RECSI – hva vet vi og hva skjer videre?
Etter at RECSI annonserte at Hanwha Solutions (HS), sammen med Hanwha Corporation (HC) skal kjøpe AKH sin aksjepost (70.104.276 aksjer) vil disse to selskapene (HS/HC) sitte med 140.208.552 aksjer. Selskapet har totalt 420,625,659 aksjer etter siste kapitalutvidelse (19. januar 2022). Godkjenningen fra myndighetene i USA er kun en proforma sak slik det var sist gang.
Mange trodde, meg inkludert, at denne transaksjonen resulterte i at HS/HC fikk negativ kontroll og at dette derfor utløste buplikt (meldingen fra TDN/Oslo Børs var ikke helt krystallklar kan man trygt si) – det gjorde det ikke da HS/HC mangler 1 fattig aksje på et slikt scenarie (budplikt). Dårlig av meg å ikke sjekke dette spesielt, noe jeg burde ha gjort når RECSI gjorde den rettede emisjonen mot HS i slutten av 2021. Dette er en av grunnene til at markedet ikke tar bølgen og kjøper aksjer med begge hender pga. denne transaksjonen.
Så er det en del andre faktorer – kjente og bekreftede, men også «kjente» og ikke bekreftede – som (potensielt kan) påvirker veien videre. En del av disse ser det ikke ut til at markedet ønsker å forholde seg til, eller ikke mener at vil bli en realitet. Hva er det så vi vet som er bekreftet, og hva er det vi «vet» (har gravd frem) som ikke er bekreftet, men som har stor sannsynlighet og/eller mulig påvirkning på kursen dersom (når) de blir en realitet?
At HS/HC har en plan med sin investering, er nok alle enige i – de kjøper ikke aksjer for ca. 350 MUSD uten å ha en plan. Hva denne planen er – se det er det litt verre å vite/si så mye om. Litt har vi fått vite via prosessen knyttet til SB 5849, og da spesielt i forbindelse med de høringene som er holdt. Representanten for DOC var eksempelvis ganske klar på at de «jobbet med en konkret sak og da etableringen av en større panelprodusent». Som en del av dette er det argumentert at det vil bli etablert 1500 nye jobber, og ca.5000 nye indirekte jobber i Moses Lake området. Dette er også langt på vei bekreftet av lokale aktører/myndigheter, og har der fått kallenavnet «Project Riser».
«Hannover said the new legislation would benefit “Project Riser,” the code name for a major new investment officials with the Port and the Grant County Economic Development Council have been focusing on for the last few months. While he gave no details on “Project Riser,” in an email to the Columbia Basin Herald, Hannover did refer to it as “a new solar manufacturing facility.”»
Hva «Project Riser» inneholder rent konkret kan man bare spekulere i akkurat nå. HS er derimot (etter min mening) en av aktørene, en annen kan være Group14. Hvorvidt det settes opp et JV som en del av dette, og da med enda flere aktører, se det kan også være en mulighet. Tiden vil vise hva dette blir og hvordan det vil påvirke RECSI, men at det underbygger caset er det liten tvil om. Dette er ikke et ML2 (tror jeg) som enkelte spekulerer i.
Minner i denne forbindelse om det som er gravd frem vedrørende REC sine planer for ekspansjon (på agendaen i Moses Lake sitt kommunestyre) som vi i dag fikk bekreftet av lokalavisen:
«In a letter to the Moses Lake City Council sent Monday, Sutton wrote that REC has acquired “new investors and partners seeking to build out manufacturing for the solar supply chain in the United States,” and is looking “at building co-located manufacturing sites” on REC property.»
Litt merkelig at selskapet selv ikke har kommentert noe av dette til markedet, spesielt på siste kvartalspresentasjon. At de har planer om å bruke tomten de eide tidligere når de nå ser ut til å kjøpe denne tilbake for å ekspandere, er svært interessant og med all sannsynlighet en del av «Project Riser».
HS sin «plan» har derimot lenge vært kjent og kommunisert til markedet – de ønsker å starte ML raskt i form av en «jump start». Hvorvidt det har vært uenighet internt i styret i RECSI vedrørende timingen på dette (oppstart av ML) er en hypotese som kan se ut til å underbygge at HS kjøpte AKH sin aksjepost og med det tar større kontroll på denne prosessen.
At SB 5849 ble vedtatt og lå til signering er en annen faktor da dette gir forutsigbarhet for de som skal investere i området. Denne er nå signert og blir lov fra og med 1. juli 2022 ( At ML blir startet opp igjen ser det nå ut til å være liten tvil om – hvilket omfang er det litt mer problematisk å anslå, men 50% kan være den mest sannsynlige basert på SB 5849 og uten SEMA på plass.
SEMA er derimot «i bevegelse» igjen og da mye på grunn av krigen i Ukraina. Denne delen av BBB vil med all sannsynlighet bli vedtatt og iverksatt i løpet av våren. Med denne vil RECSI og HS ha grunnlag for ytterligere investeringer for å etablere en solarkjede i USA:
Etter at SB 5849 nå er signert kan det ramle inn meldinger om både det ene og det andre – hvilken dag som helst. Det første som med all sannsynlighet kommer er melding om EGF. Hvorfor det er så viktig for HS å velge nytt syre før ordinær GF er noe man også kan spekulere i da det ikke er så lenge til GF (11. mai). Jeg tipper det vil komme positive meldinger ganske raskt etter EGF, og da med all sannsynlighet melding om ny og permanent CEO, samt åpning av ML.
Dette innlegget ble lengre enn først tenkt, men det kan godt hende jeg også har glemt en masse – fyll derfor gjerne på dersom du/dere har mer å komme med som kan være nyttig å samle i denne tråden. Håper vi kan holde oss til saken og ikke utvide også denne tråden til personangrep og annet usaklig tull.
Mange trodde, meg inkludert, at denne transaksjonen resulterte i at HS/HC fikk negativ kontroll og at dette derfor utløste buplikt (meldingen fra TDN/Oslo Børs var ikke helt krystallklar kan man trygt si) – det gjorde det ikke da HS/HC mangler 1 fattig aksje på et slikt scenarie (budplikt). Dårlig av meg å ikke sjekke dette spesielt, noe jeg burde ha gjort når RECSI gjorde den rettede emisjonen mot HS i slutten av 2021. Dette er en av grunnene til at markedet ikke tar bølgen og kjøper aksjer med begge hender pga. denne transaksjonen.
Så er det en del andre faktorer – kjente og bekreftede, men også «kjente» og ikke bekreftede – som (potensielt kan) påvirker veien videre. En del av disse ser det ikke ut til at markedet ønsker å forholde seg til, eller ikke mener at vil bli en realitet. Hva er det så vi vet som er bekreftet, og hva er det vi «vet» (har gravd frem) som ikke er bekreftet, men som har stor sannsynlighet og/eller mulig påvirkning på kursen dersom (når) de blir en realitet?
At HS/HC har en plan med sin investering, er nok alle enige i – de kjøper ikke aksjer for ca. 350 MUSD uten å ha en plan. Hva denne planen er – se det er det litt verre å vite/si så mye om. Litt har vi fått vite via prosessen knyttet til SB 5849, og da spesielt i forbindelse med de høringene som er holdt. Representanten for DOC var eksempelvis ganske klar på at de «jobbet med en konkret sak og da etableringen av en større panelprodusent». Som en del av dette er det argumentert at det vil bli etablert 1500 nye jobber, og ca.5000 nye indirekte jobber i Moses Lake området. Dette er også langt på vei bekreftet av lokale aktører/myndigheter, og har der fått kallenavnet «Project Riser».
«Hannover said the new legislation would benefit “Project Riser,” the code name for a major new investment officials with the Port and the Grant County Economic Development Council have been focusing on for the last few months. While he gave no details on “Project Riser,” in an email to the Columbia Basin Herald, Hannover did refer to it as “a new solar manufacturing facility.”»
Hva «Project Riser» inneholder rent konkret kan man bare spekulere i akkurat nå. HS er derimot (etter min mening) en av aktørene, en annen kan være Group14. Hvorvidt det settes opp et JV som en del av dette, og da med enda flere aktører, se det kan også være en mulighet. Tiden vil vise hva dette blir og hvordan det vil påvirke RECSI, men at det underbygger caset er det liten tvil om. Dette er ikke et ML2 (tror jeg) som enkelte spekulerer i.
Minner i denne forbindelse om det som er gravd frem vedrørende REC sine planer for ekspansjon (på agendaen i Moses Lake sitt kommunestyre) som vi i dag fikk bekreftet av lokalavisen:
«In a letter to the Moses Lake City Council sent Monday, Sutton wrote that REC has acquired “new investors and partners seeking to build out manufacturing for the solar supply chain in the United States,” and is looking “at building co-located manufacturing sites” on REC property.»
Litt merkelig at selskapet selv ikke har kommentert noe av dette til markedet, spesielt på siste kvartalspresentasjon. At de har planer om å bruke tomten de eide tidligere når de nå ser ut til å kjøpe denne tilbake for å ekspandere, er svært interessant og med all sannsynlighet en del av «Project Riser».
HS sin «plan» har derimot lenge vært kjent og kommunisert til markedet – de ønsker å starte ML raskt i form av en «jump start». Hvorvidt det har vært uenighet internt i styret i RECSI vedrørende timingen på dette (oppstart av ML) er en hypotese som kan se ut til å underbygge at HS kjøpte AKH sin aksjepost og med det tar større kontroll på denne prosessen.
