RECSI - Polysilicon Shortage Decides Installation Pace 2022-2027
Chinese PV Industry Brief: Daqo reports polysilicon average selling price of $32.76/kg in Q1
APRIL 22, 2022
“We are very pleased to report exceptional results for the first quarter of 2022, the best-ever in the company’s history,” said Daqo CEO Longgen Zhang. “Last December, we began production at our new 35,000 MT phase 4B polysilicon expansion project. Production ramp up was successful throughout the first quarter.” Looking forward, Daqo said it expected to produce between 32,000 MT to 34,000 MT of polysilicon in the second quarter of 2022 and approximately 120,000 MT to 125,000 MT of polysilicon in the full year of 2022.
“We believe the polysilicon sector will remain one of the most profitable sectors in the solar PV value chain, as polysilicon will continue to be in short supply and determine the actual pace and total volume of global installations,” the company stated.
Main Industry Chain Prices Saw Minor Increment except Wafers amidst Incessant Pandemic-Induced Impact
APRIL 21, 2022
Polysilicon prices continued to increase marginally this week, with overall mono polysilicon quotations sitting at roughly RMB 252/kg. With most long-term orders for April being signed, polysilicon transactions were relatively sluggish this week, where merely a small amount of urgent and sporadic orders were signed. In addition, the various extents of impact on output and logistics among polysilicon businesses under the pandemic have resulted in a constrained provision of raw materials, and the confined production schedule has impeded the supply of partial long-term orders. Urgent orders are being concluded on a high price level, which surged the average concluded prices of polysilicon this week.
An observation on the production, operation, and shipment status of the polysilicon segment indicates that two businesses are currently under overhaul. Polysilicon is insufficient in terms of new capacity release. Some wafer businesses are lowering their operating rate due to the pandemic, though they are maintained on a relatively high operating rate on the whole owing to gradually releasing capacity, and these businesses’ unabated demand for polysilicon will provide a support for polysilicon prices in lingering at a high level within the short term.
Chinese PV Industry Brief: Polysilicon prices keep rising
APRIL 15, 2022
Polysilicon maker predicts 5-year shortage of solar raw material
APRIL 20, 2022
Wacker falls to fourth in global polysilicon ranking
APRIL 27, 2022
‘Follow China’s lead’
“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has opened the eyes for what it means to be economically dependent on a dictatorial regime,” said Bernreuter. “Western governments should not make the same mistake with China. It is high time to establish non-Chinese solar supply chains. China has demonstrated what the ingredients of success are: low electricity rates for power-hungry polysilicon and ingot production, loan guarantees for private investment, cost-efficient equipment manufacturing, and strategic foresight.”
Polysilicon price fluctuations expected to continue until late 2023
FEBRUARY 24, 2022
Kilde til overskrift
APRIL 20, 2022
The slight decrease in the average polysilicon spot price on April 20 is purely due to a weakening Chinese Yuan; EnergyTrend’s spot price average of mono-grade polysilicon in China has further risen to CNY252/kg (incl. 13% VAT) from CNY251/kg last week.
Our recommendation
Bernreuter Research recommends that you you look at PVinsights, EnergyTrend and PV InfoLink for comparison, rather than favoring the price data from just one provider.
Statements on the market trend can be contradictory from time to time. If, for instance, one data provider reports high polysilicon inventories in the value chain whereas the other claims low ones, the latter may be based on information from suppliers that are interested in playing down the scope of inventories in order to be in a better bargaining position vis-à-vis their customers. For this reason, it is always a good idea to base your judgment on several views and sometimes, you just have to live with information discrepancies.
What’s next for polysilicon?
OCTOBER 26, 2021
China’s cheap electricity crowds out foreign polysilicon
FEBRUARY 18, 2021
Polysilicon market analyst Johannes Bernreuter says China imported around 30% less polysilicon last year and cornered 80% of the global market for its domestic manufacturers, fueled by uber-low electricity prices.
“South Korea’s polysilicon industry was out-competed by Chinese producers who enjoy extremely low and subsidized electricity rates from coal-fired power plants in the western regions of Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia,” said Bernreuter, noting Korean players OCI and Hanwha exited the market a year ago, citing electricity prices.
Solar Power May Be the Next Victim of China’s Coal Shortage
SEPTEMBER 29, 2021
China’s power crisis:
Long-term goals meet short-term realities
Solar outlook looks bright amid Russia-Ukraine war
MARCH 31, 2022
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused oil and natural gas prices to surge. This put renewable energy in the spotlight again. European countries, being aware of their dependence on Russian oil and natural gas, are rolling out plans to diversify energy sources and facilitate the transition to renewables.
Cumulative installed solar PV capacity worldwide from 2000 to 2020,installed%20in%20that%20same%20year.
APRIL 22, 2022
“We are very pleased to report exceptional results for the first quarter of 2022, the best-ever in the company’s history,” said Daqo CEO Longgen Zhang. “Last December, we began production at our new 35,000 MT phase 4B polysilicon expansion project. Production ramp up was successful throughout the first quarter.” Looking forward, Daqo said it expected to produce between 32,000 MT to 34,000 MT of polysilicon in the second quarter of 2022 and approximately 120,000 MT to 125,000 MT of polysilicon in the full year of 2022.
“We believe the polysilicon sector will remain one of the most profitable sectors in the solar PV value chain, as polysilicon will continue to be in short supply and determine the actual pace and total volume of global installations,” the company stated.
Main Industry Chain Prices Saw Minor Increment except Wafers amidst Incessant Pandemic-Induced Impact
APRIL 21, 2022
Polysilicon prices continued to increase marginally this week, with overall mono polysilicon quotations sitting at roughly RMB 252/kg. With most long-term orders for April being signed, polysilicon transactions were relatively sluggish this week, where merely a small amount of urgent and sporadic orders were signed. In addition, the various extents of impact on output and logistics among polysilicon businesses under the pandemic have resulted in a constrained provision of raw materials, and the confined production schedule has impeded the supply of partial long-term orders. Urgent orders are being concluded on a high price level, which surged the average concluded prices of polysilicon this week.
An observation on the production, operation, and shipment status of the polysilicon segment indicates that two businesses are currently under overhaul. Polysilicon is insufficient in terms of new capacity release. Some wafer businesses are lowering their operating rate due to the pandemic, though they are maintained on a relatively high operating rate on the whole owing to gradually releasing capacity, and these businesses’ unabated demand for polysilicon will provide a support for polysilicon prices in lingering at a high level within the short term.
Chinese PV Industry Brief: Polysilicon prices keep rising
APRIL 15, 2022
Polysilicon maker predicts 5-year shortage of solar raw material
APRIL 20, 2022
Wacker falls to fourth in global polysilicon ranking
APRIL 27, 2022
‘Follow China’s lead’
“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has opened the eyes for what it means to be economically dependent on a dictatorial regime,” said Bernreuter. “Western governments should not make the same mistake with China. It is high time to establish non-Chinese solar supply chains. China has demonstrated what the ingredients of success are: low electricity rates for power-hungry polysilicon and ingot production, loan guarantees for private investment, cost-efficient equipment manufacturing, and strategic foresight.”
Polysilicon price fluctuations expected to continue until late 2023
FEBRUARY 24, 2022
Kilde til overskrift
APRIL 20, 2022
The slight decrease in the average polysilicon spot price on April 20 is purely due to a weakening Chinese Yuan; EnergyTrend’s spot price average of mono-grade polysilicon in China has further risen to CNY252/kg (incl. 13% VAT) from CNY251/kg last week.
Our recommendation
Bernreuter Research recommends that you you look at PVinsights, EnergyTrend and PV InfoLink for comparison, rather than favoring the price data from just one provider.
Statements on the market trend can be contradictory from time to time. If, for instance, one data provider reports high polysilicon inventories in the value chain whereas the other claims low ones, the latter may be based on information from suppliers that are interested in playing down the scope of inventories in order to be in a better bargaining position vis-à-vis their customers. For this reason, it is always a good idea to base your judgment on several views and sometimes, you just have to live with information discrepancies.
What’s next for polysilicon?
OCTOBER 26, 2021
China’s cheap electricity crowds out foreign polysilicon
FEBRUARY 18, 2021
Polysilicon market analyst Johannes Bernreuter says China imported around 30% less polysilicon last year and cornered 80% of the global market for its domestic manufacturers, fueled by uber-low electricity prices.
“South Korea’s polysilicon industry was out-competed by Chinese producers who enjoy extremely low and subsidized electricity rates from coal-fired power plants in the western regions of Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia,” said Bernreuter, noting Korean players OCI and Hanwha exited the market a year ago, citing electricity prices.
Solar Power May Be the Next Victim of China’s Coal Shortage
SEPTEMBER 29, 2021
China’s power crisis:
Long-term goals meet short-term realities
Solar outlook looks bright amid Russia-Ukraine war
MARCH 31, 2022
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused oil and natural gas prices to surge. This put renewable energy in the spotlight again. European countries, being aware of their dependence on Russian oil and natural gas, are rolling out plans to diversify energy sources and facilitate the transition to renewables.
