5PG og avtale med NETFLIX
I dag meldes avtale med Netflix, kursen er opp knapt 10% og har en mcap på 140 millioner. Må da være børsens mest undervurderte og underanalysert selskap? Her mener jeg at markedet virkelig sover i timen og ikke har fått med seg meldingen, kursen kunne lett steget 50%+ på denne.
Her er det kommunisert flere avtaler som kan komme når som helst, våkner markedet snart?
Merk også de forskjellige MilestoneWarrants som tilsvarer en median kurs på over 4kr - med andre ord, her må det komme mye snacks..
Det har vært et vakuum på OSE etter selskaper i denne bransjen etter Funcom ble oppkjøpt og 5PG er klar til å ta over tronen.
Selskapet har en latterlig mcap på 140 mill og traderne kan virkelig kjøre et selskap med en så lav mcap, de neste ukene blir ekstremt spennende. Metaverse er det nye store og her kan 5PG dumpe rett opp i dette.
Jeg eier aksjer i selskaper og hver enkelt må lese seg opp selv, dette er ikke en anbefaling til å kjøpe, men en anbefaling til å lese seg opp.
Her er det kommunisert flere avtaler som kan komme når som helst, våkner markedet snart?
Merk også de forskjellige MilestoneWarrants som tilsvarer en median kurs på over 4kr - med andre ord, her må det komme mye snacks..
Det har vært et vakuum på OSE etter selskaper i denne bransjen etter Funcom ble oppkjøpt og 5PG er klar til å ta over tronen.
Selskapet har en latterlig mcap på 140 mill og traderne kan virkelig kjøre et selskap med en så lav mcap, de neste ukene blir ekstremt spennende. Metaverse er det nye store og her kan 5PG dumpe rett opp i dette.
Jeg eier aksjer i selskaper og hver enkelt må lese seg opp selv, dette er ikke en anbefaling til å kjøpe, men en anbefaling til å lese seg opp.
- 1
- 2 »
05.04.2022 kl 10:33
5PG leverer nå elendig tall. Selskapet har ikke levert på flere år! Hva skjedde med Vikings og Lego? De lover og lover, men lite skjer... ligg unna
Nå er årsrapporten sluppet og det vil da være anledning for innsidehandel. Bli ikke overasket om det kommer en børsmelding om dette i løpet av uken.
05.04.2022 kl 10:44
Haha. Ler meg skakk over gjengen her. Om du selger deg ut nå basert på tallene før skybound kom inn så du virkelig vært inne i aksjen på feil grunnlag. God tur videre.
05.04.2022 kl 10:55
Lego og vikings? Snakk om å bo under en stein 😆 du glemte doodle jump😆
Redigert 05.04.2022 kl 11:10
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05.04.2022 kl 11:20
Skybound investment agreement:
The investment agreement with Skybound Games Studios secures an investment of around USD 10.5m over
two years against an ownership of 58.8% (all else being equivalent).
The details from the investment agreement with Skybound Games Studios was announced on 10 August 2021
(approved on general meeting on 7 September 2021) and the main elements are:
Principal Investment Structure – NOK 92,515,500 (equivalent to USD 10.5 million)
The investment structure as set out in the investment agreement, which is contingent on the approval of the
transaction by 5th Planet Games’ shareholders at the general meeting (as defined below) and certain other conditions, will take place in the following four tranches over up to a two-year period (each, a "Tranche"):
- Tranche 1 subscription: Shortly after the eneral meeting, Skybound Games will subscribe for 21,677,765
shares of nominal DKK 0.05 at a subscription price of NOK 0.60968, total NOK 13,216,500 (equivalent to
USD 1,500,000) against cash payment. Tranche 1 has been executed.
- Tranche 2 subscription: No later than 12 May 2022, Skybound Games will subscribe for 36,129,608 shares
of nominal DKK 0.05 at a subscription price of NOK 0.60968, total NOK 22,027,500 (equivalent to USD
2,000,000) against cash payment.
- Tranche 3 subscription: No later than 51 weeks after the general meeting, Skybound Games will subscribe
for 43,355,530 shares of nominal DKK 0.05 at a subscription price of NOK 0.60968, total NOK 26,433,000
(equivalent to USD 3,500,000) against cash payment.
