QEC - alle rekylers mor?
Siste mnd:
DNO + 2%
Equinor + 26%
IOX + 55%
Og QEC ned - 28%.
Vi snakket om en differanse på rundt 50% mot andre olje og gasselskaper. QEC er generelt følsom mot olje og gassprisen, men er denne gang blitt glemt av markedet. Potensialet for erstatning og pilot fremstår som en gratis opsjon.
Jeg eier selv aksjer og oppfordrer folk til å tenke selv. Tror vi raskt vil se kurser på 2,50kr +
DNO + 2%
Equinor + 26%
IOX + 55%
Og QEC ned - 28%.
Vi snakket om en differanse på rundt 50% mot andre olje og gasselskaper. QEC er generelt følsom mot olje og gassprisen, men er denne gang blitt glemt av markedet. Potensialet for erstatning og pilot fremstår som en gratis opsjon.
Jeg eier selv aksjer og oppfordrer folk til å tenke selv. Tror vi raskt vil se kurser på 2,50kr +
Altså det har du sagt den sidste måned - luk nu bare din profil hvis du ikke har andet! Du er jo helt væk man!
10.03.2022 kl 12:21
sigj2 skrev Det kan bli brutalt 🙈
Pas på givinsttagning kan komme når som helst.
Gyldne tider for Daytraders 😁
Gyldne tider for Daytraders 😁
10.03.2022 kl 12:12
Alberta? Herlig, Questerre har store områder her og. Blir doble leveranser for Questerre sier du? Takk for positive nyheter.
10.03.2022 kl 11:34
Ja, PH, pr. nå er det jo slik som du hevder jevnt og trutt, men det « veddemålet» dreier seg om er jo om hvor fast denne posisjonen egentlig er. Politikere er faktisk mennesker som også lar seg påvirke av hva som skjer rundt dem og lar seg påvirke av press, og presset kan komme/kommer både innenfra og utenfra. Men jeg vet like lite som du om hva som foregår internt i det styrende partiet i Québec, så det kan godt være at Questerre aldri vil få lov til å bore på deres land, men skulle de likevel få lov kan gevinsten fort være stor.
Men det vi også vet er at energiprisene er skyhøye og at selskapet tjener gode penger til tross for liten produksjon, men vi vet også at den vil øke med nye brønner, så hvor stor kan nedsiden være tror du?
Men det vi også vet er at energiprisene er skyhøye og at selskapet tjener gode penger til tross for liten produksjon, men vi vet også at den vil øke med nye brønner, så hvor stor kan nedsiden være tror du?
Og dette sludderet med at aksjen "holdes nede". Derfor lurer jeg på hvor gamle enkelte er.
Og dette sludderet med at aksjen "holdes nede". Derfor lurer jeg på hvor gamle enkelte er.
Peter Sellers
10.03.2022 kl 10:35
@PH akkurat det sitatet at MB burde ha lisensiert ut teknologien for lengst må jeg sagtens si meg enig.
10.03.2022 kl 10:34
Flott, Tynnidioten, jeg er jo til og med ofte enig med deg og setter pris på din korrigerende atferd mot hausserne. Jeg prøver sjøl ikke å komme med konkrete kursmål, men forholde meg noenlunde nøkternt.
Redigert 10.03.2022 kl 11:01
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10.03.2022 kl 10:34
QEC har også store områder og sweet spots i Alberta.
Så dette ville passe QEC fint 🙂
Så dette ville passe QEC fint 🙂
10.03.2022 kl 10:21
Jeg sitter og stille og er helt enig med deg, med samme aksjer. Det hadde vært fint om enkelte byttet ut ord til dersom, hvis og om, for eksempel.
Nei, jeg sitter stille med mange ganger så mye aksjer som deg.
Jeg "baiser" ikke - men tar avstand fra all umoralsk grunnløs hausing.
Som aksjonær må man ha ryggrad til å se det virkelige bildet - som ikke er ensidig positivt.
Ut fra hva dere skriver kan man få inntrykk av at dere ikke sitter med korrekte ordrebilder/handelssystemer. Eller om dere bare drømmer dere bort ? Enkelte tror t.o.m. at kursen er på 3-tallet.
Er dere veldig unge ? Jeg er 62 år og vært 30 år i aksjemarkedet.
Jeg "baiser" ikke - men tar avstand fra all umoralsk grunnløs hausing.
