Zenith Energy - Oljen priset til usd 1 pr fat?

ZENA 29.04.2022 kl 12:56 185078

Er dette blant de billigste olje selskapene pr dags dato? Er oljen de eier priset til ca usd 1 pr fat? I tillegg til olje produksjon, selger også selskapet gass og strøm. Bare strøm produksjonen som selskapet har i Italia, tjener selskapet nok penger til å forsvare hele børs verdien på kr 180 millioner

"Electricity prices during the month of March 2022 averaged approximately EUR 295 per MWh, resulting in net revenues of approximately EUR 300,000 per month. Zenith’s current net production costs remain fixed at approximately EUR 35,000 per month"


"Oil production:

Zenith has reported production from its Tunisian assets in the first half of 2021/22 at 517 b/d. Shipments were somewhat lower at 371 b/d. Significantly, production in Tunisia was running at 650 b/d net in late September including conditional SLK output. Zenith suggested that 1,000 b/d is possible by the second quarter of 2022 assuming successful workover and drilling activity

Tunisia work programme:

Zenith has interests in four producing licences in Tunisia. At Robbana in the south of the country the workover of the ROB-1 well was successfully
completed in early Q4 2021. Production was boosted from approximately 20 b/d to 100 b/d. Near-term, the work programme in Tunisia involves drilling a vertical well at Robbana and two side-tracks in non-producing wells at the Ezzaouia also in the south of the country. The objective is 1,000 b/d for the latter while for the former we believe 500 b/d might be possible. The cost of US$2.5m is underpinned by the recent US$4m equity raise

Valuation and financing

Reflecting the sometimes difficult operating and business environment, valuations for undeveloped resources in Nigeria are modest. We believe valuation might well be less than US$1/barrel. If we assume US$0.5/barrel and 233mm barrels of resources for the two discoveries the valuation would be US$117m. A 42% interest would therefore be US$49m which implies significant headroom vis-à-vis the US$20m as per the OML 141 option agreement.

Zenith has indicated that plans have already been finalized for drilling the Barracuda 5 well (B-5). Apparently, all the necessary civil engineering work has been undertaken for the well including dredging and site clearance. The well location is between two previously drilled wells which have encountered ‘significant hydrocarbons’. The indications are that drilling will commence in January 2022. In a success case Zenith has indicated that production is expected to start immediately using a barge-mounted early production facility. Production could commence during the second quarter of 2022 at a rate of approximately 4,000 b/d, according to Zenith. Further development is expected with the locations for Barracuda wells 6, 7 and 8 already identified. If Zenith chooses to exercise
the option agreement, there will, therefore, be an ongoing corporate and development financing requirement"

Informasjon hentet fra linkene under

Prospektet 4.3.2022


Analyse fra Allenby Capital 14.12.2021:


Børs meldinger fra selskapet:

11.07.2022 kl 11:22 4185

Should be any day now
Slettet bruker
12.07.2022 kl 09:12 3647

Look like management in deep sleep and forgot they have company in Market.
Slettet bruker
12.07.2022 kl 09:33 3766

Maybe news this week
12.07.2022 kl 10:28 3752

I am sure they will announce news when they have something to release - but we are expecting the oil sales any day now.
12.07.2022 kl 10:32 3777

any day any day any day.......has been said last 3 years.zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Slettet bruker
12.07.2022 kl 10:47 3775

Når denne går under 0,09 så er det vel ikke støtte før 0,04.
Er stor nedside her i Afrikansk olje, kan vel lønne seg å selge før det skjer, eller hva TS?
Redigert 12.07.2022 kl 10:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2022 kl 10:56 3770

Er stor oppside i afrikansk olje😃 har du ikke fått med deg energi klimaet i verden? Nei da forstår jo du bare ønsker enda billigere inngang👌🏻
12.07.2022 kl 11:04 3763

er vel en fordel å få oljen opp og samtidig få den solgt også vell...Nå er vi på overtid av overtid av hva selskapet selv ha meldt i forhold til salg av olje, nye avtales osv...forstår godt viss enkelte begynner å miste troen...
12.07.2022 kl 11:22 3787

Du får spørre det statlige selskapet ETAP. Utålmodige sjeler.
Slettet bruker
12.07.2022 kl 11:27 3796

Når skal dere lære, Afrika olje i Oslo, ringer det ingen bjeller.

Siste år.
Zena -20%
Alle andre olje selskaper +120%
12.07.2022 kl 11:40 3807

Typisk Long i ingen ting. Men tviler på den går lengere ned med de trigger som på et eller realliseres..
Slettet bruker
12.07.2022 kl 12:01 3803

Mere sannsynlig at salget av den "siste olje" kommer senere.
Det er ikke meldt om at SLK lisensen er fornyet og den går ut i år.

