Zwipe and IDEX and IDEMIA
New VD
Dear Customers, Zwipers and Partners,
I am delighted to begin this new journey as the CEO of Zwipe. Since day one, I have felt thoroughly welcomed and enjoyed the energy, engagement and competencies that we have in the team.
I would like to start by saying a big thanks to all Zwipers for working tirelessly and to André Løvestam for having been such a strong ambassador of next generation biometric cards for many years.
More card manufacturers, payment processors, banks and enterprises than ever before are today committed to launch their next generation card programs with Zwipe. My sincere thanks to our customers and partners for their continued confidence in our platform. Throughout H1 2022, we continued to grow our customer and partner base at a strong pace.
· We signed with six new issuers, from Germany to India and the Middle East. All of them are now engaged with our card manufacturing partners and other players in the value chain to launch their new cards.
· In the APAC region, we strengthened our market position significantly with Placard (largest card manufacturer in Australia and New Zealand), Modularsoft (Malaysia’s largest payment card personalization bureau) and Wisecard (one of APAC region’s largest EMV Software providers). All these leading brands selected Zwipe Pay platform in launching their next generation payment cards.
· On the technology side, our Zwipe Pay platform received the Letter of Approval (LoA) from Visa, which was followed by confirmations of Visa certification from our three lead customers (Tag Systems, BCC and Inkript). This list will only grow from here.
· Fraport, operating in 31 international airports (including Frankfurt, New York (JFK), New Jersey (EWR) and New Delhi) shortlisted the Zwipe Access platform for their new access card program. Pilot is now underway, and we are expecting a decision before the end of the year.
We also strengthened our organization by welcoming Patrice Meilland as Chief Strategy & Product Officer and Danielle Glenn as CFO & Head of IR. Patrice joins from his position as the SVP of Advanced Cards in Idemia. Danielle brings substantial financial markets experience from the likes of Goldman Sachs and her most recent role as the CFO of Arctic Bioscience. With a strong focus on ensuring deliveries and successfull launches, we have also strengthened our engineering teams.
Throughout H1 2022,we continued to investigate consumers’ payment preferences and their feedback on biometric payment cards. From Austria to Australia, Italy to Taiwan, Malaysia to The Netherlands and Germany, consumers’ interest in biometric payment cards remained consistent and very strong. This is encouraging, not just for Zwipe but for all our customers, partners and industry peers who just like Zwipe are on a mission to deliver the next generation payment and access control experience worldwide.
I now look forward leading Zwipe and together as a team delivering measurable value to our customers, partners and shareholders.
Dear Customers, Zwipers and Partners,
I am delighted to begin this new journey as the CEO of Zwipe. Since day one, I have felt thoroughly welcomed and enjoyed the energy, engagement and competencies that we have in the team.
I would like to start by saying a big thanks to all Zwipers for working tirelessly and to André Løvestam for having been such a strong ambassador of next generation biometric cards for many years.
More card manufacturers, payment processors, banks and enterprises than ever before are today committed to launch their next generation card programs with Zwipe. My sincere thanks to our customers and partners for their continued confidence in our platform. Throughout H1 2022, we continued to grow our customer and partner base at a strong pace.
· We signed with six new issuers, from Germany to India and the Middle East. All of them are now engaged with our card manufacturing partners and other players in the value chain to launch their new cards.
· In the APAC region, we strengthened our market position significantly with Placard (largest card manufacturer in Australia and New Zealand), Modularsoft (Malaysia’s largest payment card personalization bureau) and Wisecard (one of APAC region’s largest EMV Software providers). All these leading brands selected Zwipe Pay platform in launching their next generation payment cards.
· On the technology side, our Zwipe Pay platform received the Letter of Approval (LoA) from Visa, which was followed by confirmations of Visa certification from our three lead customers (Tag Systems, BCC and Inkript). This list will only grow from here.
· Fraport, operating in 31 international airports (including Frankfurt, New York (JFK), New Jersey (EWR) and New Delhi) shortlisted the Zwipe Access platform for their new access card program. Pilot is now underway, and we are expecting a decision before the end of the year.
We also strengthened our organization by welcoming Patrice Meilland as Chief Strategy & Product Officer and Danielle Glenn as CFO & Head of IR. Patrice joins from his position as the SVP of Advanced Cards in Idemia. Danielle brings substantial financial markets experience from the likes of Goldman Sachs and her most recent role as the CFO of Arctic Bioscience. With a strong focus on ensuring deliveries and successfull launches, we have also strengthened our engineering teams.
