RECSI uke 21
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Fredag 27.05 er det Q1
Forrige uke åpnet på rundt 17.
Fredag 27.05 er det Q1
24.05.2022 kl 00:18
Jeg hadde kanskje håpet på at det nye styret ville møtes denne uka i forkant av Q1 for godkjenning av rapporten (og for å møtes), og at vi derfor kanskje ville få en melding om ML-åpning denne uka i forbindelse med styrevedtak. Noen synspunkter på sannsynligheten for det?
Jeg mener at vi befinner oss i en veldig spesiell tidsperiode for menneskehetens historie. Ikke kun fordi vi lever her og nå, men fordi vi er på vei fra fossilt energi til fornybar energi, som er en steg videre i den menneskelige evolusjonen. Biden, eller Sleepy Joe, som han også er kjent for å være, har gjort flere feil. Demokratene har gjort enda flere feil. Frustrerende? Ja, men det forandrer ikke hvor vi er på vei til. Fornybart og grønt.
Tidligere var miljø og klima årsaken til at overgangen til fornybart burde ha blitt prioritert. Nå handler det om nasjonal sikkerhet og interesse derimot. Hele krigen i Ukraina viser hvor risikabelt det er å være avhengige av stater som egentlig ikke deler de samme verdiene og som er upålitelige. Fornybart løser det, fordi det blir selvforsynt når man først har bygd fundamentet og bæreklossene for det. Faktisk så er min ærlige mening at dette kan skape til enda mer fred i fremtiden, fordi vi ikke lenger må krangle over begrenset med ressurser. Vi har ubegrenset med energi å benytte oss av - uten å skade planeten eller hverandre. Vi har intelligens og teknologien til å ta skrittet videre.
Se på det fra et langsiktig perspektiv. Om det er litt krangel mellom politikerne, eller det tar noen måneder ekstra spiller ingen rolle. Om det er republikanerne som står bak, demokratene som står bak, eller bipartisan samarbeid mellom dem spiller ingen rolle. Fornybart er nøkkelen.
Vi er eiere av et selskap som sitter med teknologi, ferdigstilte fabrikker, patenter, kunnskap opparbeidet over 30 år, mest miljøvennlige på verdensbasis osv. Kan fortsette i all evighet her. Kort sagt så kan REC levere til hele batteri og solar industrien som vil utvikle seg. Tore Torvund sa det tidligere;
Flytt vegg til vegg med oss eller inngå samarbeid med Kina.
Vi ser at både G14 og Sila Nanotechnologies investerer milliarder av kroner for å bygge fabrikker, bokstavlig talt rett ved siden av REC. De er finansiert av og har blant annet Porsche og Mercedes bak seg. REC har en intensjonsavtale med G14 fra før av, samtidig som de har hatt pilot med Sila, som blant annet ble brukt for Sila til å bevise proof of concept til markedet ovenfor deres produkt og hente emisjon fra markedet. Hanwha har sagt rett ut at de kjøpte REC for å sikre tilgangen deres og vi vet at Qcells ekspanderer, som også er eid av Hanwha, som henter en ytterligere kunde for REC for å forsvare gjenåpningen.
Ting går akkurat som de skal. På både makro og mikro fronten. Om kursen er på 20-tallet fremfor 15-tallet er selvfølgelig hyggeligere for psyken, men det forandrer ingenting. Reisen REC er på vei til kan være historisk. Et marked som de aldri har operert med tidligere. Forutsetningen tidligere aksjonærer kunne drømme om. Akkurat nå fokuserer jeg kun på Moses Lake gjenåpningen, men de som kjenner til meg vet at jeg alltid har vært investert for noe mer enn Moses Lake.
For meg er hele EU og USA en potensiell kunde. Etterspørselen. Den kommer til å bli så stor. Det er snakk om industri skifte over de neste årene. Dette vil pågå i flere tiår. Kapasiteten til REC er ingenting, selv med ML gjenåpnet og i full guffe i forhold til behovet som vil være tilstede. Med teknologien og patentene, sterke storeiere som Hanwha som har kapital til å ta steget videre så kan REC faktisk "Sieze the moment", som de sier på engelsk. Det er så store muligheter her.
Jeg vet ingenting om aksjekurs, men jeg vet at dette er en reise jeg vil være med på. Gleder meg til opp og nedturene sammen med dere. Jeg tror at tålmodigheten vil bli belønnet, men det fantastiske med REC er at dette er en reise alle kan være med på. For både gjenåpning av ML eller flere år frem i tid. Lønner seg å være investert i solide selskaper med et sterkt fundament, uavhengig om man har et 1 års perspektiv eller 5 års perspektiv.
Blue sky scenario er det som utspiller seg her, spør du meg.
God natt :)
Tidligere var miljø og klima årsaken til at overgangen til fornybart burde ha blitt prioritert. Nå handler det om nasjonal sikkerhet og interesse derimot. Hele krigen i Ukraina viser hvor risikabelt det er å være avhengige av stater som egentlig ikke deler de samme verdiene og som er upålitelige. Fornybart løser det, fordi det blir selvforsynt når man først har bygd fundamentet og bæreklossene for det. Faktisk så er min ærlige mening at dette kan skape til enda mer fred i fremtiden, fordi vi ikke lenger må krangle over begrenset med ressurser. Vi har ubegrenset med energi å benytte oss av - uten å skade planeten eller hverandre. Vi har intelligens og teknologien til å ta skrittet videre.
Se på det fra et langsiktig perspektiv. Om det er litt krangel mellom politikerne, eller det tar noen måneder ekstra spiller ingen rolle. Om det er republikanerne som står bak, demokratene som står bak, eller bipartisan samarbeid mellom dem spiller ingen rolle. Fornybart er nøkkelen.
Vi er eiere av et selskap som sitter med teknologi, ferdigstilte fabrikker, patenter, kunnskap opparbeidet over 30 år, mest miljøvennlige på verdensbasis osv. Kan fortsette i all evighet her. Kort sagt så kan REC levere til hele batteri og solar industrien som vil utvikle seg. Tore Torvund sa det tidligere;
Flytt vegg til vegg med oss eller inngå samarbeid med Kina.
Vi ser at både G14 og Sila Nanotechnologies investerer milliarder av kroner for å bygge fabrikker, bokstavlig talt rett ved siden av REC. De er finansiert av og har blant annet Porsche og Mercedes bak seg. REC har en intensjonsavtale med G14 fra før av, samtidig som de har hatt pilot med Sila, som blant annet ble brukt for Sila til å bevise proof of concept til markedet ovenfor deres produkt og hente emisjon fra markedet. Hanwha har sagt rett ut at de kjøpte REC for å sikre tilgangen deres og vi vet at Qcells ekspanderer, som også er eid av Hanwha, som henter en ytterligere kunde for REC for å forsvare gjenåpningen.
