COOL LNG - Fernleys høyner kursmål og sier kjøp (200,- )
Rateutviklingen siste tid vil føre til en strøm av nye kursmål fra megler husene .
Redigert 29.03.2023 kl 12:46
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Freeport eksplosjonen fikk sektoren til å stupe . Nå er det straks tid for gjenåpning ;)
31.10.2022 kl 13:02
Bullfight skrev Kursmål 172 ?
Ja. Tror vi är överens om att det är för lågt satt kursmål. Efter Q3-uppdatering kommer vi med allra största sannolikhet se högre från Pareto.
31.10.2022 kl 13:05
Bullfight skrev Kursmål 172 ?
Analytikere er alltid trege med oppdateringer ;)
Pareto er blant de bedre. Personlig mener jeg E. Haavaldsen er den beste shippinganalytikeren i det norske markedet. Men jeg husker han der Hannibal Nissedal som påsto han var en god analytiker og hvordan han var på bærtur i mange selskaper, men særlig Okeanis av mine investeringer. Så jeg er vel en bedre analytiker enn Nissedal, og har aldri gått på dagen fra noe pga "uforsonlige uoverensstemmelser" som fyren oppga som begrunnelse etter å ha forlatt fondet han startet på dagen etter kun kort tid.
Pareto er blant de bedre. Personlig mener jeg E. Haavaldsen er den beste shippinganalytikeren i det norske markedet. Men jeg husker han der Hannibal Nissedal som påsto han var en god analytiker og hvordan han var på bærtur i mange selskaper, men særlig Okeanis av mine investeringer. Så jeg er vel en bedre analytiker enn Nissedal, og har aldri gått på dagen fra noe pga "uforsonlige uoverensstemmelser" som fyren oppga som begrunnelse etter å ha forlatt fondet han startet på dagen etter kun kort tid.
31.10.2022 kl 13:13
Og her er det Pareto skrev om Cool i dagens shipping daily, Quendi ;)
COOL: Clear dividend message removing uncertainty - positive
• This morning, Cool Company announced a new dividend policy, which
effectively removes any uncertainty around capital allocation priorities going
forward. They say the intention is to ‘allocate its free cash flow to equity
primarily to the payment of a quarterly dividend’, with seemingly the only
variables being potential capex ‘related to improving vessel efficiency
• In our view this message is important, as both newbuilds and potential
acquisition from main owner Idan Ofer have been highlighted as potential use
of cash flow for COOL. Now it seems more like they will follow the path that
Flex LNG successfully has used – which over time should end with an improved
valuation that could make accretive growth efforts possible
• Furthermore, COOL now confirms more details around the 1Y at USD
190,000/day TC-deal that has been rumoured. They state that the charterer
here has the option to either go for one year at that rate – or three years at
USD 12,000/day – and that the latter seems the most likely.
• In addition, they are in ‘advanced discussions’ on a second 3Y deal for their
Q1’23 availability (one vessel, and one more in Q2), at ‘prevailing market rates’
– which the company effectively shows is USD 120,000/day.
• In total this could result in our estimates revised up from current 2023 EBITDA
of USD 209m to closer to USD 250m, with EPS of near NOK 40. Based on
FCFE the dividend could also close in on that number – effectively implying a
yield of closer to 30%. With contract triggers ahead (another vessel open from
early Q2), an attractive valuation (P/B of ~1.05x, ROE of 25-30%) and now a
stated policy to reward shareholders instead of saving up cash for growth we
believe the recent pullback in COOL offers a very interesting entry point.
• Most of the negative LNGC sentiment is caused by lower EU gas prices, which
should change over the coming months – and COOL is the best bet on this at
present. BUY TP 172
COOL: Clear dividend message removing uncertainty - positive
• This morning, Cool Company announced a new dividend policy, which
effectively removes any uncertainty around capital allocation priorities going
forward. They say the intention is to ‘allocate its free cash flow to equity
primarily to the payment of a quarterly dividend’, with seemingly the only
variables being potential capex ‘related to improving vessel efficiency
• In our view this message is important, as both newbuilds and potential
acquisition from main owner Idan Ofer have been highlighted as potential use
of cash flow for COOL. Now it seems more like they will follow the path that
Flex LNG successfully has used – which over time should end with an improved
valuation that could make accretive growth efforts possible
• Furthermore, COOL now confirms more details around the 1Y at USD
190,000/day TC-deal that has been rumoured. They state that the charterer
here has the option to either go for one year at that rate – or three years at
USD 12,000/day – and that the latter seems the most likely.
• In addition, they are in ‘advanced discussions’ on a second 3Y deal for their
Q1’23 availability (one vessel, and one more in Q2), at ‘prevailing market rates’
– which the company effectively shows is USD 120,000/day.
