Dof opp mot 7-8 kroner????
DOF er laber i dag, kan det være at støyen rundt soff smitter over på dof? Jeg tror at dette
kan være en årsak , og mange er redd for at dof kan komme i samme situasjon.
Personlig tror jeg at dof er i en bedre situasjon en soff, pga at de har har hatt emisjoner og
at de vil greier seg over kneika i vinter, har også mer subsea som kan vise seg å bli bra i 19-20. Har ikke annet belegg for min teori mer enn det jeg leser i media.
Andre syn??
kan være en årsak , og mange er redd for at dof kan komme i samme situasjon.
Personlig tror jeg at dof er i en bedre situasjon en soff, pga at de har har hatt emisjoner og
at de vil greier seg over kneika i vinter, har også mer subsea som kan vise seg å bli bra i 19-20. Har ikke annet belegg for min teori mer enn det jeg leser i media.
Andre syn??
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:39
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20.11.2018 kl 10:59
Folk må jo gjerne ha forskjellige meninger om DOF Subsea som nettopp har utstedt et nytt obligasjonslån, har finansielle problemer, men det er vel liten tvil om at konkurrenter eller aktører i tilgrensende markeder som måtte snuse på DOF Subsea, f.eks. Subsea?, har en ekstremt god mulighet i dagens situasjon til å skaffe seg en betydelig eierandel i et veldig spennende selskap på så mange måter.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 10:58
Om man gikk inn på 4 eller 6 betyr ikke så mye dersom DOF engang blir et sunt og oppegående selskap. Market Cap på 1 mrd eller 1,5 mrd er uansett konkursprising. Jeg sitter long og håper at selskapet skal bli verdt 4-6 mrd innen 1,5 år.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 10:54
Ser at kjøpersiden bygger seg opp. Kan vi begynne å puste igjen nå?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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jeg ser jeg traff perfekt med DOF kursen :) de som sitter fra ca 6krfikk stor smell til i dag... ikke lenge til vi ser 3 tallet...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 10:43
Jeg har et mindre tab nu, men har fordoblet min beholdning, ved køb og salg gennem året.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 10:43
Hvem er det som trenger penger sof eller dof???
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 10:38
Traff bunnen av trendkanalen med et smell. Det værste salgspresset burde vel gi seg her.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 10:27
Når panikken har lagt seg, må en rette blikket framover mot Q2-2019. Da vil jeg håpe på at DOF har landet kontrakter. Brasil har vært et marked DOF skal delta i. Vil tro ledelsen jobber med å få kontrakter på plass i nær framtid.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 10:20
Slettet brukerskrev Kjøper og skal kjøpe mer.
Kan vel like gjerne vente til vi ser 2. Virker som børskursen er fullstendig frakoble realiteten, så det er vel ingen grunn til å tro at panikksalget skal avhøre første kastet...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 10:19
Jeg tror mange oppfatter at DOF SUBSEA og DOF går mot et godt år i 2019 og så ligger kursen her, ubegripelig
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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Well, I see big buy volumen from bottom ! I think this administration has differents objectives as all of us were expected... It is obvious they was looking for drop the price .... This has not to be happening in DOF just when it is in it's best time and with a brilliant future....
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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danm skrev Udnyt panikken - KØB.
Kjøper og skal kjøpe mer.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 10:14
KETHEES skrev Er det mulig?
Bør vel snart innføres børspause for å sjekke om det forrligger i formasjon som ikke er offentliggjort.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 10:12
Er det mulig?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 10:10
Udnyt panikken - KØB.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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Ledelsen har nå en plikt til å komme på banen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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Now DOF is in the News ! Maybe the administration and management will show up ...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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Ja n har jaggu DOFèn kommet inn i "Skrekkorteføljen" til InvestTeck. Da kan man kjøpe i bøtter og spann. Når alt ser som verst ut etc..
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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This looks like Lehman Brothers bank... Since they don't show up all the affected investors should ask for a 50% reduction in their salaries or resignation....!!!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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They do not give a fu.. about shareholders, there only focus is there own sallary.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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If i could speak Norwegian I will not stop making phone calls to the administration... If they don't answer I present my self in their office until they explain why they don't communicate to their investors...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 09:52
Bunnen i den lange nedadgående trendkanalen ligger på ca.4,20 Begynner å kjøpe litt der tenker jeg
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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El Gordo..
20.11.2018 kl 09:43
Tråden for de maniske..?
Meldes det om en bra eller større denne opp 50 - 100 % på ett blunk...
Meldes det om en bra eller større denne opp 50 - 100 % på ett blunk...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 09:42
Washout nærmer seg slutten, tålmodighet er en dyd. Her dras alle rederiene over en kam, og frykten rår. Gikk inn for tidlig, trodde ikke den skulle så langt ned. Men er rolig og regner med å gjøre penger her. Ett innsidekjøp hadde gjort susen, hvis ikke noe blokkerer for dette da, men det betyr vel at kontrakter skal meldes.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 09:42
Er det tvangsselging vi er vitne til? La merke til at en av de som falt ut av topp 50 listen hadde negativ egenkapital i aksjeselskapet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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Denne aksjen kommer ikke til å gå før ledelsen er fjernet! Er det mulig?!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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Hvor er ledelsen? Bare det at de ikke agere er nok til å få de sparket på dagen. De sitter og se rpå at aksjonærene blør og at verdier raseres. Ber om at alle kontakter ledelsen, meg ignorer dem, som forteller hva slags ledelse det faktisk er snakk om. Styret har også sitt å svare for, som ikke tar umiiddelbare grep!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 09:27
Ledelse får samme lønn og bonus men aksje eier må ta tape, jeg synes urettferdig.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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Contigo når man ser på det tekniske så bunn kan være ca 3,34kr.. men det kan gå enda mer ned... desverre.. veldig risk aksje nå... Ny Emi kan også komme når som helst...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:48
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20.11.2018 kl 09:18
Er det neste konkurs???????
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:31
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Here can read a lot positive information from investors but while the management don't show up, DOF continuo disintegrating 8.5% down again ! These people is most irresponsable people that I have experience in my life....
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:31
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20.11.2018 kl 09:13
RT 4.48
Er det ingen bunn i denne aksjen?
Er det ingen bunn i denne aksjen?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:31
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Gutter sitter dere fortsatt i DOF dritten? vi går fort under 4 kr... kanskje til fredag er vi der.. redd penger og selg dritten! mange som advarer mot aksjen nå.. jeg gjør det fra 2 uker!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:31
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20.11.2018 kl 04:26
the vessels on short-term market, they have reduced earning compared to -- Q-on-Q.
