Zwipe and IDEX and IDEMIA
New VD
Dear Customers, Zwipers and Partners,
I am delighted to begin this new journey as the CEO of Zwipe. Since day one, I have felt thoroughly welcomed and enjoyed the energy, engagement and competencies that we have in the team.
I would like to start by saying a big thanks to all Zwipers for working tirelessly and to André Løvestam for having been such a strong ambassador of next generation biometric cards for many years.
More card manufacturers, payment processors, banks and enterprises than ever before are today committed to launch their next generation card programs with Zwipe. My sincere thanks to our customers and partners for their continued confidence in our platform. Throughout H1 2022, we continued to grow our customer and partner base at a strong pace.
· We signed with six new issuers, from Germany to India and the Middle East. All of them are now engaged with our card manufacturing partners and other players in the value chain to launch their new cards.
· In the APAC region, we strengthened our market position significantly with Placard (largest card manufacturer in Australia and New Zealand), Modularsoft (Malaysia’s largest payment card personalization bureau) and Wisecard (one of APAC region’s largest EMV Software providers). All these leading brands selected Zwipe Pay platform in launching their next generation payment cards.
· On the technology side, our Zwipe Pay platform received the Letter of Approval (LoA) from Visa, which was followed by confirmations of Visa certification from our three lead customers (Tag Systems, BCC and Inkript). This list will only grow from here.
· Fraport, operating in 31 international airports (including Frankfurt, New York (JFK), New Jersey (EWR) and New Delhi) shortlisted the Zwipe Access platform for their new access card program. Pilot is now underway, and we are expecting a decision before the end of the year.
We also strengthened our organization by welcoming Patrice Meilland as Chief Strategy & Product Officer and Danielle Glenn as CFO & Head of IR. Patrice joins from his position as the SVP of Advanced Cards in Idemia. Danielle brings substantial financial markets experience from the likes of Goldman Sachs and her most recent role as the CFO of Arctic Bioscience. With a strong focus on ensuring deliveries and successfull launches, we have also strengthened our engineering teams.
Throughout H1 2022,we continued to investigate consumers’ payment preferences and their feedback on biometric payment cards. From Austria to Australia, Italy to Taiwan, Malaysia to The Netherlands and Germany, consumers’ interest in biometric payment cards remained consistent and very strong. This is encouraging, not just for Zwipe but for all our customers, partners and industry peers who just like Zwipe are on a mission to deliver the next generation payment and access control experience worldwide.
I now look forward leading Zwipe and together as a team delivering measurable value to our customers, partners and shareholders.
Dear Customers, Zwipers and Partners,
I am delighted to begin this new journey as the CEO of Zwipe. Since day one, I have felt thoroughly welcomed and enjoyed the energy, engagement and competencies that we have in the team.
I would like to start by saying a big thanks to all Zwipers for working tirelessly and to André Løvestam for having been such a strong ambassador of next generation biometric cards for many years.
More card manufacturers, payment processors, banks and enterprises than ever before are today committed to launch their next generation card programs with Zwipe. My sincere thanks to our customers and partners for their continued confidence in our platform. Throughout H1 2022, we continued to grow our customer and partner base at a strong pace.
· We signed with six new issuers, from Germany to India and the Middle East. All of them are now engaged with our card manufacturing partners and other players in the value chain to launch their new cards.
· In the APAC region, we strengthened our market position significantly with Placard (largest card manufacturer in Australia and New Zealand), Modularsoft (Malaysia’s largest payment card personalization bureau) and Wisecard (one of APAC region’s largest EMV Software providers). All these leading brands selected Zwipe Pay platform in launching their next generation payment cards.
· On the technology side, our Zwipe Pay platform received the Letter of Approval (LoA) from Visa, which was followed by confirmations of Visa certification from our three lead customers (Tag Systems, BCC and Inkript). This list will only grow from here.
· Fraport, operating in 31 international airports (including Frankfurt, New York (JFK), New Jersey (EWR) and New Delhi) shortlisted the Zwipe Access platform for their new access card program. Pilot is now underway, and we are expecting a decision before the end of the year.
We also strengthened our organization by welcoming Patrice Meilland as Chief Strategy & Product Officer and Danielle Glenn as CFO & Head of IR. Patrice joins from his position as the SVP of Advanced Cards in Idemia. Danielle brings substantial financial markets experience from the likes of Goldman Sachs and her most recent role as the CFO of Arctic Bioscience. With a strong focus on ensuring deliveries and successfull launches, we have also strengthened our engineering teams.
Throughout H1 2022,we continued to investigate consumers’ payment preferences and their feedback on biometric payment cards. From Austria to Australia, Italy to Taiwan, Malaysia to The Netherlands and Germany, consumers’ interest in biometric payment cards remained consistent and very strong. This is encouraging, not just for Zwipe but for all our customers, partners and industry peers who just like Zwipe are on a mission to deliver the next generation payment and access control experience worldwide.
I now look forward leading Zwipe and together as a team delivering measurable value to our customers, partners and shareholders.
