Zwipe and IDEX and IDEMIA

IDEX 21.06.2022 kl 15:08 47008

New VD

Dear Customers, Zwipers and Partners,

I am delighted to begin this new journey as the CEO of Zwipe. Since day one, I have felt thoroughly welcomed and enjoyed the energy, engagement and competencies that we have in the team.

I would like to start by saying a big thanks to all Zwipers for working tirelessly and to André Løvestam for having been such a strong ambassador of next generation biometric cards for many years.

More card manufacturers, payment processors, banks and enterprises than ever before are today committed to launch their next generation card programs with Zwipe. My sincere thanks to our customers and partners for their continued confidence in our platform. Throughout H1 2022, we continued to grow our customer and partner base at a strong pace.

· We signed with six new issuers, from Germany to India and the Middle East. All of them are now engaged with our card manufacturing partners and other players in the value chain to launch their new cards.
· In the APAC region, we strengthened our market position significantly with Placard (largest card manufacturer in Australia and New Zealand), Modularsoft (Malaysia’s largest payment card personalization bureau) and Wisecard (one of APAC region’s largest EMV Software providers). All these leading brands selected Zwipe Pay platform in launching their next generation payment cards.
· On the technology side, our Zwipe Pay platform received the Letter of Approval (LoA) from Visa, which was followed by confirmations of Visa certification from our three lead customers (Tag Systems, BCC and Inkript). This list will only grow from here.
· Fraport, operating in 31 international airports (including Frankfurt, New York (JFK), New Jersey (EWR) and New Delhi) shortlisted the Zwipe Access platform for their new access card program. Pilot is now underway, and we are expecting a decision before the end of the year.

We also strengthened our organization by welcoming Patrice Meilland as Chief Strategy & Product Officer and Danielle Glenn as CFO & Head of IR. Patrice joins from his position as the SVP of Advanced Cards in Idemia. Danielle brings substantial financial markets experience from the likes of Goldman Sachs and her most recent role as the CFO of Arctic Bioscience. With a strong focus on ensuring deliveries and successfull launches, we have also strengthened our engineering teams.

Throughout H1 2022,we continued to investigate consumers’ payment preferences and their feedback on biometric payment cards. From Austria to Australia, Italy to Taiwan, Malaysia to The Netherlands and Germany, consumers’ interest in biometric payment cards remained consistent and very strong. This is encouraging, not just for Zwipe but for all our customers, partners and industry peers who just like Zwipe are on a mission to deliver the next generation payment and access control experience worldwide.

I now look forward leading Zwipe and together as a team delivering measurable value to our customers, partners and shareholders.
Redigert 26.06.2022 kl 08:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
Føre var
21.06.2022 kl 16:01 22043

Det spørges om det driver og forberedes en reprising her nå. Vi får se.
21.06.2022 kl 16:14 22026

ZWIPE opp - IDEX flopp. Og vice versa.
Et herlig radarpar dette!
21.06.2022 kl 22:05 21843

Vi ser her hva slags spekulanter som er inne i mange aksjer og tror de skal gjøre de store kuppene, kursene hopper som harer hele tiden. Bare ren galskap som foregår, aksjer er ikke fagkunnskap og teft lenger, raritetene har overtatt helt og det hele er bare rene tilfeldigheter om kursen stiger eller faller en dag. har du tro på en aksje så holder du på den, uansett hvor mye den faller eller stiger når ikke annet tilsier kursforandring. Her er det ren spekulasjon og samkjøring for å oppnå en ønsket kurs på et selskap. Det er mye kapital i omløp og mange har tjent godt på flere år med stor oppgang i mange segmenter.
22.06.2022 kl 21:57 21587

Using Zwipe and IDEX 😀 confirmed in One Nation Card

Redigert 22.06.2022 kl 22:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.06.2022 kl 22:09 21551

Check this out Zwipe access Video in BIO-IDZ channel

And Zwipe

2 väckor sen

Redigert 22.06.2022 kl 22:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.06.2022 kl 22:15 21531

Confirmed where?
Trusted Bio har ikke sølv ramme.
Og filmen er fra 2020 April, 7 dager etter Zwipe Pay one platformen ble lansert, aldri i livet hadde de Zwipe Access på gang så tidlig.
22.06.2022 kl 22:20 21528

We have both FPC and IDEX, how can I help you.