• In total this could result in our estimates revised up from current 2023 EBITDA
of USD 209m to closer to USD 250m, with EPS of near NOK 40. Based on
FCFE the dividend could also close in on that number – effectively implying a
yield of closer to 30%. With contract triggers ahead (another vessel open from
early Q2), an attractive valuation (P/B of ~1.05x, ROE of 25-30%) and now a
stated policy to reward shareholders instead of saving up cash for growth we
believe the recent pullback in COOL offers a very interesting entry point.
• Most of the negative LNGC sentiment is caused by lower EU gas prices, which
should change over the coming months – and COOL is the best bet on this at
present. BUY TP 172
Gull i pungen
31.10.2022 kl 14:59
Det kan se ut som om Petter Haugen i ABG blir sittende igjen med skjegget i postkassa!! 😂
Gull i pungen
31.10.2022 kl 18:03
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Mandag morgen ble det kjent at Cool Company-styret har vedtatt en variabel utbyttepolitikk, der intensjonen er å dele ut selskapets frie kontantstrøm på kvartalsbasis. Utbyttepolitikken ventes å få effekt fra fjerde kvartal 2022, med første utbytteutbetaling i første kvartal 2023.
Clarksons Platou Securities viser til at selskapet med de nyeste charterkontraktene har inngått kontrakter for mesteparten av 2023, som sikrer et sterkt utbyttenivå for aksjonærene.
På nåværende aksjekurs estimerer de en utbytteavkastning på rundt 19 prosent i 2023, og litt høyere i 2024 hvis gjenværende tilgjengelige dager i 2023 sluttes til en rate på 120.000 dollar dagen.
Meglerhuset oppjusterer sitt kursmål på aksjen til 18 dollar fra 15 dollar, og opprettholder kjøpsanbefalingen.
Clarksons Platou Securities viser til at selskapet med de nyeste charterkontraktene har inngått kontrakter for mesteparten av 2023, som sikrer et sterkt utbyttenivå for aksjonærene.
På nåværende aksjekurs estimerer de en utbytteavkastning på rundt 19 prosent i 2023, og litt høyere i 2024 hvis gjenværende tilgjengelige dager i 2023 sluttes til en rate på 120.000 dollar dagen.
Meglerhuset oppjusterer sitt kursmål på aksjen til 18 dollar fra 15 dollar, og opprettholder kjøpsanbefalingen.
Forventet utbyttebetaling på ca 20 % de nærmeste årene . Da vil aksjekursen garantert stige betydelig den nærmeste tiden .
01.11.2022 kl 07:29
Pareto forventer en utbyttebetaling på ca 40 kr pr aksje, eller closer to 30% av dagens aksjekurs
In total this could result in our estimates revised up from current 2023 EBITDA
of USD 209m to closer to USD 250m, with EPS of near NOK 40. Based on
FCFE the dividend could also close in on that number – effectively implying a
yield of closer to 30%. With contract triggers ahead (another vessel open from
early Q2), an attractive valuation (P/B of ~1.05x, ROE of 25-30%)
In total this could result in our estimates revised up from current 2023 EBITDA
of USD 209m to closer to USD 250m, with EPS of near NOK 40. Based on
FCFE the dividend could also close in on that number – effectively implying a
yield of closer to 30%. With contract triggers ahead (another vessel open from
early Q2), an attractive valuation (P/B of ~1.05x, ROE of 25-30%)
01.11.2022 kl 08:23
Pareto tar inn Cool i sin anbefalte portefølje for November;
01.11.2022 kl 08:38
Dette er vakkert:)
- Cool Co. har falt litt tilbake de siste ukene på grunn av frykt for europeisk gassetterspørsel. Det vi imidlertid ser, og som også selskapet og skipsmeglere nå bekrefter, er at timecharter-markedet for LNG-skip er meget sterkt, da eksport ut av USA er ekstremt lønnsomt selv etter at prisene har falt, sier Haavaldsen og fortsetter:
- Vi tror dermed at Cool Co. vil fortsette å øke TC-dekningen sin på økende nivåer – men dessuten også at gassprisene vil stige inn i vinteren og inn i 2023, noe future-markedet også viser. Selskapet har nå sagt klart og tydelig at de skal betale ‘alt’ de tjener ut i dividend, og vi tror derfor på opp mot 60 kroner i utbytte gjennom 2024.
