JIN Substansverdi 39,1 NOK

JIN 14.04.2022 kl 17:03 177319

Substansverdi oppdatert til 39,1 NOK per aksje etter Q1 rapporten 2022.

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Noen som tror JIN kan få positivt resultat i 2024?
Redigert 12.03.2024 kl 21:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.12.2024 kl 00:06 1123

24. des., 03:43|Børsmelding
On 20 December 2024, Mr. Chi Lam Michael, NG, a close associate of Mr. Siu Fai NG, chairman and director of Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Limited (the 'Company'), has purchased 25,000 shares of the Company in the Oslo Stock Exchange at an average price of NOK5.8760 per share. Following to the above purchase, Mr. Chi Lam Michael, NG holds 1,685,331 shares of the Company. This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. 24 December 2024
31.12.2024 kl 17:48 865

Ifølge siste Fearnpulse er TCE for den mest aktuelle JIN ruten nå på 6443 dollar per dag, ned fra 12000-14000 området tidligere i år. Nå er det virkelig dårligere tider for JIN, så det er bare å håpe at båter på litt lengre kontrakter veier noe opp for de lave spotratene. Og de to lederne skal uansett ha sine ca. 100 mill. i årlig lønn/bonus/pensjon, ref. tidligere diskusjoner om dette og årsrapport 2023, uansett hvordan selskapet ellers måtte blø.
Redigert 31.12.2024 kl 17:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.01.2025 kl 15:20 683

On 3 January 2025, Mr. Chi Lam Michael, NG, a close associate of Mr. Siu Fai NG, chairman and director of Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Limited (the 'Company'), has purchased 4,754 shares of the Company in the Oslo Stock Exchange at an average price of NOK6.0000 per share. On 6 January 2025, Mr. Chi Lam Michael, NG, also purchased 11,598 shares of the Company in the Oslo Stock Exchange at an average price of NOK5.9662 per share. Following to the above purchases, Mr. Chi Lam Michael, NG holds 1,701,683 shares of the Company. This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. 7 January 2025
08.01.2025 kl 15:22 580

Newcastlemaxen "True Neptune" på 207,672 dwt. er nå overlevert, og leases over en periode på minimum 33 måneder.

Ultramaxen "Great century" på 61,441 dwt. er også overlevert, og har fått navnet "Jin Quan". Dette er skipet vi kjøpte i desember.

Flåten består nå av 31 skip totalt, hvor 5 er leaset.

Redigert 08.01.2025 kl 15:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.01.2025 kl 15:48 457

On 7 January 2025, Mr. Chi Lam Michael, NG, a close associate of Mr. Siu Fai NG, chairman and director of Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Limited (the 'Company'), has purchased 46,460 shares of the Company in the Oslo Stock Exchange at an average price of NOK5.9834 per share On 8 January 2025, Mr. Chi Lam Michael, NG, also purchased 4,237 shares of the Company in the Oslo Stock Exchange at an average price of NOK6.0600 per share. Following to the above purchases, Mr. Chi Lam Michael, NG holds 1,752,380 shares of the Company. This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. 9 January 2025
10.01.2025 kl 14:06 357

On 9 January 2025, Fairline Consultants Limited has purchased 1,241 shares of Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Limited (the 'Company') in the Oslo Stock Exchange at an average price of NOK6.1400 per share. Mr. Siu Fai NG, director of the Company, has certain indirect interests in the Company through his 51% interests in Fairline Consultants Limited and through his interests in Jinhui Holdings Company Limited. Fairline Consultants Limited is the legal and beneficial owner of 38.72% interests of Jinhui Holdings Company Limited and has direct interests in 407,858 shares of the Company before this purchase. Following to the above purchase, Fairline Consultants Limited has direct interests in 409,099 shares of the Company, representing approximately 0.37% interests of the Company. Jinhui Holdings Company Limited is the controlling shareholder of the Company, which has direct interests in 60,841,240 shares of the Company, representing approximately 55.69% interests of the Company. This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. 10 January 2025
21.01.2025 kl 14:55 144

Bulkratene faller og faller til det laveste på 19 måneder. Merkelig at det ikke slår mer ut på børsen ...