This is the answer I got from Bio-IDZ
22.06.2022 kl 22:21 21519

The size and Sleev they use and it’s multi purpose biometric card
22.06.2022 kl 22:32 21495

Da ser jeg frem til børsmeldingen om dette. 👍
Men utifra bilder ser det ut som kortet har LED, så jeg tviler på disse noen gang kommer til å slå an.
Redigert 22.06.2022 kl 22:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.06.2022 kl 09:01 21069

Announcement by AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS, Holding Company of
Inform P. LYKOS S.A.:
next generation of payment cards and services globally
Vienna, December 21st, 2021
“Following the successful merger with TAG SYSTEMS in recent years, AUSTRIACARD’s decision to join forces with NITECREST was straightforward, the latter being a leading provider for cards and services in the UK with sales globally, as well as the undisputed leader for Europe’s Fintechs, through TAG_NITECREST. The fit was perfectly complementary” said P.Spyropoulos, Group CEO of AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS, in Vienna.
Jon Neeraas, CEO of TAG SYSTEMS stated: “We have always been super impressed by NITECREST’s group rounded service offering. Collectively, we have continued to dominate the Fintech and Retail space and are very pleased to have reached a deal at group level of AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS, with NITECREST’s shareholders and management. We strongly believe that this move shall enhance our offering and add value for our customers, employees and shareholders.”
AUSTRIACARD GmbH and NITECREST have done a merger / acquisition scheme, where AUSTRIACARD has acquired 100% of the shares of NITECREST. The key shareholders and leadership team of NITECREST hold equity positions in the new group structure and continue in their leading positions, ensuring continuity for NITECREST’s partners, customers and employees, under the umbrella of AUSTRIACARD.
in Hardware Embedded Security founded in 1897
AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS is an Austrian group of high-tech IT
INFORM and NAUTILUS, in the fields of Digital Security in
and has an
international presence with three Divisions, AUSTRIACARD/TAG,
Payments and Identity, Digital Transformation in the Document
Lifecycle and Security in the IoT, respectively.
production facilities
personalization centers in Europe, one in the USA and
one in South America, allowing it to serve its customers,
wherever they are, in the best possible way. In 2020, at a pro-
forma level including
and seven
achieved a consolidated turnover of approximately € 200
NITECREST & TAG_NITECREST, million and employs currently around 1.600 people.
Ronnie Hart, Chairman of NITECREST & TAG_NITECREST and CEO of NITECREST, stated: “We are excited to join forces with AUSTRIACARD, as this will allow us to expand further and capitalise on serving our valued customers on a world-wide level,
Lamezanstraße 4-8, 1230 Vienna, Austria, T +43 1 610 65-0,

thanks to the industrial robustness and cutting-edge technologies of AUSTRIACARD”.
Leeroy Pye, CEO of TAG_NITECREST, closed in with a challenging statement: “At group level we are about to change the game. Our Fintech and Challenger Bank customer adoption takes the entire group into a new era, as we shall be able for the first time to offer product led core banking services. We are partnering with key companies around the globe, to flip card issuing on its head and take the helm to delivering the next generation of payment cards”.
NITECREST was founded in 1996, produces and personalizes Gift & Loyalty and Telecom cards for the local and global market. In addition, NITECREST holds a 50% stake in TAG_NITECREST, founded in 2016, which handles sales and personalization of payment cards for financial institutions in Great Britain. In 2020, NITECREST & TAG_NITECREST achieved a consolidated turnov

Inform is the partner of AustriaCard

29.06.2022 kl 12:08 20668

Idemia endelig igang med markedføringen????? ;-)
Redigert 29.06.2022 kl 12:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.07.2022 kl 17:19 20409

En litt pen avslutning for IDEX i dag, muligens noen shortere som tenker det er et godt tidspunkt for å kjøpe tilbake aksjene.
01.07.2022 kl 17:26 20399

Ja. Nesten uforståelig. Ingen nyheter å fortære heller.
01.07.2022 kl 21:19 20252

