Zenith Energy - Oljen priset til usd 1 pr fat?
Er dette blant de billigste olje selskapene pr dags dato? Er oljen de eier priset til ca usd 1 pr fat? I tillegg til olje produksjon, selger også selskapet gass og strøm. Bare strøm produksjonen som selskapet har i Italia, tjener selskapet nok penger til å forsvare hele børs verdien på kr 180 millioner
"Electricity prices during the month of March 2022 averaged approximately EUR 295 per MWh, resulting in net revenues of approximately EUR 300,000 per month. Zenith’s current net production costs remain fixed at approximately EUR 35,000 per month"
"Oil production:
Zenith has reported production from its Tunisian assets in the first half of 2021/22 at 517 b/d. Shipments were somewhat lower at 371 b/d. Significantly, production in Tunisia was running at 650 b/d net in late September including conditional SLK output. Zenith suggested that 1,000 b/d is possible by the second quarter of 2022 assuming successful workover and drilling activity
Tunisia work programme:
Zenith has interests in four producing licences in Tunisia. At Robbana in the south of the country the workover of the ROB-1 well was successfully
completed in early Q4 2021. Production was boosted from approximately 20 b/d to 100 b/d. Near-term, the work programme in Tunisia involves drilling a vertical well at Robbana and two side-tracks in non-producing wells at the Ezzaouia also in the south of the country. The objective is 1,000 b/d for the latter while for the former we believe 500 b/d might be possible. The cost of US$2.5m is underpinned by the recent US$4m equity raise
Valuation and financing
Reflecting the sometimes difficult operating and business environment, valuations for undeveloped resources in Nigeria are modest. We believe valuation might well be less than US$1/barrel. If we assume US$0.5/barrel and 233mm barrels of resources for the two discoveries the valuation would be US$117m. A 42% interest would therefore be US$49m which implies significant headroom vis-à-vis the US$20m as per the OML 141 option agreement.
Zenith has indicated that plans have already been finalized for drilling the Barracuda 5 well (B-5). Apparently, all the necessary civil engineering work has been undertaken for the well including dredging and site clearance. The well location is between two previously drilled wells which have encountered ‘significant hydrocarbons’. The indications are that drilling will commence in January 2022. In a success case Zenith has indicated that production is expected to start immediately using a barge-mounted early production facility. Production could commence during the second quarter of 2022 at a rate of approximately 4,000 b/d, according to Zenith. Further development is expected with the locations for Barracuda wells 6, 7 and 8 already identified. If Zenith chooses to exercise
the option agreement, there will, therefore, be an ongoing corporate and development financing requirement"
Informasjon hentet fra linkene under
Prospektet 4.3.2022
Analyse fra Allenby Capital 14.12.2021:
Børs meldinger fra selskapet:
"Electricity prices during the month of March 2022 averaged approximately EUR 295 per MWh, resulting in net revenues of approximately EUR 300,000 per month. Zenith’s current net production costs remain fixed at approximately EUR 35,000 per month"
"Oil production:
Zenith has reported production from its Tunisian assets in the first half of 2021/22 at 517 b/d. Shipments were somewhat lower at 371 b/d. Significantly, production in Tunisia was running at 650 b/d net in late September including conditional SLK output. Zenith suggested that 1,000 b/d is possible by the second quarter of 2022 assuming successful workover and drilling activity
Tunisia work programme:
Zenith has interests in four producing licences in Tunisia. At Robbana in the south of the country the workover of the ROB-1 well was successfully
completed in early Q4 2021. Production was boosted from approximately 20 b/d to 100 b/d. Near-term, the work programme in Tunisia involves drilling a vertical well at Robbana and two side-tracks in non-producing wells at the Ezzaouia also in the south of the country. The objective is 1,000 b/d for the latter while for the former we believe 500 b/d might be possible. The cost of US$2.5m is underpinned by the recent US$4m equity raise
Valuation and financing
Reflecting the sometimes difficult operating and business environment, valuations for undeveloped resources in Nigeria are modest. We believe valuation might well be less than US$1/barrel. If we assume US$0.5/barrel and 233mm barrels of resources for the two discoveries the valuation would be US$117m. A 42% interest would therefore be US$49m which implies significant headroom vis-à-vis the US$20m as per the OML 141 option agreement.
