PSKY - Massive innsidekjøp siste månedene
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, February 24, 2022
Codee Holding AS has today acquired 650.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3,1577 per share. Codee Holding AS is controlled by Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen, Chairman of the Board, and primary insider. Following the transaction Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen and related parties hold 75.321.294 shares in the Company, corresponding to 37,88% of the outstanding shares.
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, February 23, 2022
Codee Holding AS has today acquired 850.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3,3212 per share. Codee Holding AS is controlled by Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen, Chairman of the Board, and primary insider. Following the transaction Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen and related parties hold 75.171.294 shares in the Company, corresponding to 37,80% of the outstanding shares.
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, February 22, 2022
Codee Holding AS has today acquired 1.545.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3,2341 per share. Codee Holding AS is controlled by Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen, Chairman of the Board, and primary insider. Following the transaction Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen and related parties hold 74.321.294 shares in the Company, corresponding to 37,37% of the outstanding shares.
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, January 14, 2021
Songa Asset Management, represented in the Board of Directors by primary insider Sven Gustav Bakken, has today acquired 500.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3,8949 per share. Following the transaction Songa Asset Management and related parties to the Songa Group hold 13.900.000 shares in the Company, corresponding to 6,99% of the outstanding shares.
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, January 14, 2022
KI Holding 2020 aps controlled by Kristian Ikast, CEO and primary insider, has today acquired 1.000.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3,8949 per share. Following the transaction Kristian Ikast and related parties hold 1.100.000 shares in the Company, corresponding to 0,55% of the outstanding shares.
Kristian Ikast also holds 1.500.000 options in the Company.
Oslo, Norway, February 24, 2022
Codee Holding AS has today acquired 650.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3,1577 per share. Codee Holding AS is controlled by Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen, Chairman of the Board, and primary insider. Following the transaction Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen and related parties hold 75.321.294 shares in the Company, corresponding to 37,88% of the outstanding shares.
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, February 23, 2022
Codee Holding AS has today acquired 850.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3,3212 per share. Codee Holding AS is controlled by Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen, Chairman of the Board, and primary insider. Following the transaction Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen and related parties hold 75.171.294 shares in the Company, corresponding to 37,80% of the outstanding shares.
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, February 22, 2022
Codee Holding AS has today acquired 1.545.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3,2341 per share. Codee Holding AS is controlled by Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen, Chairman of the Board, and primary insider. Following the transaction Jesper Melin Ganc-Petersen and related parties hold 74.321.294 shares in the Company, corresponding to 37,37% of the outstanding shares.
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, January 14, 2021
Songa Asset Management, represented in the Board of Directors by primary insider Sven Gustav Bakken, has today acquired 500.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3,8949 per share. Following the transaction Songa Asset Management and related parties to the Songa Group hold 13.900.000 shares in the Company, corresponding to 6,99% of the outstanding shares.
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, January 14, 2022
KI Holding 2020 aps controlled by Kristian Ikast, CEO and primary insider, has today acquired 1.000.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3,8949 per share. Following the transaction Kristian Ikast and related parties hold 1.100.000 shares in the Company, corresponding to 0,55% of the outstanding shares.
Kristian Ikast also holds 1.500.000 options in the Company.
25.02.2022 kl 16:29
Enda et nytt innsidekjøp idag
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, 25 February 2022
25.02.2022, 16:15:36
Lorenz AS has today acquired 50,000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3.1 per share. Lorenz AS is controlled by Anton Lorenz Bondesen, Head of Business Development and primary insider. Following the transaction Anton Lorenz Bondesen and related parties hold 7,350,000 shares in the company, corresponding to 3.70% of the outstanding shares.
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, 25 February 2022
25.02.2022, 16:15:36
Lorenz AS has today acquired 50,000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 3.1 per share. Lorenz AS is controlled by Anton Lorenz Bondesen, Head of Business Development and primary insider. Following the transaction Anton Lorenz Bondesen and related parties hold 7,350,000 shares in the company, corresponding to 3.70% of the outstanding shares.