So in total, NOK 535 million to -- compared to NOK 562 million.
And just one comment on the impairment. You can see that the main impairment is done on the -- well, it's on the PSVs and on the subsea vessels, but on the subsea vessels we are talking about a few of our oldest vessels, not the new fleet. And on the EBITDA, you can see that the subsea part is actually increasing compared to same quarter last year.
If we look at balance sheet year-to-date. Well, main event that has impacted our balance sheet is delivery of Skandi Recife in June, delivered last quarter. And you see -- so that has impacted the noncurrent access -- assets actually removed from investments in -- or newbuilding to intangible assets. And short-term current assets of NOK 3.9 billion compared to NOK 4.6 billion.
And if you look at cash flow this quarter. The operating cash flows were NOK 682 million compared to NOK 669 million, more or less in line with the same quarter last year. We have investments of NOK 1.2 billion, which is mainly the Skandi Recife. And last year, it was mainly the Skandi Buzios. And then finance activity, no major changes.
If you look at the equity. The equity has been negatively impacted by currency impacts. And that's especially on the Brazilian reals, which was, by end of this quarter, it was BRL 4.15 to U.S. dollar, so it was very weak. Today, the Brazilian reals has actually strengthened. I think it's in the BRL 3.60 level. So I expect to see a change there if that continues until end of the year.
On the convertible bond, no changes this quarter. It is NOK 232 million. If you look at long-term debt: The amortization, normal installments pay on long-term debt this quarter was close to NOK 1.4 billion. And that reflects what we have stated, that the annual amortization in our company is around NOK 1.8 billion, NOK 1.9 billion a year. Of course, a new loan drawn in Skandi Recife. That was second quarter. And a new loan drawn, a refinanced loan, in DOF Subsea. If you look at the current part of the interest-bearing debt, that mainly comprised amortization of close to NOK 2 billion the next 12 months and balloons of NOK 1.2 billion, which I will come back to.
If you look at the historical performance of the group. What's worth mentioning here is, well, you see a drop in EBITDA from NOK 967 million to NOK 587 million. The margin is stable. And the other number which is -- I think is important to show is the net interest-bearing debt, which has gone from NOK 23.2 billion to NOK 20.4 billion this quarter. And that includes a refinanced -- refinancing that we did in 2016, but it also includes delivery of 4 vessels in this period. And that's 4 large subsea vessels.
If you look at our key financials, you see the revenue. The last column, the blue one, shows the revenue the last 12 months. You can see, it's compared to 2017, this is pretty stable. If you look at the same period for -- on EBITDA, it's slightly below. And you also see that on the backlog, but as I already mentioned, we currently experience a high tendering activity and we believe that our backlog will increase the next few months.
If you look at the debt. Our counterparty exposure is mainly with banks, 40%. And what we define as ECA is BNDES, Brazilian Development Bank; and GIEK; and Atradius. So -- and that reflects that we actually have a quite new fleet because the ECAs is normally on new vessels. And bonds represent 9%, and that's bonds with DOF Subsea.
If you see the balloons. If you, if we start with DOF excluding DOF Subsea, that includes 2 fleet loans for our subsidiary in Brazil. It's 2 vessels with Brazilian flag and on firm contracts, and they are due from second half 2019. So the next balloons are coming in 2021; and that's mainly DOF Rederi, the NOK 3.8 billion facility. And then you have the DOF Subsea. What we have in 2019, that is 2 vessels to be refinanced. And we have NOK 100 million of our bond loan.
So where we pay soft installments on our long-term debt, that is on DOF Rederi, and that are 18% of our total debt. So we pay normal amortization on 80% of our debt, or more than that actually. So normal amortization on our Brazilian subsidiary Norskan and normal amortization on DOF Subsea.
Now we will have a few slides on DOF Subsea. And I have invited Jan Nore, CFO in DOF Subsea, to run through that part.
Jan I. Nore, DOF Subsea AS - CFO [2]
Thank you, Hilde. And good morning.
DOF Subsea, as you know, is a large part of DOF ASA Group. So just to run through a couple of slides here.
As you all know, DOF Subsea was established back in 2005, and since then, we have built up quite a large global subsea operation. In the third quarter of 2018, we produced then turnover of NOK 1.2 billion. And as Hilde mentioned, we have an EBITDA on the group of NOK 376 million. The firm backlog in the group is NOK 15 billion. That is equivalent to around 3 years turnover.
During the quarter, we have increased the number of employees, so by end quarter, we had in excess of 1,300 people employed in the group. We have 28 vessels and 1 newbuilding left to go and 71 ROVs.
If you look on the revenue. Of course, we have been into a period with extremely weak market, and what we believe is that we will see a bottom now in the downturn. There are good sign in the market, and we do believe that the revenue will increase in the coming years. You can see the same pattern on the EBITDA, and you can also see on the backlog that we now are down to NOK 15 billion. And of course, one of the thing that has been extremely good in DOF Subsea is that we have been able to maintain a backlog where we have been able to earn money on during this downturn
(technical difficulty)
and an EBITDA of NOK 315 million and close to an 80% margin on the revenue. 8 vessel in operation and 1 newbuild to go.
On the subsea IMR side, we have 19 vessel in operation. When we started the downturn, it was working within our region with around 12 vessels. So after the vessel have come up contract -- off contract with the third party, we have actually let our regions operate the vessels. So we are now running 19 vessels. We are producing NOK 787 million in turnover during the quarter and NOK 61 million in EBITDA. And that gives us an 8% margin, and that's not good enough. We expect the margin should be higher. And we have faced some difficulties in the IMR business during the quarter.
If you look on the quarterly performance, you see that we have a turnover of close to NOK 1.2 billion and NOK 376 million in EBITDA. We have an EBITDA margin of -- in excess of 31%. So fairly stable earnings on the revenue, but of course what's destroying the number is actually utilization of both people and assets. So it's a tough market still out there. And we believe that we have seen the bottom. We see the oil prices coming up. And as Hilde has mentioned, we also see an increased tender activity, but it will take some time before the earnings is picking up.
Newbuilding program. The order back in 2013, in August 2013, 4 big vessel together with TechnipFMC. It has been a long journey. And we have taken delivery of 3 of the vessels; all 3 in operation, outstanding performance under the contract they have. There is 1 to go, and that vessel will be delivered year-end and enter into contract 13th of February next year.
And I would say that is the first time in the history of DOF Subsea that it doesn't have newbuild on order. So then we are into harvesting season. And on these vessel, as you know from previous press releases, there is a nice and stable earnings on the PLSVs.