Det letter å finne ut hvor haren hopper enn hva myndighetene i Tunisia gjør.
Redigert 12.07.2022 kl 12:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.07.2022 kl 13:17 3819

Denne aksjen kan lett falle til 5-7 øre. Det er utrolig at aksjen ligger på sitt laveste når oljeprisen er på sitt høyeste.
Slettet bruker
12.07.2022 kl 13:29 4149

Det er ikke utrolig fordi Zenith får ikke produsert mere olje og strøm.
Det skal gjøres "civil work" før de kan begynne på ROB-3 noe som mest sannsynlig ikke går etter timeplanen.

Fortsatt er det ikke kommet noe mere info om Lucera, EZZ-18 side track work, e.t.c
Aksjen vil ikke stige før det skjer noe mere.

Slettet bruker
12.07.2022 kl 13:58 4108

Oljeprisen har vel vært høyere enn dette. Og enda høyere kan den bli om krigen og visse sanksjoner mot russland blir utført.
Slettet bruker
12.07.2022 kl 15:16 4041

after pushing course down some one puts 2 million buy order at 5T - 0.0919 (hidden)
Slettet bruker
12.07.2022 kl 15:34 4041

Electricity price in Italy is record high currently average in Euro 396 which is 50% more than June.
12.07.2022 kl 17:26 3964

Which is exactly why I have been advocating that we spend money on developing the Italian assets asap instead of the Tunisian ones. It is a much more stable jurisdiction and Italy is a much wealthier economy where demand for gas is only going to increase and gas which is produced and sold "in-country" will be ever more valuable.both to Zenith and the Italian government.
12.07.2022 kl 21:23 3797

Så fortell meg hva aksjekursen var når i Zena når oljeprisen var 60 dollar. Albaliciouz
12.07.2022 kl 21:52 3828

Se prisen for Aug - Sep - Okt - den er + 440€ Pt.


Der findes ikke et eneste argument for at vente på noget i Italien.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Slettet bruker
13.07.2022 kl 08:21 3608

Orker ikke å sjekke. Men du påstår aksjen ligger på sitt laveste mens oljen peaker. Feil begge deler. Så jeg lar den ligge.
Slettet bruker
13.07.2022 kl 10:23 3502

Hidden order for buy at 0.0911 5T of 2 million
Redigert 13.07.2022 kl 10:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
13.07.2022 kl 10:55 3458

Godt du er innom tråden. Har du fortsatt troen?

Hvor blir det av oljesalg?
ROB-01 hva produserer den nå?

Hva skjer på SLK og Tilapia?

Er Nigeria fortsatt aktuelt?
13.07.2022 kl 14:03 3316


Reactivation of Sant’Andrea concession in Italy

July 13, 2022


("Zenith" or the "Company")

Reactivation of Sant’Andrea concession in Italy

Zenith Energy Ltd. (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the energy company with proven revenue generating production, exploration and development assets in Africa and Europe, is pleased to announce that it is finalising plans to reactivate the Sant’Andrea natural gas production concession (“Sant’Andrea” or the “Concession”) located in onshore Italy, with production expected to commence in Q4 2022.

Overview of Sant’Andrea

The Concession covers 164.32 square kilometres and is located in the Veneto region of North-Eastern Italy. It was first granted in 1992 and is due to expire in 2027. Two wells have been drilled within the Concession, namely S. Antonio-1 and Anzano-1.

The Company plans to reactivate the S. Antonio-1 well, with an expected initial production rate of 1,300 cubic metres of natural gas per day.

Monthly fixed production costs are expected to be approximately EUR 3,000 with estimated net revenues of approximately EUR 40,000 to EUR 50,000 per month.

Zenith, via its Italian subsidiary, holds a 40% interest in the Concession. The Company’s partners in Sant’Andrea have communicated that they do not intend to fund the reactivation of the Concession. Zenith will therefore receive full entitlement to the production revenue to be received from Sant’Andrea, as well as bearing the full costs associated with reactivation of the Concession (approximately EUR 20,000).

Luca Benedetto, Chief Financial Officer, and Managing Director of Italian operations, commented:

"We have embarked on a gradual strategy of optimising our Italian portfolio, parts of which have remained dormant for some time, in the context of the increasing necessity for European domestic energy security and a highly encouraging pricing climate.