Ting går akkurat som de skal. På både makro og mikro fronten. Om kursen er på 20-tallet fremfor 15-tallet er selvfølgelig hyggeligere for psyken, men det forandrer ingenting. Reisen REC er på vei til kan være historisk. Et marked som de aldri har operert med tidligere. Forutsetningen tidligere aksjonærer kunne drømme om. Akkurat nå fokuserer jeg kun på Moses Lake gjenåpningen, men de som kjenner til meg vet at jeg alltid har vært investert for noe mer enn Moses Lake.
For meg er hele EU og USA en potensiell kunde. Etterspørselen. Den kommer til å bli så stor. Det er snakk om industri skifte over de neste årene. Dette vil pågå i flere tiår. Kapasiteten til REC er ingenting, selv med ML gjenåpnet og i full guffe i forhold til behovet som vil være tilstede. Med teknologien og patentene, sterke storeiere som Hanwha som har kapital til å ta steget videre så kan REC faktisk "Sieze the moment", som de sier på engelsk. Det er så store muligheter her.
Jeg vet ingenting om aksjekurs, men jeg vet at dette er en reise jeg vil være med på. Gleder meg til opp og nedturene sammen med dere. Jeg tror at tålmodigheten vil bli belønnet, men det fantastiske med REC er at dette er en reise alle kan være med på. For både gjenåpning av ML eller flere år frem i tid. Lønner seg å være investert i solide selskaper med et sterkt fundament, uavhengig om man har et 1 års perspektiv eller 5 års perspektiv.
Blue sky scenario er det som utspiller seg her, spør du meg.
God natt :)
Redigert 24.05.2022 kl 00:14
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Samme her. Vi får nøye oss med utgang på 30-40 i løpet av kommende år.
23.05.2022 kl 23:49
Har truleg gått inn i feil aksje sidan eg har runda 68! Nokså liten vits for meg at Recsi blir verdt 148 mrd eller 300 mrd om 10 år. Burde nok ha innsett dette tidlegare. Men kan kursen gå til 30 i løpet av 2023, er eg sannsynligvis klar for å selja. Men kanskje bør eg venta og håpa på at børsverdien er 30 mrrd i løpet av 2024? Det vil vera ei fantastisk utvikling for meg. 300 mrd. høyrest hinsides ut, sjølv om det er 10 år fram i tid.
Yngling ØH
23.05.2022 kl 23:48
EU skal også finansiere utvikling av solcelleenergi i Afrika:
Africa, which has the richest solar resources on the planet, installed only 5 GWs of solar PV in 2019. At the same time, in sub-Saharan Africa, 570 million people do not have access to electricity. Last February, during the 6th EU–African Union Summit, the Commission presented the Africa-EU Green Energy Initiative to support Africa’s green transition in the energy sector by increasing renewable energy capacity and the number of people gaining access to affordable and reliable energy. The EU can assist Africa’s efforts to adopt innovative technologies maximising solar energy resources, that is through agri-PV or floating solar on artificial lakes 48 . As part of the Global Gateway EU-Africa investment package, the EU will support the development of regional electricity markets across the five continental African power pools through technical assistance and funding for electricity interconnections and transmission lines.
REC vil gå helt amok de neste årene. Det kommer til å bli trangt inn dørene når alle disse prosjektene skal realiseres samtidig.
Africa, which has the richest solar resources on the planet, installed only 5 GWs of solar PV in 2019. At the same time, in sub-Saharan Africa, 570 million people do not have access to electricity. Last February, during the 6th EU–African Union Summit, the Commission presented the Africa-EU Green Energy Initiative to support Africa’s green transition in the energy sector by increasing renewable energy capacity and the number of people gaining access to affordable and reliable energy. The EU can assist Africa’s efforts to adopt innovative technologies maximising solar energy resources, that is through agri-PV or floating solar on artificial lakes 48 . As part of the Global Gateway EU-Africa investment package, the EU will support the development of regional electricity markets across the five continental African power pools through technical assistance and funding for electricity interconnections and transmission lines.
REC vil gå helt amok de neste årene. Det kommer til å bli trangt inn dørene når alle disse prosjektene skal realiseres samtidig.
Yngling ØH
23.05.2022 kl 23:39
Rising to the skills challenge
The EU solar PV sector employed 357,000 full-time equivalent (direct and indirect) jobs in 2020 and this figure is expected to at least double by 2030. The installation sector is a particularly strong source of local jobs, representing 80% of the total, while the operation and maintenance sector accounts for 10% 20 .
There is already a lack of skilled workers. This bottleneck could grow quickly if unaddressed. Vocational and Educational Training is an important instrument to address this challenge and Member States are encouraged to analyse the skills gap in the solar energy sector and develop training programmes fit for purpose, taking into account the potential to increase women’s participation.
At EU level, as part of the REPowerEU plan, the Commission will bring together the relevant stakeholders in the renewable energy sector, including from the solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and heat pumps industries, but also from regional and national permitting authorities, to set up an EU large-scale skills partnership for onshore renewable energy, including solar energy, under the Pact for Skills.
The partnership should develop a clear vision of concrete upskilling and reskilling measures for solar energy expansion. This should include training cooperation between companies along the value chain, social partners, training providers, and regional authorities. By joining forces, stakeholders can maximise the return on their investment in the partnership. Private, local and national funds can support the partnership’s objectives and be complemented by EU funding, from the European Social Fund to Erasmus+ and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.
The Commission will support implementation by the Member States of the Council Recommendation on ensuring a fair transition towards climate neutrality including actions to support workforce reskilling and upskilling and labour market transitions towards growing sectors such as solar energy 21 .
In addition, to promote mobility, the revision of the RED proposed in July 2021 provides requirements for mutual recognition of certification schemes across the EU, based on common unified criteria. It also mandates Member States to publish the list of certified installers to provide guarantees for consumers.
Pakken de kommer med inkluderer da også finansieringsplan og utdannelse av arbeidere for å montere solcelleanlegg i enorm skala. Dette kommer til å slå ut helt hinsides. Jeg er sikker på at California kommer til å hive seg på med lignende løsning ganske raskt, og flere andre amerikanske stater kommer til å gjøre enorme tiltak der også. Rec kommer til å starte en himmelferd som vil vedvare de neste 2-5 årene.
The EU solar PV sector employed 357,000 full-time equivalent (direct and indirect) jobs in 2020 and this figure is expected to at least double by 2030. The installation sector is a particularly strong source of local jobs, representing 80% of the total, while the operation and maintenance sector accounts for 10% 20 .