Hilde Drønen, DOF ASA - CFO [3]
Yes, to sum up.
Based on what is summarized by me and Jan, we expect a stable fourth quarter EBITDA but slightly lower than third quarter. The backlog for fourth quarter is 62%. Already mentioned that we have -- we serve 80% of normal amortization, and we intend to do that going forward. So we see a decent cash flow in our most valuable subsidiaries. And on the high tendering activity, that is not -- that's actually in all regions but especially for the North Sea. It's -- and in Brazil.
As already stated initially, we have experienced that the PSV markets is coming back. And we also see recovery in other segments and in other parts of the world than the North Sea. However, when that recover will come back, it's too early to see, but we especially see increased activity from the international oil companies by doing more sanctioning fields and starting producing. And talking about Brazil: We are still confident that the type of vessels that we have to operate in this region really are the right assets for the activity we expect to come there. So our strategy historically has been the right in Brazil, and it still is going forward.
Perhaps you should say something about subsea, Jan.
Jan I. Nore, DOF Subsea AS - CFO [4]
Well, of course, as Hilde mentioned, we are working on a lot of leads. And we do hope that we will be awarded contract going forward based on the job we are doing, so -- but nothing firm to report at this stage.
Hilde Drønen, DOF ASA - CFO [5]
Okay, that's it. Thank you.
So in total, NOK 535 million to -- compared to NOK 562 million.
And just one comment on the impairment. You can see that the main impairment is done on the -- well, it's on the PSVs and on the subsea vessels, but on the subsea vessels we are talking about a few of our oldest vessels, not the new fleet. And on the EBITDA, you can see that the subsea part is actually increasing compared to same quarter last year.
If we look at balance sheet year-to-date. Well, main event that has impacted our balance sheet is delivery of Skandi Recife in June, delivered last quarter. And you see -- so that has impacted the noncurrent access -- assets actually removed from investments in -- or newbuilding to intangible assets. And short-term current assets of NOK 3.9 billion compared to NOK 4.6 billion.
And if you look at cash flow this quarter. The operating cash flows were NOK 682 million compared to NOK 669 million, more or less in line with the same quarter last year. We have investments of NOK 1.2 billion, which is mainly the Skandi Recife. And last year, it was mainly the Skandi Buzios. And then finance activity, no major changes.
If you look at the equity. The equity has been negatively impacted by currency impacts. And that's especially on the Brazilian reals, which was, by end of this quarter, it was BRL 4.15 to U.S. dollar, so it was very weak. Today, the Brazilian reals has actually strengthened. I think it's in the BRL 3.60 level. So I expect to see a change there if that continues until end of the year.
On the convertible bond, no changes this quarter. It is NOK 232 million. If you look at long-term debt: The amortization, normal installments pay on long-term debt this quarter was close to NOK 1.4 billion. And that reflects what we have stated, that the annual amortization in our company is around NOK 1.8 billion, NOK 1.9 billion a year. Of course, a new loan drawn in Skandi Recife. That was second quarter. And a new loan drawn, a refinanced loan, in DOF Subsea. If you look at the current part of the interest-bearing debt, that mainly comprised amortization of close to NOK 2 billion the next 12 months and balloons of NOK 1.2 billion, which I will come back to.
If you look at the historical performance of the group. What's worth mentioning here is, well, you see a drop in EBITDA from NOK 967 million to NOK 587 million. The margin is stable. And the other number which is -- I think is important to show is the net interest-bearing debt, which has gone from NOK 23.2 billion to NOK 20.4 billion this quarter. And that includes a refinanced -- refinancing that we did in 2016, but it also includes delivery of 4 vessels in this period. And that's 4 large subsea vessels.
If you look at our key financials, you see the revenue. The last column, the blue one, shows the revenue the last 12 months. You can see, it's compared to 2017, this is pretty stable. If you look at the same period for -- on EBITDA, it's slightly below. And you also see that on the backlog, but as I already mentioned, we currently experience a high tendering activity and we believe that our backlog will increase the next few months.
If you look at the debt. Our counterparty exposure is mainly with banks, 40%. And what we define as ECA is BNDES, Brazilian Development Bank; and GIEK; and Atradius. So -- and that reflects that we actually have a quite new fleet because the ECAs is normally on new vessels. And bonds represent 9%, and that's bonds with DOF Subsea.
If you see the balloons. If you, if we start with DOF excluding DOF Subsea, that includes 2 fleet loans for our subsidiary in Brazil. It's 2 vessels with Brazilian flag and on firm contracts, and they are due from second half 2019. So the next balloons are coming in 2021; and that's mainly DOF Rederi, the NOK 3.8 billion facility. And then you have the DOF Subsea. What we have in 2019, that is 2 vessels to be refinanced. And we have NOK 100 million of our bond loan.
So where we pay soft installments on our long-term debt, that is on DOF Rederi, and that are 18% of our total debt. So we pay normal amortization on 80% of our debt, or more than that actually. So normal amortization on our Brazilian subsidiary Norskan and normal amortization on DOF Subsea.
Now we will have a few slides on DOF Subsea. And I have invited Jan Nore, CFO in DOF Subsea, to run through that part.
Jan I. Nore, DOF Subsea AS - CFO [2]
Thank you, Hilde. And good morning.
DOF Subsea, as you know, is a large part of DOF ASA Group. So just to run through a couple of slides here.
As you all know, DOF Subsea was established back in 2005, and since then, we have built up quite a large global subsea operation. In the third quarter of 2018, we produced then turnover of NOK 1.2 billion. And as Hilde mentioned, we have an EBITDA on the group of NOK 376 million. The firm backlog in the group is NOK 15 billion. That is equivalent to around 3 years turnover.
During the quarter, we have increased the number of employees, so by end quarter, we had in excess of 1,300 people employed in the group. We have 28 vessels and 1 newbuilding left to go and 71 ROVs.
If you look on the revenue. Of course, we have been into a period with extremely weak market, and what we believe is that we will see a bottom now in the downturn. There are good sign in the market, and we do believe that the revenue will increase in the coming years. You can see the same pattern on the EBITDA, and you can also see on the backlog that we now are down to NOK 15 billion. And of course, one of the thing that has been extremely good in DOF Subsea is that we have been able to maintain a backlog where we have been able to earn money on during this downturn
(technical difficulty)
and an EBITDA of NOK 315 million and close to an 80% margin on the revenue. 8 vessel in operation and 1 newbuild to go.