At SB 5849 ble vedtatt og lå til signering er en annen faktor da dette gir forutsigbarhet for de som skal investere i området. Denne er nå signert og blir lov fra og med 1. juli 2022 ( At ML blir startet opp igjen ser det nå ut til å være liten tvil om – hvilket omfang er det litt mer problematisk å anslå, men 50% kan være den mest sannsynlige basert på SB 5849 og uten SEMA på plass.
SEMA er derimot «i bevegelse» igjen og da mye på grunn av krigen i Ukraina. Denne delen av BBB vil med all sannsynlighet bli vedtatt og iverksatt i løpet av våren. Med denne vil RECSI og HS ha grunnlag for ytterligere investeringer for å etablere en solarkjede i USA:
Etter at SB 5849 nå er signert kan det ramle inn meldinger om både det ene og det andre – hvilken dag som helst. Det første som med all sannsynlighet kommer er melding om EGF. Hvorfor det er så viktig for HS å velge nytt syre før ordinær GF er noe man også kan spekulere i da det ikke er så lenge til GF (11. mai). Jeg tipper det vil komme positive meldinger ganske raskt etter EGF, og da med all sannsynlighet melding om ny og permanent CEO, samt åpning av ML.
Dette innlegget ble lengre enn først tenkt, men det kan godt hende jeg også har glemt en masse – fyll derfor gjerne på dersom du/dere har mer å komme med som kan være nyttig å samle i denne tråden. Håper vi kan holde oss til saken og ikke utvide også denne tråden til personangrep og annet usaklig tull.
Redigert 20.09.2023 kl 07:13
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05.06.2022 kl 06:51
Har Vilter eller andre kortversjonen av kvifor vi har eitt kursmål på 20 (SB1M), eitt på 30 (ARC) og det høgaste på 33 (PARETO)? Ei enkel forklaring på norsk. Alle har auka med 3-4 kr, og i praksis har markedet sendt kursen ned etter Q1.
Synest sjølv Hanwha sin garanti for heile produksjonen burde stabilisera kursen over 20, men der er vi ikkje. «Bevisbyrden» på Rec for å komma på skinner og tena pengar er alvorleg høg! I praksis har SB1M truffe best, men trur snittet av dei tre vil stemma best. På litt sikt.
Synest sjølv Hanwha sin garanti for heile produksjonen burde stabilisera kursen over 20, men der er vi ikkje. «Bevisbyrden» på Rec for å komma på skinner og tena pengar er alvorleg høg! I praksis har SB1M truffe best, men trur snittet av dei tre vil stemma best. På litt sikt.
Herregud som du stresse mann. Du vet vel selv at meglerhusene alltid har ulike kursmål på aksjer. Dette er det flere som har forklart tidligere. Slapp av. Kursen kommer når den kommer. Nye analyser vil også komme, som vil stemme bedre, når kontraktene kommer på bordet. Foreslår at du tar den forumferien Som du snakket om igår for dette kan umulig være bra.
Redigert 05.06.2022 kl 12:46
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Altså, SB1 har konsekvent satt kursmålet i området det aksjen omsettes. Da treffer man😂 Men det har liten verdi for hvor kursen skal - så SB1 har konsekvent bommet kraftig i kursmålene.
De andre to har truffet ganske spot on, og har et høyt best case scenario. Gard i Pareto følger selskapet, kommuniserer og stiller spørsmål til ledelsen - og er godt informert.
SB1 operer med salgspris 14 dollar/kg (😂) når CEO står samme dag og sier at prisen per nå er over 30 dollar /kg, og ikke vil gå under 20 dollar/kg i framtiden - for da stopper produksjonen - så vitner det om en analytiker som ikke følger med i timen.
Hvor sannsynlig er det da at Hanwha ved offtake betaler under 20 dollar/kg? Den er 0.
Så lytt gjerne til SB1/ men da kan det være lurt å ettergå tallene de opererer med. Jeg selger ikke en aksje under 80 kroner. Og kjøper mer om en uke hvis kursen holder seg under 30😂
De andre to har truffet ganske spot on, og har et høyt best case scenario. Gard i Pareto følger selskapet, kommuniserer og stiller spørsmål til ledelsen - og er godt informert.
SB1 operer med salgspris 14 dollar/kg (😂) når CEO står samme dag og sier at prisen per nå er over 30 dollar /kg, og ikke vil gå under 20 dollar/kg i framtiden - for da stopper produksjonen - så vitner det om en analytiker som ikke følger med i timen.
Hvor sannsynlig er det da at Hanwha ved offtake betaler under 20 dollar/kg? Den er 0.
Så lytt gjerne til SB1/ men da kan det være lurt å ettergå tallene de opererer med. Jeg selger ikke en aksje under 80 kroner. Og kjøper mer om en uke hvis kursen holder seg under 30😂
Redigert 05.06.2022 kl 09:50
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Stemmer det. De endret fra kr1 til kr10 i ettertid når kursen var i det området. Så ble kursmålet hevet til 20 etter at Hanwha betalte 20 og kursen var der en stund. Macro dro så kursen nedover, og kursmålet ble senket til 17. Nå luktet vi på 20 igjen, og kursmålet ble hevet til 20. Antar 14 dollar/kg settes for at regnearket skal gi kurs 20.
Når kursen er rundt 30 blir nok kursmålet 30 skal du se.
En kan like gjerne se på klokka og hevde en kan spå tiden. Hvis noen vil høre på SB1M, så gjerne for meg, men hvorfor ikke like godt bare sjekke kursen?
Når kursen er rundt 30 blir nok kursmålet 30 skal du se.
En kan like gjerne se på klokka og hevde en kan spå tiden. Hvis noen vil høre på SB1M, så gjerne for meg, men hvorfor ikke like godt bare sjekke kursen?
05.06.2022 kl 11:35
Stabukk har plassert mer av pensjonen sin i Rec-aksjer enn han har godt av. Endeløs rekke likelydende bekymringer. Kanskje på tide å ta den forum-pausen du snakker om? Ment i beste mening
07.06.2022 kl 06:34
"Biden to delay solar tariffs in bid to boost industry
President Biden signed an order on Monday that will exempt Southeast Asian nations from any new tariffs on solar panels for two years in an effort to boost the solar industry beleaguered by an ongoing Commerce Department investigation.
The White House said in a fact sheet Biden would establish a “24-month bridge” for certain solar imports from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand & Vietnam.
The administration said it would waive tariffs “in order to ensure the U.S. has access to a sufficient supply of solar modules to meet electricity generation needs while domestic manufacturing scales up.”
How we got here: The Commerce Department is currently investigating whether solar panel part companies in Southeast Asia are being used to circumvent U.S. tariffs on Chinese solar companies, a probe that began in March following a complaint from California-based Auxin Solar.
While the investigation is not yet completed, Monday’s action will help ease concerns in the solar sector, which currently relies heavily on imports.
The investigation spurred the cancellation of hundreds of solar projects in the U.S. amid concerns that it could result in retroactive tariffs up to 250 percent on imported equipment.
‘Multiple factors’: In a proclamation issued later Monday, Biden said that “multiple factors are threatening the ability of the United States to provide sufficient electricity generation to serve expected customer demand” in laying out the decision to order the 24-month pause on new tariffs.
Speaking on a call with reporters, a senior administration official said that Biden was exercising his authority under the Tariff Act and said the action is the result of an interagency legal team.
But wait, there’s more: Biden also invoked the Defense Production Act to expand U.S. manufacturing of solar panel parts, building installation, heat pumps, power grid infrastructure and equipment used to make clean energy-generated fuels, according to the fact sheet.
Biden has used the Cold War-era authority in several ways, including ramping up domestic production of baby formula amid a nationwide shortage.
“Together, these actions are going to spur domestic manufacturing, keep spurring it in the way we’ve seen over the first year and a half of this administration,” the senior administration official said. “It’s going to put wind in the sail of construction projects all around the country.”
Read more from The Hill’s Morgan Chalfant:
President Biden signed an order on Monday that will exempt Southeast Asian nations from any new tariffs on solar panels for two years in an effort to boost the solar industry beleaguered by an ongoing Commerce Department investigation.
The White House said in a fact sheet Biden would establish a “24-month bridge” for certain solar imports from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand & Vietnam.
The administration said it would waive tariffs “in order to ensure the U.S. has access to a sufficient supply of solar modules to meet electricity generation needs while domestic manufacturing scales up.”
How we got here: The Commerce Department is currently investigating whether solar panel part companies in Southeast Asia are being used to circumvent U.S. tariffs on Chinese solar companies, a probe that began in March following a complaint from California-based Auxin Solar.
While the investigation is not yet completed, Monday’s action will help ease concerns in the solar sector, which currently relies heavily on imports.
The investigation spurred the cancellation of hundreds of solar projects in the U.S. amid concerns that it could result in retroactive tariffs up to 250 percent on imported equipment.
‘Multiple factors’: In a proclamation issued later Monday, Biden said that “multiple factors are threatening the ability of the United States to provide sufficient electricity generation to serve expected customer demand” in laying out the decision to order the 24-month pause on new tariffs.
Speaking on a call with reporters, a senior administration official said that Biden was exercising his authority under the Tariff Act and said the action is the result of an interagency legal team.
But wait, there’s more: Biden also invoked the Defense Production Act to expand U.S. manufacturing of solar panel parts, building installation, heat pumps, power grid infrastructure and equipment used to make clean energy-generated fuels, according to the fact sheet.
Biden has used the Cold War-era authority in several ways, including ramping up domestic production of baby formula amid a nationwide shortage.
“Together, these actions are going to spur domestic manufacturing, keep spurring it in the way we’ve seen over the first year and a half of this administration,” the senior administration official said. “It’s going to put wind in the sail of construction projects all around the country.”
