Hexagon Purus - 28.03.2022. En global gigant in the making!
Hexagon Purus and CIMC Enric sign investment agreements for construction of joint production facility in Shijiazhuang, and New Energy R&D management center in Beijing Daxing District International Hydrogen Development Zone
March 28, 2022 02:45 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
Bør vel egentlig være helt unødvendig å si, men helt fantastiske nyheter dagens børsmelding om utvidelse av virksomheten i Kina selvsagt, i kjølvannet av at kinesisiske myndigheter torsdag 23.mars la frem sin "Medium and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035)".
Synes markedet reagerer på denne fantastiske nyheten på en noe merkverdig måte. Så litt oppmerksomhet i form av en trådstart er kanskje på sin plass? Selv om nyheten allerede er postet på denne tråden imorges:
Hvis markedet her hjemme synes dette er negative nyheter for Hexagon Purus, må det iallefall være lov å tillate seg å tenke litt høyt gjennom å stille spørsmål om hva det er som er så negativt ved at det nå synes å være fullstendig hevet over tvil at Hexagon Purus, som global markedsleder innen lagring og transport av hydrogen, med dette nye store steget helt opplagt inntar en hovedrolle i Kina og Sørøst-Asia forøvrig, innen forretningsområder hvor veksten er estimert å bli helt eventyrlig i tiår fremover. Og vi snakker om litt av noen dimensjoner på markedets størrelse når vi snakker Kina og Sørøst-Asia forøvrig.
Det denne nyheten først og fremst forteller oss, er vel egentlig at allerede etter et drøyt år i joint venture opplever og estimerer CIMC - HEXAGON (CIMC Enric og Hexagon Purus) en etterspørsel som gjør at man allerede nå velger å ekspandere og utvide virksomheten ytterligere.
Dagens børsmelding i neste innlegg.
Edit) Redigert 12:58 for å rette 4 - 5 skrivefeil. Er litt pedantisk av meg så iallefall i en trådstart må slike lukes vekk.
Redigert igjen 13:18, for å rette opp en helt håpløs skrivefeil i første setning. Har lest nitid igjennom alt en gang til, og det skal nå være i orden. :)
Redigert igjen :) Ticker HPUR manglet. Påført.
March 28, 2022 02:45 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
Bør vel egentlig være helt unødvendig å si, men helt fantastiske nyheter dagens børsmelding om utvidelse av virksomheten i Kina selvsagt, i kjølvannet av at kinesisiske myndigheter torsdag 23.mars la frem sin "Medium and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035)".
Synes markedet reagerer på denne fantastiske nyheten på en noe merkverdig måte. Så litt oppmerksomhet i form av en trådstart er kanskje på sin plass? Selv om nyheten allerede er postet på denne tråden imorges:
Hvis markedet her hjemme synes dette er negative nyheter for Hexagon Purus, må det iallefall være lov å tillate seg å tenke litt høyt gjennom å stille spørsmål om hva det er som er så negativt ved at det nå synes å være fullstendig hevet over tvil at Hexagon Purus, som global markedsleder innen lagring og transport av hydrogen, med dette nye store steget helt opplagt inntar en hovedrolle i Kina og Sørøst-Asia forøvrig, innen forretningsområder hvor veksten er estimert å bli helt eventyrlig i tiår fremover. Og vi snakker om litt av noen dimensjoner på markedets størrelse når vi snakker Kina og Sørøst-Asia forøvrig.
Det denne nyheten først og fremst forteller oss, er vel egentlig at allerede etter et drøyt år i joint venture opplever og estimerer CIMC - HEXAGON (CIMC Enric og Hexagon Purus) en etterspørsel som gjør at man allerede nå velger å ekspandere og utvide virksomheten ytterligere.
Dagens børsmelding i neste innlegg.
Edit) Redigert 12:58 for å rette 4 - 5 skrivefeil. Er litt pedantisk av meg så iallefall i en trådstart må slike lukes vekk.
Redigert igjen 13:18, for å rette opp en helt håpløs skrivefeil i første setning. Har lest nitid igjennom alt en gang til, og det skal nå være i orden. :)
Redigert igjen :) Ticker HPUR manglet. Påført.
Redigert 30.03.2022 kl 11:19
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Rect Angel
28.03.2022 kl 11:35
Hexagon Purus and CIMC Enric sign investment agreements for construction of joint production facility in Shijiazhuang, and New Energy R&D management center in Beijing Daxing District International Hydrogen Development Zone
March 28, 2022 02:45 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
(Oslo, 28 March 2022) Hexagon Purus and CIMC Enric have previously signed joint venture agreements in 2021 (ref: March 2, 2021, announcement) encompassing cylinder and systems production for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) and hydrogen distribution in China and Southeast Asia, which is expected to become the world’s largest zero emission hydrogen vehicle and distribution market.
Today, Hexagon Purus and CIMC Enric announced the signing of investment agreements to establish a joint production facility in Shijiazhuang, Hebei and the CIMC-Hexagon New Energy Technologies management office and engineering hub in Beijing Daxing District International Hydrogen Development Zone. In addition, the Shijiazhuang and Beijing Daxing governments have made a strong commitment to support the development of the CIMC-HEXAGON business in their regions through 2030.
Construction of the new composite cylinder and systems manufacturing facility in Shijiazhuang is expected to commence in Q2 2022, and the facility will house Type 3 and Type 4 hydrogen cylinder production and systems assembly capacity.
The CIMC-HEXAGON New Energy Technologies management office and engineering hub will be located in Beijing Daxing District International Hydrogen Development Zone, one of China’s leading areas for advancement of hydrogen technologies and application scenarios.
The facilities will set a benchmark for highly automated production of composite hydrogen pressure vessels from 350 to 700 bar intended for the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets.
The product portfolio includes hydrogen fuel storage systems for on-road vehicles, rail and maritime applications.
The new facility is expected to create several hundred jobs in Shijiazhuang and Beijing and will also support business for regional suppliers.
“As part of our global expansion program, CIMC-HEXAGON will become the hub for high quality and highly automated manufacturing of high-pressure composite hydrogen storage cylinders and systems for China and Southeast Asia. We are looking forward to making a contribution to the local transportation sector, addressing the substantial growth potential for hydrogen technology in the region as a reliable supplier of advanced technology,” says Morten Holum, CEO of Hexagon Purus.
Leo Yang, CEO of CIMC ENRIC adds, “CIMC ENRIC, through CIMC-HEXAGON and the broad spectrum of Hydrogen related products and services of CIMC HYDROGEN, offers a unique portfolio of total solutions to vehicle fleet owners, railway and maritime operators. Shijiazhuang has been CIMC Enric’s manufacturing base for over two decades. We are confident that this environment offers our Joint Venture with Hexagon Purus a modern and industrialized environment that can deliver a competitive and highly skilled workforce, as well as strong support from the local government”.
CIMC-HEXAGON, together with local Shijiazhuang authorities expect to initiate construction of the facility in Q2 2022.
Powerful alliance
CIMC Enric is a leading global supplier of cryogenic and compressed gas storage and transportation solutions and manufacturer of clean energy equipment, headquartered in Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China. CIMC Enric is listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (ticker: 3899.HK). Hexagon Purus, a global leader in Type 4 hydrogen cylinder and battery electric systems technology, is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: HPUR.OL).
The cooperation is a highly compelling partnership: Hexagon Purus’ world class Type 4 hydrogen cylinder and systems technologies and design with over 20 years of heritage and safety track record – and CIMC Enric’s extensive expertise in gas system development tailored to the Chinese market and its long-standing relationships with large Chinese vehicle manufacturers (OEMs) and gas distribution companies.