On the subsea IMR side, we have 19 vessel in operation. When we started the downturn, it was working within our region with around 12 vessels. So after the vessel have come up contract -- off contract with the third party, we have actually let our regions operate the vessels. So we are now running 19 vessels. We are producing NOK 787 million in turnover during the quarter and NOK 61 million in EBITDA. And that gives us an 8% margin, and that's not good enough. We expect the margin should be higher. And we have faced some difficulties in the IMR business during the quarter.
If you look on the quarterly performance, you see that we have a turnover of close to NOK 1.2 billion and NOK 376 million in EBITDA. We have an EBITDA margin of -- in excess of 31%. So fairly stable earnings on the revenue, but of course what's destroying the number is actually utilization of both people and assets. So it's a tough market still out there. And we believe that we have seen the bottom. We see the oil prices coming up. And as Hilde has mentioned, we also see an increased tender activity, but it will take some time before the earnings is picking up.
Newbuilding program. The order back in 2013, in August 2013, 4 big vessel together with TechnipFMC. It has been a long journey. And we have taken delivery of 3 of the vessels; all 3 in operation, outstanding performance under the contract they have. There is 1 to go, and that vessel will be delivered year-end and enter into contract 13th of February next year.
And I would say that is the first time in the history of DOF Subsea that it doesn't have newbuild on order. So then we are into harvesting season. And on these vessel, as you know from previous press releases, there is a nice and stable earnings on the PLSVs.
Hilde Drønen, DOF ASA - CFO [3]
Yes, to sum up.
Based on what is summarized by me and Jan, we expect a stable fourth quarter EBITDA but slightly lower than third quarter. The backlog for fourth quarter is 62%. Already mentioned that we have -- we serve 80% of normal amortization, and we intend to do that going forward. So we see a decent cash flow in our most valuable subsidiaries. And on the high tendering activity, that is not -- that's actually in all regions but especially for the North Sea. It's -- and in Brazil.
As already stated initially, we have experienced that the PSV markets is coming back. And we also see recovery in other segments and in other parts of the world than the North Sea. However, when that recover will come back, it's too early to see, but we especially see increased activity from the international oil companies by doing more sanctioning fields and starting producing. And talking about Brazil: We are still confident that the type of vessels that we have to operate in this region really are the right assets for the activity we expect to come there. So our strategy historically has been the right in Brazil, and it still is going forward.
Perhaps you should say something about subsea, Jan.
Jan I. Nore, DOF Subsea AS - CFO [4]
Well, of course, as Hilde mentioned, we are working on a lot of leads. And we do hope that we will be awarded contract going forward based on the job we are doing, so -- but nothing firm to report at this stage.
Hilde Drønen, DOF ASA - CFO [5]
Okay, that's it. Thank you.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:31
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20.11.2018 kl 04:09
Edited Transcript of DOF.OL earnings conference call or presentation 13-Nov-18 9:00am GMT
Thomson Reuters StreetEvents•November 13, 2018
Q3 2018 Dof ASA Earnings Call
STOREBØ Nov 13, 2018 (Thomson StreetEvents) -- Edited Transcript of Dof ASA earnings conference call or presentation Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 9:00:00am GMT
TEXT version of Transcript
Corporate Participants
* Hilde Drønen
* Jan I. Nore
DOF Subsea AS - CFO
Hilde Drønen, DOF ASA - CFO [1]
Welcome to this webcast presentation of third quarter numbers for DOF ASA.
I will start with the main highlights. The EBITDA, cash-generating EBITDA, was NOK 587 million this quarter.
Average utilization of the group fleet is 77% this quarter, which is 1% higher than the previous quarter. So the utilization has still been high. The positive event, as we said in second quarter, is on the PSV segment, where we have as high as 90% utilization. We have experienced this market to be pretty good both on utilization. And we also see trends of increased earnings, especially on firm contracts recently awarded. When it comes to the anchor handler fleet, we are not that exposed in the North Sea. Still we have vessels working there. The market has been disappointing and volatile utilization and also earnings. The majority of our fleet is in Brazil and that business has partly been impacted by vessels idle between contracts. Still, on the Brazilian activity, it's mainly firm contract and stable earnings. On the subsea IRM fleet, the utilization has been variable, as actually in all regions.
We currently have a high tendering activity, so we actually expect to see new contracts awards coming, hopefully, before end of this year, and that is within all the segments. And what's I guess you are all quite interested in is what we are currently trying to do, our new bond in DOF Subsea, a 5-year bond loan in the range of NOK 800 million to NOK 1 billion. And the plan is to close that very soon.
Contract awards is that not many as we had in second quarter, but as I said, we currently experience a high tendering activity. But the contract this quarter was an extension of Skandi Hav. That was actually a surprise to us because it's a very old lady, but there are some delays both on the client and the company that actually won this contract. So she is firm until mid-June. It is actually a vessel built in 1983, but the earning on this contract is actually very good. In Asia Pacific, only one contract published this quarter, secure utilization for our diving vessel. And then we are recently awarded the Skandi Kvitsøy PSV, a 1-year contract. And as I said, we see that the rates, especially on the PSV fleet on firm contract, is becoming more decent. And they are higher than comparable period last year. And then we have a framing agreement in DOF Subsea; and some extension of existing contracts, including Skandi Constructor, who has more or less worked in the -- within the renewable energy the entire year. Yes, nothing new here. And Norskan still contains 13 vessels, Brazilian flag, stable earnings. DOF Subsea, subsea contracting. And DOF Rederi, DOF Management has the same vessel.
What we have actually implemented this quarter is that we have strengthened the marine operation which is done by Norskan and DOF Management to additional [standardize] the marine management or vessel management within the group.
3,700 employees worldwide, that is slightly lower than previous quarter. And it's mainly on marine crew where we have reduced. And it's, on the subsea side, the number of employees is more than we had in second quarter. Still 67 vessel, and no major changes. Our main area is still Brazil, the North Sea or the Atlantic region and Australia.
The backlog is NOK 20 billion. The last quarter's was NOK 22 billion, so we have eaten our backlog this quarter. 3,700 employees, as mentioned, approximately 1,250 in DOF Subsea, and on marine personnel 2,450. And as I said, it's actually on the marine personnel where we have reduced the number of employees.
Looking at the fair market value of our fleet, we feel, and I guess that is the truth, that we are touching the bottom when it -- when we speak about fair market values. The drop has been minor this quarter and mainly for the oldest vessel. And we have one remaining newbuild, which we will come back to. And as you can see, our main values is on the subsea side. It's 31 subsea vessels, but they are actually 68% of the values of the group, 26 on the anchor handlers and 6 on the PSVs. So we need to see improved market both especially on the subsea IRM side and on the anchor handler side.