- Tranche 4 subscription and exercise: At the general meeting, Skybound Games will subscribe for 50,581,452
warrants, each warrant entitling Skybound Games to subscribe for 1 share of nominal DKK 0.05, against an
exercise price of NOK 0.60968, total NOK 30,838,500 (equivalent to USD 3,500,000). Skybound Games has
contractually committed to exercising these warrants for a cash payment within 24 months of the general
DocuSign Envelope ID: E162DEE4-D79B-488D-971C-8AE134303E2F
Management’s review
Immediately following the general meeting and the completion of the Tranche 1 subscription, the total number of
issued shares in 5th Planet Games is 127,995,975 and Skybound Games holds 21,677,765 shares in 5th Planet
Games, which is equivalent to 16.94% of the outstanding and issued share capital of 5th Planet Games. This is
also status a per 31 December 2021.
After completion of Tranches 1-4, the total number of shares in 5th Planet Games will, all else being equal, be
258,062,565 and Skybound Games will have subscribed for 151,744,355 shares in 5th Planet Games equivalent to 58.8% of its outstanding and issued share capital, assuming no other changes to the share capital.
All else being equal, following completion of Tranche 2 as set out above, Skybound Games will pass the threshold of 33% ownership as set out in the Danish Capital Markets Act and be obligated to make a mandatory offer
to all shareholders in 5th Planet Games for all issued shares in 5th Planet Games at the same price as in the
Tranche 2 subscription (NOK 0.60968 per share of nominal DKK 0.05).
The investment agreement with Skybound Games Studios secures an investment of around USD 10.5m over
two years against an ownership of 58.8% (all else being equivalent).
The details from the investment agreement with Skybound Games Studios was announced on 10 August 2021
(approved on general meeting on 7 September 2021) and the main elements are:
Principal Investment Structure – NOK 92,515,500 (equivalent to USD 10.5 million)
The investment structure as set out in the investment agreement, which is contingent on the approval of the
transaction by 5th Planet Games’ shareholders at the general meeting (as defined below) and certain other conditions, will take place in the following four tranches over up to a two-year period (each, a "Tranche"):
- Tranche 1 subscription: Shortly after the eneral meeting, Skybound Games will subscribe for 21,677,765
shares of nominal DKK 0.05 at a subscription price of NOK 0.60968, total NOK 13,216,500 (equivalent to
USD 1,500,000) against cash payment. Tranche 1 has been executed.
- Tranche 2 subscription: No later than 12 May 2022, Skybound Games will subscribe for 36,129,608 shares
of nominal DKK 0.05 at a subscription price of NOK 0.60968, total NOK 22,027,500 (equivalent to USD
2,000,000) against cash payment.
- Tranche 3 subscription: No later than 51 weeks after the general meeting, Skybound Games will subscribe
for 43,355,530 shares of nominal DKK 0.05 at a subscription price of NOK 0.60968, total NOK 26,433,000
(equivalent to USD 3,500,000) against cash payment.
- Tranche 4 subscription and exercise: At the general meeting, Skybound Games will subscribe for 50,581,452
warrants, each warrant entitling Skybound Games to subscribe for 1 share of nominal DKK 0.05, against an
exercise price of NOK 0.60968, total NOK 30,838,500 (equivalent to USD 3,500,000). Skybound Games has
contractually committed to exercising these warrants for a cash payment within 24 months of the general
DocuSign Envelope ID: E162DEE4-D79B-488D-971C-8AE134303E2F
Management’s review
Immediately following the general meeting and the completion of the Tranche 1 subscription, the total number of
issued shares in 5th Planet Games is 127,995,975 and Skybound Games holds 21,677,765 shares in 5th Planet
Games, which is equivalent to 16.94% of the outstanding and issued share capital of 5th Planet Games. This is
also status a per 31 December 2021.
After completion of Tranches 1-4, the total number of shares in 5th Planet Games will, all else being equal, be
258,062,565 and Skybound Games will have subscribed for 151,744,355 shares in 5th Planet Games equivalent to 58.8% of its outstanding and issued share capital, assuming no other changes to the share capital.
All else being equal, following completion of Tranche 2 as set out above, Skybound Games will pass the threshold of 33% ownership as set out in the Danish Capital Markets Act and be obligated to make a mandatory offer
to all shareholders in 5th Planet Games for all issued shares in 5th Planet Games at the same price as in the
Tranche 2 subscription (NOK 0.60968 per share of nominal DKK 0.05).
05.04.2022 kl 11:31
Ja, vi som vet hva vi holder på med vet hva som står i avtalene. Et tips er å lese seg opp før man investerer, ikke når man selger seg ut.
Velbevares, noen må ha ting inn med teskje. Skjønner at her er kommentarer fra flere som mangler innsikt på mange områder. Melder meg ut fra denne diskusjonen.