Redigert 26.06.2022 kl 08:58
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15.07.2022 kl 11:50
Tror heller at de ikke har aksjer her, og gotter seg på andres tap eller mangel på medgang. Med litt historisk kunnskap i skallen, så bør en ha forstått at det er VELDIG stor forskjell på tidligere tider og det vi vet i dag om IDEX. Det er enorm mye samarbeid som er satt i gang for å gjennomføre denne store omstillingen til Finger indentifikasjon. Det er ikke IDEX det står på, men verden er i omstilling og alt forarbeid til denne omstillingen viser at det ikke gjort på 1-2-3, men alle er avhengig av alle.Med det gode samarbeidet ZWIPE og alle deres ordrer, så bare der er det snakk om mange mill. sensorer i året og ZWIPE vil nok ha en lang levetid med sin teknologi. Så har IDEX samarbeid med mange kortutstedere og her ligger flere hundre mill. kort som trenger en sensor av beste klasse, lik trusted bio fra IDEX.
15.07.2022 kl 15:30
Biometric smart cards supported by highest #antispoofing #technology standards, contribute to the continued growth of the #digital #payments market. Anthony Eaton, CTO of IDEX Biometrics explains how
Biometric smart cards supported by highest #antispoofing #technology standards, contribute to the continued growth of the #digital #payments market. Anthony Eaton, CTO of IDEX Biometrics explains how
Winter is Here
15.07.2022 kl 19:28
Om Idex trenger mer penger, tror du de kan låne penger istedenfor for å utføre en emisjon ? Jeg føler aksjonærer fortjener dette etter så mange år med emisjoner, du skriver at dagens Idex er et helt annet selskap, men da har Idex ingenting å frykte siden de skal tjene penger i bøtte og spann.
18.07.2022 kl 11:10
IDEMIA kolla andra bilden för ID hållare där sensor ska ligga 😝 och
provides the highest level of confidence for remote identity verification, making it the anchor of trust for online transactions.
#AWARDS | We won 'Best New National ID Card' at the HSP LATAM and EMEA events for our eID card programs in Morocco and Colombia 👥
Together with the Directorate of National Security, Morocco (DGSN) and the National Vital Statistics Registry, Colombia, IDEMIA is proud of the recognition. These programs play an important role in allowing citizens to create a secure digital ID that can be used to access remote public and private sector services.
IDEMIA kolla andra bilden för ID hållare där sensor ska ligga 😝 och
provides the highest level of confidence for remote identity verification, making it the anchor of trust for online transactions.
#AWARDS | We won 'Best New National ID Card' at the HSP LATAM and EMEA events for our eID card programs in Morocco and Colombia 👥
Together with the Directorate of National Security, Morocco (DGSN) and the National Vital Statistics Registry, Colombia, IDEMIA is proud of the recognition. These programs play an important role in allowing citizens to create a secure digital ID that can be used to access remote public and private sector services.
Redigert 18.07.2022 kl 14:24
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18.07.2022 kl 14:16
Redd det er duket for brudd under 1 krone. Zwipe dykket under 10 kroner nettopp. Ikke vært lavere siden corona våren. Sammelignbare kurver viser at disse samarbeidende selskapene følger hverandre ganske tett over tid. Med noen jalla unntak, som hentes inn igjen..
18.07.2022 kl 15:27
Dette er andre gang på 3 måneder Idex tester støtten på 1kr og sist spratt aksjen opp til 1,4 på det høyeste. Det ser ikke ut som vi skal under 1kr denne gangen heller, men sist var RSI lavere som ga mer kjøpstrykk så jeg forventer ikke samme opptur nå.
18.07.2022 kl 15:43
Håper det stemmer. Er Zwipe som skal opp i såfall. De henger relativt tett sammen over tid. Nå er Zwipe 20% dårligere bare siste 3 mnd.
20.07.2022 kl 23:39
Biometric Payment Card Zwipe Pay has experienced growing
demand for its biometric payment card platform across global markets.
✔️ This biometric payment card offers world-class security and a great user experience.
Biometric Payment Card Zwipe Pay has experienced growing
demand for its biometric payment card platform across global markets.
✔️ This biometric payment card offers world-class security and a great user experience.
Redigert 20.07.2022 kl 23:44
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21.07.2022 kl 14:26
Nya job IDEX
Kom ny tjänst Customer Success Director 20 timmars sen på Linkd
Kom ny tjänst Customer Success Director 20 timmars sen på Linkd
21.07.2022 kl 18:46
Smart Consulting’s Post
Smart Consulting
Smart Consulting
An Innovative Biometric Payment Solution
Contactless payment limits were originally set to minimize fraud losses while reducing customer friction by foregoing additional authentication requirements. Limits were increased significantly during the pandemic, which made contactless transactions easier for users but more attractive to #fraudsters . Customer #authentication lies at the heart of #trustedtransactions. As technology advances—and so does fraud—better authentication is key to #digitaltrust and #safety for #payment but also for a wide range of #identification and non-payment related activities.