We showed this presentation in last quarter, but what I would like to mention here is that, in October, 2 companies published a report where they had measured 100 listed company at the Oslo Stock Exchange and looked at their sustainability reporting. And we are actually proud to say that DOF was actually #6 out of 100 companies in our reporting. So this sustainability report is actually -- is something we have published in 2014.
The backlog, as you can see, if you look at the 2018, NOK 1.5 billion, approximately, represent firm revenue for fourth quarter. So we still have a high backlog. The main backlog is with our Brazilian flag fleet owned by Norskan, and it is on the long-term chartering and partly of the subsea IRM project activity in DOF Subsea.
If you look at financials. As I already have said, it's 77% utilization this quarter and 90% on the PSV fleet. We have had only a few vessels in the spot market. Mainly, the fleet has mainly been on firm contract, and that was actually contracts awarded in first and second quarter. So that's one major reason why we have so high utilization, but even on the vessels in the spot market utilization has been very high this quarter. And we have had only one vessel in lay-up, and that's a small medium-size PSV.
So we see that market on the PSV side has definitely improved, and we see that also as a sign that the market is starting to recover. On the anchor handler side, this is reflected by, what should I say, 1.5 vessel in the North Sea where the utilization has been variable. We have a frame agreement with Equinor on Skandi Vega, where she is secured 120 days a year. So she has not been utilized 90 days this quarter. And we have a minority share in vessels -- in one more vessel. But the main impact you see here is that we had one -- a startup of one vessel in Brazil. We assumed that would start in end of July, but it started mid-September. So that has impacted the utilization but again the -- close to 70%, which is higher than we had in second quarter.
If you look on the subsea segment, you can see that on average it is 75%. And that consists of long-term chartering, where we have had high utilization, especially on the new PLSVs on firm contracts with Petrobras but also on Skandi Acergy and Skandi Africa. On the project fleet, we have a mix of firm contracts and project, where we have seen variable utilization.
If you look at DOF Subsea and DOF excluding DOF Subsea, which we have defined as DOF Supply. The EBITDA on DOF Subsea alone was NOK 376 million, and on DOF Supply it was NOK 211 million. And you see the utilization in DOF Subsea as a company was 72%, and on DOF Supply 80%. And by end of the quarter, we had 5 vessels in lay-up, which was the same number as we had in second quarter. And still you can see that the majority of -- EBITDA is actually 64% from subsea and 36% from supply.
If you look at P&L. The EBITDA before hedge was NOK 587 million compared to NOK 607 million. And the -- and after hedge, it was NOK 535 million, to NOK 562 million, so not very big variances from same period last quarter. And if you see on the EBIT, it's NOK 106 million compared to minus NOK 124 million. And what I said about fair market value, we have not seen big drops, neither in second quarter and in this quarter. So that is reflected by less impairment this quarter compared to same period last year.
So we already mentioned good utilization on the PSV side, as variable utilization in Brazil and one vessel started later on a contract that we assumed. And on the subsea, where we have on average 75% utilization, variable utilization for the subsea IRM fleet on short-term contracts but very solid uptime on the PLSVs on firm contracts, which is our most valuable contracts.
And no major variances on currency, hence the unrealized impacts is minor this quarter.
If we look at our 3 segments, you can see on the PSVs, if I just comment the EBITDA, it's NOK 32 million compared to NOK 40 million. And this drop -- actually in same period last year, we actually had 2 vessels on firm contracts that was -- we entered into in the period of 2014 and 2013, so pretty good earnings. So these vessels has been -- have been working in the short-term market in third quarter. So in my opinion, the EBITDA from the PSV is actually pretty good if you compare Q-on-Q. And remember, when we went into this difficult market in 2015, we had a backlog which was higher than 80%.
If you look on the anchor handler side. The EBITDA is quite disappointing. So it's NOK 110 million compared to NOK 164 million. And that's due to, as I already mentioned, delayed startup of one contract and actually quite volatile market in the North Sea.
If we look on the subsea. It's NOK 392 million compared to NOK 358 million. We have more PLSVs in work, in operation, which is contributing positive to the EBITDA, but on the subsea IRM s
Thomson Reuters StreetEvents•November 13, 2018
Q3 2018 Dof ASA Earnings Call
STOREBØ Nov 13, 2018 (Thomson StreetEvents) -- Edited Transcript of Dof ASA earnings conference call or presentation Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 9:00:00am GMT
TEXT version of Transcript
Corporate Participants
* Hilde Drønen
* Jan I. Nore
DOF Subsea AS - CFO
Hilde Drønen, DOF ASA - CFO [1]
Welcome to this webcast presentation of third quarter numbers for DOF ASA.
I will start with the main highlights. The EBITDA, cash-generating EBITDA, was NOK 587 million this quarter.
Average utilization of the group fleet is 77% this quarter, which is 1% higher than the previous quarter. So the utilization has still been high. The positive event, as we said in second quarter, is on the PSV segment, where we have as high as 90% utilization. We have experienced this market to be pretty good both on utilization. And we also see trends of increased earnings, especially on firm contracts recently awarded. When it comes to the anchor handler fleet, we are not that exposed in the North Sea. Still we have vessels working there. The market has been disappointing and volatile utilization and also earnings. The majority of our fleet is in Brazil and that business has partly been impacted by vessels idle between contracts. Still, on the Brazilian activity, it's mainly firm contract and stable earnings. On the subsea IRM fleet, the utilization has been variable, as actually in all regions.
We currently have a high tendering activity, so we actually expect to see new contracts awards coming, hopefully, before end of this year, and that is within all the segments. And what's I guess you are all quite interested in is what we are currently trying to do, our new bond in DOF Subsea, a 5-year bond loan in the range of NOK 800 million to NOK 1 billion. And the plan is to close that very soon.
Contract awards is that not many as we had in second quarter, but as I said, we currently experience a high tendering activity. But the contract this quarter was an extension of Skandi Hav. That was actually a surprise to us because it's a very old lady, but there are some delays both on the client and the company that actually won this contract. So she is firm until mid-June. It is actually a vessel built in 1983, but the earning on this contract is actually very good. In Asia Pacific, only one contract published this quarter, secure utilization for our diving vessel. And then we are recently awarded the Skandi Kvitsøy PSV, a 1-year contract. And as I said, we see that the rates, especially on the PSV fleet on firm contract, is becoming more decent. And they are higher than comparable period last year. And then we have a framing agreement in DOF Subsea; and some extension of existing contracts, including Skandi Constructor, who has more or less worked in the -- within the renewable energy the entire year. Yes, nothing new here. And Norskan still contains 13 vessels, Brazilian flag, stable earnings. DOF Subsea, subsea contracting. And DOF Rederi, DOF Management has the same vessel.