Som aksjonær må man ha ryggrad til å se det virkelige bildet - som ikke er ensidig positivt.
Ut fra hva dere skriver kan man få inntrykk av at dere ikke sitter med korrekte ordrebilder/handelssystemer. Eller om dere bare drømmer dere bort ? Enkelte tror t.o.m. at kursen er på 3-tallet.
Er dere veldig unge ? Jeg er 62 år og vært 30 år i aksjemarkedet.
Redigert 10.03.2022 kl 10:12
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10.03.2022 kl 09:49
Slettet brukerskrev Sikter du til meg, mofi1 ?
Ja, er ikke du en trader som koser deg med kurssvingningene da:-)?
Fornuftig innlegg, Mofi1. Men alle fakta tilsier at Quebec står fullstendig utenfor Canadas markedsføring av naturgass i Europa selv om dette hausses opp aldri så mye. Det planlegges riktig nok en rørledning gjennom Quebec, men natur gassen skal komme fra Alberta.
Redigert 10.03.2022 kl 09:52
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Sikter du til meg, mofi1 ?
Som verdens 4. største gasseksportør kan Canada forsyne Europa med stabile gassleveranser fra dag 1 uten Quebec.
10.03.2022 kl 09:38
Vår faste baisse-gjeng har ikke aksjer, traderne koser seg med ryktene og de påfølgende bevegelsene, og mange sitter fast med gamle posisjoner godt over dagens kursnivå, men alle er likevel spente på hva som kommer og hvem som kan triumfere til slutt:-)
Bytt ut ordet "når" med "hvis" - så blir det mer troverdig. Du kan jo ikke vite med sikkerhet at det tar av.
På samme måte som at man ikke kunne vite med sikkerhet at kursen skulle over 3 i februar.
På samme måte som at man ikke kunne vite med sikkerhet at kursen skulle over 3 i februar.
10.03.2022 kl 09:31
Trudeau kommer snart hjem fra turen til Europa, pilot kommer bare vent og se. Canada har lovet at hjælpe europa. sælg nu bare jeres aktier hvis i ikke tror på casen.
1013 skrev Pilot kommer fredag. 👍👍
Piloten er et eventyr og like troverdig som Qec trådenes omkved om at piloten kommer på fredag.
All fornuft tilsier at Binnion for lengst hadde lisensiert ut teknologien til internasjonale oljeselskaper hvis CleanTech er så revolusjonerende som mange her tror og tjent en formue mens han ventet på at treige politikere i Quebec skal skjønne bæret.
All fornuft tilsier at Binnion for lengst hadde lisensiert ut teknologien til internasjonale oljeselskaper hvis CleanTech er så revolusjonerende som mange her tror og tjent en formue mens han ventet på at treige politikere i Quebec skal skjønne bæret.
10.03.2022 kl 09:23
Bare sitt å se på kursen du når det tar skikkelig av. Det er ditt valg.
Dette er uten Quebec selv om det skrives på en Qec tråd.
Redigert 10.03.2022 kl 09:14
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10.03.2022 kl 08:43
Meget bra artikkel. Blir nok turnaround og utvinning/pilot også i Quebec.
10.03.2022 kl 08:32
1013 skrev Pilot kommer fredag. 👍👍
Ja og jeg vinder en kæmpe præmie i Eurojackpot på fredag 😂😂😂
10.03.2022 kl 08:11
Denne fortjener å limes inn i sin helhet, dette kan bli game changeren vi venter på. Pilot er nærmere enn noen gang, erstatning som er alternativet virker som «galskap» i den situasjonen / energikrisen verden nå opplever, også økonomisk selvfølgelig for Québec. Oljepris opp igjen i morgentimene a 113/114, igjen de som tror alt blir som før når fred i Europa forhåpntligvis snart kommer og at alt da går tilbake til slik det var før (lav oljepris og verden handler Putin olje), har ikke skjønt så mye…
Potential for Canadian natural gas to help Europe move away from Russia: Wilkinson
'We can't be hostage to somebody who can blackmail us': says Canada's natural resources minister
Author of the article: Ryan Tumilty
Publishing date:Mar 09, 2022 • 8 hours ago • 4 minute read • Join the conversation
Federal natural resources minister Jonathan Wilkinson says sending natural gas to Europe is not inconsistent with the government’s climate goals.