- Cool Co. har falt litt tilbake de siste ukene på grunn av frykt for europeisk gassetterspørsel. Det vi imidlertid ser, og som også selskapet og skipsmeglere nå bekrefter, er at timecharter-markedet for LNG-skip er meget sterkt, da eksport ut av USA er ekstremt lønnsomt selv etter at prisene har falt, sier Haavaldsen og fortsetter:
- Vi tror dermed at Cool Co. vil fortsette å øke TC-dekningen sin på økende nivåer – men dessuten også at gassprisene vil stige inn i vinteren og inn i 2023, noe future-markedet også viser. Selskapet har nå sagt klart og tydelig at de skal betale ‘alt’ de tjener ut i dividend, og vi tror derfor på opp mot 60 kroner i utbytte gjennom 2024.
01.11.2022 kl 10:48
Nå har jeg kjøpt det jeg skal ha her, startet i går og tok de siste i dag, 30 % av porteføljen, og denne posten skal ikke røres de kommende årene, her skal det høstes utbytte.
01.11.2022 kl 13:15
Selv om europeiske gasslagre er tilnærmet fulle i møte med vinteren, er faktumet at de består av en stor andel russisk gass. Det bekymrer oljetopper i møte med neste vinter.
– Problemet er ikke denne vinteren – det er den neste. Da er vil det være minst 98 prosent mindre russisk gass, kanskje ingenting.
Redigert 01.11.2022 kl 13:15
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02.11.2022 kl 08:55
MYCKET positivt också att det blir listing i US snart. Kommer bli väldigt bra det här.
Hade tänkt sälja av en del av innehavet när vi går mot 190-200NOK men med tanke på utdelningar på 20-30% så funderar jag på att sitta kvar med hela innehavet. Det blir väldigt fina extrapengar.
Hade tänkt sälja av en del av innehavet när vi går mot 190-200NOK men med tanke på utdelningar på 20-30% så funderar jag på att sitta kvar med hela innehavet. Det blir väldigt fina extrapengar.
02.11.2022 kl 09:19
Støtter deg fullt ut på denne tankegangen Quendi. Her er det bare å sitte å innkassere fete utbytter de neste årene.
02.11.2022 kl 12:03
Skal bli interessant å se hva EU… NATO… tenker ift LNG import fra Russland ….
Siden Russlands invasjon av Ukraina har Europas rørimport av russisk gass falt over 80 prosent. Det har imidlertid ikke satt en stopper for russisk gasseksport til Europa, men vridd transportmetoden fra rør til skip.
Siden Russlands invasjon av Ukraina har Europas rørimport av russisk gass falt over 80 prosent. Det har imidlertid ikke satt en stopper for russisk gasseksport til Europa, men vridd transportmetoden fra rør til skip.
02.11.2022 kl 12:50
Don't you wanna be Cool? Självklart vill ni det!
Från nuvarande kurs på 150NOK är det fortsatt 33% vinst upp till 200NOK som blir första stoppet innan nya längre och högre kontrakt meddelats. Här får man passa på att köpa sina aktier. Att det sen kommer 20-30% utdelning kvartalsvis, från och med Q4 nu (utbetlas Q1 '23) - är bara en jääävligt stor bonus.
EDIT: Undra var Longsitin är - varit väldigt tyst från honom det senaste. Hoppas att han inte sålde dippen.
Från nuvarande kurs på 150NOK är det fortsatt 33% vinst upp till 200NOK som blir första stoppet innan nya längre och högre kontrakt meddelats. Här får man passa på att köpa sina aktier. Att det sen kommer 20-30% utdelning kvartalsvis, från och med Q4 nu (utbetlas Q1 '23) - är bara en jääävligt stor bonus.
EDIT: Undra var Longsitin är - varit väldigt tyst från honom det senaste. Hoppas att han inte sålde dippen.
Redigert 02.11.2022 kl 12:58
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Vi vet hvor aksjen er notert og derfor rører mange fond ikke aksjen ;)
02.11.2022 kl 15:15
Han dukker forhåpentligvis opp igjen.
Tviler på at han solgte.
Tviler på at han solgte.
02.11.2022 kl 15:50
I motsetning til meg selv leverer han velbegrunnede innlegg man kan ha nytte av.
Så jo, det betyr litt ihvertfall for meg.
Så jo, det betyr litt ihvertfall for meg.
Når LNG fra Russland blir sanksjonert vil det skje noe .
Gull i pungen
02.11.2022 kl 16:54
02.11.2022 kl 17:04
Gull i pungen skrev BULL!!! De kjøper 4 skip av Idan
hva er det du mener er så bull med det?
02.11.2022 kl 17:14
Gull i pungen skrev BULL!!! De kjøper 4 skip av Idan
Flott timing for kjøp av skip, dessuten mer fornuftig bruk av pengene enn å betale utbytte.
02.11.2022 kl 17:18
Det kom jo melding for et par dager siden om at de lovet å betale utbytte.
02.11.2022 kl 17:27
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Cool Company har engasjert tilretteleggere i forbindelse med en rettet plassering for å hente inn et bruttoproveny på opptil 270 millioner dollar.