Read more from The Hill’s Morgan Chalfant:
Da kan man kanskje med enda større sannsynlighet spekulere i snarlig melding om investeringsbeslutninger i wafer-produksjon i USA, kanskje i Moses Lake.
10.06.2022 kl 16:09
"Democrats optimistic Manchin will cooperate on climate bill
Negotiations are resuming on a reconciliation package that would contain long-term industrial policy measures to boost solar and other renewable energy sources.
Last December, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) sent a shockwave through the renewable energy industry, suddenly pulling back his must-have vote to push through the Biden administration’s Build Back Better Act (BBBA), a $1.75 trillion spending plan that included a $550 billion climate package with significant incentives for the domestic manufacture of components throughout the entire solar value chain.
This week, the Biden Administration took executive action, including invoking the Defense Production Act and designating “super preference” for the federal procurement of solar goods, to lay the groundwork for a US-made solar supply chain. While industry leaders lauded the move, which coincided with a freeze of solar tariff imports for two years, the impact is expected to be minimal compared to what the BBBA could have provided.
Industry leaders and climate advocates have been calling for long-term industrial policy to create market certainty so the “solar coaster” can stabilize, and energy decarbonization can accelerate at levels needed to fend off the worst-case climate disaster scenario. Such policies would include the domestic manufacturing tax credits, and a long-term extension of the solar investment tax credit, which is planned to phase out from 26% this year to 10% by 2024 for commercial and utility-scale solar, and 0% for residential solar.
When Manchin announced he would not vote for BBBA in December, it was viewed as dead in the water. But now, sentiment among Democrats suggests there may be a deal on the way. Sen. Manchin has been meeting privately with majority leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to discuss what it will take to earn his vote.
“Sen. Schumer and Sen. Manchin are keeping this very close to the vest, and I actually think that’s a good sign,” Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) told E&E News. “I’ve believed for a long time that the basic contours of an agreement have been kind of out there,” she added.
Democrats are aiming for the beginning of the August recess as a deadline, with fall midterm elections looming. “I haven’t heard anyone say, ‘Climate can be done another day,’” said Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR).
Despite this optimism, Manchin told CNN this week there is currently no deal. “The bottom line is how do we fight inflation?” He said. “That’s all. If they’re not serious about really getting our financial house in order and fighting inflation, paying down debt, then it’s all for naught.”
“It’s all in Sen. Schumer’s hands,” said Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) “(Schumer) informs us that there’s progress being made. There’s still a lot more to be done.”
US Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said the infrastructure law passed last year was “the spine of the president’s clean energy and energy future agenda, but the tax credits (in the reconciliation bill) are the lungs of it,” Granholm told POLITICO’s Sustainability Summit. “They absolutely need to pass and I am feeling actually pretty bullish about it at this very moment.”"
Negotiations are resuming on a reconciliation package that would contain long-term industrial policy measures to boost solar and other renewable energy sources.
Last December, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) sent a shockwave through the renewable energy industry, suddenly pulling back his must-have vote to push through the Biden administration’s Build Back Better Act (BBBA), a $1.75 trillion spending plan that included a $550 billion climate package with significant incentives for the domestic manufacture of components throughout the entire solar value chain.
This week, the Biden Administration took executive action, including invoking the Defense Production Act and designating “super preference” for the federal procurement of solar goods, to lay the groundwork for a US-made solar supply chain. While industry leaders lauded the move, which coincided with a freeze of solar tariff imports for two years, the impact is expected to be minimal compared to what the BBBA could have provided.
Industry leaders and climate advocates have been calling for long-term industrial policy to create market certainty so the “solar coaster” can stabilize, and energy decarbonization can accelerate at levels needed to fend off the worst-case climate disaster scenario. Such policies would include the domestic manufacturing tax credits, and a long-term extension of the solar investment tax credit, which is planned to phase out from 26% this year to 10% by 2024 for commercial and utility-scale solar, and 0% for residential solar.
When Manchin announced he would not vote for BBBA in December, it was viewed as dead in the water. But now, sentiment among Democrats suggests there may be a deal on the way. Sen. Manchin has been meeting privately with majority leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to discuss what it will take to earn his vote.
“Sen. Schumer and Sen. Manchin are keeping this very close to the vest, and I actually think that’s a good sign,” Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) told E&E News. “I’ve believed for a long time that the basic contours of an agreement have been kind of out there,” she added.
Democrats are aiming for the beginning of the August recess as a deadline, with fall midterm elections looming. “I haven’t heard anyone say, ‘Climate can be done another day,’” said Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR).
Despite this optimism, Manchin told CNN this week there is currently no deal. “The bottom line is how do we fight inflation?” He said. “That’s all. If they’re not serious about really getting our financial house in order and fighting inflation, paying down debt, then it’s all for naught.”
“It’s all in Sen. Schumer’s hands,” said Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) “(Schumer) informs us that there’s progress being made. There’s still a lot more to be done.”
US Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said the infrastructure law passed last year was “the spine of the president’s clean energy and energy future agenda, but the tax credits (in the reconciliation bill) are the lungs of it,” Granholm told POLITICO’s Sustainability Summit. “They absolutely need to pass and I am feeling actually pretty bullish about it at this very moment.”"
Redigert 10.06.2022 kl 16:21
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10.06.2022 kl 20:42
Som nevnt tidligere er demokratene svært interessert i å få noen "gevinster" de kan bruke i valgkampen i mellomvalget som kommer - dette (SEMA eller en "light" versjon av denne) er en slik "seier" de gjerne skal ha med seg inn i valgkampen. Det hjelper også Manchin som har vist seg å være en kar som spiller spillet ganske bra sett ut fra sitt eget ståsted - ikke sikkert det er det beste for han og demokratene i det lange løpet.
Problemet til Manchin er at han nå nyter en situasjon med å ha en vippeposisjon. Dette har han ikke klart å utnytte i den forstand at han har ikke bidratt til noe ny lovgivning som bærer hans navn. Etter mellomvalger til høsten er det stor sannsynlighet for at republikanerne har flertall i senatet. Da er Manchin irrelevant. Om han vil spille viktigper fram til valget ender han sannsynligvis opp som den demokratiske senatoren som stoppet Biden i forsøket på et amerikansk forsøk på å hindre klimakrise og bygge opp amerikansk framtidsrettet industri. Sørgelig. Det er nettopp slike mennesker uten vyer vi ikke ønsker i fremtredende roller. Dersom Manchin nå blir med på et kompromiss, vel og bra, men denne mannen tenker kun på seg selv. For meg er han i samme bås som Trump som representerer det uvitende ignorante USA som i sin egosentriske uvitenhet kun har egen posisjon som mål. Bekymringsfullt siden disse personene har sannsynligvis mindre enn 10 år igjen å leve.
10.06.2022 kl 21:36
Godt resonert - men husk at selv om han er i vippeposisjon er det viktig for han (så lenge han identifiserer seg med demokratene) å være med å ta en "seier" for de - dersom han kan tilskrives å være den som har "sørget for" avtalen, ja da tjener han faktisk på dette. Hva som skjer etter mellomvalget kan bli interessant, men det kan se ut til at de høringene komiteen som etterforsker 6. januar nå gjennomfører kan sørge for litt momentum for sine synspunkter (mot republikanerne) og med dette demokratisk flertall også etter mellomvalget. Uansett spennende tider :-)
Redigert 10.06.2022 kl 21:38
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Helt enig, Machin og pussig nok en republikansk ledet 6. Januar kommite kan endre spillets gang med tanke på mellomvalget og innvirke på Recs utvikling, i allefall i hvilken fart ting utvikler seg. Tror imidlertid at den økonomiske tyngdekraften er dømt til å seire til slutt, men usnsett hvor "long" vi alle påstår å være vil vi jo alle tjene penger hurtigst mulig. Så, Manchin kan enten bli geni- eller idiotforklart denne sommeren, og det vet han. Ellers takk til deg og dine lærerike innlegg uke inn og ut! Setter stor pris på det. God helg:)
10.06.2022 kl 22:12
Manchin er helt tydelig kjøpt og betalt av fossillobbyen, og han er til og med troende til å skifte side før eller etter mellomvalget. Heldigvis tror jeg dette er irrelevant, fordi demokratene kommer til å vinne et par-tre representanter i høst, av tre årsaker:
1) Skoleskytingene, som betinger bedre våpenkontroll
2) 6. januar-saken, flere og flere ser Trumps sanne ansikt
3) Ukrainakrigen bikker i demokratisk retning
Når det gjelder shorterne, har de tidsperspektivet på sin side, de tenker at før eller siden i løpet av de kommende halvannet år kommer det et tidspunkt der de kan kjøpe aksjer billigere enn si 16 kroner. Så har de vunnet. Men vil det skje, lar vi det skje? Nei, det tror ikke jeg, og jeg tviholder på mine aksjer!!
1) Skoleskytingene, som betinger bedre våpenkontroll
2) 6. januar-saken, flere og flere ser Trumps sanne ansikt
3) Ukrainakrigen bikker i demokratisk retning
Når det gjelder shorterne, har de tidsperspektivet på sin side, de tenker at før eller siden i løpet av de kommende halvannet år kommer det et tidspunkt der de kan kjøpe aksjer billigere enn si 16 kroner. Så har de vunnet. Men vil det skje, lar vi det skje? Nei, det tror ikke jeg, og jeg tviholder på mine aksjer!!
Redigert 10.06.2022 kl 22:13
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11.06.2022 kl 17:08
"Hurdles remain as Biden’s EV push comes to life
President Biden’s push for more electric vehicles (EVs) on the road and more charging stations around the U.S. is gaining fresh traction while Americans continue to face historically high gas prices at the pump.