Cumulative installed solar PV capacity worldwide from 2000 to 2020,installed%20in%20that%20same%20year.
Redigert 09.07.2022 kl 12:44
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19.05.2022 kl 10:36
Et annet moment er vedtaket i EU i går (REPowerEU) og hva det vil bety for poly fremover - det blir i hvert fall ikke noe mindre behov når alle tak på nybygg i EU skal ha solpaneler.
Redigert 19.05.2022 kl 10:58
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19.05.2022 kl 10:45
Og ei ny melding om Hanwha sin satsing i USA kan jo komma alt i helga i Sør-Korea. Med «sjefen» der pluss Biden til stades. Og med Rec som sikker framtidig leverandør av råstoff. Trur neppe haussinga av aksjen kan kallast overdreven!
26.05.2022 kl 11:55
MAY 25, 2022
Current polysilicon spot price: US$33.85 per kg +1.1%
MAY 25, 2022
As the Chinese yuan has stopped its depreciation and is gaining value against the US dollar, our global polysilicon spot price avaerage has increased this week although EnergyTrend’s spot price index of mono-grade polysilicon in China has remained unchanged at CNY259/kg (incl. 13% VAT) . However, it is expected that the Chinese spot price will rise next week because polysilicon demand continues to be higher than supply.
End users in standoffs amid high module prices
MAY 25, 2022
MAY 25, 2022
Item High Low Avg Chg
Mono-Grade Polysilicon (RMB)
265 253 259 0.0 %
Polysilicon Outside China (USD)
35.638 33.244 34.564 1.31 %
MAY 25, 2022
Current polysilicon spot price: US$33.85 per kg +1.1%
MAY 25, 2022
As the Chinese yuan has stopped its depreciation and is gaining value against the US dollar, our global polysilicon spot price avaerage has increased this week although EnergyTrend’s spot price index of mono-grade polysilicon in China has remained unchanged at CNY259/kg (incl. 13% VAT) . However, it is expected that the Chinese spot price will rise next week because polysilicon demand continues to be higher than supply.
End users in standoffs amid high module prices
MAY 25, 2022
MAY 25, 2022
Item High Low Avg Chg
Mono-Grade Polysilicon (RMB)
265 253 259 0.0 %
Polysilicon Outside China (USD)
35.638 33.244 34.564 1.31 %
"Polysilicon demand continues to be higher than supply"
For de som ikke ser skogen for trær bør vurdere nye briller hvis de ennå ikke forstår for en unik posisjon rec er i
For de som ikke ser skogen for trær bør vurdere nye briller hvis de ennå ikke forstår for en unik posisjon rec er i
26.05.2022 kl 12:36
Kan dere som følger REC døgnet rundt si noe om nåværende spotpriser og etterspørsel vil ha betydning for resultatet i 1Q/22, eller selger RECsil på gamle langtidskontrakter?
Butte skulle reforhandle kontraktene så jeg regner med at prisen vil slå inn allerede på Q1 22 resultate. Anyone?
26.05.2022 kl 14:12
Høg etterspørsel etter polysilicon er vel først og fremst frå Kina? Men oppstart av wafer-produksjon i USA og andre land er på trappene. Så styret i Rec burde vel også sjå at Rec er i ein unik posisjon, og varsla restart av ML for å sikra seg framtidige poly-kundar? Prisane ser jo ut til å halda seg oppe fleire år framover. Og i ein startfase bør Rec kunna produsera for lager.
27.05.2022 kl 13:58
Artikel fra infolink Group blev tilgængelig
In the upstream, polysilicon supply remains short, as disproportion with demand persists. The spot market sees polysilicon shortage, and thus grim order deliveries. Supply chain disruptions have yet to get effective relief. Buyers and sellers are still caught in deadlocks.
Trading prices for mono-grade polysilicon advance further, coming in at RMB 255-260/kg, whilst recycled polysilicon scrap is traded at RMB 258-266/kg slightly higher. Polysilicon from outside of China enjoys premiums.
Production volume has increased 16% this month, compared with levels in January. Monthly production volume may reach beyond 70,000 MT in June.
The upward price trend continues and will not end in the short term, given stronger end user demand and disproportionate supply-demand relationship caused by exceedingly fast capacity expansion of ingot facilities. Still, room for further advances in the high-price range narrow, as polysilicon production volume is likely to increase faster.
Differences between prices for polysilicon in China and overseas are set to enlarge, thanks to the latter’s characteristics, advantages, and seemingly rare production capacity increases in recent terms.
In the upstream, polysilicon supply remains short, as disproportion with demand persists. The spot market sees polysilicon shortage, and thus grim order deliveries. Supply chain disruptions have yet to get effective relief. Buyers and sellers are still caught in deadlocks.
Trading prices for mono-grade polysilicon advance further, coming in at RMB 255-260/kg, whilst recycled polysilicon scrap is traded at RMB 258-266/kg slightly higher. Polysilicon from outside of China enjoys premiums.
Production volume has increased 16% this month, compared with levels in January. Monthly production volume may reach beyond 70,000 MT in June.
The upward price trend continues and will not end in the short term, given stronger end user demand and disproportionate supply-demand relationship caused by exceedingly fast capacity expansion of ingot facilities. Still, room for further advances in the high-price range narrow, as polysilicon production volume is likely to increase faster.
Differences between prices for polysilicon in China and overseas are set to enlarge, thanks to the latter’s characteristics, advantages, and seemingly rare production capacity increases in recent terms.
Redigert 27.05.2022 kl 13:59
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28.05.2022 kl 11:13
Fra energytrend
Polysilicon prices remained sturdy this week, with overall mono polysilicon quotations sitting at roughly RMB 259/kg. Polysilicon businesses have mostly signed their May orders, and a number of them are unable to provide shipment by having signed an excessive level of orders. Orders for June are scheduled for negotiation starting from next week. Owing to a confined increment of polysilicon and the surging demand for wafers, the excess demand of polysilicon will persist for the short term, and prices are likely to retain some extent of dynamics for inflation next week.
An observation on the production, operation, and shipment of the polysilicon segment indicates that most polysilicon businesses are currently operating at full load. The domestic output of multi polysilicon for May is expected to be approximately 62.2K tons under a MoM growth of 7.2%, and the increase will mainly come from the expanded capacity of Yongxiang, Xinte, and Asia Silicon.
Polysilicon prices remained sturdy this week, with overall mono polysilicon quotations sitting at roughly RMB 259/kg. Polysilicon businesses have mostly signed their May orders, and a number of them are unable to provide shipment by having signed an excessive level of orders. Orders for June are scheduled for negotiation starting from next week. Owing to a confined increment of polysilicon and the surging demand for wafers, the excess demand of polysilicon will persist for the short term, and prices are likely to retain some extent of dynamics for inflation next week.
An observation on the production, operation, and shipment of the polysilicon segment indicates that most polysilicon businesses are currently operating at full load. The domestic output of multi polysilicon for May is expected to be approximately 62.2K tons under a MoM growth of 7.2%, and the increase will mainly come from the expanded capacity of Yongxiang, Xinte, and Asia Silicon.
31.05.2022 kl 11:19
Mixed trends in polysilicon manufacturers’ first-quarter results
MAY 30, 2022
REC Silicon achieved a positive operating EBITDA margin of 10.3% after it was in the red for three consecutive quarters. The company’s small electronic-grade polysilicon and silane plant in Butte, Montana (USA) improved the EBITDA margin of its semiconductor materials business from 21.5% to 31% although the polysilicon sales volume dropped by 44% in the seasonally weak first quarter. After Hanwha Solutions and Hanwha Corporation completed the acquisition of a combined stake of 33.3% in the company in early May, REC Silicon has announced it will reopen its granular polysilicon and silane plant in Moses Lake, Washington in the fourth quarter of 2023 and ramp it up to 100% utilization by the end of 2024. The two Hanwha affiliates have proposed off-take contracts for the complete polysilicon and silane output in Moses Lake. Regarding the potential silane demand from manufacturers of silicon-containing battery anodes (in particular, Group14 Technologies and Sila Nanotechnologies), CEO James May said: “We will determine how to address that as time goes on.”
MAY 30, 2022
REC Silicon achieved a positive operating EBITDA margin of 10.3% after it was in the red for three consecutive quarters. The company’s small electronic-grade polysilicon and silane plant in Butte, Montana (USA) improved the EBITDA margin of its semiconductor materials business from 21.5% to 31% although the polysilicon sales volume dropped by 44% in the seasonally weak first quarter. After Hanwha Solutions and Hanwha Corporation completed the acquisition of a combined stake of 33.3% in the company in early May, REC Silicon has announced it will reopen its granular polysilicon and silane plant in Moses Lake, Washington in the fourth quarter of 2023 and ramp it up to 100% utilization by the end of 2024. The two Hanwha affiliates have proposed off-take contracts for the complete polysilicon and silane output in Moses Lake. Regarding the potential silane demand from manufacturers of silicon-containing battery anodes (in particular, Group14 Technologies and Sila Nanotechnologies), CEO James May said: “We will determine how to address that as time goes on.”