Throughout H1 2022,we continued to investigate consumers’ payment preferences and their feedback on biometric payment cards. From Austria to Australia, Italy to Taiwan, Malaysia to The Netherlands and Germany, consumers’ interest in biometric payment cards remained consistent and very strong. This is encouraging, not just for Zwipe but for all our customers, partners and industry peers who just like Zwipe are on a mission to deliver the next generation payment and access control experience worldwide.
I now look forward leading Zwipe and together as a team delivering measurable value to our customers, partners and shareholders.
Redigert 26.06.2022 kl 08:58
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29.08.2022 kl 09:41
Tenker det snart kommer en god nyhet fra Idex som gjør at vi bikker over 1 kr igjen 👍
29.08.2022 kl 21:28
Svar fra Kristian Spetalen(Arctic)
Beklager at det tok litt tid å komme tilbake til deg
IDEX har sagt «>10 bank launches i 2022». Dette bør være bra triggere for aksjen, men merk at dette nok er snakk om segment launches til å begynne med (typ Private Banking kunder osv). Samt har også Zwipe sagt at de ser partnere dytte launch mot 2023, så dette må nå være opp til IDEMIA sine kunder
Bemanningen nå er greit rustet for kommersialisering. De kutter litt R&D og ansetter på sales og marketing. Men dette er jo også litt fleks så kan oppbemannes raskt ved evt kommersialisering
Vi ligger inne i være estimater med en liten emi i høst på 15musd, men spørs om de kjører en mindre en først hvis kursen er så lav
Beklager at det tok litt tid å komme tilbake til deg
IDEX har sagt «>10 bank launches i 2022». Dette bør være bra triggere for aksjen, men merk at dette nok er snakk om segment launches til å begynne med (typ Private Banking kunder osv). Samt har også Zwipe sagt at de ser partnere dytte launch mot 2023, så dette må nå være opp til IDEMIA sine kunder
Bemanningen nå er greit rustet for kommersialisering. De kutter litt R&D og ansetter på sales og marketing. Men dette er jo også litt fleks så kan oppbemannes raskt ved evt kommersialisering
Vi ligger inne i være estimater med en liten emi i høst på 15musd, men spørs om de kjører en mindre en først hvis kursen er så lav
30.08.2022 kl 07:45
Shorten økte fredag, greit nok det.
Håper det tikker inn gode nyheter fremover, så disse må løpe etter.
Håper det tikker inn gode nyheter fremover, så disse må løpe etter.
30.08.2022 kl 15:13
Nå har alle dere hausere holdt på her inne på forumet og lagt fram den ene etter den andre hypotesen på hvor denne fantastiske teknologien skal føre Idex ut i universet. Makan til bløff skal man lete lenge etter.
01.09.2022 kl 15:48
The board of directors of IDEX Biometrics ASA has resolved to issue 3,181,755 ordinary shares at NOK 0.73 per share to employees who participate in the company’s 2021 Employee Share Purchase Plan (ESPP). The ESPP was approved by the annual general meeting on 12 May 2021.
40 employees participated in the ESPP in this period. The participating employees have elected to invest a part of the base salary in ordinary shares in the company. Purchase takes place every six months.
Following the issue, the Company's share capital will be NOK 152,412,062.55 divided into 1,016,080,417 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15.
Primary insiders
IDEX discloses transactions by the following primary insiders in IDEX shares ISIN NO0003070609:
- CEO Vince Graziani acquired 133,565 ordinary shares at NOK 0,73 per share.
The ESPP was approved at the annual general meeting on 12 May 2021. Reference is made to the notice of said meeting where the plan document for the ESPP was attached.
All employees in the Company and its subsidiaries, except in China, have been offered to subscribe for shares in the Company in connection with the ESPP. The ESPP is structured around two contribution periods, starting on 1 September and 1 March and lasting for the following six months. During each contribution period, a fixed amount (up to 20% of the employee’s gross base salary) is withheld from the employee’s net salary each month. The employee may sign up to participate in the ESPP from the date of the public disclosure of the interim report before the contribution period until the beginning of the contribution period. Unless the employee actively withdraws from the ESPP, participation is automatically renewed for the same amount for subsequent contribution periods. The board's resolution to issue new shares in connection with the ESPP is made pursuant to the authorization granted by the Company's annual general meeting on 12 May 2021 to increase the Company's share capital in connection with the ESPP.