Noen som har hørt noe?
02.07.2022 kl 14:56 19946

Tror mest på "svettetokter" kontra "gledestårer" om shorterne velge å sitte for lenge før innkjøp kommende høst. Ikke så enkelt å forutsi når IDEX skal gå i pluss etter 20 år i minus, men om selskapets forventninger slår til siste del av 2022 vil det fort bli dyrt for shorterne.
02.07.2022 kl 16:01 19898

Legger man kurskorrelasjonenen med samarbeidspartner Zwipe til grunn så står IDEX snarlig framfor en nye tur under krona.
02.07.2022 kl 16:33 19904

Ibyx det tror jeg ikke på.
02.07.2022 kl 16:53 19887

Helt greit. Selv ateister bommer en gang iblant.
Spådommen er i det minste ikke gjort i ettertid!
Dessuten kan det jo tenkes at det er Zwipe som skal opp..
02.07.2022 kl 19:11 19828

Nu dags att få lite ny info om nedan projekt

Mastercard Introduces Consumer-Centric Model for Digital Identity

A consumer charter-based system that gives consumers control

Mastercard (NYSE: MA) today introduced a vision for digital identity in today’s increasingly connected world. A new paper, Restoring Trust in a Digital World, presents a detailed framework of how digital identity will work, starting with the individual sitting at the heart of every digital interaction.

Guiding this model are Mastercard’s Principles of Digital Identity that will underpin the system. These principles focus on data rights and ownership, confidentiality, consent, transparency, security and inclusion. They amount to a fundamental individual right: “I own my identity and I control my identity data.”

Inclusion Everyone has a right to a digital identity
Ownership Individuals own their identity and personal data
Simplicity An individual’s use of their digital identity should be simple and intuitive
Confidentiality An individual has the right to keep their digital identity information private
Consent An individual’s digital identity should not be used or shared without their explicit consent or as permitted by law
Transparency Individuals have the right to understand how their digital identity data is used and shared
Security & Integrity Identity data and transactions that involve an individual’s digital identity should be held with the highest standards of security and integrity
Data Rights Individuals should have the right to access, correct and delete their identity data, and the right to recourse if their rights are violated
Fair Use An individual’s identity data will be used only for legitimate, fair and non-discriminatory purposes
Choice Individuals should have a choice of a digital identity provider and the right to opt out

“The big question for digital interactions in a hyper-connected age is: how do you trust someone you don’t know, can’t see and isn’t present in person?” said Ajay Bhalla, president of Cyber & Intelligence Solutions for Mastercard. “This is an area we’ve been exploring for some time, in discussion with a range of different groups. It’s with this insight that we imagine a world where a person’s identity and the devices operating on their behalf can be verified immediately, safely and securely, where access is gained without passwords and data is exchanged only with consent.”

Mastercard’s model embodies privacy-by-design and does not aggregate identity data. It will enable digital interactions to occur with minimal data exchanged and only when needed, and will safeguard data and the use of data effectively such that the users are in control, with a person’s identity securely bound to their smartphone.

Access to a digital identity will unlock new and enhanced experiences for people as they interact with businesses, service providers and their communities online, introducing a more efficient online shopping experience, a more seamless process for opening a bank account or filing taxes, and streamlining use of e-mail, social media and entertainment platforms. It will also reduce the risk of fraud and identity theft.

Ajay Bhalla said: “Digital identity requires a collective effort. Building on our strategic partnership with Microsoft and working with a range of industry players, we are committed to facilitating the network and helping define the rules and governance. Together, we have a real opportunity to transform digital engagement so that it is convenient and doesn’t compromise on security.”

IDEX + Mastercard + IDEMIA + Infineon vill gärna veta senaste lite mer design wins med Infineon

02.07.2022 kl 20:33 19781

Flott artikkel du her trekker fram.

Det er nettopp disse kriteriene som IDEX / ZWIPE også dekker med den nye Zwipe Pay platformen,
som synes å ha potensialet til bli fremtidens nye betalingskort.
Du trenger ikke en Pin-kode, kun et fingeravtrykk på kortet, for å indikere at du er den riktige bruker.
Lettere og sikrere kan det neppe bli.

