Zwipe and IDEX and IDEMIA

IDEX 21.06.2022 kl 15:08 44327

New VD

Dear Customers, Zwipers and Partners,

I am delighted to begin this new journey as the CEO of Zwipe. Since day one, I have felt thoroughly welcomed and enjoyed the energy, engagement and competencies that we have in the team.

I would like to start by saying a big thanks to all Zwipers for working tirelessly and to André Løvestam for having been such a strong ambassador of next generation biometric cards for many years.

More card manufacturers, payment processors, banks and enterprises than ever before are today committed to launch their next generation card programs with Zwipe. My sincere thanks to our customers and partners for their continued confidence in our platform. Throughout H1 2022, we continued to grow our customer and partner base at a strong pace.

· We signed with six new issuers, from Germany to India and the Middle East. All of them are now engaged with our card manufacturing partners and other players in the value chain to launch their new cards.
· In the APAC region, we strengthened our market position significantly with Placard (largest card manufacturer in Australia and New Zealand), Modularsoft (Malaysia’s largest payment card personalization bureau) and Wisecard (one of APAC region’s largest EMV Software providers). All these leading brands selected Zwipe Pay platform in launching their next generation payment cards.
· On the technology side, our Zwipe Pay platform received the Letter of Approval (LoA) from Visa, which was followed by confirmations of Visa certification from our three lead customers (Tag Systems, BCC and Inkript). This list will only grow from here.
· Fraport, operating in 31 international airports (including Frankfurt, New York (JFK), New Jersey (EWR) and New Delhi) shortlisted the Zwipe Access platform for their new access card program. Pilot is now underway, and we are expecting a decision before the end of the year.

We also strengthened our organization by welcoming Patrice Meilland as Chief Strategy & Product Officer and Danielle Glenn as CFO & Head of IR. Patrice joins from his position as the SVP of Advanced Cards in Idemia. Danielle brings substantial financial markets experience from the likes of Goldman Sachs and her most recent role as the CFO of Arctic Bioscience. With a strong focus on ensuring deliveries and successfull launches, we have also strengthened our engineering teams.

Throughout H1 2022,we continued to investigate consumers’ payment preferences and their feedback on biometric payment cards. From Austria to Australia, Italy to Taiwan, Malaysia to The Netherlands and Germany, consumers’ interest in biometric payment cards remained consistent and very strong. This is encouraging, not just for Zwipe but for all our customers, partners and industry peers who just like Zwipe are on a mission to deliver the next generation payment and access control experience worldwide.

I now look forward leading Zwipe and together as a team delivering measurable value to our customers, partners and shareholders.
Redigert 26.06.2022 kl 08:58 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.07.2022 kl 10:20 4480

Dagens melding inneholdt ingenting av verdi, kan kanskje tolkes som en forsinkelse siden sist:
11. April "The collaboration between E-Kart and IDEX Biometrics enables market expansion of biometric smart cards in Eastern Europe, with targeted delivery to issuers in Q4 2022. "
Dagens: "Cards from this issuer are estimated to be in consumer hands by Q1 2023."

Ok, issuers skal få kortene i Q4, sluttkundene skal få kortene i Q1 23...
25.07.2022 kl 23:57 6284

Biometric cards, making convenience secure
Monday 18 July 2022 08:27 CET | Editor: Mirela Ciobanu | Voice of the industry

Jesper Domargård, VP Marketing, Financial Institutions at IDEMIA, explains how biometric cards, with an embedded fingerprint sensor, are transforming payment transactions.

Biometrics leap out of science fiction into real life
26.07.2022 kl 07:46 6204

IDEX and E-Kart 🇹🇷 Turkey’s Solution and JCB 😛 liknar nåt?

lite gammal men värt att läsa

JCB Co. Ltd, the only international payments brand based in Japan, will conduct a pilot trial of its latest JCB Biometrics Card with fingerprint authentication. JCB's contactless payment solution is provided by IDEMIA, a global augmented identity solution provider. Toppan Printing will also take part in the demonstration trial in respect of card personalisation.

Users first record one or more fingerprints for authentication purposes. When they want to buy something, they need only touch the fingerprint sensor on the card's lower right corner with their finger so as to authenticate payment. The fingerprint record is only kept in the card and given that fingerprint authentication is also done on the card, merchants do not need any further equipment to accept payment.

The purpose of the pilot is to validate whether the solution is convenient for consumers and practical for the payment

Secure customer experiences

While currently most contact chip cards rely on users entering a PIN number for authentication, this will be replaced by the fingerprint authentication. With the new JCB Biometrics Card strict security is upheld with fingerprint authentication for any payment method, while maintaining efficiency and speed.

The pilot trial first involves issuing the JCB Biometric Card to JCB employees from April. Once card users have recorded their fingerprints using a smartphone or tablet app, they can make purchases via fingerprint authentication at merchants accepting JCB Contactless payments. The purpose of the pilot is to validate whether the solution is convenient for consumers and practical for the payment.