What we have actually implemented this quarter is that we have strengthened the marine operation which is done by Norskan and DOF Management to additional [standardize] the marine management or vessel management within the group.
3,700 employees worldwide, that is slightly lower than previous quarter. And it's mainly on marine crew where we have reduced. And it's, on the subsea side, the number of employees is more than we had in second quarter. Still 67 vessel, and no major changes. Our main area is still Brazil, the North Sea or the Atlantic region and Australia.
The backlog is NOK 20 billion. The last quarter's was NOK 22 billion, so we have eaten our backlog this quarter. 3,700 employees, as mentioned, approximately 1,250 in DOF Subsea, and on marine personnel 2,450. And as I said, it's actually on the marine personnel where we have reduced the number of employees.
Looking at the fair market value of our fleet, we feel, and I guess that is the truth, that we are touching the bottom when it -- when we speak about fair market values. The drop has been minor this quarter and mainly for the oldest vessel. And we have one remaining newbuild, which we will come back to. And as you can see, our main values is on the subsea side. It's 31 subsea vessels, but they are actually 68% of the values of the group, 26 on the anchor handlers and 6 on the PSVs. So we need to see improved market both especially on the subsea IRM side and on the anchor handler side.
We showed this presentation in last quarter, but what I would like to mention here is that, in October, 2 companies published a report where they had measured 100 listed company at the Oslo Stock Exchange and looked at their sustainability reporting. And we are actually proud to say that DOF was actually #6 out of 100 companies in our reporting. So this sustainability report is actually -- is something we have published in 2014.
The backlog, as you can see, if you look at the 2018, NOK 1.5 billion, approximately, represent firm revenue for fourth quarter. So we still have a high backlog. The main backlog is with our Brazilian flag fleet owned by Norskan, and it is on the long-term chartering and partly of the subsea IRM project activity in DOF Subsea.
If you look at financials. As I already have said, it's 77% utilization this quarter and 90% on the PSV fleet. We have had only a few vessels in the spot market. Mainly, the fleet has mainly been on firm contract, and that was actually contracts awarded in first and second quarter. So that's one major reason why we have so high utilization, but even on the vessels in the spot market utilization has been very high this quarter. And we have had only one vessel in lay-up, and that's a small medium-size PSV.
So we see that market on the PSV side has definitely improved, and we see that also as a sign that the market is starting to recover. On the anchor handler side, this is reflected by, what should I say, 1.5 vessel in the North Sea where the utilization has been variable. We have a frame agreement with Equinor on Skandi Vega, where she is secured 120 days a year. So she has not been utilized 90 days this quarter. And we have a minority share in vessels -- in one more vessel. But the main impact you see here is that we had one -- a startup of one vessel in Brazil. We assumed that would start in end of July, but it started mid-September. So that has impacted the utilization but again the -- close to 70%, which is higher than we had in second quarter.
If you look on the subsea segment, you can see that on average it is 75%. And that consists of long-term chartering, where we have had high utilization, especially on the new PLSVs on firm contracts with Petrobras but also on Skandi Acergy and Skandi Africa. On the project fleet, we have a mix of firm contracts and project, where we have seen variable utilization.
If you look at DOF Subsea and DOF excluding DOF Subsea, which we have defined as DOF Supply. The EBITDA on DOF Subsea alone was NOK 376 million, and on DOF Supply it was NOK 211 million. And you see the utilization in DOF Subsea as a company was 72%, and on DOF Supply 80%. And by end of the quarter, we had 5 vessels in lay-up, which was the same number as we had in second quarter. And still you can see that the majority of -- EBITDA is actually 64% from subsea and 36% from supply.
If you look at P&L. The EBITDA before hedge was NOK 587 million compared to NOK 607 million. And the -- and after hedge, it was NOK 535 million, to NOK 562 million, so not very big variances from same period last quarter. And if you see on the EBIT, it's NOK 106 million compared to minus NOK 124 million. And what I said about fair market value, we have not seen big drops, neither in second quarter and in this quarter. So that is reflected by less impairment this quarter compared to same period last year.
So we already mentioned good utilization on the PSV side, as variable utilization in Brazil and one vessel started later on a contract that we assumed. And on the subsea, where we have on average 75% utilization, variable utilization for the subsea IRM fleet on short-term contracts but very solid uptime on the PLSVs on firm contracts, which is our most valuable contracts.
And no major variances on currency, hence the unrealized impacts is minor this quarter.
If we look at our 3 segments, you can see on the PSVs, if I just comment the EBITDA, it's NOK 32 million compared to NOK 40 million. And this drop -- actually in same period last year, we actually had 2 vessels on firm contracts that was -- we entered into in the period of 2014 and 2013, so pretty good earnings. So these vessels has been -- have been working in the short-term market in third quarter. So in my opinion, the EBITDA from the PSV is actually pretty good if you compare Q-on-Q. And remember, when we went into this difficult market in 2015, we had a backlog which was higher than 80%.
If you look on the anchor handler side. The EBITDA is quite disappointing. So it's NOK 110 million compared to NOK 164 million. And that's due to, as I already mentioned, delayed startup of one contract and actually quite volatile market in the North Sea.
If we look on the subsea. It's NOK 392 million compared to NOK 358 million. We have more PLSVs in work, in operation, which is contributing positive to the EBITDA, but on the subsea IRM s
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:31
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20.11.2018 kl 03:05
Is DOF ASA (OB:DOF) A Financially Sound Company?
Kayla Ward June 27, 2018
While small-cap stocks, such as DOF ASA (OB:DOF) with its market cap of øre2.43b, are popular for their explosive growth, investors should also be aware of their balance sheet to judge whether the company can survive a downturn. Companies operating in the Energy Services industry, in particular ones that run negative earnings, are more likely to be higher risk. Assessing first and foremost the financial health is essential. Here are few basic financial health checks you should consider before taking the plunge. Nevertheless, given that I have not delve into the company-specifics, I’d encourage you to dig deeper yourself into DOF here.
How does DOF’s operating cash flow stack up against its debt?
DOF has sustained its debt level by about øre19.24b over the last 12 months comprising of short- and long-term debt. At this stable level of debt, DOF’s cash and short-term investments stands at øre1.85b , ready to deploy into the business. On top of this, DOF has generated cash from operations of øre746.00m in the last twelve months, resulting in an operating cash to total debt ratio of 3.88%, signalling that DOF’s operating cash is not sufficient to cover its debt. This ratio can also be interpreted as a measure of efficiency for unprofitable businesses as traditional metrics such as return on asset (ROA) requires positive earnings. In DOF’s case, it is able to generate 0.039x cash from its debt capital.
