Update on key activities
Oslo, Norway, 28 April 2022: Cloudberry Clean Energy ASA ("Cloudberry" or the
"Company") current portfolio of power producing assets and secured assets under
construction consists of 26 hydropower and 3 wind power assets, with a total
capacity of 150 MW (61 MW is currently in production and the remaining 89 MW
under construction). The group also owns 100% of four additional construction
permits, which if completed will grow the total portfolio to 368 MW.
The Company is pleased to announce the following update related to certain of
its key activities:
Odal Vind
· All 34 turbines have been erected and as of today, 11 turbines are
· It is expected that all turbines will be energized within the deadline for
energization, which is 30 June 2022.
· Due to strong wind during the winter of 2021/2022 and certain delays from
project suppliers, extra resources have been utilized to meet the energization
deadline. Consequently, the capex budget has increased slightly (under <5% of
budgeted capex).
· Civil works has commenced and the foundations for all the 5 turbines have
been completed.
· The project is currently progressing according to plan, and it is expected
that the wind farm will be completed by year end 2022.
Ramsliåna & Skåråna
· Ramsliåna hydropower plant is completed and in production 31 March 2022.
· Construction and hand-over is completed at Skåråna and we expect Skåråna to
produce revenue by end of Q2 22.
· Final procurement is on-going and progressing according to plan.
· Secured option to purchase Munkhyttan II (additional 18 MW) at same terms
and conditions
· Cloudberry is currently optimizing the project (20 - 40 MW) and finalizing
the final development and procurement process (i.e. turbine negotiations).
· The project is planned to be completed by the end of 2023.
· The grid owner, Vattenfall, has completed an environmental impact assessment
and filed for an increased power grid capacity permit to match the construction
permit to Elmarknadsinspektionen.
· Construction is expected to commence following receipt of increased power
grid capacity permit, which is expected during 2022.
· Cloudberry's offshore team is working closely with the project team from the
Dutch company, Ventolines to optimize the project and further reduce risk before
making the final investment decision, which is expected to be made in 2022.
· Commercial operation is targeted by year end 2024.
Captiva Group
· In January Cloudberry closed the Captiva transaction. The transaction has
been well received by both organizations and the parties have already initiated
several development initiatives within Nordic wind and hydro.
So far in 2022, 100% of Cloudberry's power production has been exposed to spot
As a result of inter alia activities related to the implementation of the
Captiva Group, the ongoing work with the listing prospectus related to the
private placements resolved in December and in relation to the acquisition of
the Captiva Group and the onboarding of the new board members selected by the
AGM today, the Company has resolved to postpone the publication of the interim
report for Q1 2022 until 7 June 2022. This is disclosed separately in the
Company's updated financial calendar.
For further information, please contact:
Anders Lenborg, CEO, +47 934 13 130, al@cloudberry.no
Christian Helland, CVO, +47 418 80 000, ch@cloudberry.no
"Company") current portfolio of power producing assets and secured assets under
construction consists of 26 hydropower and 3 wind power assets, with a total
capacity of 150 MW (61 MW is currently in production and the remaining 89 MW
under construction). The group also owns 100% of four additional construction
permits, which if completed will grow the total portfolio to 368 MW.
The Company is pleased to announce the following update related to certain of
its key activities:
Odal Vind
· All 34 turbines have been erected and as of today, 11 turbines are
· It is expected that all turbines will be energized within the deadline for
energization, which is 30 June 2022.
· Due to strong wind during the winter of 2021/2022 and certain delays from
project suppliers, extra resources have been utilized to meet the energization
deadline. Consequently, the capex budget has increased slightly (under <5% of
budgeted capex).
· Civil works has commenced and the foundations for all the 5 turbines have
been completed.
· The project is currently progressing according to plan, and it is expected
that the wind farm will be completed by year end 2022.
Ramsliåna & Skåråna
· Ramsliåna hydropower plant is completed and in production 31 March 2022.
· Construction and hand-over is completed at Skåråna and we expect Skåråna to
produce revenue by end of Q2 22.
· Final procurement is on-going and progressing according to plan.
· Secured option to purchase Munkhyttan II (additional 18 MW) at same terms
and conditions
· Cloudberry is currently optimizing the project (20 - 40 MW) and finalizing
the final development and procurement process (i.e. turbine negotiations).
