GEOS skal opp 500%nå med fullbooket snart Q1-2 rekyl 8kr
Kommer å gå fort nå, børsen beste aksje nå.
6-10kr innen Mars. med høy oljepris og aktivitet.
Pengene renner inn nå.
Energy Empress - 200MNOK
Energy Duchess - 200MNOK
Energy Scout- 125MNOK
Energy Swan - 125MNOK
SUM - 650M - (7,40 NOK per aksje)
Cash & Others: 30MNOK
Total: 680MNOK
Total liabilities (-345MNOK)
SUM EQUITY 325MNOK - (7,50 NOK per aksje)
Sum 2022 rater NOK 90Mill
Riktig pris 12kr NOK per aksje, nå 1,77NOK
6-10kr innen Mars. med høy oljepris og aktivitet.
Pengene renner inn nå.
Energy Empress - 200MNOK
Energy Duchess - 200MNOK
Energy Scout- 125MNOK
Energy Swan - 125MNOK
SUM - 650M - (7,40 NOK per aksje)
Cash & Others: 30MNOK
Total: 680MNOK
Total liabilities (-345MNOK)
SUM EQUITY 325MNOK - (7,50 NOK per aksje)
Sum 2022 rater NOK 90Mill
Riktig pris 12kr NOK per aksje, nå 1,77NOK
Redigert 16.03.2022 kl 09:28
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10.03.2022 kl 06:56
Bergen2020 skrev Hva vil dette si klartekst?
Hei igjen,
Utgangspunktet for private placementen er at aksjene selges av selskapet i markedet forut for vedtakelsen av kapitalforhøyelsen, dvs. at du kan kjøpe aksjer gjennom børsen til markedspris på de aksjer selskapet løpende vil legge ut for salg. Dette for å få best mulig pris for aksjene. Det vises til selskapets melding lagt ut i morges hvor det fremkommer at selskapet låner aksjer fra visse aksjonærer, og så gjøres det lånet opp ved at selskapet utsteder nye aksjer til disse.
Utgangspunktet er at de som ønsker å opprettholde eller øke sin eierandel kjøper aksjer over børs. Dersom det er ønskelig å kjøpe en større andel av aksjene kan vi se om vi kan gjøre en direkte avtale om dette. Hvor mange aksjer er du eventuelt interessert i å kjøpe?
Per Ivar Fagervoll
Utgangspunktet for private placementen er at aksjene selges av selskapet i markedet forut for vedtakelsen av kapitalforhøyelsen, dvs. at du kan kjøpe aksjer gjennom børsen til markedspris på de aksjer selskapet løpende vil legge ut for salg. Dette for å få best mulig pris for aksjene. Det vises til selskapets melding lagt ut i morges hvor det fremkommer at selskapet låner aksjer fra visse aksjonærer, og så gjøres det lånet opp ved at selskapet utsteder nye aksjer til disse.
Utgangspunktet er at de som ønsker å opprettholde eller øke sin eierandel kjøper aksjer over børs. Dersom det er ønskelig å kjøpe en større andel av aksjene kan vi se om vi kan gjøre en direkte avtale om dette. Hvor mange aksjer er du eventuelt interessert i å kjøpe?
Per Ivar Fagervoll
09.03.2022 kl 11:49
Snakket med Per Ivar. Dette er beskjeden:
Vi selger aksjer direkte fra dem som låner ut aksjer.
Snitt kurs på salg blir da emisjonskursen.
Kan du si noe om volum du har i tankene?
Per Ivar
Vi selger aksjer direkte fra dem som låner ut aksjer.
Snitt kurs på salg blir da emisjonskursen.
Kan du si noe om volum du har i tankene?
Per Ivar
09.03.2022 kl 11:40
Serboss skrev Denne falt alt for mye, idag...
Fordi det er meldt om rettet emisjon. Men vet ikke pris enda
09.03.2022 kl 09:15
Da begynner jeg og plukke litt på 1.5 kr og lavere. Setter kursmål 2 kr, i løpet av 6 uker.
09.03.2022 kl 09:05
Serboss skrev Ikke idag...
Contemplated Private Placement
The Board of Directors of Golden Energy Offshore Services AS (the “Company”) has resolved to use the authorization granted to the Board of Directors in the Extraordinary General Meeting 17 March 2021 and effect a private placement of new ordinary shares in the Company. The Private Placement will be conducted in two stages.