Can DOF pay its short-term liabilities?
Looking at DOF’s most recent øre3.65b liabilities, the company has maintained a safe level of current assets to meet its obligations, with the current ratio last standing at 1.16x. Generally, for Energy Services companies, this is a reasonable ratio as there’s enough of a cash buffer without holding too capital in low return investments.
OB:DOF Historical Debt June 27th 18
OB:DOF Historical Debt June 27th 18
Is DOF’s debt level acceptable?
With total debt exceeding equities, DOF is considered a highly levered company. This is not uncommon for a small-cap company given that debt tends to be lower-cost and at times, more accessible. But since DOF is presently loss-making, there’s a question of sustainability of its current operations. Maintaining a high level of debt, while revenues are still below costs, can be dangerous as liquidity tends to dry up in unexpected downturns.
Next Steps:
At its current level of cash flow coverage, DOF has room for improvement to better cushion for events which may require debt repayment. Though, the company will be able to pay all of its upcoming liabilities from its current short-term assets. I admit this is a fairly basic analysis for DOF’s financial health. Other important fundamentals need to be considered alongside. You should continue to research DOF to get a more holistic view of the stock by looking at:
Future Outlook: What are well-informed industry analysts predicting for DOF’s future growth? Take a look at our free research report of analyst consensus for DOF’s outlook.
Valuation: What is DOF worth today? Is the stock undervalued, even when its growth outlook is factored into its intrinsic value? The intrinsic value infographic in our free research report helps visualize whether DOF is currently mispriced by the market.
Other High-Performing Stocks: Are there other stocks that provide better prospects with proven track records? Explore our free list of these great stocks here.
Kayla Ward June 27, 2018
While small-cap stocks, such as DOF ASA (OB:DOF) with its market cap of øre2.43b, are popular for their explosive growth, investors should also be aware of their balance sheet to judge whether the company can survive a downturn. Companies operating in the Energy Services industry, in particular ones that run negative earnings, are more likely to be higher risk. Assessing first and foremost the financial health is essential. Here are few basic financial health checks you should consider before taking the plunge. Nevertheless, given that I have not delve into the company-specifics, I’d encourage you to dig deeper yourself into DOF here.
How does DOF’s operating cash flow stack up against its debt?
DOF has sustained its debt level by about øre19.24b over the last 12 months comprising of short- and long-term debt. At this stable level of debt, DOF’s cash and short-term investments stands at øre1.85b , ready to deploy into the business. On top of this, DOF has generated cash from operations of øre746.00m in the last twelve months, resulting in an operating cash to total debt ratio of 3.88%, signalling that DOF’s operating cash is not sufficient to cover its debt. This ratio can also be interpreted as a measure of efficiency for unprofitable businesses as traditional metrics such as return on asset (ROA) requires positive earnings. In DOF’s case, it is able to generate 0.039x cash from its debt capital.
Can DOF pay its short-term liabilities?
Looking at DOF’s most recent øre3.65b liabilities, the company has maintained a safe level of current assets to meet its obligations, with the current ratio last standing at 1.16x. Generally, for Energy Services companies, this is a reasonable ratio as there’s enough of a cash buffer without holding too capital in low return investments.
OB:DOF Historical Debt June 27th 18
OB:DOF Historical Debt June 27th 18
Is DOF’s debt level acceptable?
With total debt exceeding equities, DOF is considered a highly levered company. This is not uncommon for a small-cap company given that debt tends to be lower-cost and at times, more accessible. But since DOF is presently loss-making, there’s a question of sustainability of its current operations. Maintaining a high level of debt, while revenues are still below costs, can be dangerous as liquidity tends to dry up in unexpected downturns.
Next Steps:
At its current level of cash flow coverage, DOF has room for improvement to better cushion for events which may require debt repayment. Though, the company will be able to pay all of its upcoming liabilities from its current short-term assets. I admit this is a fairly basic analysis for DOF’s financial health. Other important fundamentals need to be considered alongside. You should continue to research DOF to get a more holistic view of the stock by looking at:
Future Outlook: What are well-informed industry analysts predicting for DOF’s future growth? Take a look at our free research report of analyst consensus for DOF’s outlook.
Valuation: What is DOF worth today? Is the stock undervalued, even when its growth outlook is factored into its intrinsic value? The intrinsic value infographic in our free research report helps visualize whether DOF is currently mispriced by the market.
Other High-Performing Stocks: Are there other stocks that provide better prospects with proven track records? Explore our free list of these great stocks here.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:31
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20.11.2018 kl 02:53
Is DOF undervalued based on future cash flows and its price relative to the stock market?
About right
Future cashflow value
Currentshare price
Raw Data
Intrinsic value >50% Share price is NOK4.93 vs Future cash flow value of NOK37.81
DOF's share price is below the future cash flow value, and at a moderate discount (> 20%).
DOF's share price is below the future cash flow value, and at a substantial discount (> 40%).
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:31
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19.11.2018 kl 23:46
hei Kontur,
jeg er veldig enig i dine synspunkter. Jeg sitter selv som stor aksjonær i selskapet og har vært i kontakt med ledelsen av samme årsak. Slik markedet er nå er det nok samme hva man sier, det faller uansett. Men på lengre sikt mener jeg at ledelsen må være flinkere til å selge inn caset både til eksisterende og nye investorer. I den sammenheng hadde det vært interessant å komme i kontakt slik man kan ha en felles approach. Jeg vil også trekke frem at jeg synes det er skuffende at meglerhusene ikke har coverage på dof når de har fått mange corporate oppdrag fra selskapet for å hente penger. Spesielt burde Pareto få opp farten og få ut en analyse og det har jeg gitt tydelig beskjed om...
Og når dette er sagt tror jeg vi er veldig nær der det snur nå, men erkjenner at det er et stykke opp til 9 kr as we speak...
Men i 2021 tror jeg vi alle vi som holder på aksjene våre vil bli genierklært!
jeg er veldig enig i dine synspunkter. Jeg sitter selv som stor aksjonær i selskapet og har vært i kontakt med ledelsen av samme årsak. Slik markedet er nå er det nok samme hva man sier, det faller uansett. Men på lengre sikt mener jeg at ledelsen må være flinkere til å selge inn caset både til eksisterende og nye investorer. I den sammenheng hadde det vært interessant å komme i kontakt slik man kan ha en felles approach. Jeg vil også trekke frem at jeg synes det er skuffende at meglerhusene ikke har coverage på dof når de har fått mange corporate oppdrag fra selskapet for å hente penger. Spesielt burde Pareto få opp farten og få ut en analyse og det har jeg gitt tydelig beskjed om...