There is already a lack of skilled workers. This bottleneck could grow quickly if unaddressed. Vocational and Educational Training is an important instrument to address this challenge and Member States are encouraged to analyse the skills gap in the solar energy sector and develop training programmes fit for purpose, taking into account the potential to increase women’s participation.
At EU level, as part of the REPowerEU plan, the Commission will bring together the relevant stakeholders in the renewable energy sector, including from the solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and heat pumps industries, but also from regional and national permitting authorities, to set up an EU large-scale skills partnership for onshore renewable energy, including solar energy, under the Pact for Skills.
The partnership should develop a clear vision of concrete upskilling and reskilling measures for solar energy expansion. This should include training cooperation between companies along the value chain, social partners, training providers, and regional authorities. By joining forces, stakeholders can maximise the return on their investment in the partnership. Private, local and national funds can support the partnership’s objectives and be complemented by EU funding, from the European Social Fund to Erasmus+ and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.
The Commission will support implementation by the Member States of the Council Recommendation on ensuring a fair transition towards climate neutrality including actions to support workforce reskilling and upskilling and labour market transitions towards growing sectors such as solar energy 21 .
In addition, to promote mobility, the revision of the RED proposed in July 2021 provides requirements for mutual recognition of certification schemes across the EU, based on common unified criteria. It also mandates Member States to publish the list of certified installers to provide guarantees for consumers.
Pakken de kommer med inkluderer da også finansieringsplan og utdannelse av arbeidere for å montere solcelleanlegg i enorm skala. Dette kommer til å slå ut helt hinsides. Jeg er sikker på at California kommer til å hive seg på med lignende løsning ganske raskt, og flere andre amerikanske stater kommer til å gjøre enorme tiltak der også. Rec kommer til å starte en himmelferd som vil vedvare de neste 2-5 årene.
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 23:40
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Yngling ØH
23.05.2022 kl 23:33
Det mest interessante er kanskje at EU også stiller med finansiering. Den enorme pakken vil altså gjøre finansiering tilgjengelig ganske raskt, slik at prosjekter kan iverksettes pronto.
Financing solar energy deployment
Solar energy technologies have relatively high upfront costs, compared to other sources of energy, but low operational costs. Therefore, attractive financing conditions are crucial for their competitive deployment. Commission analysis indicates that additional investments in solar PVs under REPowerEU would amount to EUR 26 billion between now and 2027, on top of the investments needed to realise the objectives of the Fit for 55 proposals.
Most of the financing will be private, but partially triggered by public funding, including from the EU. The Recovery and Resilience Facility already dedicated at least EUR 19 billion to accelerate the roll-out of renewables 10 . Other instruments are contributing to this effort: the cohesion policy funds, InvestEU, the Innovation Fund, the Modernisation Fund, Horizon Europe and the LIFE programme. Connecting Europe Facility RES and the EU renewable energy financing mechanism will support cross-border cooperation on solar energy projects.
Besides dedicated energy financing programmes, Member States should also look for synergies with transport infrastructure or research and innovation programmes, ensuring a coordinated support framework for solar energy across relevant policy areas. In addition, they should use specific technical support provided by the Commission to reduce their dependence on Russian fossil fuels through the Technical Support Instrument which inter alia supports reforms to enhance the rollout of solar energy. The new Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy (CEEAG) 11 have introduced a set of criteria for tailored and proportionate support to renewable energy, including solar. Among other things, this includes contracts for difference, technology-specific tenders or exemptions from mandatory competitive bidding for small projects, including certain energy community projects.
2.1.Utility-scale deployment and enabling measures
Utility-scale installations
Utility-scale solar installations will be crucial to replace fossil fuels at the required speed. In recent years, competitive bidding has driven growth in this segment. By 2020, 19 Member States had carried out national-level tendering processes, also known as renewable energy auctions 12 . This mechanism has contributed to drive down costs and recent years have seen greater emphasis on auction designs which increase reliance on market-based revenues 13 . Stable, publicly available schedules for the foreseen auctions increase visibility for project developers and drive up investment. They should cover at least the following five years, include the frequency of competitive tendering, the related foreseen capacity, the available budget and the eligible technologies 14 .
Beyond auctions, public procurement can also be leveraged to further promote solar energy deployment, while generating incentives to enhance the sustainability of the equipment. In addition, aggregation of demand for solar energy from large public buyers can reduce investment risks and facilitate innovative business models in the solar energy sector. To this end, the Commission will build on the Big Public Buyers initiative, proposing the creation of a community of practice dedicated to the procurement of solar energy. This community will share knowledge and develop best procurement practices for solar energy technologies.
Solar project developers are increasingly relying on a combination of electricity market participation and corporate renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to ensure a stable income. A swift adoption of the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), proposed in July 2021 15 , and the implementation of the Commission Recommendation on PPAs adopted alongside this communication should allow Member States to boost the number and aggregated volume of the agreements.
As the share of variable renewables increases in the electricity system, auctions should also support renewables-based technologies that can reduce the cost of ensuring network stability and system integration. Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) with thermal storage and solar PV with batteries are examples of technologies that can provide these benefits.
The public consultation confirmed that a key barrier holding back utility-scale installations, including solar, is administrative, in particular long and complex permit-granting procedures. To overcome this obstacle, the Commission has presented a Recommendation on fast permitting for renewable energy projects and a legislative proposal on permitting alongside this communication.
Go-to areas and multiple use of space
The required expansion in utility-scale projects will increasingly face competing uses of land and public acceptance challenges. Member States should undertake a mapping exercise to identify appropriate locations for renewable energy installations needed to collectively achieve the revised EU 2030 renewable energy target. They should also designate the renewable go-to areas in which permitting will be simpler and faster than elsewhere while limiting the impact on other uses of land and preserving environmental protection. In addition, permit-granting procedures for the installation of solar energy equipment in rooftops and other structures created for purposes different than solar energy production should be limited to three months.
The repurposing of former industrial or mining land represents an opportunity for solar energy deployment. The Modernisation Fund, as well as the cohesion policy, in particular the Just Transition Fund, can support this kind of economic diversification and reconversion initiatives.
Financing solar energy deployment
Solar energy technologies have relatively high upfront costs, compared to other sources of energy, but low operational costs. Therefore, attractive financing conditions are crucial for their competitive deployment. Commission analysis indicates that additional investments in solar PVs under REPowerEU would amount to EUR 26 billion between now and 2027, on top of the investments needed to realise the objectives of the Fit for 55 proposals.