The joint venture will serve the fast-growing demand of the Chinese market for safe, lightweight and cost-efficient compressed hydrogen storage solutions. Relevant industrial standards for Type 4 cylinders are currently being established by the Chinese government. The joint venture will also support the transition to zero emission mobility solutions in Southeast Asia.
About the market
China, the world's largest auto market with over 28 million vehicles sold annually, has set its sights on creating a world-leading market for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) within two decades. As forecasted by industry experts based on Chinese policymakers’ planning, the market will grow from more than 7,000 FCEVs by end of 2020, to 1.3 million FECVs by 2035. It is also expected that hydrogen will account for approximately 10% of primary energy consumption in China by 2050.
The initial focus of the Chinese hydrogen strategy is on fuel cell electric buses and commercial vehicles. This will improve public awareness and showcase the safety of hydrogen. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) announced its collective ambition to achieve 23% renewable energy integration into its energy system by 2025, and even more by 2035.
The shift to zero emission vehicles is driven by the desire to improve air quality and reduce CO2 emissions, as well as to increase energy independence by utilizing large amounts of hydrogen already available in China. In addition, hydrogen provides cost-efficient storage for surplus renewable energy from wind and solar.
Mathias Meidell, Director Investor Relations, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Purus (stock ticker: HPUR.OL)
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, is a world leading provider of hydrogen type 4 high-pressure cylinders, battery packs and vehicle systems integration for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus enables zero emission solutions for light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, marine, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
About CIMC ENRIC Holdings Limited (stock code: 3899.HK)
Founded in 2004, CIMC Enric Holdings Limited, one of the members of the CIMC Group, has been listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 2005. The Company is principally engaged in the provision of key equipment, engineering service and integrated solutions for transportation, storage and processing for the clean energy, chemical and environmental and liquid food sectors and has become a leading integrated business service provider and key equipment manufacturer in the industry. Its production and sales of ISO liquid tank containers and high-pressure transportation vehicles are among the top in the world, the market share of cryogenic transportation vehicles and cryogenic storage tanks is in the leading position in China, large storage tank for LNG receiving terminals and modular products for LNG refueling stations and CNG refueling stations have ranked among the top three in terms of market share in China while comprehensively deploying the hydrogen industry chain. The Company has built a global marketing network and has over 20 domestic and overseas subsidiaries located in China, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Canada that operate production bases and advanced R&D centers.
For more information, please visit http://www.enricgroup.com
March 28, 2022 02:45 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
(Oslo, 28 March 2022) Hexagon Purus and CIMC Enric have previously signed joint venture agreements in 2021 (ref: March 2, 2021, announcement) encompassing cylinder and systems production for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) and hydrogen distribution in China and Southeast Asia, which is expected to become the world’s largest zero emission hydrogen vehicle and distribution market.
Today, Hexagon Purus and CIMC Enric announced the signing of investment agreements to establish a joint production facility in Shijiazhuang, Hebei and the CIMC-Hexagon New Energy Technologies management office and engineering hub in Beijing Daxing District International Hydrogen Development Zone. In addition, the Shijiazhuang and Beijing Daxing governments have made a strong commitment to support the development of the CIMC-HEXAGON business in their regions through 2030.
Construction of the new composite cylinder and systems manufacturing facility in Shijiazhuang is expected to commence in Q2 2022, and the facility will house Type 3 and Type 4 hydrogen cylinder production and systems assembly capacity.
The CIMC-HEXAGON New Energy Technologies management office and engineering hub will be located in Beijing Daxing District International Hydrogen Development Zone, one of China’s leading areas for advancement of hydrogen technologies and application scenarios.
The facilities will set a benchmark for highly automated production of composite hydrogen pressure vessels from 350 to 700 bar intended for the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets.
The product portfolio includes hydrogen fuel storage systems for on-road vehicles, rail and maritime applications.
The new facility is expected to create several hundred jobs in Shijiazhuang and Beijing and will also support business for regional suppliers.
“As part of our global expansion program, CIMC-HEXAGON will become the hub for high quality and highly automated manufacturing of high-pressure composite hydrogen storage cylinders and systems for China and Southeast Asia. We are looking forward to making a contribution to the local transportation sector, addressing the substantial growth potential for hydrogen technology in the region as a reliable supplier of advanced technology,” says Morten Holum, CEO of Hexagon Purus.
Leo Yang, CEO of CIMC ENRIC adds, “CIMC ENRIC, through CIMC-HEXAGON and the broad spectrum of Hydrogen related products and services of CIMC HYDROGEN, offers a unique portfolio of total solutions to vehicle fleet owners, railway and maritime operators. Shijiazhuang has been CIMC Enric’s manufacturing base for over two decades. We are confident that this environment offers our Joint Venture with Hexagon Purus a modern and industrialized environment that can deliver a competitive and highly skilled workforce, as well as strong support from the local government”.
CIMC-HEXAGON, together with local Shijiazhuang authorities expect to initiate construction of the facility in Q2 2022.
Powerful alliance
CIMC Enric is a leading global supplier of cryogenic and compressed gas storage and transportation solutions and manufacturer of clean energy equipment, headquartered in Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China. CIMC Enric is listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (ticker: 3899.HK). Hexagon Purus, a global leader in Type 4 hydrogen cylinder and battery electric systems technology, is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: HPUR.OL).
The cooperation is a highly compelling partnership: Hexagon Purus’ world class Type 4 hydrogen cylinder and systems technologies and design with over 20 years of heritage and safety track record – and CIMC Enric’s extensive expertise in gas system development tailored to the Chinese market and its long-standing relationships with large Chinese vehicle manufacturers (OEMs) and gas distribution companies.
The joint venture will serve the fast-growing demand of the Chinese market for safe, lightweight and cost-efficient compressed hydrogen storage solutions. Relevant industrial standards for Type 4 cylinders are currently being established by the Chinese government. The joint venture will also support the transition to zero emission mobility solutions in Southeast Asia.
About the market
China, the world's largest auto market with over 28 million vehicles sold annually, has set its sights on creating a world-leading market for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) within two decades. As forecasted by industry experts based on Chinese policymakers’ planning, the market will grow from more than 7,000 FCEVs by end of 2020, to 1.3 million FECVs by 2035. It is also expected that hydrogen will account for approximately 10% of primary energy consumption in China by 2050.
The initial focus of the Chinese hydrogen strategy is on fuel cell electric buses and commercial vehicles. This will improve public awareness and showcase the safety of hydrogen. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) announced its collective ambition to achieve 23% renewable energy integration into its energy system by 2025, and even more by 2035.
The shift to zero emission vehicles is driven by the desire to improve air quality and reduce CO2 emissions, as well as to increase energy independence by utilizing large amounts of hydrogen already available in China. In addition, hydrogen provides cost-efficient storage for surplus renewable energy from wind and solar.
