Dr Thomas Ramdahl fra Algeta på plass. Historien gjentar seg!
Nordic Nanovector ASA Announces Proposed Board Changes – Former Algeta CEO Thomas Ramdahl nominated to Join Board of Directors
Oslo, Norway, 6 April 2022
Nordic Nanovector ASA (OSE: NANOV) announces that its Nomination Committee has nominated Dr Thomas Ramdahl for election as a Non-executive Director at the Company's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 28 April 2022.
Dr Ramdahl is a pharmaceutical executive with more than 20 years of clinical and development experience. In 2001, he became President and first CEO of Algeta ASA, a Norwegian biotech company that successfully developed and launched a radiopharmaceutical for prostate cancer.
During his time at Algeta, the company successfully completed Phase 1 and 2 clinical trials, as well as a pivotal Phase 3 multicentre, multi-country, double blinded clinical trial that led to FDA approval and marketing approval of Algeta's lead product, Xofigo®.
In addition to playing a key role in Algeta’s 2007 IPO and in multiple fundraisings, he was instrumental in the acquisition of the company by Bayer AG for USD 2.9 billion in 2014. After the acquisition by Bayer, Dr Ramdahl held the position of Managing Director of Bayer in Norway, remaining in this role until October 2018.
Dr Ramdahl is currently Chairman at Precririx and a Board Director at Clarity Pharmaceuticals, both in the targeted radiopharmaceutical area, and Chairman at medical device company Appsens. He has authored more than 40 publications and is a co-inventor of several patents. He gained his PhD in environmental chemistry from the University of Oslo in 1984 and an MSc in organic chemistry from the Norwegian Institute of Technology in 1979.
Dr Ramdahl is a Norwegian citizen and resides in Norway.
The company also notes that Per Samuelsson and Rainer Boehm M.D., who have served as Non-executive Directors on the Board of Nordic Nanovector since November 2014 and May 2018, respectively, have, due to increased workload and other responsibilities and priorities, decided not to stand for re-election at the upcoming AGM.
Dr Thomas Ramdahl, commented: “Nordic Nanovector is entering an exciting and important phase of its development, and I hope that the experience I gained with Algeta and in other roles will help the company achieve its ambitions for Betalutin® and its broader pipeline of novel CD37-targeted therapeutic candidates.”
Jan H. Egberts, M.D., Chairman of Nordic Nanovector's Board of Directors, said: “We are delighted to have Dr Ramdahl join our Board. Thomas has proven experience of managing and growing a radiopharmaceutical company from start-up through to marketing approval of its lead product. This expertise and experience will be invaluable to Nordic Nanovector as it advances Betalutin® though the final stages of PARADIGME and prepares for regulatory filing and commercialisation. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to Per Samuelsson and Rainer Boehm, who have made important contributions to Nordic Nanovector during their time on the Board.”
Per Samuelsson, added: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the board of Nordic Nanovector. The company has come far since I first joined the board in 2014 and is now on the verge of completing PARADIGME and delivering the preliminary three-month data read out in H2’2022. It is very encouraging to see the company’s strong focus on this important initial indication for Betalutin® while also looking beyond Betalutin® to other opportunities where its expertise around the B-cell target CD37 could be applied. While HealthCap remains a highly supportive investor in Nordic Nanovector, I believe it is time for me to step down from the Board and I am delighted that Dr Thomas Ramdahl has accepted to be nominated to join as a Director. I know Thomas well from his time with Algeta and I am confident that he will be an important contributor to Nordic Nanovector’s future development.”
Oslo, Norway, 6 April 2022
Nordic Nanovector ASA (OSE: NANOV) announces that its Nomination Committee has nominated Dr Thomas Ramdahl for election as a Non-executive Director at the Company's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 28 April 2022.
Dr Ramdahl is a pharmaceutical executive with more than 20 years of clinical and development experience. In 2001, he became President and first CEO of Algeta ASA, a Norwegian biotech company that successfully developed and launched a radiopharmaceutical for prostate cancer.
During his time at Algeta, the company successfully completed Phase 1 and 2 clinical trials, as well as a pivotal Phase 3 multicentre, multi-country, double blinded clinical trial that led to FDA approval and marketing approval of Algeta's lead product, Xofigo®.
In addition to playing a key role in Algeta’s 2007 IPO and in multiple fundraisings, he was instrumental in the acquisition of the company by Bayer AG for USD 2.9 billion in 2014. After the acquisition by Bayer, Dr Ramdahl held the position of Managing Director of Bayer in Norway, remaining in this role until October 2018.
Dr Ramdahl is currently Chairman at Precririx and a Board Director at Clarity Pharmaceuticals, both in the targeted radiopharmaceutical area, and Chairman at medical device company Appsens. He has authored more than 40 publications and is a co-inventor of several patents. He gained his PhD in environmental chemistry from the University of Oslo in 1984 and an MSc in organic chemistry from the Norwegian Institute of Technology in 1979.