Most of the financing will be private, but partially triggered by public funding, including from the EU. The Recovery and Resilience Facility already dedicated at least EUR 19 billion to accelerate the roll-out of renewables 10 . Other instruments are contributing to this effort: the cohesion policy funds, InvestEU, the Innovation Fund, the Modernisation Fund, Horizon Europe and the LIFE programme. Connecting Europe Facility RES and the EU renewable energy financing mechanism will support cross-border cooperation on solar energy projects.
Besides dedicated energy financing programmes, Member States should also look for synergies with transport infrastructure or research and innovation programmes, ensuring a coordinated support framework for solar energy across relevant policy areas. In addition, they should use specific technical support provided by the Commission to reduce their dependence on Russian fossil fuels through the Technical Support Instrument which inter alia supports reforms to enhance the rollout of solar energy. The new Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy (CEEAG) 11 have introduced a set of criteria for tailored and proportionate support to renewable energy, including solar. Among other things, this includes contracts for difference, technology-specific tenders or exemptions from mandatory competitive bidding for small projects, including certain energy community projects.
2.1.Utility-scale deployment and enabling measures
Utility-scale installations
Utility-scale solar installations will be crucial to replace fossil fuels at the required speed. In recent years, competitive bidding has driven growth in this segment. By 2020, 19 Member States had carried out national-level tendering processes, also known as renewable energy auctions 12 . This mechanism has contributed to drive down costs and recent years have seen greater emphasis on auction designs which increase reliance on market-based revenues 13 . Stable, publicly available schedules for the foreseen auctions increase visibility for project developers and drive up investment. They should cover at least the following five years, include the frequency of competitive tendering, the related foreseen capacity, the available budget and the eligible technologies 14 .
Beyond auctions, public procurement can also be leveraged to further promote solar energy deployment, while generating incentives to enhance the sustainability of the equipment. In addition, aggregation of demand for solar energy from large public buyers can reduce investment risks and facilitate innovative business models in the solar energy sector. To this end, the Commission will build on the Big Public Buyers initiative, proposing the creation of a community of practice dedicated to the procurement of solar energy. This community will share knowledge and develop best procurement practices for solar energy technologies.
Solar project developers are increasingly relying on a combination of electricity market participation and corporate renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to ensure a stable income. A swift adoption of the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), proposed in July 2021 15 , and the implementation of the Commission Recommendation on PPAs adopted alongside this communication should allow Member States to boost the number and aggregated volume of the agreements.
As the share of variable renewables increases in the electricity system, auctions should also support renewables-based technologies that can reduce the cost of ensuring network stability and system integration. Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) with thermal storage and solar PV with batteries are examples of technologies that can provide these benefits.
The public consultation confirmed that a key barrier holding back utility-scale installations, including solar, is administrative, in particular long and complex permit-granting procedures. To overcome this obstacle, the Commission has presented a Recommendation on fast permitting for renewable energy projects and a legislative proposal on permitting alongside this communication.
Go-to areas and multiple use of space
The required expansion in utility-scale projects will increasingly face competing uses of land and public acceptance challenges. Member States should undertake a mapping exercise to identify appropriate locations for renewable energy installations needed to collectively achieve the revised EU 2030 renewable energy target. They should also designate the renewable go-to areas in which permitting will be simpler and faster than elsewhere while limiting the impact on other uses of land and preserving environmental protection. In addition, permit-granting procedures for the installation of solar energy equipment in rooftops and other structures created for purposes different than solar energy production should be limited to three months.
The repurposing of former industrial or mining land represents an opportunity for solar energy deployment. The Modernisation Fund, as well as the cohesion policy, in particular the Just Transition Fund, can support this kind of economic diversification and reconversion initiatives.
Yngling ØH
23.05.2022 kl 23:30
European Solar Rooftops Initiative
According to some estimates, rooftop PV could provide almost 25% of the EU’s electricity consumption 8 - this is more than the share of natural gas today. These installations – on residential, public, commercial and industrial roofs – can shield consumers from high energy prices, contributing to public acceptance of renewable energy. They can be deployed very rapidly, as they utilise existing structures and avoid conflicts with other public goods like the environment.
The EU-wide European Solar Rooftops Initiative, announced in the Commission’s REPowerEU Communication, aims at unlocking the vast, underutilised solar generation potential of rooftops to make our energy cleaner, more secure and affordable. To achieve this swiftly, immediate action is necessary by end 2022
The EU will:
-Increase its 2030 target for renewables share to 45%.
-Limit the length of permitting for rooftop solar installations, including large ones, to a maximum of 3 months.
-Adopt provisions to ensure that all new buildings are “solar ready”.
-Make the installation of rooftop solar energy compulsory for:
oall new public and commercial buildings with useful floor area larger than 250 m2 by 2026;
oall existing public and commercial buildings with useful floor area larger than 250 m2 by 2027;
oall new residential buildings by 2029.
-Ensure that its legislation is fully implemented in all Member States allowing consumers in multi-apartment buildings to effectively exercise their right to collective self-consumption, without undue costs 9 .
The EU and Member States will work together to:
-Eliminate administrative obstacles for cost-effective extensions of already installed systems.
-Set up at least one renewables-based energy community in every municipality with a population higher than 10 000 by 2025.
-Ensure that energy poor and vulnerable consumers have access to solar energy, e.g. through social housing installations, energy communities, or financing support for individual installations.
-Support building-integrated PVs for both new buildings and renovations.
-Ensure full implementation of the current provisions in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) in relation to the nearly zero-energy buildings standard for new buildings, including through dedicated guidance.
Member States should:
-Establish robust support frameworks for rooftop systems, including in combination with energy storage and heat-pumps, based on predictable payback times that are shorter than 10 years.
-As part of such a framework and where needed to unlock investments, set up a national support programme to ensure as of next year:
-massive deployment of rooftop solar energy, giving priority to most suitable buildings for quick interventions (Energy Performance Certificate classes A, B, C or D),
-combine solar deployment with roof renovations and energy storage; this should be implemented through a one-stop shop integrating all aspects.
The Member States should implement the measures under this initiative as a priority, using available EU funding, in particular the new REPowerEU chapters of their Recovery and Resilience Plans. The Commission will monitor progress in the implementation of this initiative on an annual basis, through the relevant fora, with the sector’s stakeholders and the Member States.
If fully implemented, this Initiative, as part of the REPowerEU plan, will accelerate rooftop installations and add 19 TWh of electricity after the first year of its implementation (36% more than expected in the Fit for 55 projections). By 2025, it will result in 58 TWh of additional electricity generated (more than double the Fit for 55 projections).