01.06.2022 kl 13:08
Polysilicon (Per KG)2022/06/01 update Chg
Mono-Grade Polysilicon (RMB) 270 ( 2.32 % )
Polysilicon Outside China (USD) 36.513 ( 1.77 % )
Polysilicon prices remained sturdy this week, with overall mono polysilicon quotations sitting at roughly RMB 259/kg. Polysilicon businesses have mostly signed their May orders, and a number of them are unable to provide shipment by having signed an excessive level of orders. Orders for June are scheduled for negotiation starting from next week. Owing to a confined increment of polysilicon and the surging demand for wafers, the excess demand of polysilicon will persist for the short term, and prices are likely to retain some extent of dynamics for inflation next week.
An observation on the production, operation, and shipment of the polysilicon segment indicates that most polysilicon businesses are currently operating at full load. The domestic output of multi polysilicon for May is expected to be approximately 62.2K tons under a MoM growth of 7.2%, and the increase will mainly come from the expanded capacity of Yongxiang, Xinte, and Asia Silicon.
Mono-Grade Polysilicon (RMB) 270 ( 2.32 % )
Polysilicon Outside China (USD) 36.513 ( 1.77 % )
Polysilicon prices remained sturdy this week, with overall mono polysilicon quotations sitting at roughly RMB 259/kg. Polysilicon businesses have mostly signed their May orders, and a number of them are unable to provide shipment by having signed an excessive level of orders. Orders for June are scheduled for negotiation starting from next week. Owing to a confined increment of polysilicon and the surging demand for wafers, the excess demand of polysilicon will persist for the short term, and prices are likely to retain some extent of dynamics for inflation next week.
An observation on the production, operation, and shipment of the polysilicon segment indicates that most polysilicon businesses are currently operating at full load. The domestic output of multi polysilicon for May is expected to be approximately 62.2K tons under a MoM growth of 7.2%, and the increase will mainly come from the expanded capacity of Yongxiang, Xinte, and Asia Silicon.
Redigert 01.06.2022 kl 13:08
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01.06.2022 kl 14:59
Current polysilicon spot price: US$34.55 per kg +2.1%
Last update: June 1, 2022
While the exchange rate of the Chinese yuan versus the US dollar seems to stabilize somewhat, EnergyTrend’s spot price index of mono-grade polysilicon in China has strongly increased from CNY259/kg last week to CNY265/kg (incl. 13% VAT), following the negotiations on June orders. Accordingly, our global polysilicon spot price average has risen by more than 2% this week.
Last update: June 1, 2022
While the exchange rate of the Chinese yuan versus the US dollar seems to stabilize somewhat, EnergyTrend’s spot price index of mono-grade polysilicon in China has strongly increased from CNY259/kg last week to CNY265/kg (incl. 13% VAT), following the negotiations on June orders. Accordingly, our global polysilicon spot price average has risen by more than 2% this week.
02.06.2022 kl 12:45
Ceaseless polysilicon price hikes weigh on module production costs
JUNE 1, 2022
Polysilicon prices will advance further in June, after ceaseless hikes in the first half of this year.
The market is signing orders actively in recent terms. Long-term orders between major manufacturers receive some discounts amid polysilicon shortage, but median price keeps going up. Sporadic orders see prices stay elevated. Despite both pandemic and inland transportation in China showing signs of easing, excess polysilicon demand has yet to be resolved. Pressures continue to build for polysilicon buyers.
Trading prices for mono-grade polysilicon rise to RMB 259-266/kg, whilst recycled polysilicon scrap is traded at RMB 263-268/kg. Polysilicon outside of China enjoys premiums.
Some polysilicon manufacturers plan to commission new or modified production capacities by the end of the second quarter, but additions to actual production volumes will not instantly emerge. New capacities need three to four months to come online, boosting production volumes in the third quarter. Polysilicon prices can hardly decline in the short term provided that demand in the downstream sustains.
JUNE 1, 2022
Polysilicon prices will advance further in June, after ceaseless hikes in the first half of this year.
The market is signing orders actively in recent terms. Long-term orders between major manufacturers receive some discounts amid polysilicon shortage, but median price keeps going up. Sporadic orders see prices stay elevated. Despite both pandemic and inland transportation in China showing signs of easing, excess polysilicon demand has yet to be resolved. Pressures continue to build for polysilicon buyers.
Trading prices for mono-grade polysilicon rise to RMB 259-266/kg, whilst recycled polysilicon scrap is traded at RMB 263-268/kg. Polysilicon outside of China enjoys premiums.
Some polysilicon manufacturers plan to commission new or modified production capacities by the end of the second quarter, but additions to actual production volumes will not instantly emerge. New capacities need three to four months to come online, boosting production volumes in the third quarter. Polysilicon prices can hardly decline in the short term provided that demand in the downstream sustains.
08.06.2022 kl 13:14
Current polysilicon spot price: US$34.79 per kg +0.7%
JUNE 8, 2022
While the exchange rate of the Chinese yuan versus the US dollar seems to stabilize somewhat, EnergyTrend’s spot price index of mono-grade polysilicon in China has increased from CNY265/kg last week to CNY267/kg (incl. 13% VAT), driving our global polysilicon spot price average further upward.
Polysilicon Resumes Inflation Tendency; Centralized PV Projects Expected to Recover by Actuation of Policies
JUNE 8, 2022
Polysilicon prices continued to rise this week, with overall mono polysilicon quotations maintaining at roughly RMB 265/kg. Partial businesses started signing for June order this week, and some of them are temporarily out of available products having signed an excessive amount of orders in May under an unabated demand, which has slightly postponed their signing of June orders. This has exacerbated the short supply sentiment within the market, and the downstream sector has now amplified in purchase willingness by actively raising the corresponding prices in order to facilitate transactions. As a result, prices had continued to climb this week.
An observation on the production, operation, and shipment status of the polysilicon segment indicates that the overall volume increment remains constrained due to postponement in the capacity expansion from individual businesses, despite a timely release of partial expanded capacity, and the overall supply of polysilicon is still unable to fulfill the market demand when wafer businesses of a higher operating rate are gradually releasing their expanded capacity. Simultaneously, Malaysia-based OCI has yet to operate at full load in June from having completed overhaul, while Germany-based Wacker has not resolved its polysilicon transportation, and will maintain on a low-level import. The short supply status of polysilicon will persist for the short term under a sufficient support from high prices.
Solar Spot Price
Unceasing polysilicon price hikes weigh on prices in midstream
JUNE 8, 2022
We will update spot price article on Thursday.
PV Grade PolySilicon + 0.62%
Last Update: 2022-06-08
JUNE 8, 2022
While the exchange rate of the Chinese yuan versus the US dollar seems to stabilize somewhat, EnergyTrend’s spot price index of mono-grade polysilicon in China has increased from CNY265/kg last week to CNY267/kg (incl. 13% VAT), driving our global polysilicon spot price average further upward.
Polysilicon Resumes Inflation Tendency; Centralized PV Projects Expected to Recover by Actuation of Policies
JUNE 8, 2022
Polysilicon prices continued to rise this week, with overall mono polysilicon quotations maintaining at roughly RMB 265/kg. Partial businesses started signing for June order this week, and some of them are temporarily out of available products having signed an excessive amount of orders in May under an unabated demand, which has slightly postponed their signing of June orders. This has exacerbated the short supply sentiment within the market, and the downstream sector has now amplified in purchase willingness by actively raising the corresponding prices in order to facilitate transactions. As a result, prices had continued to climb this week.
An observation on the production, operation, and shipment status of the polysilicon segment indicates that the overall volume increment remains constrained due to postponement in the capacity expansion from individual businesses, despite a timely release of partial expanded capacity, and the overall supply of polysilicon is still unable to fulfill the market demand when wafer businesses of a higher operating rate are gradually releasing their expanded capacity. Simultaneously, Malaysia-based OCI has yet to operate at full load in June from having completed overhaul, while Germany-based Wacker has not resolved its polysilicon transportation, and will maintain on a low-level import. The short supply status of polysilicon will persist for the short term under a sufficient support from high prices.
Solar Spot Price
Unceasing polysilicon price hikes weigh on prices in midstream
JUNE 8, 2022
We will update spot price article on Thursday.
PV Grade PolySilicon + 0.62%
Last Update: 2022-06-08
Redigert 08.06.2022 kl 13:14
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08.06.2022 kl 15:45
Chinese PV Industry Brief: Polysilicon price exceeds $40/kg, another 5 GW of cell capacity comes online
JUNE 8, 2022
The China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association reports that the price of polysilicon reached this week CNY 270 ($40.39)/kg — the highest level since 2011. The weekly average price was CNY 267/kg. The price hike is due to both difficult silicon metal supply and increasing market demand from the downstream business.