Biometric two-factor authentication (#2fa ) looks like the next step in payment authentication. #fingerprints are an option being explored by card issuers to enable a good user experience while securing interactions. However, if users' fingerprints are captured and stored by card issuers, banks, or retailers, the scans must be stored somewhere, making them as vulnerable to compromise as any other stored data. A new technology now makes it possible for fingerprint-based authentication on contactless cards without requiring card issuers, banks, or retailers to capture and store data. The customer loads their fingerprint data directly into the chip card via a disposable device that they receive from the issuer. They don't have to connect to another device to capture the print. Instead of a precise fingerprint image, a numerical representation of fingerprint characteristics is created and never leaves the biometric card. The card itself authenticates the user at the point of sale by matching their fingerprint characteristics with the data stored on the payment card.
In the past, stronger security mechanisms have often come with inconvenient side effects. Biometric contactless cards offer stronger #security with convenience, smoothing the way to enthusiastic adoption. Several vendors now offer biometric solutions. IDEX Biometrics, based in Oslo, offers #fingerprintsensor solutions for payment cards, #digitalwallets , and #cyberauthentication. Also in Oslo, #Zwipe provides #biometrics solutions for #payment , #accesscontrol , and other #contactless use cases. IDEMIA offers biometric solutions in addition to a portfolio of other #cybersecurity technologies. #innovation is leading the way.
#technology #data #userexperience #consulting #financialinstitutions
Smart Consulting
Smart Consulting
An Innovative Biometric Payment Solution
Contactless payment limits were originally set to minimize fraud losses while reducing customer friction by foregoing additional authentication requirements. Limits were increased significantly during the pandemic, which made contactless transactions easier for users but more attractive to #fraudsters . Customer #authentication lies at the heart of #trustedtransactions. As technology advances—and so does fraud—better authentication is key to #digitaltrust and #safety for #payment but also for a wide range of #identification and non-payment related activities.
Biometric two-factor authentication (#2fa ) looks like the next step in payment authentication. #fingerprints are an option being explored by card issuers to enable a good user experience while securing interactions. However, if users' fingerprints are captured and stored by card issuers, banks, or retailers, the scans must be stored somewhere, making them as vulnerable to compromise as any other stored data. A new technology now makes it possible for fingerprint-based authentication on contactless cards without requiring card issuers, banks, or retailers to capture and store data. The customer loads their fingerprint data directly into the chip card via a disposable device that they receive from the issuer. They don't have to connect to another device to capture the print. Instead of a precise fingerprint image, a numerical representation of fingerprint characteristics is created and never leaves the biometric card. The card itself authenticates the user at the point of sale by matching their fingerprint characteristics with the data stored on the payment card.
In the past, stronger security mechanisms have often come with inconvenient side effects. Biometric contactless cards offer stronger #security with convenience, smoothing the way to enthusiastic adoption. Several vendors now offer biometric solutions. IDEX Biometrics, based in Oslo, offers #fingerprintsensor solutions for payment cards, #digitalwallets , and #cyberauthentication. Also in Oslo, #Zwipe provides #biometrics solutions for #payment , #accesscontrol , and other #contactless use cases. IDEMIA offers biometric solutions in addition to a portfolio of other #cybersecurity technologies. #innovation is leading the way.
#technology #data #userexperience #consulting #financialinstitutions
21.07.2022 kl 18:47
Now, merchants can accept online payments through PayPal, making MEPS the only collector in Jordan that offers solutions to accept online payments through American Express, UPI, Mastercard, Visa and through PayPal as well.
22.07.2022 kl 22:23
23.07.2022 kl 22:28
Its started 😝 2 veckor sen enligt Linkd
MDP is delighted to launch its new range of high-quality #VISA metal cards, offering the ultimate in style and sophistication for Bank ABC Egypt, Elite customers. 💳🦾
#MDP #Banking #MetalCards #MetalBankCard #BankABC #Payments #Egypt
Biometri redan 2019
Bank ABC Becomes First Bank in the Middle East to Employ Biometric-Based Digital KYC Functionality
The Bank partners with Global Leader in AI-Powered Identity Verification, Jumio; streamlines digital onboarding, eliminating the need for customers to visit branch offices when creating new banking accounts.
Bahrain – Bank ABC, MENA’s leading international Bank announces partnership with Jumio, the leading end-to-end AI-powered identity verification and authentication provider. The partnership enables Bank ABC’s new mobile-only bank to compliantly onboard new individual customers using Jumio’s award-winning biometric-based identity verification technology.
Headquartered in Bahrain and serving customers across five continents, Bank ABC is set to launch one of the region’s first mobile-only banks. It has invested in establishing digitised operations including a fully digital KYC capability, and simplifying and streamlining the onboarding process is central to these efforts.
“Bank ABC is committed to leveraging the benefits of AI technologies to create seamless customer journeys for accessing banking services securely,” said Sael Al Waary, Bank ABC’s Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer.
Earlier this year at the 3rd Middle East and Africa FinTech Forum, Mr. Al Waary said: “Across the region, banks and other financial institutions are facing enormous disruption from technology. But change should be embraced, not feared. Technology will revolutionize the way we do business. More importantly, it will empower people across the region, and be a force for true financial inclusion.”