Firstly, the Company will conduct a sale of up to 5,500,000 shares in the Company (the “Offer Shares”). Such sale will be carried out by the Company itself in the market, and the gross proceeds will depend on the sale price achieved.
The Company will source the Offer Shares through share lending arrangements with its existing shareholders. The Company has entered into share lending agreements with Golden Energy Offshore Management AS, Golden Energy Offshore AS and Per Ivar Fagervoll for the Offer Shares. This will enable immediate trading of the Offer Shares.
Any shares sold will be settled by the Company issuing a corresponding number of new shares (the “New Shares”) to the lenders of shares, the second part of the Private Placement.
The net proceeds from the Private Placement will be used for:
• Continue to develop the Company and to accelerate the decarbonization process of the Company/group.
• Strengthening the balance sheet to ensure financial capacity and flexibility to pursue growth opportunities.
• Working capital as well as for general corporate purposes.
The Offer Shares will be available for sale by the Company from today, 9 March 2022 at 09:00 CEST and last day of sale will be on 17 March 2022 at 16:30 CEST. The Company may, however, at any time resolve to stop its sale of Offer Shares on short or without notice. The Company will report on the number of Offer Shares sold, the corresponding issuance of new shares and the net proceeds received in the Private Placement.
The Company reserves the right, at any time and for any reason, to cancel, and/or modify the terms of, the Private Placement prior to completion. The Company will not be liable for any losses incurred by applicants if the Private Placement is cancelled, irrespective of the reason for such cancellation.
The Board has considered the structure of the contemplated offering of new shares in light of the equal treatment obligations under the Norwegian Limited Companies Act, the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the rules on equal treatment under the rules for companies listed on Euronext Growth and the Oslo Stock Exchange's Guidelines on the rule of equal treatment. The Company is of the view that is in the common interest of the Company and its shareholders to raise equity through a private placement. By structuring the equity raise as a private placement, the Company is expected to be in a position to raise equity efficiently, with a lower discount to the current trading price, at a lower cost and with a significantly lower risk compared to a rights issue. In the assessment it has also been taken into consideration that the Private Placement has been structured as a publicly announced accelerated sales process. Accordingly, the existing shareholders preferential rights to subscribe for new shares in the Private Placement will be deviated from. As the Private Placement is structured to ensure that a market-based sales price is achieved, it is currently not planned to conduct a subsequent share issue directed towards shareholders not participating in the Private Placement.
Advokatfirmaet BAHR AS is acting as legal advisor to the Company.
Per Ivar Fagervoll
Golden Energy Offshore
+47 97 42 88 84
The Board of Directors of Golden Energy Offshore Services AS (the “Company”) has resolved to use the authorization granted to the Board of Directors in the Extraordinary General Meeting 17 March 2021 and effect a private placement of new ordinary shares in the Company. The Private Placement will be conducted in two stages.
Firstly, the Company will conduct a sale of up to 5,500,000 shares in the Company (the “Offer Shares”). Such sale will be carried out by the Company itself in the market, and the gross proceeds will depend on the sale price achieved.
The Company will source the Offer Shares through share lending arrangements with its existing shareholders. The Company has entered into share lending agreements with Golden Energy Offshore Management AS, Golden Energy Offshore AS and Per Ivar Fagervoll for the Offer Shares. This will enable immediate trading of the Offer Shares.
Any shares sold will be settled by the Company issuing a corresponding number of new shares (the “New Shares”) to the lenders of shares, the second part of the Private Placement.
The net proceeds from the Private Placement will be used for:
• Continue to develop the Company and to accelerate the decarbonization process of the Company/group.
• Strengthening the balance sheet to ensure financial capacity and flexibility to pursue growth opportunities.
• Working capital as well as for general corporate purposes.
The Offer Shares will be available for sale by the Company from today, 9 March 2022 at 09:00 CEST and last day of sale will be on 17 March 2022 at 16:30 CEST. The Company may, however, at any time resolve to stop its sale of Offer Shares on short or without notice. The Company will report on the number of Offer Shares sold, the corresponding issuance of new shares and the net proceeds received in the Private Placement.