The president has been focused on an ambitious climate agenda, which has largely stalled in the Senate, but federal funding for electric vehicle infrastructure manufacturing was passed in the bipartisan infrastructure law, which the president signed in November.
The law included $7.5 billion for electric vehicle chargers
Since then, the Biden administration has allocated funding to kick-start programs with the goal of making electric vehicles more prevalent on American roads by the end of the decade.
“I think the amount of money makes me optimistic. Of course, most of it is being distributed to the states, and the states are going to have to use that infrastructure money strategically. And that I believe is going to mean a heavy emphasis on making charging access available to apartment dwellers,” said Jenny Carter, assistant professor at the Vermont Law School Institute for Energy and the Environment.
The goal: Biden’s targeted goal of 50 percent EV sale shares in the U.S. by 2030 also includes manufacturing a network of 500,000 chargers that will help make EVs accessible to all Americans for both local and long-distance drives.
The White House has stressed its focus on equity in its push to get more EVs on the road, while electric cars are largely still considered an item for the wealthy or solely for people who can afford and have the space for chargers at their homes.
“The challenge with electric vehicle charging, if you look at how people currently charge who own EVs, it’s all at home. People who own EVs tend to be higher income and have a garage or driveway,” said Tim Johnson, chair of the Master of Environmental Management Energy and Environment Program at Duke University.
“Building our public charging network is critical really for half the U.S. households. What the administration is doing, yes, I think from the charger standpoint and the money going in, it’s critical. It compliments what the manufacturers are doing,” he added.
Read more from The Hill’s Alex Gangitano: Hurdles remain as Biden’s EV push comes to life
President Biden’s push for more electric vehicles (EVs) on the road and more charging stations around the U.S. is gaining fresh traction while Americans continue to face historically high gas prices at the pump.
The president has been focused on an ambitious climate agenda, which has largely stalled in the Senate, but federal funding for electric vehicle infrastructure manufacturing was passed in the bipartisan infrastructure law, which the president signed in November.
The law included $7.5 billion for electric vehicle chargers
Since then, the Biden administration has allocated funding to kick-start programs with the goal of making electric vehicles more prevalent on American roads by the end of the decade.
“I think the amount of money makes me optimistic. Of course, most of it is being distributed to the states, and the states are going to have to use that infrastructure money strategically. And that I believe is going to mean a heavy emphasis on making charging access available to apartment dwellers,” said Jenny Carter, assistant professor at the Vermont Law School Institute for Energy and the Environment.
The goal: Biden’s targeted goal of 50 percent EV sale shares in the U.S. by 2030 also includes manufacturing a network of 500,000 chargers that will help make EVs accessible to all Americans for both local and long-distance drives.
The White House has stressed its focus on equity in its push to get more EVs on the road, while electric cars are largely still considered an item for the wealthy or solely for people who can afford and have the space for chargers at their homes.
“The challenge with electric vehicle charging, if you look at how people currently charge who own EVs, it’s all at home. People who own EVs tend to be higher income and have a garage or driveway,” said Tim Johnson, chair of the Master of Environmental Management Energy and Environment Program at Duke University.
“Building our public charging network is critical really for half the U.S. households. What the administration is doing, yes, I think from the charger standpoint and the money going in, it’s critical. It compliments what the manufacturers are doing,” he added."
Read more from The Hill’s Alex Gangitano:
President Biden’s push for more electric vehicles (EVs) on the road and more charging stations around the U.S. is gaining fresh traction while Americans continue to face historically high gas prices at the pump.
The president has been focused on an ambitious climate agenda, which has largely stalled in the Senate, but federal funding for electric vehicle infrastructure manufacturing was passed in the bipartisan infrastructure law, which the president signed in November.
The law included $7.5 billion for electric vehicle chargers
Since then, the Biden administration has allocated funding to kick-start programs with the goal of making electric vehicles more prevalent on American roads by the end of the decade.
“I think the amount of money makes me optimistic. Of course, most of it is being distributed to the states, and the states are going to have to use that infrastructure money strategically. And that I believe is going to mean a heavy emphasis on making charging access available to apartment dwellers,” said Jenny Carter, assistant professor at the Vermont Law School Institute for Energy and the Environment.
The goal: Biden’s targeted goal of 50 percent EV sale shares in the U.S. by 2030 also includes manufacturing a network of 500,000 chargers that will help make EVs accessible to all Americans for both local and long-distance drives.
The White House has stressed its focus on equity in its push to get more EVs on the road, while electric cars are largely still considered an item for the wealthy or solely for people who can afford and have the space for chargers at their homes.
“The challenge with electric vehicle charging, if you look at how people currently charge who own EVs, it’s all at home. People who own EVs tend to be higher income and have a garage or driveway,” said Tim Johnson, chair of the Master of Environmental Management Energy and Environment Program at Duke University.
“Building our public charging network is critical really for half the U.S. households. What the administration is doing, yes, I think from the charger standpoint and the money going in, it’s critical. It compliments what the manufacturers are doing,” he added.
Read more from The Hill’s Alex Gangitano: Hurdles remain as Biden’s EV push comes to life
President Biden’s push for more electric vehicles (EVs) on the road and more charging stations around the U.S. is gaining fresh traction while Americans continue to face historically high gas prices at the pump.
The president has been focused on an ambitious climate agenda, which has largely stalled in the Senate, but federal funding for electric vehicle infrastructure manufacturing was passed in the bipartisan infrastructure law, which the president signed in November.
The law included $7.5 billion for electric vehicle chargers
Since then, the Biden administration has allocated funding to kick-start programs with the goal of making electric vehicles more prevalent on American roads by the end of the decade.
“I think the amount of money makes me optimistic. Of course, most of it is being distributed to the states, and the states are going to have to use that infrastructure money strategically. And that I believe is going to mean a heavy emphasis on making charging access available to apartment dwellers,” said Jenny Carter, assistant professor at the Vermont Law School Institute for Energy and the Environment.
The goal: Biden’s targeted goal of 50 percent EV sale shares in the U.S. by 2030 also includes manufacturing a network of 500,000 chargers that will help make EVs accessible to all Americans for both local and long-distance drives.
The White House has stressed its focus on equity in its push to get more EVs on the road, while electric cars are largely still considered an item for the wealthy or solely for people who can afford and have the space for chargers at their homes.
“The challenge with electric vehicle charging, if you look at how people currently charge who own EVs, it’s all at home. People who own EVs tend to be higher income and have a garage or driveway,” said Tim Johnson, chair of the Master of Environmental Management Energy and Environment Program at Duke University.
“Building our public charging network is critical really for half the U.S. households. What the administration is doing, yes, I think from the charger standpoint and the money going in, it’s critical. It compliments what the manufacturers are doing,” he added."
Read more from The Hill’s Alex Gangitano:
13.06.2022 kl 07:07
REC Silicon - REC Silicon and Ferroglobe Announce MOU for Solar Supply Chain Expansion
Moses Lake, Washington USA June 13, 2022: Hanwha Group investment and potential
passage of SEMA legislation provides spark to expand U.S. production of
polysilicon and metallurgical grade silicon.
REC Silicon and Ferroglobe today announce a Memorandum of Understanding
committing the companies to negotiate a raw material supply agreement and
establish a low-carbon and fully traceable U.S.-based solar supply chain.
Recent investment by the Hanwha Group into REC Silicon, in conjunction with
Hanwha's subsidiary Qcells, has sparked the impetus to expand REC's long-
standing relationship with Ferroglobe and plan for the immediate development of
an end-to-end U.S. solar supply chain from raw silicon, to polysilicon, and
finally fully assembled modules. The impact of such investment would span from
Washington State, to Georgia, West Virginia, and beyond.
Passage of Senator Jon Ossoff's Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act as
part of a broad clean energy incentive package would make such plans immediately
As a leading producer of high-purity electronics and solar grade polysilicon
with assets in Moses Lake, Washington and Butte, Montana, REC is positioned to
help lead the U.S.' clean energy transition. The recent Hanwha investment will
enable a re-start of the currently idle Moses Lake plant in 2023 and make
available high volumes of cost competitive, high quality, and low carbon solar
grade polysilicon.
Ferroglobe will be a critical partner in ensuring steady supply of fully
traceable metallurgical grade silicon metal produced in the U.S. from locally
sourced raw materials and utilizing its highly skilled domestic workforce.
Ferroglobe is one of the world's largest producers of silicon metal and seeks to
leverage its technical and operational expertise across sites in West Virginia,
Alabama, and Ohio to support this effort.
The MOU commits the companies to work together to increase production and
employment at each of the companies' facilities.
"It is imperative that the solar manufacturing industry grows and diversifies,"
said James A. May II, CEO of REC Silicon. "REC is committed to driving large-
scale investments in the United States, and we believe that the passage of SEMA
in particular would result in the creation of tens of thousands of high-paying
manufacturing jobs across the sector, accelerating the U.S. transition to clean
Dr. Marco Levi, Ferroglobe's Chief Executive Officer, commented, "The solar
industry is vital to the future of the global energy transformation. I am
thankful for Senator Ossoff's leadership on this important initiative, which
will re-shore solar capacity in the U.S., and increase jobs to help the economy.
Furthermore, we are excited to collaborate with REC Silicon on this important
initiative. We have had a longstanding relationship with REC, and this MOU
aligns both companies' respective expertise and competencies towards a common
goal which is critical to the United States."