Mathias Meidell, Director Investor Relations, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Purus (stock ticker: HPUR.OL)
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, is a world leading provider of hydrogen type 4 high-pressure cylinders, battery packs and vehicle systems integration for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus enables zero emission solutions for light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, marine, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
About CIMC ENRIC Holdings Limited (stock code: 3899.HK)
Founded in 2004, CIMC Enric Holdings Limited, one of the members of the CIMC Group, has been listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 2005. The Company is principally engaged in the provision of key equipment, engineering service and integrated solutions for transportation, storage and processing for the clean energy, chemical and environmental and liquid food sectors and has become a leading integrated business service provider and key equipment manufacturer in the industry. Its production and sales of ISO liquid tank containers and high-pressure transportation vehicles are among the top in the world, the market share of cryogenic transportation vehicles and cryogenic storage tanks is in the leading position in China, large storage tank for LNG receiving terminals and modular products for LNG refueling stations and CNG refueling stations have ranked among the top three in terms of market share in China while comprehensively deploying the hydrogen industry chain. The Company has built a global marketing network and has over 20 domestic and overseas subsidiaries located in China, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Canada that operate production bases and advanced R&D centers.
For more information, please visit http://www.enricgroup.com
Rect Angel
28.03.2022 kl 12:31
Et velment forsøk på å gi litt bakgrunn for dagens, etter min mening helt fantastiske, børsmelding fra Hexagon Purus
Så her er en artikkel om helt nylig offentliggjorte planer for storsatsingen på hydrogen i Kina, fra investing.com Hong Kong.
Torsdag 23.mars 2022 presenterte kinesiske myndigheter planen "Medium and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035)".
I etterkant av en grundig utredning om planen i denne artikkelen (følg link nederst i innlegget) , navngir og skriver investing.com om TO RELEVANTE/RELATERTE SELSKAP og først av disse to Hexagon Purus' kinesiske JV-partner CIMC Enric (gjengitt under). Der finner man da selvsagt også info om samarbeidet med JV-partner Hexagon Purus som jo er intet mindre enn global markedsleder innen lagring og transport av hydrogen, og som man også kan lese, vinnes det allerede signifikante kontrakter...
Hydrogen energy takes a "ride"
March 25, 2022 11:45
Hydrogen is the most widely distributed substance in the universe. Hydrogen energy is an important part of the modern energy system. It is an ideal choice for China to get rid of fossil energy dependence and ensure energy security. With the proposal of the "dual carbon" goal, the pace of energy transformation has been further accelerated around carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The advantages of hydrogen energy with high calorific value, low pollution, wide sources and flexible transformation are receiving unprecedented attention.
Related companies
CIMC Enric (03899): CIMC Enric is the main business entity of CIMC's energy chemical and liquid food equipment. The company precisely lays out the entire hydrogen energy industry chain. As a leading hydrogen energy equipment provider in China, the company is deeply engaged in hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation, processing and utilization and other hydrogen energy industry chain equipment.
In 2021, CIMC Enric and Norway's Hexagon Purus will carry out strategic cooperation on storage and transportation solutions for compressed hydrogen, and establish a hydrogen energy joint venture, involving production, storage and transportation solutions for type III and IV hydrogen storage cylinders, as well as hydrogen supply production of the system. At the same time, the company and Ansteel Energy Technology Co., Ltd. started the co-production hydrogen project from coke oven gas to liquefied natural gas (LNG), and entered the hydrogen production process, which has the characteristics of large resource potential and low cost.
At the end of 2021, the company's cumulative new orders increased by 50% year-on-year to 21.3 billion yuan, of which the newly signed orders for the hydrogen energy business were 230 million yuan. During the period, the company achieved revenue of 18.42 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 49.9%; core profit was 950 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 61.4%.
A few days ago, CIMC Enric's subsidiary CIMC Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. has also won the bid for the "Pengwan Hydrogen Port Hydrogen Filling Station Container Project" of Shanxi Pengfei Group Co., Ltd. The total contract amount is 1318 million. CIMC Hydrogen, a subsidiary of CIMC Enric, won the bid for the hydrogen filling station in the project, with a filling scale of 14,000Nm3/d (standard cubic meter/day).
In addition, CIMC Enric plans to spin off CIMC Enric and list it on the A-share GEM. It is believed that with the implementation of the spin-off, CIMC Enric's clean energy business and hydrogen energy positioning will be more prominent. Realize value release and give full play to valuation.
Så her er en artikkel om helt nylig offentliggjorte planer for storsatsingen på hydrogen i Kina, fra investing.com Hong Kong.
Torsdag 23.mars 2022 presenterte kinesiske myndigheter planen "Medium and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035)".
I etterkant av en grundig utredning om planen i denne artikkelen (følg link nederst i innlegget) , navngir og skriver investing.com om TO RELEVANTE/RELATERTE SELSKAP og først av disse to Hexagon Purus' kinesiske JV-partner CIMC Enric (gjengitt under). Der finner man da selvsagt også info om samarbeidet med JV-partner Hexagon Purus som jo er intet mindre enn global markedsleder innen lagring og transport av hydrogen, og som man også kan lese, vinnes det allerede signifikante kontrakter...
Hydrogen energy takes a "ride"
March 25, 2022 11:45
Hydrogen is the most widely distributed substance in the universe. Hydrogen energy is an important part of the modern energy system. It is an ideal choice for China to get rid of fossil energy dependence and ensure energy security. With the proposal of the "dual carbon" goal, the pace of energy transformation has been further accelerated around carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The advantages of hydrogen energy with high calorific value, low pollution, wide sources and flexible transformation are receiving unprecedented attention.
Related companies
CIMC Enric (03899): CIMC Enric is the main business entity of CIMC's energy chemical and liquid food equipment. The company precisely lays out the entire hydrogen energy industry chain. As a leading hydrogen energy equipment provider in China, the company is deeply engaged in hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation, processing and utilization and other hydrogen energy industry chain equipment.
In 2021, CIMC Enric and Norway's Hexagon Purus will carry out strategic cooperation on storage and transportation solutions for compressed hydrogen, and establish a hydrogen energy joint venture, involving production, storage and transportation solutions for type III and IV hydrogen storage cylinders, as well as hydrogen supply production of the system. At the same time, the company and Ansteel Energy Technology Co., Ltd. started the co-production hydrogen project from coke oven gas to liquefied natural gas (LNG), and entered the hydrogen production process, which has the characteristics of large resource potential and low cost.
At the end of 2021, the company's cumulative new orders increased by 50% year-on-year to 21.3 billion yuan, of which the newly signed orders for the hydrogen energy business were 230 million yuan. During the period, the company achieved revenue of 18.42 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 49.9%; core profit was 950 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 61.4%.
A few days ago, CIMC Enric's subsidiary CIMC Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. has also won the bid for the "Pengwan Hydrogen Port Hydrogen Filling Station Container Project" of Shanxi Pengfei Group Co., Ltd. The total contract amount is 1318 million. CIMC Hydrogen, a subsidiary of CIMC Enric, won the bid for the hydrogen filling station in the project, with a filling scale of 14,000Nm3/d (standard cubic meter/day).
In addition, CIMC Enric plans to spin off CIMC Enric and list it on the A-share GEM. It is believed that with the implementation of the spin-off, CIMC Enric's clean energy business and hydrogen energy positioning will be more prominent. Realize value release and give full play to valuation.
Redigert 28.03.2022 kl 12:32
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Rect Angel
29.03.2022 kl 22:17
Gårsdagens store nyhet omtales jo selvfølglig også i Kina. Og her er det ytterligere info, av det oppmuntrende slaget.
Liker jo å grave og skal grave mer i dette, men har allerede funnet ut at den fysiske plasseringen til den nye fabrikken til CIMC - HEXAGON er alt annet enn tilfeldig. Ikke minst kommer det nemlig frem samarbeid med 'hydrogen fuel cell Baoding' som ligger i nærheten av den nye fabrikken. Ble nysgjerrig og lurte på hva Baoding er for noe. Hva jeg fant, kan man lese etter artikkelen fra eastmoney.com som jeg gjengir her.