In accordance with the ESPP, the subscription price is the lower closing price of the Company’s share, as traded on Oslo Børs, on the first or last day of the contribution period, less 15% discount. Payment of the subscription amount is made out of the relevant employee salary withholding.
In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the “Prospectus Regulation”) Article 1 (5) h, issuance of shares in connection with the ESPP is exempt from the obligation to publish a listing prospectus.
40 employees participated in the ESPP in this period. The participating employees have elected to invest a part of the base salary in ordinary shares in the company. Purchase takes place every six months.
Following the issue, the Company's share capital will be NOK 152,412,062.55 divided into 1,016,080,417 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15.
Primary insiders
IDEX discloses transactions by the following primary insiders in IDEX shares ISIN NO0003070609:
- CEO Vince Graziani acquired 133,565 ordinary shares at NOK 0,73 per share.
The ESPP was approved at the annual general meeting on 12 May 2021. Reference is made to the notice of said meeting where the plan document for the ESPP was attached.
All employees in the Company and its subsidiaries, except in China, have been offered to subscribe for shares in the Company in connection with the ESPP. The ESPP is structured around two contribution periods, starting on 1 September and 1 March and lasting for the following six months. During each contribution period, a fixed amount (up to 20% of the employee’s gross base salary) is withheld from the employee’s net salary each month. The employee may sign up to participate in the ESPP from the date of the public disclosure of the interim report before the contribution period until the beginning of the contribution period. Unless the employee actively withdraws from the ESPP, participation is automatically renewed for the same amount for subsequent contribution periods. The board's resolution to issue new shares in connection with the ESPP is made pursuant to the authorization granted by the Company's annual general meeting on 12 May 2021 to increase the Company's share capital in connection with the ESPP.
In accordance with the ESPP, the subscription price is the lower closing price of the Company’s share, as traded on Oslo Børs, on the first or last day of the contribution period, less 15% discount. Payment of the subscription amount is made out of the relevant employee salary withholding.
In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the “Prospectus Regulation”) Article 1 (5) h, issuance of shares in connection with the ESPP is exempt from the obligation to publish a listing prospectus.
02.09.2022 kl 07:14
? Lager ikke vinnere over natten, tolmodighet er en dyd:)
Idex har alt mot seg pr idag, marked, makro, renter, skepsis.
De nærmer seg launch og når dette kommer, er det for sent å komme seg inn.
Jeg satt i Soff i over ett år, før noe skjedde, og ble på det samme presset ned med salg av investor som skulle ut, de skulle ut, ikke fordi troa var borte, men slik er det med disse store. Jeg blir sittende ned og til slutt forbi mitt snitt:) kan melde at jeg ikke tar gevinst før 2,5 er passert.
Idex har alt mot seg pr idag, marked, makro, renter, skepsis.
De nærmer seg launch og når dette kommer, er det for sent å komme seg inn.
Jeg satt i Soff i over ett år, før noe skjedde, og ble på det samme presset ned med salg av investor som skulle ut, de skulle ut, ikke fordi troa var borte, men slik er det med disse store. Jeg blir sittende ned og til slutt forbi mitt snitt:) kan melde at jeg ikke tar gevinst før 2,5 er passert.
02.09.2022 kl 10:45
Kursen faller forbi støttenivå og skal vel ned til rundt 0.76, må den innom de laveste covid nivåer også....? nærmer den seg 50 øringen til slutt.
Krysser alle fingre på at det blir fart i bestillinger utover høsten. Hvordan går the med Rocker, der var salget høyere enn forventet i vår, har det fortsatt slik???
Krysser alle fingre på at det blir fart i bestillinger utover høsten. Hvordan går the med Rocker, der var salget høyere enn forventet i vår, har det fortsatt slik???
05.09.2022 kl 10:50
Ser ikke så bra ut nå. Faller overraskende kontrollert?
Ikke like volatil som parhesten Zwipe som nærmer seg 6-tallet
Ikke like volatil som parhesten Zwipe som nærmer seg 6-tallet
05.09.2022 kl 11:23
Litt kjedelig også at shorten ikke dekkes på disse lave nivåene.
Shorten økte faktisk for en ukes tid siden.
Shorten økte faktisk for en ukes tid siden.
05.09.2022 kl 11:45
Det er ikke rart at short øker basert på dette. Kassen er snart tom. Denne kan fort falle ned til 0.6
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Idex fikk et driftsresultat på -8,3 millioner dollar i andre kvartal 2022, sammenlignet med et resultat på -7,4 millioner dollar i samme periode året før.