· The project is planned to be completed by the end of 2023.
· The grid owner, Vattenfall, has completed an environmental impact assessment
and filed for an increased power grid capacity permit to match the construction
permit to Elmarknadsinspektionen.
· Construction is expected to commence following receipt of increased power
grid capacity permit, which is expected during 2022.
· Cloudberry's offshore team is working closely with the project team from the
Dutch company, Ventolines to optimize the project and further reduce risk before
making the final investment decision, which is expected to be made in 2022.
· Commercial operation is targeted by year end 2024.
Captiva Group
· In January Cloudberry closed the Captiva transaction. The transaction has
been well received by both organizations and the parties have already initiated
several development initiatives within Nordic wind and hydro.
So far in 2022, 100% of Cloudberry's power production has been exposed to spot
As a result of inter alia activities related to the implementation of the
Captiva Group, the ongoing work with the listing prospectus related to the
private placements resolved in December and in relation to the acquisition of
the Captiva Group and the onboarding of the new board members selected by the
AGM today, the Company has resolved to postpone the publication of the interim
report for Q1 2022 until 7 June 2022. This is disclosed separately in the
Company's updated financial calendar.
For further information, please contact:
Anders Lenborg, CEO, +47 934 13 130, al@cloudberry.no
Christian Helland, CVO, +47 418 80 000, ch@cloudberry.no
29.04.2022 kl 10:59
Liker spesielt denne setningen: So far in 2022, 100% of Cloudberry's power production has been exposed to spot
29.04.2022 kl 13:41
For meg er det store spm. hvor mye vann de har hatt til å produsere i q1....
03.06.2022 kl 12:11
Cloudberry legger fram Q1 resultatene på kommende tirsdag 7. juni (stengt børs på mandag..) Cloudberry har produsert strøm til meget gode priser og kun til spotpris i hele kvartalet. Lite vann i noen vannmagasin har nok ført til at de ikke har kunne kjørt full produksjon, men det de har produsert har de fått gullpris for!
Innen utgangen av juni skal alle 34 turbinene i Odalvind være klar og kobles til strømnettet for produksjon. Deadline er 30. juni. Antar det kommer en oppdatering på det også i Q1. Kursen har ligget og vaket rundt 17 kr på lavt volum i flere uker nå etter å ha vært oppe i nesten 19 kr i mars når energisektoren hadde mer fokus enn akkurat nå. Resultatene på tirsdag blir spennende å følge med på, blir overrasket om ikke Cloudberry har tjent godt med penger i Q1 og kan vise til ett pent resultat.
Innen utgangen av juni skal alle 34 turbinene i Odalvind være klar og kobles til strømnettet for produksjon. Deadline er 30. juni. Antar det kommer en oppdatering på det også i Q1. Kursen har ligget og vaket rundt 17 kr på lavt volum i flere uker nå etter å ha vært oppe i nesten 19 kr i mars når energisektoren hadde mer fokus enn akkurat nå. Resultatene på tirsdag blir spennende å følge med på, blir overrasket om ikke Cloudberry har tjent godt med penger i Q1 og kan vise til ett pent resultat.
