Zenith Energy - Oljen priset til usd 1 pr fat?

ZENA 29.04.2022 kl 12:56 196703

Er dette blant de billigste olje selskapene pr dags dato? Er oljen de eier priset til ca usd 1 pr fat? I tillegg til olje produksjon, selger ogsÄ selskapet gass og strÞm. Bare strÞm produksjonen som selskapet har i Italia, tjener selskapet nok penger til Ä forsvare hele bÞrs verdien pÄ kr 180 millioner

"Electricity prices during the month of March 2022 averaged approximately EUR 295 per MWh, resulting in net revenues of approximately EUR 300,000 per month. Zenith’s current net production costs remain fixed at approximately EUR 35,000 per month"


"Oil production:

Zenith has reported production from its Tunisian assets in the first half of 2021/22 at 517 b/d. Shipments were somewhat lower at 371 b/d. Significantly, production in Tunisia was running at 650 b/d net in late September including conditional SLK output. Zenith suggested that 1,000 b/d is possible by the second quarter of 2022 assuming successful workover and drilling activity

Tunisia work programme:

Zenith has interests in four producing licences in Tunisia. At Robbana in the south of the country the workover of the ROB-1 well was successfully
completed in early Q4 2021. Production was boosted from approximately 20 b/d to 100 b/d. Near-term, the work programme in Tunisia involves drilling a vertical well at Robbana and two side-tracks in non-producing wells at the Ezzaouia also in the south of the country. The objective is 1,000 b/d for the latter while for the former we believe 500 b/d might be possible. The cost of US$2.5m is underpinned by the recent US$4m equity raise

Valuation and financing

Reflecting the sometimes difficult operating and business environment, valuations for undeveloped resources in Nigeria are modest. We believe valuation might well be less than US$1/barrel. If we assume US$0.5/barrel and 233mm barrels of resources for the two discoveries the valuation would be US$117m. A 42% interest would therefore be US$49m which implies significant headroom vis-Ă -vis the US$20m as per the OML 141 option agreement.

Zenith has indicated that plans have already been finalized for drilling the Barracuda 5 well (B-5). Apparently, all the necessary civil engineering work has been undertaken for the well including dredging and site clearance. The well location is between two previously drilled wells which have encountered ‘significant hydrocarbons’. The indications are that drilling will commence in January 2022. In a success case Zenith has indicated that production is expected to start immediately using a barge-mounted early production facility. Production could commence during the second quarter of 2022 at a rate of approximately 4,000 b/d, according to Zenith. Further development is expected with the locations for Barracuda wells 6, 7 and 8 already identified. If Zenith chooses to exercise
the option agreement, there will, therefore, be an ongoing corporate and development financing requirement"

Informasjon hentet fra linkene under

Prospektet 4.3.2022


Analyse fra Allenby Capital 14.12.2021:


BĂžrs meldinger fra selskapet:

29.06.2022 kl 12:07 3397

Fint du bidrar Domus,satser pĂ„ det feter seg opp her etterhvert det blir mer kjĂžtt pĂ„ beina 👍
29.06.2022 kl 12:18 3383

Absolutt noen bra kjÞp de gjorde, nÄr ingen ville ha olje mer ;)
De fikk nedbetalt et "dÞds spiral" lÄn 3.5.2022, som jeg ser som et vendepunkt for selskapet.

10.5.2021 ble det utstedt warrents som gÄr ut 1.7.2022 med kurs kr 0,25. Jeg regner med at de gÄr ut uten Ä bli benyttet ;)

34,284,000 Warrants with an exercise price of NOK 0.25 expiring on July 1, 2022

Da er det ca 250 millioner ubenyttede warrents igjen etter de har utgÄtt. De har utlÞsnings kurs pÄ alt fra kr 0,12 til kr 0,325
29.06.2022 kl 12:19 3406

Jeg tenker at det er bedre om de gÄr litt over tid i guidingen, sÄ lenge olje pris stiger og de fÄr bedre betalt for oljen ;) Men mulig markedet sender aksjen ned hvis oljen ikke blir solgt i juni, slik de guidet?
Redigert 29.06.2022 kl 12:20 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
29.06.2022 kl 12:39 3374

I had uploaded all of the AAOG corporate documents to here if you want to look at them: https://ufile.io/f/xica9

As Viking has suggested, the information that you seek will probably be in there.