Det opplyser selskapet i kvartalsrapporten torsdag.
Omsetningen i kvartalet var 1,1 millioner dollar (0,7). Selskapets kontantposisjon var 16,3 millioner dollar ved utgangen av andre kvartal, mot 19,3 millioner dollar ved utgangen av første kvartal.
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Idex fikk et driftsresultat på -8,3 millioner dollar i andre kvartal 2022, sammenlignet med et resultat på -7,4 millioner dollar i samme periode året før.
Det opplyser selskapet i kvartalsrapporten torsdag.
Omsetningen i kvartalet var 1,1 millioner dollar (0,7). Selskapets kontantposisjon var 16,3 millioner dollar ved utgangen av andre kvartal, mot 19,3 millioner dollar ved utgangen av første kvartal.
Redigert 05.09.2022 kl 11:46
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05.09.2022 kl 12:27
Det litt bekymringsfulle ved denne nedturen i forhold til Coronavåren er vel at den gang var det generell og voldsom nedtur over alt. Nå er det mer Idex som faller av egen tyngde? Derfor kan vi heller ikke vente samme rekyl som sist?
«Alle» venter på «mass deployment».
«Alle» venter på «mass deployment».
16.09.2022 kl 08:05
Det känns som HID klar med Citizen Identity 🚀 som Zwipe pratat om flera månader
Redigert 16.09.2022 kl 08:06
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16.09.2022 kl 11:38
Følger «boka». Kun 9 øre over forrige ukes bunn på 0,77øre nå.
Men prosenter er prosenter!
Fine trades!
Men prosenter er prosenter!
Fine trades!
16.09.2022 kl 13:31
Shorten merkelig seig!
Økte vel også litt nylig?
Ikke til å forstå?
Økte vel også litt nylig?
Ikke til å forstå?
16.09.2022 kl 14:52
Kunne jo tenkes at noen shorter med tanke på at det kan være vanskelig å sette den nært forestående emisjonen på dagens kurser.
Men jeg tror de to shorterne som er så store at de synes på finanstilsynets liste, er mye mer langsiktige enn det og at de satser på at BPC aldri blir stort nok til at Idex kan tjene penger og da blir det billig å "dekke seg inn".
Men jeg tror de to shorterne som er så store at de synes på finanstilsynets liste, er mye mer langsiktige enn det og at de satser på at BPC aldri blir stort nok til at Idex kan tjene penger og da blir det billig å "dekke seg inn".
16.09.2022 kl 14:58
#Identity is a human right. At the occasion of International Identity Day, we would like to highlight the importance of having a proof of #identity, to secure and protect your identity, and to use your identity to have access to specific services that empower you in your daily life.
At Inkript, we recognize the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (#SDG) 16.9 which calls for a legal identity for all by 2030. Inkript, as a subsidiary of Resource Group, had joined the United Nations Global Compact and is committed to supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and works to achieve the SDGs.
As a digital identity solutions provider, we will continue creating identity solutions that increase #security and efficiency thus contributing to the preservation of physical and digital identities and providing numerous benefits for #citizens, governments and corporations.
#Identityday #IDDay #internationalidentityday #inkript #resourcegroup #ID4Africa ID4Africa
HID Zwipe
At Inkript, we recognize the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (#SDG) 16.9 which calls for a legal identity for all by 2030. Inkript, as a subsidiary of Resource Group, had joined the United Nations Global Compact and is committed to supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and works to achieve the SDGs.
As a digital identity solutions provider, we will continue creating identity solutions that increase #security and efficiency thus contributing to the preservation of physical and digital identities and providing numerous benefits for #citizens, governments and corporations.
#Identityday #IDDay #internationalidentityday #inkript #resourcegroup #ID4Africa ID4Africa
HID Zwipe
16.09.2022 kl 15:09
Dette var vise ord, og helt riktig identity er en menneskerett. Men hva har det med Idex/fingersensorer å gjøre?
Teknologi kan gjøre det enklere å komme til et mål hvor alle kan ha en ID, men ufordringene ligger ikke på ID dokumentet, det er vel etablert i nesten alle land som et biometrisk kort (uten fingersensor). De største utfordringene ligger i enrolment, dvs hvordan kan myndighetene identifisere/verifisere en person som ikke har dokumenter slik at de kan utstede et ID dokument. Idex sin sleeve er ikke en løsning!