“We’re proud to be the first bank in the Middle East to leverage face recognition-based biometrics and machine learning to enhance the KYC and identity-proofing processes,” said Yousif Almas, Group Chief Innovation Officer at Bank ABC. “As more and more customers move online and transact via their mobile devices, it’s critical for Bank ABC to deliver a simple, fast and intuitive onboarding experience that takes minutes, not hours or days.”
Bank ABC’s integration of Jumio’s Identity Verification enables the Bank to verify online customers by having them first capture a picture of their ID card with a smartphone and then take a selfie, with certified liveness detection functionality. This process ensures that the user is who they claim to be and is present during the transaction. As Bank ABC expands digital operations globally and in the MENA region, Jumio will support such growth with its ability to verify IDs digitally across geographies.
“Jumio is excited to partner with Bank ABC and help the company revolutionize digital banking in the Middle East,” said Robert Prigge, Jumio’s president. “We’re happy to contribute to their mission of delivering a level of service that matches, or exceeds, the market practice internationally by providing the leading-edge identity verification services that vet the digital identities of new customers — quickly, securely and compliantly.”
Bank ABC is a leading player in the region’s banking industry and provides global innovative Wholesale Banking coverage and products that include Corporate and Financial Institutions coverage, Transaction Banking (Trade Finance and Cash Management), Project and Structured finance, Syndications, Treasury and Financial Markets products and Islamic Banking. It also provides retail banking services through its network of retail banks in Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.
Leveraging advanced technology including augmented intelligence, AI, biometrics, machine learning, certified 3D liveness detection and human review, Jumio helps organisations meet regulatory compliance including KYC, AML and GDPR and definitively establish the digital identity of their customers. Jumio has verified more than 170 million identities issued by over 200 countries and territories from real-time web and mobile transactions. Its solutions are used by leading companies in the financial services, sharing economy, digital currency, retail, travel and online gaming sectors. Based in Palo Alto, Jumio operates globally with offices in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific and has been the recipient of numerous awards for innovation.
MDP is delighted to launch its new range of high-quality #VISA metal cards, offering the ultimate in style and sophistication for Bank ABC Egypt, Elite customers. 💳🦾
#MDP #Banking #MetalCards #MetalBankCard #BankABC #Payments #Egypt
Biometri redan 2019
Bank ABC Becomes First Bank in the Middle East to Employ Biometric-Based Digital KYC Functionality
The Bank partners with Global Leader in AI-Powered Identity Verification, Jumio; streamlines digital onboarding, eliminating the need for customers to visit branch offices when creating new banking accounts.
Bahrain – Bank ABC, MENA’s leading international Bank announces partnership with Jumio, the leading end-to-end AI-powered identity verification and authentication provider. The partnership enables Bank ABC’s new mobile-only bank to compliantly onboard new individual customers using Jumio’s award-winning biometric-based identity verification technology.
Headquartered in Bahrain and serving customers across five continents, Bank ABC is set to launch one of the region’s first mobile-only banks. It has invested in establishing digitised operations including a fully digital KYC capability, and simplifying and streamlining the onboarding process is central to these efforts.
“Bank ABC is committed to leveraging the benefits of AI technologies to create seamless customer journeys for accessing banking services securely,” said Sael Al Waary, Bank ABC’s Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer.
Earlier this year at the 3rd Middle East and Africa FinTech Forum, Mr. Al Waary said: “Across the region, banks and other financial institutions are facing enormous disruption from technology. But change should be embraced, not feared. Technology will revolutionize the way we do business. More importantly, it will empower people across the region, and be a force for true financial inclusion.”
“We’re proud to be the first bank in the Middle East to leverage face recognition-based biometrics and machine learning to enhance the KYC and identity-proofing processes,” said Yousif Almas, Group Chief Innovation Officer at Bank ABC. “As more and more customers move online and transact via their mobile devices, it’s critical for Bank ABC to deliver a simple, fast and intuitive onboarding experience that takes minutes, not hours or days.”
Bank ABC’s integration of Jumio’s Identity Verification enables the Bank to verify online customers by having them first capture a picture of their ID card with a smartphone and then take a selfie, with certified liveness detection functionality. This process ensures that the user is who they claim to be and is present during the transaction. As Bank ABC expands digital operations globally and in the MENA region, Jumio will support such growth with its ability to verify IDs digitally across geographies.
“Jumio is excited to partner with Bank ABC and help the company revolutionize digital banking in the Middle East,” said Robert Prigge, Jumio’s president. “We’re happy to contribute to their mission of delivering a level of service that matches, or exceeds, the market practice internationally by providing the leading-edge identity verification services that vet the digital identities of new customers — quickly, securely and compliantly.”
Bank ABC is a leading player in the region’s banking industry and provides global innovative Wholesale Banking coverage and products that include Corporate and Financial Institutions coverage, Transaction Banking (Trade Finance and Cash Management), Project and Structured finance, Syndications, Treasury and Financial Markets products and Islamic Banking. It also provides retail banking services through its network of retail banks in Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.
