ZENITH ENERGY *Mangedobling mulig*
The Tilapia project could be transformational
Analyse, 38 øre- nesten 3 gangen uten Tilapia og Nigeria.
Hvor høyt bør analysen være om man inkludere disse 2?
Jeg tror virkelig vi er nær en mega oppgang nå!
Valuation: Based on a sum of the parts calculation our valuation for Zenith is £43.3 m or
3.1p/share (NOK 0.38). For the hydrocarbons assets we have applied a valuation quotient
of US$3/boe of 2P which reflects a substantial discount to the established Africa plays such
as Africa Oil which sell on EVs of US$5-7/boe. The power plant has been valued on the basis
of the purchase price plus a 25% uplift for current elevated profitability.
Initiation of Analyst Coverage by Allenby Capital
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Initiation of Analyst Coverage by Allenby Capital
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that Allenby Capital Limited ("Allenby"), the Company's Financial Adviser and Broker in connection with its listing on the London Stock Exchange, has initiated analyst coverage on Zenith (the "Initiation Note").
The Initiation Note can be accessed by way of the following link: http://www.allenbycapital.com/research/research-zen.html
Many are waiting for that message specifically the rate at which Zenith is selling oil. Also there will be schedule news in coming days as Zeniths both rigs in Tunisia so expecting production to double before summer. so anyone wants out they are free. Remember Nigeria is not out of option yet with huge P90 reserve (proven) 5th May is next hearing.
1) Tilapia II
2) SLK - remaining 22.5 %
3) ROB- 1 back in production
4) EZZ side track workover and double the production
5) ROB - 3 Drilling
6) SLK - double the production
7) ELB - 3 workover
Analyse, 38 øre- nesten 3 gangen uten Tilapia og Nigeria.
Hvor høyt bør analysen være om man inkludere disse 2?
Jeg tror virkelig vi er nær en mega oppgang nå!
Valuation: Based on a sum of the parts calculation our valuation for Zenith is £43.3 m or
3.1p/share (NOK 0.38). For the hydrocarbons assets we have applied a valuation quotient
of US$3/boe of 2P which reflects a substantial discount to the established Africa plays such
as Africa Oil which sell on EVs of US$5-7/boe. The power plant has been valued on the basis
of the purchase price plus a 25% uplift for current elevated profitability.
Initiation of Analyst Coverage by Allenby Capital
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Initiation of Analyst Coverage by Allenby Capital
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that Allenby Capital Limited ("Allenby"), the Company's Financial Adviser and Broker in connection with its listing on the London Stock Exchange, has initiated analyst coverage on Zenith (the "Initiation Note").
The Initiation Note can be accessed by way of the following link: http://www.allenbycapital.com/research/research-zen.html
Many are waiting for that message specifically the rate at which Zenith is selling oil. Also there will be schedule news in coming days as Zeniths both rigs in Tunisia so expecting production to double before summer. so anyone wants out they are free. Remember Nigeria is not out of option yet with huge P90 reserve (proven) 5th May is next hearing.
1) Tilapia II
2) SLK - remaining 22.5 %
3) ROB- 1 back in production
4) EZZ side track workover and double the production
5) ROB - 3 Drilling
6) SLK - double the production
7) ELB - 3 workover
Redigert 19.04.2022 kl 12:10
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25.04.2022 kl 09:53
With banks we have insights, we know the financial data. For ROB1 - We have no clue as everything is below ground and only the work on the piping will tells the status of it. Could be a repair that takes hours are days, as you havnt been onsite, you cannot tell. You been writing for weeks now thoy should be done, however they never started until days ago.....
As per your logic bank can go bankrupt with zenith payment also. zenith did successful workover 6 month before on same well, this is only leakage repairing. so keep your rant with you. You can try hard with your lies to pull course down.
Redigert 25.04.2022 kl 09:53
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25.04.2022 kl 09:47
Viking - stop with your rpedictions. You don't know for 100% sure, there can be tons of stuff wrong with the piping, we dont know. Only time and AC will tell.
Remember ROB-1 will back in production anytime this week repairing work started first week of April.
25.04.2022 kl 09:41
Zena står seg sterkt i dag, ikke dagen for å panikkselge oljeaksje.
