2022 EMTN Prospectus - Is Tilapia II Work Started ?
Report Dated 17th March for Bondholders.
Look like there is understanding between Congolese Government and Zenith, Work already started towards drilling campaign as Zenith invested an initial GBP 250,000 out of USD 2.2 Million from Zenith + ($5.7million loan) required to complete the well.
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Action required in the Republic of the Congo:
1. Collection of the outstanding amount of USD 5.7 million from SNPC by AAOG Congo. The Issuer and SNPC are in discussions in order to settle this issue and all capital expenditure will be deferred until the proceeds are received.
2. Upon the award of the Congo Licence II: completion of the drilling of the Tilapia II well. The previous owner of the Tilapia II oilfield completed the drilling well at 80 per cent. Geological studies affirmed that by expanding the completion level to 100 per cent a considerable additional oil production can be expected. The respective costs amount to a total of approximately USD 5 million.
The Group intends to invest an additional amount of USD 2.2 million to increase the level of completion of the drilling, i.e. a total of USD 7.2 Million. This expenditure is at the discretion of the Group, is not contracted, and will be conditional on receipt of the receivable set out in item 1 above.
3. The net requirement is therefore approximately USD 1.9 million. An initial GBP 250,000 of which has been allocated from the subscription of new common shares issued on 2 November 2021.
4. The Issuer estimates that the production from the developed well will stand at 2,000 to 2,500 barrels of oil per day.
Look like there is understanding between Congolese Government and Zenith, Work already started towards drilling campaign as Zenith invested an initial GBP 250,000 out of USD 2.2 Million from Zenith + ($5.7million loan) required to complete the well.
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Action required in the Republic of the Congo:
1. Collection of the outstanding amount of USD 5.7 million from SNPC by AAOG Congo. The Issuer and SNPC are in discussions in order to settle this issue and all capital expenditure will be deferred until the proceeds are received.
2. Upon the award of the Congo Licence II: completion of the drilling of the Tilapia II well. The previous owner of the Tilapia II oilfield completed the drilling well at 80 per cent. Geological studies affirmed that by expanding the completion level to 100 per cent a considerable additional oil production can be expected. The respective costs amount to a total of approximately USD 5 million.
The Group intends to invest an additional amount of USD 2.2 million to increase the level of completion of the drilling, i.e. a total of USD 7.2 Million. This expenditure is at the discretion of the Group, is not contracted, and will be conditional on receipt of the receivable set out in item 1 above.
3. The net requirement is therefore approximately USD 1.9 million. An initial GBP 250,000 of which has been allocated from the subscription of new common shares issued on 2 November 2021.
4. The Issuer estimates that the production from the developed well will stand at 2,000 to 2,500 barrels of oil per day.
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29.03.2022 kl 12:36
Tror heller du bør lese hva som virkelig er skrevet av meg, jeg bare spør om det er slik aksjonærene virkelig tror det er, siden så mange stadig selger kursen ned? du bør alltid ha et kritisk blikk på ting som ikke virker normalt og det er all grunn til skepsis omkring aksjekursen i ZENA.
29.03.2022 kl 12:38
Til Iox's fordel er størstedelen av nettoproduksjonen olje, men de har også fått dårligere betalt for oljen enn markedet. Q4 viste at de fikk langt uner markedsprisen i snitt for oljen de solgte
29.03.2022 kl 13:58
Kursen er kun et resultat av trading. Med litt størrelse på potten som kjøpes/selges med spreaden som nå, tjenes det penger. Ikke noe mer mystisk enn det
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