Leveraging advanced technology including augmented intelligence, AI, biometrics, machine learning, certified 3D liveness detection and human review, Jumio helps organisations meet regulatory compliance including KYC, AML and GDPR and definitively establish the digital identity of their customers. Jumio has verified more than 170 million identities issued by over 200 countries and territories from real-time web and mobile transactions. Its solutions are used by leading companies in the financial services, sharing economy, digital currency, retail, travel and online gaming sectors. Based in Palo Alto, Jumio operates globally with offices in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific and has been the recipient of numerous awards for innovation.
Redigert 23.07.2022 kl 22:57
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24.07.2022 kl 10:09
Poki er en mester i å finne linker som er komplett irrelevante for Idex eller, som denne, beskriver alternative metoder til kort med fingersensor. Jumio's identitets sjekk er en sjekk av at en person på en video call er den samme som i et scannet id dokument.
24.07.2022 kl 11:12
Antar vi har fått melding om Idex eller Zwipe har fått ordrer her. De er vel forpliktet til å melde kontrakter over en viss størrelse.
24.07.2022 kl 11:21
Jeg hopper over det meste Poki legger ut, fyren er så desperate etter fingeravtrykk at han tror alt innen biometri er Idex relevant. 😔
24.07.2022 kl 11:26
De er til en viss grad forpliktet til å melde kontrakter.
Idex og Idemia har en mange årlig avtale, så bestillinger/order vil ikke meldes. Men om det kommer en større bestilling f.eks. via Infineon samarbeidet, så vil nok det meldes.
Idex og Idemia har en mange årlig avtale, så bestillinger/order vil ikke meldes. Men om det kommer en større bestilling f.eks. via Infineon samarbeidet, så vil nok det meldes.
24.07.2022 kl 13:09
Muligheten til at Idex stiger med 1 kr eller 100%? Umulig å regne ut og jeg ønsker ikke å tippe. Jeg tror vi vil holde oss mellom en krone til 1,3kr frem til emisjonen i høst. Ved utgangen på Mars hadde de 25 MUSD og negativ cash flow på 8 MUSD i kvartalet. Ved rapporten som kommer i august vil de melde rundt 15 MUSD i cash og da må de ha nye penger før neste rapport mener jeg.
Jeg mener Idex har støtte på 1kr og det skal mye "press" for å få den under, som kursen har vist de siste månedene. Jeg mener også at Idex aldri har hatt et så bra produkt som nå, så om en tror på biometriske kort så bør en også tro på Idex.
Positive triggere er sertifisering/lansering fra Infineon samarbeidet og Idemia får fingeren ut og begynner å selge kort.
Negative er dårlig emisjon og Ting Tar Tid. Ingen nyheter er dårlige nyheter for Idex.
Jeg mener Idex har støtte på 1kr og det skal mye "press" for å få den under, som kursen har vist de siste månedene. Jeg mener også at Idex aldri har hatt et så bra produkt som nå, så om en tror på biometriske kort så bør en også tro på Idex.
Positive triggere er sertifisering/lansering fra Infineon samarbeidet og Idemia får fingeren ut og begynner å selge kort.
Negative er dårlig emisjon og Ting Tar Tid. Ingen nyheter er dårlige nyheter for Idex.
24.07.2022 kl 15:08
Mulla3 skrev Hvor stor er muligheten for at Idex stiger 1 kr.
Tror IDEX relativt fort stiger i verdi når Idex/ Infinion urnkey løsningen sertifiseres i Q3 2022
Idex har 10 kunder som skal slippe biometriske kort på markedet i 2022, Tre kort ble lansert i Q2, med de to første via IDEMIA: Rocker, og et gjennom Zwipe med Fidor Bank. Disse 3 er relativt små banker sammenlignet med de 6 produsentene som skal bruke Idex`s Turnkey løsning
Det vil også komme seks nye kort på markedet i 2022 via Infineon-partnerskapet,
1. IDEX annonserte sin første designgevinst for sin nøkkelferdige løsning i samarbeid med Infineon i Q4. Kunden er ikke navngitt asiatisk selskap og en ledende global smartkortprodusent. Det forventer at kortet deres vil bli sertifisert i Q3 2022 med innledende forsendelser som følger i Q4.
2. Den 17. desember annonserte IDEX at Dongwoon Anatech fra Sør-Korea valgte IDEX Biometrics som sin biometriske sensorpartner for sikker tilgangskontroll og digitale identitetsløsninger. Dongwoon Anatech mottok sine første forsendelser fra IDEX i Q1 2022.
3. Den 28. januar annonserte IDEX sin andre designgevinst for sin nøkkelferdige løsning og sin første navngitte kunde. Den har nå en utviklingsavtale med MKSmart basert i Hanoi som er en topp ti-leverandør av smartkort.