Zenith has indicated that plans have already been finalized for drilling the Barracuda 5 well (B-5). Apparently, all the necessary civil engineering work has been undertaken for the well including dredging and site clearance. The well location is between two previously drilled wells which have encountered ‘significant hydrocarbons’. The indications are that drilling will commence in January 2022. In a success case Zenith has indicated that production is expected to start immediately using a barge-mounted early production facility. Production could commence during the second quarter of 2022 at a rate of approximately 4,000 b/d, according to Zenith. Further development is expected with the locations for Barracuda wells 6, 7 and 8 already identified. If Zenith chooses to exercise
the option agreement, there will, therefore, be an ongoing corporate and development financing requirement"
Informasjon hentet fra linkene under
Prospektet 4.3.2022
Analyse fra Allenby Capital 14.12.2021:
Børs meldinger fra selskapet:
no one can keep price below 0.11 now for longer time. sellers are on alert.
Oil price is $123 and oil sale is around the corner. Company with almost 0 debt after oil sale. Valuation kr 0.93 with Italy and Tunisia. Tilapia II - kr 1.55 (17.66 MMBL 2P Reserve. )
Redigert 09.06.2022 kl 10:58
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09.06.2022 kl 13:03
Zenith Energy ligger i en tilnærmet horisontal trendkanal på mellomlang sikt. Dette indikerer at investorene er usikre og venter på signaler om videre retning. Et brudd opp vil være et kjøpssignal, mens et brudd ned vil være et salgssignal. Aksjen har en mulig omvendt-hode-og-skuldre-formasjon under utvikling. Etablert brudd over motstanden ved 0.12 kroner, helst på økende volum, vil signalisere videre oppgang. Aksjen ga kjøpssignal fra en rektangelformasjon ved bruddet opp gjennom motstanden ved 0.11 kroner. Videre oppgang til 0.17 kroner eller mer er signalisert. Aksjen tester motstanden ved cirka 0.12 kroner. Dette kan gi en reaksjon ned, mens et brudd opp gjennom 0.12 kroner vil utløse et kjøpssignal. RSI-kurven viser en stigende trend, noe som er et tidlig signal om mulig vending opp også i kursen. Aksjen anses samlet sett teknisk positiv på mellomlang sikt.
Anbefaling en til seks måneders sikt: Kjøp
Anbefaling en til seks måneders sikt: Kjøp
week 21 - EZZ 20% production increase than normal
http://www.etap.com.tn/fileadmin/prod_jour/Brut-240522.pdf -
Week 22 - EZZ 29 % production increase than normal
http://www.etap.com.tn/fileadmin/prod_jour/Brut-300522.pdf - Week 22 -
http://www.etap.com.tn/fileadmin/prod_jour/Brut-240522.pdf -
Week 22 - EZZ 29 % production increase than normal
http://www.etap.com.tn/fileadmin/prod_jour/Brut-300522.pdf - Week 22 -
09.06.2022 kl 13:34
Slettet brukerskrev no one can keep price below 0.11 now for longer time. sellers are on alert.
Hvorfor skriver du på Engelsk, når du er Norsk?
09.06.2022 kl 14:01
Hentet fra LSE:
"Well our oil tanker is in Greece now so someone has got out oil. Time to pay the piper."
Publisert av 'callit' 12:32 i dag.
"Well our oil tanker is in Greece now so someone has got out oil. Time to pay the piper."
Publisert av 'callit' 12:32 i dag.
Frodon skrev Hvorfor skriver du på Engelsk, når du er Norsk?
AC ikke forstår norsk. Han er hovedpersonen i selskapet, så han burde forstå hva vi diskuterer.
Jeg tviler på om Fader AC har tid eller interesse av følge med på hva støyende
småfugl (mindre investorer) på taket kvitrer om.
småfugl (mindre investorer) på taket kvitrer om.
09.06.2022 kl 16:21
Du tror vel ikke at han læser forum på Hegnar ? Hvis så burde han da bruge sin tid bedre
Vår fader har nok fått oversatt og blitt svært bekymret over "støyen" til loomis. Derfor kom det plutselig en melding om robben.
09.06.2022 kl 16:50
Jeg trenger ikke noen tulle streker for å kunne påstå at : hvis sperren på 12 øre forsvinner, vil aksjen få et normalt forløp og stige raskt over 20øre for der etter å stige normalt i takt med oljeproduksjonen og olje prisen, og kansje nå over 50øre på få mnd. Legg arket ditt i skuffen noen mnd.
