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ZENA 05.03.2022 kl 14:41 29005

Zenith Energy er neste som skal reprises totalt. Oljesalg på 100 mill i slutte av måneden og voksende gassinntekter i Italia.
Priset til under 200 mill nå. Når denne oppdages kan den fort gå mot gamle høyder - dvs 10 gangern.
INNSIDEKJØP på nær 4 millioner for 14 dager siden.
Redigert 07.03.2022 kl 16:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
07.03.2022 kl 15:24 4544

– Gass omsettes for mer enn tigangen av det som er normalen. Normalt omsettes gass for rundt 20 euro per megawattime, men morgendagens kontrakt er på 253 euro. Forventer ny melding om rekordinntekter fra Italia til ZENA
07.03.2022 kl 15:31 4560

Skal sies at Zenith selger strøm i Italia ikke gass, strømprisen du må se på. Høye gasspriser er selvsagt synnonymt med høye strømpriser, ref. melding 4. Januar
07.03.2022 kl 16:17 4416

Getting to a stage where funds would invest in Zenith is a step by step process.

1. No funds are going to invest in a company that is just an explorer. You have to be a substantial producer too.
2. The production that is coming out needs to show a clear profit at the end of the year and this profit therefore has to be a financial one – ie it shows in the end of year accounts after all company expenses have been paid.
3. The company would also have to have a clear plan of how to expand and show increased revenues and share price return over the next few years.
4. The fund would have to be sure that the company was not going to keep issuing shares but would be able to service expansion via debt.
5. Ideally most major funds like to see companies that they invest in pay dividends.
6. Funds are unlikely to invest in companies that have a market cap of less that £100 million (1 billion krone)

So where does Zenith stand in this process.
1. Zenith is already starting to be a substantial producer. The fact that we are about to sell $14 million worth of oil by the end of this month is proof of this.
2. This year’s annual report should definitely show that Zenith is making an annual profit.
3. Expansion plans are in place at Zenith – mainly with Tilapia but also in Nigeria where according to AC we are looking at 5-6 different options and also the mysterious “company making” deal that he says is in process and could increase the market cap by 10-15 times.
4. AC has promised that we are not going to issue more shares in the near future and has said that we are actually going to start buying back shares. He also says that we are in debt negotiations with pan-African institutions and we have already shown the bond markets that the company can successfully and regularly service debt.
5. We are nowhere near being able to pay dividends.
6. We have a long way to go before our market cap in in excess of 1 billion.

So , as you can see Zenith are making all of the right steps towards being the kind of small oil company that could get institutional fund investment but we are not there yet. The next step will be to acquire Tilapia and then see a substantial increase in the current market cap (up to £50 million / 500 million krone). Then with the development of production in the Congo and the acquisition of another significant African asset we could perhaps make the move to a level that is investable by funds. If all goes well this could be the end of 2022 or the beginning of 2023.

Predicting the future is always difficult to do as it is far easier to get it wrong than it is to get it right but what I can say is that AC is making all of the right plans to get Zenith to a stage where is could be considered investable by institutions and he is sharing them with us via the investors conference calls. If he can deliver on these plans then it is possible that Zenith can make it and make those of us who have invested at these levels very wealthy. The first step is Tilapia. Over to you AC…
07.03.2022 kl 16:26 4399

1. Zenith is already starting to be a substantial producer. The fact that we are about to sell $14 million worth of oil by the end of this month is proof of this.

When will Zenith get the money for the oil on their account? 14 days, 30-60days? Do you know?

I also have to say what I have been saying before, there are something wrong here. This is the only oil companby that either stands still or is dropping the price on the company in this oil boom time. I hope I'm wrong but this smell a little bit don't it? Why is the price so low? Look at IOX, from 0.80 to NOK 3 in 14 days. Will this also happen to Zena?
Bull dog
07.03.2022 kl 16:26 4404

Kan det komme en melding om avtale på pris pr fat?
07.03.2022 kl 16:31 4382

Not forget Tunisia- todays production can be double within 2H 2022. (exceed 1.000 barrels/d)
07.03.2022 kl 16:37 4355

I sommer 2021 var det en differanse på 11 dager mellom salgsavtale (8 juli) og shipment (19 juli). Vi får se nå om salgsavtale skjer før den 31 mars. Antar at det blir 31 mars.

...The lifting is scheduled for April 2022...
The Company confirms that, based on current production rates from its recently enlarged portfolio, it will hold a total of approximately 114,000 barrels of crude oil in stock net to Zenith in Tunisia, as of March 31, 2022.
Redigert 07.03.2022 kl 16:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
Bull dog
07.03.2022 kl 16:49 4329

Takk. Selv om vi vet at prisen blir høy tror jeg det kan gi kursen en dytt.
07.03.2022 kl 17:25 4269

I don't know exactly when Zenith will get the money in their account but based on the information that AC has given in previous investor conferences I think that it will go something like this:

1. Price is agreed for the oil before it is shipped (or according to many on here the 31st March)
2. The tanker will collect the oil (ours and other Tunisian companies) from Tunisia and take it to an Italian refinery which I suspect will take 2-3 days.
3. The refinery will then have to check that the oil quality is as it was agreed to be.
4. I would then expect payment to be made 30 days after this approval.