Det fremgår av en melding onsdag.
Den rettede plasseringen vil bestå av (i) et tilbud av nye aksjer i selskapet for å hente inn bruttoproveny på 170 dollar, og (ii) et tilbud av eksisterende aksjer av Golar LNG for å hente et bruttoproveny på opptil 100 millioner dollar
Tilretteleggerne har mottatt indikasjoner om at plasseringen er dekket ved starten av tegningsperioden, opplyses det.
EPS Ventures Ltd. (EPS), som eier 16.000.817 aksjer, har på forhånd forpliktet seg til å tegne og bli tildelt tilbudsaksjer for 135 millioner dollar. Selskapet har til hensikt å bruke nettoprovenyet fra emisjonen til å finansiere egenkapitaldelen av et påtenkt oppkjøp av fire SPVer med LNG-skip med kontrakter fra Quantum Crude Tankers Ltd (QCT), et tilknyttet selskap av EPS, for om lag 660 millioner dollar. Skipene har langsiktige befrakteravtaler med Shell, fremgår det av presentasjonsmateriellet.
I tillegg har Cool Company inngått en opsjonsavtale med et EPS-tilknyttet selskap om å kjøpe to skipsbyggingskontrakter med Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries med leveranser i første kvartal 2025.
Videre fremgår det av presentasjonsmateriellet at Cool Company fikk en justert ebitda på 42 millioner dollar i tredje kvartal 2022, samt at TCE-raten i kvartalet var på 73 tusen dollar dagen. Selskapet er i langt fremskredne samtaler for en andre treårig charteravtale rundt dagens ratenivåer for et skip tilgjengelig i tredje kvartal 2023, opplyses det videre.
Det fremgår av en melding onsdag.
Den rettede plasseringen vil bestå av (i) et tilbud av nye aksjer i selskapet for å hente inn bruttoproveny på 170 dollar, og (ii) et tilbud av eksisterende aksjer av Golar LNG for å hente et bruttoproveny på opptil 100 millioner dollar
Tilretteleggerne har mottatt indikasjoner om at plasseringen er dekket ved starten av tegningsperioden, opplyses det.
EPS Ventures Ltd. (EPS), som eier 16.000.817 aksjer, har på forhånd forpliktet seg til å tegne og bli tildelt tilbudsaksjer for 135 millioner dollar. Selskapet har til hensikt å bruke nettoprovenyet fra emisjonen til å finansiere egenkapitaldelen av et påtenkt oppkjøp av fire SPVer med LNG-skip med kontrakter fra Quantum Crude Tankers Ltd (QCT), et tilknyttet selskap av EPS, for om lag 660 millioner dollar. Skipene har langsiktige befrakteravtaler med Shell, fremgår det av presentasjonsmateriellet.
I tillegg har Cool Company inngått en opsjonsavtale med et EPS-tilknyttet selskap om å kjøpe to skipsbyggingskontrakter med Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries med leveranser i første kvartal 2025.
Videre fremgår det av presentasjonsmateriellet at Cool Company fikk en justert ebitda på 42 millioner dollar i tredje kvartal 2022, samt at TCE-raten i kvartalet var på 73 tusen dollar dagen. Selskapet er i langt fremskredne samtaler for en andre treårig charteravtale rundt dagens ratenivåer for et skip tilgjengelig i tredje kvartal 2023, opplyses det videre.
02.11.2022 kl 17:51
Mere cash flow, mere utbytte.
Tillater meg et aldri så lite Juhu!!
Tillater meg et aldri så lite Juhu!!
02.11.2022 kl 18:20
Dette var ekstremt spennende, hva blir EMISJONSKURSEN?? Godt man har cash i bakhånd for å bli med, regner med snarlig info om emisjonskursen her og at det ikke blir en rettet emisjon mot utvalgte.
4 nye LNG carrier til 6,6 milliarder kr 2 stk 2-stroke og 2 stk TFDE
Opsjon på 2 til i 2025 Additional options for two new, state-of-the-art 2-stroke vessels til 4.68 milliarder kr
WOW like stor som Flex LNG nå og større hvis opsjonen blir realitet i 2025
Få COOL på børs i USA og prisingen blir straks 330 kr pr aksje hvis den skal sammenlignes med Flex
Previously announced dual listing by late ‘22/early ’23
Breakeven cost/day of $58k/day
4 nye LNG carrier til 6,6 milliarder kr 2 stk 2-stroke og 2 stk TFDE
Opsjon på 2 til i 2025 Additional options for two new, state-of-the-art 2-stroke vessels til 4.68 milliarder kr
WOW like stor som Flex LNG nå og større hvis opsjonen blir realitet i 2025
Få COOL på børs i USA og prisingen blir straks 330 kr pr aksje hvis den skal sammenlignes med Flex
Previously announced dual listing by late ‘22/early ’23
Breakeven cost/day of $58k/day
Redigert 02.11.2022 kl 18:51
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02.11.2022 kl 18:21
fattigstakkar skrev Det kom jo melding for et par dager siden om at de lovet å betale utbytte.