Teknologi kan gjøre det enklere å komme til et mål hvor alle kan ha en ID, men ufordringene ligger ikke på ID dokumentet, det er vel etablert i nesten alle land som et biometrisk kort (uten fingersensor). De største utfordringene ligger i enrolment, dvs hvordan kan myndighetene identifisere/verifisere en person som ikke har dokumenter slik at de kan utstede et ID dokument. Idex sin sleeve er ikke en løsning!
17.09.2022 kl 13:00
Multi-Application Cards Zwipw with IDEX and Infineon i botten
18.09.2022 kl 09:15
Goldpac Announces 2022 Interim Results
Revenue of RMB 709 million, up 14.5%
Strong growth of embedded software and secure payment products segment, up 28.7%
(16 August 2022, Hong Kong) Goldpac Group Limited (“Goldpac” or the “Group”, 03315.HK), today announced the interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2022 (“the period”).
In the first half of 2022, the Group successfully responded to challenges such as the protracted pandemic and supply chain fluctuations, and has maintained its competitiveness in the field of secure payment. The Group turned challenges into opportunities for growth by promoting the digitalization and platform-based strategy. During the period, due to the steady development of the global credit card market and larger-scale deployment of the third-generation social security cards in China, the Group achieved revenue of RMB 709 million, a year-on-year increase of 14.5%. The recorded profit for the period was approximately RMB 78 million, a year-on-year increase of 14.8%.
High levels of product security, as tested and verified by internationally recognized security laboratories, and the global pervasiveness of secure payment embedded software are the competitive advantages of the Group in the global market. With well-recognized by clients and markets globally, the embedded software and secure payment product segment showed robust growth, recording revenue of RMB 465 million, rising 28.7% year-on-year. Among them, the Group recorded revenue of RMB 375 million in China, a year-on-year growth of 17.2%. The revenue in Europe, Africa and the Middle East grew rapidly to RMB 29 million, a year-on-year increase of 17.7 times, while revenue in Asia-Pacific was RMB 60 million, a year-on-year increase of 55.1%.
The protracted pandemic in China core cities such as Beijing and Shanghai has adversely affected, the supply chain of the Group's platform and service segment and implementation of projects, and revenue decreased by 5.4% year-on-year to 245 million. However, the Group endeavors to build up its UMV platform to create a vibrant ecosystem for the payment industry, where industry participants such as banks, credit card organizations, suppliers and end users actively interact to promote the continuous innovation of secure payment products and the secure payment industry.
For the period, the UMV platform has entered contracts with nearly 30 banks and successfully expanded to the public transportation sector. Meanwhile, the Group is actively promoting the application of A.I. self-service kiosks in the field of livelihood services, social security, transportation and retail amongst others, and is extending their use to a wider range of “contact-free” services. The Group believes that the platform and service segment will soon recover from the impact of the pandemic.
Looking ahead, security is the foundation for the credit card industry and is also the leading technology competitiveness of the Group. The digitalization strategy will further enhance the competitiveness of the Group and bolster higher customer loyalty. Digitalization will create greater value for our customers.
Meanwhile, relying on a relatively steady supply chain system in China, the Group will continue to launch high-quality embedded software and secure payment products and innovative digital equipment addressed the versatile needs of various countries to achieve profit growth in the global market.
In addition, the Group is devoting itself to build the UMV platform to connect diversified participants in the global Fintech industry and to promote the implementation of more collaborative Fintech projects. This will make available competitive products and services to create a digital Fintech business ecosystem with multi-scenario applications and multi-party participation, and drive the ecological innovation of the payment industry.
Revenue of RMB 709 million, up 14.5%
Strong growth of embedded software and secure payment products segment, up 28.7%
(16 August 2022, Hong Kong) Goldpac Group Limited (“Goldpac” or the “Group”, 03315.HK), today announced the interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2022 (“the period”).
In the first half of 2022, the Group successfully responded to challenges such as the protracted pandemic and supply chain fluctuations, and has maintained its competitiveness in the field of secure payment. The Group turned challenges into opportunities for growth by promoting the digitalization and platform-based strategy. During the period, due to the steady development of the global credit card market and larger-scale deployment of the third-generation social security cards in China, the Group achieved revenue of RMB 709 million, a year-on-year increase of 14.5%. The recorded profit for the period was approximately RMB 78 million, a year-on-year increase of 14.8%.