So I think that the money will not be received until early May but once the price is agreed then that will be the money received no matter what the change in oil price.
07.03.2022 kl 17:48 4263

Suberb and thank you.
08.03.2022 kl 08:52 3927

Get ready to some more buying session today. Price may reach 0.12 today in first hours.
08.03.2022 kl 09:03 3886

Ja, vi ligger etter så det holder, burde ligge på mimimum 0.15 Med Tilapia i boks tipper jeg vi ser kurser mellom 0,25 og 0,30
08.03.2022 kl 09:07 3859

I see more with this oil price around $70 to $100, Tilapia (56%) worth kr 0.55.
2P reserve 16.49 mmbbl
$7*16.49mmbl = $115.43million
(115.43/1872.5million shares ) = $0.06164486
0.06164486*8.75= kr 0.554803738
Redigert 08.03.2022 kl 09:15 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
08.03.2022 kl 09:09 3859

Hold på aksjene! Pang……. Vi er på vei mot 0,50 øre!
08.03.2022 kl 09:14 3951

and reached 0.13, someone bought 3, 3, 7 million in total 17milliom 5 min institutional investor enter now.
Redigert 08.03.2022 kl 09:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.03.2022 kl 09:21 3920

Banker vi igjennom 0.1270 tror jeg d blir moro
08.03.2022 kl 09:24 3872

Slapp av dette er ikke begynnelsen en gang, og det er bedre å bli kvitt de utålmodige nå. Slik at vi med lang horisont kan dra nytte ev det:-)
08.03.2022 kl 09:30 3838

Don't think it's institutional investor. But might be insider, let's see when the next insider messages comes. Something is brewing :)
Slettet bruker
08.03.2022 kl 09:32 3835

20-80øre kommer fort vent å se.
08.03.2022 kl 09:45 3733

Zenith reagerte ikke på stigning av oljeprisen før denne uka..
Er det Tilapia-nyheter som kommer?? Er jo skyhøy omsetning i forhold til hva det har vært siste halvåret…
08.03.2022 kl 09:49 3713

Her er jeg enig med deg sia.
Det ser ut som de litt større gutta har tatt frem kalkulatoren,og begynner å se realitetene for potensialet i denne aksjen.
Det er vel heller ikke akkurat negativt, at Zenith sitter igjen med over 2 millioner NOK i rein netto hver eneste mnd.e på gass/elektrisitet salget sitt.
Den første hjørestenen i grunnmuren som bygges blei altså gass. Det tok eg feil.
Men grunnmuren er bygget ferdig til 5/laget det er bare noen "meldinger/hjørnesteiner" godkjenninger som mangler.
Det har aldri i selskapets historie sett bedre ut.
Sier som eg har sagt før ,den dagen vi/Zenith produserer 1000 fat olje pr.dag. Da går vi på skinner videre.
Aksjen er fortsatt grisebillig.
Men at noen vil realisere fortjeneste ,må være helt greit.
De som har kjøpt i bøtter og spann på 9 øre , har jo en flott gevinst.
Gjentar budskapet ting tar tid, veldig lang tid.
Men skilpadden lurer haren tilslutt, og det er det viktigste.
Ha en flott dag alle Zenithere. Gamle som nye.
Redigert 08.03.2022 kl 09:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
08.03.2022 kl 10:29 4033

Jeg kjøpte Zenith aksjer helt nede på 3,7 øre ..
Kunne tatt profit men velger å sitte .....
08.03.2022 kl 10:50 3957

Da er kursen ihvertfall omtrent break even for året. Ikke særlig imponerende når oljeprisen er opp 60% på samme tid.
08.03.2022 kl 10:56 4020

Skal jo finne noe å kritisere til enhver tid, kursen var opp 10 prosent igår, opp 10 prosent idag. Er ingen som kan forvente at denne skal gå 50-100% intradag uten solide nyheter, bare å smøre seg med tolmodighet frem mot salg av olje.
08.03.2022 kl 12:17 3921

For the last 6 months Zenith has been an exciting stock with bags of potential, but what has really changed over the last few weeks is that the fact that we are producing oil in large quantities is finally sinking into the wider market. With oil prices now at ridiculous levels then the wider market is finally catching onto the fact that we are going to be making an awful lot of money for the forseable future. When you add into this situation the fact that we are fully funded to drill additional wells in both Robanna and Ezzaouia and the fact that AC has said that he is absolutley convinced that we will get Tilapia very soon then everybody is starting to see what a bargain Zenith is at this price.
Slettet bruker
08.03.2022 kl 12:21 3903

snart 20øre.
08.03.2022 kl 14:30 3772

"Er ingen som kan forvente at denne skal gå 50-100% intradag"