Federal natural resources minister Jonathan Wilkinson says sending natural gas to Europe is not inconsistent with the government’s climate goals. PHOTO BY JIM WELLS/POSTMEDIA
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OTTAWA – Federal natural resources minister Jonathan Wilkinson said his government is interested in helping Europe replace Russian natural gas and that shipping more natural gas to Europe would not contradict Canada’s climate goals.
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Potential for Canadian natural gas to help Europe move away from Russia: Wilkinson
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Wilkinson said Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a wake-up call that the continent is far too reliant on Russian energy and in recent international meetings there is widespread desire for change.
“Every one of the European ministers that spoke to me basically said we have to get off Russian oil and gas. We can’t be hostage to somebody who can blackmail us,” Wilkinson said.
Canada has no significant liquified natural gas (LNG) plants today. A massive project is under construction near Kitimat, B.C., but isn’t scheduled to ship gas until 2025 and the main customers would not be in Europe. There are no facilities on the east coast, although several have been proposed.
Wilkinson said the government wants to help European allies and will be looking at possibilities for the industry.
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“We are going to look at options around LNG and whether there’s something that Canada might be able to contribute there in a manner that is low emission and climate consistent,” he said.
The U.K. and U.S. joined Canada on Tuesday in banning Russian oil and gas, but the three countries import little from Russia currently. The International Energy Agency estimates the European Union imports 40 per cent of the gas it uses from Russia, flows that are continuing even as Russian tanks roll through Ukraine and most other parts of the Russian economy have been sanctioned.
Earlier this week, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said turning off the taps immediately would be devastating to his country and many others in Europe, including Ukraine.
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“The painful reality is that we are still very much dependent on Russian gas and Russian oil,” he said.
“We have to ensure that they don’t generate unmanageable risks to energy supplies in Europe, European countries and beyond, including Ukraine.”
Wilkinson said sending natural gas to Europe is not inconsistent with the government’s climate goals, because European nations are generally climate leaders.
“Europe obviously has thought its way through more than anybody else. They’ve been working on the climate challenge for decades longer than the rest of the world and so in that context, those conversations are quite simple.”
Wilkinson said his European counterparts all express interest in moving toward more renewable energy, as well as hydrogen, and Canada could help bridge the gap as these countries make the transition.
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He pointed out that in addition to being a transition fuel, natural gas can be used to make hydrogen, which burns without emissions.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin on Wednesday and said Canada supports his proposal to create a “carbon club” of countries who commit to similar climate policies and avoid carbon-related trade levies.
Prime Minster Justin Trudeau speaks at a joint press conference attended by fellow prime ministers Boris Johnson and Mark Rutte of Britain and the Netherlands at Downing Street on March 7, in London.
Trudeau pledges support for European nations to move away from Russian energy
U.S. President Joe Biden, left, and British Prime Minister Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
U.S. and U.K. ban Russian oil imports in huge escalation of sanctions
Trudeau said the two leaders talked about Germany’s energy needs in the short term, as well as larger climate goals.
“We also talked about ways where we can partner not just in the short and medium term on energy supplies, but also staying focused every step of the way on that transition towards renewables, towards hydrogen, towards cleaner sources of energy.”
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The Trudeau government has vetoed several energy projects and delayed others with extra reviews. Last month, the Liberal government rejected a proposed LNG facility north of Quebec City in the Saguenay region, which had previously been rejected by the Quebec government.
The Quebec government has a bill in the National Assembly that would ban any further oil and gas exploration in the province. Ewan Sauves, a spokesperson for Premier François Legault, said it signals their broader intentions.
“This is a strong signal for the future. Quebec has everything to be a world leader in the green economy sector.”
Wilkinson said in this case he believes everyone will see the potential value.
“There is a consensus that Canada needs to do what it can for our allies and I think there is also a consensus that, obviously, whatever we do needs to fit within the context of our aggressive approach to fighting climate change. I don’t think those two things are inconsistent.”
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Wilkinson said he believes Canadians will see the value in shipping natural gas to Europe in light of Russia’s security threat, as long as it is clear it is about a broader transition to net zero.
“Europe is burning natural gas right now. It comes from Russia. If it is burning natural gas that comes from the United States or Canada, it is not emitting any more CO2 into the atmosphere than it was the day before it made that switch.”