Dr Ramdahl is a Norwegian citizen and resides in Norway.
The company also notes that Per Samuelsson and Rainer Boehm M.D., who have served as Non-executive Directors on the Board of Nordic Nanovector since November 2014 and May 2018, respectively, have, due to increased workload and other responsibilities and priorities, decided not to stand for re-election at the upcoming AGM.
Dr Thomas Ramdahl, commented: “Nordic Nanovector is entering an exciting and important phase of its development, and I hope that the experience I gained with Algeta and in other roles will help the company achieve its ambitions for Betalutin® and its broader pipeline of novel CD37-targeted therapeutic candidates.”
Jan H. Egberts, M.D., Chairman of Nordic Nanovector's Board of Directors, said: “We are delighted to have Dr Ramdahl join our Board. Thomas has proven experience of managing and growing a radiopharmaceutical company from start-up through to marketing approval of its lead product. This expertise and experience will be invaluable to Nordic Nanovector as it advances Betalutin® though the final stages of PARADIGME and prepares for regulatory filing and commercialisation. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to Per Samuelsson and Rainer Boehm, who have made important contributions to Nordic Nanovector during their time on the Board.”
Per Samuelsson, added: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the board of Nordic Nanovector. The company has come far since I first joined the board in 2014 and is now on the verge of completing PARADIGME and delivering the preliminary three-month data read out in H2’2022. It is very encouraging to see the company’s strong focus on this important initial indication for Betalutin® while also looking beyond Betalutin® to other opportunities where its expertise around the B-cell target CD37 could be applied. While HealthCap remains a highly supportive investor in Nordic Nanovector, I believe it is time for me to step down from the Board and I am delighted that Dr Thomas Ramdahl has accepted to be nominated to join as a Director. I know Thomas well from his time with Algeta and I am confident that he will be an important contributor to Nordic Nanovector’s future development.”
Redigert 06.04.2022 kl 08:47
Du må logge inn for å svare
06.04.2022 kl 09:06
Hva konkret skal Dr. Ramdahl gjøre bortsett fra å være en gallionsfigur?
06.04.2022 kl 09:09
Sier mer om deg og stille et slikt latterlig spørsmål. Du kan vel klare å lese mellom linjene at selskapet nærmer seg behov av folk som har kunnskapen om å ta dette er steg videre
06.04.2022 kl 09:34
Tja, vi får se om det gjør den store forskjellen?!
Jeg tror nok det bare nok et betalt verv for Ramdahl.
Jeg tror nok det bare nok et betalt verv for Ramdahl.
06.04.2022 kl 09:43
"and delivering the preliminary three-month data read out in H2’2022"
Det vil si kasse må fylles opp etter sommeren, vanligvis henter de penger når kontant beholdning er ca. 2 ganger kvaltalsbruk.
Plutselig våknet de opp og så at rekruteringen var stoppet opp i Norden i følge 4Q presentasjonen. Hva med alle kvartalspresentasjoner og svada parat om de hadde kontinuerlige kontakt og dialog med behandlingssentre og bla bla bla. Thomas Ramdahl skulle ha vært ansatt for lenge siden og som ryddegutt i selskapet og sparker flere............
Redigert 06.04.2022 kl 09:50
Du må logge inn for å svare
06.04.2022 kl 09:48
Hører nå at Einarsson har beordret T. Ramdahl for å rydde opp i selskapet.
Mye rot og unødvendig kostbare ansettelser har det blitt ette hvert.
Mye rot og unødvendig kostbare ansettelser har det blitt ette hvert.
For mange blodigler i dette selskapet.
06.04.2022 kl 10:09
Gjør plass for mer kompetanse. De ser vel att avkastningen blir større ved å sleppe andre til… alle vil tjene penger og det har ikke gjengen som er nå klart utmerket.. nå nærmer vi oss veldig avklaring og potensielt en kursfest uten sidestykke ved positivt utfall. Kursen nå er helt bak mål med tanke på hvor nærme man er..
06.04.2022 kl 10:16
Denne børsmeldingen gir et helt annet inntrykk enn hva faktiske børsmeldte hendelser fra Algata-tiden tilsier.
Det var Andrew Kay som trakk lasset som CEO i 6 år helt fra desember 2008. Ramdahl ble først ansatt som CEO 14.mars 2014, som var 3 mnd ETTER at Bayers tilbud om kjøp av alle aksjene i Algeta var blitt anbefalt av Algetas styre (19.12.2013). Og kun én uke senere (!!) var Algeta avlistet fra børsen. Med andre ord ser der det ut som at han ble tildelt rollen produktsjef for Xofigo-divisjonen av Bayer.
Det var Andrew Kay som trakk lasset som CEO i 6 år helt fra desember 2008. Ramdahl ble først ansatt som CEO 14.mars 2014, som var 3 mnd ETTER at Bayers tilbud om kjøp av alle aksjene i Algeta var blitt anbefalt av Algetas styre (19.12.2013). Og kun én uke senere (!!) var Algeta avlistet fra børsen. Med andre ord ser der det ut som at han ble tildelt rollen produktsjef for Xofigo-divisjonen av Bayer.
