QEC - Quebec could supply Germany, says Utica Resources😁😁😁
Will we see +3 NOK today! 😁
BUSINESSNatural gas | Quebec could supply Germany, says Utica Resources
1 hour ago
March 22, 2022
Quebec would be able to supply Germany with natural gas in as short a time as 16 to 18 months, assures the president of Utica Resources, who urges the Quebec government to abandon its bill that would ban exploration and exploitation of oil and gas.
“We have been in a different world since February 24, argues Mario Lévesque, president and CEO of Utica Resources. The planet has changed. If the government passes Bill 21 in its current form, the province will leave Europe to its fate. »
According to him, Quebec can and must help Europe diversify its natural gas supply sources. “And it could be done very quickly, within 16 to 18 months,” he estimates.
To respond as quickly as possible to the needs of Germany, whose economy is most dependent on Russian gas, it is possible to ship Quebec natural gas in compressed rather than liquid form. “Once compressed, the gas can travel in containers and be injected directly into the network once at its destination,” explains Mario Lévesque.
Liquid natural gas, by comparison, would require the construction of liquefaction facilities in Quebec and regasification once it reaches Europe, which is long and costly.
Utica Resources claims to be in discussions with representatives of the German government, which is very interested in the Quebec solution, says its president.
Mario Lévesque believes that it is possible that the Quebec government will postpone its bill. A survey conducted by the firm Mainstream and commissioned by Utica Resources indicates that 65% of Quebecers are “very in agreement” and “somewhat in agreement” with the idea of exploiting our natural gas resources to create wealth and finance energetic transition. A small majority of respondents, 52%, said they were of the opinion that in the current context of the energy crisis, the government should suspend its bill aimed at banning the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas.
“I would find it sad if he didn’t change his mind,” said Mario Lévesque. We have an obligation to intervene to stabilize world peace. »
In Becancour
Tens of billions of dollars of private funds could be invested quickly to drill wells in the St. Lawrence Lowlands and find container ships to transport the gas to Europe, according to Utica Resources.
Natural gas production could be concentrated in the Bécancour industrial park, located in the middle of the shales (shales) rich in natural gas.
The resources in place in the St. Lawrence Lowlands are estimated at 180 TCF (trillion cubic feet), of which 60 TCF are recoverable. Mario Lévesque believes that it is “very reasonable” to believe that it is possible to produce 1 BFC (trillion cubic feet) of natural gas at Bécancour as of next winter and to increase this production to 1 TCF per year within a three-year horizon. Quebec could thus provide 20% of European consumption, estimated at 5 TCF per year.
Even if the war led by the Russians in Ukraine ends tomorrow morning, Europe needs new suppliers,” he underlines.
The transport distance is shorter between Quebec and Europe than that of other potential suppliers, such as Qatar and the United States, points out Mario Lévesque.
According to him, natural gas can help the world make a transition to renewable energy, and Quebec has it. Banning oil and gas exploration and production for environmental reasons, when we continue to consume oil that comes from elsewhere, is hypocrisy, he believes.
BUSINESSNatural gas | Quebec could supply Germany, says Utica Resources
1 hour ago
March 22, 2022
Quebec would be able to supply Germany with natural gas in as short a time as 16 to 18 months, assures the president of Utica Resources, who urges the Quebec government to abandon its bill that would ban exploration and exploitation of oil and gas.
“We have been in a different world since February 24, argues Mario Lévesque, president and CEO of Utica Resources. The planet has changed. If the government passes Bill 21 in its current form, the province will leave Europe to its fate. »
According to him, Quebec can and must help Europe diversify its natural gas supply sources. “And it could be done very quickly, within 16 to 18 months,” he estimates.
To respond as quickly as possible to the needs of Germany, whose economy is most dependent on Russian gas, it is possible to ship Quebec natural gas in compressed rather than liquid form. “Once compressed, the gas can travel in containers and be injected directly into the network once at its destination,” explains Mario Lévesque.
Liquid natural gas, by comparison, would require the construction of liquefaction facilities in Quebec and regasification once it reaches Europe, which is long and costly.
Utica Resources claims to be in discussions with representatives of the German government, which is very interested in the Quebec solution, says its president.