The Company reserves the right, at any time and for any reason, to cancel, and/or modify the terms of, the Private Placement prior to completion. The Company will not be liable for any losses incurred by applicants if the Private Placement is cancelled, irrespective of the reason for such cancellation.
The Board has considered the structure of the contemplated offering of new shares in light of the equal treatment obligations under the Norwegian Limited Companies Act, the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the rules on equal treatment under the rules for companies listed on Euronext Growth and the Oslo Stock Exchange's Guidelines on the rule of equal treatment. The Company is of the view that is in the common interest of the Company and its shareholders to raise equity through a private placement. By structuring the equity raise as a private placement, the Company is expected to be in a position to raise equity efficiently, with a lower discount to the current trading price, at a lower cost and with a significantly lower risk compared to a rights issue. In the assessment it has also been taken into consideration that the Private Placement has been structured as a publicly announced accelerated sales process. Accordingly, the existing shareholders preferential rights to subscribe for new shares in the Private Placement will be deviated from. As the Private Placement is structured to ensure that a market-based sales price is achieved, it is currently not planned to conduct a subsequent share issue directed towards shareholders not participating in the Private Placement.
Advokatfirmaet BAHR AS is acting as legal advisor to the Company.
Per Ivar Fagervoll
Golden Energy Offshore
+47 97 42 88 84
08.03.2022 kl 08:01
Solgt deg ut nå? Først skriver du et innlegg i halvtimen og så helt tyst. Virker ikke så veldig seriøst. Bare irriterende egentlig!
07.03.2022 kl 09:25
Slettet brukerskrev 3kr kommer nå.
Ser ikke sånn ut, akkurat nå i alle fall.
Slettet brukerskrev Båtene stiger kraftig, vi kjøpte på billigsalg. så antar vi kan få en bra verdi nå.
3kr kommer nå.
Båtene stiger kraftig, vi kjøpte på billigsalg. så antar vi kan få en bra verdi nå.
07.03.2022 kl 08:45
Morsomt med entusiasme over denne lille juvelen av et selskap, men det er litt mye haussing og lite fakta i trådene her på HO. Er det noen som kjenner markedet så godt at de kan underbygge estimatene til trådstarter. Er estimatene for reell/dagsaktuell markedsverdi på båtene (ref. headingen til innlegget) omtrent der de bør være?
Redigert 07.03.2022 kl 08:50
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Kommer som en kule var i 3,3kr fredag, skal fort opp mot 8-12kr i 2022
07.03.2022 kl 08:25
Andpaal71 skrev Hvor får du p/b 0,8 fra?
Nordnet opererte med P/B 0.83 fredag ettermiddag. Markedsverdi ved stengning fredag var ca. 80 millioner / bokført EK ved utgang Q2 -2021 var ca. 110 mill. Det gir PB 0,73. Men i bokført Ek ligger det en impairment på 88 millioner pga nedskrevne verdier på båtene. Denne impairment tenker jeg kan reverseres i dagens marked. Det gir i såfall Pris 80 mill over EK 190 mill, P/B ca. 0,42. Men trolig er båtene verdt enda mer? Da kjøper man i så fall 1 krone for 20-30 øre nå. Og selskapet er veldrevet med gode båter som er i arbeid....
Redigert 07.03.2022 kl 08:26
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Spenn setebeltet i dag👍💪3kr
06.03.2022 kl 21:04
Jeg mener fortsatt du er litt i overkant optimistisk. Ro litt ned!!
Slettet brukerskrev Enig blir nytt rykk mandag, noen tok gevinst i dag. 6 til 8kr i verdier.
Neste uke smeller det fort opp.
4 til 6kr.
Kan få et rally uten like nå, Q1 Q2 fullbokket med kanon rater.
4 til 6kr.
Kan få et rally uten like nå, Q1 Q2 fullbokket med kanon rater.
Enig blir nytt rykk mandag, noen tok gevinst i dag.
6 til 8kr i verdier.
6 til 8kr i verdier.
Redigert 04.03.2022 kl 21:57
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04.03.2022 kl 16:15
Pluss 150% på en uke er vel egentlig greit. P/B er fortsatt bare 0,83 (og da er nok bokførte verdier satt rimelig lavt ift. hva båtene egentlig er verdt). Jeg selger mine aksjer på 6 kr :-) God helg!