For further information, please contact:
Douglas J. Moore, Chief Financial Officer
Phone: +1 509 989 0749
Nils O. Kjerstad
IR Contact
Phone: +47 9135 6659
About REC Silicon
REC Silicon is a leading producer of advanced silicon materials, delivering
high-purity polysilicon and silicon gas to the solar and electronics industries
worldwide. We combine over 30 years of experience and proprietary technology
with the needs of our customers, with annual production capacity of more than
20,000 MT of polysilicon from our two US-based manufacturing plants. Listed on
the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: RECSI), the Company is headquartered in
Lysaker, Norway.
For more information, go to:
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Moses Lake, Washington USA June 13, 2022: Hanwha Group investment and potential
passage of SEMA legislation provides spark to expand U.S. production of
polysilicon and metallurgical grade silicon.
REC Silicon and Ferroglobe today announce a Memorandum of Understanding
committing the companies to negotiate a raw material supply agreement and
establish a low-carbon and fully traceable U.S.-based solar supply chain.
Recent investment by the Hanwha Group into REC Silicon, in conjunction with
Hanwha's subsidiary Qcells, has sparked the impetus to expand REC's long-
standing relationship with Ferroglobe and plan for the immediate development of
an end-to-end U.S. solar supply chain from raw silicon, to polysilicon, and
finally fully assembled modules. The impact of such investment would span from
Washington State, to Georgia, West Virginia, and beyond.
Passage of Senator Jon Ossoff's Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act as
part of a broad clean energy incentive package would make such plans immediately
As a leading producer of high-purity electronics and solar grade polysilicon
with assets in Moses Lake, Washington and Butte, Montana, REC is positioned to
help lead the U.S.' clean energy transition. The recent Hanwha investment will
enable a re-start of the currently idle Moses Lake plant in 2023 and make
available high volumes of cost competitive, high quality, and low carbon solar
grade polysilicon.
Ferroglobe will be a critical partner in ensuring steady supply of fully
traceable metallurgical grade silicon metal produced in the U.S. from locally
sourced raw materials and utilizing its highly skilled domestic workforce.
Ferroglobe is one of the world's largest producers of silicon metal and seeks to
leverage its technical and operational expertise across sites in West Virginia,
Alabama, and Ohio to support this effort.
The MOU commits the companies to work together to increase production and
employment at each of the companies' facilities.
"It is imperative that the solar manufacturing industry grows and diversifies,"
said James A. May II, CEO of REC Silicon. "REC is committed to driving large-
scale investments in the United States, and we believe that the passage of SEMA
in particular would result in the creation of tens of thousands of high-paying
manufacturing jobs across the sector, accelerating the U.S. transition to clean
Dr. Marco Levi, Ferroglobe's Chief Executive Officer, commented, "The solar
industry is vital to the future of the global energy transformation. I am
thankful for Senator Ossoff's leadership on this important initiative, which
will re-shore solar capacity in the U.S., and increase jobs to help the economy.
Furthermore, we are excited to collaborate with REC Silicon on this important
initiative. We have had a longstanding relationship with REC, and this MOU
aligns both companies' respective expertise and competencies towards a common
goal which is critical to the United States."
For further information, please contact:
Douglas J. Moore, Chief Financial Officer
Phone: +1 509 989 0749
Nils O. Kjerstad
IR Contact
Phone: +47 9135 6659
About REC Silicon
REC Silicon is a leading producer of advanced silicon materials, delivering
high-purity polysilicon and silicon gas to the solar and electronics industries
worldwide. We combine over 30 years of experience and proprietary technology
with the needs of our customers, with annual production capacity of more than
20,000 MT of polysilicon from our two US-based manufacturing plants. Listed on
the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: RECSI), the Company is headquartered in
Lysaker, Norway.
For more information, go to:
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
13.06.2022 kl 07:13
13.06.2022 kl 07:21
fattigstakkar skrev Her kommer bekreftelsene på løpende bånd.
Ja, dette er nok en av mange meldinger som vil komme fremover hvor de staker ut kursen videre. Dette er positivt for RECSI og hvem vet når neste melding kommer og hva den inneholder?
Hehe. Veldig morsomt å se at selskapet bygger og posisjonerer seg.
Kursen er i ferd med å bli en parodi. På tide å finne fram kalkulator. 80+
Kursen er i ferd med å bli en parodi. På tide å finne fram kalkulator. 80+
13.06.2022 kl 08:10
Nok engang en utvikling ingen har forutsett. Og nok engang gir det klar pekepinn om hva Rec er på vei mot. Dææææven for et selskap og for en bransje vi er investert i folkens!!!
Veldig bra dette , rec må jo være ose mest undervurdere selskap . Dette blir stort , snart ser vi tresifret kurs !
Hanwha tuller ikke , de ska bygge opp amerikansk solar !
Hanwha tuller ikke , de ska bygge opp amerikansk solar !
Redigert 13.06.2022 kl 08:21
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13.06.2022 kl 08:58
Fra en utsendelse fra PAS i morgentimene i dag:
"Announces Ferroglobe MoU to secure raw material for ML
REC Silicon announced this morning that it has entered into an MoU with Ferroglobe for supply agreement of metallurgical polysilicon (feedstock for REC Silicon). This is yet another step in the establishment of a low-carbon solar supply chain in the US. While passage of the Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act (SEMA) is needed for the immediate possibility of a fully integrated US value chain, this highlights the intention of the industrial willingness and readiness to rapidly scale up in the US. This follows the recent announcement of a late 2023 Moses Lake restart, and we find it encouraging that the company and its new owners shows readiness to take immediate action to quickly re-build the company. We have a Buy rating, TP NOK 33 for RECSI.
• It is believed that the passage of the SEMA Act would create tens of thousands of high-paying (clean energy) manufacturing jobs in the US – thus making the passage of the Act highly likely.
• With the MoU, the companies are committing to a raw material supply agreement and establishment of a low-carbon and fully traceable US-based solar supply chain. The companies will further work together to increase production and employment at each of the companies' facilities.
• Ferroglobe is one of the world’s largest producers of silicon metal and operates its own quartz mines (in Spain, South Africa and the US) and blue gem coal mines (in US).
• Link to our latest report (27 May).
Contact analyst(s)
Gard Aarvik
Kari Eide Hartvedt"
"Announces Ferroglobe MoU to secure raw material for ML
REC Silicon announced this morning that it has entered into an MoU with Ferroglobe for supply agreement of metallurgical polysilicon (feedstock for REC Silicon). This is yet another step in the establishment of a low-carbon solar supply chain in the US. While passage of the Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act (SEMA) is needed for the immediate possibility of a fully integrated US value chain, this highlights the intention of the industrial willingness and readiness to rapidly scale up in the US. This follows the recent announcement of a late 2023 Moses Lake restart, and we find it encouraging that the company and its new owners shows readiness to take immediate action to quickly re-build the company. We have a Buy rating, TP NOK 33 for RECSI.
• It is believed that the passage of the SEMA Act would create tens of thousands of high-paying (clean energy) manufacturing jobs in the US – thus making the passage of the Act highly likely.
• With the MoU, the companies are committing to a raw material supply agreement and establishment of a low-carbon and fully traceable US-based solar supply chain. The companies will further work together to increase production and employment at each of the companies' facilities.
• Ferroglobe is one of the world’s largest producers of silicon metal and operates its own quartz mines (in Spain, South Africa and the US) and blue gem coal mines (in US).
• Link to our latest report (27 May).
Contact analyst(s)
Gard Aarvik
Kari Eide Hartvedt"
Har noen fanget opp noen ny utvikling i SEMA/climate bill?
Jeg tenkte kanskje at det er beveglese i denne saken siden REC i sin pressemelding refererer til SEMA spesielt med tanke på tempoet i framdriften.
Uansett, dette tegner til å bli noe riktig stort.
Jeg tenkte kanskje at det er beveglese i denne saken siden REC i sin pressemelding refererer til SEMA spesielt med tanke på tempoet i framdriften.
Uansett, dette tegner til å bli noe riktig stort.
13.06.2022 kl 09:16
Signaler om at Manchin og Schumer har private samtaler om en reconcilliation bill som tegner såpass positivt at energiministeren Granholm er mer optimistisk enn på lenge. Men der har vi vel vært før - og så har Manchin snudd på flisa.
13.06.2022 kl 09:16
Signaler om at Manchin og Schumer har private samtaler om en reconcilliation bill som tegner såpass positivt at energiministeren Granholm er mer optimistisk enn på lenge. Men der har vi vel vært før - og så har Manchin snudd på flisa.
Jeg tenker også at med kursmålet til PAS på 33 er det jo også en hyggelig oppside på over 50% som kan tiltrekke seg investorer som enda står utenfor. Slikt sett er jo en kurs nå på 20/21 en veldig grei inngang. Og - hva skal til for å se en short-skvis her....?
13.06.2022 kl 11:02
Jeg tror kortsiktig det vil være en stor fordel for kursen om meldingen om Hanwha-avtale har noen tall i seg - f.eks. en anslått totalramme for avtalen så vi kan få overskrifter om avtale om flere titalls mrd. for et selskap priset til under 10 mrd. Da kan short få veldig dårlig tid, for da blir det jo umulig å ikke se at kursen er altfor lav.
Jeg fant litt penger for kjøp på 19,9; synes det så ut som bunnen, men det var nok ikke helt rett, dessverre.
Jeg fant litt penger for kjøp på 19,9; synes det så ut som bunnen, men det var nok ikke helt rett, dessverre.