Når IDEX sin fingeravtrykk leser har fått så mye fin omtaler og samtidig er blit godkjent av Mastarcard, er det forunderlig at kursen har fallt,
fra ca. kr 3,70,- ved nyttår, til kr.1,28 kun 6 mndr senere!

ZWIPE har i samme tidsrom hatt et tilsvarende fall, fra kr.30 til kr.12 !!

Er det nå en bør gå inn med noen billetter i IDEX og ZWIPE? Eller, kanskje holde seg borte fra hele aksjemarkedet?
Redigert 02.07.2022 kl 21:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.07.2022 kl 00:37 19673

Det er derfor kursen har gått fra 3,70 til 1,28,folk skal holde seg borte og underbyr hverandre,om å gjøre å få minst mulig for aksjene.
På fredag var det mer gain som var i fokus og det passet bedre for mine ferske lodder 👍

We anticipate our collaboration with IDEX Biometrics will be a strong contributor to our strategic initiative in fingerprint biometrics (Linxens)
03.07.2022 kl 21:16 19363

This is from same company that make Biometric Cards for FIDOR Bank in Germany

Som tidigare Zwipe VD sagt att Zwipe jobbar få tekniken i pass.

Production of the new cards is already in full swing; the new SwissPass cards will be sent to end customers from mid-December.

GNC TCS Technologie, Cards & Services GMBH

Technology made in Germany for Switzerland:
TCS makes the SwissPass card fit for the future.

With extended functions, additional storage space, increased security and durability, the TCS team presents the latest generation of SwissPass cards.
A very important point is also the application development, which was carried out completely in-house.

By using two semiconductor chips and separate antennas, the card can not only be used without contact, but is also ready for 2-factor authentication (Fido2) - and is therefore particularly secure. Due to their extremely thin section, the chips adapt to card bends and are therefore extremely durable.

The use of different inlays with different properties ensures that the card is durable and legible in addition to counterfeit protection.

Production of the new cards is already in full swing; the new SwissPass cards will be sent to end customers from mid-December.

We are proud to announce that Fidor Bank AG is the first bank in Germany to introduce biometric payment cards.

These cards are equipped with some of the latest security technologies and offer users secure and seamless payment processing. The launch of the biometric cards is in line with Fidor’s strategy to provide its customers with access to digital banking and payment services in the most secure way possible. “Fidor is a pioneer in its field, being the first bank to announce the introduction of this security feature to the German market, and to offer this enhanced security technology to help our customers in their daily payments”, said Boris Joseph, CEO of Fidor Bank AG.

In recent years, biometric technology has made great strides in increasing transaction security, with fingerprint technology representing one of the most secure forms of authentication. A biometric payment card combines fingerprint scanner and payment card technologies into one solution and can be used at a variety of points of sale. Fidor’s biometric cards are supplied by Germany-based GNC TCS Technologie, Cards & Services GMBH .

“Fidor’s ambition is to continue to be an innovator in the digital banking space. The introduction of biometric payment cards should further enhance transactional security and deliver a smooth user experience for the bank’s customers”, added Naren Ramachandran, Chief Commercial Officer of Fidor.

Redigert 03.07.2022 kl 21:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.07.2022 kl 05:30 19205

Posted 30 June 2022 by IDEMIA, Biometric cards, making convenience secure
Redigert 04.07.2022 kl 05:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.07.2022 kl 00:13 18809

Biometric System Market Worth $51.6 Billion by 2029 - Exclusive Report by Meticulous Research®
Biometric System Market by Offering, Biometrics Type (Fingerprint Recognition, Voice Recognition), Contact Type, Authentication Type, Platform, Application, End User (Government, Military & Law Enforcement, and Other End Users) - Global Forecast to 2029

05.07.2022 kl 13:30 18665

Till december kommer typ varje månad ny Bank som ska lansera Biometriska kort , 6 banker som IDEX VD sagt eller dubbelt digit så snart trillar in nya nyheter och det är bara Europeiska banker.