06.04.2022 kl 13:29
Må graves i, de som går og han som kommer. Tolker det nøytralt i utgangspunktet, men trenger absolutt å brukes tid på. Forventer vel i grunn å ikke finne noe håndfast
06.04.2022 kl 13:42
Korrigering på T! fra en meget og alltid oppegående skribent TyrionIV (beklager det jeg har skrevet da det tydeligvis er feilinfo.
"Dette er jo rett og slett løgn. Dine “fakta” er uriktige!
Thomas Ramdahl var CEO i Algeta i perioden Aug 2001 - Jan 2009
Deretter steppet han over i andre roller da Andrew Kay kom inn og ble værende i firmaet gjennom hele løpet mot oppkjøp:
Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
Feb 2009 - Aug 2013
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Aug 2013 - Mar 2014
og etter dette fikk han en Managing Director-tittel i Bayer da Algeta opphørte å eksistere som selvstendig selskap.
https://no.linkedin.com/in/thomas-ramdahl-1193674 2
"Dette er jo rett og slett løgn. Dine “fakta” er uriktige!
Thomas Ramdahl var CEO i Algeta i perioden Aug 2001 - Jan 2009
Deretter steppet han over i andre roller da Andrew Kay kom inn og ble værende i firmaet gjennom hele løpet mot oppkjøp:
Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
Feb 2009 - Aug 2013
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Aug 2013 - Mar 2014
og etter dette fikk han en Managing Director-tittel i Bayer da Algeta opphørte å eksistere som selvstendig selskap.
https://no.linkedin.com/in/thomas-ramdahl-1193674 2
06.04.2022 kl 13:57
Thomas Ramdahl er en virkelig tungvekter, og har mye av æren for at Algeta ble vellykket.
Han har MYE å bidra med i NanoV, både på produksjonssiden, produktutvikling, forskning og innen ledelse og oppfølgning. Ramdahl har gått hele løypa før - med suksess!
Det er også et kvalitetsstempel og fjær i hatten for NanoV at han nå påtar seg jobben, og viser at han har stor tro på NanoV som selskap.
Experienced Managing Director with a demonstrated history of working in the pharmaceuticals industry. Strong business development professional skilled in Research and Development (R&D), Life Sciences, Radiopharmaceuticals, Oncology, Clinical Trials, and Strategy.
Dr Ramdahl is a pharmaceutical executive with over 20 years of clinical and development experience. In 2001, he became President and the first CEO of Algeta ASA. When Dr Ramdahl joined Algeta, he was one of six employees and he played an instrumental role in its success, serving in several senior positions within the company through to and post the acquisition of Algeta by Bayer AG in 2014 for US$2.9 billion. Dr Ramdahl has authored more than 40 publications and is a co-inventor of several patents.
Dr Ramdahl gained his PhD in Environmental Chemistry from the University of Oslo and holds a Master of Science in Organic Chemistry from the Norwegian Institute of Technology.
Han har MYE å bidra med i NanoV, både på produksjonssiden, produktutvikling, forskning og innen ledelse og oppfølgning. Ramdahl har gått hele løypa før - med suksess!
Det er også et kvalitetsstempel og fjær i hatten for NanoV at han nå påtar seg jobben, og viser at han har stor tro på NanoV som selskap.
Experienced Managing Director with a demonstrated history of working in the pharmaceuticals industry. Strong business development professional skilled in Research and Development (R&D), Life Sciences, Radiopharmaceuticals, Oncology, Clinical Trials, and Strategy.
Dr Ramdahl is a pharmaceutical executive with over 20 years of clinical and development experience. In 2001, he became President and the first CEO of Algeta ASA. When Dr Ramdahl joined Algeta, he was one of six employees and he played an instrumental role in its success, serving in several senior positions within the company through to and post the acquisition of Algeta by Bayer AG in 2014 for US$2.9 billion. Dr Ramdahl has authored more than 40 publications and is a co-inventor of several patents.
Dr Ramdahl gained his PhD in Environmental Chemistry from the University of Oslo and holds a Master of Science in Organic Chemistry from the Norwegian Institute of Technology.
07.04.2022 kl 10:55
heilo888 skrev Topp 2 aksjeier i selskapet forlater styret?!
Ja, Per Samuelsen har i tillegg tålmodig sittet i styret til Oncopeptides som representant for HealthCaps 11,3 mill aksjer i selskapet. Fra toppen frem til idag har denne floppen falt 95% og verdifallet for HealtCaps del har vært over 2 mrd sek. Slikt tar på mentalt, og jeg tror han nå rømmer nano-styret som HealthCaps representant fordi han av helsemessige grunner (om ikke annet) aldri i verden ønsker en slik personlig opplevelse som styremedvirkning i Oncopeptides medisinske flopp igjen, uansett hvor liten sansynligheten for en nano-flopp skulle være.