25.04.2022 kl 09:22
Sikkert smart å skifte ut de mest utslitte aksjonærene under 11 øre før fet gain👍
25.04.2022 kl 08:44
Her er link til analyse på Zena fra 14.12.2021 med kursmål kr 0,36. Dvs mer enn 300% oppside, noe jeg synes virker lavt med dagens olje, gass og strøm priser i Italia
Det flagges (TR-1) når noen passerer 5% .
Pr idag er det kun Nordnet selv som har mere enn 5%
Ref -- https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/555938
Pr idag er det kun Nordnet selv som har mere enn 5%
Ref -- https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/555938
25.04.2022 kl 08:35
Da får vi som tror kjøpe litt. Kan hende at markedet snart ser at zenith får ting gjort nå
Bull dog
25.04.2022 kl 08:01
Tror også noen meglerhus har kjøpt over en tidsperiode. Snart kommer de med en anbefaling og da er det vel litt sent. Går kursen ned får vi være føre var..
25.04.2022 kl 00:04
Those who sold on Friday are trying to buy back in cheaper, you can clearly see by the desperateness in spreading false defamatory information to scaremonger. I think we will have another spike in the next week back to deserved levels and will lock those investors who sold who want back in out.
Flere norske "hus" følger med ...
En bør ha kjøpt før de begynner å skrive analyser ....
En bør ha kjøpt før de begynner å skrive analyser ....
24.04.2022 kl 23:28
Det er sant, får håpe de som ville ut er ute nå. Litt langsiktig her så vil kursen komme den
24.04.2022 kl 22:11
Jeg biter meg merke til mange nye navn som har kommet inn for å diskutere Zena, det er et godt tegn tenker jeg.
24.04.2022 kl 21:36
Problemer er vel at det er ingen hus som følger myggselskapet... Se bare på BW i morgen...stiger sannsynlig
Redigert 24.04.2022 kl 21:57
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24.04.2022 kl 13:16
The market has significantly undervalued zenith however I suspect the price will rectify itself soon. I am expecting double in the share price once Tilapia has been announced.
23.04.2022 kl 22:11
Ta det helt med ro, Pessimist 1.
Din analyse er bedre enn markedet, det gir jeg garantier på.
Sagt på en annen måte , det generelle "markedet" og analytikere vet ikke stort om vår/Zenith sin eksistens.
Det finnes minst 5 til 10 "travere" her som kan Zenith ut/inn . Og det finnes ikke en analytiker som rekker de til strømpekanten.
Så mange timers analyse kan de ikke bruke på en "mygg".
Det som er å investere er å være "foran" markedet, alt annet er uvesentlig.
Og så er vel noen spørsmål så avslørende ,at de er i grunnen ikke noe vits i å svare på.
Ingen nevnt eller glemt.
Men noen spørsmål er direkte fortellende hva spørsmålstilletren kan/skjønner om det såkalte " markedet" at svar kommentar nesten er overflødig.
Ha en flott kveld, og fortsett med din filosofi når det gjelder å investere.
Din analyse er bedre enn markedet, det gir jeg garantier på.
Sagt på en annen måte , det generelle "markedet" og analytikere vet ikke stort om vår/Zenith sin eksistens.
Det finnes minst 5 til 10 "travere" her som kan Zenith ut/inn . Og det finnes ikke en analytiker som rekker de til strømpekanten.
Så mange timers analyse kan de ikke bruke på en "mygg".
Det som er å investere er å være "foran" markedet, alt annet er uvesentlig.
Og så er vel noen spørsmål så avslørende ,at de er i grunnen ikke noe vits i å svare på.
Ingen nevnt eller glemt.
Men noen spørsmål er direkte fortellende hva spørsmålstilletren kan/skjønner om det såkalte " markedet" at svar kommentar nesten er overflødig.
Ha en flott kveld, og fortsett med din filosofi når det gjelder å investere.
Alle som kjøper aksjer er i prinsippet uenig med markedet ....
23.04.2022 kl 21:23
Det er vel det som kalles investering? At du finner en aksje du mener er underpriset, altså at markedet vurderer at aksjen er for rimelig, så kjøper du den i håp om at analysen din er korrekt å at aksjen blir verdsatt til det du mener den er verdt. At man finner prising man er uenig i å reagerer utifra det er jo det som er å investere?