Wilkinson said the conversations that are now happening are about whether the facilities could be put in place fast enough in Canada to get natural gas to Europe before those countries transition from fossil fuels completely.
“We need to look at what would be required to get these kinds of things done and what would our timeline be and does that match with the European timeline.”
He said Canadian oil is less likely to be able to get to Europe in time, because Europe is phasing out oil more quickly than natural gas. He said they are looking at short-term measures to increase oil supply, but it won’t be much.
“We are looking at whether there’s a way for us to enhance the flow of oil through existing pipeline networks. It obviously wouldn’t be a huge supplement, but we are looking at that. It is a crisis in Europe, we are endeavouring to do everything we can.”
Twitter: RyanTumilty
Email: rtumilty@postmedia.com
Potential for Canadian natural gas to help Europe move away from Russia: Wilkinson
'We can't be hostage to somebody who can blackmail us': says Canada's natural resources minister
Author of the article: Ryan Tumilty
Publishing date:Mar 09, 2022 • 8 hours ago • 4 minute read • Join the conversation
Federal natural resources minister Jonathan Wilkinson says sending natural gas to Europe is not inconsistent with the government’s climate goals.
Federal natural resources minister Jonathan Wilkinson says sending natural gas to Europe is not inconsistent with the government’s climate goals. PHOTO BY JIM WELLS/POSTMEDIA
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OTTAWA – Federal natural resources minister Jonathan Wilkinson said his government is interested in helping Europe replace Russian natural gas and that shipping more natural gas to Europe would not contradict Canada’s climate goals.
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Potential for Canadian natural gas to help Europe move away from Russia: Wilkinson
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Wilkinson said Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a wake-up call that the continent is far too reliant on Russian energy and in recent international meetings there is widespread desire for change.
“Every one of the European ministers that spoke to me basically said we have to get off Russian oil and gas. We can’t be hostage to somebody who can blackmail us,” Wilkinson said.
Canada has no significant liquified natural gas (LNG) plants today. A massive project is under construction near Kitimat, B.C., but isn’t scheduled to ship gas until 2025 and the main customers would not be in Europe. There are no facilities on the east coast, although several have been proposed.
Wilkinson said the government wants to help European allies and will be looking at possibilities for the industry.
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“We are going to look at options around LNG and whether there’s something that Canada might be able to contribute there in a manner that is low emission and climate consistent,” he said.
The U.K. and U.S. joined Canada on Tuesday in banning Russian oil and gas, but the three countries import little from Russia currently. The International Energy Agency estimates the European Union imports 40 per cent of the gas it uses from Russia, flows that are continuing even as Russian tanks roll through Ukraine and most other parts of the Russian economy have been sanctioned.
Earlier this week, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said turning off the taps immediately would be devastating to his country and many others in Europe, including Ukraine.
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“The painful reality is that we are still very much dependent on Russian gas and Russian oil,” he said.
“We have to ensure that they don’t generate unmanageable risks to energy supplies in Europe, European countries and beyond, including Ukraine.”
Wilkinson said sending natural gas to Europe is not inconsistent with the government’s climate goals, because European nations are generally climate leaders.
“Europe obviously has thought its way through more than anybody else. They’ve been working on the climate challenge for decades longer than the rest of the world and so in that context, those conversations are quite simple.”
Wilkinson said his European counterparts all express interest in moving toward more renewable energy, as well as hydrogen, and Canada could help bridge the gap as these countries make the transition.
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He pointed out that in addition to being a transition fuel, natural gas can be used to make hydrogen, which burns without emissions.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin on Wednesday and said Canada supports his proposal to create a “carbon club” of countries who commit to similar climate policies and avoid carbon-related trade levies.
Prime Minster Justin Trudeau speaks at a joint press conference attended by fellow prime ministers Boris Johnson and Mark Rutte of Britain and the Netherlands at Downing Street on March 7, in London.
Trudeau pledges support for European nations to move away from Russian energy
U.S. President Joe Biden, left, and British Prime Minister Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
U.S. and U.K. ban Russian oil imports in huge escalation of sanctions
Trudeau said the two leaders talked about Germany’s energy needs in the short term, as well as larger climate goals.
“We also talked about ways where we can partner not just in the short and medium term on energy supplies, but also staying focused every step of the way on that transition towards renewables, towards hydrogen, towards cleaner sources of energy.”