09.06.2022 kl 22:21
Ikke så sint da ;) håper det ordner seg nå, men tror en skal kun tenke på Tunisia og kanskje Congo. Nigeria..bare glem det.
Redigert 09.06.2022 kl 22:22
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10.06.2022 kl 05:41
Svaret er: Google translate.
ha,ha,ha....men de er ikke så myje nyttig å hente for han hvis han leser dette, noe Jeg tviler på at han gjør. Hmmm kanskje noenganger hvis han ikke får sove i stedet for en bok eller film eller....
,,Its mant as joke"
ha,ha,ha....men de er ikke så myje nyttig å hente for han hvis han leser dette, noe Jeg tviler på at han gjør. Hmmm kanskje noenganger hvis han ikke får sove i stedet for en bok eller film eller....
,,Its mant as joke"
10.06.2022 kl 09:49
Når oljeprisen faller 0,5% så må jo Zena falle 10 ganger så mye. Klart det.
Men hva når oljeprisen stiger? Nei, da faller Zena. Klart det.
Men hva når oljeprisen stiger? Nei, da faller Zena. Klart det.
Next week will be exciting, ROB-1 stabilizes production rate, Oil sale news and probable Tilapia II news in conference. Rate is stable above 0.11 expecting to stable above 0.14 after first two news. oil price crossed $124 expecting more money.
Redigert 10.06.2022 kl 12:40
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10.06.2022 kl 13:01
Ja jeg har jo vært en av de sterkeste talspersoner tidligere, for å stase på Tunisia først, før en strekker seg etter alt for ustabile soner. I alle fall så er Tunisia som har vist var/er det mest fornuftige hittil. Men selv der har det gått trått. Med en oljepris himmelhøyt over de mest opptimistiske drømmer så er fortsatt Zenakursen under 12øre. Hvorfor tror dere at noen tusenfat olje vil får den over det punktet om oljeprisen da er 70$ bo, alt skulle jo tilsi at den burde vært langt over 12øre i dag.
10.06.2022 kl 14:37
I am just as positive as you, really a great outlook this month with substansial news flow. I do however think you are making the same mistake that you made the last time we knew their would be an oil sale, where you every week of the month said "this week it will happen" I think this might be damaging to the people reading the posts, it is much better to say you think an oilsale will happen next week. We know it will happen in June at very good prices which is a good thing, if we get the same price as brent we are actually looking at close to 13 million dollars in oil sales in the first 6 months of the year. Lets hope they can manage to get both Rob 1 and Rob 3 up and running, this will make it probable that we will see another oilsale by the end of the year. This could lead to close to 20 million in oil sales from Tunisia this year alone which would be a real company maker.
Bør får noe Rob-01 news denne uke.
Penger på konto fra salg sist,
Kan vi passere 20-30 øre før 01.07?
Strikken strammes......
Penger på konto fra salg sist,
Kan vi passere 20-30 øre før 01.07?
Strikken strammes......
13.06.2022 kl 09:46
Noen som kan forklare hvorfor kursen som sluttet på 0.1156 fredag plutselig forandret seg til 0.115 ca 20 min før åpning idag?
Nå må det skje noe snart.
Skulle vi ikke tre inn i felt som var med produksjon mot 12.000 boe/d?
Nå må vi få landet noe....................
Skulle vi ikke tre inn i felt som var med produksjon mot 12.000 boe/d?
Nå må vi få landet noe....................
13.06.2022 kl 11:20
De er de nok mest logiske forklaringen, kansje tidsforskjell mellom børsene har noe å si også.
De er de nok mest logiske forklaringen, kansje tidsforskjell mellom børsene har noe å si også.
Lite bullshit her nå!
Er det et bra eller et dårlig tegn?
Er det et bra eller et dårlig tegn?
14.06.2022 kl 11:49
Spennende selskap, må jeg si. Fikk meg en liten lyttepost her i går (takk, Frodon og hei her og)
14.06.2022 kl 12:18
sker intet her førend fader AC stiller sig op og viser håndfaste beviser på Tilapia feltet, vi venter jo også på resultatet af Rob-1 WO, så lige nu er det konfirmander der sidder og handler for små øringer, men der bør snart ske noget
14.06.2022 kl 12:48
De kan man si at generelt for hele aksjemarked er et dårlig tegn ,men de vil påvirke ikke så myje Zena i forhåld til noen andre store aksjer.Når de kommer soner tider i marked da er de lurt å ikke gjøre noe (i hvertfal selge med tap).