4. Den 11. april annonserte IDEX samarbeid med E-Kart for å markedsføre til Øst-Europa. E-Kart er et joint venture mellom den globale kortprodusenten Gisecke & Devrient (G+D) og Eczacıbaşı Holding. E-Kart, som en av de største kortprodusentene i Europa, har en produksjonskapasitet på 60 millioner smartkort. Kortene forventes å begynne å bli levert til utstedere i Q4 2022. Dette nye biometriske smartkortet representerer den sjette designgevinsten for IDEX Biometrics and Infineon Technologies plattformløsning.
5. Det femte kortet er fra en amerikansk kortprodusent.
6. Den sjette er fra en kortprodusent basert i Europa med amerikansk virksomhet som henvender seg til fintech-selskaper aka utfordrerbanker.
Tilsammen produserer disse over 1 milliarder betalingskort årlig
Idex har 10 kunder som skal slippe biometriske kort på markedet i 2022, Tre kort ble lansert i Q2, med de to første via IDEMIA: Rocker, og et gjennom Zwipe med Fidor Bank. Disse 3 er relativt små banker sammenlignet med de 6 produsentene som skal bruke Idex`s Turnkey løsning
Det vil også komme seks nye kort på markedet i 2022 via Infineon-partnerskapet,
1. IDEX annonserte sin første designgevinst for sin nøkkelferdige løsning i samarbeid med Infineon i Q4. Kunden er ikke navngitt asiatisk selskap og en ledende global smartkortprodusent. Det forventer at kortet deres vil bli sertifisert i Q3 2022 med innledende forsendelser som følger i Q4.
2. Den 17. desember annonserte IDEX at Dongwoon Anatech fra Sør-Korea valgte IDEX Biometrics som sin biometriske sensorpartner for sikker tilgangskontroll og digitale identitetsløsninger. Dongwoon Anatech mottok sine første forsendelser fra IDEX i Q1 2022.
3. Den 28. januar annonserte IDEX sin andre designgevinst for sin nøkkelferdige løsning og sin første navngitte kunde. Den har nå en utviklingsavtale med MKSmart basert i Hanoi som er en topp ti-leverandør av smartkort.
4. Den 11. april annonserte IDEX samarbeid med E-Kart for å markedsføre til Øst-Europa. E-Kart er et joint venture mellom den globale kortprodusenten Gisecke & Devrient (G+D) og Eczacıbaşı Holding. E-Kart, som en av de største kortprodusentene i Europa, har en produksjonskapasitet på 60 millioner smartkort. Kortene forventes å begynne å bli levert til utstedere i Q4 2022. Dette nye biometriske smartkortet representerer den sjette designgevinsten for IDEX Biometrics and Infineon Technologies plattformløsning.
5. Det femte kortet er fra en amerikansk kortprodusent.
6. Den sjette er fra en kortprodusent basert i Europa med amerikansk virksomhet som henvender seg til fintech-selskaper aka utfordrerbanker.
Tilsammen produserer disse over 1 milliarder betalingskort årlig
Redigert 24.07.2022 kl 15:31
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24.07.2022 kl 20:14
Jeg synes han gjør en god jobb. Det er viktig å vite om hva som ellers foregår i dette markedet og ikke bare se seg blind på Idex og Zwift.
25.07.2022 kl 08:08
Oslo, Norway – 25 July 2022 – IDEX Biometrics ASA initiated its first project in Turkey with an issuer to launch biometric payment cards for the local market. Cards from this issuer are estimated to be in consumer hands by Q1 2023.
This partnership follows a previously announced partnership in Turkey with leading card manufacturer, E-Kart. Turkey is one of the most innovative and largest payment card market globally and demonstrates great opportunity with 240 million cards in circulation and 1.8 million acceptance locations.
“We are pleased to bring the IDEX Biometrics platform solution for EMVCo compliant biometric payments cards to market in Turkey. A recently published market survey commissioned by IDEX Customer Lab, reveals 86% of consumers in Turkey consider biometric payment cards very convenient, and 82% would use a biometric payment card if it were available to them. As we expand the reach of our proprietary and innovative technology, we contribute to enhancing digital banking experiences and securing digital authentication across a variety of payment and digital authentication use cases”, says Catharina Eklof, Chief Commercial Officer at IDEX Biometrics.
This partnership follows a previously announced partnership in Turkey with leading card manufacturer, E-Kart. Turkey is one of the most innovative and largest payment card market globally and demonstrates great opportunity with 240 million cards in circulation and 1.8 million acceptance locations.
“We are pleased to bring the IDEX Biometrics platform solution for EMVCo compliant biometric payments cards to market in Turkey. A recently published market survey commissioned by IDEX Customer Lab, reveals 86% of consumers in Turkey consider biometric payment cards very convenient, and 82% would use a biometric payment card if it were available to them. As we expand the reach of our proprietary and innovative technology, we contribute to enhancing digital banking experiences and securing digital authentication across a variety of payment and digital authentication use cases”, says Catharina Eklof, Chief Commercial Officer at IDEX Biometrics.
25.07.2022 kl 09:58
Har bare sett nyheten på dnb. Kanskje det blir mere fart om det kommer nyhet på flere plattformer?
25.07.2022 kl 10:08
Nei. Noe mer enn det som nevnes like over her?