Og når dette er sagt tror jeg vi er veldig nær der det snur nå, men erkjenner at det er et stykke opp til 9 kr as we speak...
Men i 2021 tror jeg vi alle vi som holder på aksjene våre vil bli genierklært!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:31
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19.11.2018 kl 23:21
Har du snakket med ledelsen,styret,eller bare sendt en Mail?
Om du snakket med styret hva sa de? Skulle de komme med noe eller fikk du samme svar som meg når jeg spurte om dette tidligere, da var svare at de ikke hadde for vane å snakke med media mellom kvartalspresentasjonene.
Dette har rett og slett gått for langt nå, det triste oppi alt dette er at ledelsen faktisk kunne gjort en stor forskjell rent kursmessig ved å forklare litt rundt selskapet.
Om du snakket med styret hva sa de? Skulle de komme med noe eller fikk du samme svar som meg når jeg spurte om dette tidligere, da var svare at de ikke hadde for vane å snakke med media mellom kvartalspresentasjonene.
Dette har rett og slett gått for langt nå, det triste oppi alt dette er at ledelsen faktisk kunne gjort en stor forskjell rent kursmessig ved å forklare litt rundt selskapet.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:31
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19.11.2018 kl 23:02
Da kan jeg for min del si at jeg på vegne av mine (knapt 740 000 aksjer) har bedt om action fra styre og ledelse sin side for å ta grep rundt den begredelige kursutviklingen i det siste.
Reaksjon forventes. Strutsepolitikken kan ikke lenger fortsette, Helge må beordre Mons til å tre fram og forklare hva som skjer. De er trauste dyktige og langsiktige, det er vi og, men vi trenger informasjon, kom an det forstår selv en apekatt. Alle sparepengene i ett case og ingen info.?
Håper rette vedkommende snarest retter opp i dette
Reaksjon forventes. Strutsepolitikken kan ikke lenger fortsette, Helge må beordre Mons til å tre fram og forklare hva som skjer. De er trauste dyktige og langsiktige, det er vi og, men vi trenger informasjon, kom an det forstår selv en apekatt. Alle sparepengene i ett case og ingen info.?
Håper rette vedkommende snarest retter opp i dette
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 23:31
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19.11.2018 kl 22:43
Ikke kontroll på det, men så lenge olja er på 60 tallet frykter jeg videre nedgang frem til eventuelle kontrakter kommer. Hilde snakket om at de mest sannsynlig ville øke ordrereserven i Q4. Så totalt bør kontraktene være på mer en to milliarder. I det minste så lover dette godt for 2019, blir nok mye kontrakter i Q1 også. Fundamentalt er markedet på riktig vei, bare så synd investorene har mistet så totalt trua.
Hilde har vært veldig klar på at det kommer kontrakter, aktiviteten er økende og finansene nå er i orden frem til 2023.
Hilde har vært veldig klar på at det kommer kontrakter, aktiviteten er økende og finansene nå er i orden frem til 2023.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:23
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19.11.2018 kl 22:27
Det ble jo antydet sterkt av Hilde i Q3 presentasjonen at det jobbes mye med nye tendere for tiden og at tender aktiviteten hadde økt. Er det noen som har oversikt over hvilke tendere som er ute og som kan passe DOF?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:23
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19.11.2018 kl 21:59
Frontline flagger innsidekjøp, de har forstått det.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:23
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19.11.2018 kl 20:24
Denne skal og må opp på litt sikt, olja opp mulig dette hjelper litt i morgen.
I Finansavisen er det skrevet to sider om supply/subsea selskaper, analytikerne er enige om at det er frykten for gjelden og det faktum at ikke markedet tok seg så mye opp som folk hadde håpet. Denne frykten kunne ledelsen klart å bli kvitt i markedet om de ville, hadde de slengt på en fremtidig notering av DOF Subsea ville denne gått rett opp til 7-8kr igjen.
I Finansavisen er det skrevet to sider om supply/subsea selskaper, analytikerne er enige om at det er frykten for gjelden og det faktum at ikke markedet tok seg så mye opp som folk hadde håpet. Denne frykten kunne ledelsen klart å bli kvitt i markedet om de ville, hadde de slengt på en fremtidig notering av DOF Subsea ville denne gått rett opp til 7-8kr igjen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:23
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19.11.2018 kl 20:16
Den var nede i 6 i desember i fjor et par måneder. Deretter skvatt den opp til drøyt 8 i løpet av en måneds tid. Der må nesten bli litt kursutslag i denne, tror jeg.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:23
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19.11.2018 kl 20:09
Har studert opp og ned hva som har forandret seg siste mnd men finner ikke de store svarene. Oljeprisen har kommet ned dette betyr at oppturen kansje blir litt roligere neste år, selskapet har akkurat fått lånet som sikret de t.o.m 2023. Alt annet er likt som det var for 1-2-3 mnd siden. Markedet viser gode tendenser og pilene peker oppover fundamentalt. Aksjen er nå oversolgt, samme er olja. Skattesalg kan nok også påvirke denne noen % men her har vi hatt for store fall.
Oljeservice har fallt mye siste tiden, selskaper med gjeld ekstra mye.
Noe må skje her ganske så snart, ledelsen og styret føler garantert presset nå.
Oljeservice har fallt mye siste tiden, selskaper med gjeld ekstra mye.
Noe må skje her ganske så snart, ledelsen og styret føler garantert presset nå.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:23
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19.11.2018 kl 19:53
Det er sådan noget, der giver mig lyst til mere:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:23
Du må logge inn for å svare
19.11.2018 kl 19:49
Man bør købe med arme og ben, så længe vanviddet står på.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:23
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19.11.2018 kl 18:07
Dette er et retorisk spørsmål altså.... Påstanden blant flere her er at det er svært kritisk likviditetsmessig. Jeg sier ikke det ikke er stramt, men det er innenfor den planen selskapet la ved restruktureringen. Poenget mitt er at selskapet ikke ville brukt 26musd av tilgjengelig cash på å betale en forpliktelse som forfaller om 3,5år (!) hvis det var helt krise? Ikke bare ville de ikke gjort det, enhver kreditor med forfall før dette ville satt seg kraftig opp ved evt mislighold. Det er klart at enkelte skor seg på at «amatørene» blir nervøse og selger ned. Hadde jeg vært profesjonell trader i small CAP hadde jeg sikkert også hatt det bra gøy her inne når folk virkelig begynte å skjelve..
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:23
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