JUNE 8, 2022
The China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association reports that the price of polysilicon reached this week CNY 270 ($40.39)/kg — the highest level since 2011. The weekly average price was CNY 267/kg. The price hike is due to both difficult silicon metal supply and increasing market demand from the downstream business.
09.06.2022 kl 12:27
Fra infolink-group
Polysilicon prices advance further. Long-term orders between major manufacturers receive some discounts amid polysilicon shortage, but median price keeps going up. Sporadic orders see prices stay elevated. Despite both pandemic and transportation logjam in China showing signs of easing, excess polysilicon demand has yet to be resolved. Pressures continue to build for polysilicon buyers, especially new ingot capacities in need of polysilicon to generate actual output.
Trading prices for mono-grade polysilicon rise to RMB 260-268/kg, whilst recycled polysilicon scrap is traded at RMB 263-270/kg. Polysilicon from outside of China enjoys premiums, with prices reaching beyond RMB 280/kg.
Some polysilicon manufacturers plan to commission new or modified production capacities by the end of the second quarter. But additions to actual production volumes are little, as new capacities need three to four months to come online, boosting production volumes in the third quarter. Doubled with changing U.S. policies, if end user demand sustains, polysilicon prices are not likely to drop in the short term. Even next year will not see evident decline.
Polysilicon prices advance further. Long-term orders between major manufacturers receive some discounts amid polysilicon shortage, but median price keeps going up. Sporadic orders see prices stay elevated. Despite both pandemic and transportation logjam in China showing signs of easing, excess polysilicon demand has yet to be resolved. Pressures continue to build for polysilicon buyers, especially new ingot capacities in need of polysilicon to generate actual output.
Trading prices for mono-grade polysilicon rise to RMB 260-268/kg, whilst recycled polysilicon scrap is traded at RMB 263-270/kg. Polysilicon from outside of China enjoys premiums, with prices reaching beyond RMB 280/kg.
Some polysilicon manufacturers plan to commission new or modified production capacities by the end of the second quarter. But additions to actual production volumes are little, as new capacities need three to four months to come online, boosting production volumes in the third quarter. Doubled with changing U.S. policies, if end user demand sustains, polysilicon prices are not likely to drop in the short term. Even next year will not see evident decline.
09.06.2022 kl 12:29
280 RMB/kg udenfor Kina, eller $42/kg
Det er jo fucking sindssygt.
Det er jo fucking sindssygt.
Redigert 09.06.2022 kl 12:29
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Hehe/ ja - det er sykt høyt.
RECsi vil nok uansett ikke få en langtidskontrakt der oppe.
Med det sagt, så var Ulltveit-Moe tydelig på at hans investering i Polysilicon dels var motivert av at det både er svært dyrt og tar lang tid å bygge ny kapasitet.
Man kommer ikke unna at et anlegg ala Moses Lake tar 3 år å bygge… Når det først blir mangel på poly, så må man først ha masse kapital, og så være relativ sikre på at prisene holder seg, slik at investeringen er bærekraftig.
Det er en største fordelen RECsi har nå: anlegget er der, teknologien er verdensledende og gir minst karbonavtrykk og de kan operere anlegget.
Vel/ vel / vel💲💲
RECsi vil nok uansett ikke få en langtidskontrakt der oppe.
Med det sagt, så var Ulltveit-Moe tydelig på at hans investering i Polysilicon dels var motivert av at det både er svært dyrt og tar lang tid å bygge ny kapasitet.
Man kommer ikke unna at et anlegg ala Moses Lake tar 3 år å bygge… Når det først blir mangel på poly, så må man først ha masse kapital, og så være relativ sikre på at prisene holder seg, slik at investeringen er bærekraftig.
Det er en største fordelen RECsi har nå: anlegget er der, teknologien er verdensledende og gir minst karbonavtrykk og de kan operere anlegget.
Vel/ vel / vel💲💲
Redigert 09.06.2022 kl 12:39
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10.06.2022 kl 23:05
PV Price Watch: Polysilicon prices to remain high on unfaltering demand and panic buying
JUNE 9, 2022
Johannes Bernretuer of polysilicon research firm Bernreuter Research told PV Tech Premium that demand outpacing additional output from factories had coincided with a “tendency to hoarding and panic buying”, while new entrants to the solar wafer market were also strategically snapping up feedstock longer-term, itself acting as a drag to available supply.
As a result, there has been no softening in Q2 as might have been otherwise expected earlier this year.
Bernreuter added that there could be additional increases in Q3 as demand continues to outstrip supply, with significant new capacities only expected to ramp in Q4 and, more specifically, towards the end of this year.
“Prices will maybe drop more strongly in December – that will also depend on when and how quickly new entrants will start up,” Bernreuter said.
Xinte’s new facility in Inner Mongolia is expected to begin production from Q3 – earlier than anticipated – but while China’s Silicon Branch indicated this week that two facilities – Inner Mongolia Tongwei II and Leshan GCL – will ramp at the beginning of Q3, Bernretuer remains skeptical.
“I don’t believe that earlier start-ups in the third quarter will change the overall picture much as ramp-up will take time. The widespread expectation is now that polysilicon prices will remain high this year,” he said.
JUNE 9, 2022
Johannes Bernretuer of polysilicon research firm Bernreuter Research told PV Tech Premium that demand outpacing additional output from factories had coincided with a “tendency to hoarding and panic buying”, while new entrants to the solar wafer market were also strategically snapping up feedstock longer-term, itself acting as a drag to available supply.
As a result, there has been no softening in Q2 as might have been otherwise expected earlier this year.
Bernreuter added that there could be additional increases in Q3 as demand continues to outstrip supply, with significant new capacities only expected to ramp in Q4 and, more specifically, towards the end of this year.
“Prices will maybe drop more strongly in December – that will also depend on when and how quickly new entrants will start up,” Bernreuter said.
Xinte’s new facility in Inner Mongolia is expected to begin production from Q3 – earlier than anticipated – but while China’s Silicon Branch indicated this week that two facilities – Inner Mongolia Tongwei II and Leshan GCL – will ramp at the beginning of Q3, Bernretuer remains skeptical.
“I don’t believe that earlier start-ups in the third quarter will change the overall picture much as ramp-up will take time. The widespread expectation is now that polysilicon prices will remain high this year,” he said.
Redigert 10.06.2022 kl 23:05
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15.06.2022 kl 11:49
China’s Solar Industry Reels as Material Cost Nears Decade-High
JUNE 15, 2022
The cost of a key material for solar panels in China is nearing its highest level in a decade, squeezing profits even as companies ramp up production to meet the world’s growing renewable power needs.
The average price of the most expensive grade of polysilicon reached 268.5 yuan ($40) a kilogram on Wednesday, according to the China Silicon Industry Association. Last year, it soared threefold to as much as 272.2 yuan, the highest since 2011, as demand outran supply.
JUNE 15, 2022
The cost of a key material for solar panels in China is nearing its highest level in a decade, squeezing profits even as companies ramp up production to meet the world’s growing renewable power needs.
The average price of the most expensive grade of polysilicon reached 268.5 yuan ($40) a kilogram on Wednesday, according to the China Silicon Industry Association. Last year, it soared threefold to as much as 272.2 yuan, the highest since 2011, as demand outran supply.
15.06.2022 kl 11:55
Current polysilicon spot price: US$34.62 per kg -0.5%
Last update: June 15, 2022
Polysilicon (Per KG)2022/06/15 update
item High Low Avg Chg
Mono-Grade Polysilicon (RMB) 270 260 267 ( 0.0 % )
Polysilicon Outside China (USD) 36.044 33.423 34.723 ( -1.31 % )
Polysilicon prices continued to rise this week, with overall mono polysilicon quotations maintaining at roughly RMB 267/kg and are gradually approaching the high price point back in 2021. Most polysilicon businesses have signed for their June orders this week, and the volume of available orders for June has dropped marginally due to excessive signing, where individual orders have been signed until mid-July under the current excess demand status. The main reasons lie on the higher operating rate seen from the wafer segment, coupling with how the release of expanded capacity has amplified polysilicon demand, and that the currently restricted polysilicon output is unable to fulfill demand, which provides a support for an increment in polysilicon prices. Polysilicon prices are expected to climb sturdily during mid to late-June due to sporadic and urgent orders.
An observation on the production, operation, and shipment status of the polysilicon segment indicates that most of the new capacity added previously has now attained a full load status. Expanded polysilicon capacity from GCL (Leshan), Xinte Energy (Baotou), and Tongwei (Inner Mongolia) is going to commence production in the third quarter, and is scheduled to arrive at the targeted level during the fourth quarter at the earliest after taking into account the time required for capacity increment. The increase of polysilicon will be restricted for the third quarter, and the excess demand status will persist if the wafer segment is still maintaining a higher operating rate that would provide dynamics for price increases.