High levels of product security, as tested and verified by internationally recognized security laboratories, and the global pervasiveness of secure payment embedded software are the competitive advantages of the Group in the global market. With well-recognized by clients and markets globally, the embedded software and secure payment product segment showed robust growth, recording revenue of RMB 465 million, rising 28.7% year-on-year. Among them, the Group recorded revenue of RMB 375 million in China, a year-on-year growth of 17.2%. The revenue in Europe, Africa and the Middle East grew rapidly to RMB 29 million, a year-on-year increase of 17.7 times, while revenue in Asia-Pacific was RMB 60 million, a year-on-year increase of 55.1%.
The protracted pandemic in China core cities such as Beijing and Shanghai has adversely affected, the supply chain of the Group's platform and service segment and implementation of projects, and revenue decreased by 5.4% year-on-year to 245 million. However, the Group endeavors to build up its UMV platform to create a vibrant ecosystem for the payment industry, where industry participants such as banks, credit card organizations, suppliers and end users actively interact to promote the continuous innovation of secure payment products and the secure payment industry.
For the period, the UMV platform has entered contracts with nearly 30 banks and successfully expanded to the public transportation sector. Meanwhile, the Group is actively promoting the application of A.I. self-service kiosks in the field of livelihood services, social security, transportation and retail amongst others, and is extending their use to a wider range of “contact-free” services. The Group believes that the platform and service segment will soon recover from the impact of the pandemic.
Looking ahead, security is the foundation for the credit card industry and is also the leading technology competitiveness of the Group. The digitalization strategy will further enhance the competitiveness of the Group and bolster higher customer loyalty. Digitalization will create greater value for our customers.
Meanwhile, relying on a relatively steady supply chain system in China, the Group will continue to launch high-quality embedded software and secure payment products and innovative digital equipment addressed the versatile needs of various countries to achieve profit growth in the global market.
In addition, the Group is devoting itself to build the UMV platform to connect diversified participants in the global Fintech industry and to promote the implementation of more collaborative Fintech projects. This will make available competitive products and services to create a digital Fintech business ecosystem with multi-scenario applications and multi-party participation, and drive the ecological innovation of the payment industry.
18.09.2022 kl 21:43
20.09.2022 kl 20:53
OSLO, NORWAY – 20 September 2022 – Tag Systems, a leading provider of payment cards (part of the AUSTRIACARD Group), has been granted approval from Mastercard to deploy biometric card products using the Zwipe Pay platform. Issuers and consumers will have access to biometric payment cards built on Zwipe Pay technology that operate seamlessly across Mastercard's global network, addressing consumers’ demand for increased security and convenience through biometric authentication.
“We congratulate Tag Systems for obtaining this approval for biometric payment cards built on our platform. This will be a key step in ramping up launches and volumes across Mastercard’s global payment card network. The door is now wide open for banks to deploy biometric payment cards and address the increasing consumer demand for safer, more convenient and secure ways to pay,” said Robert Puskaric, CEO of Zwipe.
OSLO, NORWAY – 20 September 2022 – Tag Systems, a leading provider of payment cards (part of the AUSTRIACARD Group), has been granted approval from Mastercard to deploy biometric card products using the Zwipe Pay platform. Issuers and consumers will have access to biometric payment cards built on Zwipe Pay technology that operate seamlessly across Mastercard's global network, addressing consumers’ demand for increased security and convenience through biometric authentication.
“We congratulate Tag Systems for obtaining this approval for biometric payment cards built on our platform. This will be a key step in ramping up launches and volumes across Mastercard’s global payment card network. The door is now wide open for banks to deploy biometric payment cards and address the increasing consumer demand for safer, more convenient and secure ways to pay,” said Robert Puskaric, CEO of Zwipe.
23.09.2022 kl 15:18
Idex har Samarbete med nedan enligt LinkedIn och som har stora bank kunder och Apple , Android , Microsoft
Redigert 23.09.2022 kl 15:32
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23.09.2022 kl 23:29
Onewave kolla Nyaste kort samt enrollment’flera video
Redigert 23.09.2022 kl 23:30
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24.09.2022 kl 10:07
Takk for dine oppdateringer, poki. Forhåpentligvis blir det snart noe penger inn på Idex sin konto, da vil også shorterne kjenne sin besøkelsestid og løftet i kursen deretter.