JCB will continue to explore and develop various authentication solutions in order to provide consumers with reliable and secure customer experiences.

the companies that targets production later in 2022

Leading Global Payment Card Integrator in Japan to Launch Biometric Smart Cards Based on IDEX Biometrics TrustedBio Solution
March 08, 2022 02:00 ET | Source: IDEX BIOMETRICS ASA

Oslo, Norway – 08 March 2022 – IDEX Biometrics ASA has received an initial order from a new development partner, one of the world’s most advanced technology solution providers and global payment card integrators. The order is in support of a strategic development agreement between the companies that targets production later in 2022. As the global biometric payment market is reaching an inflection point towards mass production, this partnership will provide Japanese banks and issuers access to a biometric payment card with industry leading performance and cost efficiency.
Redigert 26.07.2022 kl 09:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2022 kl 12:06 5881

Nasdaq igår

8,26 USD +0,45 (5,76 %)today
29 Jul, 16:00 GMT-4 • Disclaimer

8,265 * 11,22 / 75 = 1,236 Kr vid stängning

31.07.2022 kl 14:43 5610

krysser vi 1,17 er i over SMA 50 som mest trolig vil gi ett hopp oppover, vi må over 1,39( SMA 100) for the big boys)
01.08.2022 kl 15:59 5397

IDEX Kommer implodera snart 😝
01.08.2022 kl 16:14 5380

12mill shortaksjer kan være lurt å dekke inn snart også, vil jeg tro.
01.08.2022 kl 16:49 5296

02.08.2022 kl 10:25 5115


According to the recent Zwipe Insights study, a large section of consumers in Austria want contactless payment cards.

#biometrics #contactlesspayments #austria

To know more about Biometric Payment Cards, follow us here:

Zwipe har öppnat kontor i Tyskland Bavaria och letar folk
02.08.2022 kl 11:01 5088

Zwipe har vel ikke sendt ut børsmeldinger siden de ga opsjoner til ansatte til en kurs av 17,96 i midten av juni. Tidligere meldte de om utviklingen i selskapet nesten ukentlig. Utfra kursen på opsjonene antar jeg at vi vil få positive nyheter når Q2 kommer. Selskapet har vel en informasjonsplikt om større endringer, ordrer som jeg ikke kan se at de lengre oppfyller overfor børsen.
02.08.2022 kl 19:41 4901

Idex la ut på LinkedIn nå om hvordan det går i India💪Har trua på at det løsner fremover😁
Redigert 02.08.2022 kl 19:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
Pål stvg
02.08.2022 kl 23:35 4765

Bruker du svenske kroner mot dollar? Kurs idag 9.44*9.80 nok/75= 1.23
03.08.2022 kl 00:01 4752

Det var svenska kronor 😝
03.08.2022 kl 09:49 4597

Ser lovende ut foreløpig.
03.08.2022 kl 11:01 4519

Ja, det blir uhyre spennende 11.august. Markedsutsiktene er jo enorme, Idexteknologi uovertruffen. En haug med samarbeidspartnere. Piloter gjennomføres /er gjennomført og Vince i førersetet. En melding om salg av betydning og jeg tror at kursen vil eksplodere.
PSI- Investor
03.08.2022 kl 11:31 4499

Det er klart at får de først noen gode ordre så slipper markedet å frykte en ny emisjon også, så da vil nok den klamme hånda som ligger og dytter den ned slippe taket.

Ordre bør jo komme snart nå så mange avtaler som er gjort med så mange aktører.
Det er jo rart om ikke noe av det skal slå til.
Kanskje venter kundene litt på hverandre? I det øyeblikket noen store begynner å sende disse kortene til kundene sine må vel konkurrentene svare og gi sine kunder samme tilbud?
03.08.2022 kl 12:19 4502

Bra omsetning i kompanjong Zwipe idag også!
Over 100K !!
Dessverre i rødt, men det er jo bare en kjøpsmulighet!
03.08.2022 kl 12:41 4552

Trendskifte i IDEX nå, så her er det bare å ta plass, første delmål må være forrige emisjonskurs 2,69kr.
03.08.2022 kl 12:52 4567

Kan også være en fin mulighet for litt gevinstsikring?
Uten parallell oppgang i Zwipe er det ikke hold i oppgangen…
Redigert 03.08.2022 kl 12:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.08.2022 kl 13:04 4590

ZWIPE har minimalt volum, og derfor mye mindre attraktiv aksje for trading så at disse skal bevege seg paralelt i kurs virker ikke helt riktig i min bok.
03.08.2022 kl 13:24 4619

Begge har odde utslag vs. Den andre, men over tid er de svært samkjørt!
Derfor skal i løpet av Max en uke Zwipe opp eller IDEX ned, gitt kursen akkurat nå holder seg ut dagen..
03.08.2022 kl 14:09 4634

Ser vi på SMA som er over 50 , og motstand på 1,17 som nå er passert så holder jeg en knapp på Idex.
03.08.2022 kl 15:56 4535

Shorten økte med ca 1 mill aksjer igår, så tydelig at de begynner og frykte oppgang
03.08.2022 kl 17:04 4475