Last update: June 15, 2022
Polysilicon (Per KG)2022/06/15 update
item High Low Avg Chg
Mono-Grade Polysilicon (RMB) 270 260 267 ( 0.0 % )
Polysilicon Outside China (USD) 36.044 33.423 34.723 ( -1.31 % )
Polysilicon prices continued to rise this week, with overall mono polysilicon quotations maintaining at roughly RMB 267/kg and are gradually approaching the high price point back in 2021. Most polysilicon businesses have signed for their June orders this week, and the volume of available orders for June has dropped marginally due to excessive signing, where individual orders have been signed until mid-July under the current excess demand status. The main reasons lie on the higher operating rate seen from the wafer segment, coupling with how the release of expanded capacity has amplified polysilicon demand, and that the currently restricted polysilicon output is unable to fulfill demand, which provides a support for an increment in polysilicon prices. Polysilicon prices are expected to climb sturdily during mid to late-June due to sporadic and urgent orders.
An observation on the production, operation, and shipment status of the polysilicon segment indicates that most of the new capacity added previously has now attained a full load status. Expanded polysilicon capacity from GCL (Leshan), Xinte Energy (Baotou), and Tongwei (Inner Mongolia) is going to commence production in the third quarter, and is scheduled to arrive at the targeted level during the fourth quarter at the earliest after taking into account the time required for capacity increment. The increase of polysilicon will be restricted for the third quarter, and the excess demand status will persist if the wafer segment is still maintaining a higher operating rate that would provide dynamics for price increases.
Redigert 15.06.2022 kl 12:10
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16.06.2022 kl 17:56
Cell prices rise on short supply as upstream shortage persists
JUNE 16, 2022
Short supply from the upstream shows no sign of easing. Prices at which orders are signed keep rising, coming in at RMB 262-268/kg for mono-grade polysilicon, and RMB 265-271/kg for recycled polysilicon scraps. Adding to relentless price hikes, disproportionate supply-demand relationship persists. Toiled with various challenges, such as supply and delivery issues, polysilicon and wafer sectors manage to address their problems.
In China, the pandemic wanes by mid-June, whilst inland transportation logjams ease. Faced with drawn-out shortages, polysilicon buyers see pressures building, especially new ingot capacities in need of polysilicon to generate actual output by the second half of the year. Some ingot companies resort to other business models and forms of partnership with polysilicon manufacturers. As of the second quarter, inventories remain low and have yet to build up in the upstream.
Polysilicon price can hardly drop in recent terms and even the second half of the year, as end user demand sustains.
JUNE 16, 2022
Short supply from the upstream shows no sign of easing. Prices at which orders are signed keep rising, coming in at RMB 262-268/kg for mono-grade polysilicon, and RMB 265-271/kg for recycled polysilicon scraps. Adding to relentless price hikes, disproportionate supply-demand relationship persists. Toiled with various challenges, such as supply and delivery issues, polysilicon and wafer sectors manage to address their problems.
In China, the pandemic wanes by mid-June, whilst inland transportation logjams ease. Faced with drawn-out shortages, polysilicon buyers see pressures building, especially new ingot capacities in need of polysilicon to generate actual output by the second half of the year. Some ingot companies resort to other business models and forms of partnership with polysilicon manufacturers. As of the second quarter, inventories remain low and have yet to build up in the upstream.
Polysilicon price can hardly drop in recent terms and even the second half of the year, as end user demand sustains.
19.06.2022 kl 13:56
Trichlorosilane, why is it so hot?
JUNE 19, 2022
"Trichlorosilane is an indispensable core raw material in the production process of polysilicon, and it is of great significance to ensure the smooth expansion and production of polysilicon enterprises." An industry insider said in an interview with the media, "In the start-up stage, every polysilicon manufacturer To add 1 ton of polysilicon production capacity, about 0.2 tons of trichlorosilane needs to be invested at one time to replenish the liquid level and cleaning system. In the production stage, polysilicon manufacturers need to consume 0.3~0.5 tons of trichlorosilane to supplement each 1 ton of polysilicon produced. Loss of the circulatory system."
In other words, trichlorosilane will also be in short supply.
In this regard, Sinolink Securities deeply agrees: "The core downstream of trichlorosilane is polysilicon, which is an essential raw material in its production. The mismatch between supply and demand of photovoltaic grade trichlorosilane is difficult to alleviate in the short and medium term, and it continues to be high in the industry. In a booming state, enterprises with photovoltaic-grade trichlorosilane production capacity will fully benefit, and domestic polysilicon enterprises are expanding rapidly under the background of carbon neutrality, and the demand for photovoltaic-grade trichlorosilane will usher in an explosive period."
In fact, the shortage of trichlorosilane is also reflected in the price.
In 2022, the price of industrial-grade trichlorosilane fluctuated at 21,000 yuan/ton, while the price of photovoltaic-grade trichlorosilane jumped. The price in March was still 18,000 yuan/ton, and it changed in May. into 27,000 yuan / ton.
JUNE 19, 2022
"Trichlorosilane is an indispensable core raw material in the production process of polysilicon, and it is of great significance to ensure the smooth expansion and production of polysilicon enterprises." An industry insider said in an interview with the media, "In the start-up stage, every polysilicon manufacturer To add 1 ton of polysilicon production capacity, about 0.2 tons of trichlorosilane needs to be invested at one time to replenish the liquid level and cleaning system. In the production stage, polysilicon manufacturers need to consume 0.3~0.5 tons of trichlorosilane to supplement each 1 ton of polysilicon produced. Loss of the circulatory system."
In other words, trichlorosilane will also be in short supply.
In this regard, Sinolink Securities deeply agrees: "The core downstream of trichlorosilane is polysilicon, which is an essential raw material in its production. The mismatch between supply and demand of photovoltaic grade trichlorosilane is difficult to alleviate in the short and medium term, and it continues to be high in the industry. In a booming state, enterprises with photovoltaic-grade trichlorosilane production capacity will fully benefit, and domestic polysilicon enterprises are expanding rapidly under the background of carbon neutrality, and the demand for photovoltaic-grade trichlorosilane will usher in an explosive period."
In fact, the shortage of trichlorosilane is also reflected in the price.
In 2022, the price of industrial-grade trichlorosilane fluctuated at 21,000 yuan/ton, while the price of photovoltaic-grade trichlorosilane jumped. The price in March was still 18,000 yuan/ton, and it changed in May. into 27,000 yuan / ton.
Redigert 19.06.2022 kl 13:57
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20.06.2022 kl 13:09
Trichlorosilane Market to Surpass USD 11,068 Mn by 2030 Exclusive Report By Acumen Research and Consulting
JUNE 19, 2022
JUNE 19, 2022
23.06.2022 kl 19:48
beklager fraværet, har haft nogle turbulente dage
lidt læsning er dog på sin plads - god fornøjelse
PV Grade PolySilicon (9N/9N+) 36.350 22.400 33.150 0.59 1.81%
Last Update: 2022-06-22
New Wave of Inflation Fermenting within the Industry Chain as Constrained Polysilicon Provision Persists
JUNE 23, 2022
Polysilicon prices continued to surge under a slightly expanded degree this week, where mono-Si dense materials were quoted at a mainstream price of RMB 263-275/kg, while mono-Si compound feedings were quotes at a mainstream price of RMB 265-278/kg, with an average concluded price of RMB 271-273/kg. Various polysilicon businesses had focused on executing reminding orders this week, where partial sporadic and urgent orders are continuously rising in prices.
An observation on the production and operation status of the polysilicon segment indicates that individual businesses were affected in capacity this week due to incidents or power restrictions. Domestic polysilicon production is expected to fall below anticipation during June, which exacerbates the constrained status of polysilicon provision, and the material prices for partial orders may continue to rise. In addition, polysilicon businesses in Xinjiang are also starting their overhaul in July due to the particular incident this time.
Looking ahead to Q3, the continuous release of wafer capacity and the relatively high profitability will facilitate continuous robustness in polysilicon procurement. For the supply end, Tongwei, Xinte, and GCL-Poly are going to release new capacity at the end of Q3, though the actual volume will be exceedingly limited considering how capacity increment takes up 1-2 quarters, while the amplified plans in temporary overhaul have also aggravated the severely insufficient supply of polysilicon. Polysilicon prices will remain on the ascending trajectory, and overall structure in supply and demand will stay on the tighter end throughout 2022.
Market awaits future wafer price trends
JUNE 22, 2022
Prices at which polysilicon orders are signed keep rising amid short supply, coming in at RMB 265-270/kg for mono-grade polysilicon, and RMB 268-275/kg for recycled polysilicon scraps. As of the end of the second quarter, ceaseless price hikes seem innocuous to the robust demand from the wafer sector. Wafer manufacturers fail to run at full capacity but manage to keep relatively high utilization rates.