CIMC's joint venture will start construction of high-pressure hydrogen cylinder production line in the second quarter
March 29, 2022 08:35
Author: Shina Source: Shanghai Securities News China Securities Network
On March 28, CIMC GroupCIMC Enric and Hexagon Purus ' hydrogen energy joint venture, CIMC Enric Hydrogen Energy Development Co., Ltd. ("CIMC"), signed an investment agreement with the Luancheng District Government of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province ("Luancheng District Government") Settlement agreement and will start construction of a hydrogen cylinder production line in Shijiazhuang in the second quarter of 2022. The product portfolio will include hydrogen cylinders and hydrogen supply systems for road vehicles, railways and marine applications.
It is understood that this Shijiazhuang plant mainly builds new composite hydrogen cylinders, hydrogen supply systems and production lines for hydrogen cylinders used in the transportation field. The benchmark for highly automated production facilities for composite high-pressure hydrogen cylinders of 35Mpa and above (including 70Mpa) for the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets. The Luancheng District Government of Shijiazhuang City promised to strongly support the development of CIMC's local business and provide various kinds of support.
Shijiazhuang City is the capital of Hebei Province and one of the important cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic circle, adjacent to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei hydrogen fuel cellBaoding, one of the automobile demonstration city clusters. Benefiting from these geographical advantages, the joint venture will be able to actively participate in the demonstration urban agglomeration, and provide high-pressure hydrogen cylinders and integrated hydrogen supply system equipment for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in different scenarios such as urban construction logistics, long-distance transportation, and suburban passenger transportation.
The "Medium and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035)" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission on March 23 proposed that hydrogen energy should be regarded as an important part of the national energy system, and emphasized the orderly promotion of demonstration applications in the transportation field, including key promotions. The application of hydrogen fuel cells in medium and heavy vehicles and the active exploration of the application of fuel cells in ships and other fields have continuously increased the market size of hydrogen energy applications in the transportation field. On the other hand, ASEAN has also announced its determination to make renewable energy account for 23% of the total energy structure and 35% of the power structure by 2025, and will also equip hydrogen energy-related applications Provide a broad market space.
Yang Xiaohu, Executive Director and General Manager of CIMC Enric , said: "For more than 20 years, Shijiazhuang has been the production base of CIMC Enric 's intelligent manufacturing and the cradle of our hydrogen business development. We believe that in the local government With the strong support of CIMC, the development of CIMC will embark on the fast lane of modernization and intelligent development, providing safe, high-standard and rich high-pressure hydrogen cylinder product portfolios and mobile transportation equipment and The overall solution, actively participate in the hydrogen energy city demonstration group, and help the development of the national hydrogen energy industry chain."
Morten Holum, CEO of Hexagon Purus, said: "As part of our global expansion plan, CIMC will become a high-quality and highly automated manufacturing center for high-pressure composite hydrogen cylinders and systems in China and Southeast Asia. We are optimistic about the development of hydrogen energy in China and Southeast Asia. We look forward to contributing to the local green transportation and becoming a reliable supplier of advanced technology.”
Så tilbake til Boading. I Baoding, nær den nye fabrikken CIMC - HEXAGON skal bygge, ligger intet mindre enn Kinas mest avanserte Hydrogen Teknologi Senter som vi, i artikkelen gjengitt over, altså får vite at CIM - HEXAGON skal samarbeide med! Lukter 'rett i koppen' lang vei dette for Hexagon Purus, Kina, ledet av Urs Laeuppi som inntok sjefsstolen i Hexagon Purus, Kina i fjor, etter å ha bekledd diverse lederstillinger i Daimler, Kina de 7 foregående årene.
Advanced Hydrogen Technology Center In Baoding, North China
In between 2016 and 2018, the Hynergy team has contributed to the planning, execution and commissioning of China’s most advanced Hydrogen Technology Center, located in Baoding, North-West China.
The Center comprises Prototyping and Testing facilities for almost all the value chain of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV):
Prototyping facilities:
Fuel Cell MEA, Single Cell, Stack, System
Hydrogen Storage Vessel (Type 3 and Type 4)
Hydrogen Storage Components (Valves & Regulators)
Fuel Cell Electric Drive Integration
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Trial Manufacturing
Testing facilities:
Fuel Cell MEA, Single Cell, Short Stack, Full Stack, Air Compressor, Recirculation, Humidification, Full Fuel Cell Systems
Hydrogen Storage Vessel Hydraulic & Gas Cycling, Valve and Regulator Testing
Fuel Cell Drive System Performance & Durability Testing
The Center is in ownership of Great Wall Motors and started acting as a nationwide Technology Service Center in 2019.
The Hynergy Engineering team is proud to have initiated, planned and supported the construction, equipment sourcing and commissioning process of this unique Hydrogen Technology Center.
Slik sluttet forøvrig noen peers/hydrogenaksjer jeg følger i USA i dag:
Plug Power Inc: +5.59%
Fuel Cell Enwrgy Inc: +2.13%
Ballard Power Systems Inc: +5.59%%
Bloom Energy Corp: +5.47%
Nikola: +8.94%
Liker jo å grave og skal grave mer i dette, men har allerede funnet ut at den fysiske plasseringen til den nye fabrikken til CIMC - HEXAGON er alt annet enn tilfeldig. Ikke minst kommer det nemlig frem samarbeid med 'hydrogen fuel cell Baoding' som ligger i nærheten av den nye fabrikken. Ble nysgjerrig og lurte på hva Baoding er for noe. Hva jeg fant, kan man lese etter artikkelen fra eastmoney.com som jeg gjengir her.
CIMC's joint venture will start construction of high-pressure hydrogen cylinder production line in the second quarter
March 29, 2022 08:35
Author: Shina Source: Shanghai Securities News China Securities Network
On March 28, CIMC GroupCIMC Enric and Hexagon Purus ' hydrogen energy joint venture, CIMC Enric Hydrogen Energy Development Co., Ltd. ("CIMC"), signed an investment agreement with the Luancheng District Government of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province ("Luancheng District Government") Settlement agreement and will start construction of a hydrogen cylinder production line in Shijiazhuang in the second quarter of 2022. The product portfolio will include hydrogen cylinders and hydrogen supply systems for road vehicles, railways and marine applications.
It is understood that this Shijiazhuang plant mainly builds new composite hydrogen cylinders, hydrogen supply systems and production lines for hydrogen cylinders used in the transportation field. The benchmark for highly automated production facilities for composite high-pressure hydrogen cylinders of 35Mpa and above (including 70Mpa) for the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets. The Luancheng District Government of Shijiazhuang City promised to strongly support the development of CIMC's local business and provide various kinds of support.
Shijiazhuang City is the capital of Hebei Province and one of the important cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic circle, adjacent to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei hydrogen fuel cellBaoding, one of the automobile demonstration city clusters. Benefiting from these geographical advantages, the joint venture will be able to actively participate in the demonstration urban agglomeration, and provide high-pressure hydrogen cylinders and integrated hydrogen supply system equipment for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in different scenarios such as urban construction logistics, long-distance transportation, and suburban passenger transportation.