According to some estimates, rooftop PV could provide almost 25% of the EU’s electricity consumption 8 - this is more than the share of natural gas today. These installations – on residential, public, commercial and industrial roofs – can shield consumers from high energy prices, contributing to public acceptance of renewable energy. They can be deployed very rapidly, as they utilise existing structures and avoid conflicts with other public goods like the environment.
The EU-wide European Solar Rooftops Initiative, announced in the Commission’s REPowerEU Communication, aims at unlocking the vast, underutilised solar generation potential of rooftops to make our energy cleaner, more secure and affordable. To achieve this swiftly, immediate action is necessary by end 2022
The EU will:
-Increase its 2030 target for renewables share to 45%.
-Limit the length of permitting for rooftop solar installations, including large ones, to a maximum of 3 months.
-Adopt provisions to ensure that all new buildings are “solar ready”.
-Make the installation of rooftop solar energy compulsory for:
oall new public and commercial buildings with useful floor area larger than 250 m2 by 2026;
oall existing public and commercial buildings with useful floor area larger than 250 m2 by 2027;
oall new residential buildings by 2029.
-Ensure that its legislation is fully implemented in all Member States allowing consumers in multi-apartment buildings to effectively exercise their right to collective self-consumption, without undue costs 9 .
The EU and Member States will work together to:
-Eliminate administrative obstacles for cost-effective extensions of already installed systems.
-Set up at least one renewables-based energy community in every municipality with a population higher than 10 000 by 2025.
-Ensure that energy poor and vulnerable consumers have access to solar energy, e.g. through social housing installations, energy communities, or financing support for individual installations.
-Support building-integrated PVs for both new buildings and renovations.
-Ensure full implementation of the current provisions in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) in relation to the nearly zero-energy buildings standard for new buildings, including through dedicated guidance.
Member States should:
-Establish robust support frameworks for rooftop systems, including in combination with energy storage and heat-pumps, based on predictable payback times that are shorter than 10 years.
-As part of such a framework and where needed to unlock investments, set up a national support programme to ensure as of next year:
-massive deployment of rooftop solar energy, giving priority to most suitable buildings for quick interventions (Energy Performance Certificate classes A, B, C or D),
-combine solar deployment with roof renovations and energy storage; this should be implemented through a one-stop shop integrating all aspects.
The Member States should implement the measures under this initiative as a priority, using available EU funding, in particular the new REPowerEU chapters of their Recovery and Resilience Plans. The Commission will monitor progress in the implementation of this initiative on an annual basis, through the relevant fora, with the sector’s stakeholders and the Member States.
If fully implemented, this Initiative, as part of the REPowerEU plan, will accelerate rooftop installations and add 19 TWh of electricity after the first year of its implementation (36% more than expected in the Fit for 55 projections). By 2025, it will result in 58 TWh of additional electricity generated (more than double the Fit for 55 projections).
Yngling ØH
23.05.2022 kl 23:29
EU Solar Energy Strategy
{SWD(2022) 148 final}
1.Solar energy to repower Europe
Massive, rapid deployment of renewable energy is at the core of the REPowerEU plan - the EU initiative to put an end to its dependency from Russian fossil fuels. Solar energy will be the kingpin of this effort. Panel by panel, the infinite energy of the sun will help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels across all sectors of our economy, from residential heating to industrial processes.
As part of the REPowerEU plan, this strategy aims to bring online over 320 GW of solar photovoltaic by 2025 (more than doubling compared to 2020) and almost 600 GW by 2030 1 . These frontloaded additional capacities displace the consumption of 9 bcm of natural gas annually by 2027.
Solar energy has a number of advantages that make it particularly suitable to meet today’s energy challenges.
Solar photovoltaics (PV) and solar thermal technologies can be rolled-out rapidly and reward citizens and businesses with benefits for the climate and their purses.
This is because solar energy costs have decreased spectacularly over time. The EU’s renewable energy policies helped bring PV costs down by 82% over the last decade 2 , turning it into one of the most competitive source of electricity in the EU. Solar energy, combined with energy efficiency, protects European citizens from the volatility of fossil fuel prices.
EU citizens appreciate this autonomy to produce their own energy, either individually or collectively. It is a huge opportunity for whole cities and regions, especially those transitioning to a new energy and economic model. The solar sector not only creates renewable electricity and heat; it also creates jobs, new business models and start-ups.
Massive deployment of solar energy is also a chance to reinforce the EU’s industrial leadership. By creating the right framework conditions, the EU can expand its manufacturing base, building on its vibrant competitive and innovation-driven environment while ensuring that solar products are up to the EU consumer’s high standards.
The EU Solar Energy Strategy outlines a comprehensive vision to swiftly reap the benefits of solar energy, and presents four initiatives to overcome the remaining challenges in the short-term.
First, by promoting quick and massive PV deployment via the European Solar Rooftops Initiative.
Second, by making permitting procedures shorter and simpler. The Commission will address this issue through the adoption of a legislative proposal, a recommendation and a guidance alongside this communication.
Third, by ensuring the availability of an abundant skilled workforce to face up the challenge of producing and deploying solar energy all across the EU. In line with the call for stakeholders to establish an EU large-scale skills partnership for onshore renewable energy under the Pact for Skills, as part of the REPowerEU plan, this strategy will set out its relevance for the solar energy sector 3 . This partnership will bring together all relevant stakeholders to take action on upskilling and reskilling to fill the gap.
Fourth, by launching a European Solar PV Industry Alliance that aims to facilitate innovation-led expansion of a resilient industrial solar value chain in the EU, in particular in the PV manufacturing sector.
2.Accelerating solar energy deployment
Solar PV is one of the cheapest source of electricity available 4 . The cost of solar electricity was already well below wholesale electricity prices before the 2021 surge in prices. This advantage has become even more relevant now in the face of the crisis. Solar electricity and heat are key for phasing out EU’s dependence on Russian natural gas. Large-scale deployment of PVs will reduce our reliance on natural gas used to produce power. Solar heat and solar power combined with heat pumps can replace natural gas boilers for heating in residential or commercial spaces. Solar energy in the form of electricity, heat or hydrogen can replace natural gas consumption in industrial processes.
By the end of 2020, the EU reached 136 GW of solar PV installed generation capacity, having added more than 18 GW that year. It delivered around 5% of total EU electricity generation 5 . To reach the 2030 target for renewables proposed by the Commission and the objectives of the REPowerEU plan, we need to radically step up a gear. Over this decade, the EU will need to install, on average, approximately 45 GW per year.
Solar energy systems have long been a low-cost and reliable solution for heating in many European countries 6 but overall solar heat accounts for just around 1.5% of heating needs 7 . To reach the EU 2030 targets, energy demand covered by solar heat and geothermal should at least triple.
