ZENITH ENERGY *Mangedobling mulig*
The Tilapia project could be transformational
Analyse, 38 øre- nesten 3 gangen uten Tilapia og Nigeria.
Hvor høyt bør analysen være om man inkludere disse 2?
Jeg tror virkelig vi er nær en mega oppgang nå!
Valuation: Based on a sum of the parts calculation our valuation for Zenith is £43.3 m or
3.1p/share (NOK 0.38). For the hydrocarbons assets we have applied a valuation quotient
of US$3/boe of 2P which reflects a substantial discount to the established Africa plays such
as Africa Oil which sell on EVs of US$5-7/boe. The power plant has been valued on the basis
of the purchase price plus a 25% uplift for current elevated profitability.
Initiation of Analyst Coverage by Allenby Capital
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Initiation of Analyst Coverage by Allenby Capital
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that Allenby Capital Limited ("Allenby"), the Company's Financial Adviser and Broker in connection with its listing on the London Stock Exchange, has initiated analyst coverage on Zenith (the "Initiation Note").
The Initiation Note can be accessed by way of the following link: http://www.allenbycapital.com/research/research-zen.html
Many are waiting for that message specifically the rate at which Zenith is selling oil. Also there will be schedule news in coming days as Zeniths both rigs in Tunisia so expecting production to double before summer. so anyone wants out they are free. Remember Nigeria is not out of option yet with huge P90 reserve (proven) 5th May is next hearing.
1) Tilapia II
2) SLK - remaining 22.5 %
3) ROB- 1 back in production
4) EZZ side track workover and double the production
5) ROB - 3 Drilling
6) SLK - double the production
7) ELB - 3 workover
Analyse, 38 øre- nesten 3 gangen uten Tilapia og Nigeria.
Hvor høyt bør analysen være om man inkludere disse 2?
Jeg tror virkelig vi er nær en mega oppgang nå!
Valuation: Based on a sum of the parts calculation our valuation for Zenith is £43.3 m or
3.1p/share (NOK 0.38). For the hydrocarbons assets we have applied a valuation quotient
of US$3/boe of 2P which reflects a substantial discount to the established Africa plays such
as Africa Oil which sell on EVs of US$5-7/boe. The power plant has been valued on the basis
of the purchase price plus a 25% uplift for current elevated profitability.
Initiation of Analyst Coverage by Allenby Capital
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Initiation of Analyst Coverage by Allenby Capital
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international oil & gas production company focused on pursuing African development opportunities, is pleased to announce that Allenby Capital Limited ("Allenby"), the Company's Financial Adviser and Broker in connection with its listing on the London Stock Exchange, has initiated analyst coverage on Zenith (the "Initiation Note").
The Initiation Note can be accessed by way of the following link: http://www.allenbycapital.com/research/research-zen.html
Many are waiting for that message specifically the rate at which Zenith is selling oil. Also there will be schedule news in coming days as Zeniths both rigs in Tunisia so expecting production to double before summer. so anyone wants out they are free. Remember Nigeria is not out of option yet with huge P90 reserve (proven) 5th May is next hearing.
1) Tilapia II
2) SLK - remaining 22.5 %
3) ROB- 1 back in production
4) EZZ side track workover and double the production
5) ROB - 3 Drilling
6) SLK - double the production
7) ELB - 3 workover
Redigert 19.04.2022 kl 12:10
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23.12.2022 kl 13:32
Nei troen på AC og at han får til noe DRIVVERDIG OVER TID svinner hen som tre dråper vann i ørkensol..
OG jeg er ingen newbie! Har fulgt dette selskapet i over 2 år--dessverre, må jeg si!! Kunne ha benyttet pengene langt mer fornuftig andre steder!!
OG jeg er ingen newbie! Har fulgt dette selskapet i over 2 år--dessverre, må jeg si!! Kunne ha benyttet pengene langt mer fornuftig andre steder!!
Redigert 23.12.2022 kl 13:33
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23.12.2022 kl 13:46
Du kan jo ikke kalle en 🤡 en dealmaker når han leverer et regnskap der det oppgis at han har brukt NOK 44mill på forhandlinger. 😂😂 [om jeg ikke husker feil],-- og ikke levert en pøkk.
Dette er et CLUSTERF*CK
Dette er et CLUSTERF*CK
23.12.2022 kl 14:04
Ikke vet jeg hva CLUSTERF*CK er men det er jo helt ræva!
Huff for en bedrift og huff for en AC!!!!!!
Huff for en bedrift og huff for en AC!!!!!!
23.12.2022 kl 14:11
Sikkert ikke noe behagelig å være i 1 clysterfu*k,men ennå gjenstår det å se om det er der vi er😁👍
23.12.2022 kl 14:11
Går for gull og satser på at de lander noe i romjulen før nyttår. Om ikke det skjer så er det bare hinsides utrolig mtp. alt som har kommet i gjentatte meldinger fra selskapet det siste året. Jeg vil påstå at det er det nærmeste du kommer svindel, vi får se.
Ref -- http://www.etap.com.tn/fileadmin/carte/Carte_hydrocarbures2022-A3.pdf
For Ezzouia står det waiting law approval 31/12/39
Hvor har du info om at "Ezzouia uløp i juni eller juni" ?
23.12.2022 kl 14:40
Mente jeg hadde lest dette, men når jeg nå finner denne; https://en.africanmanager.com/tunisia-ministry-of-industry-grants-etap-hydrocarbon-exploitation-concession/
Så kan en jo faen meg begynne å lure. ETAP ble godkjent i august.