The "Medium and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035)" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission on March 23 proposed that hydrogen energy should be regarded as an important part of the national energy system, and emphasized the orderly promotion of demonstration applications in the transportation field, including key promotions. The application of hydrogen fuel cells in medium and heavy vehicles and the active exploration of the application of fuel cells in ships and other fields have continuously increased the market size of hydrogen energy applications in the transportation field. On the other hand, ASEAN has also announced its determination to make renewable energy account for 23% of the total energy structure and 35% of the power structure by 2025, and will also equip hydrogen energy-related applications Provide a broad market space.
Yang Xiaohu, Executive Director and General Manager of CIMC Enric , said: "For more than 20 years, Shijiazhuang has been the production base of CIMC Enric 's intelligent manufacturing and the cradle of our hydrogen business development. We believe that in the local government With the strong support of CIMC, the development of CIMC will embark on the fast lane of modernization and intelligent development, providing safe, high-standard and rich high-pressure hydrogen cylinder product portfolios and mobile transportation equipment and The overall solution, actively participate in the hydrogen energy city demonstration group, and help the development of the national hydrogen energy industry chain."
Morten Holum, CEO of Hexagon Purus, said: "As part of our global expansion plan, CIMC will become a high-quality and highly automated manufacturing center for high-pressure composite hydrogen cylinders and systems in China and Southeast Asia. We are optimistic about the development of hydrogen energy in China and Southeast Asia. We look forward to contributing to the local green transportation and becoming a reliable supplier of advanced technology.”
Så tilbake til Boading. I Baoding, nær den nye fabrikken CIMC - HEXAGON skal bygge, ligger intet mindre enn Kinas mest avanserte Hydrogen Teknologi Senter som vi, i artikkelen gjengitt over, altså får vite at CIM - HEXAGON skal samarbeide med! Lukter 'rett i koppen' lang vei dette for Hexagon Purus, Kina, ledet av Urs Laeuppi som inntok sjefsstolen i Hexagon Purus, Kina i fjor, etter å ha bekledd diverse lederstillinger i Daimler, Kina de 7 foregående årene.
Advanced Hydrogen Technology Center In Baoding, North China
In between 2016 and 2018, the Hynergy team has contributed to the planning, execution and commissioning of China’s most advanced Hydrogen Technology Center, located in Baoding, North-West China.
The Center comprises Prototyping and Testing facilities for almost all the value chain of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV):
Prototyping facilities:
Fuel Cell MEA, Single Cell, Stack, System
Hydrogen Storage Vessel (Type 3 and Type 4)
Hydrogen Storage Components (Valves & Regulators)
Fuel Cell Electric Drive Integration
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Trial Manufacturing
Testing facilities:
Fuel Cell MEA, Single Cell, Short Stack, Full Stack, Air Compressor, Recirculation, Humidification, Full Fuel Cell Systems
Hydrogen Storage Vessel Hydraulic & Gas Cycling, Valve and Regulator Testing
Fuel Cell Drive System Performance & Durability Testing
The Center is in ownership of Great Wall Motors and started acting as a nationwide Technology Service Center in 2019.
The Hynergy Engineering team is proud to have initiated, planned and supported the construction, equipment sourcing and commissioning process of this unique Hydrogen Technology Center.
Slik sluttet forøvrig noen peers/hydrogenaksjer jeg følger i USA i dag:
Plug Power Inc: +5.59%
Fuel Cell Enwrgy Inc: +2.13%
Ballard Power Systems Inc: +5.59%%
Bloom Energy Corp: +5.47%
Nikola: +8.94%
Redigert 29.03.2022 kl 23:00
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Rect Angel
30.03.2022 kl 11:03
Bilder fra det seremonielle når avtalen undertegnes. Ikke småtterier.
Tror ikke man skal undervurdere hvilken betydning og medvind det innebærer å ha myndighetenes drahjelp og uforbeholdne støtte i ryggen som her. Prestisjeprosjekt dette! Ikke som i Norge liksom der Støre og Vestre prater som 'en dual Niagarafoss' om satsing på hydrogen 'doing nothing'. :)
Så garantert ikke tilfeldig at denne avtalen signeres og presenteres med seremoni, brask og bram samtidig som kinesiske myndigheter presenterer sin store plan for satsing på hydrogen 2021 - 2034.
Stort og et gedigent potensial i dette, for Hexagon Group, tenker jeg.
CEO Urs Laeuppi i Hexagon Purus, Kina viser frem den signerte avtalen til fotografene på bildet nederst t.h.
Tror ikke man skal undervurdere hvilken betydning og medvind det innebærer å ha myndighetenes drahjelp og uforbeholdne støtte i ryggen som her. Prestisjeprosjekt dette! Ikke som i Norge liksom der Støre og Vestre prater som 'en dual Niagarafoss' om satsing på hydrogen 'doing nothing'. :)
Så garantert ikke tilfeldig at denne avtalen signeres og presenteres med seremoni, brask og bram samtidig som kinesiske myndigheter presenterer sin store plan for satsing på hydrogen 2021 - 2034.
Stort og et gedigent potensial i dette, for Hexagon Group, tenker jeg.
CEO Urs Laeuppi i Hexagon Purus, Kina viser frem den signerte avtalen til fotografene på bildet nederst t.h.
Redigert 30.03.2022 kl 15:59
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Rect Angel
06.05.2022 kl 08:23
Da er det allerede i gang... Eventyret i 'det fjerne Østen'... Big wheels in motion... CIMC-HEXAGON! Bare å merke seg navnet... Og tirsdag avholder Hexagon Purus Capital Markets Day.
CIMC-HEXAGON signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Bravo Transport Services to develop hydrogen storage cylinder systems for hydrogen fuel-cell double decker buses in Hong Kong
May 06, 2022 01:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
CIMC-HEXAGON, a joint-venture company of CIMC Enric and Hexagon Purus producing hydrogen cylinder and systems solutions for mobility applications in China and Southeast Asia, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) with Hong Kong-based bus operator Bravo Transport Services (“Bravo”), which serves more than 1 million passenger trips each day in Hong Kong with its fleet of more than 1,700 transit buses, the majority of which are double decker buses.
The initial scope of the MoU is for CIMC-HEXAGON to provide a Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinder system for the first fuel-cell double decker bus in Hong Kong with scheduled delivery in July 2022. In parallel, and subject to relevant approval from local authorities, Bravo and CIMC-HEXAGON will work together to develop more fuel-cell double decker buses for trial in Hong Kong.
Beyond the initial phase, Bravo and CIMC-HEXAGON intend to continue working together to develop safe and high-performance Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinder systems to support the substitution of Bravo’s existing fleet of double decker buses with zero-emission solutions to support Hong Kong Government’s 2050 carbon neutrality goal.
The final agreement to provide Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinder systems for further prototypes and serial production to Bravo’s development and subsequent replacement of the existing double decker fleet in Hong Kong is subject to certain terms and conditions.
Driving Energy Transformation
“We believe that hydrogen fuel cell technology is a viable alternative for Hong Kong’s operating environment. We are excited to hear about the government’s plan to test hydrogen bus technology and we believe that we are well-positioned to assist in this project given our previous international operating experience of this technology and our new partnership”, a spokesperson for Bravo Transport said.
“The agreement with Bravo to develop hydrogen fuel systems represents an important milestone for CIMC-HEXAGON and confirms our globally leading position as supplier of Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinder systems for transit buses”, says Urs Laeuppi, CEO Hexagon Purus China & Southeast Asia and CIMC-Hexagon Hydrogen Energy Technologies Ltd. “We see an increasing demand for hydrogen fuel-cell transit buses in Asia, and we are excited to collaborate with Bravo to support the rollout of zero-emission transit double decker buses in Hong Kong”.