Rooftops have been the place for most of the solar energy deployment so far, but huge untapped potential remains. It is a low-hanging fruit and the EU and its Member States must join forces to exploit it rapidly as much as possible, given multiple benefits for consumers.
EU Solar Energy Strategy
{SWD(2022) 148 final}
1.Solar energy to repower Europe
Massive, rapid deployment of renewable energy is at the core of the REPowerEU plan - the EU initiative to put an end to its dependency from Russian fossil fuels. Solar energy will be the kingpin of this effort. Panel by panel, the infinite energy of the sun will help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels across all sectors of our economy, from residential heating to industrial processes.
As part of the REPowerEU plan, this strategy aims to bring online over 320 GW of solar photovoltaic by 2025 (more than doubling compared to 2020) and almost 600 GW by 2030 1 . These frontloaded additional capacities displace the consumption of 9 bcm of natural gas annually by 2027.
Solar energy has a number of advantages that make it particularly suitable to meet today’s energy challenges.
Solar photovoltaics (PV) and solar thermal technologies can be rolled-out rapidly and reward citizens and businesses with benefits for the climate and their purses.
This is because solar energy costs have decreased spectacularly over time. The EU’s renewable energy policies helped bring PV costs down by 82% over the last decade 2 , turning it into one of the most competitive source of electricity in the EU. Solar energy, combined with energy efficiency, protects European citizens from the volatility of fossil fuel prices.
EU citizens appreciate this autonomy to produce their own energy, either individually or collectively. It is a huge opportunity for whole cities and regions, especially those transitioning to a new energy and economic model. The solar sector not only creates renewable electricity and heat; it also creates jobs, new business models and start-ups.
Massive deployment of solar energy is also a chance to reinforce the EU’s industrial leadership. By creating the right framework conditions, the EU can expand its manufacturing base, building on its vibrant competitive and innovation-driven environment while ensuring that solar products are up to the EU consumer’s high standards.
The EU Solar Energy Strategy outlines a comprehensive vision to swiftly reap the benefits of solar energy, and presents four initiatives to overcome the remaining challenges in the short-term.
First, by promoting quick and massive PV deployment via the European Solar Rooftops Initiative.
Second, by making permitting procedures shorter and simpler. The Commission will address this issue through the adoption of a legislative proposal, a recommendation and a guidance alongside this communication.
Third, by ensuring the availability of an abundant skilled workforce to face up the challenge of producing and deploying solar energy all across the EU. In line with the call for stakeholders to establish an EU large-scale skills partnership for onshore renewable energy under the Pact for Skills, as part of the REPowerEU plan, this strategy will set out its relevance for the solar energy sector 3 . This partnership will bring together all relevant stakeholders to take action on upskilling and reskilling to fill the gap.
Fourth, by launching a European Solar PV Industry Alliance that aims to facilitate innovation-led expansion of a resilient industrial solar value chain in the EU, in particular in the PV manufacturing sector.
2.Accelerating solar energy deployment
Solar PV is one of the cheapest source of electricity available 4 . The cost of solar electricity was already well below wholesale electricity prices before the 2021 surge in prices. This advantage has become even more relevant now in the face of the crisis. Solar electricity and heat are key for phasing out EU’s dependence on Russian natural gas. Large-scale deployment of PVs will reduce our reliance on natural gas used to produce power. Solar heat and solar power combined with heat pumps can replace natural gas boilers for heating in residential or commercial spaces. Solar energy in the form of electricity, heat or hydrogen can replace natural gas consumption in industrial processes.
By the end of 2020, the EU reached 136 GW of solar PV installed generation capacity, having added more than 18 GW that year. It delivered around 5% of total EU electricity generation 5 . To reach the 2030 target for renewables proposed by the Commission and the objectives of the REPowerEU plan, we need to radically step up a gear. Over this decade, the EU will need to install, on average, approximately 45 GW per year.
Solar energy systems have long been a low-cost and reliable solution for heating in many European countries 6 but overall solar heat accounts for just around 1.5% of heating needs 7 . To reach the EU 2030 targets, energy demand covered by solar heat and geothermal should at least triple.
Rooftops have been the place for most of the solar energy deployment so far, but huge untapped potential remains. It is a low-hanging fruit and the EU and its Member States must join forces to exploit it rapidly as much as possible, given multiple benefits for consumers.
23.05.2022 kl 23:20
Hvorfor ikke ? Vi har vært på 148 milliarder tidligere og da var verden mye mindre attraktiv enn de neste 5-10 årene for firmaer som Recsi. Blue sky om 10 år om de lykkes hele veien....300 milliarder ?? 🤣🤘👍
23.05.2022 kl 23:07
Denne artikkel er bra. Les den og man får en grunnleggende forståelse av hvilken vei dette går. For Recsi er det mange veier til Rom. Biden har gjort en del feil. Men kjernen av saken er at Europa og Nord-Amerika vil ikke la Kina ha så stor dominans i fremtiden. Ikke vil investorer det heller.
23.05.2022 kl 21:33
Korrekt, REC fikk ikke betalt for teknologi etc så de gikk heller ikke inn i Yulin med de siste pengene de skulle. Det er nok komplisert og ville ikke satset mye på den hesten i nær fremtid
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 21:33
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23.05.2022 kl 21:31
De skrev vel ned yulin til null pga vanskeligheter med kommunikasjon (som visstnok var lik null) og covid samt at de ikke klarte å hente ut pengene som yulin var skyldig REC for ingeniørtjenester de mener å ha bistått yulin med. Eller husker jeg feil? Det kan jo hjelpe godt på at det er hanwha som styrer nå, mulig de klarer å gjenopprette kommunikasjon og samarbeidet.
Ja, de eier 15%. Rec har vel selv sagt at pga langtidsgjeld som ble pådratt seg i Yulin, så er avkastning inntil videre 0. Slik jeg tolker det. Det tok tid å komme igang der nede. I fjor ble det produsert nesten 14 000MT med poly, og det genereres mye cash i følge kvartalsrapportene. Kanskje om litt tid, så kan det ble penger her også om denne gjelden forsvinner. Står jo litt om det i kvartalsrapportene til Rec, men ikke mye detaljer.
I siste oppdateringen stod det vel at Rec ikke ser noen indikatorer som gjør at de kan endre på verdivurderingen. FVTPL.
I siste oppdateringen stod det vel at Rec ikke ser noen indikatorer som gjør at de kan endre på verdivurderingen. FVTPL.
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 21:20
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23.05.2022 kl 21:09
De ejer vel stadig 15% eller sådan noget af den ? At nedskrive til 0 betyder blot man ikke ser nogen værdi i den mere. Siden er det så ændret lidt.