The documents are:

1. AAOG AIM Admission Document
2. AAOG 2016 Annual Report
3. AAOG 2017 Annual Report
4. AAOG 2018 Annual Report
5. AAOG 2019 Annual Report

I hope this helps.
29.06.2022 kl 12:41 3375

Ikke direkte. Anser deg fra innleggene rundt QEC som edruelig/seriÞs/lite haussing. Derfor er det et legitimt spÞrsmÄl fra min side Ä hÞre hva andre seriÞse skribenter mener om caset; herunder om det faktisk er investert.
29.06.2022 kl 12:59 3340

Nu skal vi lige vére enig i en ting herinde 😃
De regner med at salget kommer i juni 👍
Kan sagtens gĂ„ en uge over 💰

is expected to take place in June 2022
29.06.2022 kl 13:22 3330

Well I've have sad for a long time a go. ,,Under the shadow of Tilapia ( and I hate that name, like is the last place on earth where there is oil.) nothin was good enough. And the company has done meny progressive work in the deferent fields and conditions ar good. It was good news when it com, but it hit os beck after 6 months. And awry good news it com from the company it was fallowed by Tilapia name ( its coming now ore soon)
To me Tilapia is like pretty Girl that you dream of in college and when you grow old you understand that all the pretty ladies you have overlooked because of her......
Slettet bruker
29.06.2022 kl 14:12 3278

SeriĂžse investor?

"to me Tilapia is like pretty Girl"

Jisesss, det er jo zenith tĂžsa.
29.06.2022 kl 14:34 3385

Synes BMU beskriver det meget bra.
29.06.2022 kl 14:37 5365

Well than you know pretty girls even if thay say Yes,is not shore that you ar going to put the drill in the hole (its to big competition and meny offers and thay ar looking for the bast all the time.
Slettet bruker
29.06.2022 kl 15:01 5422

One in hole.

Det ligger an til 0,6 i London.
29.06.2022 kl 23:16 5197

De skrev ikke at tilapia var utsatt til neste Är. Slik jeg tolker setningen sÄ er det at tilapia har produksjon neste Är. Selv om tilapia hadde blitt landet imorgen sÄ hadde det nok gÄtt minst 6 mnd til ett Är fÞr oljen var oppe av bakken. Derav icing on the cake next year.

30.06.2022 kl 09:15 4956

Tilapia signed off soon and producing next year in my opinion.
30.06.2022 kl 09:32 4946

Tenker det samme. Skulle gjerne hatt en liten oppdatering pÄ alt som rÞrer seg her.
30.06.2022 kl 09:50 4933

Artig Ă„ se , av 5 kjĂžpsposter og 5 salgsposter sitter roboten med minst 9 poster.
Idag mÄ den handle med seg selv.....
Slettet bruker
30.06.2022 kl 09:50 4936

Tilapia is currently producing around 30 to 40 bopd and we are discussing Djeno sidetrack and drilling will start within 3 months after contract sign upto 2000 bopd and to reach targeted peak production from 9 wells of 5000 bopd each, it will take time as transport and production facility need to expand.
30.06.2022 kl 11:57 4805

Accordion to my calculator you foresee over 110 milion bop in the year.Its bit of to god to be true this. I m ok of being optimistic but its god to hold feet on the ground ,otherwise the down side can be wary disappointing even if is not so.
30.06.2022 kl 12:38 4782

Viking_1 - The moment we complete AAOG’s previous drill and successfully strike oil we will be able to start shipping oil by tanker which may be a more ineffective and expensive way of doing things but will still bring in revenue.

According to the original AAOG admission document (page 16): “Tilapia is 1.8 kilometres offshore of the Republic of the Congo, located in the Lower Republic of the Congo Basin. It is drilled from onshore, and has its production and storage facilities onshore. It is a 45-minute drive from Pointe Noire and 17 kilometres from the nearest refinery. Production can be trucked to the refinery throughout the year.”

So a 17km drive to the local refinery is no distance at all and I do not think that we need to be concerned by this.