Burde ikke antallet gått ned da, så tidlig?
03.08.2022 kl 17:59 4417

Litt "optimistisk" av dem tenker jeg, kursen har vist støtte på 1kr et par ganger og jeg tviler på Q2 resultatet er så dårlig neste uke. Lurer på hva shorterene har som kursmål.
03.08.2022 kl 18:21 4400

Ja, riktig at IDEX og Zwipe svinger i tilsvarende utvikling, men tenker disse svingningene og kursene til disse to selskapene er vel så avhengig av marked for Tech/IKT. Begge har så langt vist noen ganske store svingninger, men ikke helt i samme "takt", eksempelvis steg Zwipe over 500% fra 4 mai 2020 til 3.mai 2021, mens IDEX gikk opp ca 60% i tilsvarende periode. Fra januar 2022 til dagens kurs har imidlertid begge aksjer redusert sin verdi med tilnærmet 300%, men tilsvarende tendens gjelder for mange vekstaksjer med utgifter og minus i boka.
PSI- Investor
03.08.2022 kl 18:25 4473

Redusert verdi med 300% ja enig i at det er drøyt he he
03.08.2022 kl 18:39 4468

Ja, hvor mange % er det når verdien går fra 29 til 13? Kom gjerne med et et bedre tall ;-)
03.08.2022 kl 19:10 4473

En aktie kan aldrig förlora mer än hela sitt värde dvs den kan inte gå ner mer än 100%. Om du har ett värde x och det värdet går ner till 0 så är det en 100% nergång dvs aktien har inget värde kvar. En kurs som går från 29 till 12 kr är ca en nedgång på 66% (-66%).
03.08.2022 kl 20:01 4469

Takk, Charlie800. Du har rett, men snart kommer det 300% økning i kurs ;-)
03.08.2022 kl 21:43 4423

Det ser jag mycket fram emot. :-)
03.08.2022 kl 21:48 4430

IDEX Biometrics ASA American Depositary Shares (IDBA)
Nasdaq Listed
$9.345 +0.545 (+6.19%)
Bid: $8.85 Ask: $10.00
Volume: 214
DATA AS OF AUG 03, 2022 3:45 PM ET

1,37 SKR
03.08.2022 kl 22:09 4446

Siste 3 år, 1 år og 6 måneder er de praktisk talt like. Så har Zwipe falt bakpå/Idex har steget.

En liten short i Idex stimulert av litt kjøp i Zwipe burde få fart på algoritmene!
Redigert 03.08.2022 kl 22:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.08.2022 kl 08:09 4102

It's on the way

LinkedIn Ramsey S

Had the pleasure to speak in the conference organized by the Union of Arab Banks on innovative trends in e-payments held in Beirut on August 4th and 5th at the headquarters of the Union of Arab Banks and online.
Spoke about biometric payments in general and what Zwipe is bringing to this ecosystem in the coming period.

Ehab Nasr
Makram Bou Nassar, Ph.D
Jocelyne Chahwan
Abdul El-Dib
Alia Sabboury
Banque du Liban
Central Bank of Egypt
Central Bank of Sudan
The Union of Arab Banks
UAB Online
07.08.2022 kl 16:14 3860

Looks like Fidor Bank AB ska lansera nåt som liknar Reltime

Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Proof of Burn, Proof of Capacity… in the blockchain world, there are numerous different methods to validate transactions on the blockchain. But how do the various – sometimes strange – validation methods work and what are the advantages and disadvantages?

In order for crypto networks to function decentrally, as many actors as possible are needed to check, validate and log all transactions in the network using different computers in different places in the world - i.e. insert them into the blockchain protocol. Depending on the validation method, these users are called miners or validators. Since the process is complex, incentives are needed to ensure that a sufficient number of users participate in the validation process. Since the computing processes required for this are carried out decentrally on many different computers, they must be synchronized - both to prevent accidental errors and to protect against targeted manipulation. Numerous methods – so-called consensus methods – have been developed in the blockchain world for synchronization. Some of them are very well known – for example the Proof of Work or Proof of Stake method used on the Bitcoin blockchain, which is used for blockchain projects such as Cardano, Polkadot or Ethereum’s ETH 2.0.

Proof of Work and Proof of Stake are the most well-known examples of consensus algorithms from the crypto world. However, both methods offer not only advantages but also disadvantages, which is why there are numerous other approaches to consensus methods that are intended to offer solutions to the respective problems. Some of the more well-known methods are presented below.
Redigert 07.08.2022 kl 16:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.08.2022 kl 22:02 3693

Please don't copy and paste shit information on this tred. Make it short and understandable.
08.08.2022 kl 08:35 3545

If you can not understand it’s not my problem I force no one to read my posts
08.08.2022 kl 12:41 4022

poki you must be the most enthusiatic follower of IDEX ever!
1567 postings on IDEX, and only(!) on IDEX!
And never a negative attitude towards the company as far as I can recall.
That´s amazing!

Well, anyway IDEX is coming down as I predicted last week.
It was no Zwipe up.
Business as usual.