Redigert 04.03.2022 kl 16:16
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04.03.2022 kl 16:07
Slettet brukerskrev snur opp denne ser neste uke 6-8kr vent å se.
Flott analyse! Virkelig til å stole på…
snur opp denne ser neste uke 6-8kr vent å se.
04.03.2022 kl 15:20
Slettet brukerskrev rally ventes ref alle nye kontrakter.
Jeg synes fortsatt, dessverre, at den er på vei ned… eller?
Håper selvsagt jeg tar feil!!
Håper selvsagt jeg tar feil!!
rally ventes ref alle nye kontrakter.
04.03.2022 kl 12:18
Snittpris i dag er ca 2.45.- Vi skal vel i hvert fall dit igjen!?
04.03.2022 kl 12:15
Slettet brukerskrev Gikk til 3.3kr i dag nå 2.2kr, denne kommer tilbake.
Tja, ser ut som den går nedover for min del. Hva er veien videre i dag??
Slettet brukerskrev Selger du deg ut, jeg laster opp. Kommer fort denne. 6 til 8kr lykke tul.
Gikk til 3.3kr i dag nå 2.2kr, denne kommer tilbake.
Bullfight skrev Da gikk lufta ut av ballongen ?
Selger du deg ut, jeg laster opp.
Kommer fort denne.
6 til 8kr lykke tul.
Kommer fort denne.
6 til 8kr lykke tul.
04.03.2022 kl 10:50
Slettet brukerskrev Jeg laster videre opp, så får vi se om den lander over 3kr i dag.
Da gikk lufta ut av ballongen ?
Slettet brukerskrev Kommer snart nå toget går mot 3-4kr i dag. vent å se.
Jeg laster videre opp, så får vi se om den lander over 3kr i dag.
Slettet brukerskrev 3,1kr nå går rett vei dette.
Kommer snart nå toget går mot 3-4kr i dag. vent å se.
Slettet brukerskrev 4kr i dag og mandag ser vi 6-8kr Må lese deg opp på denne, beste bet på børsen nå.
3,1kr nå går rett vei dette.
4kr i dag og mandag ser vi 6-8kr
Må lese deg opp på denne, beste bet på børsen nå.
Må lese deg opp på denne, beste bet på børsen nå.
Redigert 04.03.2022 kl 09:21
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04.03.2022 kl 09:17
Volumet er rævva, så det er tydelig at det er du som kjøper alle aksjene.
ser ut som den skal til 4kr i dag.
Neste uke er vi tilbake 6-8kr.
kontrakter gode rater mega bull.
skulle bare mangle med rekyl til 8kr.
Neste uke er vi tilbake 6-8kr.
kontrakter gode rater mega bull.
skulle bare mangle med rekyl til 8kr.
Redigert 04.03.2022 kl 09:10
Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet brukerskrev En kraftig rekyl pågår.
3 kr i dag kan komme fort.
Lykke til.
Rekyl startet, vi skal tilbake nå med kontrakter.
Søkeresultat, 1 items
Tid Ticker Overskrift
01. mars GEOS Fleet update - Secure term contracts
Fleet update - Secure term contracts
GOLDEN ENERGY OFFSHORE SERVICES AS has secured term contract for the vessels
with first class international operators.
Vessel are fixed and firm to first class international operators to conduct
environmental monitoring activities and sampling, which include, but are not
limited to geomorphological, chemical, physical, and biological analyses. Vessel
has been trading North sea spot market, with busy Q4-21 and somewhat slower
market so far in Q1TD-22. For the new contract mobilization and de-mobilization
of top side equipment will take place in Norway and operation offshore Ghana.
Contract has commenced.
Period is 100 days firm plus options - Contract are on today's market terms.
GEOS has secured a contract to first class international operator in direct
continuation from present contract. Vessel has since reactivation in June-21(ref
notice 17 June 2021) maintain very high utilization and through Q3-21 and
Q1TD-22 maintain 100% utilization. Vessel are presently completing a job at
Trinidad & Tobago / USGOM and will be redelivered to Owners in Esbjerg in time
to commence her new contract. New contract period are firm for 150 days plus
options on today's market terms.
Energy Swan entered it's long term contract 1st November 21 (Ref notice 17
September 2021) and performing good and her large capacities and capabilities
are optimal utilized throughout. GEOS completed installation of shore power
connections to facilitate use as per IEC PAS 80005-3 and system has been in
regular use since commencement of contract.