Shorterne har null problemer med å holde denne akkurat der de vil nå.
Hvor mange år har man ventet på «mass deployment» nå? 5? 10? 15?
Shorterne har null problemer med å holde denne akkurat der de vil nå.
Hvor mange år har man ventet på «mass deployment» nå? 5? 10? 15?
25.07.2022 kl 10:20
ibyx skrev Null kraft i meldingene nå?
Dagens melding inneholdt ingenting av verdi, kan kanskje tolkes som en forsinkelse siden sist:
11. April "The collaboration between E-Kart and IDEX Biometrics enables market expansion of biometric smart cards in Eastern Europe, with targeted delivery to issuers in Q4 2022. "
Dagens: "Cards from this issuer are estimated to be in consumer hands by Q1 2023."
Ok, issuers skal få kortene i Q4, sluttkundene skal få kortene i Q1 23...
11. April "The collaboration between E-Kart and IDEX Biometrics enables market expansion of biometric smart cards in Eastern Europe, with targeted delivery to issuers in Q4 2022. "
Dagens: "Cards from this issuer are estimated to be in consumer hands by Q1 2023."
Ok, issuers skal få kortene i Q4, sluttkundene skal få kortene i Q1 23...
25.07.2022 kl 23:57
Biometric cards, making convenience secure
Monday 18 July 2022 08:27 CET | Editor: Mirela Ciobanu | Voice of the industry
Jesper Domargård, VP Marketing, Financial Institutions at IDEMIA, explains how biometric cards, with an embedded fingerprint sensor, are transforming payment transactions.
Biometrics leap out of science fiction into real life
Biometric cards, making convenience secure
Monday 18 July 2022 08:27 CET | Editor: Mirela Ciobanu | Voice of the industry
Jesper Domargård, VP Marketing, Financial Institutions at IDEMIA, explains how biometric cards, with an embedded fingerprint sensor, are transforming payment transactions.
Biometrics leap out of science fiction into real life
26.07.2022 kl 07:46
IDEX and E-Kart 🇹🇷 Turkey’s Solution and JCB 😛 liknar nåt?
lite gammal men värt att läsa
JCB Co. Ltd, the only international payments brand based in Japan, will conduct a pilot trial of its latest JCB Biometrics Card with fingerprint authentication. JCB's contactless payment solution is provided by IDEMIA, a global augmented identity solution provider. Toppan Printing will also take part in the demonstration trial in respect of card personalisation.
Users first record one or more fingerprints for authentication purposes. When they want to buy something, they need only touch the fingerprint sensor on the card's lower right corner with their finger so as to authenticate payment. The fingerprint record is only kept in the card and given that fingerprint authentication is also done on the card, merchants do not need any further equipment to accept payment.
The purpose of the pilot is to validate whether the solution is convenient for consumers and practical for the payment
Secure customer experiences
While currently most contact chip cards rely on users entering a PIN number for authentication, this will be replaced by the fingerprint authentication. With the new JCB Biometrics Card strict security is upheld with fingerprint authentication for any payment method, while maintaining efficiency and speed.
The pilot trial first involves issuing the JCB Biometric Card to JCB employees from April. Once card users have recorded their fingerprints using a smartphone or tablet app, they can make purchases via fingerprint authentication at merchants accepting JCB Contactless payments. The purpose of the pilot is to validate whether the solution is convenient for consumers and practical for the payment.
JCB will continue to explore and develop various authentication solutions in order to provide consumers with reliable and secure customer experiences.
the companies that targets production later in 2022
Leading Global Payment Card Integrator in Japan to Launch Biometric Smart Cards Based on IDEX Biometrics TrustedBio Solution
March 08, 2022 02:00 ET | Source: IDEX BIOMETRICS ASA
Oslo, Norway – 08 March 2022 – IDEX Biometrics ASA has received an initial order from a new development partner, one of the world’s most advanced technology solution providers and global payment card integrators. The order is in support of a strategic development agreement between the companies that targets production later in 2022. As the global biometric payment market is reaching an inflection point towards mass production, this partnership will provide Japanese banks and issuers access to a biometric payment card with industry leading performance and cost efficiency.
IDEX and E-Kart 🇹🇷 Turkey’s Solution and JCB 😛 liknar nåt?
lite gammal men värt att läsa
JCB Co. Ltd, the only international payments brand based in Japan, will conduct a pilot trial of its latest JCB Biometrics Card with fingerprint authentication. JCB's contactless payment solution is provided by IDEMIA, a global augmented identity solution provider. Toppan Printing will also take part in the demonstration trial in respect of card personalisation.
Users first record one or more fingerprints for authentication purposes. When they want to buy something, they need only touch the fingerprint sensor on the card's lower right corner with their finger so as to authenticate payment. The fingerprint record is only kept in the card and given that fingerprint authentication is also done on the card, merchants do not need any further equipment to accept payment.
The purpose of the pilot is to validate whether the solution is convenient for consumers and practical for the payment
Secure customer experiences
While currently most contact chip cards rely on users entering a PIN number for authentication, this will be replaced by the fingerprint authentication. With the new JCB Biometrics Card strict security is upheld with fingerprint authentication for any payment method, while maintaining efficiency and speed.