Redigert 14.06.2022 kl 12:50
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When announcement is within week why people are leaving? Energy summit is starting tomorrow and hope will light on Tilapia II also as per info on site.
14.06.2022 kl 14:05
Hvorfor er du så sikker på dette, Viking?
Burde det ikke vært et høyere volum nå hvis det er realitet....?
Burde det ikke vært et høyere volum nå hvis det er realitet....?
then it will called as inside trading, buyer buying slowly above 0.11 from last 1 week. Remember Oil sale is also there 100% and 100% ROB-1 production rate info. but I am waiting Tilapia II and SLK remaining part announcement.
Redigert 14.06.2022 kl 14:19
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14.06.2022 kl 14:48
Hehe, hei hei igjen 😉 Lytte post er nok riktig størrelse på investeringen her 💪 Gøy hvis den går mye etter hvert. Litt bekymret for energi prisene hvis det blir resesjon 😜
Du burde sjekke ut WWI
Du burde sjekke ut WWI
Redigert 14.06.2022 kl 14:49
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14.06.2022 kl 15:33
Update on Electricity Production
June 14, 2022
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Update on Electricity Production
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international energy production and development company, is pleased to provide an update on its electricity production operations at the Torrente Cigno concession in Italy during the month of May 2022.
During the month of May 2022, the Company produced a total of approximately 875.6 megawatt hours (“MWh”).
Electricity prices during the month of May 2022 averaged approximately EUR 223 per MWh, resulting in net revenues of approximately EUR 195,000. Zenith's current net production costs remain fixed at approximately EUR 35,000 per month.
Luca Benedetto, Chief Financial Officer and Managing Director of Italian operations, commented:
"Zenith's Italian electricity production operations continue to deliver sustained, highly material profitability.
We have performed certain maintenance work during the month of May 2022 at Torrente Cigno, and have further work planned throughout this month, with a view to increasing our production during the second part of 2022.
Beyond Torrente Cigno, our Italian portfolio presents several exciting development opportunities, and we hope to deliver news on this front during the year once we receive the necessary approvals to develop the Company's other natural gas production concessions.”
June 14, 2022
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Update on Electricity Production
Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the listed international energy production and development company, is pleased to provide an update on its electricity production operations at the Torrente Cigno concession in Italy during the month of May 2022.
During the month of May 2022, the Company produced a total of approximately 875.6 megawatt hours (“MWh”).
Electricity prices during the month of May 2022 averaged approximately EUR 223 per MWh, resulting in net revenues of approximately EUR 195,000. Zenith's current net production costs remain fixed at approximately EUR 35,000 per month.
Luca Benedetto, Chief Financial Officer and Managing Director of Italian operations, commented:
"Zenith's Italian electricity production operations continue to deliver sustained, highly material profitability.
We have performed certain maintenance work during the month of May 2022 at Torrente Cigno, and have further work planned throughout this month, with a view to increasing our production during the second part of 2022.
Beyond Torrente Cigno, our Italian portfolio presents several exciting development opportunities, and we hope to deliver news on this front during the year once we receive the necessary approvals to develop the Company's other natural gas production concessions.”
14.06.2022 kl 15:54
Joda, nesten mer spennende å se beisen tørke når jeg maler huset... Blir spennende å se om - evt. når det skulle komme noe kursdrivende meldinger. (Og hva kommer først?)
14.06.2022 kl 16:04
14.06.2022 kl 16:10
Hektor skrev Ingen kjøper heller. Her er det bare å vente på 😀
Er det meningen at de som er ferdig kjøpt skal kjøre kursen?🤠
14.06.2022 kl 16:27
Jeg er ferdigkjøpt og har god tid, er øretrillere som holder på, liten omsetning om dagen 😀 Topp20 får holde for min del, så sitter stille.
14.06.2022 kl 17:25
Spennende ting på gang i Italia også.. når ser folk nye Zenith? Her kan det plutselig komme nye store investorer i disse galne olje tider….
En ting er sikkert. Ganske safe å ha pengene sine i zena nå i disse tider.
Zena finst jo ikke på børs, så den står rolig mens herjinga pågår.
Zena finst jo ikke på børs, så den står rolig mens herjinga pågår.