Det er jo ikke noe som er motstridende her sånn sett...
Overskuddet skal brukes til utbytte.
En emi kan brukes til investeringer.
Overskuddet skal brukes til utbytte.
En emi kan brukes til investeringer.
02.11.2022 kl 18:29
Ja, sånn jeg også tolket det. Emisjonskursen havner visst rundt 130
02.11.2022 kl 18:35
Tja, litt lavt kanskje. Men 6 joller ekstra. 4 fra eier og 2 nybygg lar seg jo høre. Jeg er jo ikke "ferdig handlet" her ;) Så blir spennende å se kursen de nærmeste dagene. Det blir vel ikke rep-emi slik jeg tolker meldingene?
02.11.2022 kl 19:53
Pareto ringte 1730 jeg hadde tlf på lydløs ( på jobb) sa de noe om tegningskurs og antall man kan tegne seg for i forhold til antall innestående aksjer?
02.11.2022 kl 20:01
Det er minimumtegning på 100.000 euro. Det er ikke knyttet til hvor mange aksjer du hadde fra før.
Her er all informasjon:
November 2, 2022
Bermuda, 2 November 2022: Cool Company Ltd. (the "Company") has retained
Clarksons Securities AS, DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA ("DNB Markets") and
Fearnley Securities AS as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners (the
"Joint Global Coordinators"), Pareto Securities AS as Joint Bookrunner, and
Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Norge as Co-Manager (collectively the "Managers") to
advise on and effect a contemplated private placement to raise gross proceeds of
up to USD 270 million (the "Private Placement"), consisting of (i) a primary
offering (the "Share Issue") of new shares in the Company (in the form of
depository receipts) to raise gross proceeds of USD 170 million (the "New
Shares") and (ii) a secondary offering (the "Share Sale") of existing shares (in
the form of depository receipts) by Golar LNG Ltd. (the "Selling Shareholder")
to raise gross proceeds of up to USD 100 million (the "Sale Shares", and
together with the New Shares, the "Offer Shares").
EPS Ventures Ltd. ("EPS"), currently holding 16,000,817 shares (approximately
39.9% of the Company's shares), has pre-committed to subscribe for and be
allocated Offer Shares equal to USD 135 million in the Private Placement.
Based on a limited wall-crossing exercise prior to launch, the Joint Global
Coordinators have received indications of interest to subscribe for shares
offered in the Private Placement so that the Private Placement is covered on
indications of interest at the start of the application period.
The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Share Issue to finance the
equity portion of a contemplated acquisition of four special purpose vehicles
(the "SPVs") with contracted LNG carriers (the "Vessels") from Quantum Crude
Tankers Ltd ("QCT"), an affiliate of EPS for approximately USD 660 million (the
"Acquisition"). In the event the conditions for completion of the Acquisition
are not met or waived, the net proceeds from the Share Issue will be used by the
Company for other growth initiatives which may include acquiring the Vessels or
other vessels and general corporate purposes.
In addition to the Acquisition, the Company has entered into an option agreement
with two affiliates of EPS to acquire two shipbuilding contracts with Hyundai
Samho Heavy Industries with deliveries in Q1 2025.
The application period in the Private Placement will commence today, 2 November
2022 at 16:30 CET and close on 3 November 2022 at 08:00 CET. The Company, in
consultation with the Joint Global Coordinators may, however, at any time
resolve to shorten or extend the application period, or cancel the Private
Placement, at its sole discretion for any reason on short or without notice.
The Company intends to announce the number of Offer Shares allocated in the
Private Placement through a stock exchange notice expected to be published
before opening of trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange on 3 November 2022.
The minimum order size and allocation in the Private Placement will be the NOK
equivalent of EUR 100,000, provided that the Company may, at its sole
discretion, offer and allocate an amount below the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000
in the Private Placement pursuant to applicable regulations, including
Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 on prospectuses for securities as well as the UK
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, are available.