23.04.2022 kl 19:33
Hvordan kan dere være uenige med markedet at verdien på en aksje er rundt 0,11?
Redigert 23.04.2022 kl 19:34
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23.04.2022 kl 19:18
Ja, herom hersker ingen tvil. Det er bare et tidsspørsmål, for oss som har god tid
23.04.2022 kl 18:50
Her er det vel mye info på slutten av meldingen:
having the objective of increasing our daily in-country net production to a
level of 1,000 bopd by way of workover and drilling activities to be performed
in the months ahead in the Ezzaouia and Robbana concessions.
The performance of our energy production activities in Italy and Tunisia gives
Zenith unprecedented financial security and the required operating cash flow to
successfully deliver on our operational and business development strategy across
the portfolio."
Er så bull her nå!!
having the objective of increasing our daily in-country net production to a
level of 1,000 bopd by way of workover and drilling activities to be performed
in the months ahead in the Ezzaouia and Robbana concessions.
The performance of our energy production activities in Italy and Tunisia gives
Zenith unprecedented financial security and the required operating cash flow to
successfully deliver on our operational and business development strategy across
the portfolio."
Er så bull her nå!!
Bull dog
22.04.2022 kl 19:50
Håper det er nå de kommer. Nå kommer de til å bruke pengene fornuftig. Alt er lettere med penger på bok!
22.04.2022 kl 19:46
jo der kommer løbende gode nyheder, men det hjælper ikke på kursen. Den holder sig omkring 0,11 hele tiden
22.04.2022 kl 18:57
Oljesalget kom det. Her virker alt på stell om dagen. I disse urolige tider er mulighetene store i Zenith. Fantastisk cash flow i forhold til mcap. Mange muligheter for økt produksjon. Kjøp.
22.04.2022 kl 17:29
Slettet brukerskrev Rob-1 back in production next week.
let`s see. It`s always next week .........................
Remember If SLK remaining part 22.5 concluded through CCH Zenith will get around 90000 barrel of oil worth more than $7 million. (Excluding 52000 barrel of oil sale in June )
There is cash in wallet now and will come in summer too.
Zenith will reach 1000 bopd in summer in Tunisia. Then company turnover will be double of company value in market.
Including Italy turnover will be $40million and company market value $20 million now.
"We shall use the proceeds to further strengthen our investment in the development of our Tunisian portfolio in close cooperation with our partners, having the objective of increasing our daily in-country net production to a level of 1,000 bopd by way of workover and drilling activities to be performed in the months ahead in the Ezzaouia and Robbana concessions."
Remember EBB-3 will have 600 bopd other than this 1000bopd.
There is cash in wallet now and will come in summer too.
Zenith will reach 1000 bopd in summer in Tunisia. Then company turnover will be double of company value in market.
Including Italy turnover will be $40million and company market value $20 million now.
"We shall use the proceeds to further strengthen our investment in the development of our Tunisian portfolio in close cooperation with our partners, having the objective of increasing our daily in-country net production to a level of 1,000 bopd by way of workover and drilling activities to be performed in the months ahead in the Ezzaouia and Robbana concessions."
Remember EBB-3 will have 600 bopd other than this 1000bopd.
Redigert 22.04.2022 kl 11:55
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21.04.2022 kl 23:11
Det mangler ikke på meldinger, men substans.
All den tid de har ventet på å få godkjenninger på EZZ, SLK, Tilapia og andre, så burde de med dagens priser koblet inn høygir på de konsesjonene de faktisk innehar.
For oljeprisene kommer ikke til å falle med det første.
All den tid de har ventet på å få godkjenninger på EZZ, SLK, Tilapia og andre, så burde de med dagens priser koblet inn høygir på de konsesjonene de faktisk innehar.
For oljeprisene kommer ikke til å falle med det første.
21.04.2022 kl 23:05
Står i stampe hele greiene, sånn blir det sikkert i lang tid fremover, ja hvis den i det hele tatt rører seg oppover.
Hadde vært rått om de fikk landet Tilapia snart.
Langt tid mellom hver børsmelding nå.
Får håpe på er taktskifte snart!
Langt tid mellom hver børsmelding nå.
Får håpe på er taktskifte snart!