26.02.2022 kl 16:11
Det står forøvrig feil årstall i meldingen. Meldingen er sendt ut 14.1.2022, men det står 2021 i teksten i meldingen
14.01.2022, 19:55:27
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, January 14, 2021
14.01.2022, 19:55:27
Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, January 14, 2021
23.03.2022 kl 17:39
«Primary insider notification of share purchase
Oslo, Norway, March 23, 2022
Songa Capital, represented in the Board of Directors by primary insider Sven Gustav Bakken, has today acquired 4.500.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 2,745 per share. Following the transaction Songa Capital and and related parties to the Songa Group hold 18.400.000 shares in the Company, corresponding to 9,25% of the outstanding shares»
Oslo, Norway, March 23, 2022
Songa Capital, represented in the Board of Directors by primary insider Sven Gustav Bakken, has today acquired 4.500.000 shares in PatientSky Group AS at an average price of NOK 2,745 per share. Following the transaction Songa Capital and and related parties to the Songa Group hold 18.400.000 shares in the Company, corresponding to 9,25% of the outstanding shares»
29.03.2022 kl 09:20
Selskapet venter signering med en stor kunde i 2022, som skal gi bra inntekter i 2023. Nærmer vi oss signeringen, siden det er så store og massive innsidekjøp?
De venter også platform partner agreements i H2 2022 og de skal ha platform product demo i 2H 2022
De venter også platform partner agreements i H2 2022 og de skal ha platform product demo i 2H 2022
29.03.2022 kl 11:53
Spent på hva Jesper tryller frem her.
Ser han ofte på CC Vest.
Ser han ofte på CC Vest.
Spennende tider for selskapet fremover. Ingen røyk uten ild, hadde ting sett dårlig ut ville vi ikke sett så store innsidekjøp som er blitt gjort siste tiden.
06.03.2023 kl 09:28
Det var nok lurt å selge i dag. Nå er markedsverdien rundt 500 millioner (198 millioner aksjer) og netto regner PSKY å sitte igjen med 650 millioner (opp til 700 millioner) og her er det en risiko på at dette salget godkjennes.
- Completion of the Transaction is subject only to approval from the Norwegian Competition Authority.
- Completion of the Transaction is subject only to approval from the Norwegian Competition Authority.
Winter is Here
06.03.2023 kl 09:32
Frodon skrev Da har jeg solgt alt
Gratulerer med en fantastisk bra gevinst, men hva det er neste for PatientSky, de har på en måte solgt kjernevirksomhet ?
Redigert 06.03.2023 kl 09:37
Du må logge inn for å svare
06.03.2023 kl 10:39
Slettet brukerskrevInnlegget er slettet
Kan bli spennende å følge fortsettelsen :
DNB Markets-analytiker Emilie Krutnes Engen trekker frem at software-delen som selges er det eneste som genererer inntekter i dag.
– Selskapet skriver selv i børsmeldingen at resterende del av selskapet vil fortsette å være notert på Euronext, men det ville være naturlig å tenke at det blir et ekstraordinært utbytte og at resterende del av selskapet enten blir lagt ned eller tatt privat, sier hun.
DNB Markets-analytiker Emilie Krutnes Engen trekker frem at software-delen som selges er det eneste som genererer inntekter i dag.
– Selskapet skriver selv i børsmeldingen at resterende del av selskapet vil fortsette å være notert på Euronext, men det ville være naturlig å tenke at det blir et ekstraordinært utbytte og at resterende del av selskapet enten blir lagt ned eller tatt privat, sier hun.
Winter is Here
06.03.2023 kl 11:08
De kan kan også gjennføre en emisjon for å satse på noe nytt, noe som kommer til kreve en god del penger i tillegg til det de har idag.
06.03.2023 kl 14:05
Takk for det 😊 Tja, det kommer kanskje an på de største aksjonærene som sitter igjen etter at veldig mange aksjer bytter hender nå? Mulig de har klausul mot å starte opp noe tilsvarende, som blir direkte konkurrent mot det de selger. Hva annet har de drevet med før, som har blitt suksess?