05.04.2022 kl 11:35
Er jo forståelig at det kommer mye svada. Er ikke gøy å se at aksjen er stabil når man selger unna.
05.04.2022 kl 11:35
Da har du vel lest dette også:
Comments to the result of the year:
The result for 2021 has been disappointing.
5th Planet Games did not launch any games in 2021. Development of Vikings was stopped in the summer of
2021 after disappointing soft launch and the Berlin development studio was closed down in the autumn of 2021
where further development of Tintin and Lego was also stopped.
As a consequence of the studio closure, the result from the discontinuing operations is classified on its own line
with a net loss according to IFRS rules. The 2020 figures have been reclassified in the same way. In note 28 a
statement showing both continued, discontinued, and total income is specified.
Revenue in 2021 from continued operations was DKK 4.8m, up from DKK 2.8m in 2020 (continued operations).
Revenue was primarily generated from license income - casino games and royalties from Before Your Eyes.
Research and development costs DKK 4.0m from continued operations compared with DKK 1.2m (continued
operations) includes both internal and external costs related to the development of Vikings and Before Your
Other external expenses from continued operations, which includes administrative salaries, administrative expenses, listing-related costs, etc. accounted for DKK 10.2m in 2021 compared with DKK 6.7m in 2020 (continued operation). The increase is primary due to increased cost regarding salaries, share based salaries and external consulting fees.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E162DEE4-D79B-488D-971C-8AE134303E2F
Management’s review
Financial performance not satisfactory
EBITDA before special items for continued operations was a loss of DKK 9.5m in 2021 (2020: DKK -5.6m for
continuing operations). The increased loss was due to increase in costs.
Special Items was a loss of DKK 5.3m. The amount includes an impairment loss of DKK 4.7m regarding co-productions rights received in connection with Skybound investment agreement. Reference is made to note 12.
Depreciation and amortization for 2021 was DKK 0.3m (2020: DKK 0.0m for continued operations).
Net financials were a profit of DKK 8.4m (2020: DKK -0.7m for continued operations). The financial profit was
mainly exchange rate profit for NOK and USD DKK 0.8m and calculated income from derivative financials instruments of DKK 7.7m. The amount DKK 7.7m is the fair calculated value of Tranche 2-4 from the investment
agreement with Skybound Games Studios. For further explanation reference, please see note 16.
In 2021, 5th Planet Games incurred a loss before tax of DKK 6.7m (2020: loss of DKK 6.3m for continued operations) and a loss from discontinued operations of DKK 9.6 (2020m: loss of DKK10.1m for discontinued operations.
For total operations, the loss before tax was the same DKK 16.3m (2020: DKK 16.4m including discontinued
operations) was incurred.
A net loss for total operations for the year of DKK 16.3m was recorded (2020: net loss of DKK 14.2m including
discontinued operations).
Total assets increased in 2021
Total assets amounted to DKK 28.4m as of 31 December 2021, a DKK 1.0m decrease compared to 31 December 2020 due to decrease of cash position by DKK 10.1m, and a new asset “derivative financials instrument” of
DKK 7.7m. The amount is the calculated fair value of Tranche 2-4 from the Investment agreement with Skybound Game Studios. The amount represents the value the agreement would have had as per 31 December
2021 if Skybound should have subscribed at the exchange rate NOK/DKK and the company’s share price as
per 31 December 2021.
For further explanation reference, please see note 16.
Cash flow negative due to loss of the year
In 2021, the cash flow from operating activities totaled a loss of DKK 17.4m (2020: loss of DKK 7.5m). Cash
flows from financing activities totaled DKK 13.7m (2020: DKK 25.0m). The cash position as of 31 December
2021 amounted to DKK 13.6m (2020: DKK 23.7m).
The group’s equity as of 31 December 2021 was DKK 23.4m (2020: DKK 20.9m). The equity ratio at year-end
was 85% (2020: 76%).
Capital increases issued in 2021
In September 2021, Skybound Games Studios Inc, invested DKK 9.6m (NOK 13.2m) in the company and
21,677,765 new shares were issued to Skybound. Costs related the investment and prospectus etc. amounted
to DKK 2.0m
Comments to the result of the year:
The result for 2021 has been disappointing.
5th Planet Games did not launch any games in 2021. Development of Vikings was stopped in the summer of
2021 after disappointing soft launch and the Berlin development studio was closed down in the autumn of 2021
where further development of Tintin and Lego was also stopped.