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 21:11
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Yulin går så det suser i dag, sist jeg leste om den. Det er vel ikke noe Rec drar noe nytte av slik det står seg nå dog. Er vel en grunn til at de skrev det ned til 0.
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 21:02
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23.05.2022 kl 20:10
Kan også Yulin-drømmen våkne til liv igjen om usa/Kina gjensidig letter tariffene?
Analysts attributed Monday’s equity gains to President Joe Biden, who said he’s weighing reducing tariffs on Chinese goods that had been imposed during the Trump administration.
Analysts attributed Monday’s equity gains to President Joe Biden, who said he’s weighing reducing tariffs on Chinese goods that had been imposed during the Trump administration.
Det skal vel noe til. Wacker har en polysilicon kapasitet på 80 000MT. Ikke at de nødvendigvis er direkte sammenlignbare kun på volum.
Wacker driver vel også med en god del andre ting.
En børsverdi på 30 milliarder kan vel være et slags mål, 71kr aksjen. Om ML og Butte går godt.
Wacker driver vel også med en god del andre ting.
En børsverdi på 30 milliarder kan vel være et slags mål, 71kr aksjen. Om ML og Butte går godt.
Hørtes helt sykt ut 😯
Wacker chemie
8 298,71 MEUR.
Kan vi noensinne ha forhåpninger om en børsverdi på 90-100 mrd i Rec? Mulig hvis vi har ML som går på full kapasitet og ett ML 2 som produsere.
Wacker chemie
8 298,71 MEUR.
Kan vi noensinne ha forhåpninger om en børsverdi på 90-100 mrd i Rec? Mulig hvis vi har ML som går på full kapasitet og ett ML 2 som produsere.
LG and SK are rushing to open production sites for electric vehicle batteries to guard their high global market shares. LG Energy Solution, SK Innovation and Samsung SDI are expected to have a combined 12 battery factories in North America by 2025, including under joint ventures with U.S. automakers.
Material makers such as Posco and Lotte Chemical have announced plans to build plants for battery materials, paving the way for a full battery supply chain by South Korean manufacturers.
South Korean industry's new focus on the U.S. reflects the lackluster earnings of their Chinese businesses.
Former South Korean President Moon Jae-in pursued more balanced diplomacy, valuing relations with both Beijing and Washington. This inhibited the corporate sector from making a clear pivot to the U.S.
Yoon, who took office as president this month, ran on a promise to strengthen ties with Washington, a policy that likely will encourage the corporate sector's tilt toward the U.S.
Material makers such as Posco and Lotte Chemical have announced plans to build plants for battery materials, paving the way for a full battery supply chain by South Korean manufacturers.
South Korean industry's new focus on the U.S. reflects the lackluster earnings of their Chinese businesses.
Former South Korean President Moon Jae-in pursued more balanced diplomacy, valuing relations with both Beijing and Washington. This inhibited the corporate sector from making a clear pivot to the U.S.
Yoon, who took office as president this month, ran on a promise to strengthen ties with Washington, a policy that likely will encourage the corporate sector's tilt toward the U.S.
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 18:45
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Hm: Q1. 0. Hm: Sema. Hanwha venter. Hm:......
All in.
All in.
23.05.2022 kl 16:40
Nesten 500K aksjer gikk i sluttauksjonen omkring LOD. Ikke allverdens volum det, men klart en pen andel av totaldagens volum. Da fikk jeg det som forhåpet, at aksjen kommer litt ned for inngang med ny trade:)
Jeg synes det er gøy å se at Wacker nå har bestemt seg for å betale det de kaller "industry average" utbytte på €8 aksjen(!)
Jeg legger merke til at Wacker kurses til litt over 10-gangern av Recsi akkurat nå.
"Wacker Chemie AG (ETR:WCH) will increase its dividend on the 25th of May to €8.00. This makes the dividend yield about the same as the industry average at 4.8%."
"industry average" utbytte om noen år.... ja takk! :D
Jeg legger merke til at Wacker kurses til litt over 10-gangern av Recsi akkurat nå.
"Wacker Chemie AG (ETR:WCH) will increase its dividend on the 25th of May to €8.00. This makes the dividend yield about the same as the industry average at 4.8%."
"industry average" utbytte om noen år.... ja takk! :D
23.05.2022 kl 15:46
Onmyway skrev Det er ikke mye de får tak i, lavt volum i dag…
Stiger fort igjen ved litt aktivitet så dette er ikke lett for Noen. :) Tikk - takk mot Q1. Håper det blir litt haraball snart!!
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 15:47
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23.05.2022 kl 15:42
Nsxnsx skrev lar dem dekke seg inn på 19.5........
Det er ikke mye de får tak i, lavt volum i dag…
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 15:42
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Voleon dekket inn litt av shorten på fredag.
Håper ikke småinvestorer lar de dekke inn på 20 kroner.
Håper ikke småinvestorer lar de dekke inn på 20 kroner.
23.05.2022 kl 15:32
Voleon reduserte shorten med ca. 650' aksjer 20.05 ifølge dagens oppdatering hos SSR. De har fortsatt 8 453 259 aksjer solgt i markedet som de skal kjøpe tilbake, pluss det vi ikke ser fra andre som er short på den daglige oppdaterte listen (antatt like mye som er synlig short).
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 15:33
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23.05.2022 kl 15:18
Slettet brukerskrev Stenger i nærheten av kurs 21 kroner👍
Det er bra ikke alle optimistene jobber i kommunen
23.05.2022 kl 14:49
Slettet brukerskrev Stenger i nærheten av kurs 21 kroner👍
Virker som REC følger techindeksen relativt greit i dag. Ser ut som de store har satt på autopilot...
Stenger i nærheten av kurs 21 kroner👍
23.05.2022 kl 14:04
Slettet brukerskrev Nei, å være aksjonær her og et par andre aksjer har holdt meg gående siste 2 årene.
Ikke så mye rus på det som skjer i dag. Men enig med skribent under her at det er merkelig at "Noen" ikke klarer å kjøre ned kursen mer med den labre omsettingen som er i dag. Hadde dette vært normal dag så hadde kurven gått rett ned... Vel, vi får bare håpe det tar litt fyr i kursen og askjen nå på slutten av dagen da. Mye kjekkere det (spesielt for oss longere) :)
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 15:25
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23.05.2022 kl 13:46
MÅ si det er bemerkelsesverdig om aksjen ikke trekker noe mer ned om volum holder seg på de lave nivåer vi nå ser.
De har være kjøpbar de dagene volum har falt tydelig og kursen også har fulgt nedover. Det siste skjer ikke i dag, så langt, men det kan kanskje endre seg innen de neste par handelsdager. Husk at torsdag er fridag, så det starter som det meldes freddan...
