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ZENA 05.03.2022 kl 14:41 29977

Zenith Energy er neste som skal reprises totalt. Oljesalg på 100 mill i slutte av måneden og voksende gassinntekter i Italia.
Priset til under 200 mill nå. Når denne oppdages kan den fort gå mot gamle høyder - dvs 10 gangern.
INNSIDEKJØP på nær 4 millioner for 14 dager siden.
Redigert 07.03.2022 kl 16:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.03.2022 kl 16:26 4540

1. Zenith is already starting to be a substantial producer. The fact that we are about to sell $14 million worth of oil by the end of this month is proof of this.

When will Zenith get the money for the oil on their account? 14 days, 30-60days? Do you know?

I also have to say what I have been saying before, there are something wrong here. This is the only oil companby that either stands still or is dropping the price on the company in this oil boom time. I hope I'm wrong but this smell a little bit don't it? Why is the price so low? Look at IOX, from 0.80 to NOK 3 in 14 days. Will this also happen to Zena?
07.03.2022 kl 16:17 4557

Getting to a stage where funds would invest in Zenith is a step by step process.

1. No funds are going to invest in a company that is just an explorer. You have to be a substantial producer too.
2. The production that is coming out needs to show a clear profit at the end of the year and this profit therefore has to be a financial one – ie it shows in the end of year accounts after all company expenses have been paid.
3. The company would also have to have a clear plan of how to expand and show increased revenues and share price return over the next few years.
4. The fund would have to be sure that the company was not going to keep issuing shares but would be able to service expansion via debt.
5. Ideally most major funds like to see companies that they invest in pay dividends.
6. Funds are unlikely to invest in companies that have a market cap of less that £100 million (1 billion krone)

So where does Zenith stand in this process.
1. Zenith is already starting to be a substantial producer. The fact that we are about to sell $14 million worth of oil by the end of this month is proof of this.
2. This year’s annual report should definitely show that Zenith is making an annual profit.
3. Expansion plans are in place at Zenith – mainly with Tilapia but also in Nigeria where according to AC we are looking at 5-6 different options and also the mysterious “company making” deal that he says is in process and could increase the market cap by 10-15 times.
4. AC has promised that we are not going to issue more shares in the near future and has said that we are actually going to start buying back shares. He also says that we are in debt negotiations with pan-African institutions and we have already shown the bond markets that the company can successfully and regularly service debt.
5. We are nowhere near being able to pay dividends.
6. We have a long way to go before our market cap in in excess of 1 billion.

So , as you can see Zenith are making all of the right steps towards being the kind of small oil company that could get institutional fund investment but we are not there yet. The next step will be to acquire Tilapia and then see a substantial increase in the current market cap (up to £50 million / 500 million krone). Then with the development of production in the Congo and the acquisition of another significant African asset we could perhaps make the move to a level that is investable by funds. If all goes well this could be the end of 2022 or the beginning of 2023.

Predicting the future is always difficult to do as it is far easier to get it wrong than it is to get it right but what I can say is that AC is making all of the right plans to get Zenith to a stage where is could be considered investable by institutions and he is sharing them with us via the investors conference calls. If he can deliver on these plans then it is possible that Zenith can make it and make those of us who have invested at these levels very wealthy. The first step is Tilapia. Over to you AC…
07.03.2022 kl 15:31 4701

Skal sies at Zenith selger strøm i Italia ikke gass, strømprisen du må se på. Høye gasspriser er selvsagt synnonymt med høye strømpriser, ref. melding 4. Januar
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 15:24 4685

– Gass omsettes for mer enn tigangen av det som er normalen. Normalt omsettes gass for rundt 20 euro per megawattime, men morgendagens kontrakt er på 253 euro. Forventer ny melding om rekordinntekter fra Italia til ZENA
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 14:33 2524

De store gutta følger med på de små ....

Zenith har kvittet seg med gjeld ...
Olje, gass og strøm gir "sikre" inntekter .....
Tunisia virker mere stabilt enn mange andre steder ...

Men om det nok for større investorer er en annen sak ...
Jeg satser kun egne midler og er uten gjeld det er noe
helt annet å forvalte andres midler.
07.03.2022 kl 14:01 2587

Zena ligger på fjerdeplass på listen over aksjer med unormal høy omsetning med hele 567% høyere en vanlig. Tror en del vil flytte seg over i Zena nå.
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 13:55 2562

Olje aksje som ikke har gått mer en 10%, utrolig billig nå med dagens oljepris.
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 13:49 2583

Folk bør ta gevinst i IOX og flytte over til ZENA!
07.03.2022 kl 13:44 2563

Strong buy på moving Averages nå på Tradingview, har vell vært sell i 2-3 mnd nå... Vi får se om roboter snur her. Kan gå høyt vært øyeblikk, men regner med folk ikke selger med det første.
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 12:38 2662

Nice to sea people leaving cheaply in bulk. after news it will be more upward then. Particular buyer here is not normal so course will go around 0.11.
Redigert 07.03.2022 kl 12:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.03.2022 kl 12:26 2712

Utforbakke igjen? Jeg undres over folk!
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 12:16 2750

5 million buy order is waiting around 0.1027, they will wait around 0.1050. i dont know why people selling when share could go 2 to 4 times after oil sale and Tilapia news.
Redigert 07.03.2022 kl 12:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
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07.03.2022 kl 12:16 2704

LATO spannede la oss håpe vi får et rally som IOX
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 12:04 2759

“It is our expectation that we shall soon be in a position to progress our activities in the Republic of the Congo for the award of a new 25- year licence for the Tilapia oilfield.”