Mario Lévesque believes that it is possible that the Quebec government will postpone its bill. A survey conducted by the firm Mainstream and commissioned by Utica Resources indicates that 65% of Quebecers are “very in agreement” and “somewhat in agreement” with the idea of exploiting our natural gas resources to create wealth and finance energetic transition. A small majority of respondents, 52%, said they were of the opinion that in the current context of the energy crisis, the government should suspend its bill aimed at banning the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas.
“I would find it sad if he didn’t change his mind,” said Mario Lévesque. We have an obligation to intervene to stabilize world peace. »
In Becancour
Tens of billions of dollars of private funds could be invested quickly to drill wells in the St. Lawrence Lowlands and find container ships to transport the gas to Europe, according to Utica Resources.
Natural gas production could be concentrated in the Bécancour industrial park, located in the middle of the shales (shales) rich in natural gas.
The resources in place in the St. Lawrence Lowlands are estimated at 180 TCF (trillion cubic feet), of which 60 TCF are recoverable. Mario Lévesque believes that it is “very reasonable” to believe that it is possible to produce 1 BFC (trillion cubic feet) of natural gas at Bécancour as of next winter and to increase this production to 1 TCF per year within a three-year horizon. Quebec could thus provide 20% of European consumption, estimated at 5 TCF per year.
Even if the war led by the Russians in Ukraine ends tomorrow morning, Europe needs new suppliers,” he underlines.
The transport distance is shorter between Quebec and Europe than that of other potential suppliers, such as Qatar and the United States, points out Mario Lévesque.
According to him, natural gas can help the world make a transition to renewable energy, and Quebec has it. Banning oil and gas exploration and production for environmental reasons, when we continue to consume oil that comes from elsewhere, is hypocrisy, he believes.
Redigert 22.03.2022 kl 05:27
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Se på aksjekursen - så ser du at det ikke er en "nyhet", Elly.
Det har da ikke kommet nyheter, hvis du refererer til det som TS har lagt ut, så,er ikke det en nyhet. Slike artikkeler skrives i hytt og pine og er ingen nyhet.
22.03.2022 kl 08:51
Kommer seg på kjøpersiden. Forståelig nok, med alt som kommer i media relatert til Quebec/Europa. Og i tillegg kun 2 dager til kv.rapport og guiding.
Andpaal71 skrev 2.16.- nå. Da begynner det å nærme seg 10% økning
Ikke la deg lure av "før-børs-matchen".
Redigert 22.03.2022 kl 08:51
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22.03.2022 kl 08:44
Dette er sjokkerende nyheter uansett hvordan man vrenger på det 🤑🤣🤑🤣
22.03.2022 kl 08:40
Tja. Ligger på kjøp/salg nå til 2.08. Stått i ro siden fredag. Selv om oljepris har steget med 10%., skjønne seg de som kan….
22.03.2022 kl 08:28
Presset øker på myndighetene i Quebec. Blir bare mere overbevist på at de må snu, og godta naturgass som grønn energi, og tillate pilot. Fin artikkel, MC Axel.
MC Axel
22.03.2022 kl 08:04
The Quebec politicians/government changed their minds because the trend was all green, now it has changed 180 degrees! If they don't please the voters then Legault & Co. Will loose the election in 6 months time!
The Quebec politicians/government changed their minds because the trend was all green, now it has changed 180 degrees! If they don't please the voters then Legault & Co. Will loose the election in 6 months time!
Redigert 22.03.2022 kl 08:05
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Op med humøret Stevieboy, selvom det må svært for dig pt 😂
22.03.2022 kl 07:57
Enig - lite seriøst. Overdreven haussing slår motsatt ut for meg.
Politikerne i Quebec er nok også mye mer standhaftige enn hausseskriblerne her prøver å gi inntrykk av.
Ta evt. noen få lodd i Qec men som i andre lotterier, vinnersjanse er er små og ikke regn med gevinst.
Politikerne i Quebec er nok også mye mer standhaftige enn hausseskriblerne her prøver å gi inntrykk av.
Ta evt. noen få lodd i Qec men som i andre lotterier, vinnersjanse er er små og ikke regn med gevinst.