De asiatiska banker kanske med och lanserar 🙏
07.07.2022 kl 22:43 18348

En del neo banker visar VISA kort med purple färger nåt stort är på gång med Zwipe 🤫
07.07.2022 kl 23:24 18305

IDEMIANews | We're working towards the digital Euro

IDEMIA has been selected amongst other providers to help create a prototype of the first digital Euro by the European Central Bank, ahead of their two-year exploratory phase starting in 2023.

We're thrilled to take part in this project that stands to shape the future of currency in Europe 🇪🇺 Stay tuned!

More about our Central Bank Digital Currencies:

Financial inclusion—beyond the use of cash—is a top priority for central banks throughout the world, yet 1.7B people still do not have access to a bank account today.1 To address this challenge, central banks are exploring an alternative to cryptocurrency called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The IDEMIA secure wallet solution for offline CBDC transactions has been designed to help them in this ambition.

Built to enable an ideal banknote exchange for Central Bank Digital Currency, the IDEMIA secure offline CBDC wallet makes a highly secure digital cash experience truly available to everyone and at any time. This secure wallet allows a user to make consecutive digital offline payments with immediate settlement. The CBDC wallet user can initiate offline payments using any channel: contactless, email, QR Code, and the same terminals and standards currently used for card payments. The offline CBDC payments can be received by any device (secured or not), with or without an internet connection to the ledger.

To enable offline CBDC payments the IDEMIA secure wallet solution leverages tamper-resistant certified hardware chips—such as the ones already widely used for EMV payment cards, ID documents, and other critical applications. The use of such government-grade hardware chips allows balance management, Federal Reserve policy implementation, user authentication, and key storage. To further enhance payer protection, the secure wallet can integrate biometric authentication while maintaining transaction privacy.

This secure wallet payment solution also allows central banks to address another important issue: resilience. It discharges the network from unnecessary transactions and reduces the load on servers, thus allowing larger transaction volumes to be processed.

At IDEMIA, we believe everyone should have access to financial services—even without a bank account or when a connection is not available. Already used in proofs of concept with European central banks, our offline CBDC payment solution enables central banks to act now to extend digital cash capabilities to everyone.
Redigert 07.07.2022 kl 23:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.07.2022 kl 16:22 18004

8 juli 2022. IDEMIA har blitt valgt ut blant andre leverandører for å bidra til å lage en prototype av den første digitale euroen av Den europeiske sentralbanken i forkant av deres toårige letefase som starter i 2023.

IDEMIA sikre offline CBDC-lommeboken er bygget for å muliggjøre en ideell seddelutveksling for sentralbanks digital valuta, og gjør en svært sikker digital kontantopplevelse virkelig tilgjengelig for alle og når som helst.
09.07.2022 kl 11:26 17841

Sterkt! Det at TrustedBio sensoren, som eneste 3 generasjons fingeravtrykk-sensor allerede er sertifisert av både Visa og Mastercard, Viser at dem allerede har gått gjennom ulike krav som blant annet hurtighet, sikkerhet og ikke minst leverer idex en full pakke løsning som også resulterer i minst mulig kostnad. Consensys vant blant annet en konkurranse for å ha den beste løsningen for CBDC i Novemver i 2021. De samarbeider med Idemia om dette.

Kina har allerede startet flere piloter ned CBDC med idex sensor, og tror dette er grunnen til at også det er ønskelig å lansere en Digitsl versjon av Euroen.
Plutselig er det Dollar osv.
CBDC mener jeg er et enda større marked for Idex enn Biometriske Betalingskort. Men har absolutt troa på begge deler 😀
10.07.2022 kl 00:17 17637

IDEMIA and ConsenSys demonstrate their commitment to financial inclusion with their new Secure Offline Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Payment Solution

Revealed during the MAS Global CBDC Challenge hackathon, this solution paves the way for the future of money by allowing everyone to use digital cash, anywhere and anytime.
10.07.2022 kl 09:39 17484

IDEX Biometrics ASA (OB:IDEX) is possibly approaching a major achievement in its business, so we would like to shine some light on the company. IDEX Biometrics ASA engages in the design, development, and sale of fingerprint authentication solutions in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, and the Asia-Pacific regions. The company’s loss has recently broadened since it announced a US$33m loss in the full financial year, compared to the latest trailing-twelve-month loss of US$33m, moving it further away from breakeven. Many investors are wondering about the rate at which IDEX Biometrics will turn a profit, with the big question being “when will the company breakeven?” Below we will provide a high-level summary of the industry analysts’ expectations for the company.