24.09.2022 kl 17:08
BrilliantTS Fuze Fingerprint Card testing CBDC in Europe i think
BrilliantTS Fuze Fingerprint Card testing CBDC in Europe i think
25.09.2022 kl 10:44
25.09.2022 kl 15:27
Bloomberg_Personal_Authentication_Device_B 5 with Microsoft --- Bloomberg Data and Analytics
Sidan 17
Sidan 17
Redigert 25.09.2022 kl 15:44
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26.09.2022 kl 08:05
Även ID delen klart som det skrivs IDEX , Zwipe, Sentry med HID Global 🚀
26.09.2022 kl 09:24
Reltime in Zambia fullt funktionell från nästa månad och KL-High Tach India visar nya kort med Zwipe
Check LinkedIn
Check LinkedIn
26.09.2022 kl 22:39
How to secure airport operations with biometrics?
the Zwipe Team
To ensure aviation security, airport environments need to be safe and secure. It is crucial to restrict unauthorized access in the security restricted areas and provide airport authorities with world-class access control solutions. The application story below explains how Zwipe’s biometric access control solution seamlessly integrates with a variety of airport checkpoints to control, restrict and trace movements of airport staff effectively.
Access control systems at airports require special security solutions. Such solutions prevent manipulations that could be dangerous to airport security, passengers, or general aviation safety. According to Christian Vaas, Vice President, ID solutions & Access Control at Zwipe, “Airport environments have become more and more complex for decades, where safety requirements have remained a major challenge. Post the tragic events of 9/11, airport security was significantly increased at airports worldwide. Here comes the growing importance of access control solutions as it secures sensitive areas in an airport.”
At the same time, there is an increasing demand for fast & efficient processes requiring a perfect synchronization of complex challenges. The provision of seamless security processes at airports have also become critical to ensure a cohesive airport security strategy.
“Keeping in mind the value of airport security, several popular airports are now in the process of deploying biometrics as an additional access control factor worldwide,” explains Christian.
Not only airport operations, Zwipe's Access Control cards also ensure safety at data centers. To know more, read here.
The challenge: Providing robust solutions
To address the ever-shifting threats shaping the security landscape, it's vital that the right combination of people, processes and technology are deployed at airports, thus, revolutionizing the way airport operations are managed. Airports today need scalable and robust solutions that are fast, user-friendly and cost-effective. These solutions need to comply with privacy protection and must seamlessly integrate with existing systems.
Some common challenges with airport security are:
- Monitor over-crowded airport environments
- Restrict unauthorized access to sensitive areas
- Fast processing of access control systems
The solution: Zwipe’s Biometric Access Card
Over the past few years, we have seen a progressive increase in security requirements to address new threats for airport authorities. This has mainly been in the field of passenger processing with biometric ID solutions. With this, there have also been remarkable changes for airport employees, airline staff and visitors' access control at airports.
Today, biometrics is the top priority when it comes to the introduction of next-generation Airport ID cards and efficient access control solutions. Based on biometric data, Zwipe Access cards are non-duplicable, which eliminates the risk of stolen or borrowed access cards being used.
Zwipe's Biometric Access Control card
Zwipe’s biometric system on cards introduces the following advantages:
· Existing systems can be upgraded to use biometrics, meaning Zwipe Access can be integrated with the most common access control workflows and reader infrastructure
· It deploys fast processing and seamless security with multi-factor authentication
· Scanning and storage of biometric data is seamless and securely processed in the card
· It provides data privacy and GDPR compliance support
Way forward
For airports such as Frankfurt, which ranks as Germany’s biggest workplace with over 81,000 employees, biometric access offers a way to manage the movement of workers efficiently. Fraport has opted to trial Zwipe’s biometric solutions to boost security at the Frankfurt airport.
To know more about Access Control, click here
the Zwipe Team
To ensure aviation security, airport environments need to be safe and secure. It is crucial to restrict unauthorized access in the security restricted areas and provide airport authorities with world-class access control solutions. The application story below explains how Zwipe’s biometric access control solution seamlessly integrates with a variety of airport checkpoints to control, restrict and trace movements of airport staff effectively.
Access control systems at airports require special security solutions. Such solutions prevent manipulations that could be dangerous to airport security, passengers, or general aviation safety. According to Christian Vaas, Vice President, ID solutions & Access Control at Zwipe, “Airport environments have become more and more complex for decades, where safety requirements have remained a major challenge. Post the tragic events of 9/11, airport security was significantly increased at airports worldwide. Here comes the growing importance of access control solutions as it secures sensitive areas in an airport.”
At the same time, there is an increasing demand for fast & efficient processes requiring a perfect synchronization of complex challenges. The provision of seamless security processes at airports have also become critical to ensure a cohesive airport security strategy.
