Endur med ny kontrakt

ENDUR 03.03.2022 kl 16:14 11936

Endúr ASA: Marcon awarded long-term frame agreement in the Stockholm region
3 March 2022 – Stockholms Vattenentreprenader AB (“Sventab”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Endúr-owned Swedish marine infrastructure group Marcon, has today been awarded a long-term frame agreement by Stockholms Hamn AB for maintenance and repairs of quays and quay equipment as well as construction work.

The frame agreement stipulates a call off structure with Sventab ranked as nr. 1, and has been awarded following a public tender process, has a duration of two years plus six one-year extension options, for a maximum total of eight years. Stockholms Hamn AB estimates that the contract value is approximately SEK 10–30 million per year, equivalent to a revenue potential of between SEK 80–240 million over the full eight-year period.

The frame agreement includes maintenance work on quays, fixed quay equipment, concrete ramps, erosion protection, bridges and pontoons. It covers the following Swedish harbours: Stockholms Hamn, Norviks Hamn, Kapellskärs Hamn and Nynäshamns Hamn.

“The Swedish marine infrastructure is extremely active and still improving. This contract, which is considered low-risk project execution, is an excellent example of the type of work that has now resurfaced following last year’s hiatus caused by Covid-19 and an unusually cold winter period that caused frozen waterways,” says Jörn Ryberg, CEO of Marcon.

Marcon is a market leader within marine infrastructure in Sweden. The company performs a range of services connected to marine infrastructure construction and marine services, as well as other adjacent services including hydrographical services, dredging, rentals, inspections and diving.

Endúr ASA is listed on the Oslo stock exchange. The group is a leading supplier of construction and maintenance projects and services for marine infrastructure, including facilities for land-based aquaculture, quays, harbours, dams, bridges and other specialised concrete and steel projects.

05.04.2022 kl 08:17 3350

Eller du må...

The contract period is from 01.04.2022 to 31.03.2025, plus an extension option at current terms for a period of another three years. The maximum sum contract value is up to NOK 600 million for the entire period, inclusive of exercised options, covering four parallel contractees.
05.04.2022 kl 08:23 3330

Nå har vel alle datterselskap en ordrereserve på rundt 3 milliarder NOK?
05.04.2022 kl 08:27 3317

Tolker det slik at det er inngått 4 parallelle rammeavtaler der Endur har fått 1/4. Tror ikke opsjonen på de neste 3 årene er 450 mill.
Men mulig jeg mistolker. Hva tenker du om "four paralell contractees"?
07.04.2022 kl 09:06 3004


Endúr ASA sells Installit to the DeepOcean Group

7 April 2022 - Endúr ASA has entered into an agreement with the DeepOcean Group (“DeepOcean”) for the sale of Installit AS and its subsidiaries (Installit).

Endúr ASA (Endúr) resolved mid-2020 a strategic change of direction, defining marine infrastructure and solutions for land-based aquaculture as the group's core focus areas. The most substantial elements of the implementation of this strategic redirection have involved the late-2020 acquisition of BMO Entreprenør AS, followed by the early-2021 acquisitions of Marcon-Gruppen i Sverige AB and Artec Aqua AS, all leading companies in their respective markets with histories of profitable growth. An integral part of this strategic realignment involves employing and committing all the Endúr’s capital and resources towards the group’s core focus areas.

Installit, a wholly owned subsidiary of Endúr, is an engineering and technology company providing project management and engineering services within subsea cable installation and marine operations for the marine and renewables industries.
DeepOcean provides survey, engineering, project management, installation, maintenance, and recycling services to offshore-based industries.
“We are satisfied to have reached an agreement with DeepOcean for them to acquire Installit. Installit has a long-established standing and recognized expertise in their sector of the market, and we are saddened to part ways with many great, positive-minded colleagues. At the same time, we recognize that Installit’s competences and resources can be more favorably employed as part of DeepOcean”, says Jeppe Raaholt, CEO of Endúr ASA.

The purchase price of NOK 20.8 million for 100% of the shares in Installit will be settled in cash. The divestment of Installit will result in an accounting loss of approximately NOK 22.9 million for Endúr.

“We are certainly highly reluctant to incur losses from any part of our activities,” continues Jeppe Raaholt, “and we were very mindful during this process of the negative gap between the proposed transaction value and the book value of our Installit ownership. However, as Installit can no longer rightfully be considered absolutely key to Endúr’s core activities and strategy, this divestment provides a further confirmation of our unyielding commitment to the company’s focal areas of marine infrastructure and aquaculture solutions.”

07.04.2022 kl 14:35 2823

Salg av Installit As er vel helt greit uansett ikke innenfor satsingsområde, og selv om det er mye eiendeler i selskapet så er det samtidig en underskuddbedrift. -4,4 mill i 2020. Og i ENDUR vil vi ha overskudd!
08.04.2022 kl 14:08 2607

Gjennom en målpriskontrakt med BMO Entreprenør AS ønsker NRC Group å legge til rette for et godt samarbeid og grønnere spor på Trønder og Meråkerbanen.

Partene som er involvert har klare felles insentiver for effektiv bruk av
ressurser og nye løsninger. Gjennom felles målsettinger i målpriskontrakten kan
NRC Group og BMO Entreprenør AS, legge godt til rette for det grønne skiftet og
oppnå reduserte utslipp i tiltak som iverksettes.

BMO Entreprenør AS skal være ansvarlig for tunnelarbeider og vannsikring
tilknyttet arbeid som NRC Group gjennomfører på Trønder og Meråkerbanen.
Målpriskontrakten har en verdi på omtrent 70 millioner kroner.

- Vi ønsker å utfordre etablerte sannheter, og finne løsninger som er bedre for
både kunden og oss. Målpriskontrakten gir oss og BMO klare insentiver til å
gjennomføre arbeidene både sikkert, mer kostnadseffektivt og på kortere tid. Vi
mener det er det er en samfunnsøkonomisk god måte å gjennomføre arbeidet på,
hvor miljøet er en vinner. Med BMO har vi en felles visjon om hvordan den nye
samarbeidsmodellen skal virke i praksis, sier Martin Inge Olsen,
Divisjonsdirektør Bane, NRC Group Norge.

BMO Entreprenør AS starter arbeidene for NRC Group i mai og er planlagt ferdig
mot slutten av 2022.

- Vår ekspertise og erfaring som aktør i banemarkedet gjennom flere år, gir oss
de beste forutsetninger for å lykkes med dette oppdraget. Vi er sikre på at vi
sammen med NRC Group kan sette varige spor i ved å bruke innovative løsninger
både i planlegging og gjennomføringen. Samtidig takker vi NRC Group for
tillitten i denne kontrakten og vi gleder oss til samarbeidet, sier Alexander
Rød, Daglig leder, BMO Entreprenør AS.

08.04.2022 kl 14:48 2547

Og børsen reagerer med et skuldertrekk som vanlig
08.04.2022 kl 18:50 2415

Hvem handlet 6 mill aksjer i dag?
10.04.2022 kl 20:50 2067

En kan jo håpe på at innsiden begynner å røre på seg. Det har jo vert endel nyheter i de siste dagene.