As a consequence of the studio closure, the result from the discontinuing operations is classified on its own line
with a net loss according to IFRS rules. The 2020 figures have been reclassified in the same way. In note 28 a
statement showing both continued, discontinued, and total income is specified.
Revenue in 2021 from continued operations was DKK 4.8m, up from DKK 2.8m in 2020 (continued operations).
Revenue was primarily generated from license income - casino games and royalties from Before Your Eyes.
Research and development costs DKK 4.0m from continued operations compared with DKK 1.2m (continued
operations) includes both internal and external costs related to the development of Vikings and Before Your
Other external expenses from continued operations, which includes administrative salaries, administrative expenses, listing-related costs, etc. accounted for DKK 10.2m in 2021 compared with DKK 6.7m in 2020 (continued operation). The increase is primary due to increased cost regarding salaries, share based salaries and external consulting fees.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E162DEE4-D79B-488D-971C-8AE134303E2F
Management’s review
Financial performance not satisfactory
EBITDA before special items for continued operations was a loss of DKK 9.5m in 2021 (2020: DKK -5.6m for
continuing operations). The increased loss was due to increase in costs.
Special Items was a loss of DKK 5.3m. The amount includes an impairment loss of DKK 4.7m regarding co-productions rights received in connection with Skybound investment agreement. Reference is made to note 12.
Depreciation and amortization for 2021 was DKK 0.3m (2020: DKK 0.0m for continued operations).
Net financials were a profit of DKK 8.4m (2020: DKK -0.7m for continued operations). The financial profit was
mainly exchange rate profit for NOK and USD DKK 0.8m and calculated income from derivative financials instruments of DKK 7.7m. The amount DKK 7.7m is the fair calculated value of Tranche 2-4 from the investment
agreement with Skybound Games Studios. For further explanation reference, please see note 16.
In 2021, 5th Planet Games incurred a loss before tax of DKK 6.7m (2020: loss of DKK 6.3m for continued operations) and a loss from discontinued operations of DKK 9.6 (2020m: loss of DKK10.1m for discontinued operations.
For total operations, the loss before tax was the same DKK 16.3m (2020: DKK 16.4m including discontinued
operations) was incurred.
A net loss for total operations for the year of DKK 16.3m was recorded (2020: net loss of DKK 14.2m including
discontinued operations).
Total assets increased in 2021
Total assets amounted to DKK 28.4m as of 31 December 2021, a DKK 1.0m decrease compared to 31 December 2020 due to decrease of cash position by DKK 10.1m, and a new asset “derivative financials instrument” of
DKK 7.7m. The amount is the calculated fair value of Tranche 2-4 from the Investment agreement with Skybound Game Studios. The amount represents the value the agreement would have had as per 31 December
2021 if Skybound should have subscribed at the exchange rate NOK/DKK and the company’s share price as
per 31 December 2021.
For further explanation reference, please see note 16.
Cash flow negative due to loss of the year
In 2021, the cash flow from operating activities totaled a loss of DKK 17.4m (2020: loss of DKK 7.5m). Cash
flows from financing activities totaled DKK 13.7m (2020: DKK 25.0m). The cash position as of 31 December
2021 amounted to DKK 13.6m (2020: DKK 23.7m).
The group’s equity as of 31 December 2021 was DKK 23.4m (2020: DKK 20.9m). The equity ratio at year-end
was 85% (2020: 76%).
Capital increases issued in 2021
In September 2021, Skybound Games Studios Inc, invested DKK 9.6m (NOK 13.2m) in the company and
21,677,765 new shares were issued to Skybound. Costs related the investment and prospectus etc. amounted
to DKK 2.0m
Redigert 05.04.2022 kl 11:37
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05.04.2022 kl 11:38
Hva annet skal han si? Er ikke han som har sørget for resultatene, men han som må legge frem resultatene fra en sørgelig fortid.
Vis litt innsikt og forståelse og fortell hva du mener er urovekkende.
Vis litt innsikt og forståelse og fortell hva du mener er urovekkende.
Redigert 05.04.2022 kl 11:41
Du må logge inn for å svare
05.04.2022 kl 11:50
Det er godt kursen står seg rundt 1,20 +/- .
Mange som vil omstille seg, selge / pause, eller kjøpe / holde - tar litt tid ;)
Viktigst er å ta Annual report 5th Planet Games på pulsen, fordype og analysere den skikkelig asap ( as soon as possible ).
For meg er den ikke ok nok. Bedre anvendelige selskap på børsen for tiden.
Ikke spesielt urovekkende, men ting tar tid - mye lenger enn man tror, planlegger og budsjetterer - det svekker kursbildet.