Her er all informasjon:
November 2, 2022
Bermuda, 2 November 2022: Cool Company Ltd. (the "Company") has retained
Clarksons Securities AS, DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA ("DNB Markets") and
Fearnley Securities AS as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners (the
"Joint Global Coordinators"), Pareto Securities AS as Joint Bookrunner, and
Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Norge as Co-Manager (collectively the "Managers") to
advise on and effect a contemplated private placement to raise gross proceeds of
up to USD 270 million (the "Private Placement"), consisting of (i) a primary
offering (the "Share Issue") of new shares in the Company (in the form of
depository receipts) to raise gross proceeds of USD 170 million (the "New
Shares") and (ii) a secondary offering (the "Share Sale") of existing shares (in
the form of depository receipts) by Golar LNG Ltd. (the "Selling Shareholder")
to raise gross proceeds of up to USD 100 million (the "Sale Shares", and
together with the New Shares, the "Offer Shares").
EPS Ventures Ltd. ("EPS"), currently holding 16,000,817 shares (approximately
39.9% of the Company's shares), has pre-committed to subscribe for and be
allocated Offer Shares equal to USD 135 million in the Private Placement.
Based on a limited wall-crossing exercise prior to launch, the Joint Global
Coordinators have received indications of interest to subscribe for shares
offered in the Private Placement so that the Private Placement is covered on
indications of interest at the start of the application period.
The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Share Issue to finance the
equity portion of a contemplated acquisition of four special purpose vehicles
(the "SPVs") with contracted LNG carriers (the "Vessels") from Quantum Crude
Tankers Ltd ("QCT"), an affiliate of EPS for approximately USD 660 million (the
"Acquisition"). In the event the conditions for completion of the Acquisition
are not met or waived, the net proceeds from the Share Issue will be used by the
Company for other growth initiatives which may include acquiring the Vessels or
other vessels and general corporate purposes.
In addition to the Acquisition, the Company has entered into an option agreement
with two affiliates of EPS to acquire two shipbuilding contracts with Hyundai
Samho Heavy Industries with deliveries in Q1 2025.
The application period in the Private Placement will commence today, 2 November
2022 at 16:30 CET and close on 3 November 2022 at 08:00 CET. The Company, in
consultation with the Joint Global Coordinators may, however, at any time
resolve to shorten or extend the application period, or cancel the Private
Placement, at its sole discretion for any reason on short or without notice.
The Company intends to announce the number of Offer Shares allocated in the
Private Placement through a stock exchange notice expected to be published
before opening of trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange on 3 November 2022.
The minimum order size and allocation in the Private Placement will be the NOK
equivalent of EUR 100,000, provided that the Company may, at its sole
discretion, offer and allocate an amount below the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000
in the Private Placement pursuant to applicable regulations, including
Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 on prospectuses for securities as well as the UK
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, are available.
Redigert 02.11.2022 kl 20:08
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02.11.2022 kl 20:08
The final number of, and the allocation of Offer Shares will be determined
following the expiry of the application period in the Private Placement by the
Company's board of directors (the "Board") at their sole discretion following
consultation with the Joint Global Coordinators. Allocation may be based on
criteria such as (but not limited to), pre-commitments, timeliness of the
application, relative order size, sector knowledge, investment history,
perceived investor quality, investment horizon and shareholder structure. The
Board may, at its sole discretion, reject and/or reduce any orders, in whole or
in part. The Board and the Managers further reserve the right, at their sole
discretion, to take into account the creditworthiness of any applicant. There is
no guarantee that any applicant will receive allocations.
The offering of New Shares will have preference over the Sale Shares if demand
is insufficient for the entire Private Placement.
Settlement of the Offer Shares is expected to take place on a delivery versus
payment ("DVP") basis. Delivery of the New Shares is expected to be settled with
existing and unencumbered shares in the Company that are already listed on
Euronext Growth Oslo to be borrowed from EPS (the "Share Lender") pursuant to a
share lending agreement between the Company, DNB Markets and the Share Lender
(the "Share Lending Agreement"). The Offer Shares delivered to investors will be
tradable upon allocation. The share loan will be settled with new shares issued
by the Company and delivered to the Share Lender under the Share Lending
Completion of the Private Placement is subject to the Board resolving to
allocate the Offer Shares, issue the New Shares and consummate the Private
Placement (the "Conditions"). Completion of the Private Placement is not
conditional upon completion of the Acquisition.
The Company may, in its sole discretion, in consultation with the Joint Global
Coordinators, modify or waive the terms of the Private Placement or cancel the
Private Placement, at any time and for any reason prior to the satisfaction of
the Conditions without any compensation to the applicants. Neither the Board nor
the Managers will be liable for any losses incurred by applicants if the Private
Placement is cancelled, irrespective of the reason for such cancellation.
As previously announced, the Company is considering a dual listing by late
2022/early 2023.