"The exploitation concession “Oued Zar” which covers an area of 96 square kilometers, is granted for a period of twenty years from the date of August 21, 2022."
Så kan en jo faen meg begynne å lure. ETAP ble godkjent i august.
"The exploitation concession “Oued Zar” which covers an area of 96 square kilometers, is granted for a period of twenty years from the date of August 21, 2022."
Redigert 23.12.2022 kl 14:46
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Ref -- http://www.etap.com.tn/index.php?id=1160&lg=3
Partner Participation Operator Onshore/Offshore
ETAP 55 %
ETAP er det nasjonale selskapet i Tunisia ...
Merkelig at sidene deres ikke er oppdatert om de har 100% i Ezzouia nå
Partner Participation Operator Onshore/Offshore
ETAP 55 %
ETAP er det nasjonale selskapet i Tunisia ...
Merkelig at sidene deres ikke er oppdatert om de har 100% i Ezzouia nå
Redigert 23.12.2022 kl 15:04
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23.12.2022 kl 15:39
La oss bare drikke (h)jula inn ..og ut
Aksjonær møte i Januar,--- AC eier bare noen få % .. Det må da finnes nboen som kan bytte ut den bløffen.
Aksjonær møte i Januar,--- AC eier bare noen få % .. Det må da finnes nboen som kan bytte ut den bløffen.
Redigert 23.12.2022 kl 15:51
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23.12.2022 kl 16:15
Bytte til hvem da???? Tror dessverre han er det beste vi kan ha enn så lenge i dette rottereiret her.
23.12.2022 kl 17:15
Ja, dette var et et lystig lag...her går det vel nesten ikke an å overleve. Sutring opphøyd i 11te potens
Hvar er det som driver dere?
Her er det hvertfall opptil flere kasus:
1. Dere som er her bare for fun, og har ikke annet å bedrive tiden med
2. Dere som har kjøpt noe dere skulle ta dere til himmelen
3. Bitre mennesker som allerede har tapt alle pengene
Bruk tiden deres alleledes, det vil bidra til et bedre liv.
Og legg merke til en ting. De som vet hva dette dreier seg om, er helt rolige.
Hvar er det som driver dere?
Her er det hvertfall opptil flere kasus:
1. Dere som er her bare for fun, og har ikke annet å bedrive tiden med
2. Dere som har kjøpt noe dere skulle ta dere til himmelen
3. Bitre mennesker som allerede har tapt alle pengene
Bruk tiden deres alleledes, det vil bidra til et bedre liv.
Og legg merke til en ting. De som vet hva dette dreier seg om, er helt rolige.
Redigert 23.12.2022 kl 17:21
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23.12.2022 kl 17:52
Det forundrer meg at folk kan sitte å ha så bastante meninger om sjefen i en bedrift dere ikke har innsikt i.
Det er da ikke et forballag med trener som kan byttes ut.
Det er da ikke et forballag med trener som kan byttes ut.
23.12.2022 kl 18:50
Fantastisk.!!!! Ser at de på hjemmesiden sin har lagt ut en svært så aksjonærvennlig melding; HAPPY HOLIDAYS from the Zenith team.
Puhh….trodde et øyeblikk de hadde glemt oss..
Puhh….trodde et øyeblikk de hadde glemt oss..
23.12.2022 kl 21:50
I am one of those calm investors, my average is much lower than most here but also because I am certain in 2023 the price will shift upwards significantly. AC will deliver one of the big assets and once we produce 5000-10000 bopd many investors here will kick themselves why they didn’t buy instead of loading up at bottom price, which is where we are now.
24.12.2022 kl 01:31
"A concession of exploitation of hydrocarbons called concession of exploitation “Ezzaouia” was granted to the Tunisian Company of Petroleum Activities (ETAP) with a rate of 100%, under a decree of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy published in the Official Gazette of the Tunisian Republic (JORT) Tuesday."
"A concession of exploitation of hydrocarbons called concession of exploitation “Ezzaouia” was granted to the Tunisian Company of Petroleum Activities (ETAP) with a rate of 100%, under a decree of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy published in the Official Gazette of the Tunisian Republic (JORT) Tuesday."
24.12.2022 kl 08:30
On April 19, 2019, the Tunisian State represented by the Ministry of Industry and Small & Medium Enterprises informed ETAP and EPZ that the Comité Consultatif des Hydrocarbures (“CCH”) had provided a favourable opinion to the application submitted by ETAP and EPZ for a new 20-year concession to be called “Ezzaouia” (the “New Concession”).
A Convention for the New Concession (the agreed work programme between ETAP and EPZ) has been signed by both parties.
The New Concession is currently awaiting parliamentary approval.
A Convention for the New Concession (the agreed work programme between ETAP and EPZ) has been signed by both parties.
The New Concession is currently awaiting parliamentary approval.
Company should come with explanation as it all over in Tunisian news papers around 30th November.
Company already sold oil 2 times from current field.
There must be something wrong as company in touch with ministry for side track from last year.
Company already sold oil 2 times from current field.
There must be something wrong as company in touch with ministry for side track from last year.
Redigert 24.12.2022 kl 09:27
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24.12.2022 kl 09:23
Er det sånn at ETAP har fått fornyet Essaouia med 100%, og så etterpå deler denne med Ecumed som er Zena sin fot inn i dette? Viss en leser på sidene til ETAP står fortsatt ECUMED som 45% eier...
26.12.2022 kl 15:07
So there is said by Tunisian.....but said and done is deferent thing. We should haw learned from experience in that regions.
26.12.2022 kl 15:36
2023 kan bli året der kursen går til 0.11-0.12.
En kan håpe det skjer
En kan håpe det skjer