05.06.2022 kl 17:26
Pareto har ofte forhåndsuttalelser om Q-resultater. Og Cloudberry ble omtalt i Energy daily på fredag. God lesning når man har aksjer i CLOUD ;)
CLOUD: Q1’22 – Estimates lagging electricity prices
• We expect Cloudberry to report a Q1’22 proportionate EBITDA of NOK ~22m
• This is well ahead of consensus, which does not discount YTD spot prices with
actual market expectations likely higher
• For FY’22, we estimate an EBITDA of NOK >300m based on spot prices YTD
and forward curves for the different price zones (Cloudberry most exposed to
southern price areas, particularly as Odal comes on-stream). This compares
with current BBG consensus of NOK ~79m, with large positive estimate
revisions expected
• On a proportionate basis, the company is currently priced as ~13.5x 2022e
EBITDA on our estimates. Production is expected to grow ~33% y/y in 2023e,
with full year production from all power plants now onstream or under
construction. Production will increase further in 2024-25 as four additional wind
farms in SE3 are expected to come on-stream
• We currently have a BUY rec, TP NOK 23 on Cloudberry
CLOUD: Q1’22 – Estimates lagging electricity prices
• We expect Cloudberry to report a Q1’22 proportionate EBITDA of NOK ~22m
• This is well ahead of consensus, which does not discount YTD spot prices with
actual market expectations likely higher
• For FY’22, we estimate an EBITDA of NOK >300m based on spot prices YTD
and forward curves for the different price zones (Cloudberry most exposed to
southern price areas, particularly as Odal comes on-stream). This compares
with current BBG consensus of NOK ~79m, with large positive estimate
revisions expected
• On a proportionate basis, the company is currently priced as ~13.5x 2022e
EBITDA on our estimates. Production is expected to grow ~33% y/y in 2023e,
with full year production from all power plants now onstream or under
construction. Production will increase further in 2024-25 as four additional wind
farms in SE3 are expected to come on-stream
• We currently have a BUY rec, TP NOK 23 on Cloudberry
05.06.2022 kl 17:32
Og for å legge til det, så kommer energimarkedet i Europa til å være tøft i hele 2023 også. Leste med interesse om Frankrike for noen dager siden, som går fra stor eksportør av strøm til å bli importør i 2023 (riktignok midlertidig) pga store vedlikeholdsarbeider på kjernekraftverkene. Så selv uavhengig av Russland og galskapen de steller i stand, så hadde strømmarkedet i Europa fått høye priser pga Frankrike og kjernekraften. Om ikke Tyskland forlenger sin kjernekraft... Bare å sette opp en ligning og se på den perfekte stormen komme. Deler av den har vel alt truffet
06.06.2022 kl 17:42
Hadde vært interresant å vite hvilke spotpriser de legger inn i estimatene for årene som kommer. Selv bruker Cloud NVE og Value's estimater på 40-50 øre neste 20 årene...... Dette tror jeg er ALT for lavt. Mega upside, - glem kurs kr. 23. Vi skal raskt lenger opp for å reflektere faktum i markedet.
Redigert 06.06.2022 kl 17:53
Du må logge inn for å svare
06.06.2022 kl 18:05
Er vel litt det samme som Pareto skriver, så dere er på linje ;)
De starter jo med at "estimatene lagger energiprisene", så jeg tror vel at de kommer med en økning i TP etter at tallene er kommet og at de får ut en analyse av Q1. Det er i alle fall det jeg tror jeg ville gjort om jeg var analytiker :D
Men, nå er jeg riktignok økonom men jobber i IT inntil jeg har fått meg en stor nok portefølje til å "pensjonere meg for å investere egne midler" :D
De starter jo med at "estimatene lagger energiprisene", så jeg tror vel at de kommer med en økning i TP etter at tallene er kommet og at de får ut en analyse av Q1. Det er i alle fall det jeg tror jeg ville gjort om jeg var analytiker :D
Men, nå er jeg riktignok økonom men jobber i IT inntil jeg har fått meg en stor nok portefølje til å "pensjonere meg for å investere egne midler" :D
06.06.2022 kl 18:08
De pleier ikke å justere TP i "first take" før tallene presenteres. Innimellom signaliserer de justering, men den kommer etter presentasjonen
06.06.2022 kl 23:44
Takk for gode og informative innlegg Hellboy. Som dere skriver så framstår det som åpenbart at både 2022 og 2023 blir meget gode år for Cloudberry. Inntjeningen kommer til å øke betraktelig når Odal Vind kommer i drift om kun kort tid. Kursmål 23 er defensivt ja og jeg blir ikke veldig overrasket om noen kan komme med kursmål opp mot 30 kr etter at Q1 er presentert.(hvis tallene blir så bra som Pareto har analysert seg fram til da.).