They also said on page 20 that their rationale for the original acquisition was:

“1. Low cost: PK’s budgeted break-even cost of production at 5,300 bopd is less than US$5 per
barrel and, at an oil price of US$35 per barrel, it can be profitable at approximately 500 bopd.
The business and working capital models produced by the Directors, and in particular the low
and flexible cost base that allow the Company to be break even at production levels lower than
500 bopd, provide evidence that the Company can withstand low oil prices even at modest
rates of production;

2. Upside: The drilling programme into the Mengo Sands and the Djeno Sands provides qualified
potential upside to the existing production;

3. Existing production and storage facilities in place: PK has in place existing facilities that have
been constructed to international standards, have been regularly maintained and are fully
amortised. They currently have the capacity to achieve production of up to 4,000 bopd, with
scope for expansion;

4. Already in production: PK is an existing producer: all relevant permits are in place and PK has
agreed the workovers and drilling programme, well design and authorisation for expenditure
with SNPC. This means that work can commence soon after Admission;

5. Ability to drill from on-shore: Tilapia is near offshore, being only 1.8 kilometres from the
coastline. This gives PK the considerable advantage of being able to drill from onshore using
deviated wells, at a considerably reduced cost compared to offshore drilling;

6. Light oil: The Directors believe the oil currently produced from Tilapia is high quality, light,
sweet crude (39 – 41 API) with a market value that currently tracks Brent crude oil; and

7. Availability of equipment: Drilling equipment and ancillary services to carry out the
development programme are readily available due to recent oil price instability.”

The key element of this is obviously that production costs can be driven down as low as $5 per barrel (admittedly only when get to 5,300 bopd) and also that the existing facilities can cope with the storage of up to 4,000 bopd.

So, when we get the license and assuming that we are successful with the drill then there should be no problem with dealing with the initial oil produced and by the time we get to over 4,000 bopd then the money will be there to put pipleines into place.

The AAOG admission document and their other annual reports can be downloaded here: https://ufile.io/f/xica9

1. AAOG AIM Admission Document
2. AAOG 2016 Annual Report
3. AAOG 2017 Annual Report
4. AAOG 2018 Annual Report
5. AAOG 2019 Annual Report
30.06.2022 kl 13:15 4750

1/3 av bĂžrsverdi inn pĂ„ konto nĂ„ er bra. NĂ„r fikk statoil tilsvarende 😂😂
30.06.2022 kl 13:48 4740

Fredag blir store ting til Ă„ skje. Synes synd pĂ„ di som selger i dag 😭
Insider informasjon đŸ€˜
30.06.2022 kl 14:52 4701

Ditt fĂžrste innlegg og insideinfo Dette er ikke bra for noen
30.06.2022 kl 15:01 4687

Haussingen har blitt sÄ ekstrem nÄ pga. ventetiden, at hausserne mÄ skrive "insider informasjon" for at noen skal bite pÄ..
Slettet bruker
30.06.2022 kl 15:18 4670

Inside info som ikke er meldt til bĂžrsen er ikke bra.
30.06.2022 kl 16:01 4619

Er vel fornuftig Ä la dette ligge og heller reagere i morgen hvis sÄfremtifall dette skulle medfÞre riktighet.
Frem til da er det kun snakk om oppmerksomhet.
30.06.2022 kl 16:26 4581

Det er sku da bare snak lige meget hvad đŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€ź

Der kan komme en nyhed i morgen eller om en mĂ„ned 😳😳

Hvis kursen var gĂ„et 20-30 % havde jeg troet 50 % det 🧌
30.06.2022 kl 17:58 4526

Sitter med fĂžlelsen selv, skjer noe imorgon.. kjĂžpt inn sprudlevann. Imponerende om det kommer godmelding. Da er firmaet potte tett
30.06.2022 kl 20:00 4514

Slettet bruker
30.06.2022 kl 20:02 4630

Ha noe gravÞl i bakhÄnd sÄ blir en eventuell skuffelse lettere Ä hÄndtere ...

SkÄl ...
Slettet bruker
30.06.2022 kl 21:09 4552

Slettet bruker
30.06.2022 kl 21:42 4569

Inside info :) ja, kjempeomsetning i dag, not. Slapp av med hausing den ene eller andre veien. Kommer nÄr den kommer.
Slettet bruker
01.07.2022 kl 00:55 4427

0,73 i London.

I morra tar di ut skulderen. 0,08-0,085 pÄ ose.

Da er vi snart ned 50 % fra hĂžyden.