For min del er det enkelt å pause noen uker, et par, tre mnd før evt ny inngang igjen.
Lykke til videre!
Mange som vil omstille seg, selge / pause, eller kjøpe / holde - tar litt tid ;)
Viktigst er å ta Annual report 5th Planet Games på pulsen, fordype og analysere den skikkelig asap ( as soon as possible ).
For meg er den ikke ok nok. Bedre anvendelige selskap på børsen for tiden.
Ikke spesielt urovekkende, men ting tar tid - mye lenger enn man tror, planlegger og budsjetterer - det svekker kursbildet.
For min del er det enkelt å pause noen uker, et par, tre mnd før evt ny inngang igjen.
Lykke til videre!
Redigert 05.04.2022 kl 11:56
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05.04.2022 kl 11:57
Du sier jo fortsatt ingenting av substans. Utenom "ikke godt nok for deg.
Tallene kom alltid til å være elendige, det viste vi med en gang skybound kjøpte seg inn, og de fortalte i september at tallene kom til å suge, men stabilisere seg etterhvert. Akkurat det har skjedd. Planene fortsetter, snart kommer nye distribueringsavtale, og snart kommer spillnyheter, så værsegod, selg deg unna basert på noe vi viste allerede i september. Høres lurt ut.
Når du snakker om å analysere rapporten ser jeg ikke grunnen til å bruke tid å energi på det. Rapporten viser økonomien i det de drev på med i fjor, Men strategien er allerede endret, de driver på med noe helt annet en I fjor, fordi de så at strategiene var helt feil. Så hva annet får man ut av å analysere rapporten en å vite det vi allerede viste? At 5th kom til å gå konkurs uten skybounds investering og snuoperasjon.
Tallene kom alltid til å være elendige, det viste vi med en gang skybound kjøpte seg inn, og de fortalte i september at tallene kom til å suge, men stabilisere seg etterhvert. Akkurat det har skjedd. Planene fortsetter, snart kommer nye distribueringsavtale, og snart kommer spillnyheter, så værsegod, selg deg unna basert på noe vi viste allerede i september. Høres lurt ut.
Når du snakker om å analysere rapporten ser jeg ikke grunnen til å bruke tid å energi på det. Rapporten viser økonomien i det de drev på med i fjor, Men strategien er allerede endret, de driver på med noe helt annet en I fjor, fordi de så at strategiene var helt feil. Så hva annet får man ut av å analysere rapporten en å vite det vi allerede viste? At 5th kom til å gå konkurs uten skybounds investering og snuoperasjon.
Redigert 05.04.2022 kl 12:05
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05.04.2022 kl 14:10
Man bør jo stille seg spørsmålet om Skybound investerer penger i 5PG for moro skyld. Minner meg om tiden da bedreviterne påstod at internett kun var for høyskoler etc og aldri ville kunne bli noe stort.
05.04.2022 kl 14:19
40 Largest shareholders per 28th February 2022
Investor Number of shares % of top 40 % of total Type Country
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC 21,677,765 27.5% 16.9% Nominee United States
Nordnet Bank AB 6,951,589 8.8% 5.4% Nominee Sweden
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 4,960,487 6.3% 3.9% Nominee Belgium
NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS 4,129,600 5.2% 3.2% Ordinary Norway
Danske Bank A/S 3,512,358 4.5% 2.7% Nominee Denmark
Avanza Bank AB 2,900,221 3.7% 2.3% Nominee Sweden
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., London 2,751,240 3.5% 2.2% Nominee United Kingdom
Nordea Bank Abp 2,390,402 3.0% 1.9% Nominee Denmark
UBS Switzerland AG 2,022,817 2.6% 1.6% Nominee Switzerland
TORVIK TRAILERREP AS 2,001,000 2.5% 1.6% Ordinary Norway
MOCKER 1,475,646 1.9% 1.2% Ordinary Germany
UBS Switzerland AG 1,342,170 1.7% 1.0% Nominee Switzerland
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 1,260,306 1.6% 1.0% Nominee Luxembourg
THORVILDSEN 1,145,441 1.5% 0.9% Ordinary Norway
Swedbank AB 1,099,641 1.4% 0.9% Nominee Sweden
KBC Bank NV 1,099,026 1.4% 0.9% Nominee Belgium
RADIC 1,080,325 1.4% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
MARSTAL AS 1,040,000 1.3% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