Redigert 13.06.2022 kl 11:03
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Vi har jo forsåvidt noe tallmateriale gjennom markedspriser/spotpriser samt RECs kapasitet, selv om det vel kan gi et noe for optimistisk regnestykke. Vilter har jo gjort noen slike beregninger med, etter mitt syn, konservative anslag på $/kg. Kostnadssiden er kanskje noe usikker pga man ikke helt vet hvordan inflasjonen vil påvirke regnestykket. Butte og Yulin er også kanskje ikke godt nok tatt hensyn til. Uansett, noen parametre for en indikativ estimering har man for noen enkle beregninger - i allefall et greitt nok grunnlag til å viser potensial. Det vi trenger er at det kommer en politisk avklaring om SEMA og skattekreditter, dvs. at det blir banket igjennom. Da vil nok flere meldinger komme raskt og kursen vil nok komme til å bykse rimelig kraftig. Biden's bruk av denne Defense Production Act var også et meget tydelig signal på hans vilje til å presse igjennom tiltak - effekten for REC av dette tiltaket er imidlertid vanskelig å tallfeste.
13.06.2022 kl 11:27
Absolutt - det er ikke så vanskelig å regne på verdien av en slik avtale, potensielle overskudd, etc. Men poenget er at veldig mange investorer åpenbart ikke gjør det regnestykket; det må de nesten gjøre hvis det kommer en melding som tallfester antatt verdi av en avtale - og da går kursen (tror jeg).
Det er jeg enig med deg i.
I mellomtiden burde Biden bruke denne passasjen fra dagens pressemelding fra REC: "......, and we believe that the passage of SEMA in particular would result in the creation of tens of thousands of high-paying manufacturing jobs across the sector...."
Velgere flest bryr seg om nok om klima - i allefall om de blir spurt, men viktigst er egen lommebok.
I mellomtiden burde Biden bruke denne passasjen fra dagens pressemelding fra REC: "......, and we believe that the passage of SEMA in particular would result in the creation of tens of thousands of high-paying manufacturing jobs across the sector...."
Velgere flest bryr seg om nok om klima - i allefall om de blir spurt, men viktigst er egen lommebok.
13.06.2022 kl 11:33
Short har balletak.....enn så lenge :) De er ulvene og vi andre 97% er sauene.
Tenk at 3% styrer verdiene til 97% inkl HS sine verdier i Recsi. Skjønner ikke helt at HS vil være sauer uten makt :) :) :)
Tenk at 3% styrer verdiene til 97% inkl HS sine verdier i Recsi. Skjønner ikke helt at HS vil være sauer uten makt :) :) :)
Hanwha tenker ikke dag til dag. Det burde ikke vi heller som er langsiktige, selv om det er irriterende. Nå er det inflasjonsfrykt og renter som drar ned.
13.06.2022 kl 14:27
Synes denne setningen i børsmeldingen er en av de mest interessante:
"The MOU commits the companies to work together to increase production and employment at each of the companies' facilities."
Hva betyr dette - de skriver jo at begge selskapene skal jobbe sammen for å øke produksjonen, og antall ansatte, og det er det vel ikke så mange måter å gjøre dette på, eller?
"The MOU commits the companies to work together to increase production and employment at each of the companies' facilities."
Hva betyr dette - de skriver jo at begge selskapene skal jobbe sammen for å øke produksjonen, og antall ansatte, og det er det vel ikke så mange måter å gjøre dette på, eller?
Redigert 13.06.2022 kl 15:04
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13.06.2022 kl 14:38
Korrekt. Vi får bare håpe ikke SEMA blir stemt gjennom også, da ryker vel Rec ned i 15 kroner på ren impuls🤣🤣
Meldingen er god som gull! At folk selger nå er vanskelig å forklare :)
13.06.2022 kl 14:48
90% robot handel tenker jeg, som tjener 2-3 øre på hver handel + litt daytrading av privatpersoner som håper de kan treffe på litt bevegelser :)
13.06.2022 kl 16:19
Ferrosilisium, ferrolegering bestående av jern og silisium. Legeringen produseres ofte ved karbotermisk reduksjon, hvor malmer av det ønskede produktet reagerer med karbon ved høye temperaturer i en smelteovn. Ferrosilisium er et halvfabrikat som brukes i framstilling av rustfritt stål, karbonstål og andre legeringer.
Norge er en stor produsent av ferrosilisium. Dette skjer blant annet gjennom selskapene Finnfjord smelteverk og Elkem.
Norge er en stor produsent av ferrosilisium. Dette skjer blant annet gjennom selskapene Finnfjord smelteverk og Elkem.
14.06.2022 kl 16:18
Interessant overskrift og vinkling på denne artikkelen:
"Sunrise brief: EV battery capable of 98% charge in less than ten minutes
Also on the rise: REC Silicon and Ferroglobe agreement will help establish fully traceable US-based solar supply chain. Toyota unveils 8.7 kWh battery for residential applications. And more."
"Sunrise brief: EV battery capable of 98% charge in less than ten minutes
Also on the rise: REC Silicon and Ferroglobe agreement will help establish fully traceable US-based solar supply chain. Toyota unveils 8.7 kWh battery for residential applications. And more."
Meldingen om Enovixvar interessant. De ser ut til å ha utviklet noe som kan bli en suksess. Og - de bruker visstnok silangass.
Jeg tenker når jeg skal handle meg en el-auto vil jeg ha et batteri som lader like fort som det tar å tanke i dag, og hvor man kan tilbakelegge 1000 km innen man må lade igjen. Men klart, når man kan lade på 5-10 minutter blir rekkevidden litt midre viktig - men fremdeles viktig.
Hva skjer med dagens el-biler når man får batterier som lader på 5 minutter og har 1000 km rekkevidde.... venter et par år jeg :) Vil ha batteri med anode med silan fra REC :)
Jeg tenker når jeg skal handle meg en el-auto vil jeg ha et batteri som lader like fort som det tar å tanke i dag, og hvor man kan tilbakelegge 1000 km innen man må lade igjen. Men klart, når man kan lade på 5-10 minutter blir rekkevidden litt midre viktig - men fremdeles viktig.
Hva skjer med dagens el-biler når man får batterier som lader på 5 minutter og har 1000 km rekkevidde.... venter et par år jeg :) Vil ha batteri med anode med silan fra REC :)
17.06.2022 kl 08:40
SEMA er ikke død og begravet helt enda, og samtalene som pågår er det nå helt tyst om dette da Manchin som kjent ble fly forbanna sist gang da White House representanter lekket informasjon fra forhandlingene da de trodde dette vill forsere prosessen og/eller legge press på Manchin - slik gikk det ikke. Her er et utdrag fra en artikkel som langt på vei bekrefter at noe er på gang:
"Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that negotiations on a massive social spending and climate package remain active despite the opposition from Senate centrists that stopped the legislation in its tracks last year.
The Speaker emphasized that House Democrats, who passed a roughly $2 trillion reconciliation package in November, are essentially sidelined as Senate leaders seek to continue the delicate talks with the centrist holdouts.
But a day after meeting with President Biden and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) at the White House to discuss the economy, Pelosi said there’s still a chance of enacting some slimmed-down version of the House legislation this year.
“Reconciliation is a Senate matter. We passed our bill, we made our views known. And that is a closely held negotiation on the Senate side,” Pelosi said during a press briefing in the Capitol.
“Suffice to say that we expressed our interest in the timing, when it would happen. But we did not get into the details.”
“It’s alive,” she added. “I would say that.”
Pelosi declined to reveal any details about the White House talks, but expressed some hope that whatever proposal might emerge will extend enhanced premium subsidies for millions of patients under ObamaCare. Those subsidies, adopted last year under Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, are scheduled to expire at the end of 2022 — an occurrence that vulnerable House Democrats are scrambling to prevent.
“There are certain concerns that we have about subsidies in the health care bill and the rest, which may or may not be in the negotiation,” Pelosi said. “But we shall see.”
Pelosi and House Democrats had passed their version of the enormous reconciliation package late last year after months of tense talks between liberals and moderates over the particulars of the legislation.
The social spending bill includes a host of policies designed to help working families that Democrats have sought, in some cases, for decades. The list includes child care subsidies, universal preschool, paid family leave, renewable energy tax incentives and extensions of both the expanded child tax credit and enhanced ObamaCare subsidies.
The bill represented the core of Biden’s successful campaign message in 2020, but it hit a brick wall in the Senate, where centrist Democrats — most notably Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) — balked at the size and scope of the benefits. Manchin said the new spending was particularly concerning amid the national spike in inflation, which he fears will be exacerbated by another round of federal stimulus.
Under the reconciliation rules, Republicans do not have the power to filibuster the legislation, meaning the bill would require only a simple majority to pass through the Senate. But in the 50-50 upper chamber, Democrats would need all their members — and the two Independents who caucus with them — to move it to Biden’s desk. Manchin, alone, can block it."
"Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that negotiations on a massive social spending and climate package remain active despite the opposition from Senate centrists that stopped the legislation in its tracks last year.
The Speaker emphasized that House Democrats, who passed a roughly $2 trillion reconciliation package in November, are essentially sidelined as Senate leaders seek to continue the delicate talks with the centrist holdouts.
But a day after meeting with President Biden and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) at the White House to discuss the economy, Pelosi said there’s still a chance of enacting some slimmed-down version of the House legislation this year.
“Reconciliation is a Senate matter. We passed our bill, we made our views known. And that is a closely held negotiation on the Senate side,” Pelosi said during a press briefing in the Capitol.
“Suffice to say that we expressed our interest in the timing, when it would happen. But we did not get into the details.”
“It’s alive,” she added. “I would say that.”
Pelosi declined to reveal any details about the White House talks, but expressed some hope that whatever proposal might emerge will extend enhanced premium subsidies for millions of patients under ObamaCare. Those subsidies, adopted last year under Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, are scheduled to expire at the end of 2022 — an occurrence that vulnerable House Democrats are scrambling to prevent.