The Joint Global Coordinators have entered into lock-up arrangements from the
settlement date of the Private Placement with the Company for 90 days, EPS for
90 days and the Selling Shareholder for 30 days, subject to agreed exemptions
(including for the Company any potential offering in connection with a dual
The Private Placement will be made pursuant to applicable exemptions from the
obligation to publish a prospectus and directed towards institutional and
professional investors (i) outside the United States in reliance on Regulation S
under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the "US Securities Act") and
(ii) in the United States to "qualified institutional buyers" (QIBs) as defined
in Rule 144A under the US Securities Act, who are also "major U.S. institutional
investors" as defined in SEC Rule 15a-6 under the United States Exchange Act of
1934, in each case subject to an exemption being available from offer prospectus
requirements and any other filing or registration requirements in the applicable
jurisdictions and subject to other selling restrictions.
The Company's Board has considered the structure of the contemplated Private
Placement in light of the rules on equal treatment under Euronext Growth Oslo
Rule Book II for companies listed on Euronext Growth Oslo and the Oslo Stock
Exchange's Guidelines on the rule of equal treatment and is of the opinion that
the proposed Private Placement is in compliance with these requirements.
A share issue in the form of private placements is required in order to secure
the financing of the Acquisition in a more certain and expedient manner in the
current volatile capital markets. The Acquisition is deemed beneficial to the
interest of the Company and its shareholders and would not be obtainable by
structures with longer lead time for the financing such as a rights offering.
The final subscription price in the Private Placement will be based on a
publicly announced accelerated bookbuilding process following a period of
pre-sounding conducted by the Joint Global Coordinators and will thus represent
what the Company believes to be the highest price possible to obtain for the
relevant number of shares in the Company in today's market. On the above basis
and based on an assessment of the current equity markets, the Company's Board
has considered the Private Placements to be in the common interest of the
Company and its shareholders.
Pursuant to the Acquisition, the Company contemplates to acquire the SPVs with
the Vessels from QCT for approximately USD 660 million. The Vessels consists of
two modern two-stroke vessels delivered in 2020 and 2021 and tow modern TFDE
vessels delivered in 2015. The agreed purchase price for the Vessels is in line
with the price QCT paid for the Vessels from ING Bank in May 2022. The Vessel
acquisition will be funded through the Private Placement and assumption by the
Company the SPVs'existing term loan facility relating to the Vessels (the
"Vessel Facility") of approximately USD 500 million (assumed debt approximately
USD 520 million with approximately USD 20 million principal repayment on 14
November 2022) under the Vessel Facility.
The Company has reached agreement with EPS on the terms of a master sale
agreement (the "MSA") for the purpose of acquiring the SPVs, which is expected
to be executed following completion of the conditions set out in item (a) and
(b) below.
Completion of the Acquisition is conditional upon: (a) completion of the Private
Placement, which when combined with case reserved or other sources of funding,
is sufficient to fund the equity portion of the purchase price for the
Acquisition, (b) amendment of the Vessel Facility to fund the debt portion of
the purchase price for the Acquisition and (c) other customary conditions
precedent, as well as completion of transactional documentation and other
formalities (the "Acquisition Conditions"). Item (b) of the foregoing is
expected to be satisfied after completion of the Private Placement by the
execution of an amendment agreement between the SPVs and the existing lenders
under the Vessel Facility, the material terms of which have been agreed between
the parties in a finalized term sheet together with executed commitment letters
received from the existing lenders under the Vessel Facility.
In addition to the Acquisition, the Company has entered into an option agreement
with an affiliate of EPS to acquire two shipbuilding contracts with Hyundai
Samho Heavy Industries with deliveries in Q1 2025. The options are exercisable
before end of Q2 2023 at an implied vessel valuation of USD 234 million each.
The Company's Q3 2022 business update, financial highlights and associated
information are included within the Investor Presentation attached to this press
The final number of, and the allocation of Offer Shares will be determined
following the expiry of the application period in the Private Placement by the
Company's board of directors (the "Board") at their sole discretion following
consultation with the Joint Global Coordinators. Allocation may be based on
criteria such as (but not limited to), pre-commitments, timeliness of the
application, relative order size, sector knowledge, investment history,
perceived investor quality, investment horizon and shareholder structure. The
Board may, at its sole discretion, reject and/or reduce any orders, in whole or
in part. The Board and the Managers further reserve the right, at their sole
discretion, to take into account the creditworthiness of any applicant. There is
no guarantee that any applicant will receive allocations.
The offering of New Shares will have preference over the Sale Shares if demand
is insufficient for the entire Private Placement.
Settlement of the Offer Shares is expected to take place on a delivery versus
payment ("DVP") basis. Delivery of the New Shares is expected to be settled with
existing and unencumbered shares in the Company that are already listed on
Euronext Growth Oslo to be borrowed from EPS (the "Share Lender") pursuant to a
share lending agreement between the Company, DNB Markets and the Share Lender
(the "Share Lending Agreement"). The Offer Shares delivered to investors will be
tradable upon allocation. The share loan will be settled with new shares issued
by the Company and delivered to the Share Lender under the Share Lending
Completion of the Private Placement is subject to the Board resolving to
allocate the Offer Shares, issue the New Shares and consummate the Private
Placement (the "Conditions"). Completion of the Private Placement is not
conditional upon completion of the Acquisition.