OTNES 1,000,000 1.3% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
OHM 1,000,000 1.3% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
EIKEN 1,000,000 1.3% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
TAANEVIG 1,000,000 1.3% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
ACCO AS 975,000 1.2% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
VOGT 945,819 1.2% 0.7% Ordinary Norway
Citibank, N.A. 900,000 1.1% 0.7% Nominee Ireland
MØYSTAD 881,500 1.1% 0.7% Ordinary Norway
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 733,109 0.9% 0.6% Nominee Belgium
KLÜVER 701,223 0.9% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
DAAE 700,000 0.9% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
Citibank, N.A. 631,567 0.8% 0.5% Nominee Ireland
SCHOU 619,697 0.8% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
LUDVIGSEN 605,000 0.8% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
GULVTECH PROSJEKT AS 600,000 0.8% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
SKAARE 590,666 0.7% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
GBE INVEST AS 576,519 0.7% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
BRUNTVEIT 536,500 0.7% 0.4% Ordinary Norway
Saxo Bank A/S 492,023 0.6% 0.4% Nominee Denmark
GRAM 487,000 0.6% 0.4% Ordinary Norway
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 485,791 0.6% 0.4% Ordinary Belgium
Nordea Bank Abp 464,717 0.6% 0.4% Nominee Sweden
Total number of shares owned by top 40 78,801,165 100.00% 61.6%
Total number of shares 127,995,975
Investor Number of shares % of top 40 % of total Type Country
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC 21,677,765 27.5% 16.9% Nominee United States
Nordnet Bank AB 6,951,589 8.8% 5.4% Nominee Sweden
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 4,960,487 6.3% 3.9% Nominee Belgium
NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS 4,129,600 5.2% 3.2% Ordinary Norway
Danske Bank A/S 3,512,358 4.5% 2.7% Nominee Denmark
Avanza Bank AB 2,900,221 3.7% 2.3% Nominee Sweden
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., London 2,751,240 3.5% 2.2% Nominee United Kingdom
Nordea Bank Abp 2,390,402 3.0% 1.9% Nominee Denmark
UBS Switzerland AG 2,022,817 2.6% 1.6% Nominee Switzerland
TORVIK TRAILERREP AS 2,001,000 2.5% 1.6% Ordinary Norway
MOCKER 1,475,646 1.9% 1.2% Ordinary Germany
UBS Switzerland AG 1,342,170 1.7% 1.0% Nominee Switzerland
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 1,260,306 1.6% 1.0% Nominee Luxembourg
THORVILDSEN 1,145,441 1.5% 0.9% Ordinary Norway
Swedbank AB 1,099,641 1.4% 0.9% Nominee Sweden
KBC Bank NV 1,099,026 1.4% 0.9% Nominee Belgium
RADIC 1,080,325 1.4% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
MARSTAL AS 1,040,000 1.3% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
OTNES 1,000,000 1.3% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
OHM 1,000,000 1.3% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
EIKEN 1,000,000 1.3% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
TAANEVIG 1,000,000 1.3% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
ACCO AS 975,000 1.2% 0.8% Ordinary Norway
VOGT 945,819 1.2% 0.7% Ordinary Norway
Citibank, N.A. 900,000 1.1% 0.7% Nominee Ireland
MØYSTAD 881,500 1.1% 0.7% Ordinary Norway
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 733,109 0.9% 0.6% Nominee Belgium
KLÜVER 701,223 0.9% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
DAAE 700,000 0.9% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
Citibank, N.A. 631,567 0.8% 0.5% Nominee Ireland
SCHOU 619,697 0.8% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
LUDVIGSEN 605,000 0.8% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
GULVTECH PROSJEKT AS 600,000 0.8% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
SKAARE 590,666 0.7% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
GBE INVEST AS 576,519 0.7% 0.5% Ordinary Norway
BRUNTVEIT 536,500 0.7% 0.4% Ordinary Norway
Saxo Bank A/S 492,023 0.6% 0.4% Nominee Denmark
GRAM 487,000 0.6% 0.4% Ordinary Norway