It is our intention to continue to assess other, potentially much larger, opportunities for development within our Italian portfolio in the foreseeable future.”
Redigert 13.07.2022 kl 14:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.07.2022 kl 14:07 3298

Burde ikke aksjen gå på denne nyheten? Netto inn ca kr 4,4 mill i året? Mulig enda mer, hvis de får alt av inntekter og utgifter fra feltet? Og enda høyere inntekter hvis gass prisen blir høyere enn det de har estimert?
Redigert 13.07.2022 kl 14:13 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.07.2022 kl 14:13 3295

Helt supert det, men som de avslutter med så kommer det nye enda mer utviklende prosjekter i Italia. Synes det er fint å se att det jobbes med alle mulige felt nå. Stein på stein så blir totalsummene inn hver måned meget hyggelig. Good work
13.07.2022 kl 14:21 3265


Ja, troen fejler ikke noget, og fakta er fakta omkring det vi er blevet oplyst fra AC. -

Skal vi tage dine spørgsmål fra toppen, og mit "view" på et ædruligt svar:

Oliesalget er i min optik fuldført! men sidder der nogen og tænker at AC, skal udsende en RNS på baggrund af at der går penge på bankkontoen? det ville være højst udsædvanligt, vi har jo allerede solgt olie og gas og strøm før, grunden til at Italien bliver børsmeldt er at det er et højst usædvanlig marked i øjeblikket, samt at Italien kun lige præcis er gået i 0.

ROB-1, producerer mellem 30-50 Bopd - og man forventer ikke at bruge yderligere kræfter på ROB-1, da det kan skade mere end gavne.

ROB-3, er i proces om et øjeblik og her forventer man mellem 170-220 Boepd - derudover er det værd at have fokus på at Robbana feltet - samlet set "kun" har leveret, estimeret under 4,5% af den udregnede reserve i alt.

SLK er samme sted som da vi sidst rundede det emne, det samme gælder Tilapia ll - det tager urimelig lang tid, men hverken vi eller firmaet kan ændre på den virkelighed.

Og ja Nigeria er stadig aktuel, men kun for gode aftaler, som AC har udtrykt det.

Italien SKAL udbygges og VIL blive udbygget, det er der vi også skal holde vores fokus -

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
13.07.2022 kl 15:08 3134

This is great news. Another $500,000 or so in net revenue coming into the company every year once the project is done. This will take the total revenue up to approx $13.5 million per annum which is pretty much a revenue equivalent to the current market cap. I know that the market as a whole is waiting for Tilapia news or the acquisition of another big asset before we get the re-rate that the company deserves but this step by step process of gradually increasing revenue is going to make a huge difference to us once this re-rate happens.

We have already seen a sneak preview of how production revenue can enable the establishment of debt facilities in connection with the ill fated OML141 license.

The potential value of OML141 was 4,000bopd (approx. 50% net to Zenith) and with a longer term target of approx. 25,000 bopd. However, the acquisition costs of the asset reflected this enormous potential with the company being required to come up with $20 million to pay for the drilling, testing and completing of the Barracuda well “B-5” between January 15th 2022 and October 12th 2022.

There was no way that the company would have been able to come up with $20 million (£15 million) raised by equity as this is more than the entire market cap of the company. Therefore it is clear that they would have had to fund the $20 million investment via debt. However, the $13 million income from Tunisia and Italy is more than enough to be able to service a $20 million debt and we have already had a glimpse of how this sort of thing works (albeit on a much smaller scale) via the Winance facility that was set up last year. We can now fully expect the development of all new assets to be funded by debt out of existing cash-flow.

The other really exciting thing about today's news release is that they say that "It is our intention to continue to assess other, potentially much larger, opportunities for development within our Italian portfolio in the foreseeable future." so we know that there is a lot more money to be made out of our Italian assets - diversifying our jurisdictional risk which is something I have long advocated, Well done ZENA.
Slettet bruker
13.07.2022 kl 15:31 3077

buy order 5T - 0.0916 hidden volume of 2 millions and sell order of 2M 0.0940 to create pressure.
Redigert 13.07.2022 kl 15:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.07.2022 kl 15:56 3025

Hei Aqualight.
Jeg sier det enkelt, det blir sten på sten...Oppover.
Det har aldri sett bedre ut for Zenith Energy, men jaggu tar det tid...
13.07.2022 kl 16:52 2935

Husker fra aksjonær møtet februar, AC's forventning om det skulle være 2000-3000 fat fra Tunesia, eneste mulighet som jeg ser det er man lar andre komme til også på for eksempel på Robbana , som man har 100 % rettigheter til. Altså en farmout hvor man lar en samarbeidspartner foreta utvikling av en 4-5 brønne f.eks mot man får en andel å den olje som utvinnes. Full mulig det.
13.07.2022 kl 16:55 2923

Nå er det du som har vært den største ttt gubben her,nå virker du utålmodig,ta deg en billig rødvin&løvstek mens du venter👍