“Large fleet customers require solutions from the distribution and filling systems for hydrogen to safe, efficient and economic storage of this emission-free fuel for on road vehicles, trains and marine vessels” says Beverly Yang, General Manager of CIMC Hydrogen & Deputy General Manager of CIMC Enric. “Our JV CIMC-HEXAGON in cooperation with CIMC Hydrogen are in the unique position to provide the full solution”.
About the market
Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 sets out the vision of “Zero-Carbon Emission – Liveable City – Sustainable Development” and outlines the strategies and targets for combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality with hydrogen playing a pivotal role in that transition.
The transportation sector is accountable for about 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing emissions from this sector and other “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in the transportation sector is critical to reduce carbon emissions.
As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, over USD 70 billion in government funding is committed to hydrogen investments, 500 large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced by the industry to date and green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.
For more information:
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
About Bravo Transportation Services Limited
Citybus and New World First Bus are owned by Bravo Transport Services and are committed to improving the quality of life for the citizens of Hong Kong that we serve and providing safe and reliable bus services. The company employs over 5,000 staff, operates over 1,700 buses across Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories and carries over 1m customers per day. Bravo Transport has an industry leading bus fleet with most of the buses operating franchised public bus services operating at Euro5 or above.
About CIMC Enric and CIMC Hydrogen
Founded in 2004, CIMC Enric Holdings Limited has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 2005. The Company is affiliate to China International Marine Container (Group) Ltd. (“CIMC”) and is principally engaged in transportation, storage and processing equipment that is widely used for the clean energy, chemical and environmental and liquid food industries. CIMC Enric has been a leading integrated service provider and key equipment manufacturer in the industry. The Company is among the world’s top players in both production and sales of ISO liquid tanks as well as high-pressure gas storage and transport vehicles. It is among China’s top players in the market of cryogenic transport vehicles and cryogenic storage tanks and among top three in terms of domestic market shares for large storage tanks for LNG receiving stations, modular products for LNG refueling stations. CIMC Enric has built a global marketing network and owns over 20 subsidiaries located in China, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom and Canada that operate production bases and internationally advanced R&D centers.
CIMC Hydrogen is a fully owned subsidiary of CIMC Enric that primary engaged in Hydrogen equipment manufacture and related integrated services solutions, its hydrogen business roadmap covers hydrogen production, storage & distribution, refueling station and hydrogen application products.
For more information, please visit www.enricgroup.com
About Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders, battery packs and vehicle systems integration for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus enables zero emission solutions for light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on LinkedIn and Twitter.
CIMC-HEXAGON signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Bravo Transport Services to develop hydrogen storage cylinder systems for hydrogen fuel-cell double decker buses in Hong Kong
May 06, 2022 01:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
CIMC-HEXAGON, a joint-venture company of CIMC Enric and Hexagon Purus producing hydrogen cylinder and systems solutions for mobility applications in China and Southeast Asia, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) with Hong Kong-based bus operator Bravo Transport Services (“Bravo”), which serves more than 1 million passenger trips each day in Hong Kong with its fleet of more than 1,700 transit buses, the majority of which are double decker buses.
The initial scope of the MoU is for CIMC-HEXAGON to provide a Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinder system for the first fuel-cell double decker bus in Hong Kong with scheduled delivery in July 2022. In parallel, and subject to relevant approval from local authorities, Bravo and CIMC-HEXAGON will work together to develop more fuel-cell double decker buses for trial in Hong Kong.
Beyond the initial phase, Bravo and CIMC-HEXAGON intend to continue working together to develop safe and high-performance Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinder systems to support the substitution of Bravo’s existing fleet of double decker buses with zero-emission solutions to support Hong Kong Government’s 2050 carbon neutrality goal.
The final agreement to provide Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinder systems for further prototypes and serial production to Bravo’s development and subsequent replacement of the existing double decker fleet in Hong Kong is subject to certain terms and conditions.
Driving Energy Transformation
“We believe that hydrogen fuel cell technology is a viable alternative for Hong Kong’s operating environment. We are excited to hear about the government’s plan to test hydrogen bus technology and we believe that we are well-positioned to assist in this project given our previous international operating experience of this technology and our new partnership”, a spokesperson for Bravo Transport said.
“The agreement with Bravo to develop hydrogen fuel systems represents an important milestone for CIMC-HEXAGON and confirms our globally leading position as supplier of Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinder systems for transit buses”, says Urs Laeuppi, CEO Hexagon Purus China & Southeast Asia and CIMC-Hexagon Hydrogen Energy Technologies Ltd. “We see an increasing demand for hydrogen fuel-cell transit buses in Asia, and we are excited to collaborate with Bravo to support the rollout of zero-emission transit double decker buses in Hong Kong”.
“Large fleet customers require solutions from the distribution and filling systems for hydrogen to safe, efficient and economic storage of this emission-free fuel for on road vehicles, trains and marine vessels” says Beverly Yang, General Manager of CIMC Hydrogen & Deputy General Manager of CIMC Enric. “Our JV CIMC-HEXAGON in cooperation with CIMC Hydrogen are in the unique position to provide the full solution”.
About the market
Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 sets out the vision of “Zero-Carbon Emission – Liveable City – Sustainable Development” and outlines the strategies and targets for combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality with hydrogen playing a pivotal role in that transition.
The transportation sector is accountable for about 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing emissions from this sector and other “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in the transportation sector is critical to reduce carbon emissions.
As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, over USD 70 billion in government funding is committed to hydrogen investments, 500 large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced by the industry to date and green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.
For more information:
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
About Bravo Transportation Services Limited
Citybus and New World First Bus are owned by Bravo Transport Services and are committed to improving the quality of life for the citizens of Hong Kong that we serve and providing safe and reliable bus services. The company employs over 5,000 staff, operates over 1,700 buses across Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories and carries over 1m customers per day. Bravo Transport has an industry leading bus fleet with most of the buses operating franchised public bus services operating at Euro5 or above.
About CIMC Enric and CIMC Hydrogen
Founded in 2004, CIMC Enric Holdings Limited has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 2005. The Company is affiliate to China International Marine Container (Group) Ltd. (“CIMC”) and is principally engaged in transportation, storage and processing equipment that is widely used for the clean energy, chemical and environmental and liquid food industries. CIMC Enric has been a leading integrated service provider and key equipment manufacturer in the industry. The Company is among the world’s top players in both production and sales of ISO liquid tanks as well as high-pressure gas storage and transport vehicles. It is among China’s top players in the market of cryogenic transport vehicles and cryogenic storage tanks and among top three in terms of domestic market shares for large storage tanks for LNG receiving stations, modular products for LNG refueling stations. CIMC Enric has built a global marketing network and owns over 20 subsidiaries located in China, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom and Canada that operate production bases and internationally advanced R&D centers.
CIMC Hydrogen is a fully owned subsidiary of CIMC Enric that primary engaged in Hydrogen equipment manufacture and related integrated services solutions, its hydrogen business roadmap covers hydrogen production, storage & distribution, refueling station and hydrogen application products.
For more information, please visit www.enricgroup.com
About Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders, battery packs and vehicle systems integration for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus enables zero emission solutions for light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, maritime, rail and aerospace.
Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Redigert 06.05.2022 kl 08:25
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Rect Angel
06.05.2022 kl 08:30
Glemte link (kan ikke redigere inn i forrige innlegg da det er for langt). Her er den:
Rect Angel
06.05.2022 kl 12:01
Her skal det satses! Mer bakgrunnsstoff. Kinesisk artikkel om hydrogensatsingen i Hong Kong, i tilknytning til dagens børsmelding fra Hexagon Purus (se innlegg på denne tråden i dag 08:23).