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 485,791 0.6% 0.4% Ordinary Belgium
Nordea Bank Abp 464,717 0.6% 0.4% Nominee Sweden
Total number of shares owned by top 40 78,801,165 100.00% 61.6%
Total number of shares 127,995,975
05.04.2022 kl 14:26
40 Largest shareholders per 31st March 2022
InvestorNumber of shares% of top 40% of totalTypeCountry
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC21,677,76528.2%16.9%Nominee. United States
Nordnet Bank AB6,887,6699.0%5.4%Nominee Sweden
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV4,969,2876.5%3.9%Nominee Belgium
NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS3,624,9074.7%2.8%Ordinary.Norway
Danske Bank A/S3,541,6854.6%2.8%Nominee.DenmarkUBS
Switzerland AG3,364,9874.4%2.6%NomineeSwitzerland
Avanza Bank AB2,800,2673.6%2.2%NomineeSweden
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., London2,786,2403.6%2.2%NomineeUnited Kingdom
Nordea Bank Abp1,994,1602.6%1.6%NomineeDenmark
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB1,260,3061.6%1.0%NomineeLuxembourg
ACCO AS1,250,0001.6%1.0%OrdinaryNorway
KBC Bank NV1,099,0261.4%0.9%NomineeBelgium
Swedbank AB1,070,1411.4%0.8%NomineeSweden
MARSTAL AS1,040,0001.4%0.8%OrdinaryNorway
BARCLAYS CAPITAL SEC. LTD FIRM903,0951.2%0.7%OrdinaryUnited Kingdom
Citibank, N.A.900,0001.2%0.7%NomineeIreland
TORVIK TRAILERREP AS2,001,0002.5%1.6%OrdinaryNorway
UBS Switzerland AG1,342,1701.7%1.0%NomineeSwitzerland
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV733,1091.0%0.6%NomineeBelgium
Citibank, N.A.631,5670.8%0.5%NomineeIreland
GULVTECH PROSJEKT AS600,0000.8%0.5%OrdinaryNorway
GBE INVEST AS576,5190.8%0.5%OrdinaryNorway
HØSE AS458,0000.6%0.4%OrdinaryNorway
Nordea Bank Abp452,4670.6%0.4%NomineeSweden
Total number of shares owned by top 4076,794,967100.00%60.0%.
Total number of shares127,995,975.
The table will be updated start every month
Known shareholder’s with shares in nominees accounts
InvestorNumber of shares% of top 40% of totalTypeCountry
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC21,677,76528.2%16.9%Nominee. United States
Nordnet Bank AB6,887,6699.0%5.4%Nominee Sweden
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV4,969,2876.5%3.9%Nominee Belgium
NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS3,624,9074.7%2.8%Ordinary.Norway
Danske Bank A/S3,541,6854.6%2.8%Nominee.DenmarkUBS
Switzerland AG3,364,9874.4%2.6%NomineeSwitzerland
Avanza Bank AB2,800,2673.6%2.2%NomineeSweden
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., London2,786,2403.6%2.2%NomineeUnited Kingdom
Nordea Bank Abp1,994,1602.6%1.6%NomineeDenmark
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB1,260,3061.6%1.0%NomineeLuxembourg
ACCO AS1,250,0001.6%1.0%OrdinaryNorway
KBC Bank NV1,099,0261.4%0.9%NomineeBelgium
Swedbank AB1,070,1411.4%0.8%NomineeSweden
MARSTAL AS1,040,0001.4%0.8%OrdinaryNorway
BARCLAYS CAPITAL SEC. LTD FIRM903,0951.2%0.7%OrdinaryUnited Kingdom
Citibank, N.A.900,0001.2%0.7%NomineeIreland
TORVIK TRAILERREP AS2,001,0002.5%1.6%OrdinaryNorway
UBS Switzerland AG1,342,1701.7%1.0%NomineeSwitzerland
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV733,1091.0%0.6%NomineeBelgium
Citibank, N.A.631,5670.8%0.5%NomineeIreland
GULVTECH PROSJEKT AS600,0000.8%0.5%OrdinaryNorway
GBE INVEST AS576,5190.8%0.5%OrdinaryNorway
HØSE AS458,0000.6%0.4%OrdinaryNorway
Nordea Bank Abp452,4670.6%0.4%NomineeSweden
Total number of shares owned by top 4076,794,967100.00%60.0%.
Total number of shares127,995,975.
The table will be updated start every month
Known shareholder’s with shares in nominees accounts
Vet ikke om man skal ta det som positivt eller negativt å stå på lista :) Blir i allefall ikke solgt noen.
Redigert 05.04.2022 kl 14:56
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Ligger ett spennende svar fra Mark Stanger i en mail på 5Th planet Facebook gruppe. Fremkommer mye av det jeg har tenkt og håpet om det som skal skje fremover.
Må si det overrasker meg at noen faktisk selger sine aksjer nå.
08.04.2022 kl 10:29
Redigerer, ble bare rot.