“Keeping in mind the value of airport security, several popular airports are now in the process of deploying biometrics as an additional access control factor worldwide,” explains Christian.
Not only airport operations, Zwipe's Access Control cards also ensure safety at data centers. To know more, read here.
The challenge: Providing robust solutions
To address the ever-shifting threats shaping the security landscape, it's vital that the right combination of people, processes and technology are deployed at airports, thus, revolutionizing the way airport operations are managed. Airports today need scalable and robust solutions that are fast, user-friendly and cost-effective. These solutions need to comply with privacy protection and must seamlessly integrate with existing systems.
Some common challenges with airport security are:
- Monitor over-crowded airport environments
- Restrict unauthorized access to sensitive areas
- Fast processing of access control systems
The solution: Zwipe’s Biometric Access Card
Over the past few years, we have seen a progressive increase in security requirements to address new threats for airport authorities. This has mainly been in the field of passenger processing with biometric ID solutions. With this, there have also been remarkable changes for airport employees, airline staff and visitors' access control at airports.
Today, biometrics is the top priority when it comes to the introduction of next-generation Airport ID cards and efficient access control solutions. Based on biometric data, Zwipe Access cards are non-duplicable, which eliminates the risk of stolen or borrowed access cards being used.
Zwipe's Biometric Access Control card
Zwipe’s biometric system on cards introduces the following advantages:
· Existing systems can be upgraded to use biometrics, meaning Zwipe Access can be integrated with the most common access control workflows and reader infrastructure
· It deploys fast processing and seamless security with multi-factor authentication
· Scanning and storage of biometric data is seamless and securely processed in the card
· It provides data privacy and GDPR compliance support
Way forward
For airports such as Frankfurt, which ranks as Germany’s biggest workplace with over 81,000 employees, biometric access offers a way to manage the movement of workers efficiently. Fraport has opted to trial Zwipe’s biometric solutions to boost security at the Frankfurt airport.
To know more about Access Control, click here
Redigert 26.09.2022 kl 22:40
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27.09.2022 kl 00:36
Fallet er kanskje mindre enn man kunne frykte nå når frykten rår all over?
Idex reddes fortsatt av meldinger som bremser fallet!
Nå er det jo en «liten evighet» til Q3.
Det blir gjerne en lakmustest?
Det må usedvanlig sterk guiding til for å kompensere evt. kleine inntekter?
Idex reddes fortsatt av meldinger som bremser fallet!
Nå er det jo en «liten evighet» til Q3.
Det blir gjerne en lakmustest?
Det må usedvanlig sterk guiding til for å kompensere evt. kleine inntekter?
27.09.2022 kl 12:45
Aksjemarkedet er som regel flere mnd i forveien. Så dersom 2023 blir året med store volumordre, burde Idex snart begynne å stige mot gamle høyder. Ikke langt tilbake i tid at selskapet ble omsatt rundt 3,7kr pr aksje. Og mye positivt har blitt børsmeldt siden den gang. At Idex shortes sønder og sammen, vil til slutt ta en ende. Og den tid nærmer seg.
007 James Bond
27.09.2022 kl 17:03
Hva tror dere skjer på fredag når Putler annonserer annektering i Ukraina, og truer med atomkrig mot Nato?
Fredag og mandag kan bli grisete på verdens børser.
Fredag og mandag kan bli grisete på verdens børser.
007 James Bond
27.09.2022 kl 17:51
Jeg vet ikke. Ingen vet.
Men jeg tipper på børsskrell som en av mange ting som vil skje.
Men jeg tipper på børsskrell som en av mange ting som vil skje.
28.09.2022 kl 12:32
Elverhøi16 skrev Anbefaler å bytte over til Zwipe. Sier ikke mere.
Har du någon motivering till detta uttalande?
28.09.2022 kl 22:32
Viste 10% opp hos meg tidligere.
Ved stenging - 5%
Forstår ikke dette
Ved stenging - 5%
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28.09.2022 kl 22:45
Volumet er så lite i Idex på Nasdaq at det blir store utslag om noen handler.
28.09.2022 kl 22:47
Det känns somIDEX och Infineon lösning är klar då HID Global började marknadsföring Biometric ID.
29.09.2022 kl 07:06
Det kommer nok snarlig melding igjen her.
Den siste melding som kom, hadde den volum eller cash omsetning synlig? Fant ikke volum?
Den siste melding som kom, hadde den volum eller cash omsetning synlig? Fant ikke volum?
I sammanhanget är det intressant att Sentry har samarbete med HID.
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