CIMC Enric (03899.HK) and Shanshui Capital form strategic cooperation to expand hydrogen energy application scenarios
2022/05/06 12:23
CIMC Enric (03899.HK) Announced that it has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Shanshui Capital Group to carry out in-depth cooperation in green hydrogen production, hydrogen refueling, hydrogen use, etc., and actively expand hydrogen energy. Application scenarios: Build Hong Kong's first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus demonstration application and the first hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated hydrogen refueling station demonstration project based on the first demonstration standard to jointly expand Hong Kong's hydrogen energy market and create an overall hydrogen energy transformation for Hong Kong's public transportation. solution.
In this cooperation, CIMC Enric will actively respond to Shanshui Capital's demand for hydrogen fueled buses, airport shuttles, hydrogen refueling stations and other hydrogen energy equipment, and provide high-quality IV-type vehicle-mounted hydrogen storage cylinders and vehicle-mounted hydrogen supply systems. , hydrogen storage tanks and other equipment and integrated solutions. The two parties will cooperate on the first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus IV bottle hydrogen supply system and Hong Kong's first hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated hydrogen refueling station demonstration project, and take this opportunity to obtain the support of the Hong Kong SAR government. , leading the standardization of the hydrogen energy industry in Hong Kong, and will further cooperate in the development of diversified hydrogen energy application scenarios and projects in the future.
In addition, CIMC Enric and Hexagon Purus, the hydrogen energy joint venture company of CIMC Enric, signed a memorandum of understanding with Hong Kong bus operator Huida Transportation. CIMC Enric will initially provide the first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus in Hong Kong. Type IV vehicle-mounted hydrogen storage bottle and hydrogen supply system. At the same time, if the relevant approval from the Hong Kong government is obtained, the two parties will carry out more pilot projects of hydrogen fuel cell double-decker buses.
CIMC Enric (03899.HK) and Shanshui Capital form strategic cooperation to expand hydrogen energy application scenarios
2022/05/06 12:23
CIMC Enric (03899.HK) Announced that it has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Shanshui Capital Group to carry out in-depth cooperation in green hydrogen production, hydrogen refueling, hydrogen use, etc., and actively expand hydrogen energy. Application scenarios: Build Hong Kong's first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus demonstration application and the first hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated hydrogen refueling station demonstration project based on the first demonstration standard to jointly expand Hong Kong's hydrogen energy market and create an overall hydrogen energy transformation for Hong Kong's public transportation. solution.
In this cooperation, CIMC Enric will actively respond to Shanshui Capital's demand for hydrogen fueled buses, airport shuttles, hydrogen refueling stations and other hydrogen energy equipment, and provide high-quality IV-type vehicle-mounted hydrogen storage cylinders and vehicle-mounted hydrogen supply systems. , hydrogen storage tanks and other equipment and integrated solutions. The two parties will cooperate on the first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus IV bottle hydrogen supply system and Hong Kong's first hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated hydrogen refueling station demonstration project, and take this opportunity to obtain the support of the Hong Kong SAR government. , leading the standardization of the hydrogen energy industry in Hong Kong, and will further cooperate in the development of diversified hydrogen energy application scenarios and projects in the future.
In addition, CIMC Enric and Hexagon Purus, the hydrogen energy joint venture company of CIMC Enric, signed a memorandum of understanding with Hong Kong bus operator Huida Transportation. CIMC Enric will initially provide the first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus in Hong Kong. Type IV vehicle-mounted hydrogen storage bottle and hydrogen supply system. At the same time, if the relevant approval from the Hong Kong government is obtained, the two parties will carry out more pilot projects of hydrogen fuel cell double-decker buses.
Redigert 06.05.2022 kl 12:05
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Rect Angel
08.05.2022 kl 18:49
Kan det faktum at Hexagon Purus falt -7.68% på dagen selskapet børsmeldte denne avtalen (fredag 06.05.2022)...
...kanskje vise seg å gå over i historien som en legendarisk kultbegivenhet på Oslo Børs?
For hvis man faktisk ønsker å forstå hvor stort dette er, bør man lese den kinesiske artikkelen jeg poster her (oversatt til engelsk) nøye. Fredagens børsmeldte avtale er nemlig del av en hydrogensatsing fra kinesiske myndigheter sin side som potensielt kan bli hvor stor som helst, ja på grensen til det ufattelige. Full backing fra myndighetshold altså. Ikke bare i Hong Kong, men som man kan lese, innbefatter planene at det som skjer i Hong Kong nå også etterhvert skal kunne projiseres over på og gjennomføres i andre kinesiske storbyer. Og det finnes en del av dem i Kina med sine nær 1.5 milliarder innbyggere...
PS) Artikkelen er altså oversatt til engelsk, men linken under er til den kinesiske originalen slik at man selv står fritt til å oversette til det språk man eventuelt ønsker
PS2) Disse nyhetene er etter min mening så signifikante og viktige for Hexagon Group at jeg poster dette innlegget på to Purus-tråder. Så det finnes dermed også her på denne tråden:
CIMC Enric and Shanshui Capital cooperate to create an overall solution for hydrogen energy in Hong Kong's public transportation
Polaris Hydrogen Energy Network Source: CIMC Enric 2022/5/7 9:20:15
On May 6, CIMC Enric and Shanshui Capital Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement to carry out in-depth cooperation in green hydrogen production, hydrogen refueling, hydrogen use and other links, and actively expand the application scenarios of hydrogen energy . Build Hong Kong's first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus demonstration application and the first hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated hydrogen refueling station demonstration project based on the first demonstration standard, jointly expand Hong Kong's hydrogen energy market, and create an overall solution for Hong Kong's public transportation hydrogen energy.
In this cooperation, CIMC Enric will actively respond to Shanshui Capital's demand for hydrogen energy equipment such as hydrogen fuel buses, airport shuttles, and hydrogen refueling stations, and provide high-quality IV-type vehicle-mounted hydrogen storage bottles and vehicle-mounted hydrogen supply. systems, hydrogen storage tanks and other equipment and integrated solutions. Recently, the two parties will cooperate on the first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus IV bottle hydrogen supply system and Hong Kong's first hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated hydrogen refueling station demonstration project, and take this opportunity to obtain support from the Hong Kong SAR government. Lead the standardization of the hydrogen energy industry in Hong Kong, and will further cooperate in the development of diversified hydrogen energy application scenarios and projects.
It is understood that the "Hong Kong Climate Action Blueprint 2050" puts forward the vision of "zero carbon emissions, green and livable, sustainable development", and outlines Hong Kong's strategies and goals for addressing climate change and achieving carbon neutrality, and hydrogen energy plays a role in it. plays a key role. The Hong Kong SAR government has previously stated that it will invest about HK$240 billion in the next 20 years to implement various measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, including actively promoting various electric and other new energy public The development of transportation and commercial vehicles, in cooperation with franchised bus companies to pilot buses powered by hydrogen fuel cells, with a view to establishing a more specific future route and timetable for the use of new energy transportation in 2025.
Statistics show that there are currently about 580,000 private cars and 150,000 commercial vehicles in Hong Kong. The carbon emissions of these commercial vehicles are equivalent to 2.7 times the overall carbon emissions of private cars. The overall market potential of hydrogen energy replacement in commercial vehicles such as transportation will be considerable.