The Company may, in its sole discretion, in consultation with the Joint Global
Coordinators, modify or waive the terms of the Private Placement or cancel the
Private Placement, at any time and for any reason prior to the satisfaction of
the Conditions without any compensation to the applicants. Neither the Board nor
the Managers will be liable for any losses incurred by applicants if the Private
Placement is cancelled, irrespective of the reason for such cancellation.
As previously announced, the Company is considering a dual listing by late
2022/early 2023.
The Joint Global Coordinators have entered into lock-up arrangements from the
settlement date of the Private Placement with the Company for 90 days, EPS for
90 days and the Selling Shareholder for 30 days, subject to agreed exemptions
(including for the Company any potential offering in connection with a dual
The Private Placement will be made pursuant to applicable exemptions from the
obligation to publish a prospectus and directed towards institutional and
professional investors (i) outside the United States in reliance on Regulation S
under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the "US Securities Act") and
(ii) in the United States to "qualified institutional buyers" (QIBs) as defined
in Rule 144A under the US Securities Act, who are also "major U.S. institutional
investors" as defined in SEC Rule 15a-6 under the United States Exchange Act of
1934, in each case subject to an exemption being available from offer prospectus
requirements and any other filing or registration requirements in the applicable
jurisdictions and subject to other selling restrictions.
The Company's Board has considered the structure of the contemplated Private
Placement in light of the rules on equal treatment under Euronext Growth Oslo
Rule Book II for companies listed on Euronext Growth Oslo and the Oslo Stock
Exchange's Guidelines on the rule of equal treatment and is of the opinion that
the proposed Private Placement is in compliance with these requirements.
A share issue in the form of private placements is required in order to secure
the financing of the Acquisition in a more certain and expedient manner in the
current volatile capital markets. The Acquisition is deemed beneficial to the
interest of the Company and its shareholders and would not be obtainable by
structures with longer lead time for the financing such as a rights offering.
The final subscription price in the Private Placement will be based on a
publicly announced accelerated bookbuilding process following a period of
pre-sounding conducted by the Joint Global Coordinators and will thus represent
what the Company believes to be the highest price possible to obtain for the
relevant number of shares in the Company in today's market. On the above basis
and based on an assessment of the current equity markets, the Company's Board
has considered the Private Placements to be in the common interest of the
Company and its shareholders.
Pursuant to the Acquisition, the Company contemplates to acquire the SPVs with
the Vessels from QCT for approximately USD 660 million. The Vessels consists of
two modern two-stroke vessels delivered in 2020 and 2021 and tow modern TFDE
vessels delivered in 2015. The agreed purchase price for the Vessels is in line
with the price QCT paid for the Vessels from ING Bank in May 2022. The Vessel
acquisition will be funded through the Private Placement and assumption by the
Company the SPVs'existing term loan facility relating to the Vessels (the
"Vessel Facility") of approximately USD 500 million (assumed debt approximately
USD 520 million with approximately USD 20 million principal repayment on 14
November 2022) under the Vessel Facility.
The Company has reached agreement with EPS on the terms of a master sale
agreement (the "MSA") for the purpose of acquiring the SPVs, which is expected
to be executed following completion of the conditions set out in item (a) and
(b) below.
Completion of the Acquisition is conditional upon: (a) completion of the Private
Placement, which when combined with case reserved or other sources of funding,
is sufficient to fund the equity portion of the purchase price for the
Acquisition, (b) amendment of the Vessel Facility to fund the debt portion of
the purchase price for the Acquisition and (c) other customary conditions
precedent, as well as completion of transactional documentation and other
formalities (the "Acquisition Conditions"). Item (b) of the foregoing is
expected to be satisfied after completion of the Private Placement by the
execution of an amendment agreement between the SPVs and the existing lenders
under the Vessel Facility, the material terms of which have been agreed between
the parties in a finalized term sheet together with executed commitment letters
received from the existing lenders under the Vessel Facility.
In addition to the Acquisition, the Company has entered into an option agreement
with an affiliate of EPS to acquire two shipbuilding contracts with Hyundai
Samho Heavy Industries with deliveries in Q1 2025. The options are exercisable
before end of Q2 2023 at an implied vessel valuation of USD 234 million each.
The Company's Q3 2022 business update, financial highlights and associated
information are included within the Investor Presentation attached to this press
02.11.2022 kl 20:13
Europe Will Add 50 Bcm of LNG Import Capacity by End-2023