Seeing rigorous order signing activities, sellers and buyers are still faced with the conundrum of arranging lead time and delivery schedules, as polysilicon shortage shows no sign of easing.
To add to that, an accident on June 16 forced leading polysilicon manufacturers to cease production for line inspections, tapping the brake on the already slow increase of polysilicon supply.
In the short term, the growth of polysilicon supply will face hurdles, as northern China welcomes warmer weather, and some polysilicon makers undergo line inspections.
All eyes are on the progress of new polysilicon production capacities. Some projects will be commissioned in July and possibly stanch the loss caused by line inspections. Still, the shortage persists. Polysilicon buyers see pressure building, especially new ingot capacities in need of polysilicon to generate actual output by the second half of the year. Some ingot companies resort to alternative business models and forms of partnership with polysilicon manufacturers.
Current polysilicon spot price: US$35.32 per kg +2.0%
JUNE 22, 2022
This week the global polysilicon spot price average has seen another leap. EnergyTrend’s spot price index of mono-grade polysilicon in China has strongly increased from CNY267/kg last week to CNY272/kg (incl. 13% VAT).
lidt læsning er dog på sin plads - god fornøjelse
PV Grade PolySilicon (9N/9N+) 36.350 22.400 33.150 0.59 1.81%
Last Update: 2022-06-22
New Wave of Inflation Fermenting within the Industry Chain as Constrained Polysilicon Provision Persists
JUNE 23, 2022
Polysilicon prices continued to surge under a slightly expanded degree this week, where mono-Si dense materials were quoted at a mainstream price of RMB 263-275/kg, while mono-Si compound feedings were quotes at a mainstream price of RMB 265-278/kg, with an average concluded price of RMB 271-273/kg. Various polysilicon businesses had focused on executing reminding orders this week, where partial sporadic and urgent orders are continuously rising in prices.
An observation on the production and operation status of the polysilicon segment indicates that individual businesses were affected in capacity this week due to incidents or power restrictions. Domestic polysilicon production is expected to fall below anticipation during June, which exacerbates the constrained status of polysilicon provision, and the material prices for partial orders may continue to rise. In addition, polysilicon businesses in Xinjiang are also starting their overhaul in July due to the particular incident this time.
Looking ahead to Q3, the continuous release of wafer capacity and the relatively high profitability will facilitate continuous robustness in polysilicon procurement. For the supply end, Tongwei, Xinte, and GCL-Poly are going to release new capacity at the end of Q3, though the actual volume will be exceedingly limited considering how capacity increment takes up 1-2 quarters, while the amplified plans in temporary overhaul have also aggravated the severely insufficient supply of polysilicon. Polysilicon prices will remain on the ascending trajectory, and overall structure in supply and demand will stay on the tighter end throughout 2022.
Market awaits future wafer price trends
JUNE 22, 2022
Prices at which polysilicon orders are signed keep rising amid short supply, coming in at RMB 265-270/kg for mono-grade polysilicon, and RMB 268-275/kg for recycled polysilicon scraps. As of the end of the second quarter, ceaseless price hikes seem innocuous to the robust demand from the wafer sector. Wafer manufacturers fail to run at full capacity but manage to keep relatively high utilization rates.
Seeing rigorous order signing activities, sellers and buyers are still faced with the conundrum of arranging lead time and delivery schedules, as polysilicon shortage shows no sign of easing.
To add to that, an accident on June 16 forced leading polysilicon manufacturers to cease production for line inspections, tapping the brake on the already slow increase of polysilicon supply.
In the short term, the growth of polysilicon supply will face hurdles, as northern China welcomes warmer weather, and some polysilicon makers undergo line inspections.
All eyes are on the progress of new polysilicon production capacities. Some projects will be commissioned in July and possibly stanch the loss caused by line inspections. Still, the shortage persists. Polysilicon buyers see pressure building, especially new ingot capacities in need of polysilicon to generate actual output by the second half of the year. Some ingot companies resort to alternative business models and forms of partnership with polysilicon manufacturers.
Current polysilicon spot price: US$35.32 per kg +2.0%
JUNE 22, 2022
This week the global polysilicon spot price average has seen another leap. EnergyTrend’s spot price index of mono-grade polysilicon in China has strongly increased from CNY267/kg last week to CNY272/kg (incl. 13% VAT).
25.06.2022 kl 21:25
‘Ceaseless’ polysilicon price rises in China as production falls below forecasts
JUNE 23, 2022
As PV Tech Premium reported earlier this month, the sustained price rises have defied projections that pricing would decline as more capacity comes onstream.
Research published yesterday by industry analyst PV InfoLink noted that there have been “ceaseless price hikes” in Q2, as it said the polysilicon shortage “shows no sign of easing”.
This year has seen polysilicon producers including Tongwei, Zhonghuan Semiconductor (TZS) and Daqo New Energy announce plans to scale up production, although Daqo effectively sold out its inventory for 2022 after signing a long-term supply deal.
Chase said that polysilicon prices should fall in Q4 of this year as more production capacity comes online.
JUNE 23, 2022
As PV Tech Premium reported earlier this month, the sustained price rises have defied projections that pricing would decline as more capacity comes onstream.
Research published yesterday by industry analyst PV InfoLink noted that there have been “ceaseless price hikes” in Q2, as it said the polysilicon shortage “shows no sign of easing”.
This year has seen polysilicon producers including Tongwei, Zhonghuan Semiconductor (TZS) and Daqo New Energy announce plans to scale up production, although Daqo effectively sold out its inventory for 2022 after signing a long-term supply deal.
Chase said that polysilicon prices should fall in Q4 of this year as more production capacity comes online.
25.06.2022 kl 21:25
Chinese PV Industry Brief: Polysilicon prices hit high of $41.80/kg
JUNE 24, 2022
The China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association said the price of polysilicon reached CNY 280/kg this week – the highest level ever recorded. The weekly average price was CNY 273/kg. The increase was mainly due to a reduction in production output of around 3,500 metric tons (MT). The association said other factories will also start seasonal maintenance in July, and this will continue to weigh on supply and drive up prices.
JUNE 24, 2022
The China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association said the price of polysilicon reached CNY 280/kg this week – the highest level ever recorded. The weekly average price was CNY 273/kg. The increase was mainly due to a reduction in production output of around 3,500 metric tons (MT). The association said other factories will also start seasonal maintenance in July, and this will continue to weigh on supply and drive up prices.
27.06.2022 kl 21:11
PV Price Watch: China PV module prices exceeding US$0.30c/W as wafer prices rise
(Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder.)
JUNE 27, 2022
While that level of module pricing was indeed witnessed and reported last month, that was only in certain instances and this price is now more widespread in China, highlighting the impact of continual price hikes of the last two months.
But of greater concern is the shortage of monocrystalline wafer supply. While wafering capacity is significant, its growth has outpaced that of ingot pulling and, as a result, wafer production has reached a bottleneck.
With wafer prices rising on the back of such a bottleneck, manufacturers are being forced into long-term orders that specify the volume, but not the price just to secure supply. With polysilicon and wafer demand showing no signs of abating any time soon, driven by that bottleneck of new capacity at the polysilicon and ingoting stage, prices are expected to keep rising.
(Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder.)
JUNE 27, 2022
While that level of module pricing was indeed witnessed and reported last month, that was only in certain instances and this price is now more widespread in China, highlighting the impact of continual price hikes of the last two months.
But of greater concern is the shortage of monocrystalline wafer supply. While wafering capacity is significant, its growth has outpaced that of ingot pulling and, as a result, wafer production has reached a bottleneck.
With wafer prices rising on the back of such a bottleneck, manufacturers are being forced into long-term orders that specify the volume, but not the price just to secure supply. With polysilicon and wafer demand showing no signs of abating any time soon, driven by that bottleneck of new capacity at the polysilicon and ingoting stage, prices are expected to keep rising.
29.06.2022 kl 11:53
Jepper! Tak!
item High Low Avg Chg
Mono-Grade Polysilicon (RMB) 285 265 280 ( 2.94 % )
Polysilicon Outside China (USD) 37.624 34.984 36.954 ( 3.82 %
2022/06/29 update
item High Low Avg Chg
Mono-Grade Polysilicon (RMB) 285 265 280 ( 2.94 % )
Polysilicon Outside China (USD) 37.624 34.984 36.954 ( 3.82 %
2022/06/29 update
Redigert 29.06.2022 kl 11:54
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Polyprisen holder seg sterk …
Med slike priser vil RECsi har årlige overskudd som overstiger dagens børsverdi😂 Det er ikke mer enn to år fram i tid - så for dem som har et lenger perspektiv enn neste torsdag - blir det hyggelig.
Nå dekker nok short inn, og lopper noen skjelvende småsparere👀 Den som selger nå, skal stå!