Check out our latest analysis for IDEX Biometrics

According to the 2 industry analysts covering IDEX Biometrics, the consensus is that breakeven is near. They anticipate the company to incur a final loss in 2023, before generating positive profits of US$200k in 2024. So, the company is predicted to breakeven approximately 2 years from today. How fast will the company have to grow each year in order to reach the breakeven point by 2024? Working backwards from analyst estimates, it turns out that they expect the company to grow 78% year-on-year, on average, which signals high confidence from analysts. If this rate turns out to be too aggressive, the company may become profitable much later than analysts predict.

OB:IDEX Earnings Per Share Growth June 28th 2022
Underlying developments driving IDEX Biometrics' growth isn’t the focus of this broad overview, however, bear in mind that typically a high growth rate is not out of the ordinary, particularly when a company is in a period of investment.

Before we wrap up, there’s one aspect worth mentioning. IDEX Biometrics currently has no debt on its balance sheet, which is rare for a loss-making growth company, which typically has high debt relative to its equity. This means that the company has been operating purely on its equity investment and has no debt burden. This aspect reduces the risk around investing in the loss-making company.

Next Steps:

This article is not intended to be a comprehensive analysis on IDEX Biometrics, so if you are interested in understanding the company at a deeper level, take a look at IDEX Biometrics' company page on Simply Wall St. We've also put together a list of relevant factors you should further examine:

Historical Track Record: What has IDEX Biometrics' performance been like over the past? Go into more detail in the past track record analysis and take a look at the free visual representations of our analysis for more clarity.
Management Team: An experienced management team on the helm increases our confidence in the business – take a look at who sits on IDEX Biometrics' board and the CEO’s background
Redigert 10.07.2022 kl 09:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.07.2022 kl 13:18 17370

Jada, 2024, hvis ikke sikkert 2034, men mest sikkert blir det 2074, .... tålmodighet folket , hvis vi ikke blir rikke i dette live, da blir det i neste, kanskje.
10.07.2022 kl 13:26 17364

Fornuften sier jeg må kjøpe aksjen på nåværende lavt nivå for å bli rik i dette livet.
11.07.2022 kl 10:17 17067

Rent «lottoteknisk» bør denne være interessant rundt krona?
Kan man håpe på en ny jallanedtur som under koronavåren?
Med ditto superrekyl?
«Coronahullet» varte i ca 2måneder våren 2020 med kurs under dagens.
12.07.2022 kl 11:45 11687

IDEMIA visar ECO Friendly Biometric Card idag på Twitter.

En av Europas största kort leverantör som leverera 400 miljoner kort årligen visar nya kort fast ingen ny Biometric 😝

Den leverantör har samarbete med Zwipe 😂

Även NIM Card och IDEMIA kör fast track nu

Fast Track Card Issuing
Your One Stop Shop Solution

If you want to take your card issuing one step further, you can now use our Fast Track Issuing capabilities

We have built relationships on your behalf so that you don't have to.

Our team of payment experts will manage your card program from end to end so you can focus only on your product proposition and customer experience.


IDEMIA has created a fast-track program which enables new entrants to the payment industry to utilize IDEMIA’s existing global footprint and advanced product and solution portfolio. It allows FinTechs and Neobanks to go to market as quickly as possible with the guarantee to enhance customer experience with a seamless physical and digital payment journey.
Redigert 12.07.2022 kl 12:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.07.2022 kl 21:43 7226

Ny OneWaveCard

When you hear July 14, you probably think of a military parade and fireworks...
But it is also an opportunity to discover the national 🐓 solutions that make it their mission to protect your digital access! 🛡

At OneWave we are very proud to make our contribution with our connected card dedicated to cybersecurity.

Project, team, electronic design, design, embedded development, front and back, security: a 100% French innovation born in our offices in Rennes!
We take care of the development from A to Z, so that cybersecurity rhymes with reliability, confidentiality and agility.

