiske likevel? Burde ikke NEL prøve å få eksisterende virksomhet lønnsom før de buser ut med store planer?
"Oslo, 18 February 2022) Jon André Løkke, CEO of Nel ASA ("Nel") has today sold
1,000,000 shares in Nel at an average price of NOK 12.8643 per share. After the
transaction, Mr. Løkke holds 1,000,000 shares in Nel.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in articles 19 of the
Regulation EU 596/2014 (the EU Market Abuse Regulation) and section 5-12 of the
Norwegian Securities Trading Act."
Redigert 19.02.2022 kl 11:58
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