That is an excellent find AGEOS and it certainly does indicate that Zenith are getting increasingly certain that we should expect some news on Tilapia in the near future, and you are correct in thinking that it would have been remiss of AC to mention it in the bondholders document unless he knew that we were making progress.

As we all know, despite the significant revenue that is being generated by Tunisia the big driver that is going to send the share price upwards is Tilapia so if this is an indicator that this is imminent then it is very good news for all of us. The newsletter itself is dated January and therefore must already be nearly two weeks old, so fingers crossed this means that we should be expecting news sometime this month and a share price of at least double where we are today when the news lands. Lets hope that Tilapia 2 is announced soon and we experience the re-rate that befits the company’s status. After all, in his interview with Stig Myrseth last year AC did state that once all of the assets were confirmed he expected our market cap should be about £35 million
07.03.2022 kl 12:01 2727

Slettet bruker skrev Tidligere Faster. Ro ned....
Stiger 2 siffret,krever feiring👍
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 11:54 2742

Tidligere Faster. Ro ned....
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 11:51 2739

Det er lov å håpe men jeg tviler på 20 øre i dag.
Siste kurs 11:49:59  0,1034
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 11:06 2789

Går snart banans denne. ser 20øre i dag vent å se.
07.03.2022 kl 10:32 2914

Kind of crazy to think about the value sitting in storage. Should also be noted that natural gas prices in Europe are at record levels today, we might see record profits in Italy again.
07.03.2022 kl 10:26 2905

Til og med Tradingview har buy på Zenith nå :)
07.03.2022 kl 10:22 2914

Well the total value of the oil in storage is $14.3 million at today's prices. This is over 2/3rds of the entire company market cap, in cash and coming at the end of the month. In all likelihood it will be worth more by then also.
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 10:14 2936

burde sett 20øre fort..min med en dobling av oljeprisen.
07.03.2022 kl 10:02 2965

gravemaskinen skrev kommer nå
Omsatt for 2mill til klokken 10, vanligvis ikke omsatt så mye på hele børsdager tidligere.
07.03.2022 kl 10:00 2980

Kjøpte 1 mill aksjer på 0.099 og prøver meg igjen i Zena. Mange potensielle triggere og med krigen som gjør alt i olje til en "sikker" havn velger jeg å gamble noen kroner her. Alt det andre jeg tar i går jo rett til h så hvorfor ikke. Så får jeg bare håpe at disse spøkelsene jeg har snakket om aldri kommer ut av skapet.
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 09:58 2999

gravemaskinen skrev kommer nå
kan fort se 20-40øre denne.
07.03.2022 kl 09:46 3047

Jeg gjentar: Nå må folk SLUTTE å selge! Vil dere ikke tjene mer penger?
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 09:36 2980

Nye rekorder for ZENA i Italia! Gassprisene i Europa til himmels!
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 09:06 3115

Last opp!!! Vi venter på:

SLK kjøp siste 22,5%
Oljesalg 114.000 fat
Rettsak mot tidligere borefirma mulig 5,7 millioner dollar inn på konto.
Nytt oppkjøp som skal være 13 x større en dagens verdi.
"side-track" i brønn EZZ-18 nå i mars.
Rob-1 i drift igjen,
Redigert 07.03.2022 kl 09:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 09:05 3087

Mest sannsynlig tar reprasjon av Rob-1 lengre tid ...
Før workover i fjor hadde ikke feltet fått noe vedlikehold på lang tid ...

Nest post på meny er "side-track" i brønn EZZ-18 nå i mars..

Tålmodighet er ingen dyd men ett nødvendig onde.

07.03.2022 kl 09:01 3098

På tide å komme med en spådom igjen, en stund siden sist jeg gjorde det i denne størrelsesorden. Jeg tror Tilapia er i box denne uken.
07.03.2022 kl 08:44 3195

Realistisk sett så må det liit mere til en en prisoppgang på oljen. Men er enig i verdisetningen av Zena er for lavt..
En bekreftelse på Rob1 sat i drift igjen eller annet. Jeg er forventer det skjer på ett eller annet tidspunkt, å også en av de andre trigger kommer. så skal kursen nok stige ganske volsomt..
07.03.2022 kl 08:42 3205

Nå må folk f..... meg ta seg sammen og ikke selge på dette mikronivået!