Mr. Yang Xiaohu, Executive Director and General Manager of CIMC Enric, said: "I am very pleased to join hands with Shanshui Capital to provide hydrogen energy equipment and comprehensive zero-carbon solutions for the entire industry chain, and to undertake the construction of the first integrated hydrogen production and hydrogenation in Hong Kong. Starting from the hydrogen refueling station, we will jointly build a hydrogen energy demonstration chain for the whole industry chain of green hydrogen production, hydrogen refueling and hydrogen use in Hong Kong, leading the hydrogen energy industry standard in the Hong Kong market and contributing to Hong Kong's carbon neutral vision."
Zhang Yiren, the founding partner and CEO of Shanshui Capital, said: "Investment in carbon emission reduction has always been an important strategic direction of Shanshui Capital. As an international asset management company, Shanshui Capital will invest in a global scale. A hydrogen energy high-tech company, it has implemented its world-leading technology in mainland China and Hong Kong. We have been actively working with the Hong Kong SAR government to jointly promote the application of hydrogen energy in the field of transportation. We are convinced that CIMC, the leader in clean energy On the basis of the comprehensive cooperation between Enric and Shanshui Capital on the carbon emission reduction strategy, we have made sufficient preparations to promote the hydrogen energy market and zero-carbon transportation business in Hong Kong, help Hong Kong achieve the carbon neutrality goal as soon as possible, and in the future This experience extends to more regions.”
The hydrogen energy joint venture between CIMC Enric and Hexagon Purus focuses on providing transportation hydrogen storage bottles and hydrogen supply system solutions for China and Southeast Asia. Health”), and signed a memorandum of understanding with Hong Kong bus operator Huida Transportation. According to the memorandum of understanding, CIMC SCO will initially provide Type IV on-board hydrogen storage cylinders and hydrogen supply systems (referred to as "Type IV cylinder hydrogen supply systems") for the first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus in Hong Kong. At the same time, if the relevant approval from the Hong Kong government is obtained, the two parties will carry out more pilot hydrogen fuel cell double-decker buses.
...kanskje vise seg å gå over i historien som en legendarisk kultbegivenhet på Oslo Børs?
For hvis man faktisk ønsker å forstå hvor stort dette er, bør man lese den kinesiske artikkelen jeg poster her (oversatt til engelsk) nøye. Fredagens børsmeldte avtale er nemlig del av en hydrogensatsing fra kinesiske myndigheter sin side som potensielt kan bli hvor stor som helst, ja på grensen til det ufattelige. Full backing fra myndighetshold altså. Ikke bare i Hong Kong, men som man kan lese, innbefatter planene at det som skjer i Hong Kong nå også etterhvert skal kunne projiseres over på og gjennomføres i andre kinesiske storbyer. Og det finnes en del av dem i Kina med sine nær 1.5 milliarder innbyggere...
PS) Artikkelen er altså oversatt til engelsk, men linken under er til den kinesiske originalen slik at man selv står fritt til å oversette til det språk man eventuelt ønsker
PS2) Disse nyhetene er etter min mening så signifikante og viktige for Hexagon Group at jeg poster dette innlegget på to Purus-tråder. Så det finnes dermed også her på denne tråden:
CIMC Enric and Shanshui Capital cooperate to create an overall solution for hydrogen energy in Hong Kong's public transportation
Polaris Hydrogen Energy Network Source: CIMC Enric 2022/5/7 9:20:15
On May 6, CIMC Enric and Shanshui Capital Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement to carry out in-depth cooperation in green hydrogen production, hydrogen refueling, hydrogen use and other links, and actively expand the application scenarios of hydrogen energy . Build Hong Kong's first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus demonstration application and the first hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated hydrogen refueling station demonstration project based on the first demonstration standard, jointly expand Hong Kong's hydrogen energy market, and create an overall solution for Hong Kong's public transportation hydrogen energy.
In this cooperation, CIMC Enric will actively respond to Shanshui Capital's demand for hydrogen energy equipment such as hydrogen fuel buses, airport shuttles, and hydrogen refueling stations, and provide high-quality IV-type vehicle-mounted hydrogen storage bottles and vehicle-mounted hydrogen supply. systems, hydrogen storage tanks and other equipment and integrated solutions. Recently, the two parties will cooperate on the first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus IV bottle hydrogen supply system and Hong Kong's first hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated hydrogen refueling station demonstration project, and take this opportunity to obtain support from the Hong Kong SAR government. Lead the standardization of the hydrogen energy industry in Hong Kong, and will further cooperate in the development of diversified hydrogen energy application scenarios and projects.
It is understood that the "Hong Kong Climate Action Blueprint 2050" puts forward the vision of "zero carbon emissions, green and livable, sustainable development", and outlines Hong Kong's strategies and goals for addressing climate change and achieving carbon neutrality, and hydrogen energy plays a role in it. plays a key role. The Hong Kong SAR government has previously stated that it will invest about HK$240 billion in the next 20 years to implement various measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, including actively promoting various electric and other new energy public The development of transportation and commercial vehicles, in cooperation with franchised bus companies to pilot buses powered by hydrogen fuel cells, with a view to establishing a more specific future route and timetable for the use of new energy transportation in 2025.
Statistics show that there are currently about 580,000 private cars and 150,000 commercial vehicles in Hong Kong. The carbon emissions of these commercial vehicles are equivalent to 2.7 times the overall carbon emissions of private cars. The overall market potential of hydrogen energy replacement in commercial vehicles such as transportation will be considerable.
Mr. Yang Xiaohu, Executive Director and General Manager of CIMC Enric, said: "I am very pleased to join hands with Shanshui Capital to provide hydrogen energy equipment and comprehensive zero-carbon solutions for the entire industry chain, and to undertake the construction of the first integrated hydrogen production and hydrogenation in Hong Kong. Starting from the hydrogen refueling station, we will jointly build a hydrogen energy demonstration chain for the whole industry chain of green hydrogen production, hydrogen refueling and hydrogen use in Hong Kong, leading the hydrogen energy industry standard in the Hong Kong market and contributing to Hong Kong's carbon neutral vision."
Zhang Yiren, the founding partner and CEO of Shanshui Capital, said: "Investment in carbon emission reduction has always been an important strategic direction of Shanshui Capital. As an international asset management company, Shanshui Capital will invest in a global scale. A hydrogen energy high-tech company, it has implemented its world-leading technology in mainland China and Hong Kong. We have been actively working with the Hong Kong SAR government to jointly promote the application of hydrogen energy in the field of transportation. We are convinced that CIMC, the leader in clean energy On the basis of the comprehensive cooperation between Enric and Shanshui Capital on the carbon emission reduction strategy, we have made sufficient preparations to promote the hydrogen energy market and zero-carbon transportation business in Hong Kong, help Hong Kong achieve the carbon neutrality goal as soon as possible, and in the future This experience extends to more regions.”
The hydrogen energy joint venture between CIMC Enric and Hexagon Purus focuses on providing transportation hydrogen storage bottles and hydrogen supply system solutions for China and Southeast Asia. Health”), and signed a memorandum of understanding with Hong Kong bus operator Huida Transportation. According to the memorandum of understanding, CIMC SCO will initially provide Type IV on-board hydrogen storage cylinders and hydrogen supply systems (referred to as "Type IV cylinder hydrogen supply systems") for the first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus in Hong Kong. At the same time, if the relevant approval from the Hong Kong government is obtained, the two parties will carry out more pilot hydrogen fuel cell double-decker buses.