Contract remain same and as announced 17 September 2021 and duration is 12
months firm, in addition Repsol Norge AS have options to use the vessel for a
total additional period up to 12 months and if options are used, GEOS are
secured full utilization on the vessel until end of 2023.
We are pleased to announce the new contract awards - which along with the
existing secure 100% utilization of the active vessels through remaining of
Q1-22 and Q2-22, 70% back log for Q3 and 60% Q4 - 22. The firm back log has a
consolidated value in excess of NOK 65 million.
Golden Energy Offshore Services continue to pursue possibilities for the vessels
and along with company future plans in both O&G and Renewable.
Golden Energy Offshore Services strategy - continuous focus on Green profile -
reducing NOX ,CO2 emissions and make vessels more energy effective and
environmentally friendly.
For further information please contact:
Per Ivar Fagervoll
Golden Energy Offshore Services AS
+47 97 42 88 84
Produsert og driftes av
Kurser er levert av , og
Det tas forbehold om eventuelle feil og mangler i data.
Nikkei 225 ©Nikkei Inc.
Lykke til.
Rekyl startet, vi skal tilbake nå med kontrakter.
Søkeresultat, 1 items
Tid Ticker Overskrift
01. mars GEOS Fleet update - Secure term contracts
Fleet update - Secure term contracts
GOLDEN ENERGY OFFSHORE SERVICES AS has secured term contract for the vessels
with first class international operators.
Vessel are fixed and firm to first class international operators to conduct
environmental monitoring activities and sampling, which include, but are not
limited to geomorphological, chemical, physical, and biological analyses. Vessel
has been trading North sea spot market, with busy Q4-21 and somewhat slower
market so far in Q1TD-22. For the new contract mobilization and de-mobilization
of top side equipment will take place in Norway and operation offshore Ghana.
Contract has commenced.
Period is 100 days firm plus options - Contract are on today's market terms.
GEOS has secured a contract to first class international operator in direct
continuation from present contract. Vessel has since reactivation in June-21(ref
notice 17 June 2021) maintain very high utilization and through Q3-21 and
Q1TD-22 maintain 100% utilization. Vessel are presently completing a job at
Trinidad & Tobago / USGOM and will be redelivered to Owners in Esbjerg in time
to commence her new contract. New contract period are firm for 150 days plus
options on today's market terms.
Energy Swan entered it's long term contract 1st November 21 (Ref notice 17
September 2021) and performing good and her large capacities and capabilities
are optimal utilized throughout. GEOS completed installation of shore power
connections to facilitate use as per IEC PAS 80005-3 and system has been in
regular use since commencement of contract.
Contract remain same and as announced 17 September 2021 and duration is 12
months firm, in addition Repsol Norge AS have options to use the vessel for a
total additional period up to 12 months and if options are used, GEOS are
secured full utilization on the vessel until end of 2023.
We are pleased to announce the new contract awards - which along with the
existing secure 100% utilization of the active vessels through remaining of
Q1-22 and Q2-22, 70% back log for Q3 and 60% Q4 - 22. The firm back log has a
consolidated value in excess of NOK 65 million.
Golden Energy Offshore Services continue to pursue possibilities for the vessels
and along with company future plans in both O&G and Renewable.
Golden Energy Offshore Services strategy - continuous focus on Green profile -
reducing NOX ,CO2 emissions and make vessels more energy effective and
environmentally friendly.
For further information please contact:
Per Ivar Fagervoll
Golden Energy Offshore Services AS
+47 97 42 88 84
Produsert og driftes av
Kurser er levert av , og
Det tas forbehold om eventuelle feil og mangler i data.
Nikkei 225 ©Nikkei Inc.
Redigert 04.03.2022 kl 08:44
Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet brukerskrev All inn. Jeg gleder meg til neste fredag da kan vi få tidenes rekyl.
En kraftig rekyl pågår.
Slettet brukerskrev Går veien dette. Ser fort 3 til 4kr denne uken nå.
All inn. Jeg gleder meg til neste fredag da kan vi få tidenes rekyl.
Går veien dette.
Ser fort 3 til 4kr denne uken nå.
Ser fort 3 til 4kr denne uken nå.
Redigert 03.03.2022 kl 11:41
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