Med slike priser vil RECsi har årlige overskudd som overstiger dagens børsverdi😂 Det er ikke mer enn to år fram i tid - så for dem som har et lenger perspektiv enn neste torsdag - blir det hyggelig.
Nå dekker nok short inn, og lopper noen skjelvende småsparere👀 Den som selger nå, skal stå!
29.06.2022 kl 13:19
recyara skrev Opp 6 prosent på pvinsights.
Hehe du er fandme hurtig :)
Item High Low Average AvgChg AvgChg%
PV Grade PolySilicon (9N/9N+) 38.300 24.200 35.130 1.98 5.97%
Så har jeg bernreuters opdatering med ;)
infolink-group imorgen!
This week the global polysilicon spot price average has jolted up due to the shutdown of East Hope’s plant in Xinjiang for presumably one month after a fire on June 17. EnergyTrend’s spot price index of mono-grade polysilicon in China has strongly increased from CNY272/kg last week to CNY280/kg (incl. 13% VAT); the prices reported by the Silicon Branch of the China Non-ferrous Metals Industry Association even range from CNY281.7/kg to CNY286.3/kg.
Last update: June 29, 2022
Item High Low Average AvgChg AvgChg%
PV Grade PolySilicon (9N/9N+) 38.300 24.200 35.130 1.98 5.97%
Så har jeg bernreuters opdatering med ;)
infolink-group imorgen!
This week the global polysilicon spot price average has jolted up due to the shutdown of East Hope’s plant in Xinjiang for presumably one month after a fire on June 17. EnergyTrend’s spot price index of mono-grade polysilicon in China has strongly increased from CNY272/kg last week to CNY280/kg (incl. 13% VAT); the prices reported by the Silicon Branch of the China Non-ferrous Metals Industry Association even range from CNY281.7/kg to CNY286.3/kg.
Last update: June 29, 2022
29.06.2022 kl 13:59
Får håpe dette inspirerer til et taktskifte - full gass nå for å korte ned tidslinjen frem mot åpning : )
30.06.2022 kl 13:29
Market jitters as wafer pricing remains obscured
JUNE 30, 2022
All eyes are on the ceaseless polysilicon price hikes in the first half of the year, as the year reaches its halfway mark.
New polysilicon production capacities come online successively, but the shortage shows no sign of easing, given the leisurely pace effective production volume increases.
To add to that, an accident on June 16 forced leading polysilicon manufacturers to cease production for line inspections, tapping the brake on the already slow increase of polysilicon supply.
The growth of polysilicon supply will face hurdles, as northern China welcomes warmer weather, and some polysilicon makers undergo line maintenance and safety inspections. In July, polysilicon supply will hardly increase, weighing more on downstream buyers.
Few new orders are sealed this week, as sellers and buyers focus on deliveries of those previously signed. From both two parties, some major manufacturers still sit on the fence without exchanging price quotes. Still, prices are sure to go up, only to what extent remains uncertain.
JUNE 30, 2022
All eyes are on the ceaseless polysilicon price hikes in the first half of the year, as the year reaches its halfway mark.
New polysilicon production capacities come online successively, but the shortage shows no sign of easing, given the leisurely pace effective production volume increases.
To add to that, an accident on June 16 forced leading polysilicon manufacturers to cease production for line inspections, tapping the brake on the already slow increase of polysilicon supply.
The growth of polysilicon supply will face hurdles, as northern China welcomes warmer weather, and some polysilicon makers undergo line maintenance and safety inspections. In July, polysilicon supply will hardly increase, weighing more on downstream buyers.
Few new orders are sealed this week, as sellers and buyers focus on deliveries of those previously signed. From both two parties, some major manufacturers still sit on the fence without exchanging price quotes. Still, prices are sure to go up, only to what extent remains uncertain.
Kanskje det er derfor kontrakter med hanwha tar tid, at RECs egne analytikere har sett at prisene vil stige og vil forhandle frem en enda bedre pris, spesielt mtp på prisøkningen som vil komme i farvannet av batteriboomen.
30.06.2022 kl 20:55
Solar value chain jitters continue as polysilicon price reaches new high, wafer prices climb further
JUNE 30, 2022
The solar industry supply chain’s jitters continued this week after polysilicon prices hit another high, driving silicon wafer prices further upward too.
This week’s polysilicon pricing update recorded prices of up to RMB280/kg (inclusive of China’s 13% sales tax, equivalent to around US$37/kg excluding that tax), with an average price of around RMB276/kg (US$36.49/kg excluding China’s sales tax).
Prices jumped by around 2.6% on last week’s price, which itself marked the first time prices rose above last year’s high of RMB269/kg and amounted to an 11-year high.
JUNE 30, 2022
The solar industry supply chain’s jitters continued this week after polysilicon prices hit another high, driving silicon wafer prices further upward too.
This week’s polysilicon pricing update recorded prices of up to RMB280/kg (inclusive of China’s 13% sales tax, equivalent to around US$37/kg excluding that tax), with an average price of around RMB276/kg (US$36.49/kg excluding China’s sales tax).
Prices jumped by around 2.6% on last week’s price, which itself marked the first time prices rose above last year’s high of RMB269/kg and amounted to an 11-year high.
30.06.2022 kl 21:10
Tak, men det her er tråd om polysilicon pris - så denne havde nok passet bedre i en af de andre tråde :)
04.07.2022 kl 20:18
Tongwei hikes PV cell prices, signs polysilicon deals worth US$18 billion
JULY 4, 2022
Aiko Solar and other solar cell manufacturers are also understood to have increased prices, Aiko’s 182mm cell climbing to RMB1.27/W (US$0.18/W), for example.
It can also be noted that Tongwei has reduced the thickness of its 182mm and 210mm cells from 160μm to 155μm, embracing the trend established by wafer providers Zhonghuan Semiconductor and LONGi for reduced wafer and cell thickness as polysilicon becomes more expensive.
Last week PV Tech reported how a fresh wave of increases to polysilicon prices had ricocheted down the value chain, sending wafer, cell and module prices upwards.
Tongwei also confirmed that it had signed two new long-term polysilicon orders with an estimated combined value of RMB120.4 billion (US$18 billion).
It has signed the deals with Shuangliang Silicon Material, which is to procure some 222,500 metric tons (MT) of polysilicon over the next four years, while Meike Silicon Energy will purchase just over 256,000MT of polysilicon between 2022 and 2027.
JULY 4, 2022
Aiko Solar and other solar cell manufacturers are also understood to have increased prices, Aiko’s 182mm cell climbing to RMB1.27/W (US$0.18/W), for example.
It can also be noted that Tongwei has reduced the thickness of its 182mm and 210mm cells from 160μm to 155μm, embracing the trend established by wafer providers Zhonghuan Semiconductor and LONGi for reduced wafer and cell thickness as polysilicon becomes more expensive.
Last week PV Tech reported how a fresh wave of increases to polysilicon prices had ricocheted down the value chain, sending wafer, cell and module prices upwards.
Tongwei also confirmed that it had signed two new long-term polysilicon orders with an estimated combined value of RMB120.4 billion (US$18 billion).
It has signed the deals with Shuangliang Silicon Material, which is to procure some 222,500 metric tons (MT) of polysilicon over the next four years, while Meike Silicon Energy will purchase just over 256,000MT of polysilicon between 2022 and 2027.
05.07.2022 kl 11:46
Tongwei Soars in Silicon Market With 300% Increase in H1
JULY 5, 2022
PVTIME – On July 4, Tongwei Co., Ltd. (600438.SH), issued an announcement on its performance that it expected a net profit for the first half of 2022 to be CNY 12 billion to 12.5 billion, a year-on-year increase of 304.62%-321.48%. The company stated that its substantial increase in profits and sales volume was resulted from the increase of demand for high-purity crystalline silicon from the downstream companies.
What is more, on July 1st, four subsidiaries of Tongwei has signed with Meike Silicon Energy Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of Jiangsu Meike Solar, for polysilicon. Meike Silicon Energy expects to purchase a total of 256,100 MT of polysilicon products from Tongwei’s subsidiaries from 2022 to 2027. The total sales is calculated to be approximately CNY 64.41 billion (tax excluded), according to 284,200 yuan / MT (tax included), the latest average transaction price of single crystal dense materials announced by the Silicon Industry Branch of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association on June 29, 2022.
Furthermore, On July 5, Tongwei stock rose nearly 3% to 67.56 yuan as stock price continued to hit a record high, with a market value of over 300 billion yuan.
JULY 5, 2022
PVTIME – On July 4, Tongwei Co., Ltd. (600438.SH), issued an announcement on its performance that it expected a net profit for the first half of 2022 to be CNY 12 billion to 12.5 billion, a year-on-year increase of 304.62%-321.48%. The company stated that its substantial increase in profits and sales volume was resulted from the increase of demand for high-purity crystalline silicon from the downstream companies.