21.04.2022 kl 20:37
Kan det komme noe ut av denne, da❓
"The President of the Republic, Denis Sassou-N'Guesso met, this Thursday, April 21, 2022, with Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic. On the menu, the strengthening of the energy partnership in terms of gas and renewable energies."
"Energy partnership
Congo and Italy sign the declaration of understanding and the letter of intent, on the occasion of the working visit of Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic to Congo."
AC hadde vel et møte med en av de Italienske ministerne i Congo for en tid tilbake
"The President of the Republic, Denis Sassou-N'Guesso met, this Thursday, April 21, 2022, with Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic. On the menu, the strengthening of the energy partnership in terms of gas and renewable energies."
"Energy partnership
Congo and Italy sign the declaration of understanding and the letter of intent, on the occasion of the working visit of Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic to Congo."
AC hadde vel et møte med en av de Italienske ministerne i Congo for en tid tilbake
Redigert 21.04.2022 kl 21:08
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21.04.2022 kl 11:09
Bra med soner inleg,da får alle mer realistisk og forståelse om hva som egentlig er problemet med alle di forsinkelsene på en konstruktiv måtte, og de tror Jeg de hjelper mer alle og lager litt mer beroliger omgivelser i diskusjoner.....
Typical day trader robot 0.1080 - 5T hidden volume to buy and 1.2million at 0.1102 to make pressure from sell side.
20.04.2022 kl 19:42
Det passer meg bra, da jeg ligger med større kjøp nedover. Bare ikke fundamentene endrer seg negativt, er jeg ikke bekymret for midlertidige fall i aksje kursen ;)
20.04.2022 kl 15:00
Spot on...Pessimist 1.
Hans "time plannere" er bare svada. Hvis hans oppgave er å skape usikkerhet . Så lykkes han 100 %.
Hans "time plannere" er bare svada. Hvis hans oppgave er å skape usikkerhet . Så lykkes han 100 %.
20.04.2022 kl 14:40
Fuldstændig enig med MG 👍😃
Although the article mentions Zenith sending out what it calls a “distress call” about the company having been unable to acquire the second 22.5% of Sidi El Kilani in over two years of trying it seems to be more a criticism of the Tunisian government’s energy strategy than anything else as it discusses issues with he country as a whole rather than Zenith in particular.
What impresses me is that Zenith is considered a big enough investor in the country to be quoted in a major article on what is wrong with the country’s energy sector. La Presse, is a serious paper that has been around since 1934 and is currently owned by the Tunisian government, so it is the kind of paper read by ministers and other insiders.
The fact that Zenith threatening to pull out of the second purchase of the Sidi-El Kilani 22.5% causes this kind of discussion in a major newspaper shows that the company has become a very significant player in the country’s oil industry. It seems to me that the Tunisian paper is more worried about Zenith pulling out of this deal than Zenith are – which also makes me wonder if this is just the company applying leverage to get the deal over the line. We shall see, but it is certainly impressive that Zenith has become such a major oil player in Tunisia in such a short period of time.
Although the article mentions Zenith sending out what it calls a “distress call” about the company having been unable to acquire the second 22.5% of Sidi El Kilani in over two years of trying it seems to be more a criticism of the Tunisian government’s energy strategy than anything else as it discusses issues with he country as a whole rather than Zenith in particular.
What impresses me is that Zenith is considered a big enough investor in the country to be quoted in a major article on what is wrong with the country’s energy sector. La Presse, is a serious paper that has been around since 1934 and is currently owned by the Tunisian government, so it is the kind of paper read by ministers and other insiders.
The fact that Zenith threatening to pull out of the second purchase of the Sidi-El Kilani 22.5% causes this kind of discussion in a major newspaper shows that the company has become a very significant player in the country’s oil industry. It seems to me that the Tunisian paper is more worried about Zenith pulling out of this deal than Zenith are – which also makes me wonder if this is just the company applying leverage to get the deal over the line. We shall see, but it is certainly impressive that Zenith has become such a major oil player in Tunisia in such a short period of time.
Zero input only ranting
answer lies here
There is no meeting from 2021 June of CCH Tunisia, Where 22.5% SLK is in limbo from 2 year.
For Ezz they already prepared plan after meeting with industrial minister on 10th Jan
There is no meeting from 2021 June of CCH Tunisia, Where 22.5% SLK is in limbo from 2 year.