“There are certain concerns that we have about subsidies in the health care bill and the rest, which may or may not be in the negotiation,” Pelosi said. “But we shall see.”
Pelosi and House Democrats had passed their version of the enormous reconciliation package late last year after months of tense talks between liberals and moderates over the particulars of the legislation.
The social spending bill includes a host of policies designed to help working families that Democrats have sought, in some cases, for decades. The list includes child care subsidies, universal preschool, paid family leave, renewable energy tax incentives and extensions of both the expanded child tax credit and enhanced ObamaCare subsidies.
The bill represented the core of Biden’s successful campaign message in 2020, but it hit a brick wall in the Senate, where centrist Democrats — most notably Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) — balked at the size and scope of the benefits. Manchin said the new spending was particularly concerning amid the national spike in inflation, which he fears will be exacerbated by another round of federal stimulus.
Under the reconciliation rules, Republicans do not have the power to filibuster the legislation, meaning the bill would require only a simple majority to pass through the Senate. But in the 50-50 upper chamber, Democrats would need all their members — and the two Independents who caucus with them — to move it to Biden’s desk. Manchin, alone, can block it."
Ikke for å være noen Party pooper, men vi har vel lest de samme utsagnene i over 1 år nå. Det brukes nok veldig lite energi på denne pakken og jeg tror fokuset deres er en helt annen plass. SEMA kommer ikke.
17.06.2022 kl 09:04
Du er ingen "party pooper" selv om du mener dette har tatt lang tid - det er det flere som gjør. Når det er sagt, så ser det derimot ut til at de holder kortene veldig tett til brystet denne gangen. Det at det ikke kommer lekkasjer betyr ikke at de ikke jobbes med denne saken. Husk at demokratene gjerne vil ha noen seire å dra frem når mellomvalget skal promoteres, og dette er en av de "pakkene" de derfor gjerne ser gå gjennom. Hva de er villig til å akseptere fra Manchin i så måte, se det er en annen sak og noe vi kanskje får litt mer innsikt i etter hvert. Jeg tror personlig at denne pakken vil gå gjennom, om enn i en noe endret versjon, og da med de skatteincentivene som allerede ligger på bordet hva gjelder solpaneler og poly.
17.06.2022 kl 16:39
Biden har ike tenkt å "rulle over og legge seg på rygg" når det gjelder klima, noe dette møtet bekrefter:
"On Friday, President Biden is meeting virtually with world leaders on climate issues, and is expected to launch several climate initiatives in the process.
The meeting, slated for Friday morning, will include 19 other countries, including China, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and South Korea, senior officials told reporters on Thursday night. They will also be joined by the European Union.
China will be represented not by leader Xi Jinping, but by the country’s counterpart to U.S. climate envoy John Kerry, an official said.
The officials detailed announcements they would make — including a collective goal for countries to make 50 percent of new cars sold electric, a goal the U.S. has already set for itself.
As of Thursday night, it was unclear how many countries would join this initiative or any of the others announced.
The US and EU are expected to unveil an initiative that seeks to reduce releases of planet-warming methane from the oil and gas sector.
Methane is a greenhouse gas that contributes 25 times as much to climate change as carbon dioxide over a 100 year period, but also spends less time in the atmosphere.
The new initiative specifically aims to eliminate routine flaring — a process where companies burn excess natural gas that’s a byproduct of oil production — by 2030.
Meanwhile, the officials also said that some countries will be updating their climate change pledges for 2030, though they didn’t specify which countries or how many.
Biden will also encourage other countries to try to collectively reach $90 billion in government investments in developing climate friendly technologies. According to a fact sheet, the U.S.’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law already devotes $21.5 billion to the effort.
In addition, the U.S. and Norway will launch an effort aimed at encouraging emissions reductions from the shipping sector by 2050."
"On Friday, President Biden is meeting virtually with world leaders on climate issues, and is expected to launch several climate initiatives in the process.
The meeting, slated for Friday morning, will include 19 other countries, including China, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and South Korea, senior officials told reporters on Thursday night. They will also be joined by the European Union.
China will be represented not by leader Xi Jinping, but by the country’s counterpart to U.S. climate envoy John Kerry, an official said.
The officials detailed announcements they would make — including a collective goal for countries to make 50 percent of new cars sold electric, a goal the U.S. has already set for itself.
As of Thursday night, it was unclear how many countries would join this initiative or any of the others announced.
The US and EU are expected to unveil an initiative that seeks to reduce releases of planet-warming methane from the oil and gas sector.
Methane is a greenhouse gas that contributes 25 times as much to climate change as carbon dioxide over a 100 year period, but also spends less time in the atmosphere.
The new initiative specifically aims to eliminate routine flaring — a process where companies burn excess natural gas that’s a byproduct of oil production — by 2030.
Meanwhile, the officials also said that some countries will be updating their climate change pledges for 2030, though they didn’t specify which countries or how many.
Biden will also encourage other countries to try to collectively reach $90 billion in government investments in developing climate friendly technologies. According to a fact sheet, the U.S.’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law already devotes $21.5 billion to the effort.
In addition, the U.S. and Norway will launch an effort aimed at encouraging emissions reductions from the shipping sector by 2050."
01.07.2022 kl 12:16
"SCOTUS ruling ups pressure on Schumer to strike climate deal with Manchin
by Alexander Bolton - 07/01/22 6:00 AM ET
The Supreme Court’s decision Thursday to dramatically limit the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate the greenhouse gas emissions of power plants puts new pressure on Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) to strike a climate deal with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.).
The conservative court’s 6-3 decision in West Virginia v. EPA strikes a blow to President Biden’s climate agenda and has Democrats and activists scrambling to salvage Biden’s pledge to reduce greenhouse gas pollution by 50 percent by 2030.
The setback places renewed importance on Schumer’s efforts to revive a budget reconciliation bill that would include climate provisions such as clean energy tax incentives, a fee on methane emissions and possibly a border tax on carbon-intensive imports.
“This devastating decision is only the latest shot in the arm to Congress to legislate action on climate,” said Melinda Pierce, the legislative director of the Sierra Club.
“What else do we need when we’re looking at wildfires and drought and flooding, with climate impacts on the doorsteps of both red and blue states, what other justification do you need?” she added.
“Today’s Supreme Court decision is stark reminder that the clock is ticking and Congress and must act.”
Schumer on Thursday said the court’s decision lights a fire under Congress to get something done to limit carbon emissions.
“Make no mistake — the consequences of this decision will ripple across the entire federal government, from the regulation of food and drugs to our nation’s health care system, all of which will put American lives at risk, making it all the more imperative that Democrats soon pass meaningful legislation to address the climate crisis,” he said in a statement responding to the opinion penned by Chief Justice John Roberts.
Many Democratic lawmakers have become pessimistic about getting Manchin to agree to any budget reconciliation deal that would include provisions to significantly reduce carbon emissions.
Darrell West, the director of governance studies at the Brookings Institution, said the court’s decision “puts a lot of pressure on Schumer to pass climate provisions but it doesn’t look like they have the votes.”
“It’s going to be hard for Democrats to take significant action,” he said.
But Schumer is continuing to negotiate with Manchin and there are some signs of progress.
The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Democratic leaders have finalized a proposal to lower the price of prescription drugs for seniors, which would be a core element of the budget reconciliation package.
This development puts Schumer and Manchin in position to negotiate the other pillars of the reconciliation package: tax reform and climate provisions.
Schumer told reporters last week that he’s making progress with Manchin but that they still have significant differences that need to be resolved. He declined to commit to bringing a reconciliation package to the floor before the August recess, which is scheduled to begin Aug. 6.
Schumer’s and Manchin’s staff have continued to negotiate over the two-week July 4 recess, leaving some Democrats optimistic of getting a deal in July or early August.
Democrats are desperate to secure an accomplishment after the Supreme Court’s decisions to strike down Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights case, repeal a longstanding New York law limiting conceal-carry handgun permits and now Thursday’s decision curbing the EPA.
Manchin may be close to signing off on legislation to lower the prices of some prescription drugs but getting him to agree to a package of climate provisions will be more difficult, given Manchin’s advocacy for the domestic fossil fuel industry.
“I think Schumer would have to go to Manchin hat in hand and say, ‘Can we work something out?’ that’s going to satisfy the very, very strong environmental base of the Democratic Party and the coal industry in West Virginia,” said Ross K. Baker, a professor of political science at Rutgers University who served several fellowships in the Senate.
“There’s a sense of urgency particularly as the forecasts for global warming become more and more grim,” he added. “Undoubtedly pressure will be put on Schumer to make some kind of overture to Manchin but what comes out of that, I think, is unlikely to quiet the anxiety and anger of the Democratic base.”
Schumer has kept his Senate colleagues mostly in the dark about the details of his conversations with Manchin, giving them only the same broad progress reports he has shared publicly.
Democratic senators, however, feel confident that a package of clean energy tax incentives produced by the Finance Committee and a fee on methane emissions, which Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del) largely worked out with Manchin at the end of last year, could be included in the budget reconciliation legislation.
Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Chris Coons (D-Del.) are also pushing hard for a carbon border adjustment tax that would place a fee on carbon-intensive imports from China and other countries with more lax emission standards than the United States.
“There’s one particular colleague it needs to resonate with and he said very nice things about it spontaneously in the Appropriations Committee the other day so we’ll see what happens,” Whitehouse said, referring to what he believes is Manchin’s openness to considering the proposal.
“The dog’s still in the hunt,” he said.
Manchin last week said the border adjustment tax could help U.S. manufacturers compete with Chinese competitors who can get away with operating under much looser environmental standards.