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The Trudeau government has vetoed several energy projects and delayed others with extra reviews. Last month, the Liberal government rejected a proposed LNG facility north of Quebec City in the Saguenay region, which had previously been rejected by the Quebec government.
The Quebec government has a bill in the National Assembly that would ban any further oil and gas exploration in the province. Ewan Sauves, a spokesperson for Premier François Legault, said it signals their broader intentions.
“This is a strong signal for the future. Quebec has everything to be a world leader in the green economy sector.”
Wilkinson said in this case he believes everyone will see the potential value.
“There is a consensus that Canada needs to do what it can for our allies and I think there is also a consensus that, obviously, whatever we do needs to fit within the context of our aggressive approach to fighting climate change. I don’t think those two things are inconsistent.”
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Wilkinson said he believes Canadians will see the value in shipping natural gas to Europe in light of Russia’s security threat, as long as it is clear it is about a broader transition to net zero.
“Europe is burning natural gas right now. It comes from Russia. If it is burning natural gas that comes from the United States or Canada, it is not emitting any more CO2 into the atmosphere than it was the day before it made that switch.”
Wilkinson said the conversations that are now happening are about whether the facilities could be put in place fast enough in Canada to get natural gas to Europe before those countries transition from fossil fuels completely.
“We need to look at what would be required to get these kinds of things done and what would our timeline be and does that match with the European timeline.”
He said Canadian oil is less likely to be able to get to Europe in time, because Europe is phasing out oil more quickly than natural gas. He said they are looking at short-term measures to increase oil supply, but it won’t be much.
“We are looking at whether there’s a way for us to enhance the flow of oil through existing pipeline networks. It obviously wouldn’t be a huge supplement, but we are looking at that. It is a crisis in Europe, we are endeavouring to do everything we can.”
Twitter: RyanTumilty
Email: rtumilty@postmedia.com
Redigert 10.03.2022 kl 08:12
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10.03.2022 kl 07:59
QEC er her mellem de 5 bolag som er førende med klimavenlig udvindings teknik i brønde, samt udvinding og genbrug af andre værdifulde resurser som kan genbruges i anden produktion.
QEC vil også undersøge muligheder indenfor Brint og hydrogen, så på tide at få disse piloter på plads, syntes jeg.
QEC vil også undersøge muligheder indenfor Brint og hydrogen, så på tide at få disse piloter på plads, syntes jeg.
Redigert 10.03.2022 kl 08:02
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10.03.2022 kl 07:44
easygo skrev 4 stk 50/50 brønner på Kakwa North.
4 brønde!
Ved du ca antal boe disse 4 brønde vil bidrage med, når de er nedbetalt?
Ved du ca antal boe disse 4 brønde vil bidrage med, når de er nedbetalt?
10.03.2022 kl 07:16
Oppsiktsvekkende artikkel
Modige de som sitter på gjerdet å venter å ser.
Blir det grønt lys så er det ikke bare å hoppe på toget
Da åpner det på 7-8 å går slag i slag opp til 20 før vi blåser igjennom 30 å 40 👍🤣🙏
Modige de som sitter på gjerdet å venter å ser.
Blir det grønt lys så er det ikke bare å hoppe på toget
Da åpner det på 7-8 å går slag i slag opp til 20 før vi blåser igjennom 30 å 40 👍🤣🙏
10.03.2022 kl 06:48
Meget spændende artikel. Man skal passe på med at overfortolke, men det kan godt tyde på Quebec får besked på, at de ikke må forbyde udvinding, samt at det ikke er imod klimamålene. Her passer QUE CO2-frie udvinding perfekt ind. Chancerne for pilot blev absolut større med de udtalelser.
Tak for deling
Tak for deling
Federal natural resources minister Jonathan Wilkinson ønsker å produsere og sende mer gass fra Canada. Han tror Quebec kommer til fjerne lovforslaget som forbyr olje- og gassutvinning.
Federal natural resources minister Jonathan Wilkinson ønsker å produsere og sende mer gass fra Canada. Han tror Quebec kommer til fjerne lovforslaget som forbyr olje- og gassutvinning.
Redigert 10.03.2022 kl 00:40
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10.03.2022 kl 00:29
easygo skrev 4 stk 50/50 brønner på Kakwa North.
Det var en tastefeil. Takk for rettelsen.
Rett skal være rett.
Rett skal være rett.