Det betyr jo at de som selger idag synes de får en "fair" pris. Hvis ikke kunne kursen godt steget 50% i dag eller mer, eller til over 15 øre, dit den var sist sommer med en oljepris som var på 70-tallet.
08.03.2022 kl 14:35 3802

Skjønner ikke helt poenget ditt, er da et lass av folk som har kjøpt 9øre siste ukene å har gjort seg 30% for mange er dette en meget behagelig gevinst på noen uker. Folk har forskjellige definisjoner av hva en fair pris er sann er det bare. At jeg personlig tenker den skal høyere er en ting, men 50-100% intradag uten noen nevneverdige nyheter synes jeg er å be om for mye.
08.03.2022 kl 14:36 3844

Slettet bruker skrev snart 20øre.
Den er som en jojo
Tilbake til mandag morgen
08.03.2022 kl 14:39 3827

Yes, I agree its a bargain at these levels. But still 30% up in the last week is quite good, I agree the sp is still undervalued in my opinion. But people have different levels, different time intervals to stay invested, I do not think people should be so greedy that we expect huge gains intra day, its comming along nicely and I think the SP will be higher when we sell the oil than it is today. I also think when Tilapia arrives it will give a great boost.
08.03.2022 kl 14:53 3753

Remember message on 2nd March look like ARC is succeed in attracting some investment.
"The Company is pleased to welcome ARC as corporate broker to the Company, we are confident that their appointment will result in an increased ability by Zenith to attract long-term, institutional investors at a time of great promise for growing energy production and development companies.”
136 million and 68 million is not small volume without any news. good thing is all these small player will be out before Tilapia news and Oil sale news. There will be big upside then.
Redigert 08.03.2022 kl 15:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.03.2022 kl 15:39 3646

Different people have different investment strategies and, as you say, there is nothing wrong with somebody coming in and out of Zenith for a quick 30% profit. Over the last few years there are many long-term-holders who would have been very happy to get out at a 30% profit if the opportunity had been offered to them. However, for me I am taking the long-term view and chasing bigger gains. I feel that the stars are aligning at the right time for Zenith and holding now with just a little patience will be rewarded with very significant returns. As I have said before the sale of the 114,000 barrels of stored oil is just the beginning of the market re-rate and the share price has much more distance left up to travel.
08.03.2022 kl 16:41 3520

Ser nok starten på en reprising no. Hadde passet fint med melding om Tilapia i disse tider.. oljesalg kommer også beleilig. Kan vi gjøre det samme som iox her også?
Slettet bruker
08.03.2022 kl 16:47 3495

Jeg sier det igjen - vi er bare ved starten av oppgangen for denne.Alt vi venter på i løpet sv denne våren kommer på rekke og rad så tålmodighet vil betale seg enormt. Men da må man tåle å se at den også går litt ned innimelllom. God tur folkens - vi er med på noe stort her!
08.03.2022 kl 16:49 3483

IOX hadde ca 20-25 prosent høyere Mcap for ca 1 uke siden, nå 3 ganger så mye. IOX har ikke hatt noen spesielle nyheter, men meglerhus har omtalt selskapet, ellers kjenner jeg ikke selskapet godt nok. ZENITH kommer den før eller siden.
08.03.2022 kl 16:53 3454

Blir reprising i denne nå. Står nok i 20 øre på freddan:-)
08.03.2022 kl 17:36 3309

Godt mulig Zena står i 20 øre på fredag. Husker jeg i sin tid hadde aksjer til 5,8 øre og ble lei av at de bare ble "stående". La de ut til kurs 6,2 for å få de unna med en liten gevinst. Ved start dagen etter gikk de for 7,44 øre. Kursen gikk til ca 11 øre i løpet av den dagen, og etter få dager til 19 øre. Ser vi på den siste tiden ser det ut til kursen har vært holdt kunstig ned, særlig ved 9 øre, i en tid da den burde gå opp. Ser i på utviklingen i dag har det vært nede noen ganger, men antall aksjer har vært få i forhold til oppgangene i dag. Korreksjonen opp i dag har vært god sett i forhold til en dag, men liten i forhold til hva kursen ellers ville vært. Har gått inn med en god del aksjer med snitt 11 øre, og blir ikke overrasket om kursen er nær 20 øre på fredag.
Redigert 08.03.2022 kl 17:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.03.2022 kl 18:02 3237

Puha 20 øre på fredag ? Ville da være mega dejligt, men er det realistisk eller er det mere håb ?