What is more, on July 1st, four subsidiaries of Tongwei has signed with Meike Silicon Energy Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of Jiangsu Meike Solar, for polysilicon. Meike Silicon Energy expects to purchase a total of 256,100 MT of polysilicon products from Tongwei’s subsidiaries from 2022 to 2027. The total sales is calculated to be approximately CNY 64.41 billion (tax excluded), according to 284,200 yuan / MT (tax included), the latest average transaction price of single crystal dense materials announced by the Silicon Industry Branch of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association on June 29, 2022.
Furthermore, On July 5, Tongwei stock rose nearly 3% to 67.56 yuan as stock price continued to hit a record high, with a market value of over 300 billion yuan.
06.07.2022 kl 14:13
Jeg fandt også denne
Solar Polysilicon Prices Climb Again as Extreme Shortage Builds
JULY 6, 2022
The polysilicon market is in an “extreme supply shortage” after a manufacturer in Xinjiang unexpectedly shut for repairs, with other producers outside that region scheduled for routine maintenance in the third quarter, the association said. July output in China is expected to be about 58,000 tons, down 3,200 tons from June.
Prices are expected to keep rising through next month but should begin to ease in August, when newly added factories will more than balance out the capacity shut for maintenance, the association said.
Jeg fandt også denne
Solar Polysilicon Prices Climb Again as Extreme Shortage Builds
JULY 6, 2022
The polysilicon market is in an “extreme supply shortage” after a manufacturer in Xinjiang unexpectedly shut for repairs, with other producers outside that region scheduled for routine maintenance in the third quarter, the association said. July output in China is expected to be about 58,000 tons, down 3,200 tons from June.
Prices are expected to keep rising through next month but should begin to ease in August, when newly added factories will more than balance out the capacity shut for maintenance, the association said.
06.07.2022 kl 20:42
Polysilicon prices rise over 200% in 2022 amid supply shortages
Polysilicon, a key material in the creation of solar panels, has undergone steady price climbs as output has been cut for a variety of reasons.
The majority of solar panels are built using polysilicon, a material that is currently largely sourced from China. On Wednesday, top-grade polysilicon saw a nearly 2% rise in prices, according to the China Silicon Industry Association (CSIA).
After a decade of price declines, polysilicon is now at its highest price since 2011. The material’s cost to purchasers has risen for six straight weeks. In January 2021, one kilogram of Chinese polysilicon would fetch about $13. Now, prices exceed $43/kg.
Polysilicon, a key material in the creation of solar panels, has undergone steady price climbs as output has been cut for a variety of reasons.
The majority of solar panels are built using polysilicon, a material that is currently largely sourced from China. On Wednesday, top-grade polysilicon saw a nearly 2% rise in prices, according to the China Silicon Industry Association (CSIA).
After a decade of price declines, polysilicon is now at its highest price since 2011. The material’s cost to purchasers has risen for six straight weeks. In January 2021, one kilogram of Chinese polysilicon would fetch about $13. Now, prices exceed $43/kg.
The majority of solar panels are built using polysilicon, a material that is currently largely sourced from China. On Wednesday, top-grade polysilicon saw a nearly 2% rise in prices, according to the China Silicon Industry Association (CSIA).
After a decade of price declines, polysilicon is now at its highest price since 2011. The material’s cost to purchasers has risen for six straight weeks. In January 2021, one kilogram of Chinese polysilicon would fetch about $13. Now, prices exceed $43/kg.
The industry is in a sharp supply shortage as a major manufacturer in Xinjiang closed unexpectedly for repairs. The Xinjiang region in western China is home to nearly 50% of the world’s supply of polysilicon, and it is currently under scrutiny for credible allegations of forced labor.
CSIA said it expects polysilicon supply to drop roughly 5% in July compared to June. Bloomberg said prices are expected to continue to rise through the month until newly added factories displace the loss in production from sudden shutdowns. A rise in COVID-19 cases in China is causing shutdowns in the country, possibly further exacerbating the supply shortage in the near-term.
The Xinjiang region of China is home to nearly 50% of the global polysilicon supply chain. Image: Wikimedia Commons
The Uyghur Force Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) was passed this year to ensure that United States imports do not have connection to forced labor practices in the Xinjiang region. Last week, a large shipment of quartzite, an element used in making polysilicon, was detained by US Customs and Border Patrol. Analyst firm ROTH Capital Partners noted there is belief that product from both JinkoSolar and Trina Solar were seized by Customs, indicating the risk to the solar supply chain under the act may be higher than previously expected.
The UFLPA assumes a rebuttable presumption on goods shipped from the region, placing a heavy burden of proof on importers to show that there is no connection to forced labor. At the time of the House passing the UFLPA, U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh said, “The world and the American people cannot abide the presence of goods made under the exploitative conditions experienced by Uyghur and other ethnic minority groups in its global supply chains.”
The majority of solar panels are built using polysilicon, a material that is currently largely sourced from China. On Wednesday, top-grade polysilicon saw a nearly 2% rise in prices, according to the China Silicon Industry Association (CSIA).
After a decade of price declines, polysilicon is now at its highest price since 2011. The material’s cost to purchasers has risen for six straight weeks. In January 2021, one kilogram of Chinese polysilicon would fetch about $13. Now, prices exceed $43/kg.
The industry is in a sharp supply shortage as a major manufacturer in Xinjiang closed unexpectedly for repairs. The Xinjiang region in western China is home to nearly 50% of the world’s supply of polysilicon, and it is currently under scrutiny for credible allegations of forced labor.
CSIA said it expects polysilicon supply to drop roughly 5% in July compared to June. Bloomberg said prices are expected to continue to rise through the month until newly added factories displace the loss in production from sudden shutdowns. A rise in COVID-19 cases in China is causing shutdowns in the country, possibly further exacerbating the supply shortage in the near-term.
The Xinjiang region of China is home to nearly 50% of the global polysilicon supply chain. Image: Wikimedia Commons
The Uyghur Force Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) was passed this year to ensure that United States imports do not have connection to forced labor practices in the Xinjiang region. Last week, a large shipment of quartzite, an element used in making polysilicon, was detained by US Customs and Border Patrol. Analyst firm ROTH Capital Partners noted there is belief that product from both JinkoSolar and Trina Solar were seized by Customs, indicating the risk to the solar supply chain under the act may be higher than previously expected.
The UFLPA assumes a rebuttable presumption on goods shipped from the region, placing a heavy burden of proof on importers to show that there is no connection to forced labor. At the time of the House passing the UFLPA, U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh said, “The world and the American people cannot abide the presence of goods made under the exploitative conditions experienced by Uyghur and other ethnic minority groups in its global supply chains.”
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“The world will almost completely rely on China for the supply of key building blocks for solar panel production through 2025,” the agency said in the report. “This level of concentration in any global supply chain would represent a considerable vulnerability.”
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“The world will almost completely rely on China for the supply of key building blocks for solar panel production through 2025,” the agency said in the report. “This level of concentration in any global supply chain would represent a considerable vulnerability.”
07.07.2022 kl 22:34
Upstream prices jump with downstream acceptance still unclear
JULY 6, 2022
Polysilicon prices jump this week on excess demand and adverse impacts that hold back the growth of real polysilicon supply during July and August.
At the turn of the month, sellers and buyers have been signing orders since later last week. Most major manufacturers seal monthly orders under long-term contracts. Prices surged to RMB 284-290/kg for mono-grade polysilicon, and to RMB 288-294/kg for recycled polysilicon scraps. Some major polysilicon manufacturers have raised price quotes to RMB 295-298/kg. Overall, polysilicon prices rise by 4.8-6.5% this week.
The ingot segment shows moderate price acceptance for the time being towards increased polysilicon prices, given raw material shortage and the necessity to continue production. Meanwhile, the wafer sector raises prices timely, in advance of raw material price hikes.
Investigation of InfoLink focuses on polysilicon orders delivered during the previous Thursday and this Wednesday and recently signed orders. Therefore, changes and future price trend will gradually emerge during periods of higher order volume.
JULY 6, 2022
Polysilicon prices jump this week on excess demand and adverse impacts that hold back the growth of real polysilicon supply during July and August.
At the turn of the month, sellers and buyers have been signing orders since later last week. Most major manufacturers seal monthly orders under long-term contracts. Prices surged to RMB 284-290/kg for mono-grade polysilicon, and to RMB 288-294/kg for recycled polysilicon scraps. Some major polysilicon manufacturers have raised price quotes to RMB 295-298/kg. Overall, polysilicon prices rise by 4.8-6.5% this week.
The ingot segment shows moderate price acceptance for the time being towards increased polysilicon prices, given raw material shortage and the necessity to continue production. Meanwhile, the wafer sector raises prices timely, in advance of raw material price hikes.
Investigation of InfoLink focuses on polysilicon orders delivered during the previous Thursday and this Wednesday and recently signed orders. Therefore, changes and future price trend will gradually emerge during periods of higher order volume.