Lykke til!
01.07.2022 kl 01:18 4412

I have ben reading and comparing a bit PNOR and ZENA with my limited annals knowledge, and going thru som forums of theres. It seems to me by being a stock holder you can be rich ( it depends haw you define word rich ), in the case of Zena that is more potential on that case. But being rich and standing rich its bit of deference. standen rich its more like being successful and that is the big challenge in investment so in life to.
01.07.2022 kl 05:03 4344

Well I had feeling in my stomach about Rob1.(200bpd) and I postet her on forum. It turns out it was only gasses !!!. So I don't trust my feelings any more.
01.07.2022 kl 07:43 4260

Ble omsatt aksjer for 150k i London. Det er sÄ lite omsetning der at om noen skal selge for 100k senker de prisen med 10%. Uansett var Rob 1 skuffende, og alt annet drar ut. Det eneste positive er vel at de tjener penger med dagens pris
01.07.2022 kl 08:09 4233

Ferie no.. ser igjen i August. God sommer
Slettet bruker
01.07.2022 kl 09:09 4156

Mange her inne som fÄr jevnt med fÞlinger. Lavt blodsukker?

01.07.2022 kl 09:11 4163

Synd de ikke fikk solgt oljen sin fÞr prisen falt igjen, selv om olje prisen fortsatt er sky hÞy. Men nÄ Zena har sÄ lav markedsverdi, utgjÞr det en stor forskjell om de fÄr usd 120 eller 108 for oljen nÄr de selger mye av produksjonen pÄ en gang. Spot pris pÄ strÞm i Italia er pÄ full fart oppover igjen
01.07.2022 kl 09:28 4121

Jeg viser til bĂžrsmeldingen 22/04/2022 da de sier at de forventer Ă„ selge resten av Oljen i Juni.
Ingen salg har blitt bÞrsmeldt. Her skuffer selskapt litt vil jeg si... hÄper det kommer ei melding snart eller ei forklaring pÄ hvorfor det ikke er blitt solgt.
Noen som vet noe mere rundt dette her inne?
Er jo snakk om ganske mye penger dette for et selskap som ZENA.

A second international crude lifting for a quantity of at least approximately 52,000 barrels of oil produced from the Company’s 22.5% working interest in the Sidi El Kilani concession (onshore Tunisia) is expected to take place in June 2022.
01.07.2022 kl 09:28 4131

Det bĂžr komme en melding her om kort tid i forhold til oljedalget fra slk som ble lovet i juni... Kan godt komme idag eller mandag, men kommer de Ikke de neste to bĂžrsdager begynner det Ă„ bli useriĂžst
01.07.2022 kl 10:38 4072

Du lever i en annen verden. Det ble sagt forventet, ingen lovnad i det.. kjedelig att lite formalisere seg, men man mÄ ikke lage ris til egen rÊv. PÄ tide Ä stikke fingeren i jorden og sette pris pÄ alt som nÄ fungere godt her. Vi levere stabil inntjening og mulighetene for ytterligere vekst vil komme, men det mÄ vÊre pÄ rette premisser!!
Slettet bruker
01.07.2022 kl 10:44 4053

Week 20/06 to 26/06 EZZ production increase to 575 bopd which is 21% more than normal.
I notice there are many week from March which is 20% to 30% production increase than normal rate from EZZ.
Italy Electricity price for June average 270 (€/MWh) and July started with 370€/MWh. significant rise in rate from last 10 days.
01.07.2022 kl 10:50 4037

Hyggelige tall.. det vil pÄ ett tidspunkt komme mer interesse om Zenith jevnt og trutt generer gode inntekter. Det har de klart en god stund nÄ.. neste oljesalg kan selvsagt vÊre en liten trigger i sÄ mÄte!!
01.07.2022 kl 10:56 4032

Skrives mye god info pÄ denne trÄden. Takk til de som bidrar.
Slettet bruker
01.07.2022 kl 11:57 3939

Flott at det leveres hÞyere prodkusjon! ROB-1 kan ogsÄ fÄ en Þkning.

"The Company (ADME) and NHNL informed the Court they are in settlement discussions with a view to resolving the dispute."
Mon tro om det kan bety at ZENA fremdeles er inne i bildet her?
"The Company (ADME) and NHNL informed the Court they are in settlement discussions with a view to re..

NÄ bÞr NHNL sette kraftig press pÄ ADEM!

ZENA pÄ vei mot gigaoppgang om Nigeria, Tilapia og oljesalg komme nÄ!

+ SLK siste 22,5 % + forlengelse pÄ 25 Är :)
Redigert 01.07.2022 kl 11:58 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
01.07.2022 kl 13:09 3840

Yes, en Zena it become between me en my wife and she don't like it that I spend mor time reading an thinking about Zena than her. I keep on telling her that I haven affair with another women but she don't believe me.
03.07.2022 kl 09:48 3468

Hope Zena Lady pays out for u and wife 😂😂