The pilot trial first involves issuing the JCB Biometric Card to JCB employees from April. Once card users have recorded their fingerprints using a smartphone or tablet app, they can make purchases via fingerprint authentication at merchants accepting JCB Contactless payments. The purpose of the pilot is to validate whether the solution is convenient for consumers and practical for the payment.
JCB will continue to explore and develop various authentication solutions in order to provide consumers with reliable and secure customer experiences.
the companies that targets production later in 2022
Leading Global Payment Card Integrator in Japan to Launch Biometric Smart Cards Based on IDEX Biometrics TrustedBio Solution
March 08, 2022 02:00 ET | Source: IDEX BIOMETRICS ASA
Oslo, Norway – 08 March 2022 – IDEX Biometrics ASA has received an initial order from a new development partner, one of the world’s most advanced technology solution providers and global payment card integrators. The order is in support of a strategic development agreement between the companies that targets production later in 2022. As the global biometric payment market is reaching an inflection point towards mass production, this partnership will provide Japanese banks and issuers access to a biometric payment card with industry leading performance and cost efficiency.
Redigert 26.07.2022 kl 09:11
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30.07.2022 kl 12:06
Nasdaq igår
8,26 USD +0,45 (5,76 %)today
29 Jul, 16:00 GMT-4 • Disclaimer
8,265 * 11,22 / 75 = 1,236 Kr vid stängning
8,26 USD +0,45 (5,76 %)today
29 Jul, 16:00 GMT-4 • Disclaimer
8,265 * 11,22 / 75 = 1,236 Kr vid stängning
31.07.2022 kl 14:43
krysser vi 1,17 er i over SMA 50 som mest trolig vil gi ett hopp oppover, vi må over 1,39( SMA 100) for the big boys)
01.08.2022 kl 16:14
12mill shortaksjer kan være lurt å dekke inn snart også, vil jeg tro.
02.08.2022 kl 10:25
According to the recent Zwipe Insights study, a large section of consumers in Austria want contactless payment cards.
#biometrics #contactlesspayments #austria
To know more about Biometric Payment Cards, follow us here:
Zwipe har öppnat kontor i Tyskland Bavaria och letar folk
According to the recent Zwipe Insights study, a large section of consumers in Austria want contactless payment cards.
#biometrics #contactlesspayments #austria
To know more about Biometric Payment Cards, follow us here:
Zwipe har öppnat kontor i Tyskland Bavaria och letar folk
02.08.2022 kl 11:01
Zwipe har vel ikke sendt ut børsmeldinger siden de ga opsjoner til ansatte til en kurs av 17,96 i midten av juni. Tidligere meldte de om utviklingen i selskapet nesten ukentlig. Utfra kursen på opsjonene antar jeg at vi vil få positive nyheter når Q2 kommer. Selskapet har vel en informasjonsplikt om større endringer, ordrer som jeg ikke kan se at de lengre oppfyller overfor børsen.
02.08.2022 kl 19:41
Idex la ut på LinkedIn nå om hvordan det går i India💪Har trua på at det løsner fremover😁
Redigert 02.08.2022 kl 19:41
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Pål stvg
02.08.2022 kl 23:35
Bruker du svenske kroner mot dollar? Kurs idag 9.44*9.80 nok/75= 1.23
03.08.2022 kl 11:01
Ja, det blir uhyre spennende 11.august. Markedsutsiktene er jo enorme, Idexteknologi uovertruffen. En haug med samarbeidspartnere. Piloter gjennomføres /er gjennomført og Vince i førersetet. En melding om salg av betydning og jeg tror at kursen vil eksplodere.
PSI- Investor
03.08.2022 kl 11:31
Det er klart at får de først noen gode ordre så slipper markedet å frykte en ny emisjon også, så da vil nok den klamme hånda som ligger og dytter den ned slippe taket.
Ordre bør jo komme snart nå så mange avtaler som er gjort med så mange aktører.
Det er jo rart om ikke noe av det skal slå til.
Kanskje venter kundene litt på hverandre? I det øyeblikket noen store begynner å sende disse kortene til kundene sine må vel konkurrentene svare og gi sine kunder samme tilbud?
Ordre bør jo komme snart nå så mange avtaler som er gjort med så mange aktører.
Det er jo rart om ikke noe av det skal slå til.
Kanskje venter kundene litt på hverandre? I det øyeblikket noen store begynner å sende disse kortene til kundene sine må vel konkurrentene svare og gi sine kunder samme tilbud?
03.08.2022 kl 12:19
Bra omsetning i kompanjong Zwipe idag også!
Over 100K !!
Dessverre i rødt, men det er jo bare en kjøpsmulighet!
Over 100K !!
Dessverre i rødt, men det er jo bare en kjøpsmulighet!
03.08.2022 kl 12:41
Trendskifte i IDEX nå, så her er det bare å ta plass, første delmål må være forrige emisjonskurs 2,69kr.