Min kongstanke var å pløye en del oljefokuserte investeringsmidler over i RECSI i håp om at oljerelatert gikk kjappere i utvikling. Men nå er det stor fare for å høste oljeinntekter i ganske lange tider med høye utbytter, så det blir nok mer eller mindre et parallelt løp mellom sol og olje fremover for meg.
De har være kjøpbar de dagene volum har falt tydelig og kursen også har fulgt nedover. Det siste skjer ikke i dag, så langt, men det kan kanskje endre seg innen de neste par handelsdager. Husk at torsdag er fridag, så det starter som det meldes freddan...
Min kongstanke var å pløye en del oljefokuserte investeringsmidler over i RECSI i håp om at oljerelatert gikk kjappere i utvikling. Men nå er det stor fare for å høste oljeinntekter i ganske lange tider med høye utbytter, så det blir nok mer eller mindre et parallelt løp mellom sol og olje fremover for meg.
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 13:51
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MySpace skrev Har du prøvd crack?
Nei, å være aksjonær her og et par andre aksjer har holdt meg gående siste 2 årene.
23.05.2022 kl 13:16
Slettet brukerskrev Jeg må lete etter endorfiner annet sted. Er jo dønn kjedelig i dag 😂
Har du prøvd crack?
Jeg må lete etter endorfiner annet sted. Er jo dønn kjedelig i dag 😂
Ser ut til at flere er enige med deg ja:
23.05.2022 kl 11:01
Med ca 23millilner i omsetting så langt denne uken kan det se ut som at alle står med en ventepølse i hånda.
Svært avventende stemning, men positivt at kursen holder seg såpass godt på denne lave omsettingen..
Svært avventende stemning, men positivt at kursen holder seg såpass godt på denne lave omsettingen..
23.05.2022 kl 10:26
Tror også shorten har økt fredag og så langt idag, og det er jo bra hvis vi ligger rundt her mens det blir stadig flere aksjer som må kjøpes tilbake. Har plukket ganske mye mellom 19,65 og 19,85 idag, tror vi skal oppover utover dagen.
Nsxnsx skrev Ser ut som 20,- er en hard nøtt.....
Lever greit med om den konsoliderer her inntil noe mer konkret, som vi vet nærmer seg. I alle fall langt mer logisk enn at den lå og vaket 25-30 prosent under inngangen til Hanwa.
Snart smeller det, og da starter oppgangen fra en noe mer fair prising enn vi har hatt siden Hanwa overtok Akers aksjer
Snart smeller det, og da starter oppgangen fra en noe mer fair prising enn vi har hatt siden Hanwa overtok Akers aksjer
23.05.2022 kl 09:56
Europa ser seg om etter nye energikilder når Russland struper gass. Hydrogen nevnes, men skal du produserre det må du ha strøm... Da gjenstår bla. vind og ikke minst SOL... Solen skinner i alle land uten å bråke. Stillheten brytes kun av vakker fuglesang..... say no more...sun and heavy battery power storage facilities here we come.
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 10:50
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Stille før stormen🔆
Jeg tror 20 brytes i dag og kursen stenger rundt 21 kroner.
Markedspris på RECsi 23.mai: 8,3 milliarder
Erstatningskost RECsi (ML&Butte): 34 milliarder
(2,9 milliarder dollar i 2018)
Etter etablering i ML venter Sila Nano og Butte på avtaler som kan sikre de «masse» Silan med RECsi.
Vel, vel. Den som ikke ser muligheten nå - den sitter igjen med et verdenssyn fra 2018.
Jeg tror kursen kommer til å stige jevnt utover året, et og annet byks mot stadig høyere topper. Alt mellom 50 og 90 er fair range 2022.
Fredag vet vi mer/ 👏👏👏
Den som selger nå, skal stå✔️
Jeg tror 20 brytes i dag og kursen stenger rundt 21 kroner.
Markedspris på RECsi 23.mai: 8,3 milliarder
Erstatningskost RECsi (ML&Butte): 34 milliarder
(2,9 milliarder dollar i 2018)
Etter etablering i ML venter Sila Nano og Butte på avtaler som kan sikre de «masse» Silan med RECsi.
Vel, vel. Den som ikke ser muligheten nå - den sitter igjen med et verdenssyn fra 2018.
Jeg tror kursen kommer til å stige jevnt utover året, et og annet byks mot stadig høyere topper. Alt mellom 50 og 90 er fair range 2022.
Fredag vet vi mer/ 👏👏👏
Den som selger nå, skal stå✔️
Redigert 23.05.2022 kl 09:21
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Definitivt. Det ligger til rette for sterkt vekst i RECsi.
PAS vil øke kursmålet ved melding om oppstart. Kursmålet på 30 er ut i fra det vi vet i dag.
Den som selger nå, må stå!
PAS vil øke kursmålet ved melding om oppstart. Kursmålet på 30 er ut i fra det vi vet i dag.
Den som selger nå, må stå!
23.05.2022 kl 08:18
To kr opp pr dag høres fint ut, men det blir vel heller noen få hopp etter konkrete meldinger. Tror vi skal følge med på Sparebank1 sin analyse etter Q1 og selskapet sin guiding. Kursmål kan kanskje bli løftet til 25, fra dagens 17. I så fall har vi tre analyser på 25 eller over. Det kan fort dra kursen opp mot 30, når Rec blir nødt til å melde fra om konkrete avtaler med Hanwha/Q-Cells og flere batterianode-naboer. Det er bare å være tålmodig. Mai og juni er neppe tiden å selge, heller holde eller kjøpe mer.
23.05.2022 kl 08:16
Det er tydelig noen som ikke kom på toget før det gikk., noen shortere og andre som er vant til att den går opp og ned, dtor vinå beveger oss til neste nivå 25-30
23.05.2022 kl 07:52
Kursen kan kun gå en vej nu og det er op.
Der er så mange nye kunder til RECSI af de får mere end rigeligt travlt.
Kunne godt forestille mig de vil lave en fabrik mere i EU, hvad skal 2 tyskere ellers i bestyrelsen.
Hvor højt vi starter i dag bliver spændende og endnu mere spændende om vi begynder at stige nkr 2 om dagen snart..
Der er så mange nye kunder til RECSI af de får mere end rigeligt travlt.
Kunne godt forestille mig de vil lave en fabrik mere i EU, hvad skal 2 tyskere ellers i bestyrelsen.
Hvor højt vi starter i dag bliver spændende og endnu mere spændende om vi begynder at stige nkr 2 om dagen snart..