Det jeg mente å si var at dagens nyhet er meget positiv. Men det er en spilltype stort sett ingen har kjennskap til. Hva koster det, hva tjener man, hva er omfanget? Det er spørsmål ingen av oss har særlig gode svar på. Det kan med første øyekast virke som "nok et casinospill" med lave kostnader, lave inntekter osv. Men, vi får bare vente å se.
Det jeg mente å si var at dagens nyhet er meget positiv. Men det er en spilltype stort sett ingen har kjennskap til. Hva koster det, hva tjener man, hva er omfanget? Det er spørsmål ingen av oss har særlig gode svar på. Det kan med første øyekast virke som "nok et casinospill" med lave kostnader, lave inntekter osv. Men, vi får bare vente å se.
Redigert 08.04.2022 kl 10:42
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COPENHAGEN, April 11th, 2022: 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: 5G) is today pleased to
announce that 'Before Your Eyes' a video game developed by Los Angeles-based
Goodbye World Games last night won one of the most coveted awards in European
Games by picking up a BAFTA Award at a high-profile event in London.
'Before Your Eyes' scooped the award in the "Game Beyond Entertainment"
category; the award recognizes titles that impact players by delivering
transformational experiences beyond pure entertainment, they often depict
social, emotional and/or political issues. The title is co-published by 5th
Planet Games following their investment agreement with Skybound Entertainment
last year.
announce that 'Before Your Eyes' a video game developed by Los Angeles-based
Goodbye World Games last night won one of the most coveted awards in European
Games by picking up a BAFTA Award at a high-profile event in London.
'Before Your Eyes' scooped the award in the "Game Beyond Entertainment"
category; the award recognizes titles that impact players by delivering
transformational experiences beyond pure entertainment, they often depict
social, emotional and/or political issues. The title is co-published by 5th
Planet Games following their investment agreement with Skybound Entertainment
last year.
11.04.2022 kl 11:40
Det ventes en stor publisering fra 5PG i løpet av få uker, denne skal markere starten på en kampanje etter notering i USA, her kommer det betydelig nyhetsstrømmer de neste ukene. Motstand på rundt 1,30kr neste motstandsnivå rundt 2,40kr. Heng med her kan det blir ett saftig rally fremover.
Her kommer mye spennende fremover. Kampanjen for å bli lagt merke til i USA vil nok gjøre sitt til at større investorer også legger merke til selskapet og går inn med kapital
11.04.2022 kl 12:40
For å bryte teknisk må vi ha noe større volumer, men det kommer. Jeg mener markedet sover i timen, her kommer betydelige nyheter som skal kick starte USA noteringen om få uker - det er en giga trigger. Tidligere CEO Henrik Kølle skriver på Facebook at han mener kursen skal på 3-4kr iløpet av året. Denne kan gå som en kule når markedet først «oppdager» selskapet og hva som er kommunisert.
Volumet kommer, grei økning på volumet i dag også ift normalen. Stabiliserer kursen seg rundt 1,3 så kan den fort ta veien videre opp mot 2 kr +
11.04.2022 kl 19:11
Kølle ved ikke mere end os andre og han formåede aldrig at skabe nogle reelle aktionærværdier.
11.04.2022 kl 19:55
Han kjenner i hvert fall selskapet og bransjen bedre enn meg, og kanskje til og med bedre enn deg? Uansett utrolig mye spennende på gang for tiden, Skybound bak spakene blir gull.
11.04.2022 kl 21:19
De største nyhetene i selskapets historie er altså bare uker unna og disse skal kick-starte USA noteringen, her kan det virkelig bli gøy fremover.
11.04.2022 kl 21:22
Intervju fra BYE utviklerne etter bafta-prisen. Avslører hardt arbeid med nytt spill med lik teknologi. Kan spekuleres i om et godt samarbeid med SB / 5th fortsetter her?
Intervju fra BYE utviklerne etter bafta-prisen. Avslører hardt arbeid med nytt spill med lik teknologi. Kan spekuleres i om et godt samarbeid med SB / 5th fortsetter her?
11.04.2022 kl 21:44
Det gør han uden al tvivl.
Men insider er han nu ikke, så han burde ikke have mere kendskab til hvad der sker i selskabet end vi har.
Vi må se, hvad fremtiden bringer.
Men insider er han nu ikke, så han burde ikke have mere kendskab til hvad der sker i selskabet end vi har.
Vi må se, hvad fremtiden bringer.
Redigert 11.04.2022 kl 21:44
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12.04.2022 kl 09:01
Vil neste melding inneholde ordet Metaverse? I så fall tror jeg vi vil alle rallyers mor!
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