“The reason we have Democrats and Republicans talking about a border adjustment, we think that’s the only level playing field we might have [against China],” Manchin said at a recent appropriations hearing, according to E&E News.
Josh Freed, who heads the climate and energy program at Third Way, a centrist Democratic think tank, said the court’s decision in West Virginia v. EPA may give Manchin more incentive to agree to a budget reconciliation package with climate provisions because that such a bill would include 45Q, a tax credit for carbon sequestration.
Freed noted that the court’s decision bars the EPA from implementing sector-wide emissions standards and instead requires the environmental agency to apply individually tailored emissions standards for different energy producers. He said that could give coal-fired power plants incentive to adopt technology to capture and store carbon.
He said the court’s decision “gives power plants a pathway with carbon capture to remain in operation, which would be easier if reconciliation is passed.”
“It reinforces some of the tools that Sen Manchin supports in reconciliation” such as the 45Q tax credit and “hopefully gives the senator more reason to support clean energy investments,” he added.
Josh Freed, who heads the climate and energy program at Third Way, a centrist Democratic think tank, said the court’s decision in West Virginia v. EPA may give Manchin more incentive to agree to a budget reconciliation package with climate provisions because that such a bill would include 45Q, a tax credit for carbon sequestration.
Freed noted that the court’s decision bars the EPA from implementing sector-wide emissions standards and instead requires the environmental agency to apply individually tailored emissions standards for different energy producers. He said that could give coal-fired power plants incentive to adopt technology to capture and store carbon.
He said the court’s decision “gives power plants a pathway with carbon capture to remain in operation, which would be easier if reconciliation is passed.”
“It reinforces some of the tools that Sen Manchin supports in reconciliation” such as the 45Q tax credit, he added, and “hopefully gives the senator more reason to support clean energy investments.”"
by Alexander Bolton - 07/01/22 6:00 AM ET
The Supreme Court’s decision Thursday to dramatically limit the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate the greenhouse gas emissions of power plants puts new pressure on Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) to strike a climate deal with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.).
The conservative court’s 6-3 decision in West Virginia v. EPA strikes a blow to President Biden’s climate agenda and has Democrats and activists scrambling to salvage Biden’s pledge to reduce greenhouse gas pollution by 50 percent by 2030.
The setback places renewed importance on Schumer’s efforts to revive a budget reconciliation bill that would include climate provisions such as clean energy tax incentives, a fee on methane emissions and possibly a border tax on carbon-intensive imports.
“This devastating decision is only the latest shot in the arm to Congress to legislate action on climate,” said Melinda Pierce, the legislative director of the Sierra Club.
“What else do we need when we’re looking at wildfires and drought and flooding, with climate impacts on the doorsteps of both red and blue states, what other justification do you need?” she added.
“Today’s Supreme Court decision is stark reminder that the clock is ticking and Congress and must act.”
Schumer on Thursday said the court’s decision lights a fire under Congress to get something done to limit carbon emissions.
“Make no mistake — the consequences of this decision will ripple across the entire federal government, from the regulation of food and drugs to our nation’s health care system, all of which will put American lives at risk, making it all the more imperative that Democrats soon pass meaningful legislation to address the climate crisis,” he said in a statement responding to the opinion penned by Chief Justice John Roberts.
Many Democratic lawmakers have become pessimistic about getting Manchin to agree to any budget reconciliation deal that would include provisions to significantly reduce carbon emissions.
Darrell West, the director of governance studies at the Brookings Institution, said the court’s decision “puts a lot of pressure on Schumer to pass climate provisions but it doesn’t look like they have the votes.”
“It’s going to be hard for Democrats to take significant action,” he said.
But Schumer is continuing to negotiate with Manchin and there are some signs of progress.
The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Democratic leaders have finalized a proposal to lower the price of prescription drugs for seniors, which would be a core element of the budget reconciliation package.
This development puts Schumer and Manchin in position to negotiate the other pillars of the reconciliation package: tax reform and climate provisions.
Schumer told reporters last week that he’s making progress with Manchin but that they still have significant differences that need to be resolved. He declined to commit to bringing a reconciliation package to the floor before the August recess, which is scheduled to begin Aug. 6.
Schumer’s and Manchin’s staff have continued to negotiate over the two-week July 4 recess, leaving some Democrats optimistic of getting a deal in July or early August.
Democrats are desperate to secure an accomplishment after the Supreme Court’s decisions to strike down Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights case, repeal a longstanding New York law limiting conceal-carry handgun permits and now Thursday’s decision curbing the EPA.
Manchin may be close to signing off on legislation to lower the prices of some prescription drugs but getting him to agree to a package of climate provisions will be more difficult, given Manchin’s advocacy for the domestic fossil fuel industry.
“I think Schumer would have to go to Manchin hat in hand and say, ‘Can we work something out?’ that’s going to satisfy the very, very strong environmental base of the Democratic Party and the coal industry in West Virginia,” said Ross K. Baker, a professor of political science at Rutgers University who served several fellowships in the Senate.
“There’s a sense of urgency particularly as the forecasts for global warming become more and more grim,” he added. “Undoubtedly pressure will be put on Schumer to make some kind of overture to Manchin but what comes out of that, I think, is unlikely to quiet the anxiety and anger of the Democratic base.”
Schumer has kept his Senate colleagues mostly in the dark about the details of his conversations with Manchin, giving them only the same broad progress reports he has shared publicly.
Democratic senators, however, feel confident that a package of clean energy tax incentives produced by the Finance Committee and a fee on methane emissions, which Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del) largely worked out with Manchin at the end of last year, could be included in the budget reconciliation legislation.
Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Chris Coons (D-Del.) are also pushing hard for a carbon border adjustment tax that would place a fee on carbon-intensive imports from China and other countries with more lax emission standards than the United States.
“There’s one particular colleague it needs to resonate with and he said very nice things about it spontaneously in the Appropriations Committee the other day so we’ll see what happens,” Whitehouse said, referring to what he believes is Manchin’s openness to considering the proposal.
“The dog’s still in the hunt,” he said.
Manchin last week said the border adjustment tax could help U.S. manufacturers compete with Chinese competitors who can get away with operating under much looser environmental standards.
“The reason we have Democrats and Republicans talking about a border adjustment, we think that’s the only level playing field we might have [against China],” Manchin said at a recent appropriations hearing, according to E&E News.
Josh Freed, who heads the climate and energy program at Third Way, a centrist Democratic think tank, said the court’s decision in West Virginia v. EPA may give Manchin more incentive to agree to a budget reconciliation package with climate provisions because that such a bill would include 45Q, a tax credit for carbon sequestration.
Freed noted that the court’s decision bars the EPA from implementing sector-wide emissions standards and instead requires the environmental agency to apply individually tailored emissions standards for different energy producers. He said that could give coal-fired power plants incentive to adopt technology to capture and store carbon.
He said the court’s decision “gives power plants a pathway with carbon capture to remain in operation, which would be easier if reconciliation is passed.”
“It reinforces some of the tools that Sen Manchin supports in reconciliation” such as the 45Q tax credit and “hopefully gives the senator more reason to support clean energy investments,” he added.
Josh Freed, who heads the climate and energy program at Third Way, a centrist Democratic think tank, said the court’s decision in West Virginia v. EPA may give Manchin more incentive to agree to a budget reconciliation package with climate provisions because that such a bill would include 45Q, a tax credit for carbon sequestration.
Freed noted that the court’s decision bars the EPA from implementing sector-wide emissions standards and instead requires the environmental agency to apply individually tailored emissions standards for different energy producers. He said that could give coal-fired power plants incentive to adopt technology to capture and store carbon.
He said the court’s decision “gives power plants a pathway with carbon capture to remain in operation, which would be easier if reconciliation is passed.”
“It reinforces some of the tools that Sen Manchin supports in reconciliation” such as the 45Q tax credit, he added, and “hopefully gives the senator more reason to support clean energy investments.”"
Redigert 01.07.2022 kl 12:16
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Tror at Manchin igjen holder sine kollegaer i demokratene for narr, og drar dette ut i langdrag, for til slutt å si "nei, dette kan jeg ikke være med på" igjen.
Han førte kullselskapet sitt over på sønnen for en del år siden, og ved å gi tommel opp for skattefordeler til solar industrien, slår han samtidig bena under sønnen sin og sitt imperium.
Korrupt snik, men slik er det vel over hele fjøla...
Han førte kullselskapet sitt over på sønnen for en del år siden, og ved å gi tommel opp for skattefordeler til solar industrien, slår han samtidig bena under sønnen sin og sitt imperium.
Korrupt snik, men slik er det vel over hele fjøla...
Kanskje. Det kan også tenkes at dette er et politisk godt spill av Manchin. At han hele tiden har planlagt å gå med på noe, men at han ville drøye det til siste instans (nå i juli), for å få mest mulig press til og få det mer spiselig for sin egen del.
Ut fra infoen som kommer nå har han fått igjennom en del som han ville. Det kan tenkes at det var målet hele veien og at det nå kan bli stemt ja for hele pakken når endringene er gjort. Det er vel den sosiale delen av pakken han har vist mest motstand til, og det er vel også her det nå har blitt endringer ifølge lekkasjene.
Bare spekulasjon selvsagt.
Ut fra infoen som kommer nå har han fått igjennom en del som han ville. Det kan tenkes at det var målet hele veien og at det nå kan bli stemt ja for hele pakken når endringene er gjort. Det er vel den sosiale delen av pakken han har vist mest motstand til, og det er vel også her det nå har blitt endringer ifølge lekkasjene.
Bare spekulasjon selvsagt.
Redigert 01.07.2022 kl 14:02
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