For your company, you want to deploy a French cybersecurity solution, in accordance with the values of your company, and without the risk of data transfer to Uncle Sam?

The OneWave card is for you.

The FIC is fast approaching! 🚀

OneWave will be present, we hope to meet you there!

If you want to address topics around:

Strong authentication of your employees,

Protection of digital access,

The future of authentication,

We invite you to come and see us and make an appointment with us now!
Redigert 13.07.2022 kl 23:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.07.2022 kl 00:30 7230

Areeba Iraq opens the latest and most advanced payment cards personalization center in Baghdad and chose Infotec Systems as their technology partner

Infotec Systems Click here to view Infotec Systems ’s profile
Infotec Systems

 Infotec Systems was chosen as the technology partner by Areeba Iraq for Information Technology and Electronic Payment for the supply, installation and implementation of one of the latest high volume EMV payment cards issuing systems as Areeba announced the opening of its new advanced payment card personalization center in Baghdad, Iraq. This center has the highest levels of security for plastic and metal cards personalization and will provide banks with a wide range of perso technologies including dual interface cards and laser engraving for metal cards, in addition to a fast and high-quality service regardless of the volume of orders. The opening of this center demonstrates the company's ability to provide the necessary competitive advantage to its customers in Iraq and the region, making Areeba one of the leading companies in Iraq that has these specifications in one personalization center fully compliant with card security standards PCI.


Infotec Systems and IDEMIA offer a large portfolio of smart and eye-catching high-end #metal credit and debit #cards to match every customers aspiration. Our offering includes card design, production, chip perso and laser engraving personalization at the IDEMIA certified facility.
For inquiries:

“Let your finger be your PIN with F.CODE”
IDEMIA is a pioneer in the #biometric #payment #card industry with F.CODE, the world’s first biometric payment card, allowing customers to authorize payment via a #fingerprint sensor. To ensure #cardholder #privacy and #data #security, the biometric data is securely stored in the #chip and never leaves the card.
Infotec Systems and IDEMIA offer #issuers a complete pilot project package including card design, manufacturing, enrolment sleeve, chip perso and laser card personalization at IDEMIA certified facility.

Snart 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
14.07.2022 kl 10:26 7154

Ja hadde ikke gjort noe nå om vi fikk litt volum i denne aksje n er veldig lite handel om dagen
14.07.2022 kl 11:23 7173

Skal lite til for å sette fyr på IDEX nå, aksjekursen er jo helt utbombet, men ser ut som 1 kr skal holde som bunn ihvertfall.
Med gode nyheter, så er veien opp til 3 kr veldig kort, det har vi sett før.
Minner også om at forrige emi var til kr 2,67, og at det skal ha cash ut året, er gjeldfrie, og kan slippe å hente cash når salget skal sparke ordentlig an i H2.
14.07.2022 kl 12:31 7135

Sjukt skuffende utvikling i denne,kjøper fallende kniv enn så lenge,hårfin minus 👍
14.07.2022 kl 12:47 7119

Med tanke på at de aldri leverer så er nedsiden fortsatt betydelig. Betydelig større enn oppsiden nå faktisk.
Glem ikke hva coronavåren førte til. Selskap som IDEX kan spinne lynraskt ned i et svart hull.
Treffer du bunnen av det hullet (og selskapet ikke går konkurs) så kan du ha skutt gullfuglen!

Fun fact. Kursen er 230% høyere nå enn bunnen våren 2020!

Nå er jo resesjonen godt varslet, så det blir nok mer seigpining enn hurtig kollaps.
Det vil dessverre også «sikre» at en tilsvarende rask rekyl ikke vil komme.

Og håpet er, som alltid:
Redigert 14.07.2022 kl 14:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.07.2022 kl 12:50 7121

Jøss, jeg trodde salget skulle sparke i gang i 2H 2017! Det skulle det også i 2H 2018 og 2H 2019.
Jeg må ha misforstått jeg!
14.07.2022 kl 13:12 7135

Hehe, ser den.
Men det finnes noooen flere indikasjoner på at det faktisk kan skje nå, det kan man vel ikke være uenige i, så vil tiden vise om det faktisk er i år det skjer.