For Ezz they already prepared plan after meeting with industrial minister on 10th Jan
Redigert 20.04.2022 kl 14:35
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Egentlig ikke noe nytt men det understreker risikofaktorer investorer møter.
EZZ-18 har Zenith sammen med ETAP eventuell forsinkelser vil være kjedelig.
EZZ-18 har Zenith sammen med ETAP eventuell forsinkelser vil være kjedelig.
20.04.2022 kl 13:34
AC ligger maksimal pres på 👍👍👍
Vi fik da startet ROB 1
Også må folk snart forstå, at det ikke ligger Zen hænder🙈
Found this today when looking for Congo news. It suggests Zenith have launched a distress message due to Tunisian delays. Hopefully AC. Will comment on twitter or RNA to keep is up to date too. https://lapresse.tn/128311/societes-petrolieres-installees-en-tunisie-quand-la-bureaucratie-pousse-les-compagnies-internationales-a-partir/
ReplyRecommend (1)Report Post
Vi fik da startet ROB 1
Også må folk snart forstå, at det ikke ligger Zen hænder🙈
Found this today when looking for Congo news. It suggests Zenith have launched a distress message due to Tunisian delays. Hopefully AC. Will comment on twitter or RNA to keep is up to date too. https://lapresse.tn/128311/societes-petrolieres-installees-en-tunisie-quand-la-bureaucratie-pousse-les-compagnies-internationales-a-partir/
ReplyRecommend (1)Report Post
20.04.2022 kl 13:18
The only one assuming things is you. Thats the problem, the serious people does not want to speculate to much because it leads to false expectations which in turn gives the company a bad reputation. You on the other hand love to speculate and talk a lot about things which are out of your control. You have been wrong about the oil sales from the start, firstly saying that the storage fasility could only hold oil for approx. 6 months of production and that Zenith was forced to offset is oil. This was in turn wrong, you also stated that oil was lifted many weeks ago because you saw an oil tanker on marine traffic. All of your predictions are mostly wrong and when someone calls you out on it you call people negative. We love to discuss Zenith, the problem you have is that you make quite bold remarks and never back down even when you are wrong. That you have been wrong on many occations has been very well documented. You are also saying "Zenith managment is sleeping on oil sale" you do not have any documentation of this. They said oil sales would appear in April, never when in April, as long as the oil sale comes in April even if it is on the 30th of April you can not claim they are sleeping on it. The only thing the company has said is that it will happen in April, that you have diluted yourself and get dissapointed because it does not happen when you think it is going to happen is not the same as management not performing their duties. Please stay a bit serious in the future.
20.04.2022 kl 12:58
Joda Frodon bare det at zenkursen kommer til å reagere kraftig ved ethvert negative lille nys! Sånn er det bare blitt...
20.04.2022 kl 12:52
Takk for svar. Og hvis de ikke klarer å fikse dette, kan de jo også borre en ny brønn, men da tar det lenger tid og koster mer. Jeg tenker at det er små penger i forhold til gevinsten med dagens energi priser ;)
20.04.2022 kl 12:07
From my limited knowledge of the procedures it appears from the video that Schlumberger used a transmission wireline which was fed through the production string to log the well casing within the production zone and may also have completed remediation repairs. They have various techniques for applying “through-tubing patches and packers”via high pressure wirelines designed to transmit cements and sealants, so in theory could have completed the job. However, if so I would have expected the video caption to have stated “job done”. Whatever the result we should know within a few days.
Note that 0.17min into the video there is only a single length of production pipe on the pipe-rack [confirmed at 0.31min ], and at 1.14min, that pipe has presumably been 'tripped' back in at end of procedure. That suggests the production pipe was raised sufficient to allow logging-tool access to the production zone only and to enable the through-pipe procedure to proceed.
Assuming a successful conclusion, ROB-1 should be back on stream soon.
Note that 0.17min into the video there is only a single length of production pipe on the pipe-rack [confirmed at 0.31min ], and at 1.14min, that pipe has presumably been 'tripped' back in at end of procedure. That suggests the production pipe was raised sufficient to allow logging-tool access to the production zone only and to enable the through-pipe procedure to proceed.
Assuming a successful conclusion, ROB-1 should be back on stream soon.