At ikke Cloudberry, og andre strømprodusenter, har fått mer oppmerksomhet av analytikere i år er forøvrig ett lite mysterium. Ja, olje og oljeservice fortjener oppmerksomhet slik ståa er nå, men man kan vel si akkurat det samme om strømprodusentene. Strømmen var vel dyr før krigen i Ukraina også.. :)
At ikke Cloudberry, og andre strømprodusenter, har fått mer oppmerksomhet av analytikere i år er forøvrig ett lite mysterium. Ja, olje og oljeservice fortjener oppmerksomhet slik ståa er nå, men man kan vel si akkurat det samme om strømprodusentene. Strømmen var vel dyr før krigen i Ukraina også.. :)
07.06.2022 kl 09:12
Takk, Wian. Hyggelig å høre. Det ble jo en del dårligere tall enn Pareto anslo på forhånd, men her er det de skriver i dag. Tross alt god lesing :
Cloudberry reports proportionate EBITDA of NOK 5m vs. NOK 22m expected. The miss is explained by considerably lower
production in the quarter, with realized power price and costs largely in line. This reflects larger than expected seasonality from
the hydropower portfolio and low participation in Q1 and we expect to make limited changes to our estimates. BUY, TP NOK 23
• Cloudberry reports proportionate EBITDA of NOK 5m vs. our NOK 22m estimate and Bloomberg consensus at NOK (2)m
• Proportionate production was 29 GWh vs 59 GWh expected, driven by larger-than-expected seasonal variations and low participation. In
our estimates, we have included 40% lower hydropower production in Q1 than Q2/Q3 (and vice versa for wind farms)
• Consolidated EBITDA was higher at NOK 12m, implying a loss
• Realized power price was NOK 1.02/kWh, 4% ahead of our 0.98 estimate
• Costs were largely in line, with slightly lower loss in the development segment and larger loss in the new operations segment (Captiva)
• Consolidated EBITDA was NOK 12m vs. NOK 16m expected, implying negative EBITDA contribution from the non-consolidated “Forte”
hydropower portfolio, which explains the majority of the earnings miss vs our estimates
Cloudberry reports proportionate EBITDA of NOK 5m vs. NOK 22m expected. The miss is explained by considerably lower
production in the quarter, with realized power price and costs largely in line. This reflects larger than expected seasonality from
the hydropower portfolio and low participation in Q1 and we expect to make limited changes to our estimates. BUY, TP NOK 23
• Cloudberry reports proportionate EBITDA of NOK 5m vs. our NOK 22m estimate and Bloomberg consensus at NOK (2)m
• Proportionate production was 29 GWh vs 59 GWh expected, driven by larger-than-expected seasonal variations and low participation. In
our estimates, we have included 40% lower hydropower production in Q1 than Q2/Q3 (and vice versa for wind farms)
• Consolidated EBITDA was higher at NOK 12m, implying a loss
• Realized power price was NOK 1.02/kWh, 4% ahead of our 0.98 estimate
• Costs were largely in line, with slightly lower loss in the development segment and larger loss in the new operations segment (Captiva)
• Consolidated EBITDA was NOK 12m vs. NOK 16m expected, implying negative EBITDA contribution from the non-consolidated “Forte”
hydropower portfolio, which explains the majority of the earnings miss vs our estimates
09.06.2022 kl 13:35
Cloudberry kjøper nytt vannkraftanlegg og øker produksjonen betydelig
09.06.2022 kl 14:17
Dette ser bra ut, men hva betaler de i tillegg til aksjer for 16 mill? Hvor mye cash?
10.06.2022 kl 19:55
The purchase price is undisclosed, but based on the characteristics of the asset, we expect a price of NOK ~7m/GWh or NOK ~120m in total. Assuming 50% LTV, this implies a cash investment of NOK ~40-45m, which can be funded by cash on hand
The purchase price is undisclosed, but based on the characteristics of the asset, we expect a price of NOK ~7m/GWh or NOK ~120m in total. Assuming 50% LTV, this implies a cash investment of NOK ~40-45m, which can be funded by cash on hand
12.06.2022 kl 00:53
Sprøtt at "sjefen kjøper" og er så arrogant at han ikke verdiger sine medeiere å fortelle hva "vi" betaler... sier jo ikke så mye "16,3 mill i aksjer og resten i cash"....? 10 mill? 100 mill i cash.... Suna Alkan, er ikke du ansvarlig for comms, ESG og compliance? Nå må du våkne!
12.06.2022 kl 01:47
Takes two to tango. Er jo ikke sikkert at selgende part ønsket at summen skulle publiseres
The Observer
20.06.2022 kl 13:16
Siste kjøp må vi anta er ganske kostbart, så høy elprisen er nå. Byggingen ev enda et kraftverk Bøen 3 er vel det som ha veid tyngst for dette kjøpet. Men, flere kostbare prosjekter på gang gjør investorer betenkt for nye emisjoner.