22.03.2022 kl 07:43
Har ventet på dette. Selv om politikere er bastante og vil lage lover for å forby noe, så følger de alltid verdens bildet og opinionen til sist. Ingen med respekt for seg selv kan støtte opp om det som skjer i Ukraina. Alt som kan gjøres for å gjøre oss uavhengige av Russland må gjøres.
Peter Sellers
22.03.2022 kl 07:38
@Qec trådene, jeg er inne med en post og det er fint med nyheter men allerede i dag så er det 2 nye tråder, synes ikke dette er videre seriøst.
22.03.2022 kl 07:28
Enig at en så god nyhet fortjente egen ny tråd😀👍
De som ikke ser at det blir store endringer innen energi markedet fremover, der de fleste land ikke vil ha noe å gjøre med Putins olje og gass «vil» ikke se.
Oljepris som nå nærmer seg 120 USD sier det meste……
De som ikke ser at det blir store endringer innen energi markedet fremover, der de fleste land ikke vil ha noe å gjøre med Putins olje og gass «vil» ikke se.
Oljepris som nå nærmer seg 120 USD sier det meste……
MC Axel
22.03.2022 kl 07:26
Yes, this is not impossible, especially when 75% of Premier Legault's own voters want gas from Quebec! and more are joining now that gas and oil prices are historically high!
and a possible pressure from Germany and the EU💪
and a possible pressure from Germany and the EU💪
22.03.2022 kl 07:07
Ser for mig en oppgang i dag, eller i morgen, og da snakker jeg ikke etører....
Bra info.😀
Bra info.😀
En herlig artikel at vågne op til 👏👏 Pilot kan komme anytime for QEC 🚀🚀
22.03.2022 kl 06:44
Jeg visste at det var noen som ble sure å kom til å sutre over flere tråder haha du snakker.... 🙈
MC Axel
22.03.2022 kl 06:29
I agree, Peter Sellers but this time the news is too good to just drown in a thread that has nothing to do with the topic. This is breaking news!
If this goes through, QEC will break the 2008 record of 30 NOK!!!
If this goes through, QEC will break the 2008 record of 30 NOK!!!
Peter Sellers
22.03.2022 kl 06:15
@MC Axel da fikk vi enda en ny Qec tråd, hvor mange tråder trenger vi???? Her er en oppfordring, la oss alle finne et tema som vedrører Qec, så starter alle og en hver en tråd slik at interessen blir opprettholdt.
MC Axel
22.03.2022 kl 05:54
Yes it is!!! and 75% of the Leader: François Legault (CAQ)
voters want natural gas from Quebec, let's see if Legault and his fellow politicians dare to ignore this! I would not!
Quebecere, klar til at gøre deres del for energiomstillingen
Ifølge en Mainstreet- måling foretaget fra den 13. til den 15. marts 2022, mener 65 % af Quebecerne, at det er en god idé at udnytte vores naturgasressourcer til at skabe rigdom, der kan bruges til at finansiere offentlige tjenester og støtte en overgang til vedvarende energi. . Blandt CAQ-vælgerne støtter næsten 75%, at Quebec skal producere naturgas. Kun 27 % af de 1200 adspurgte er uenige.
voters want natural gas from Quebec, let's see if Legault and his fellow politicians dare to ignore this! I would not!
Quebecere, klar til at gøre deres del for energiomstillingen
Ifølge en Mainstreet- måling foretaget fra den 13. til den 15. marts 2022, mener 65 % af Quebecerne, at det er en god idé at udnytte vores naturgasressourcer til at skabe rigdom, der kan bruges til at finansiere offentlige tjenester og støtte en overgang til vedvarende energi. . Blandt CAQ-vælgerne støtter næsten 75%, at Quebec skal producere naturgas. Kun 27 % af de 1200 adspurgte er uenige.
Redigert 22.03.2022 kl 05:55
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MC Axel
22.03.2022 kl 05:22
From twitter
M.R. Binnion retweetede
Johnny Lambo
3 t
"Utica Resources claims to be in discussions with representatives of the German government, which is very interested in the Quebec solution, says its president." WOW Go Mario Go
Redigert 22.03.2022 kl 05:24
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